I’m watching Chris Hayes while waiting for Rachel Maddow’s interview with Hillary Clinton at 9 pm. Hayes is interviewing Michael Moore. I’m so fucking sick of Michael Moore.
Moore did some good work in the 80s and 90s. I used to be a fan. But he’s been as stale as a popcorn fart for decades.
Apparently Moore has a Broadway show now. I’d rather sit through “Cats” as performed by Alvin and the Motherfucking Chipmunks.
My husband is something of a Bernie Bro. He voted for Sanders in primary. He’s not stupid; he voted for Clinton in the general and shares my horror and disgust with Trump.
But he hopes Sanders runs again, and he argues with me when I call Sanders a self-aggrandizing phony. When I mentioned I wanted to watch Maddow’s interview with Clinton, he rolled his eyes and said she’s just peddling a book.
When I responded (somewhat bitterly!) that no one seemed to object to Sanders peddling HIS book, and gosh, isn’t it something that Beltway pundits aren’t telling Sanders to sit down and shut up, he said, “Fine! We can watch your hero!”
I replied, “Hillary Clinton isn’t my hero.” And then I said, “Wait. You know what? Yes, she is. She is my hero.”
And I realized it was true. It wasn’t true in 2007 and 2008, when I was all in for Obama and sick of the Clintons and the sarcastic enemy of PUMAs online. But damn if it isn’t true now. Funny how life has its twists and turns.
Anyhoo, the mister dozed off while Moore was droning on, and regardless, the goddamn remote is mine. Looking forward to watching a conversation between two women I greatly admire.
Open thread!
Corner Stone
She’s my hero, too.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Nas is 44.
And Sanders better not be running in 2020. (I think he’s trying to became a kingmaker for the primaries, which is not the opinion of anyone on Twitter).
MAddow may be smart as a whip, but I still despise her for that ratings stunt on a page of Trump’s tax returns that she milked and overhyped.
I am watching too?
Hunter Gathers
Wilmer’s too fucking old.
Sadly, some of those wounds did not heal by 2016.
The Hill-bros did themselves no more favors then the Bernie-bros.
Major Major Major Major
I feel like she’s about five-ten years away from being a drag icon, in a good way.
Corner Stone
IMO, any adult human being around our age that has such an irrational response to someone who has been slagged on, attacked, the kitchen sink, everything, for forty years – when she has spent her entire adult life in public service and in the furtherance of human rights for women and children around the world…
I am no longer sure that person should not be tagged with the “stupid” moniker.
Watching her reminds me what it is like to have a leader who can talk in complete sentences and understands complex issues.
You can do better, Betty.
Wilmer was too old in 2016. And in this day and age, I’m highly suspicious of anyone who only wins caucuses and doesn’t win actual popular voting primaries.
And this is all beside the point that he can’t be troubled to join the party whose nomination he seeks.
Corner Stone
@toocanAnj: String a whole paragraph ex-temp that all goes together and makes sense.
Amaranthine RBG
Has Clinton endorsed Sanders’ last healthcare proposal?
She’s one of my heroes, too.
Had similar issues with the wife in 2008 when she loved Obama and I wasn’t sold. As usual, she was right. Still miffed though that she gave my contact details when she donated. I’ll never get off those lists and I can’t change my cell # or email address.
I’m at the point where I will fight anyone who says anything critical about Hillz just because the attacks have been endless, pointless and without substance. Yes, I’m being reactive, but I don’t care. It’s ridiculous what she’s chosen to endure for the good of this country, and terrible that she’s got time to sell a book on Maddow.
The fucking North Koreans are going to test one of these missiles into an airliner or ship, by accident, and Tangerine Twitler will be driving our response. She doesn’t and can’t forgive anyone who didn’t vote, and neither can I.
@Major Major Major Major: Rachel or Hillary?
Major Major Major Major
@Amaranthine RBG:
Something tells me you’ll be saying a lot more words than that.
Cole 2.0
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Hillary.
@Corner Stone:
You’re doing the revolving negatives intentionally, aren’t you?
@Betty Cracker:
Sanders is not really a phony – he’s more a prophet and true believer the US should be transformed to more resemble the mix of capitalism and socialism found in Scandinavia. Now, before you all scold me for calling Bernie a “prophet”. let’s visit the downsides often found in prophets: messianic egotism with a streak of narcissism, not much for being team players, and if they do happen to win executive power to attempt to put their visions into action – they’re often very bad at it (see: not team players, narcissism, etc.)
Bernie would have frankly made a terrible President. Not bad in the same league as Trump, but would have created self-inflicted difficulties realizing his programs and goals, beyond just the fact that the GOP would have stayed even more constantly busy creating obstacles and vicious slander than they did with Hillary.
As a movement leader, Bernie’s ok. As a potential retread Presidential candidate in 2020, I sense deja vu dread coming on already.
Amaranthine RBG
@Major Major Major Major:
Already happened to Maddox. I’ll see if o can find a link to the performer I saw. HAWT
Please don’t jinx me.
@TenguPhule: Imagine the wounds if Obama had lost. That’s where we are now.
@PsiFighter37: especially because it seems likely that the Trump people leaked it since it was a relatively innocuous year, and lacked all the documentation where the real info would be found. Maddow got played.
Mike J
The PUMAs were always jackasses. Clinton was always good. But yeah, I was Obama then Clinton too.
Baud 2020: “I can do anything, anything, better then you!”
Say what you will, Moore’s limited run one-man Broadway thing is a hot ticket and has received glowing reviews.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: you spend a lot of time in the Sea of Japan?
Steve in the ATL
@Major Major Major Major:
This is why I keep coming back here. I never hear this sort of insight at the club. Well done.
Amaranthine RBG
@Major Major Major Major:
Pie is good!
@Major Major Major Major:
Long awaited upcoming vacation there. I was planning to bring back pictures.
@Steve in the ATL: What club is that, the Claremont?
Baud !2020! I’ll keep your family together! If I deem it in your best interest..
Amaranthine RBG
Yeah he called the election for Trump so jeopardy ciously has a bit more insight and intelligence than some people.
@NotMax: What’s it about?
Steve in the ATL
@raven: Atlanta Athletic Club. Could probably get that insight at the Claremont!
Corner Stone
Not like it’s a big shock or anything, but HRC has every facet of Trump’s number nailed down.
Iowa Old Lady
I’ve gained increased respect for HRC over the last two years.
@Steve in the ATL: Oh my, I figured you was an intown guy. I was at what is now Georgia Gwinnett for a couple of years.
Today’s win for the intertubes.
Corner Stone
Amazing strength on display here by HRC. Calm, measured, on point. Just laying out the case.
Steve in the ATL
@Iowa Old Lady: I almost never watch Rachel Maddow or any such shows, but I’m watching now. Holy shit Hillary is just fucking awesome. Smart, articulate, witty, not bitter. Wow.
ARBG is just raining pies in here.
I’ve probably mentioned before, maybe even more than once (!), that Michael Moore was one of my community producers when I worked for the NPR station in Flint, MI back in the 1970s.
This was even before “Roger and Me.” Mike was always passionate, always weird. He took me to one of the GM plants for a few hours to watch the “shop rats” in action. We did a good interview with several of them during shift change. Mike was good even then, but as I had been hired in as “cultural affairs producer” for WFBE, it was not easy to connect with his working-man persona. I regret that now. My loss.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
Wow, I thought you meant Maddow, too.
Whining: why did I get put in moderation?
zhena gogolia
Not in the NYT!
Major Major Major Major
@zhena gogolia: I honestly can’t think of what a Maddow drag persona would be, but Hillary you have a lot to work with.
Is our Texans learning?
Valuation and funding would be the major issues here.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: valuation, funding, and moral hazard. (And an almost fanatical devotion to the pope.)
@Major Major Major Major: Well played.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: that’s interesting. I was a huge Moore fan back in the 90s. The appeal started to fade, actually, with Fahrenheit 9/11, when he spent a good chunk of time on the 2000 election and, to my recollection, never mentioned his own role in it, or even Nader.
and once very funny
@Major Major Major Major: yeah, Rachel’s in drag now, not clear how you’d build from that. If you see any images from her life/family, her statements about the shift from radio to TV requiring her to become a female impersonator ring true. Been there: ‘Well, I guess my problem with the required outfit is that I look like a boy in a dress, but you can require me to do that if it’s important to you.’
randy khan
I think a more accurate characterization of the reviews would be “highly negative.” Pretty much nobody who regularly reviews Broadway likes it much.
Amen! Sing it sista’
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yeah, he was. He was “no fucks to give” long before that was a Thing.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Hunter Gathers:
Yup. Nina Turner will pick up the Willerite mantle tho, so don’t fret brothers and sisters, all is not lost!
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Who knows. But if we start putting that Lin Manuel-Miranda did the music in comments here, then Mnem will want to see it.
@Hunter Gathers: Seconded. Fresh faces, please.
Corner Stone
I still have no idea what a catch is anymore in the NFL.
I’m tired of Michael Moore too, at least in interviews. His movies are still good and useful.
On the other hand, not sure what is wrong with “Cats” as performed by Alvin and the Morherfucking Chipmunks.
Is that just me? I am sorry. Second time I have to apologize to this blog today.
Neither Hilary nor Bernie are heroes to me. The are politicians who ran for president and the first test on presidenting was if they could win. And that didn’t turn out the way I had hoped.
I don’t particularly want either of them to run again in 2020. Unless one of them shows that they have the best chance of winning among the Democrats.
If that evidence appears, then run, you crazy dang kids, run! I don’t think Hillary is inherently unlikable. I think she seriously misjudged what the public wanted on policy and tone, and that was the biggest problem, and I think that problem leaked into some of the mechanics of her electoral strategy. But, she still won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.
But I doubt evidence will arise that either are obvious choices to run, and think that there must be some others who can develop into politicians who can reliably win, like Big Dawg and Obama have in the past. And I hope we can do better in state elections.
@Iowa Old Lady: I didn’t much care for her a couple years ago, but she’s become one of my favourite people in the world (despite disagreements with some of her political stances), and in particular, she’s a much more gracious and selfless person than I’ll ever hope to be.
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: No one knows. I’ll free it.
Links to other reviews here.
NY acquaintances inform that tickets almost never show up at the half-price booths.
Trump’s inflammatory Air Force One gaggle, annotated
Yeah, I think Wapo just likes fucking with us.
The lowlights of an already lowered bar.
Jersey Tomato
I love Hillary, too. Does she have faults? No more so than any other politician. Yes, she’s too cautious and sometimes calculating. Yes, the cattle futures thing was probably just on the right side of legal. Yes, she triangulates and sometimes that leads her to doing foolish things, like voting to authorize use of military force in Iraq. But you know what? In terms of politicians, that practically makes her eligible for sainthood. No one would hold stuff like that against male politicians to the same degree. The crazy character assassination she has put up with is mind boggling, and it infuriates me when liberals say “well, she was a bad candidate because rightly or wrongly, she had too much baggage.” Great, so we’re supposed to cede the selection of our candidates to our opponents, choosing only the ones they haven’t chosen to drag through the mud?
She’s also put up with a metric assload of bullsh*t from the press, which targeted her in a way they have never targeted any male politician, even (especially?) Trump. I remember the night she was first elected Senator. Even though she beat him like a drum, her opponent refused to concede before the 11:00 news came on, so she went out and gave her victory speech without waiting any longer. Brian William (Yep, that lying sack of sh*t) commented on air that she “didn’t have the decency” to wait for her opponent’s concession, and then said “but when was Hillary Clinton ever concerned about common decency?” I supported her first run for President because I thought she was tougher then Obama, for whom I ultimately voted and came to greatly admire, but the vitriol that supposedly liberal commentators, like Tweety Matthews and even Keith Olbermann, displayed toward her was incredible.
Se is so tough, and brilliant, so hardworking and she would have been a great President. So, to end my wall-o-text: love ya, Hillary. Don’t go away, don’t sit down and don’t shut up. .
@jl: Hillary’s not running again. Even those of us who admire her aren’t asking her to run.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
Man, the box score of the Texans and Bengals is enough to make me glad I don’t own a TV. 28 minutes to generate a total of 177 yards of offense.
@(((CassandraLeo))): Same here.
Household primacy is now based on who controls the remote.
I liked Bernie’s appeal more than I liked Bernie. He’s a crusty old fart. He still is.
She’s my hero, and my President, too.
Fuck everyone who hates women, especially women way smarter and stronger than they’ll ever be.
@TenguPhule: There was a story recently of a 4000 + sq ft home in Meyerland that was raised almost 6′ just after Harvey at a cost of over 300k. Can’t imagine the home, had it never flooded, would be worth more than 450K. Can’t find the story now but apparently it was planned before Harvey and paid for through a federal grant.
Bottom line, with it’s location, Meyerland isn’t going to be abandoned.
Corner Stone
What a garbage take.
Major Major Major Major
Martin woulda won.
mai naem mobile
Baud – Make America Baudilicious Again!
@Jersey Tomato:
I have to point out in all fairness that some of this did stem from her failed 2008 run. Some of it was legitimate concerns from what was at the time considered a relatively ugly primary.
Adam L Silverman
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Are they playing at Flanders Fields?
Steve in the ATL
I’d be happy to see her become a full time troll. Right wingers could never keep up with her. She’s too smart and honest for them.
@hueyplong: To be fair, Obama’s success in the 2008 primaries was largely because of his success in a lot of caucuses.
@Baud: Yes, I know. I just wanted to make the point that being able to win elections is very important to me. And make the point that the media garbage CW on Hillary Clinton is garbage, and I wish she had been less apologetic and just dismissed it. I think her supposed character, charisma, and personality problems followed from her misjudgments on what the public wanted to see a politician say and do in 2016. If she had judged that better, she could have just ignored the CW media nonsense, and I don’t think people would have cared very much.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Corner Stone would probably like me to express my football opinions more often . . .
Steve in the ATL
@Adam L Silverman: dude, trigger warning. Wasn’t efgoldman in the service during the Great War?
Hillary Clinton is my hero
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Hidley ho, neighborino!
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, so that’s why they have poppies on the helmets.
@Corner Stone: Thank you.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Steve in the ATL: No, that was the Hundred Years War. All of it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Boer War.
Corner Stone
The OL tripped JJ Watt. That wasn’t a good play.
Steve in the ATL
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: zing!
@Omnes Omnibus: zing!
Adam L Silverman
@Steve in the ATL: War of 1812.
More seriously, when I was assigned at USAWC we had a faculty member there who just wouldn’t retire. He was at the Military History Institute. Must have been in his late 70s. Real smart guy. Military historian. Retired colonel. We always used to joke that he was so good at US military history because he first served during the Revolutionary War.
@Jersey Tomato: The bullshit she’s had to go through in the past couple years has simultaneously greatly increased my opinion of her and greatly decreased my opinion of far too many other people to mention.
@Baud: I wouldn’t ask her to run again either but a rather large part of me thinks that if she doesn’t somehow end up in the office of president after all this bullshit, it’ll be a major injustice. If I were scripting this for Hollywood (which I wouldn’t; it’s been way too implausible) I’d have her appointed Speaker after Dems retake the House; then Twitler and Dense get thrown out for their collusion with Russia and she becomes president. Not gonna happen, but it’d surely be a better ending than we’ll probably actually get.
It’s like you live in my house, Betty.
I live in a caucus state, and I did not bother to vote in the caucuses. My husband went to feel the Bern. He dislikes how the Bernie people are on the internet but was saying something about Clinton being divisive for having a book.
I feel like my support for her has increased since the election as I see dudes dismiss her valid critiques of what went wrong in the process. She wasn’t an ideal candidate, but treating a person who won 3 MILLION more votes as a losing loser who needs to go away is ridiculous.
I don’t think that my husband wants Bernie to run again, but I feel like a lot of the work on the side of the Democratic party now is being done by women. And men do not quite realize that the same old nonsense is not going to be acceptable.
So I find myself sharing this defense of Clinton and talking about feminist issues with people that I normally wouldn’t because this attempt to treat feminists as the root of all evil is going too far.
Adam L Silverman
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: It’ll be over by Christmas. Eventually…
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym
Drummer boy in the Peloponnesian War, IIRC.
@(((CassandraLeo))): I share your sense of justice. But it’s not in the cards.
@TenguPhule: yup. US 3rd Army. Waffen SS. Baaaaad dudes on all sides…
@Steve in the ATL: @Tissue Thin Pseudonym: @Omnes Omnibus: @NotMax:
He gave Cain the stone.
@Baud: Yeah, I’ve resigned myself to that. But if I didn’t have the sense of fairness that I do, my political views would’ve developed much differently.
Jersey Tomato
@TenguPhule: Granted. I know people feel strongly about her 2008 run, and she’s not above criticism for some of the things she/Bill said or did, but we can’t pretend that her 2008 run was the sole cause of the absolutely poisonous reaction to her on the part of some people. .
Old Broad in California
Hillary is my hero. She reminds me of the crap professional women (myself included) had to endure in the ’70’s, ’80’s, and still today, to be respected and taken seriously- from the excess scrutiny of what we wore, to whether our voices were “too shrill”, to whether our natural bodily functions somehow made us unfit.
She has risen above so much venom directed at her with class and grace. It’s a crying shame that she’s not our President.
(End of rant)
Baking cheater’s* onion bread. House smells so-o-o good.
*Using Lipton’s onion soup mix in the dough.
Still wondering why I ended up in moderation hell.
@Steve in the ATL:
Spanish American. Or maybe Russo-Japanese. They all run together.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
WTF is this supposed to mean? Go for it Donny. Declare Iran out of compliance. Watch your best buddy Putin shiv you in the back over this and all the other signatories ignore you. Fucking loser.
Betty –
I’m truly not making light of, nor fun of, your statement, but all I could think of, vis-a-vis Hillary is your hero, was Dudley Do-Right saying to Nell Fenwick (after she saves his sorry butt yet again) something along the lines of “Oh, Nell, you are my heroine (pronounced heh-row-WEEN)!” And I could hear Bill Scott saying it.
In any event, I don’t know too many people who could put up with the shit that’s been dumped on her for more than 25 years, and still be the great person that she is.
Fuck Rupert Murdoch, fuck Mitch McConnell, fuck Pinch Sulzberger, fuck Paul Ryan, fuck Lying Littledick, (and, in the interest of conserving space) fuck the Republicans in general.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@efgoldman: I have it on good authority that efg served in the Seven Years’ War.
@jl: Let’s just sit you down and put you through a few repeats of that. I guarantee that before you’re halfway through the first repeat, you’ll be reduced to either a) gibbering insanity, or b) begging to be locked in a closet with Pennywise the Dancing Clown instead.
Thanks be to FSM! I was worried you were going to say Agincourt or something like that.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Jersey Tomato: I think a lot of it stems from the right-wing memes of the last 25 years too.
Major Major Major Major
Completely agree.
She’s my hero. I didn’t just want a woman President, I wanted her as President, because she really did deserve the job. In the first days right after, what had me torn in pieces was the sheer unfairness of it all- not only did she lose to a reality TV star and grifter, she DIDN’T lose- our antiquated slave-state-favoring-system took her popular vote victory away.
But then, Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton devoted their lives to the cause of women’s suffrage, and neither of them lived to see the 19th Amendment. Clinton is not the first woman to have not seen something she deserved to see, and she won’t be the last.
Molly Ivins wrote about how for southern liberals, it comes down to race- I’m paraphrasing, but she wrote about growing up in the pre-Civil Rights south, and seeing separate drinking fountains in her white neighborhood, and being told not to drink from the fountain marked “Coloreds” because “it’s dirty, dear.” When she could see, plain as day, that it was sparkling clean, while the fountain marked “Whites” was covered in spit and chewing gum. As she put it, once you realize grownups are lying to you about one thing, you wonder what else they’re lying to you about. I felt the same way as a young woman when Clinton came on the national scene. She would say something, and the media would spin it as something that I knew full well wasn’t right- I especially remember how indignant the media was that a First Lady would give a speech at the UN and be so political about what she said, and thinking, “But there was nothing wrong about what she said! Women’s rights are human rights!”
So, you know, once I realized they were lying about that in regards to Clinton, I started wondering what else they were lying about in regards to her. A whole heck of a lot, as it turned out. And continues to turn out.
@Adam L Silverman:
Had a CMC at Atkron-72 who was authorized by the CNO to wear female service stripes because it was the only way they’d all fit on his sleeve, yet they were red.
I think it was at 32 years he finally retired and he didn’t last 6 months afterwards.
ETA: Oops, that was at FASTOTRAGRULANT DET JAX. Give me a break, it’s been 30 years.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: He was with George Washington at Valley Forge.
Mike J
@mai naem mobile:
Baud. Make America Bawdy Again.
@ArchTeryx: Not sure whether you are talking about Alvin and the Chipmunks or the rest of my comment.
If my comment on Hillary Clinton is dumb, it’s too late to have it yanked, so that’s too bad. It expresses my thoughts and I don’t want to argue about it.
Would be interesting to see how long I could last through the chipmunk ‘Cats’ though.
Jersey Tomato
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Absolutely. But I think we have to ask why those memes were taken up so eagerly by people who consider themselves to be liberals. I know a lot of critics who are supposedly on the left are, in fact, bots or wingnut trolls, and my response to them is that Hillary Clinton’s toenail clippings are of more consequence than they will ever be. But there are enough liberals who have allowed themselves to be convinced that Hillary is Satan incarnate that I have to just shake my head.
Thoughtful David
Same here. Amazing, honorable woman.
A lot has happened since then. Hillary earned her hero status.
I disagree. What I saw, and still see, is that hardly anyone knows anything Hillary actually did, only what the media imagines she did. There is no winning that game, so any plausible strategy is as good as any other.
Chipmunks playing cats is like a Thompson’s gazelle playing the Lion King.
@Jersey Tomato: I think misogyny is so deeply ingrained in our society that even a lot of people who think of themselves as feminists have internalised a lot of its framing. People I know aren’t trolls (because I’ve known them for years) and aren’t exactly regressive on women’s issues still wound up falling for a rather depressing amount of right-wing framing about Clinton. Mostly, I think the cause is that we don’t notice misogyny the way a fish doesn’t notice water. We often have to be trained to notice it. It’s basically what @Nicole says above.
@jl: Alvin and the Motherfucking Chipmunks. The rest of the comment was just fine – political opinions are just standard snarling jackal territory round here, but AatMC playing CATS is a concept that deserves to get locked in a closet with Pennywise.
sheila in nc
“If she had judged that better, she could have just ignored the CW media nonsense”
“I disagree. What I saw, and still see, is that hardly anyone knows anything Hillary actually did, only what the media imagines she did. There is no winning that game, so any plausible strategy is as good as any other.”
This, this, this.
Corner Stone
@jl: It was garbage. Nothing to argue about.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@mai naem mobile: @Mike J: The Hope of Baudacity
an accident like this?
I live in Japan. I occasionally surf in the Sea of Japan (it’s the left coast for me, I’m on the Pacific side.) Korea is close enough that you will always find trash on the beach with Hangul writing as if floats over the sea. North Korea is a shithole of epic proportions. A nightmare regime that more or less proves that if there is a God he is a spiteful dick who really just likes to fuck with people. The whole problem on the Korean peninsula is a festering shit storm of unresolved problems that only seems to worsen with each passing year. But the odds of someone getting hurt by one of NK’s missile test has to be amazingly low. I am far more worried about the US initiating some ill-advised first strike under the leadership of our Asshole in Chief.
And for us, any of us US citizens, screaming about the dangers of military accidents to civilians around the world…that’s pretty rich.
Uncle Ebeneezer
Anyone asking HRC to go away can go F themselves.
so what you all are saying here is that efgoldman is basically The Wolverine.
Thoughtful David
@sheila in nc:
@Nicole: I remember the attacks on her as First Lady and realizing Limbaugh’s attacks seemed like an attack on my mother. There was nothing wrong with her the way I was raised, by both parents, and she was being attacked in ways that were just rude and unfair. Basically media and polititian’s were saying things that weren’t allowed in polite company and showing young me what crude barbarians they were.
I didn’t think she was a hero then, just normal. And it shocked me how the “other side” behaved. As Trump has exposed some peoples moral rot, she held a mirror up to some people long before without intending too. My life has not had many encounters with actual chauvinism, Hillary’s story was one of the few times I really noticed it.
Moore lost me for good when he thought he needed to get out front on stage at the march in Washington. Sanders lost me most recently when he put out a health plan (good) w/o bothering about rational financing — seemed like the intent was “get people on board my boat for now; we’ll figure out how to mend the sails and repair the engine later.” I could be wrong.
Can’t be. I bite my nails.
-ly Ballou
Down to their last strike and down 2-1 in the bottom of the 9th, the Indians tie it up on an RBI double by Lindor, then walk it off in the 10th on a Jay Bruce HR to extend their streak to 22.
@-ly Ballou:
They’re an awfully good team, but streaks can go both ways.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Aleta: via Dave Weigel’s twitter (and he wrote up the article) here’s some proposals, in the form of a “white paper”, whatever the hell that means.. I skimmed this over last night and I have no idea how complete a picture this is, waiting for some wonks I trust to weigh in
@Frankensteinbeck: Saw that happen even w/ my two good friends who do incredible work. One had no idea until summer 2016 that the program that made possible her job of 10+ years (getting resources for hearing impaired kids and parents in low income families) came from Senator Clinton’s initiative for children’s health.
Corner Stone
Damn. Rev Mark Thompson just laid it down.
She assumed the electorate wanted a sane informative intelligent president – she didn’t assume that over 40% of the electorate were dumb, racist to the core and misogynist as well.
Seems that was what she did wrong.
And presumably taller than the comic book Wolverine’s height of 5′ 3″.
A common failing among Dem candidates going back at least to Mondale.
Corner Stone
What a horrible penalty call against Braxton Miller on 3rd down.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks, I appreciate the information. Will look for more to read.
Not so much
@Aleta: DKos’ health expert Brainwrap feels that the rush to propose a Medicare for All bill actually helped propel the Graham Cassidy healthcare proposal which now has a chance of passing and torpedoing Obamacare. For tactical reasons it would have been better to wait till the deadline for all reconciliation bills had passed to propose this legislation. And for strategic reasons it would have been better to propose a bill that actually took account of financing. Someone will have to pay. Healthcare’s not cheap. I met with a German acquaintance this evening, who told me that in keeping with German law she pays 900 Euros/month for public health insurance and her employer pays 900 Euros/month. This amounts to a total of 21,600 Euros/year. A Medicare 4 All bill without a financing mechanism is grandstanding and nothing else.
@tobie: Thanks for this.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow, that shocks me. I would’ve thought individual poemiums would be a lot lower.
@Hunter Gathers:
And that’s the least of his problems.
Adam L Silverman
@Davebo: I know a number of retirees that can handle being retired. They’re either now DOD or Service civil servants or contractors. They just can’t let go.
Omnes Omnibus
@magurakurin: More like Zelig.
@Adam L. Silverman
The gentleman who ran the (know I’m getting the precise title of the office wrong, but the concept is there) office of strategic planning was into his 90s when he retired not all that long ago. Also universally respected for his acumen at the position which, if memory serves, he had held uninterrupted since the Carter administration.
@TS: Could be. A lot of people were pissed off, and for reasons that I don’t have much sympathy with, since a lot of that was poorly informed self-indulgent anger, IMHO. That was the mood for enough voters to have an impact.
I live in Japan. My wife and I currently pay 54,000 yen a month for National Health Insurance here. The plan has a 30% copay across the board…it does include dental though. We both also have supplemental private insurance company plans that provide for gaps in cancer treatment coverage and hospitalization. That amounts to another 12,000 yen a month. It’s about 800,000 yen a year or around 7,200 dollars. Plus whatever we pay for in the copay. I’m not complaining by any means…but ain’t nothin’ free in this world.
@Aleta: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was actually quite illuminating to talk to someone well-versed in the German healthcare system. Apparently the requirement in Germany is that the employer and employee each pay 50% of the healthcare tab. Self-employed people are on the individual market where you have a mix of public and private options. Cost-sharing subsidies exists for low wage earners. The one perverse twist in the German system is that only high wage earners are allowed to purchase private health insurance, which is far cheaper than public insurance for an unexpected reason. Consumers of private insurance don’t have to subsidize the insurance for low wage earners; this falls to the people in the highest wage category in the public system. My acquaintance is in the uncomfortable position of earning too little to qualify for private insurance but too much to get any discounts for public insurance. Still she’s grateful for the full coverage, and I gather her out-of-pocket expenses are quite limited.
I agree. And easily worth repeating.
Correction of omission:
Pentagon’s (know I’m getting the precise title of the office wrong, but the concept is there) office of strategic planning
You aren’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: One of my mom’s cousins (who was like a sister to her as they grew up) married a guy who ended up an FA LTC. He came to my OCS graduation and personally swore me in as an army officer. He retired at 24 years (he wasn’t likely to go higher; as opposed to my dad’s ring knocker cousin who was hitting all the marks for a star but then got divorced. He chose retirement and a GS job at DoD rather than a gig in Korea away from his kids.). Back to the original story, the guy taught JROTC for another 20 years. And now he goes to bass fishing tournaments. He has never been home.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Yep. I’m not arguing the guy should have retired, just stating he didn’t. The funniest thing about this was at an all hands meeting when Training and Doctrine Command, despite there not being a reduction in force order to do so, ordered USAWC to go through the process of determining how they’d conduct a reduction in force (which they then used to reduce USAWC’s faculty by ten even though there still was not a reduction in force order in place), he asked a question about the requirements for early retirement. Several of us, in a variety of stage whispers, pointed out he’d been eligible for early retirement since the Battle of Verdun.
@SiubhanDuinne: My husband loved Ben Hamper’s Rivethead, about shop rat life at GM.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I know both who you’re talking about and what office at DOD you’re talking about.
@Adam L. Silverman
Mr. Chips syndrome.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: The guy is old.
Jersey Tomato
Ugh. Watching Brian Williams now. His first question to his guests re: Hillary Clinton was if they found her tone during the Maddow interview more “strident” than usual. Then he followed up with “of course, everybody asks, where was this Hillary Clinton during the campaign?” You weren’t interested in that Hillary Clinton during the campaign, Brian, you reverse-raccoon-eyed idiot.
@Adam L. Silverman
But the stories of pub crawling with von Clausewitz are gold.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: You have no idea…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jersey Tomato: and all his guests let “strident” roll right by?
Jersey Tomato
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yep. Amy Chozik from the NYT and Rick Stengel, formerly of Time and the Obama-era State Dept., both of whom should know better.
@magurakurin: Thanks. It’s really interesting to hear how other systems work.
@Jersey Tomato
“Turn it off.”
– Howard Beale
Advice have found helpful to heed whenever Williams appears.
joel hanes
the once-unthinkable idea that swaths of Meyerland ought to be abandoned and returned to nature.
Iowa has been getting wetter because of climate change.
After two major floods and two minor, my own small hometown condemned and demolished two old graceful streamside neighborhoods, and will never allow rebuilding on that flood plain. It’s parkland now.
Just saw this from a blog I check about every 5 or 6 months. Alternate Brain
@Jersey Tomato: I just got home from work on the west coast and am watching the rerun of Rachel’s interview with Hillary and I do not detect a speck of strident tone. What I hear is the highly intelligent opinions of someone who would have been a fine president. Brian Williams is a dimwit who is not fit to shine Hillary’s sensible pumps. Also, have you noticed how he uses the word “germane” a lot? It’s like it showed up one day in his word-a-day calendar and now he has to use it in every other sentence.
Michael Moore is a hero of mine. And WTF is with lefties shitting on their best friends?
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: I’ll just leave this here:
omnes omnibus
@Mart: A lot of us identify as liberals not lefties. And I remember 2000 when he was saying that there is no difference between Gore and Bush.
@cmorenc: He’s a phony & not leading a gotdamn thing
Steve in the ATL
@omnes omnibus:
Double yup. Fuck that guy.
@Jersey Tomato: I would not like Clinton much except that she has an amazingly good choice in enemies and detractors.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: I can see Paul Brown Stadium from my house. Read that Bengals lost. Bwah ha ha ha ha.
@Starfish: That piece you shared from Medium is 100 kinds of amazing.
I’ve whittled down my social circle (easier now that I live in the UK, though I did the same when we lived in Denver) to remove any hint of pro-MAGA folk, even family who support him get the cold shoulder from me. However, the ones who feel (or felt) the Bern still need a stern talking to now & then, and this piece may actually inform them. Perhaps not coincidentally many of them are men, though, and there is a lot in there about the female experience that they may not take on board — I’ll remain hopeful for those that have daughters & wives that they do.
@Steve in the ATL:
I know the thread’s long dead, but I so agree with this. I’d love for Hillary to embrace the “Texts from Hillary” persona, and just live NFLTG, out there 24/7, or as often as she wants to. Let that intellect loose with zingers on DT and his deplorables every. fucking. day.
Amen to all you wrote
Uncle Ebeneezer
I’m right there with you Betty. HRC wasn’t a hero to me before the election. But reading accounts of what she’s really like from staffers, seeing how she handled herself through the epic futons of sexism that were hurled at her, and most importantly, seeing all the little girls whose faces lit up when they met her or who went to polling stations with their parents to be a part of history…anyone wants to dismiss that, shut that up, make that go away etc., is being completely disrespectful to those moments and those millions of inspired people.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Uncle Ebeneezer: futons of sexism is going to be the name of my next band
Uncle Ebeneezer
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: OMG! For once, auto-correct makes things BETTER!! (much as I love “fuck-tons”). I would totally go see the Futons play at a local dive bar!
Disagree strongly re: Moore: “Where To Invade Next” was masterful and exposed how brainwashed Americans are into believing the American way of doing things is the best way and the only way. It’s difficult from inside this country to perceive how deeply influenced is America for the worse, by Puritanism and Calvinism.