There’s a great long read in the NY Times by Caitlyn Dickerson today about how fake news rocked and roiled a small Idaho town, with Jihadwatch, Fox, Drudge, and the rest of the usual suspects whipping the town in to a damned frenzy about Syrian refugees and rape mobs (Brown is the local reporter):
“We have been made aware of a situation,” said the first speaker, an older man with a scraggly white beard who had hobbled up to the lectern. “An alleged assault of a minor child and we can’t get any information on it. Apparently, it’s been indicated that the perpetrators were foreign Muslim youth that conducted this — I guess it was a rape.” Brown recognized the man as Terry Edwards. About a year earlier, after The Times-News reported that Syrian refugees would very likely be resettled in Twin Falls, Edwards joined a movement to shut the resettlement program down. The group circulated a petition to put the proposal before voters. They failed to get enough signatures to force a referendum, but Brown was struck by how much support around town the movement attracted. In bars after work, he began to overhear conversations about the dangers of Islam. One night, he heard a man joke about dousing the entrance to the local mosque with pig’s blood.
After he finished watching the video, Brown called the police chief, Craig Kingsbury, to get more information about the case. Kingsbury said that he couldn’t discuss it and that the police reports were sealed because minors were involved. Brown made a couple phone calls: to the mayor and to his colleague at the paper who covers crime. He pieced together that 12 days earlier, three children had been discovered partly clothed inside a shared laundry room at the apartment complex where they lived. There were two boys, a 7-year-old and a 10-year-old, and a 5-year-old girl. The 7-year-old boy was accused of attempting some kind of sex act with the 5-year-old, and the 10-year-old had used a cellphone borrowed from his older brother to record it. The girl was American and, like most people in Twin Falls, white. The boys were refugees; Brown wasn’t sure from where. In his article about the meeting, Brown seems to anticipate that the police chief’s inability to elaborate was not going to sit well with the people whose testimony he had just watched.
There’s just way too much to the story to quote, so you really need to read it all, but this part stuck out:
That weekend, Brown was on his way to see a movie when he received a Facebook message from Jim Dalos Jr., a 52-year-old known to Twin Falls journalists and police as Scanner Man. Dalos is disabled; he works six hours a week as a dishwasher at a pizzeria but spends most of his time in his apartment, sitting in a reclining chair and drinking Diet Pepsi out of a 52-ounce plastic mug, voraciously consuming news. He reads the local paper, old issues of which litter his living-room floor, and keeps the television blaring — usually Fox News. He got his nickname because he constantly monitors an old police scanner, a gift he received as a teenager from his father, and often calls in tips to the media based on what he hears. He also happens to live at the apartment complex, Fawnbrook, where the laundry-room incident occurred.
Continue reading the main storyDalos told Brown that he had seen the police around Fawnbrook and that the victim’s mother told him that the boys had been arrested. He also pointed Brown to a couple of Facebook groups that were created in response to the crime. Brown scrolled through them on his cellphone and saw links flying back and forth with articles that said that the little girl had been gang raped at knife point, that the perpetrators were Syrian refugees and that their fathers had celebrated with them afterward by giving them high fives. The stories also claimed that the City Council and the police department were conspiring to bury the crime.
There is your GOP base, and there is where the wingnut puke funnel starts- in a barcalounger by some soda guzzling moron who listens to nothing but Fox News and the scanner. Someone like him burps up some sort of racist conspiracy bullshit, and before you know it, like in this case, it’s a fucking headline at Drudge and the top story on Hannity.
America, fuck yeah.
My, that title is certainly catchy.
My friend became a wingnut after she moved to Idaho. Coincidence? I think not. She was always a bit paranoid and swayed to the right but now she has gone off the deep end.
In Republican world, a simple explanation is never enough when a conspiracy can be fueled.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
You know, I know it’s wrong, but I kind of wish somebody would start some liberal version of this, spinning horseshit stories about Donald Trump raping goats and beating babies, and make the bastards deny it all.
I know, I know. We can’t do that. But it’s nice to think about…
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Major Major Major Major
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): There are lefty versions of this, but they’re all about Hillary Clinton raping goats and eating babies.
Thank you for spotlighting this. Looks like an interesting, if infuriating, read.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
@Major Major Major Major: Seriously, they have made Bill into the rapist. They have been tearing down his reputation, over and over and over, while building up Saint Reagan. (Conveniently forgetting when RWR said inconvenient things.)
Bill Clinton left office with a pretty good approval rating. They don’t ever want you to remember that.
Maybe pesticide drift from Simplot’s potatoes seals the deal? Of course, Hayden Lake is kind of their Mecca.
The Moar You Know
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Serious question: why the fuck not?
Mike in NC
“soda guzzling moron who listens to nothing but Fox News” and goes to Mar-A-Lago almost every weekend to play golf.
And you know what I’ll bet he hates more than anything?
@trollhattan: My ex-friend is in Boise.
Major Major Major Major
Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Know Puerto Ricans are Fellow Citizens
Gin & Tonic
Works six hours a week? The rest of his income is from SSI disability, right? But I’m sure that’s not a handout, nosirree, not like those black bucks with their Obamaphones and t-bone steaks.
I try to be charitable, but I hope this guy’s diabetes ( you know he’s got it) kills him soon.
@Gin & Tonic: We had the same thought at the same stamped time.
In an earlier thread someone spoke about Trumpista’s defense of Russian interference is we have interfered in other nations elections. While that is wrong and does not justify ignoring what Putin did, I would ask the morans, we have also bombed suspected terrorist camps in other countries, if another nation bombed a suspected terrorist camp here would it be ok to shrug it off saying we have done the same sort of thing ourselves?
Gin & Tonic
Careful there – toddlers are parrots, and you don’t want to have to explain that to your daughter.
Gin & Tonic
@FlipYrWhig: Great minds and all that.
@Gin & Tonic: I think it’s his granddaughter who’s the toddler
@Gin & Tonic:
My daughter is 36, and knows all the words and variations. Her mother taught her well.
@Gin & Tonic: Which reminds me, someone owes me some grandchildren, sometime before I die. I will have to watch my potty mouth then, too.
@efgoldman: I learned most of mine in college, in the girls’ dorm. My husband taught me some new ones.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: What I meant was that you don’t want to have to explain to your daughter why her daughter is suddenly fond of saying “fuckem.”
Gin & Tonic
@opiejeanne: My granddaughter still has a very limited vocabulary, as she is not yet 2 1/2, but she seems to have learned how to say “Chill out, dude” to her new(ish) baby brother when he cries.
@Gin & Tonic:
“I try to be charitable, but I hope this guy’s diabetes ( you know he’s got it) kills him soon.”
So the “charitable” part is having him die fairly quickly (soon) instead of having it be a drawn-out affair?
An easy drive, monsayn?
Have had several friends decamp for Idaho. All now live elsewhere.
@The Moar You Know:
Because reality would quickly outstrip parody.
There is no sin you could accuse Republicans of that they wouldn’t manage to escalate over.
And unlike them, we can experience peak outrage.
Wait a minute
The President and his fans are in sync, living lives of quiet desperation, hopped up on flim flummery and conspiracy theories.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): What would be the point though? Everyone who is willing to believe bad things about Trump already has heard dozens of stories about terrible things he’s done or said and think he sucks, anyone who’s not willing to believe bad things about the guy is going to dismiss any negative stories, no matter how lurid.
@Gin & Tonic: That’s too funny.
Another Scott
Over the weekend I was scanning the Google News headlines and I saw some blurb about “Iran tests ballistic missile” and figured Trump would go nuts over it and then it would be all over the news. But the self-feeding blowup and news feeding-frenzy didn’t happen. And then it got harder and harder to find the story.
I thought, “that’s weird”.
Drum explains it all.
Fake news isn’t just for obsessives in tiny towns in Idaho. It contaminates everything and is a threat to everything that made civilization possible.
@Mike in NC:
…but who’s getting “great reviews” on his handling of Puerto Rico’s recovery.
I refuse to get a NYT subscription so I have to use the 10 ‘free’ viewings with great care. Honestly I tend to use them up more at Rachael Maddow’s place since they don’t identify where the links in their articles go. (so I click less over there now as well).
I will play Kreskin and assume the article says ‘Both Sides Do It’ and ‘Democrats Are Worse’ because that is all the God Damned NYT ever says.
Sorry, you caught me at a curmudgeon state.
Know there are some B-Jers in Missouri. What the bloody hell is in the water there?
Is Florida officially the Curmudgeon State? I lose track.
@Another Scott:
That’s unbelievable. I wondered why no one was covering it.
Clear your NYT cookies and the 10-article countdown starts all over again.
Jeez, he could be Rand Paul’s boyfriend.
I’d like to opt out of paying my share of the F-35, ICE, the border wall, and the Trump administration’s security details. Check, please.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
They tried this once before. I think it was called Pacifica radio.
More seriously, I hear Bill Maher raging all the time that the Democrats need to fight dirty, just like the Republicans. And every now and then someone mentions a liberal version of Fox News. Of course, historically, Democrats have been as nutty as other political parties.
But I would hope that most liberals are not interested in lies and propaganda. I do know some types who believe that all people are dopes, and that Democrats just need a convincing “narrative” which they can use to prod the “masses” to do what is best for them, but these people are insufferable fools who are a lot more like the worst Republicans than they would ever be willing to admit.
@NotMax: He seems nice.
Why bother? The truth is damning enough, when it comes to people like him.
@debbie: – I make due with a digital WaPo subscription. I get the SF Chronicle & the Modesto Bee in dead tree form. I do feel bad about the dead trees though.
Miss Bianca
Tis clown is going to give the rest of us theater majors a bad name!
@NotMax: So I could pay my dentist in chickens? That is some grade A batshit crazy.
I will hazard a guess that he is unpopular with most if not all of his former classmates.
@germy: exactly. if the “grab em by the p*ssy” tape wasn’t enough, we have to admit that it’s a lost cause
Mary G
The Democrats should recruit Greg Popovich to run for president in 2020.
WaPo demands I cut off my AdBlocker. No way!
Would not be the least little bit surprised to read somewhere down the line that he’s been brought up on tax evasion charges.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
There was an article about the folks who start the fake news on Facebook shortly after the election. One of the people that was quoted said that they originally tried to do fake stories on both the left and right. However, on the left the lies were debunked quickly and not spread. On the right they were passed along uncritically. If the right wingers had any common sense, and even rudimentary research skills this wouldn’t be an issue. It doesn’t help that Fox News and other propaganda outfits have primed them to believe anything.
Cathie from Canada
A year or more ago, when many refugees were being resettled in Europe, I noticed that several of the least credible British tabloids (Mirror, Independent) seemed to be constantly running stories about how raging gangs of Muslims in obscure German or French or Italian towns that nobody ever heard of, were rioting in the streets, raping women, murdering children etc etc. So the contagion seems to have spread to the United States now.
Edited to add: needless to say, the tabloid stories were all just BS; none of these crimes ever happened.
Matt McIrvin
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): There are, in fact, a lot of fake-news websites out there that just spin hoax stories that flatter the prejudices of liberals. A few well-intentioned people in my Facebook feed propagate these incessantly.
The sites usually label themselves as “satirical” in a fine-print disclaimer somewhere, even though their hoaxes don’t have much content that could be called satirical. Frequently the stories get passed on by other sites that get duped and don’t copy the weak “satire” disclaimers, so it’s difficult to tell without following the trail to the source that the stories are fake.
Occasionally I get fooled by one of them for a little while when the obvious indicators of a hoax have been filed off. (This happened just the other day, with a fake story about a woman getting arrested in a public restroom because someone mistook her for trans–the story was plausible because I know similar harassment incidents have happened. The Facebook link wasn’t to the originating site, it was to somebody else copying the story as if it were true. Someone posted a Snopes debunking pretty quickly.)
Cheryl Rofer
OT, but this appears to be real news.
Hell, we’re not even good at spreading the truth.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@The Moar You Know: @efgoldman:
For the same reason we don’t withhold relief from Texas when a cataclysmic storm hits them even though they tried to keep relief from the northeast when a storm hit there: Because it’s wrong.
@NotMax: I was wondering the same thing.
So many times they jump into politics to fix some personal pet peeve. This is common on the local level. For example, Owner of car dealership runs for office, says a bunch of things, but his main, quiet goal is to eliminate a pesky regulation or tax on car dealerships.
Another Scott
Sen. Bob Corker (TN) won’t seek re-election in 2018.
Good, good.
He may not be as insane as the rest of them, but GOP incumbents leaving is a good thing if we want a chance to flip the Senate sooner rather than later.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Took ’em long enough.
Watching Grace and Frankie on Nexflix. First show. Lily Tomlin went past the liquor and went for the candy and icecream. Nope. I’d go right for the liquor. But you all knew that about me.
Looking forward to this series. Jane Fonda rocks. And she is fecking gorgeous at 80 something.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Correct. And the suggestions of such things bugs me. We frequently complain that Trump tries to drag everyone down to his level. We need to resist that as much as we need to resist him.
Matt McIrvin
@The Moar You Know:
It’s not actually a hypothetical: people do spread liberal hoax stories all the time, but they quickly get exposed and sometimes backfire as examples of how stupid and gullible liberals are. Because we generally care a lot more about whether our tales are true.
Thoughtful David
So you’re basically talking about the Blackwater/Xe headquarters?
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: Good, good.
@germy: Money laundering. That’s what going to get them.
The good people of Twin Falls must be dumber than the townfolks of Rockridge in Blazing Saddles.
@Cheryl Rofer
Why do I anticipate that under this administration one will be required to provide proof of adequate, acceptable and paid up insurance to avail him/herself of its services?
@Major Major Major Major: To answer your question about my Wilmerites reposting Hillary-slags from the NYObserver: Yes, that is Jared Kushner’s newspaper.
My acquaintances don’t know who to not listen to*. So fcking open-minded that their brains fell out.
*Well, beyond the part where the mainstreamers like CNN and NYT and such were in the tank for Hillz.
Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston. Really?
@NotMax: Not to defend Missouri too much, but any nut can run for senator by putting up a small filing fee, or even telling a newspaper that wants to run a crazy story that he’s running. When he starts out-polling the incumbent, it might be time to worry.
And kneeling, you know this fuck hates kneelers.
Yup, don’t they know it’s the basements of pizza joints where these things happen?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I always thought your friend was a totebagger liberal.
Politics ain’t beanbag.
Terrific story that John highlighted. I’ve got to get ready to go out, so will check back in later.
But toward the end of the NY Times article (totally worth a click).
Working the refs, and whining constantly, has paid off for the rightwing.
Twin Falls is a one-party town — article says that liberals register as Republicans, so they can have some influence in the primary. Its council and mayor — who behaved pretty well here, and were constrained all along in what they could say because the incident involved juveniles — were overtaken by lies and slander jumping into the vacuum.
The politicians fear an opponent from the right. What people have been saying to the mayor and others is cruel and almost beyond belief. Really well done article.
We need to develop more balls. We need to confront the bad actors and liars more.
Which might be why some “centrist both siders” types don’t like Hillary coming out with no fucks left to give. But good on her, for being so forthright.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: Now if only they had a place for her to dock…//
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Over/under on how soon the remarks leak from an audio recording made on someone’s phone who was in the room?
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: She is a curious mix of a totebagger liberal morphed into a cray cray libertarian with a sprinkling of Brietbart, all in the name of being “independent”. I have no idea what happened. She has changed and not for the better.
I saw your reply this morning. Nice writing. I was hoping for a link so I could slap my football-loving Trumpie family members with it.
An August 1 news story:
This just in:
From WaPo, etc
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Why anyone would use Robert Spencer as a credible source on any religion, let alone Islam boggles the mind. He’s a medical doctor. That’s like trusting me to credibly and accurately write about heart surgery.
@Elizabelle: Develop some balls you say?
Some in the BJ comment section are already predicting a T win in 2020, couple of threads below. My BP must have spiked just by reading that statement.
I don’t think I am particularly brave, but preemptively telling myself negative stories of how all is lost is so not my thing.
OT, Alabama political commentator Kyle Whitmire weighs in on Roy Moore in a (IMO) well produced video (8:45):
Moore truly does sound awful. If he wins the GOP primary – and he is strongly favored to do so – I hope Democrat Doug Jones will beat the odds in that deep red state and defeat Moore.
The only consolation I would have with a win by Moore in the general is the misery he would likely cause Mitch McConnell.
@HeleninEire: Last sentence in the first show. Jane Fonda “Now what?”
This is a girl’s series.
@schrodingers_cat: Please, please tell her about the exciting political movement made just for her: No Labels!
Seriously, Jon Chait just took another on, well, “anyone leftwards of Bill Clinton c. 1996” today, and we need people like him to meet up with people like your friend.
Patricia Kayden
An LGF commenter caught a fake tweet straight out of Russia trying to foment racism. Russia is still interfering in our politics. Next year’s elections are going to be messy unless we cut through this Russian bot problem.
@kindness: I’ll be out for the evening until late, but have thought about doing an annotated version of this NYTimes story, with quotes, because it really is good. I understand that many here who are paywalled don’t want to use up their clicks on this story. (You want to save them for when Mueller speaks or Trump strokes out. Either could happen, any day now ….)
Will have to be tomorrow, unless insomnia tonight, but I’d be happy to work up a version of this article with the local color, quotes, and its facts.
Le Cirque chef prepares dry-aged steak well done, plates for service with a ramekin of ketchup, promptly shoots self. Film at 11.
J R in WV
There’s a tool you can use to erase your cookies from the “NYTimes” or “MSNBC” at which point your 10 reads is reset to Zero. Also browsers have Incognito modes which don’t save cookies, does the same thing.
You didn’t hear it from me!! Got it?
Patricia Kayden
@ThresherK: Jon Chait picked the wrong week to admonish the Left about calling Trump a White Supremacist.
@Adam L Silverman: I was wondering the same thing. I suspect all waitstaff will be frisked and will surrender their cellphones. I’m not sure if republican donors would leak him; maybe I’m wrong. One of them may decide enough is enough.
@ThresherK: I cut her out of my life because replying to her cray cray emails with tons of lies was giving me increasing heartburn.
ETA: Obviously, I still feel bad about it because we were good friends for a long time. I hope she wakes up .
@schrodingers_cat: Yeah, I saw that. Stayed out of that thread.
Personally, I’d guess it’s 50/50 Trump is even alive (or officially mentally competent) by 2020. Find something else to keep you up nights.
Defeatism sucks.
Adam L Silverman
@sharl: Here you go:
Bonus if Moore wins: Trump’s humiliation. Word is that he’s already blaming staffers for forcing him to support Strange. The tweets will be marvelous!
Adam L Silverman
@germy: They can frisk all they want. There are ways around these things. I’m not saying it will definitely happen. I’m just saying it could happen.
@J R in WV:
One can be one’s own tool!
Patricia Kayden
@Brachiator: He lasted pretty long given that I wouldn’t last one day working for the Trump administration in such a high ranking position. Sadly, now Trump will replace him with Sessions-lite.
@J R in WV: Great info. I’ll start using the incognito window from now on for the rare times I read the NYT.
Turned Mom on to it when was there. She adores it and has discovered this new to her thing called binge watching.
Presume Netflix in Ireland carries it – give Still Game a try for a few episodes. You might like.
@Patricia Kayden:
Wow, that’s quite the slip. I’m getting really tired of all these mother-fvcking Russians on this mother-fvcking
@Elizabelle: Another piece of fascinating analyis: Corker won’t seek reelection, that means we have already lost the seat.
Yeah, something like that. Just the way we always nod wisely and say “You know, they got Al Capone on tax evasion, not on all the murders and racketeering,” so too, decades from now, well-read people will nod wisely and say, “You know, they got Trump on money laundering, not on encouraging the death of American citizens and bombing North Korea and completely dismantling the framework of U.S. institutions.”
@Adam L Silverman:
Molly Ivins warned us about Dubya and Rove and fat lot of good that did us.
He may get slapped around a bit. They’re pretty ticked about the failure of C-G.
Apparently DHS is planning to spy on everyone with an A number, according to Buzzfeed News.
A # is the # on your immigrant file. Your GC, naturalization certificate etc.
@NotMax: Yup. I didn’t have Netflix in NY. Just got it here cuz TV kinda suks here. Anyway. Mary Kay Place just showed up. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. Ask your Mom about that.
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: What would be miraculous is if the Democratic challenger wins. He sounds like such a nice guy.
@NotMax: Gonna go all Lenny Henry as Gareth Blackstock on Trump?
I specifically remember when a customer asked the chef (with two MIchelin stars) for the salt before tasting the food.
Adam L Silverman
And here’s the well buried lede in the story. Emphasis mine:
Patricia Kayden
@schrodingers_cat: I’m an A. Well alrighty then. I wonder what they plan to do with the info since we’re citizens. Fascist scum.
Doubt she was aware of it. Nor of Fernwood 2night.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: If they were smart (but what am I saying?), they wouldn’t allow cell phones into the room.
@Patricia Kayden: Repeat from this morning: at another of my internet hangouts one of the truly reliable wingnuts said “I’m going to go for Strange because I hate him less than Moore, but I’ll probably vote for the Democrat in the general.” My jaw dropped.
@Patricia Kayden: That number must be in the tens of millions, because that would include everyone with a green card and all naturalized citizens. I wonder if they even have the resources to do it or they are just trying to spread fear. The program is supposed to go in effect in October.
@schrodingers_cat: Yeah. Fuck that.
Corker is as sick of the Frankenstein’s monster as we are. LOL. No! YOU ride that tiger.
We should look at who else is up in 2018 and might decide to spend more time with their family/get the hell out of CrazyTown.
@Adam L Silverman: Ironic: Zuckerberg became a zillionare based on manipulating people, and now his technology is being manipulated.
@Patricia Kayden: Jon Chait picked the wrong week to admonish the Left, full stop.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks Adam!
@NotMax: Fernwood tonight was one of the best series ever. I SCREAMED watching it. Martin Mull was great but Fred Willard. SCREAMING LAUGHING!
@Cheryl Rofer: Wow, let’s hope so. That would be great.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Roy Moore has one of those faces that you just want to punch. That Putin comment was just the shit icing on the turd cake.
The target populations include visa appplicants, green card holders & naturalized citizens. It will also include any US citizen who communicates with someone in these populations.
It’s bad.
@SC54HI: I have an A #, so big brother is watching all of you too!
ETA: Its too big a group. I am sure there will be law suits.
Yeah I know, Gorsuch and company are going to rule it constitutional. Ooga Booga scary music.
My parents were relatively normal Rockefeller Republicans until they moved to Arizona. That plus Fox News plus (spit) Rush Limbaugh made my dad into an insane person I barely recognized during the 2000 election, and our relationship never really recovered.
Patricia Kayden
It should be pretty apparent to everyone by now that the Right has no incentive to debunk falsehoods if those falsehoods further their agenda. Look at how many times Trump has lied. Ditto Spicer, Huckabee Sanders and countless Conservative commentators. Look at how the Right is spinning anti-Black racism by claiming that NFL football players who take the knee are doing so to disrespect the flag and the military even though Kaepernick clearly stated the reasons for his protests.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: If he’s not careful when Mueller goes through his books it’s going to manipulate his useless tuchas right into Club Fed.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
That’s outrageous. Especially spying on US citizens, naturalized or native-born. What will they do if social media use among those target populations drops, as a result?
Patricia Kayden
@schrodingers_cat: WOW!! This cannot be constitutional. I need to start donating to the ACLU because this administration isn’t even trying to pretend to be democratic.
Head shaker of the moment.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman:
Has everyone forgotten the Cold War already?
I literally guffawed. What idea? There was no “idea” in that bill.
“Bring back preexisting condition exclusions!” Is that the idea we can’t stop? I think we can stop it, frankly. Doing okay so far.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: Is this only for those who are still legal residents or are they planning on applying it to A#s who are now naturalized US citizens?
Regardless, they’re going to wind up in court.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: That would be Soviet attempt.
@Adam L Silverman: Buzzfeed article was not very clear about that. I have included a link.
ETA: At one point the article says A#s and any one else who corresponds with them.
@efgoldman: You’re gonna tell us when efgoldmangranddaughter gets there, right?
According to the published rule, it will include naturalized citizens.
And I can’t fight this feeling anymore
I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for
It’s time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
@sharl: If Moore wins the Senate seat, I can see McConnell keeping a blank “Resolution of Censure” with Moore’s name filled in with him at all times. I imagine it’ll get lots of use judging by his tenure on the AL Supreme Court.
Doug R
52 ounce container? I remember that size from the glass exploding bottles. Is it illegal to say 1.5 litres?
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
@Patricia Kayden:
Well, he’s got my cousin’s and his wife’s votes, but there’s no telling about anyone else.
@HeleninEire: Happy Kine and the Mirth Makers!
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: I’m never emailing you again!//
@Adam L Silverman: Test beds have to be built somewhere.
@Baud: This here is why Satby and I are fighting over you. REO SPEEDWAGON.
Doug R
@Ocotillo: @kindness: Just set your browser to delete cookies when you exit,then it’s ten articles til the next session.
@schrodingers_cat: /.flips Big Brother the double bird
@HeleninEire: I saw them in concert.
It was after they were has-beens, so may “concert” is being generous.
I didn’t catch the name of the Republican Senator interviewed on NPR this afternoon, but when asked why the bill had failed (for the moment), he said it was because the Republicans were a bunch of free-ranging chickens who would not be herded.
@HeleninEire: The Airial Speedway. I’m old enough that when they started out in Champaign we laughed at them because they were a hair band.
That’s a plausible scenario. I wonder how always-pandering-to-his-base Twitler would respond in that situation?
Adam L Silverman
@SC54HI: Am I missing something, because I just read that and it seems it is simply the notice that they’re moving everything to digits, how they’re doing it, why they’re doing it, who it applies to, who can access it, etc.
@Baud: You heartless fucking bastard! Fortunately I’m actively listening to something that will prevent your attempted earworm from taking root.
@HeleninEire: Bad REO. Their stuff pre- Hi Infidelity was much better.
@debbie: Good. I hope they stay that way.
Also too, scads of unfilled positions in the executive branch from which Strange can choose.
I’m sorry.
Eric K
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): the guy who made a bunch of money running a fake news site said initially he tried both kind of stories, ones aimed at conservatives and ones aimed at liberals, but the liberal ones didnt work, liberals wouldn’t take the bait.
@Gin & Tonic, @opiejeanne:
My three-year-old niece has picked up from somewhere this thing where if she does something for you and you say, “Thank you,” she says, “My pleasure!” Stylish.
@raven: You know I love you, but I just googled that and got zero hits. And I am only 15??
years younger than you. But nevertheless it sounds familiar.
Jack the Second
@schrodingers_cat: The usual suspects? It’s third shift in Moscow now, so hopefully it will quiet down.
@HeleninEire: It’s what we called REO.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: If you’re going to feel sorry for me, there are so many better reasons.
@raven: Ahhh got it.
I think I see the problem.
She must be spending a lot of time in hotels and restaurants — that started in hotels and it’s spreading to restaurant servers as well.
Also, she’s clearly not a Disney fan if she hasn’t learned to sing “You’re Welcome” on cue.
Trivia: Volvo currently owns the rights to the model names of the REO Motor Co., including Speedwagon.
Tenar Arha
This made me oddly happy. John Legend singing Gordon Ramsay insults.
@NotMax: What about the All Star Frogs?
Cheryl Rofer
@sharl: It’s kind of a relief just to be arguing about Twitter.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Waiting for the liberal media to insist McConnell is great at passing legislation.
@SiubhanDuinne: Saw this on Twitter and was reminded of you:
the Conster
It was always all about the money laundering. Money laundering is everything to Russians, and there’s billions to launder.
Major Major Major Major
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: He’s a brilliant parliamentarian. He’s the first person in history to come up with being a dick.
That shot right over this gray pate.
REO Motor Co. was an automotive (later only trucks and buses) company begun by Ransom. E. Olds after he sold Oldsmobile to GM very early in the 20th century. REO Speed Wagon was a popular truck model for a couple of decades.
@jeffreyw: Not the troll part! All the rest of it though… :)
A very weird bit of trivia. Guess it means someday Geely Motors could import Chinese-built REO Speedwagon-brand electric cars to the US.
@Adam L Silverman:
You mean we can’t?
@Mnemosyne: I once tried to teach my three year old niece to reply in song, “Vilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome”.
I was not asked to babysit after that.
You know what we aren’t discussing? That bullshyt that they did on CNN Last night. Did anyone watch it?
What goes around comes around.
@rikyrah: Yes. Trust me, we’re better off not discussing it.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: The debate on healthcare between Bernie & Graham/Cassidy? Nope. Heard that Bernie pretty much went along with the trashing of the ACA though. Glad I didn’t waste my time.
Kyle Griffin
NYT: The acting head of DEA will resign this week—says he has become convinced Trump has little respect for the law. …
@rikyrah: I wasn’t near a TV.
The big surprise is CNN had an Obama care supporter onstage! Not just one or two folks asking Qs at the mic. Senator Klobuchar, whom I don’t remember getting a lot of buzz.
I asked my Wilmerite friends if she was there. They don’t remember.
Big smile picturing her saying
Outside it is winter, but in here, it it so hot!
Every night we have to battle with the girls to keep them from taking off all their clothes.
So don’t go away.
Who knows, tonight – we may lose the battle!
Wir sagen willkommen, bienvenue, welcome
Im Cabaret, au Cabaret, to Cabaret!
@Adam L Silverman: Why would she have to dock?
I did two Med cruises on two different carriers and we of course never docked yet never had a problem shuffling thousands of sailors to and from shore.
@NotMax: One of REO’s guitar players was Bill Fiorio who went on to find the Froggies. They were a really good blues band in the Midwest back in the day. Red Pepper, I haven’t seen that painting in years. It was done by Frank Gallo, one of Hefner’s buddies.
ABC News Politics
NEW: @SenAlexander says he’ll seek “consensus on a limited bipartisan plan” on markets, premiums, following collapse of GOP repeal effort.
4:09 PM – Sep 26, 2017
Eric S.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): My shrink had been wanting me toy start a blog. There are options….
Patricia Kayden
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: LOL. They can’t lie so blatantly although Fox News may give it a try.
G and I both swear that we saw a version of “It’s A Hard-Knock Life” from Annie done by the 1998-style Kit Kat Girls on a PBS special in the early 2000s, but we have never been able to find a clip online.
It was probably from the same broadcast that had child star Anna Kendrick singing “Life Upon the Wicked Stage” with the Kit Kat Girls as backup, but we just can’t find the number with the Kit Kats by themselves.
ETA linky
Spicer has lawyered up
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: So basically fix the ACA. Good.
Tomorrow is going to suck.
Gin & Tonic
@Patricia Kayden:
This is my shocked face.
@TenguPhule: They are going to try to eliminate the State and Local Tax deduction (SALT).
Good luck with that!
@Jack the Second: No not Russians but Balloon Juice regulars, who might all be DougJ for all I know.
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: They’re going to eliminate blue-state stuff like the deduction for state taxes. Guaranteed.
@Adam L Silverman: Too late, BB is watching you too.
@Gin & Tonic: Yeah, that’s the only one confirmed as definite. They also want to eliminate the estate tax, but promise this won’t benefit the wealthy disproportionately.
@Patricia Kayden: BS is an R tool.
@TenguPhule: “We’re presenting a plan but we won’t tell you what it is” is something that you’d THINK would be only in a comedy. Unfortunately, we’re in a tragedy instead.
Corner Stone
@Eric S.:
To be honest, not my cup O tea but I guess there’s a market out there somewhere for that.
@Gin & Tonic:
Still enough GOP reps in NY and CA to make that hard to do.
It punishes responsible blue states in favor of shitty red states.
Not something that would hinder Republicans from voting for it.
@MisterForkbeard: Hey, this is more disclosure than they gave us for health care.
If your last paragraph is so, that would be (as per fast Googling) My Favorite Broadway: The Leading Ladies parts of which were shown on PBS’ Great Pweformances. Full live concert at Carnegie Hall.
I’m so old, I remember when the fact that the Clintons hired lawyers to deal with the various lawsuits they were getting hit with was PROOF POSITIVE that they were totally guilty of everything Republicans said they were guilty of, plus more.
Omitted @Mnemosyne above.
My. bad.
@Mnemosyne: Remember that one strange year the country really cared about emails.
If it manages to get through the House, we’re probably in trouble.
Its a black comedy directed by old white people.
Matt McIrvin
@schrodingers_cat: That’s basically everyone. Who hasn’t communicated with a naturalized citizen?
Matt McIrvin
@MisterForkbeard: Nixon had a secret plan to end the war!
Gin & Tonic
Right. Since the Federal estate tax only applies to estates valued over $5.5M.
Another Scott
@Davebo: He’s poking at me for some of my comments in a thread or two last night. You’ll have to review those. ;-)
Keep coming back to a cartoon from the 40s.
Yes, but we only want that one number.
Sigh. We’ll have to figure out a way to clip it out ourselves. ?
@Gin & Tonic: I report, you deride.
This makes me assume that Trump files his state income tax in Florida. Otherwise, he’s taking a pretty big tax break away from himself as a New York resident, and I don’t believe that for a millisecond.
Oliver WillisVerified account @owillis
NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s tweet defying Trump is his most popular ever … via @shareblue
Ms. D. Ranged in AZ
Here’s an interesting tidbit I learned in Bob Cesca’s podcast today–Lee Stranahan, a Breitbart “reporter” who lived in the small town and ginned up this bullpucky at the time and who now works in DC for, was Bob’s original podcast partner about 8 years ago. Turns out Stranahan was originally a libertarian, claimed to be a liberal for a while at the beginning of the Obamacare debate, then met Breitbart and was “converted” to conservatism. Suffice it to say…it’s all part of a pattern…true believer extremists and opportunists like Stranahan from all over the political spectrum are helping Putin destroy us from within. America, f*ck yeah indeed!
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: wasn’t his ‘leaked’ return NYS?
My favorite tweet of the evening: “if the Republicans had a president who could focus for more than 15 minutes they would have legalized child labor by now“
Unless he doesn’t pay much NY state taxes, if any.
Which would not surprise me at all.
Definitely looks like this is Trump’s Maria.
@Jeffro: I thought Betsy was working on that?
Major Major Major Major
@germy: no she just wants the children heavily armed.
Welp, my original reply – with extensive blockquotes – went into moderation (FYWP-forbidden word(s), I assume; or maybe the length of the quotes?? Dunno…).
So here are the links (only) to a couple articles that say that Bernie did just the opposite to what you heard.
Russell Berman at The Atlantic
Tim Murphy at Mother Jones
Fair Economist
It’s been leaked that Trump takes a NY tax break only available to people who make less than a few hundred thousand a year. He doesn’t actually make that much money so filing in NY isn’t a big deal.
@Mnemosyne: He may still have net operating losses to work through for New York.
goddamnit can’t we get a break from this already?!
I’m interpreting that as Trump bragging that he destroyed Puerto Rico. Can’t argue with that.
@sharl: from the Mother Jones article:
Prescient exchange from a 60s (non-comedy) movie:
"What would we do if we knew our world was going to be destroyed? Say, by climatic change?”
“Nothing. Just go on squabbling as usual.”
I know I was surprised to see it.
Here’s the transcript if you don’t want to rely on reporters.
@Major Major Major Major:
Entertainment people frequently have to file multiple state returns depending on where their business takes them. I would bet you that Trump has a Florida driver’s license and claims his primary residence is Mar-A-Loco to dodge as much NY state tax as possible.
You left out the best part of his statement, that he was getting great reviews. As if.
@Mnemosyne: I seriously doubt that. His residence is in Trump Tower, and NYS and NYC have very aggressive auditors. I’ve worked in state tax/tax for over 25 years. I’m sure he files in multiple states, but arguing NYS/NYC is not his primary residence would be a no-go.
Doug R
@schrodingers_cat: R stand for Russian or Republican?
@Mnemosyne: Not just entertainment people. Husband kitteh and I lived in 2 different states and we filed jointly, state tax returns were a nightmare to prepare.
Gin & Tonic
@Mnemosyne: He can claim it as his primary residence, but for income tax purposes he’d have to spend six months out of every year there.
@Fair Economist: During one of the hurricanes we learned that tRump has a house on St. Martin. It’s not a tax haven but Sint Maarten, the other half of the island is and so are most of the neighbouring islands. Hmm…
@Baud: Thanks! Going through it now…
Back in the mid ’60’s there was, IIRC, this radio comedy team, ‘Rege Cordic & Co – Better Things for Better Living Through Chicanery’.
In that spirit, might mention a Firefox add-on, DownThemAll
If you install that, and right-click a blank area on a webpage, you’ll see an option ‘dTa OneClick’. Click on that, and it’ll download _every link_ on that page to your hard drive.
Now, if you, like me, have little cash and less ethics, you can go to the ‘’ and ‘’ every Sunday morning, do that, and have enough reading for the week. Or right-click on the link, click ‘Save link with dTa OneClick’, and it will download that to your computer. Just the HTML, though – not pictures
@Gin & Tonic: Her have a hard time claiming FL as his residence with his dependent kid going to school in NYC.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Another Scott:
Tennessee GOP will simply run a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest, and it will win. They’ll install it in the spot of Tennessee’s Senate chair where it Will stand proudly mute in defiant opposition to all change.
@Ms. D. Ranged in AZ: I remember Stranahan from when he was claiming to be a liberal. He caught a lot of deserved criticism from actual liberals who recognized libertarian bullshit.
Villago Delenda Est
@TenguPhule: Their promises are shit.
@TenguPhule: True, but lots of Red states have state income taxes and almost everyone pays property taxes.
Captain C
@Ocotillo: I suspect in a few cases, the answer would be ‘yes,’ provided it wasn’t too close to their place.
@Matt McIrvin: That’s why I think it is just a tactic to spread fear, very GDR like. Not that they have the resources to monitor everyone in the United States.
@Adam L Silverman:
As I read it, here are the key issues:
– DHS is proposing to “Redefine which records constitute the official record of an individual’s immigration history to include the following materials and formats…” Currently, these records include paper & electronic records such as the ‘Alien files’ and the Electronic Immigration System (ELIS).
– DHS plans to “expand the categories of records to include the following: country of nationality; country of residence; the USCIS Online Account Number; social media handles, aliases, associated identifiable information, and search results…”
– These changes will be made to the way DHS records are kept for
“CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Lawful permanent residents; Naturalized U.S. citizens;…”
So, as I read it, even the immigration records & files of naturalized citizens will be subject to these changes.
It’s not clear if DHS is going to go back & hoover the intertubez for social media data for existing naturalized citizens or or if they will require naturalized citizens to provide this information or if this is now going to be part of the application process as of 18 Oct 2017 when completing an N-400 or other USCIS forms.
@SC54HI: They are already requiring this information for applications of long term visas like student and work visas so it probably is for new applications. But I don’t really know.
As of mid-2016, there was no mention of social media on the N-400 (application for naturalization). My spouse applied at that time & took the oath of citizenship last fall. For that matter, there were not any questions about social media in the spouse’s citizenship interview, which precedes the oath ceremony.
Cannot speak to the other forms for various family visas (e.g., fiance K-1) many of which underwent considerable change & expansion after tRump took office.
Adam L Silverman
@Davebo: I’m teasing him from last night. If you’d been here, it would make sense.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: You have no idea…
That’s a horrible way to describe Alex Jones – er, Michael Savage…. um, I mean, Rush Limbaugh… oh, heck, I guess it really IS all of them.
So I went through the CNN rush transcript that was linked upthread by Baud at #243. I didn’t see any surprises from Bernie, relative to what he has already stated on numerous occasions: while his long term goal is some variation of Medicare-for-all, for now he is a supporter of making improvements on the existing ACA. Like those who are widely acknowledged to be stalwart ACA supporters, Sanders notes that it is a vast improvement over what existed before, but needs improvement. IIRC even Obama said that the ACA was a starting point that needs to lead to better things. Also, Sanders noted the political reality that what he wants for the long term isn’t possible with the existing GOP-ruled Congress and White House.
I thought I might be missing something from the transcripts alone, so I found the full debate here, where it is split up into 5 parts. Real Clear Politics (RCP) has a generally right-of-center viewpoint, but they are generally considered to be a reputable outfit, so I assume they have CNN’s consent to put those videos on their site. But if RCP played pirate, expect those videos to be taken down (they were uploaded to YouTube).
In following comments I’ll link to each separate YouTube.
CNN Healthcare Debate Part 1 (17m17s): Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar VS Graham Cassidy Bill
Part 2 (17m17s)
Part 3 (17m17s)
ETA: I just noticed that those links start about two seconds in. While I don’t think you’d miss anything, I’m gonna repeat this comment but with (hopefully) slightly better links.
Amir Khalid
I’m a little surprised that Scanner Man’s 40-year-old analogue police-band scanner still works. The Royal Malaysian Police switched to digital radio 24 years ago; I’d have thought that in America, even small-town police and sheriff’s departments would have done it by the turn of the millennium.
As promised, here’s a repeat of comment #267, with slightly better links.
CNN Healthcare Debate Part 1 (17m17s): Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar VS Graham Cassidy Bill
Part 2 (17m17s)
Part 3 (17m17s)
CNN Healthcare Debate Part 4 (17m36s): Bernie Sanders and Amy VS Graham Cassidy Bill
Part 5 (12m6s)
In addition to the usual YouTube ads that may show up, these last two parts include the ads that were part of CNN’s original broadcast.
I thought Bernie was pretty well behaved, but since I don’t lay the preponderance of responsibility for the 2016 election disaster at his feet, no one should take my word for that. He did man-spread quite severely, but since his chair was well separated from that of Amy Klobuchar, she was not inconvenienced by this. Sanders and Klobuchar seem well matched for this task. At different times they complemented or reinforced one another. I hope Klobuchar gets some recognition for the good job she did in this forum.
The GOP guys performed as one would expect. They did try to get Bernie to go all in his ☠️?socialist agenda?☠️, but he didn’t take the bait. He’s all in for the ACA, with necessary tweaks, while fully acknowledging that he wants something much more ambitious in the long run.
Hahaha, I’m getting nailed by FYWP banned words lately! I hope I’ve done proper strategic misspellings in this repeat effort to avoid moderation hell.
CNN Healthcare Debate Part 4 (17m36s): Bernie Sanders and Amy VS Graham Cassidy Bill
Part 5 (12m6s)
In addition to the usual YouTube ads that may show up, these last two parts include the ads that were part of CNN’s original broadcast.
I thought Bernie was pretty well behaved, but since I don’t lay the preponderance of responsibility for the 2016 election disaster at his feet, no one should take my word for that. He did man-spread quite severely, but since his chair was well separated from that of Amy Klobuchar, she was not inconvenienced by this. Sanders and Klobuchar seem well matched for this task. At different times they complemented or reinforced one another. I hope Klobuchar gets some recognition for the good job she did in this forum.
The GOP guys performed as one would expect. They did try to get Bernie to go all in his ☠️?soshulist agenda?☠️, but he didn’t take the bait. He’s all in for the ACA, with necessary tweaks, while fully acknowledging that he wants something much more ambitious in the long run.
@Amir Khalid: Police communication technology has been a real problem in this country for years, and it’s not just poor small towns. One of the results of the 9/11 Commission study was that NYC’s police department – and maybe the fire department too (I can’t remember) – had really shitty technology for radio communications.
Via a very half-assed search, I didn’t see any stories on problems with the police radios/communications equipment in Twin Falls, Idaho; can’t say one way or the other. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯