Trump adviser tells me POTUS is "winning the cultural war… just made millionaire sport athletes his new HRC."
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) September 25, 2017
Monday's NYC tabloids
— Michael Calderone (@mlcalderone) September 25, 2017
The true test of a White House team is whether they can cynically deploy the president's racism rather than succumbing to his egomania
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 23, 2017
POST-RACIAL AMERICA!!! Truly, there is no bad-but-popular stereotype that Donald Trump can’t expose to public opprobrium, like lifting up rocks to show the squirmy things hiding beneath them…
Look at these chump NFL owners, gave Trump all this money and he thanks them by manufacturing a brand-damaging controversy for the NFL.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) September 24, 2017
We've lived long enough to see the NFL attacked as unpatriotic, thanks to President Comment Section
— Spencer Ackerman (@attackerman) September 24, 2017
My wife is furious at the president because of his NFL comments: "Because of Trump I had to read about sports today. About football!!!"
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) September 24, 2017
Reminder: the president of the United States thinks protest is perfectly fine for neo-Nazis but a firing offense for black athletes.
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) September 24, 2017
For those wondering why Trump goes after the NFL as much as he does… it's because they rejected his offer to buy the Buffalo Bills.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) September 23, 2017
2/ These are deeply brand-conscious entities. They wouldn't be doing it en masse if they didn't think their publics wanted them to.
— Josh Chafetz (@joshchafetz) September 24, 2017
4/ To state the obvious, this would not be the response to comments by a president who was doing well in the public sphere.
— Josh Chafetz (@joshchafetz) September 24, 2017
"He just turbocharged the protests."
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) September 24, 2017
Something important to remember RE NFL players making political statements: not their wealth or fame protecting them. It's their union.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 25, 2017
… Aaaand up chugs The Albino Axolotl, once again hoping to carve out some media space for the Gingrich brand. When the ‘best’ defender the GOP can dig up is this far past his sell-by date…
.@newtgingrich on athletes kneeling: "If you're a multi-millionaire who feels oppressed, you need a therapist not a publicity stunt."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) September 24, 2017
I thought "multimillionaires who feel oppressed" was the GOP base
— Irin Carmon (@irin) September 24, 2017
I think the NFL kneeling is Trump’s Katrina.
Of the week. What a douche.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Yes, indeedy…
When you manage to turn Steph Curry, LeBron James, Michael Jordan, and Tom Brady against you in one weekend, you certainly are winning…
I dunno, albino axolotl’s look kind of happy and cute, and wise, even. This one gives hints of situational awareness. Maybe that is just me.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Elizabelle: Well, Maria.
Speaking of race, I think we may have found a new tie for Worst Thing Ever, at least until Trump makes a public speech.
“If you’re a multi-millionaire who feels oppressed,…
….your name might be Donald Trump”
Mike J
Watching the Vietnam War thingie on PBS. Just showed Walter Cronkite saying the US was a police state.
Imagine any of our current media crop doing that.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): So, her breast jobs were from back when she wanted to be Pamela Anderson?
(Edit: that was just to prove I spent a minute or two trying to find some sanity and sense to it)
Is this a hoax?
Edit2: she’s trying for job in the Trump administration? Or she’s nuts…
Villago Delenda Est
Blahs should shut up and tote cotton.
That’s Donald’s position.
Major Major Major Major
Yeah, this weekend I finally started to question this new reality when they trotted out the Mnuch to yell at football players. The secretary of the treasury!
OT: I’m very proud of the cover for the next chapter of my comic.
Carolina Dave
@Elizabelle: its a Katrina, even worse than Katrina is named Maria. And it damaged the United States worse in terms of economic devestation to our territory rather than the mainland
But, but – didn’t the pundit class declare he pivoted and suddenly became all presidentialicious and like that there?
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@jl: Literally nothing I have ever seen has mastes that disproportionately huge. Or will see, for that matter, since that photo immediately blinded me and I’ve been dictating my BJ comments to a neighborhood weed carrier.
” didn’t the pundit class declare he pivoted and suddenly became all presidentialicious and like that there? ”
They are just going through the motions now. I’ll rely on some commenter to start posting clips when they regularly crack up and fall out of their chairs, or start to sob, when they try to read the script. Except Wolf, not sure about him… he might never get the joke.
I loves me some Balloon Juice. I’ve spent all night arguing with folks about Villanueva, Jerry Jones and Trump.
Turns out the folks here already dropped three threads to make my point for me.
@Major Major Major Major
Is 5:57 a clue?
Well, we finally got internet back at our house after Irma. Feels a bit over-privileged to complain too much, since so many have it much worse off.
On a brighter note, we adopted a kitten over the weekend! She’s black with white paws, and is about the sweetest, friendliest thing I’ve ever met! Her name is Pumpkin, and my daughters (8 and 9) are in love with her, as are my wife and I. If one of us is sitting, then she wants to be in a lap. We’re thinking about getting a second kitten to keep her company.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Give her some credit. Seems unaware that she totally went overboard on the Pamela Anderson fake boobs, but knows she is only 80 percent ‘there’ towards being an African-American. Looks like baby steps of progress for a crazy person.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Roy Moore is campaigning dressed up as a cowboy, because Alabama, and just pulled a pistol– a tiny little pistol– to show his support for the Second Amendment. Because Alabama.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: pre-dawn is relevant if you’re following the occult symbolism, but otherwise no.
Joy Reid nails it perfectly for me. Deadbeat Donald bent over backwards to rationalize and defend the NAZI/racist protestors and their violence, but went ballistic over the athletes who quietly and respectfully protested during the national anthem.
You know, with all the other shit going on and so many failures by the Trump federal management group, I hate that so much attention and energy is being spent on this.
Puerto Rico, Healthcare, 2016 Election Fix, Right to Vote attacks, etc. all deserve much more attention by the media and the public.
@Carolina Dave: Yup. Maria is gonna make Trump her bitch.
He just doesn’t realize it. He’s slow on the uptake, is our Trump.
@Major Major Major Major
Way overinterpreted that it might be code for EEG and a reference to mind control or zombieism to come.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I can’t believe we have to share a country with these people.
I had to double-check to make sure it wasn’t The Onion.
Guess not.
So, making an awkward pivot to another topic, I was looking around for something else to watch after having binged on the Leftovers, and my boss suggested Outlander, since she really loves it. So I watched a couple of episodes, and didn’t think it was anything special, and she encouraged me to watch a couple more. At which point I decide that this is torture porn. And looked ahead in the plot synopsis to decide if this trend will continue (spoilers–there for a reason), and it’s just more torture, with rape thrown in.
Besides the dainty tiptoe I’m going to have to do if she asks me about it (“just not my cup of blood, thanks”), any advice on WTF gives with this show? I figured out that if I want to avoid violence that I should not watch Breaking Bad or GOT, but why does a soft-focus romantic fantasy have to go all bloody and SM?
@clay: Congratulations on both internet and Pumpkin!
@NorthLeft12: Trump presidency will give us the saying “It’s all bad”.
Omnes Omnibus
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I think that this person is actually mentally ill. I blame the surgeons who did not make that determination and decline to do the surgeries.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: oh, that’s a fun idea though.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Open carry state. No brandishing law.
Future Junior Senator of Alabama, Roy Moore brandished a gun on stage at a rally tonight to show that the ads McTurtle has been running against him saying he is against the Second Amendment are false.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
No fair, he’s copying Jerry Brown. Way to be original, Roy!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: the pistol actually surprised me less than the cowboy outfit. I’m trying to think of what TV or movie character he reminded me of– a creepy kid who was always dressed as a cowboy for no reason
wait…. what? Jerry Brown dressed up as a cowboy?
I tried to watch Outlander and got most of the way through the first season before giving up.
It’s an extended, dramatized rape fantasy. Some people have a thing for that. It wasn’t my thing.
@Major Major Major Major
Speaking of rabbits, ever follow Kevin & Kell?
It has long since overrun its core premise, however the first several years stand up well, and was a fun daily web stop during that period.
@Major Major Major Major:
Who needs all the help he can get to continuing flying around the country on non commercial flights.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: “Feels like I’m about to break the damn thing.”
@lahke: It’s one of those shows, like Game of Thrones, that decided that medieval life was a brutal slog of misery and pain, and so is trying to be ‘realistic’ by showing it.
Disclosure: I only watched the first half of the first season. I thought the production values — from sets and costume to acting and cinematography — was outstanding, but the story itself didn’t much grab me. The penultimate episode I saw was especially bad on torture — it was literally the entire episode.
Omnes Omnibus
@lahke: “I am a bit squeamish.” Works best if you look like or actually are a rugby prop
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Should have read the thread first :) sigh.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I did check Alabama’s firearm’s laws and there is a prohibition about carrying and displaying at a demonstration. So maybe he’s technically in trouble?
@Major Major Major Major: give it 20 years.
Porto Rico will start the avalanch.
I initially had this reaction since I think football is a brutal sport and find sports in general to be incredibly boring and corrupt (the stadiums, etc.). But the protest is not over something small. It’s over the systemic and deadly racism in our country’s law enforcement.
So, I think it sucks that we have so much really horrible important shit vying for the national attention at this moment, but I can’t complain that we shouldn’t be talking about this.
Not that that’s what you were suggesting. It’s unbelievably appalling that the Preznit is fighting this nazi war at all, but especially while Puerto Rico suffers. But that’s where we are…
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: god, that seems familiar…
As far as the entire Tramp-Ryan-McConnell GOP, I just have this to say: “If you’re a billionaire who feels oppressed, you need a therapist not a tax cut.”
@Adam L Silverman:
Unpossible,he was Chief Justice of the highest court in the State! He would never break the law!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
there is speculation that trump will train his resentment on McConnell
I had forgotten about the existence of John Thune
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I saw that clip. Not just a cowboy outfit — an untalented, underfunded 1950s C&W band’s concept of a cowboy costume. It was a deeply weird moment when Moore pulled that tiny pistol out and brandished it.
I hope he wins the runoff tomorrow. It’ll give the Democrat a better chance in the general. The lunatic Moore would almost certainly win because Alabama, but he would then go on to become a walking symbol of Republican psychopathy in the Senate.
The responses from some of my Facebook friends today have been interesting. Just kidding. All have been some variation of rich, ungrateful athletes with their bullshit issues. My faves are the I don’t mean to get political posts that result in four or five separate very political posts on the same subject. Just one great big circle jerk of white people not getting it, and demanding every NFL player yes Miss Daisy to their every demand.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: couldn’t happen to a nicer chelonian
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The Good Ol’ Boys from The Blues Brothers!
Well, on the bright side, at least a disproportionate amount of attention is not being spent on the football shit right here on this very enlightened blog. Oh wait….
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: Did someone say bad cowboy costumes?
@Major Major Major Major
“World’s Longest Running Daily Webcomic”
Good gracious, 22 years old now and still chugging along.
@Betty Cracker: Is there a cowboy heritage in Alabama? I’m no expert but that seems all screwed up historically and/or geographically.
Actually the NFL didn’t reject Trump’s offer to buy the Bills because he’s an ass. He just didn’t have the cash. A recurring issue it seems with the Donald.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Why would the Senate listen to Trump about who the Majority Leader should be?
I find it interesting that the typical police union spokespersons are laying low and not getting involved here.
@Hal: yeah I see a lot of troubled rushing to the defence of the poor owners and highly principled defences of property rights and the sanctity of contract.
@Hal: I like how the tribe that decided its leader should be rich, arrogant, and unapologetic has been strutting around all weekend about how bad it is to be rich, arrogant, and unapologetic.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Even the liberal Jerry Jones and Dallas Cowboys took a knee (photo)
Adam L Silverman
@FlipYrWhig: Plantation overseer is considered a bit gauche in polite society. Or at campaign rallies.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
obviously, Wilson doesn’t watch westerns. The Madame’s gun goes in her garter
Creatures like this make me think of the maxim: “In nature, if it is not forbidden, it is commanded.”
Adam L Silverman
@Wapiti: Actually several did. Making statements about not providing police protection for the players on the field.
@Hal: I open with some “I hear you”s, then pivot to things like “They’re speaking up for people who have no voice. That’s sort of admirable, I think.”
Adam L Silverman
@FlipYrWhig: I think you’re missing the operative term “white” in the first part of your statement and “black” in the second part before the word “rich”.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I love the smell of gop fratricide in the morning.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Right. The NFL protests are about BLM. And the 1st Amendment. A lot of us are capable of arguing on many fronts. We can’t control what the media does. We can control the issues we raise to our reps. Today, I went with G-C opposition, voting rights, and disaster relief. Don’t be an asshole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: gauche. Spelling isn’t your thing, is it?
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Here’s the pic:
I’m not even sure that’s an airweight J frame. Maybe a North American Arms 22 Magnum?
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Knives go in boots.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: yeah, I looked it up and definitely remember having read it at some point but couldn’t tell you any details.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: No, knives go in intercostal spaces between ribs and into vital organs. Or between cervical vertebra.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Knives are stored in boots until needed. Is that better?
Hey, Konrad.
“it had been many years since his knife touched bone.”
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Nope, never claimed it was. Especially after midnight. I also can’t catch math errors. I know what I have to do to do the computations, but when I kick a number I can’t tell where I’ve kicked it. Probably just a bad bit of wiring.
I’ll fix it.
patrick II
I just finished watching my recording of tonight’s Chris Hayes interview with Hillary Clinton. Chris may be the best long form interviewer on television. Some takeaways:
Hillary thinks Trump is very aware of what he is doing politicaIly, not as some think bumbling about.
Trump is very unaware of the details of healthcare policy, but that is because he doesn’t care about healthcare.
He does care about controlling the republican party by appealing to his 40% base and actively going after republicans disagree with him and aren’t loyal to him.
A very important part of Trump’s longer term plan is voter suppression.
Comey sucks. (me paraphrasing)
And other things. It was an excellent interview.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m good with that.
@patrick II:
I deeply, DEEPLY respect Hillary’s opinions, but as much as I go over it, I can’t come to any conclusion other than he’s bumbling about and he’s basically senile. If I could, I would ask her if I’m missing something.
Yes they did (again), and yes, they are that desperate to normalize Trump’s….peculiarities.
The only pivoting Donald Trump ever has or ever will perform is figuratively, possibly literally, grinding his heel on the faces of those he perceives as enemies. Which at this point includes most of the population of the US.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: My Francophone/phile self went rigid at the one. Sorry.
@patrick II
Shall defer to Ms S. Squirrel on that.
Betty Cracker
“We got Puerto Rico from Spain, and it was one of the worst deals President McKinley ever made, believe me.”
— Donald Trump, tomorrow, probably.
It’s one aspect of their desperation to pretend the GOP is not the party of racism.
Eric U.
@Frankensteinbeck: I don’t think it’s Trump that is going after voter suppression, but he has enabled it as much as he could. This plan was ready-made for him by the republicans
@Betty Cracker: @Adam L Silverman:
” an untalented, underfunded 1950s C&W band’s concept of a cowboy costume ”
Hell, the most over-dandified little banty rooster of a square dance caller wouldn’t get caught dead in that thing. Even if he could yodel the calls.
Got a pic of his boots? I bet they are might damn fine!
Omnes Omnibus
Completely OT, wtf is it with spokesowls?
@Omnes Omnibus
Some casting directors just don’t give a hoot who they hire.
@Eric U.:
I think Trump wants to deny brown people the vote, but he’s at the kindergarten level of that, going ‘That person doesn’t look American, they shouldn’t vote!’ where Sessions is going ‘Enforcement? What enforcement?’ and has actual strategies. I think they’ve hit diminishing returns, though. Kobach’s commission, for one thing, is as meaningless as Simpson-Bowles. Probably less. Very Serious People on television loved to pretend S-B had some kind of influence over our government, because they just loved the idea of putting the screws to the poor for the poor’s own good. Cable news people find voter suppression/fraud boring.
Betty Cracker
@Frankensteinbeck: Yeah, I couldn’t agree with her on that either. Trump knows how to gain attention in a manner that is marginally more sophisticated than a toddler banging a pot with a spoon, but I wouldn’t call it strategic.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: That is horrible. Let us pretend it never happened. It is for the best.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Knives go in hose that extend to just below the bottom of the kilt. See sgian dubh.
@Frankensteinbeck: @Betty Cracker: I agree too. Some ongoing GOP projects don’t need Trump’s daily, or monthly, or really, any guidance of input at all. Voter suppression is one of those. Trump has nothing at all of interest or use on that topic for anyone.
In the old days, voter suppression efforts would be reserved for some responsible, sound men, in quiet back rooms. Maybe lucky for us, those are hard to come by in the GOP these days.
@Betty Cracker:
What I’ve seen is that the things Trump does right, he doesn’t do strategically. He just happens to be something that works. He is the idiot racist the GOP base wants. He is the crazy jackass the media loves to cover. He didn’t aim at being those things. Cometh the time, cometh the man, and this is a time of the racist backlash temper tantrum.
Omnes Omnibus
@Origuy: We agree on the general concept. Let’s not quibble over details.
And totally lost in all of that is that Congress is about to reverse a CFPB rule that allowed consumer class actions against banks and credit card companies. Their horrible one-at-a-time arbitration clauses are going to become enforceable again.
@Frankensteinbeck: I think the GOP establishment was nervous at first that Trump might have meant some of the populist things he said during the campaign. But soon became apparent that Trump is very ignorant, has nothing the average person would recognize as thoughts, and not enough focus to act on them even he did ave any.
Important to remember that the GOP is full steam ahead behind many of the atrocious Trumpian urges.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: I can do about eight horribles in a day. I am sorry I missed that one. Just off hand, what did you do to try to stop it?
KS in MA
Sure takes your mind off Russia, dunnit?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Taken as a challenge, of course. Dang, I thought you knew me better than that.
What a hero. #swoon
@burnspbesq: @Omnes Omnibus:
oooh, look out everybody. The lawyersplainers are facing off.
Maybe not, but the Rules of Professional Conduct are a whole other thing. He’s been suspended from practice twice, once while he was Chief Justice.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: a while back some Gen X’ers thought owls were cute, now they run large creative teams. Millennials think sloths are cute, so I expect a proliferation of spokes sloths soon.
I am not here to provide you with amusement, Elaine.
“You end up covered with mud, and the pig likes it.”
Amir Khalid
Congratulations on the new baby kitty! Does she have a name yet?
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: In the spirit of your comments, go fuck yourself. Some people care about things that you don’t. Why be an asshole when they get to a point you agree with?
As far as the swoon comment, are you really that much of an asshole?
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Agreed. I am done here.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
Should have read the comment more closely.
Using my name, Paul Burns? Really?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Interesting how “hysterical” men get when challenged.
Anne Laurie
@lahke: Not enough episodes for a true binge, but the one-season Forever might meet your enjoyment criteria. Dapper gentleman of mysterious origin spars with a smart, sharp NYC detective as they solve murders together… and the supporting cast / guests were top quality, too!
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: You aren’t a really nice person, are you?
The Vietnam documentary reminds me that a large portion of this country hasn’t learned a damned thing in fifty years or more.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Cool.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus:
If you’re wearing kilt, knives go in socks!
ETA: Beaten to the joke by Origuy!
The recent dearth of night owls here is kind of spooky.
Mike in NC
Why no knee delivered to Fat Bastard’s crotch?
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
Melania’s in charge of that.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: I’m kind of turned off by the thread at the moment. Would you like to talk about something cool?
Sister Golden Bear
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m most reminded of Earl, the mentally unstable assistant of Dr. Verringer in “The Long Goodbye”:
@Anne Laurie: As I posted above, the garments in which the sgian dubh is kept are called hose. To be thoroughly traditional, one should have a larger twin-edged blade kept under the armpit called a mattucashlass or sgian achlais. These are, of course, in addition to the dirk and broadsword which one properly leaves at the entrance to your host’s house.
@Major Major Major Major
Sure, why not?
Go ahead, I’m a post-cool old fart. :)
Amir Khalid
Has anyone here seen Salon’s front-page redesign? Gawd, it’s ugly.
@patrick II: She was great. On the other hand, Rose, who was passive with Bannon, constantly talked over her, interrupted her, detoured her points. It was astounding. Even my husband, no slouch at interrupting himself, found it extremely discourteous. However, she seemed unflappable and focused. So good on her.
We’re not usually up at this hour. But my husband couldn’t settle after tonight’s episode of Vietnam, which covered the time of his arrival in Vietnam (August, 68). He says, maybe no more. He had three years (was stop lossed for the last two). He said maybe it should stay buried. So, at least Rose distracted his anger a bit.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Oh, post-cool? Never mind. I’ll just keep drawing this cat.
@Amir Khalid: I haven’t read Salon in years. Their content stopped being good enough for me to want to fight with their browser-crashing ads.
@Omnes Omnibus: whoops, I conflated the Chris Hayes interview with the Charlie Rose one. My mistake. Yes, Hayes was good. Rose was sorry.
John Revolta
Aw heck. Am I too late for the Mean Girls’ Club meeting?
@Major Major Major Major
More succinctly, no longer up on what is cool and what has passed it’s coolness sell-by date.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Oh, that kind of post-cool. Carry on.
Amir Khalid
@Major Major Major Major:
I used to read much of its front page. But you’re right, it’s gone way downhill in the post-Joan Walsh years. I’m unhappy with its Wilmerista infestation, and I particularly miss Patrick Smith’s presence there. (the aviation blogger, not the other guy.)
@Major Major Major Major
You could make my day by enlightening me with the news that saggers (saggerz?) are passé.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: It was never in, in my circles. I’d say it’s passé but that doesn’t stop people from doing it.
@Major Major Major Major
I like your circles from afar.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: they’re alright, I guess. Bunch of nerds and hipsters.
Anne Laurie
@Origuy: You know the old joke about the difference between Scottish sword dancers and Irish dancers, right?
The Scots have to keep their hands high in the air at all times, because otherwise they can’t trust themselves not to start randomly stabbing people.
The Irish steppers, on the other hand, have to keep their arms rigidly at their sides… because when they raise a hand higher than their chest, they’re seized with an irresistable impulse to throw a brick.
@Major Major Major Major
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
@Anne Laurie
Yet both manage to pull off a credible imitation of the Port-a-potty line at Woodstock.
@Anne Laurie: Thanks! I’ll see if my TV watching buddy is up for that. (I ditched my TV in the OJ trial era, and now depend on the kindness of friends for weekly viewing, which means that it must be generally acceptable. They’re mad at me for Outlander)
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@eemom: That “football shit” is about Americans standing up against tolerance of killer cops and against Donald’s arrogant, racist, authoritarian bullshit. We can walk and chew gum at the same time here at the Juice!
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Hey, our pants fit.
@Adam L Silverman: Moore isn’t a black Civil Rights marcher, so no, he didn’t violate the spirit of that law.
Anne Laurie
@lahke: Even a tech-idiot like me can stream an awful lot of TV shows, these days. But I agree it’s more fun to watch with a friend, if you can agree on the same shows.
For the Spousal Unit & I, the first four seasons of Elementary were good. (Phrased like that because we’re watching on DVD and haven’t seen the fifth season yet.) If you can stand the sight of some blood, we regretted that Body of Proof (Dana Delany! Jeri Ryan!) only lasted three seasons. And if you’re looking for a long-term binge, the British comedy-procedural New Tricks had 10 great seasons (and two weaker wrap-up ones — don’t tell Stuart I said that!).
Anne Laurie
@Major Major Major Major:
Skinny jeans for skinny… fellas.
Major Major Major Major
@Anne Laurie:
It is not one of the best! Four was great.
@Omnes Omnibus: You’ve known her for how many years now? You know better than to waste your time when she is trolling for a fight.
@Anne Laurie
White Collar had a bunch o’ seasons and was enjoyable.
Blood goes with the territory, but Fargo didn’t disappoint in watchability.
Still have a soft spot for the Aussie series Wild Boys, set in the 1850s. Solid acting and beautifully filmed.
For dry humor, another series from down under, Dreamland (a/k/a Utopia) – trailer.
And lahke, if you and friend haven’t seen it, Wonderfalls. Gobs of fun and fantastic ensemble cast.
Jebus! What book is that from?
@Anne Laurie: I thought the Irish kept their hands at their sides so that when the priests peered through the windows of the pub, they wouldn’t see the dancers’ feet and know that there was dancing going on.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: IMO you can’t go wrong with Psych.
@NotMax: We just ran across a single season show Norsemen. Laughed ourselves silly. It’s from Norway and a second season is in the works. I hope Netflix gets that season also.
Major Major Major Major
If you’re into off-kilter anime I also recommend Space Dandy and One-Punch Man.
Watched it.
Give them an A for effort, anyway.
Not a comedy but really liked the Swedish series Real Humans Season 2 did, however, go off the rails a bit.
@Major Major Major Major
For off-kilter live action, Misfits. Not by any means everyone’s cuppa (and one season was a real clunker but they mostly redeemed themselves the next year).
Robert Sneddon
@Major Major Major Major: The Monogatari series is also worth following if you’re into weird anime (elevator pitch — high school boy becomes a vampire during Spring Break, gets better). The latest chunk of the story, Kizumonogatari is only out on movie and not available on TV yet (I’ve got a ticket to see chapter 3 at an anime film festival next month).
In other weird anime news, Fooly Cooly is getting two sequel series.
Trump Fatigue Syndrome.
@Betty Cracker: remember she and bill knew him socially.
Recent studies of Wisconsin, North Carolina, & Michigan show voter suppression laws worked. The hassle alone makes harder for working people to vote.
I see you in the comments sections. You claim to have loved football. You tell us the number of years you’ve been a fan. You mention the team paraphernalia you’ve bought. And then you tell us you’ve had enough, that this is a bridge too far, that you’re now leaving this thing you used to love so much.
Guess what — you’ve been played for a sucker by Donald Trump. And probably not for the first time.
Trump asked you to make an utterly unnecessary choice: him or football.
And you picked him.
So now, for no better reason than because President Insecure Egotistical Showboat had to go shooting his mouth off, you now must turn off the TV, give away those season tickets, and burn that expensive paraphernalia. And you have to give up that simple pleasure you used to have.
Donald Trump took that away from you. Because if he had said nothing you’d still be watching those games, doing your tailgating, wearing that jersey, and enjoying your Sunday, just as you’ve done for years.
He didn’t have to take that away from you. He wanted to. Because he demands that you love him more than you love anything else. And he will trick you into it. Just for kicks.
Another Scott
@different-church-lady: Dr. Sidney Schaefer, is that you?
Spot on.
(Who hasn’t seen the movie, that he recalls.)
@debbie: I wrote it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So football is a liberal thing now, like shopping during Christmas? The things I learn about myself.
@opiejeanne: All Tomorrow’s Parties. William Gibson.
I dunno but if you change “knife” to “wife” you have the beginning of an interesting porn parody.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@different-church-lady: Well spoken (written, posted, whatever). Well said.
Beth in VA
@Elizabelle: Puerto Rico looks like strong contender for Trump’s Katrina