Winter is coming for at least some Trump associates:
Criminal charges against two former top advisers (Manafort and Flynn) to President Donald Trump are virtually certain, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Tuesday.
I think if it’s just Flynn and Manafort, Trump throws them under the bus, Jonathan Turley tells us it’s some combination of nothingburger and witch hunt, and life goes on.
I can’t see Trump throwing Kushner or Don Jr. under the bus though. I think they get pardons if indictments come. And then things get really crazy.
What’s your take on this?
He’d throw anyone under the bus except Ivanka, but once that pardon pen comes out, it’s a tough thing to put down.
randy khan
Yeah, anybody but Ivanka, and that includes Eric and Donald, Jr. I bet he doesn’t really like Kushner anyway.
West of the Cascades
It’s time to take Jonathan Turley off the Blogroll?
I think after they’re indicted, Flynn and Manfort will dance the proffer dance and then flip on Trump like burgers on the Wendy’s griddle. I think they’ll make Sammy the Bull look like a stand up guy who took one for the boss. And I think between those two and Felix Sater, who’s almost certainly already turned, the dominos will start to tumble.
@West of the Cascades:
How the hell did he get there?
I’ll believe it when it actually happens.
Major Major Major Major
@randy khan: I don’t think anybody likes J-Kush. Possibly including Ivanka.
I find it amazing I’m living through Watergate twice — once as a child, and now as an adult.
@different-church-lady: This is Oh-so-NOT-Watergate. We’re going to find out that a sitting President sure as hell can be indicted.
My version has Flynn saying Pence was aware of his dealings, and Trump will gladly toss Pence aside.
Realistically If indicted, Mueller gets fired, and Manafort and Flynn are pardoned. Congress continues trying to destroy us all with their tax cuts.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@NCSteve: From your mouth to the FSM’s ear.
Death Panel Truck
If I were one of these guys, I’d offer to roll on Trump in order to shorten my stay in the federal sneezer.
Blumenthal was a prosecutor, so I was a tad surprised by his statement.
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: Have you heard his voice? That’s one small animal killing, child molester, sexually harassing middle manager if I have ever seen one.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I think if Trump feels threatened, he’ll leave Flynn and Kushner to the wolves. Why wouldn’t he? He needs to look out for himself, after all. Shit. I still think he’d let his own daughter go to jail if he thought it was the only way to keep himself out. he doesn’t give a shit about anybody else. He never has.
Mustang Bobby
@different-church-lady: Except Watergate took over two years from break-in to resignation (assuming the break-in is the start date). This is happening at the speed of light in comparison. Of course, back then they had to actually dial a telephone — with a dial — to get a call through.
I sort of think this time it might be some Congressmen, not just Presidents associates. I also wonder about some non governmental people like the Mercers, the Koch’s, Murdock, The National Inquirer’s owner, etc. I just find it odd how they have behaved for awhile. As if they aren’t American.
Ohio Mom
@West of the Cascades: There’s still a blog roll? Haven’t seen evidence of it in a long time. Stuck on a hidden, inaccessible blog roll is a good place for Turley. In addition to everything else about him, I always found him too tabloid-esque.
.@different-church-lady: Me too, but this time around feels more perilous because of the foreign influence. I never believed all the anti-Russian hype of my youth but now find it darkly ironic that they did turn into a real threat, and that I’m right to be scared of them now.
Corner Stone
@JPL: Mueller is going to get canned. The timing has stretched longer than I would have thought, but IMO it is coming.
It’s a little schizoid, but I’m concerned by the length of time it’s taken to start the criminal processes resulting from the former FBI investigations and now the Mueller project. IANAL, but it seems there is enough evidence in the public domain — in addition to whatever’s not been made public — that prosecutions and convictions should be relatively easy to justify and conduct. So I’ll believe Sen. Blumenthal when I see some concrete and public action.
Yes, I know “these things take time” and a good prosecutor already knows the outcome before bringing charges, but I’m growing impatient. I want a slowly building set of open court testimonies, public hearings by Congress and frog-marching to begin and continue into next summer so the 2018 mid-terms turn into a romp for the Ds, with a House majority and at least what margins we have now in the Senate.
I don’t see the political will to impeach or “25” President Asterisk, but I can see a plurality of citizens going forward with the political will to neuter him and make his life more miserable than it apparently already is, while the GOP disintegrates from its hatred. If there’s a deity, there’s also will be enough to neuter Pence and splinter what remains of the R team.
Hey, I can dream.
I don’t see Manafort being thrown under the bus without taking everyone he can with him. He’s been doing this a long time for some very nasty people, just the way I read him. And I still wonder when Putin gets tired of all of this and instructs someone on how to make very special tea.
Frank Wilhoit
@Spanky: @different-church-lady: What we are going to find out is that the fire extinguisher was used on Nixon and is now empty. We would have found out the same thing in 1987 if John Poindexter had not taken the fall for Reagan.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
All I can say is that, while I want Mueller to do a thorough job here, I’d sure as hell like to see him wrap this up fast, like before the end of the year fast. The biggest hitch here is that, though we need to prosecute people who broke the law, at heart, this is a political offense. It’s a crime against our democratic system, and we, the American citizens whose system this is, need to understand just what the fuck happened, how, why and who did it, and we can’t do that when this is all kept secret in grand jury rooms. Beyond that, Mueller’s job isn’t to clear the air and show us all what happened, it’s to bring charges, and if somebody did something politically poisonous but not unlawful, he won’t bring charges and the files won’t come to light. That’s a problem here. I’d like some assurance that whatever he unearths, whether it leads to indictments or not, we get to find out all about it. There can’t be any secrets here.
Didn’t Ty Cobb already admit that their strategy was to throw Manafort under the bus?
@Corner Stone: and congress will barely blink.
Been saying this for awhile..
Race Bannon is up to his eyeballs in:
1. The Flynn Mess
2. The Comey Firing
and, if he thinks that Dolt45 isn’t going to throw him under the bus, he’s delusional.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: Well I don’t know about ‘child molester’.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): i wonder if he is smart enough to realize he can’t throw some of these people to the wolves without it leading to his own trouble. If it would work, sure, he’d throw anybody under the bus, but I don’t see how doing it would actually HELP him. However he really never seemed that bright to me and clearly has declined even more mentally so he might do it, while thinking it would help.
I don’t think i have ever seen someone “rich” who had so much trouble getting good lawyers. Even notorious murderers had better lawyer reputations. Thats one of the things that gives me hope.
It may be unreasonable, but I want them gone soon not later. these people are all scary in several different ways.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@eclare: Yes, I’ve been wondering for a while how long it would be before Putin makes his mind up that he’s gotten everything out of this investment that he can, and he needs to sell his shares before it all comes crashing down.
Manafort and ‘honor’ don’t belong in the same time zone. He is SO not going down – FOR ANYBODY.
James Powell
Question for the blogs criminal defense attorneys – I’m strictly civil – does a pardoned person have fifth amendment protection for the acts covered by the pardon? That is, does it have the same effect as immunity?
The failure of the Bear Stearns prosecution back in 2007 still has prosecutors running scared about supposedly “easy” white-collar cases. I don’t blame Mueller for taking his time; any case he chooses to bring has to be so overwhelming that it can survive having a Dotard supporter on the jury.
glory b
@NCSteve: As soon as it was announced that they were scrutinizing Flynn, his attorney was saying he had a story to tell. So I don’t see any other way this goes down.
A Ghost To Most
@James Powell: No, as I understand it, but the lawyers will surely correct me if necessary.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@gvg: Well, how I read the way Czar Manbaby’s mind [sic] is that there are only winners and losers any time two or more people have anything to do with each other. If one side wins, the other has to lose by definition, and vercy visa. He can’t fathom that there could be some outcome where he comes out ahead and the other person does, too, or where he loses and so does the other person. Anything good the other person gets out of any interaction with him is by definition a loss to him. How I read him is that he’ll screw everybody else he can because that hurts them; the lose. And if they lose, he wins. I could be wrong, but everything I’ve seen from this assclown leads me to believe this.
On the other hand, witness protection may be Manafort’s best chance of making it to New Year’s Day. He’s the Frankie Five Angels of this script.
@West of the Cascades: YES!
Corner Stone
@glory b:
“And, boy, do I have a story to tell! What’s that? Yes, I would like a cup of tea. Thank you.”
No take, just have to wait and see what happens. I don’t think anyone here could have predicted the Don Jr. blatant attempt at collusion that came to light. No sense in trying to make any more predictions.
@Corner Stone:
If you watch John Oliver his voice is eerily like Gilbert Gottfried. Still, nobody can rock an armored vest over a blue blazer like the Kush.
Gin & Tonic
I’ve said this before, but Manafort is not the type of guy who gets thrown under a bus unless he makes sure the bus explodes in a massive fireball that kills or maims everyone in a one-mile radius. I’m getting elected Pope of Rome before he “takes one for the team.”
@Doug!: The same way Pat Lang did and it took 2 years of jihad to get his ass 86’d.
Saudi Arabia agrees to let women drive.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 26, 2017
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I wonder who he thinks won his marriages.
OT Good News: The USN Comfort has – finally – been dispatched and is on its way to Puerto Rico.
Hillary lobbied hard for this on Twitter and TV, starting almost immediately after storm struck. Think she caused much of the tweeting about it. So, yay, for her. And, yay, something good is happening for Puerto Rico.
@glory b:
Yeah, and they turned him down. Speculation I read at the time was that he wasn’t willing to turn on Trump, and they only grant immunity in return for ratting out someone higher up, not other small fish.
@Gin & Tonic: The caveat to that is: Manafort should fear Putin, so if Putin would be displeased by Manafort talking, then Manafort may grin and bear it rather than risk Putin’s wrath.
So I guess all the blather about how it wasn’t possible did turn out to be BS. Quelle surprise, if their lips are moving, they’re lying.
Do you really have to ask?
Anyone calculating the odds of a pardon should keep in mind that the one pardon issued so far was not directly connected to Trump. Arpaio’s pardon was a declaration of white supremacist solidarity.
He should steer clear of dudes toting umbrellas, offers of tea, and standing near any window above the first floor.
Silly, they dredged the harbor just that fast.
@Frankensteinbeck: Game theorizing based on fear is not sound analysis.
Major Major Major Major
@trollhattan: Trump does have the best people…
@randy khan: i think he loves kushner. He sees him as a surrogate spouse for ivanka and a sycophantic son who will never challenge him as head of the family. Kushner is his creation, unlike his own sons who are half their mother. Kushner has no place in the family other than by sucking up to trump.
@James Powell:
IANAL, but as I understand it, a pardon requires an admission of guilt. And it still leaves the person open for civil lawsuits and any state law violations.
@James Powell: I’m just a civil lawyer, too, but one who seems to have encountered a surprising number of Fifth Amendment issues over the years. The answer is that there is no Fifth Amendment protection as to pardoned crimes, but to the extent that the same acts could be prosecuted as violations of state law (or as violations of federal law if the pardon is from a governor), the Fifth may be invoked.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: Ooh, is it time for some game theory??
I think it is a given that Manafort and Flynn are dead men. The problem is that much of their behavior either predates or was remote from the trump campaign.
There will be lots of smoke and a very unpleasant stench hanging over the campaign but i think the argument that trump is too stupid and too lazy to have any direct involvement may win out. Obstruction charges would be up to the House, and I don’t see them ever doing anything in that direction although their spinning will be entertaining.
I am still praying for Rodger Stone to be involved somehow.
@rikyrah: Impossible. They told us its too big for any ports on the island
Bob Corker is retiring!
Via Wapo.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Something tells me this isn’t in the spirit of the pardon
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I think Schneiderman is also key to this, as the money laundering happened in New York – Manafort lived in Trump Tower. I think Manafort and Kelly are fucked coming and going. Hope they’ve got the goods on Devine too, and all those campaign finance violations from overseas. I picture that baptism scene in the Godfather, except with dudes with big white FBI letters on the back of their jackets instead of hit men. I also want a pony.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Put a cork in it, Bob. You’re done.
@geg6: A pardon does not require or imply an admission of guilt. Richard Nixon, just to cite a prominent example, didn’t have to admit to anything.
What a pardon does do is make it difficult to impossible (depending on jurisdiction) to seek exoneration of a crime you’ve already been convicted of committing. That’s the ugly dilemma that the wrongfully convicted face when a pardon is offered.
Teddys Person
Dolt45 knows no loyalty. He demands it, but it’s a one way street. He’ll throw anyone under the bus to save himself, including Ivanka.
INAL, but I thought if someone accepts a pardon they’ve basically admitted guilt and can’t “take the 5th.” So, people he pardons have to talk or face charges for obstructing justice? I don’t think that a pardon is the magic get out of jail free card, my problems all go away that Dolt45 thinks it is. I could be completely wrong and impaired by to many episodes of Law and Order.
ETA: I see NCSteve is setting me straight in #67
No Drought No More
I feel surprisingly OK with the idea of Trump pardoning anyone, and that includes his own guilty ass. I suppose it can be called counter intuitive on my part, or leastwise a departure from my usually reflexive go-for-the-throat approach I’ve honed over the decades where the GOP is concerned. It could well destroy the republican party as a national power (it damn well should, at least), as even those pardoned must still answer truthfully to all questions asked them in courts of law and before congress at the risk of seeing their paroles revoked (which is what their pardons would essentially be). The sooner the complete truth and scale of what happened is made known to Americans and the rest of the planet, the better. If pardons followed by resignation is what it takes to accomplish, so be it.
@TenguPhule: Be ready for Senator Blackburn. She’s going to run on the flag bullshit.
Millard Filmore
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I am a nobody, Mr Nowhere Man, Zero The Hero … but here is what I think. When Mueller makes his report to Congress Trump will say “pardons all around, its on the house!” The Republicans on Capital Hill will do nothing substantial. But enough information will be public for New York State to go after Trump for his financial crimes. Also enough information will be public for various entities to start civil suits against the RNC, state Republican partys, Trump, Trump’s family, Trump’s inner circle, his outer circle, senators, and representatives. This will be enough to get most all “hidden” crimes exposed except for national security stuff.
Accepting the pardon is an admission of guilt, which will be a nice starting point in the civil actions. A boatload of money will be needed for these court cases but it will have the Rs chasing their tails for years.
@TenguPhule: Theoretically a pickup opportunity, yeah, but, damn, I can’t help but suspect he’ll just be replaced by someone worse. And even more horrifying is the possibility that Harold Ford might come crawling back out of the woodwork.
@TenguPhule: Just curious, why is this such a good thing? Because he’ll be replaced by someone wingnuttier?
Inevitable question in light of soon-to-be Senator Moore: who’s the craziest Republican motherfvcker in Tennessee? Because that will be the replacement.
Fitzmas victim? I am.
@NCSteve: I live in Memphis, no one from Memphis has a shot at winning a state wide race. East/Middle TN hate Memphis (we are a majority minority city)….best hope for a pickup is someone from Nashville, but I don’t see that happening.
@NCSteve: A more recent example is Joe Arpaio. The lawyers I’ve seen weigh in on it – while almost uniformly critical, and noting the problems and dicey precedent(s) it creates for the DoJ – say that the Arpaio pardon is legal.
I think Trump pardon’s every one involved for all Federal charges. He has unlimited power to pardon people, he’s a narcissist, and you think there’s some sort of ethical criteria that will make him care?
He has the power to destroy Mueller’s work by pardoning everyone. It’s a win for him.
Edit: He fired Comey to make the Russia investigation go away. If he can just end every aspect of this investigation by pardoning anyone indicted, even before it goes to trial, he can make it go away. It’ll just take longer.
@Redshift: Marla got a mansion in LA and sweet alimony cheques every month. Plus she had the sense to keep her daughter with him well away from that poisonous clan. Melania needs to suck it up and take Barron back to Slovenia.
to start….
perjury – Flynn, Manafort, Trump, Sessions have already perjured themselves in statements made to the press and already disproved by later statements
obstruction – Trump, Sessions – guilty by actions and deeds (already publicly admitted) and yet, still no shoes or pennies dropped by Congress.
voter fraud/suppression – pick someone from the GOP who hasn’t, it’d be quicker
campaign finance violations – see above
conspiracy to (see above) – see above
Emoluments violations – the entire trump crime family, Mnuchin, Price, DeVos
treason? – Ryan, McConnell, Conway, Bannon, Manafort, Flynn, Trumps (DJT, Jr. Eric, Kushner), Sessions, Nunes, Chaffetz, Gowdy, Cornyn, McCain – would not surprise me if all were guilty. Although I think Ivanka skates…
who gets prosecuted – 2017 Flynn, Manafort, 2018 – Sessions, 2019……
who gets convicted.. we’ll see, if its the courts, every fucking body. If its Congress only, then Flynn and everyone else skates…
Shiver shiver shiver
let’s hope it isn’t the pig farmer Andy Holt
@JPL: Yeah, I could see that. She’s from West TN, but she’s the right color and sends the right cultural signals.
West of the Cascades
@Ohio Mom: There IS still a Blogroll. About 80% of the bloggers I read are on it – so I just need to start at, get my daily quotient of snark, and then click down the roll to my other favorite bloggers. Why bookmark them separately when they’re conveniently in one place tucked away on the periphery of this blog?
(yes, I am lazy on the internet)
@rikyrah: I don’t see that happening.
Major Major Major Major
@NCSteve: Hey, it’s an extra seat they didn’t think they’d have to fight for, I’ll take it.
Roger Moore
There is a group of ultra-rich people who aren’t really American. They aren’t really citizens of any country in the traditional sense of owing allegiance to that country. Their only real loyalty is to their wealth, and they see things like national citizenship and governments only in terms of how those things serve their money. Forget what people say about Jews; the ultra-rich are the true rootless cosmopolitans.
@Doug!: Turley got on the blog roll by mostly writing things we agreed with a decade ago. Looking back, there were always signs he was a narcissistic self-promoter, but he was anti-Bush and reasonable-sounding back when that mattered.
Villago Delenda Est
Pardons are an open, public admission of Donald’s own guilt.
Hang him, hang every adult member of his fucking family.
No, Ivanka sat in Putin’s chair on a visit to Russia. She’s involved too.
@Major Major Major Major: Rumor has it Peyton is thinking about it, as an R. If he runs, forget it. I am probably the only UT alum in the state who hates him with a passion, and I just fucking cannot get away from him.
Manafort doesn’t strike me as the type to suffer in silence.
Mueller needs to tap the line on which Trump/Pence/Jared asks Putin to ice him.
I like the tag line Winter is Coming. Sounds much darker than Merry Fitzmas.
My go-to least-favorite cabinet member is at it again.
Note that Pruitt had the computer removed from his office and never uses a phone there, and is followed by his security detail even inside EPA HQ.
Roger Moore
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
How would he back out of it? There’s enough evidence that he can’t hope to cover the whole thing up. Even killing all the people involved would only make his role that much more obvious, even if it managed to obscure a few details. There’s no real benefit to him in cutting Trump and company loose; it would just make any of them who managed to survive be more likely to turn on him. No, he’s going to try to milk this for all it’s worth until it finally fails, and then he’ll hide behind his sovereign immunity (and his nuclear arsenal) to avoid any personal consequences.
Perhaps he should also steer clear of women wearing “LOL” shirts (The woman with the nerve agent in the KL airport that killed the relative of Kim Jong Un)
The Lodger
@JPL: I believe that’s Marsha of the House Blackburn, The Unlearnt, Queen of the Vandals, the Roidrage and the Worst Men, Khaleesi of the Great Ass Sea, Lady Repugnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Brains and Mother of Drag-ass Rednecks.
@trollhattan: Pruitt seems the type to keep a cyanide capsule on him just in case a reporter hears him say something, not realizing all the reporters are in the bag, anyway.
His first meeting with Joni Ernst could be very interesting.
@Major Major Major Major: Actually it is defeatism disguised as game theory, with the following options
A: Dems lose
B. Rs win
C. Rs win with a bigger margin
Predict a loss, feel smug, masquerade it as deep analysis, or if you are pundit coin some stupid law.
Example: Josh Marshall and his rule of R moderates. These rules are not some universal law like gravitation and politics is not a linear regression.
/End rant.
J R in WV
ZZ Top, one of the finest 3 man rock bands evar !!!
I actually always thought that line was ” I’m just looking for some Tush ” – meaning some of those great-looking women who come dancing out of the big Hot Rods in the videos.
Was Kush even an available strain of pot back when the song came out?
In any case, celebrating the intimation that indictments will begin being announced of senior members of the campaign, members of the White House Staff, members of the Trump Family with great Texas blues rock is entirely appropriate. Plus the Senate gave up on their abortions of health care deformity.
I’ve been feeling down, so down. I can’t even decide where to donate my small tithe of aid to Puerto Rico, which I have decided is where my contribution should go. Those people are so left with nothing, and there are so many of them out there stranded with nothing. I was going to donate to Habitat, but two things slowed me down, first it was just generic “Hurricane Relief” rather than specific locations, and second, at the bottom of the page they made it clear that they reserved the right to use donated funds as the Board directs.
But I’ve got the money burning my hand, so I’ll give it to someone who promises to send it to Puerto Rico.
So the Kochs will now give that $400 mil to Planned Parenthood?
Mary G
Corker’s resignation probably doesn’t mean a pickup, but yet another primary where all the crazies come out of the woodwork, Bannon finds another Judge Moore to promote, and they spend money they aren’t getting from donors where they didn’t think they’d have to, so win anyway.
That is so interesting about Corker retiring. Might be fun to speculate on future upcoming retirements.
I truly think some of the GOP pols are sicker of the crazy ass wingnut constituents than we are. (Charlie Dent, congressmoderate from PA, etc.)
Nothing to glean from WaPost story. Corker says he always thought he’d retire after 2 terms.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: I actually can’t even figure out what the original comment is supposed to mean.
Amaranthine RBG
The NY AG is coordinating with Mueller.
Anyone know what New York state laws may have been violated that would be beyond the Pardon power?
@Yutsano: Melania is an American citizen now. Barron is an American citizen. They should get a mansion in L.A. or New York too.
@Amaranthine RBG: Is it the case that a president may only pardon for federal crimes?
So New York State — and any other states — take your best shot. Hadn’t we heard Mueller et al were loading up on RICO experts?
glory b
@Corner Stone: Well yeah, I gues that is an alternative ending.
Actually, Corker sounds like a guy about to join the NFLTG Club, whose Chairwoman is Susan Collins. Once they’re known to be retiring, or have been diagnosed so that they’re about to be retired by God, they’re no longer the automatic folds J Marshall thinks they are.
Wishful thinking, I know.
Amaranthine RBG
@J R in WV:
I think you’re right about the line being “tush”.
But, hindu kush was already a thing back in the mid 70s.
@Frankensteinbeck: The Arpaio pardon was for Trump’s benefit. Arpaio was incidental to the political goal. Same holds true for any Russia pardons:They will be for the purpose of getting Trump out of trouble, not the recipients.
@Major Major Major Major: I was referring to the analyses/predictions in this comment section of how Mueller is definitely going to be fired, everyone involved is going to be pardoned and how Marsha Blackburn is going to win Corker’s seat.
J R in WV
You can’t perjure yourself in the news media, no one is sworn to tell the truth to a journalist. In fact, more politicians lie to reporters every day than tell the truth to their wives about what they ate for lunch.
Really, do you understand anything about the justice system? It is not connected to TV News, Print News, NPR CBS nor Voice of America, noy in any way!
To perjure yourself, you have to have sworn an oath to tell the truth and be testifying before an entity (Congress, the Judicial system) with the authority to levy perjury changes. And tell a big fat honking Lie, also too, while testifying to that entity.
Telling a fairy tale to a reporter after testimony is concluded, that is OK, legally speaking. Even spinning fairy tales at lunch between stints of testifying is legal.
Amaranthine RBG
@Elizabelle: My understanding that the President’s pardon power is only for federal crimes. Constitution refers to “crimes against the United States”, I believe. But, in this “rules don’t apply” administration, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone cobbled together a b.s. argument that all of the crimes really were crimes against the US primarily and so President can pardon even “state law” violations.
I’m sure Senator Roy Moore would support that theory.
@Elizabelle: Yes, that is the case. Presidents can only pardon for federal crimes, not state. As for what New York might investigate Trump for, they have jurisdiction over any of his corporate and financial crimes.
@Mary G: The Tennessean:
In bombshell announcement, Corker says he will not seek re-election next year.
The usual, as with the WaPost story, and more local color:
But there’s no real benefit to pardoning Arpaio. It gains him nothing politically. He got his applause just saying it. He pardoned Arpaio because Trump is passionate in his belief that brown people should be treated brutally. It is a long held and consistent view of his.
Patricia Kayden
@DCrefugee: Do we have to worry about impeachment if Mueller recommends criminal charges against the Trump gang? I don’t think Republicans will be able to keep their Trump chew toy after Mueller is done with his investigation and starts really going after the Trumpsters.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I’ve been saying ‘by the end of September’ for indictments for quite a while now. I may be off by a week at most, but they’re about to start dropping. Have faith!
Patricia Kayden
@Frankensteinbeck: Great point. Ditto for his going after Black football players who engage in a peaceful protest against police brutality. Why go after them? Especially now given all that’s going on in this country. It’s just another way to shore up that White Supremacist support. Trump is making it clear that he has no use for non-White people and never has.
@Elizabelle: Hey, I will do everything I can for whoever the Democrats run, but the Democratic party here is pretty hapless, and as I said upthread, if Peyton runs, forget it. He played golf with POS and Corker a few weeks ago, and that is the rumor.
@Patricia Kayden:
Even that’s going too far. This is what he believes in. I understand there’s so precious little Trump cares about besides himself that it’s hard to fathom ‘white supremacy’ is it, but by now the evidence is overwhelming.
@rikyrah: If Harold Ford gets elected from TN as a so-called Democrat, he will not vote for Trump’s Supreme Court nominees. That is fine by me.
Corker always did.
Democrats have a candidate for the TN senate seat. Here is his Twitter feed.
Insane Clown POTUS
The president has no power to pardon state charges at all. Since the Trump campaign and his many businesses and scams are New York based, he has no recourse if they are brought up by Schneiderman. The NY AG can use state money laundering charges to get Manafort to squeal, and Trump can’t do anything about it.
My closest Wilmerites continue to repost links to NY Observer items slogging Hillary.
Other than that I have no idea.
PS Did Amy Klobuchar get promoted to neoliberalest neolib to ever sell out because her CNN appearance about Obama care consisted of more than repeating Single Payer Now?
Insane Clown POTUS
I’m all for blue dogs and DINOs if it means getting McTurtle out of power.
@schrodingers_cat: Yeah. Tennessee may have a lot of whackos, more than its share, but Trump gonna be on the ticket with Blackburn and anyone else next year.
Tennessee seems to turn its Senate seats over fairly frequently. And it’s a state that has produced some very good Senators, in recent memory, in addition to famous ones.
Estes Kefauver
Bill Brock
Howard Baker
Al Gore, Jr. (after Al Gore, Sr.)
Fred Law & Order Thompson
Bill Frist
Jim Sasser
Lamar! Alexander, elevated to Senate in 2003; Senior senator today
Bob Corker
Some states’ senators could be in witness protection programs; not Tennessee’s.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Millard Filmore:
I could live happily with that outcome.
Roger Moore
Many people saw it as a signal that he’d be willing to pardon his co-conspirators for contempt of court when they refused to testify against him.
randy khan
If Harold Ford could win, I’d take him over any Republican in a heartbeat. (I doubt he could win, though.)
Major Major Major Major
Isn’t that Jared Kushner’s newspaper?
@trollhattan: The Environmental Protection Agency is spending $24,570 to build a “privacy booth” for the agency’s chief, Scott Pruitt, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
Why can’t they just use the Cone of Silence from the old Get Smart series?
Trump and his team make the bumbling Maxwell Smart look like James Bond.
randy khan
@Amaranthine RBG:
All of them, Katie.
Okay, seriously, various and sundry financial crimes, fraud, and tax evasion, off the top of my head.
@eclare: if Peyton runs, forget it.
maybe they can resurrect his old sexual molestation case. Of course, it didn’t hurt Trump. But I’m guessing that it wasn’t the first time for Peyton, just the first time he got caught.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Just one more canuck
@Roger Moore: you might see an epidemic of self-defenestrations
LOL. A reader comment at the FTF NYT, on photo with white male Republican senators at podium, looking sad, cause they’re not gonna get their Graham Cassidy. It’s Graham, the Turtle, Barrasso, Cornyn. The usual punchable faces. Cassidy’s hiding in the background. He blends right into the ceiling architecture. Did not see him at all on first look.
Roger Moore
@Patricia Kayden:
Yes. There’s a common, but not universal, belief that the president can’t be prosecuted while he’s in office. If that’s true- and it’s almost certain any attempt to try him while in office would wind up in front of the Supreme Court, so we’d get a definitive answer- the indictments would be inactive until he was either impeached and convicted or completed his term(s). The big question is whether the Republicans in Congress would be willing to ignore the indictment or if that would be enough to force them to go through with impeachment proceedings. If the indictment had enough detail, the Republicans might feel compelled to go along with impeachment to avoid negative political consequences.
@SenyorDave: Wouldn’t matter, he is a god in this state.
@Elizabelle: That is one hell of a description!
@eclare: Yeah. I will take a shrewd NYT reader over one of its whorish political reporters any day of the week.
@J R in WV: fair enough JR..
so does perjury extend to lying on government clearance forms and testimony in front of the Senate…
if so, then Sessions, Kushner, Flynn are already guilty
@Major Major Major Major: It is, which makes it interesting that one of its most prominent reporters, John Schneider, is an avowed never-Trumper conservative with close ties to the IC and he’s been predicting for months that Mueller’s probe will effectively end the Trump administration. We can hope, I suppose.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@rikyrah: Let me take this opportunity to remind you that the state of Tennessee has plenty of crazier Republicans, and many stupider ones, than Bob Corker. We can do worse, and I am afraid the Tennessee GOP will consider that a challenge.
Maybe he’ll switch places with Bill Haslam, and become governor. Of the possible scenarios, that’s not the worst, and Haslam’s brother might like to have a friend in the Senate.
@SenyorDave: I don’t see Peyton running. I think he’s too addicted to commercials and the money that comes with them.
Gelfling 545
@Redshift: why on earth was it supposed to be i possible?
He’d confuse everyone as to what he’s running for, due to inexplicably shouting “Omaha, Omaha!”
@catclub: Harold Ford, Jr. has been living in NYC for the last decade. He isn’t going back to Tennessee.
@jonas: Schneider isn’t a reporter. He writes an opinion column on national security. Kushner also stepped down as publisher of the Observer and supposedly divested his ownership interest to a family trust, though we only have his word on the last part. What to make of those two data points as far as Schneider’s independence, I have no clue.
@Corner Stone:
Any one of those things would bring out the pitchforks and tumbrels before you could say “1793.”
Villago Delenda Est
@Patricia Kayden: This is one reason for people taking a stint in the military. Learning that those blah people have your back, and you should have theirs.
This is lost on cowardly scum like the entire Trump Crime Family.
Villago Delenda Est
@piratedan: Don’t forget Roger Stone!
How will Trump claim credit for this? (You know he’s going to try.)
Quoting this just because it makes me smile.
J R in WV
Pretty sure not completing a security form completely and truthfully is a crime, and not perjury, either, but espionage-related crime of some sort. Adam would know the details.
Testifying before a friendly Senate is another matter. Technically, I guess, it would be perjury to tell a Senate committee that you had never met with a Russian (for example) when in fact you had several times. Also really stupid!!! But unless the Senate is motivated to take action, and this Senate won’t indict Charley Manson without a bribe, I think a Republican would slide for lying about Russian contacts. Even an AG like KKKousin Sessions.
Until and unless there were serious detailed damming indictments around that perjury. We can hope, right?
How in the world can you choose?
J R in WV
Easy for me – If Trump appointed them I hate them. Expecially Pruitt and Sessions, the KKKeebler elf of hatred.
Hey wait — I thought that the President can only pardon for Federal crimes — not state. If any of them pop up with breaking criminal state codes such as fraud, not sure he can do much but cry. Please correct me if I am wrong, but that was what I thought that I read…
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
You’re correct
@J R in WV:
I gave to Shelter Box
Corner Stone
Not it won’t! Because everything is doomed! Dooooommmmeeeeedddd!!! I tell you! That’s all anybody here says! It’s doomed! There is no commentary anywhere on this entire site except that we’ve already lost because we’re all DOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEEDDD-ED!
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
And we already know the NY AG is vewy interested in Trumps activities
I see Kushner being called at Manafort’s trial to authenticate recorded phone conversation. I don’t know of he takes the 5th or answers questions but, whatever he does I will be engaged in uncontrollable laughter.
lurker dean
@Shalimar: i think he may be referring to John Schindler..
Corner Stone
@lurker dean:
Who is an asshole, not an ally and sketchy AF.
Omnes Omnibus
@Doug!: I did Shelter Box as well.
Death Panel Truck
@J R in WV:
Well, since the song is called “Tush,” that’d be a pretty good bet.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): “Yes, I’ve been wondering for a while how long it would be before Putin makes his mind up that he’s gotten everything out of this investment that he can, and he needs to sell his shares before it all comes crashing down.”
Releasing the receipts, so to speak, would cause a great deal of trouble.
@sdhays: “The caveat to that is: Manafort should fear Putin, so if Putin would be displeased by Manafort talking, then Manafort may grin and bear it rather than risk Putin’s wrath.”
What Manafort needs to fear is that Putin might decide not to rely on that, but to act pre-emptively.