Via Wired, here’s Jared Kushner’s most recent voting data info:
This on top of the numerous incomplete and incorrect government disclosure whoopsies. Is he simply incapable of filling out a form correctly?
Someone should check the marriage license. He married Don Jr. by accident, probably.
Open thread!
*H/T: Samantha Bee
Alain the site fixer
What a schlameel!
Inadvertent misogyny and transphobia in 3…2…1…
Alain the site fixer
FYI video ad is temporarily down, don’t get too excited, everyone. It shall return once a few more advertisers remove their audio ads from our stream.
Boy, that Harvard degree sure does reflect well on that institution, doesn’t it?
I’ll bet his nanny had to triple check his application. “No Jared, you aren’t a 64-year-old Pacific Islander, dear.”
That picture is Hilarious :)
Roy Moore’s theocratic contribution to Republican politics
09/27/17 12:55 PM
By Steve Benen
When Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) was first elected in 2006, it was a breakthrough moment for domestic political diversity: the Minnesota Democrat was the first Muslim American to ever be elected to Congress. Alabama’s Roy Moore had a rather unique reaction to the news.
At the time, Moore was a contributor to a fringe right-wing conspiracy-theory website, having been removed from the state bench for an ethics violation. After learning of Ellison’s victory, Moore argued that the Minnesotan shouldn’t be allowed to serve on Capitol Hill – not because there was a problem with the election, but because Ellison is a member of a religious minority that Moore doesn’t like.
In Moore’s vision of the United States, the law extends special protections and benefits to Christians, while everyone else, in a rather literal sense, is a second-class citizen. The U.S. Constitution may prohibit religious tests for public office, and may separate church from state, but as far as Moore is concerned, that same Constitution was created to “foster Christianity.”
I’ve been writing about Moore’s antics off and on for about 20 years now, and what I think people fail to appreciate is the extent to which he represents something unique in our politics. We’ve grown quite accustomed over the years to assorted cranks and con-men, radicals and rabble-rousers, but what sets Moore apart is the fact that he doesn’t, strictly speaking, believe in a democratic system of government.
The Alabama Republican, who may soon become the newest member of the United State Senate, is probably best described as a theocrat. New York’s Jon Chait summarized this well:
I found this fun and interesting.
Gee, such a promising career cut short. And before Mueller got to discuss with him how much money there is in a Facebook ratf**king career.
@Trentrunner: There has been a lot of that going on around this particular news story.
@bystander: You know what this means, Phil and Liz are still active or has Paige taken over from them*.
* The Americans, reference.
Alain the site fixer
JRinWV, if you’re still around, I got your submission, but I’ll be running it next week. I’m jetting outta here to take mom to appointment which is why I’m doing this and not firing up my email client to send you an email.
Let’s go with the obvious explanation.
Voter Fraud.
M. Bouffant
A very confused young man. The Hill:
I think Jared is a zombie walking.
But isn’t it possible there was incorrect data input at the state? That said, Jared didn’t check over his voting reg very carefully, either.
Attention to detail. Trumps don’t got it.
@Alain the site fixer:
Way to kick us when we’re down, Alain.
Okay, now I’m sorry about calling
him a pussy. I didn’t think you’d take it to heart, Jared. But maybe you’ll be happier now.
I was labeled as male on my driver’s license for years (and I didn’t notice it) before my doctor’s office noticed, so this is one time I’m sympathetic to Jared.
@bystander: Not sure if he was a ratfucker. I thought he was a satirist, in the Onion vein.
Fair Economist
@bystander cites:
Did they test for ricin? (Polonium is slow).
You beat me to it.
Shitgibbon asked Vlad to lend a helping hand? Trying to “take care of” loose ends? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
A cry for help?
It’s so sad to hear Trump supporters talk about how brilliant Trump and his family is, and then try to pass off all this stupidity as “innocent” or trivial mistakes.
I’m struck by the registration date. 2009? 10 years after he was eligible? So we have someone who only started doing the bare minimum as a citizen 8 years ago in charge of reinventing government, Middle East peace, etc., etc. Jesus F. Christ.
HORRORS!!!!! Has Kushner used any public restrooms since he registered to vote!?! The Danger!! exists even in The White House!!
Baudists, being a virtual party with virtual candidates and virtual supporters can never have these problems. System specs can be changed instantly to eliminate any possible, existing, indeed all logically possible errors in any logically possible universe.
Baud 2020!
Edit: and he looks much better with the do-over performed by Lady Cracker. Good job, Cracker. Trumpsters should hire her for Director of Keeping Up Appearances.
Edit2: And she should hold out until they make it a cabinet position with private jet perks and helicopter taxi privileges.
Betty Cracker
@Fair Economist: Once upon a time, I would have rolled my eyes at such talk. Now, not so much.
@germy: His brother seemed to think he was a satirist, too.
@Fair Economist: I was wondering if there were any teacup in the room.
@schrodingers_cat: I’ve never seen The Americans, so thanks for the explanation.
Now, if there were a subpoena in the room, the story would write itself.
Gonna be hard to explain away all the water in his lungs.
Betty, I’m torn between wanting to make that pic my new computer wallpaper and wanting to throw up – he’s certainly the opposite of appealing. Scary, even. I’ll keep you posted.
@M. Bouffant:
I’m getting a feeling that Jared’s assistant doesn’t like him very much. Slyly screwing up simple things like this is a classic passive-aggressive assistant move (and I’ve been one for quite a while now).
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Alain the site fixer: Please get rid of Taboola.
Roger Moore
They do! It’s just that they’ve recycled the term “law and order” to mean police suppression of minorities, and you can be sure Roy Moore is in favor of that. It’s the same way they use “fiscal conservatism” to mean cutting taxes on the rich and “freedom of religion” to mean discrimination against gays.
@jl: ‘he’ means Jared Kushner, not Baud, who is always the candidate of everyone’s dreams, by definition.
Hey! Where’s my Acura jingle? First semi classy ad that can be openly discussed in polite company that I’ve gotten here in ages. Now it’s gone.
And all of the conservatives who manufactured the lie that Michelle Obama was a transwoman will be shocked, shocked that anyone would be so mean as to accuse Jared of the same thing.
Unfortunately for them, we kept the receipts. All of them.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Seconded.
Hi folks.
For those who passed along the word about my family’s friends in Jayuya, Puerto Rico, thank you!
A chain of people got someone to our friends, and that person was able to get a message to one of their daughters.
Everyone is safe and sound.
@Fair Economist: The NYT reports suspected prescription drug overdose — another victim of the opiod crisis?
Here’s what Horner had to say about his “spoofing”: “My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time,” he told The Post. “I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything.”
Irony isn’t dead, it’s just been rendered absolutely useless in this political environment.
No we won’t, Markie Boy. No we won’t.
Yeah ?
Re Kushner: Roy Moore don’t cotton to such stuff. Might suggest drawn derringers at dawn.
Re Paul Horner: Quite a few professional trolls and dirty tricksters from 2016 might be getting a little nervous right now. The “all clear” from Arizona law enforcement might not be all that comforting.
With control of neither the White House nor either half of Congress, we rely on the other side’s descent into chaos. In that regard, today’s news is less bad than usual.
@bystander: To be fair, a lot of people in Phoenix carry umbrellas.
@rikyrah: I like the fingernails.
@Roger Moore: I’m pretty sure that’s what “law and order” meant as a Nixon/Agnew slogan in ’68, too. Well, police suppression of minorities and those damn dirty hippies.
@Roger Moore:
This one they didn’t even have to recycle. “Law and Order” in politics has never meant anything other than protecting white people from scary brown people.
From today’s NFL Trump rant.
@Petorado: Makes Horner sound like a guy certain people wouldn’t want talking to the NY AG or Mueller.
Not saying he got iced. Am saying the forces of evil caught a break in the form of Mr Horner’s untimely demise (untimely in that it would have better had it happened in 2015).
“Active Status: ACTIVE” sounds like a tautology or somesuch.
Active man, active man, Jared is our active man.
Bringing peace, Middle East, Jared is our active man.
Wait…active woman!
Baltimore’s ‘Kushnerville’ Tenants File Class Action Against Landlord
Tenants allege that a property management firm controlled by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s real-estate company has unjustly charged them fees and threatened eviction to make them pay up.
Dotard is teaching him everything he know.
J-Rubs notes that Trumpov’s had his worst week yet (aren’t they all) and one commenter responds:
randy khan
Not that we needed further confirmation of this, but attention to detail is not this group’s strong point.
I’m guessing Kushner is accustomed to ‘delegating’ tasks to minions– and then getting away with errors by blaming them on people who can’t defend themselves. I can also picture a minion reaching the ‘Gender’ category on the form and thinking “I’d say… ‘unknown'”. It’s what I’d do, under the circumstances.
That’s what the wetsuit and dildos are for.
Alain, I emailed you some pictures of San Francisco about a month ago. I had trouble with the form. I’m wondering if you got them. If you haven’t had a chance to post them, no problem. I see you’re backed up. Just curious if they got delivered.
@khead: I look forward to the GOP Congress’ ‘total respect‘ legislation. Has Mnuchin gone on the TV to explain what ‘total respect’ is yet?
@Leto: I heard one woman’s story on the radio a couple months ago, and was agape at the gall of Those People. She had moved out during the previous ownership, having given the necessary notice. The Kushner people went after her, because reasons, and IIRC even garnished her wages. From your link,
A lot of money to be made preying on the poor, just look at the payday lending industry.
I had to rewrite the ending of this proposed scene, because I would prefer a comedy remake of that movie.
Comfort is finally deployed to Puerto Rico. Maybe former crew busting administration on its excuses made some difference? They said Comfort has often been deployed when there is no deep water harbor since patients were often transported to the ship by air and small water craft.
Now Trump says, on temporary lift of Jones Act:
Trump Says ‘Shipping Industry’ Doesn’t Want Shipping Waiver For Puerto Rico
“Well, we’re thinking about that,” he responded. “But we have a lot of shippers, and a lot of people — a lot of people that work in the shipping industry that don’t want the Jones Act lifted. And we have a lot of ships out there right now.”
Trump’s gut just doesn’t wanna, is a big problem with federal response, IMHO. No matter what his backtpeddling tweets say.
Hooray! It always amazes me how many people on Balloon-Juice know exactly what someone else needs to know. I’m glad the magic worked for you.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
These guys are geniuses, there’s no gainsaying that…
Meanwhile, somebody call a plumber this drip, drip, drip is driving me crazy.
Roger Moore
Whatever Those People are failing to do.
@sharl: The original isn’t a comedy? Well I’ll be a…
Breaking News:
Jared Kushner has brokered a peace treaty between Israel and Guam.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@trollhattan: @trollhattan:
I really can’t guess how this will turn out. My best guess is that a whole lot of people around Trump will get indicted and prosecuted, maybe even convicted and jailed, but not Manbaby himself. If I were going to vote, I’d guess the three most likely outcomes would be, once people begin getting prosecuted,
1: Trump muddles along, isolated and crippled for the next three years, but declares his administration to have been such an amazing, unalloyed, spectacular success that America is now so great that he doesn’t need to do anything else, and he doesn’t run in 2020;
2: Trump resigns;
3: He runs again in 2020, and gets slaughtered.
That’s one of the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives, IMO: conservatives think that an office or person or object should be respected because of its position in the hierarchy, regardless of the actions taken by or in the name of it. Liberals think it’s valid to lose respect for an office/person/symbol based on actions.
I’m starting to think some of the misfilings in Kushner’s government disclosure forms aren’t deliberate obfuscation. He may truly be so stupid that he goes “Nobody REALLY fills out this foreign contacts stuff, right? It would take too long!” He’s just… so damn DUMB.
I disagree. I think at this point, conservatives think an object, office, or person should be respected entirely based on tribal affiliation. They only respect the flag when they can use it to claim they are the Real Americans. They only respect the presidency when they can use that as a weapon to criticize Democrats. And so on.
EDIT – ‘Tribal affiliation’ isn’t quite right. They are locked in a race war, one white liberals are usually unaware of, and they must win. They MUST win. Everything is viewed through that lens.
@rikyrah: the nail polish is the best touch heh
Corner Stone
So you mean an empty playground?
And listen, I’ve asked you about this before. But when you quote J-Rubs my first thought is Jennifer Rubin giving me a handjob.
Do not want. Thanks
@Fair Economist: The article I read said he had a history of drug abuse.
* Does not apply to black President.
Corner Stone
@GregB: Well, I guess sex tourism treaty is a precursor to peace of a sort.
Amir Khalid
That’s good to hear.
I initialky read that as Mark Warner…..
@Antonius: Wonderful news!
Can’t remember who I was discussing Bob Corker’s replacement with yesterday, but I got my first piece of direct mail from the Democrat running today!
Roger Moore
Here’s another great example of “conservative” redefinition of everything to mean something worse. “Fiduciary duty” is supposed to mean managers have a duty to put the business owner’s interests ahead of their own when running the company. It wasn’t intended to mean businesses are free to ignore the laws of God and man in the pursuit of every possible penny of profit.
Hungry Joe
Will Trump throw Spicer under the bus? Will he throw Manafort under the bus? Will he throw Bannon under the bus? Will he throw Jared under the bus?
As a former school bus and city bus driver in my (much) younger days, I have heard JUST ABOUT ENOUGH of that. Can’t we come up with something else? Throw someone off a cliff, say, or into a lake of burning pitch. To the wolves. To the wolverines! Whatever. But this “under the bus” stuff gives me the heebie-jeebies.
(Even after not having driven a bus for more than 35 years, I still have an occasional Bus Driver dream, usually involving not knowing my route and trying to drive it with a route map on my lap.)
Ohio Mom
@Antonius: So glad to hear — now keep on commenting, no more lurking!
I call bullshit on this.
President Obama got zero respect from those assholes.
How Did McConnell Become the Whipping Boy?
by Martin Longman
September 27, 2017
Everyone is talking about the horrible day Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had yesterday. He had to announce that he was giving up on executing an Obamacare repeal through budget reconciliation; he learned that one of his allies, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, won’t be seeking reelection; and he watched the candidate he supported in the Alabama special election lose very badly. It’s all bad news for him and it’s hard to decide which piece is the most threatening to his political career.
I actually think it’s the dynamic that unfolded in the Alabama race that should worry McConnell the most. To fully understand this, it’s probably helpful to read Jordan Gehrke’s Medium article today. He works for a political consulting firm that was initially hired by Rep. Mo Brooks and subsequently by Roy Moore. What he discovered during his research for both candidates is that their most effective message was their opposition to McConnell’s leadership. Here’s just a small sample of Gehrke’s piece:
@Antonius: Great news! Thanks for letting us all know!
@Hungry Joe: I see a lot of damaged buses ahead. Will create a bus shortage. Part of the Trumpfian infrastructure and maufacturing jobs program.
I see a pure play on this for the Trump blind trust.
@Roger Moore:
Actually this was litigated in court and it does mean precisely that according to the idiots who ruled on it.
Roger Moore
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I think there’s a reasonable chance Trump has health problems severe enough to keep him from running for reelection. At the very least, I can imagine him blaming his health for why he doesn’t want to run for reelection.
Nobody could be that stupid and still be walking upright.
I’m not willing to discount that notion that Kushner’s voting registration “error” wasn’t an accident. He may have done this on purpose, thinking that he was hiding his voting activity from public records scrutiny.
He’s dumb enough to thing that would actually work.
Roger Moore
I suspect a lot of them have deceived themselves enough to deny, even to themselves, that what they’re engaged in is a race war. The real brilliance of the Lee Atwater strategy was to enable that self-deception by providing people with convenient non-racial excuses for their racist beliefs.
Another possible problem with the registration; it shows his date of birth as 1/1981.
Shouldn’t there be both a day and a month?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Similar thoughts, as Trump has already shown willingness, hell, eagerness to ditch staffers to resolve the crisis du jour. I think his ego and hair had a conversation and decided he’s hanging on to the very last thread. Have also found I can talk to nearly anybody about Trump’s future by putting it in sportsbook terms.
–Odds of serving two full terms.
–Odds of being reelected.
–Odds of being renominated.
–Odds of serving one full term.
–Odds of serving out the calendar year.
My numbers shift daily.
Major Major Major Major
The apartment across the street from me has had two signs on their windows for a while. One is a Bernie Sanders campaign sign, and the other says YOU’RE RUINING SAN FRANCISCO. They’ve now added a North Korean flag to their fire escape, and some sort of sign that’s a flag-shaped black rectangle, with a white circle in the middle, and a red “no” circle-with-a-line-through-it around that.
Corner Stone
@jl: Man, you really threw that idea under the bus.
“The Total Respect of Freedom and Patriotism Act of 2017”. When I first saw the quote I thought of The Joker: “Very poor choice of words”. I mean, just wow.
It’s ok that a bunch of folks on the Internets don’t understand the difference between “should” and “have to”. I mean, I don’t like it or agree, but it’s still kinda ok. It’s not so ok when it’s the government saying it.
Steve in the ATL
@Antonius: another balloon juice success story!
Or, possibly, the first one. Good news either way!
Hey, I’ve been trying to reach you about a possible teaching opportunity. Can you drop me a Gmail at Mnemosyne dot muse?
Amir Khalid
@Roger Moore:
But,but … Dr Bornstein said he’d be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency!
Major Major Major Major
@Antonius: Woohoo!
@Steve in the ATL: No, didn’t somebody go kerplunk in their bathroom one time and only have access to an iPad, and we managed to get the right 911 called?
I don’t know what’s worse, the abuse of meaning or the grammar.
@Major Major Major Major:
We did. We also managed to get enough information from a suicidal commenter that MaryG was able to figure out where he was and went to pick him up.
When the only thing you know about MLK is the I Have A Dream speech.
@Corner Stone:
The bus came back.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
4) He leaves the WH (dead or alive) strapped to a stretcher/gurney.
Steve in the ATL
@Major Major Major Major: @Mnemosyne: three success stories–suck on that, kos!
I predict Adam is going to have field day over this.
Fleeting Expletive
@Major Major Major Major: Maybe they were shooting for a Ghostbusters logo on the flag, couldn’t quite remember where the eyes went, and just said fuck it, whatever.
funny but that error could have arisen at multiple points and not be doing of jared himself
Major Major Major Major
@Fleeting Expletive: That sounds like what their buddies in North Korea would do.
Trump is now speaking about Tax Reform.
Today just went to hell.
Corner Stone
Someone sedated Trump on the airplane ride over to IN. But he’s still lying his ass off about Healthcare. Kell Sooprise.
Mike in NC
Maybe Jared is a hermaphrodite.
The Pale Scot
@Corner Stone: Ewwwww….
Bleach! Where’s the fuckin’ BLEACH!
Steve in the ATL
@Corner Stone:
Dude, you’re going to need to 24/7 protection when Omnes sees this!
@Major Major Major Major:
@Hungry Joe: Agreed! As a former coach driver I still have flashbacks to some very close calls.
Now that former Keith Ellison spox Isaiah Breen is moving back to MSP to take a new non-government job, it’s nice to see that there are other young lefty Congressional spokespeople stepping up to the plate to deliver quality snark:
Trump is speaking on Tax Cuts for the Rich. I tried, I really am trying to listen but I am getting such a visceral response of revulsion that it’s only a matter of time before I turn it off or lose my lunch.
Corner Stone
@Steve in the ATL: He’s had some serious crankypants on recently.
Corner Stone
This is such a low energy speech. Sad!
Corner Stone
@BretH: What’s for lunch?
The Pale Scot
@Hungry Joe: When I worked in the restaurant industry. My dream was serving in an enormous place where the rooms were all places I had previously worked. No bussers, POS down, My food never on the line when I walked thru the kitchen.
At least I never worked at TGIFs, those guys had dreams where everything was covered in red stripes!
Major Major Major Major
@Hungry Joe:
Man, some variation on that is just a human universal, innit?
And for you Game o’ Thrones fans:
Hmm. That approval percentage seems a little low.
Turkey’s response will be interesting.
@Roger Moore:
Most of them have deceived themselves. They frame it in words like ‘values’. But whatever they tell themselves to convince themselves they’re not racist, it always comes down to the ‘greatness’ and ‘liberty’ they’ve lost is absolute white domination. And they feel existentially threatened by that loss. Listen to FOX for five minutes and you’ll realize they feel so strongly that they see what social progress we’ve achieved as an apocalypse.
Roger Moore
@Hungry Joe:
I recently had a dream where I accidentally found myself driving a bus (it was one of those weird dream things where I was riding and then seamlessly changed to being the driver) and had to find a place to ditch it so I wouldn’t get in trouble with the law for stealing it.
@Major Major Major Major: WTF is up with the DPRK flag?
@Major Major Major Major: I remember that, I think it was a female, but I can’t remember who….
@Major Major Major Major:
I thought that was the “giant mutant jumping spiders chasing you up a building to eat you” dream.
@BretH: Transcripts. I recommend transcripts. That is all I can stomach these days with the GOP.
Oh, for the days of Bobdole and Mitt.
Major Major Major Major
@eclare: I assume they’re politically far left and the sort of people who display ‘cute’ soviet propaganda as art.
@Steve in the ATL: Misspelled “doood.”
Daenerys Stormbornm will be heartbroken.
Hope they have a great wedding, a great life and lots of little Wildlings.
@Spanky: Proof Jon Snow does at least know something.
Or wait for the Sassy Trump edition.
@trollhattan: Hahaha…
@Corner Stone: hang on a sec and I can let you know in detail…
@Roger Moore:
I think drumpf’s only restriction in his mind, will it make him look bad. Or the converse, will it make someone else look bad.
He’d have to be unable to speak to not run in that case. He’s such a narcissist that normal human concepts don’t apply.
@Roger Moore:
Actually, you want the perfect example? O’Reilly’s War On Christmas. You can rephrase what he says, without even needing code words, as ‘We used to define normality. Now we do not. We can only survive by removing all signs that anyone different from us exists.’
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m thinking that there might just be a few people in SF who indulge maybe just a little heavily in illicit substances.
Major Major Major Major
@ruckus: given that it’s almost certainly *me* who they think is ruining San Francisco, I’d like to believe that they’re drug-addled, but they’re probably just idiots and assholes.
Jay S
@Roger Moore: I used to think he would feign health issues as a cover for resignation, but I’ve come to believe his ego won’t allow that. To much weakness in being ill.
Major Major Major Major
@Jay S: Then I guess we’ll just have to let the illness take him. Oh no.
@Corner Stone:
Respectfully, I do not remember that request. HOWEVER…I can more than see your point…going back to using her full name, stat.
Could be the gender he identifies with? In his defense, there are 67 of them so he might have used the multiple choice question strategy of best possible answer.
Captain C
@GregB: Kushner probably thinks Guam is something you chew.
Doug R
@Alain the site fixer: Any chance of kicking those Taboola click bait links to the bottom, it’s a frickin minefield on a phone. I know the USA is not a signatory to the treaty banning mines, but this top 10,001 blog can be seen worldwide.
Maybe I should go to the UN?
Per Andy Borositz at the New Yorker:
J R in WV
That kind of information is never off topic!! So glad everyone is hanging in there, wish it wasn’t going so slowly for everyone on the island!!
Alain the site fixer
@Doug R: I played with it and didn’t like three results. I find using the down/up buttons on the mobile site are plenty good for navigation. Master them and you’ll avoid mis-clicks!
Butter emails.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Honest to god, I don’t think they see the difference between this and HRC. It’s all politics and paybacks. They do it and think the Ds are doing it too
Shoot at the king, you’d best not miss
Still a small fry in the 1/6 affair.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of wankers looking to take over or start groups like the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, etc.
Republicans know he’s an easily replaced foot soldier.
Old Man Shadow
Next charge Trump.
Nice to see the site back up. How come we haven’t had pet pics? Lily and thirst on and that damm cat.
Proof of life please
Bringing justice to the participants of J6, at every level, has been my #1 political issue since that day. By far. Nothing else matters nearly as much as prosecuting the people who would have destroyed 240+ years of American democracy..and for trumpov, at that.
I wish they’d indict whoever planted the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC on 1/5/21.
I think they wanted to lock her up for being a Democrat and a woman, a dangerous combination, I’ve been told.
I hope this means the drip-drip-drip is going to start flowing faster. If there turns out to be any plausible incriminating linkage between these conspirators and elected Republicans, it’s gotta start hitting the awareness of the electorate and newsers soon.
Oh, do Ted Cruz next.
ETA: Also that POS from Missouri. I want to see tears flow when they realize they will never be President.
So Tarrio went from being a “prolific” FBI informant to being indicted for sedition.
I seem to remember that there was speculation that the FBI was protecting their informant so they “arrested” him to remove him from the insurrection. I guess that was just a rumor?
Below snippet is from an article in January of 2021, link above.
Well the right has zero idea how to govern, the only thing they are interested in is how to grift as much money as possible, while not giving a damn who they hurt. Nor do they care how many laws they break as long as no one stops them from their grift. And I just described conservatives around the world. It’s all about them and how great their idealistic father figure thinks they are. They make up excuses – OK they pull them out of their butts for why they do all the crap they do but it is 99% about the grift. Their supporters though often buy into their bullshit about who is going to attempt to tear down their version of the grift circus they have going and all the wrong reasons that it is going to happen, thereby keeping their enforcers happy. We complain about they have no actual ideas about government or running the country/state/county/city they live in but that’s because they don’t have any realistic ideas. Look at presidents for the last 60-70 yrs and tell me one republican president who ended up with a better operating economy or government than the democrat before them left. BTW I’m not holding my breath.
I think that the DOJ is trying to get out in front of the J6 committee to cut down calls for them to do something.
Alison Rose
Every time I see that dude’s name, this is what I think of. The punchline gets me every time!
@Alison Rose :
“We’re taking white people’s jobs!”
I have to post this periodically so people don’t forgot how truly horrible the coverage was:
April 19, 2015. They had their narrative and – credit where credit is due- they never veered from it. And all the rest just followed along, like the rigidly conventional and careerist people they are.
The only good part is I think Chozick never got her tv deal. Turns out no one wanted to watch a replay of that low quality work.
I read “Lock her up” and assumed it was about Ginni. Silly me!
Another Scott
Made me look.
Let’s see… (from April 2006):
(Emphasis added.)
Fastow was indicted on Halloween 2002. Skilling was indicted in February 2004. Lay was indicted in July 2004.
The DOJ seems to be working pretty quickly here. With good reason!
@Another Scott:
It seems relatively minor now.
Never forget.
@Juju: If Trump “wins” two years from now, they still will.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Well, be fair. It wasn’t only that she was a Democrat. She was also a corrupt, criminal murderer and most likely an arsonist, too. And a woman.
@surfk9: be happier with them if someone inside would quit determining people like Meadows are above the law….. when it’s readily apparent (if the reporting is accurate) that he’s up to his eyebrows in both the corruption and the sedition.
@debbie: It was a fucking fiasco and nobody cared.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): you forgot pedophile gang leader!
I think “Democrat” covers that.
The article is just incredible to read now that we know what they had planned:
Jesus Christ. 2015.
Especially amusing for the NYTimes, who did jack shit re: Donald Trump although he was in their backyard for the prior 50 years.
So much for “liberal” NYC and their “cut throat” press corps. We would have gotten more and better information if Trump had been a mall developer from Missouri.
Oh, I remember caring and being shocked at the deception.
There was so much bullshit against her, I don’t even remember what the “big story” from that book was.
Mike in NC
The most profound words ever uttered by the Fat Orange Clown were, “When you’re a star, you can just grab women…” and his second most famous were “Proud Boys, stand down and stand by”.
I think the DOJ is working to its own clock, and is likely in the end to go pretty big. At least some of what we see and don’t see might have to do with information control.
Alison Rose
@debbie: I cackle so hard every time
Damn, two posts in a row, Cole – you’re on a roll. Next thing you know, you’ll be running around in the comments! :-)
I love that Republican voters don’t care at all that they were told over and over by Trump that Clinton would be “locked up” and then he had 4 years and didn’t even pretend to be “locking her up”, yet they all still believe she’s a criminal.
He didn’t lock anyone up. All he did was pardon a bunch of criminals that were convicted under other presidents.
No wonder they don’t believe anything. The much ballyhooed “swamp draining” was a huge flop. No one even pretended they were doing it.
West of the Rockies
I hope he goes to prison sobbing and terrified.
@debbie: I still think it was MTG.
The theory of the book- the case against her- was the Clintons wanted donations to their foundation so did favors in return for those donations. Donations that went to worthy causes, which seems to me to be a big hole in the ol theory of the case. They’re like Robin Hood, but in a bad, evil way.
I’m thinking it’s Boebert. She has more of a mincing walk. But I’d be happy with either.
@Kay: in fairness, Kay, trumpov & Co were busy dealing with CARAVAN after CARAVAN and had no time to lock Hillz up.
Ok, no they weren’t – everyone knows CARAVANZZZ! only show up at election time. But the intention to lock Hillz up was there, I’m sure.
To be fair, the GOP does consider the Sheriff of Nottingham the hero of that story.
@Kay: Well, some people, some New Yorkers even, have foundations that they use for their own benefit, rather than giving the money to good causes. Although you’d think that the government of Norway had done some due diligence before giving (IIRC) $20 million to the Clinton foundation. A sum btw, they didn’t give to some other New Yorker’s foundation.
But the book never alleged that. There was never anything hinky found about the spending. My God, they would have definitely locked her up for that, with glee. The benefit was reputational. It made them look good and as we all know they are bad, bad, bad. They ROBBED a charitable good name that is WAY above their station!
@Jeffro: Caravanz are showing up on Fox now. No idea why…
Another Scott
@debbie: Looks too short for MTG to me. Maybe Boebert!!1
But, seriously, you made me look at one of the videos again. It sure looks like a woman’s walk to me. (It’s hard to tell from most of the others because the video is so choppy – this seems reasonably smooth.)
(from the page)
@debbie: I’m team MTG, only because I have heard rumors, but nothing more.
@prostratedragon: I remain unconvinced that we are going to see any real consequential action from AG Garland and the Justice Department. Cynically, it seems to me that the AG was so determined to be the antithesis of a Bill Barr that he has moved to the extreme in the opposite direction and is in danger of simply “not seizing” the day when it needs to be seized forcefully. Just maybe he was great as an impartial and even mild mannered judge but those are not traits that make for the sort of Attorney General our democracy needs in the present moment.
@Bex: GOP has settled on its narrative from now ‘til November: 1) the “border crisis” and 2) inflation (especially in gas prices and groceries).
That’s it. They don’t want to talk about abortion or guns or even CRT, which is extremely interesting. They know that the tide has turned on these issues and the majority – especially in the suburbs – is not with them.
So: INFLATSHUN!!!1!! and ILLEGALZ!!!1! it is. Pretty concrete. Pretty impactful. What are our 2 or 3 all-caps issues?
This would be less anguished for them if they would just become comfortable with what is true- that Twitter is one way they sell their product and they are in a very small group of people who use it successfully like that. It’s a free ad for their work. We read their work not because we love them especially and forever but because they write about politics. If they were writing about “trends in food service” we wouldn’t be reading them on Twitter. They reap the upside of that and unsurprisingly in grownupworld there is also a potential downside, which is we find out what dumb, unfunny “jokes” they like. Maybe just stick to the sales pitch, okey doke?
George Conway, just a bit ago on Twitter:
Roger Moore
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yes and no. One of the things I’ve heard a lot of and am still trying to wrap my head around is that many of the professed beliefs of the right wing are basically rationalizations. They don’t necessarily believe the Democrats are doing the same thing, but telling themselves they are provides an excuse for doing what they want. So they tell themselves the Democrats are just using the law as a pretext for arresting people they want to because it provides an excuse for why it’s OK for them to arrest Hillary when it’s their turn.
That so many of their beliefs are just rationalizations explains why those beliefs are so easy to change. They don’t have any deep belief in this stuff; it’s just what they tell themselves to rationalize their actions. So if they want to do something that’s completely contradictory, they have no trouble adopting the exact opposite belief. It was never really a core belief in the first place, just a rationalization used to justify their chosen actions. The really interesting part is trying to figure out what their true core beliefs are based on what things they don’t change so regularly.
Oh, God, they’re really going to bail this douchebag out. “I have a duty to protect this Right wing asshole who made a bad business decision”
Boy nice to be rich and famous, huh? You can buy the whole government of Texas and have them do your bidding.
None of these people are actually capitalists. Democrats should take free markets. Conservatives left it up for grabs. Crony, baby. They protect their cronies.
Roger Moore
That’s because there wasn’t a big story. There were lots of things that sounded kind of vaguely bad but which couldn’t be put together into a coherent narrative. If there had been any actual wrongdoing they would have led with that. Instead, there were lots of vague insinuations about bad optics and appearances of conflict of interest.
Roger Moore
They have a duty to protect this right wing asshole who is in the process of moving his business from California to Texas. Honestly, this should have been a huge alarm siren to anyone paying attention that Tesla was in trouble. The moment a company decides to move from California to Texas for tax reasons, it’s a sign they’ve jumped the shark. They’re no longer in the business of innovating and are now trying to work the angles to cut costs and maximize shareholder payouts.
Omnes Omnibus
@dww44: Yeah, he was never a prosecutor who convicted people like Timothy McVeigh or anything like that.
Right now I’m just pitching product on Twitter so it’s GREAT but if I Tweet something dumb I will be anguished and then it becomes hugely profound and a commentary on sadness and kindness for the whole country. Why won’t people just let me sell my work and ignore everything else I say?
Doug R
@gene108: He wasn’t at the Capitol and there’s plenty of contact between him and Roger Stone.
Captain C
Not that it was ever different (cf. WMDs in Iraq, Al Gore, Whitewater, not getting Watergate, Walter Duranty, Hitler not so bad…), but the FTFNYT has pretty much always served power on its front page, even if they have to contradict their often excellent reporting on page A17. At this point the Daily News seems more honest.
Given the thinly veiled contempt that many of the FTFNYT ‘star reporters’ and readers have for the so-called flyover states (except, apparently, for their diners and the Republican operatives posing as ordinary citizens within), this is a given. In fact, he may well have gotten the Hillary Clinton/Al Gore treatment.
@Roger Moore:
You don’t have to tell me. It’s hard to build cars at scale and it gets harder the more of them you make and sell. Do you see any other car company CEO’s spending their days posting incredibly banal “insights” on social media? That takes a true innovator.
Lots of luck on his trip to the moon. When they finish gearing up they are going to crush him and that was ALWAYS going to be the case.
Captain C
@Kay: Didn’t they have an employee specifically for the purpose of saying ‘no’ to such requests?
Roger Moore
I don’t mind if people want to say stupid stuff on Twitter. What people who depend on Twitter really need is to have multiple accounts: a work account where they only post work stuff and a personal account where they can say what they really want to. If they want to post personal stuff from their professional account, they deserve the roasting they’ll probably get, including professional discipline from their employer.
Not true.
He pardoned people convicted during his administration who were associated with his campaign.
@gene108: He’s the leader of a nation-wide, White Nationalist organization and he was in the White House only a few days earlier and he could be a potential legal connection to Trump. He’s not just a grunt.
They’ll just blame Dems for the whole thing – it’s not like these people actually live in the reality as we do.
@dww44: Bringing Seditious Conspiracy charges against one of the leaders of a White Nationalist organization is definitely something of consequence. Especially since he may have direct ties (and a legal route) to Trump, having been at the White House only a week before.
@UncleEbeneezer: It would be great if Tarrio can incriminate trump, and he flips. I suspect that trump was more careful than that. He’s a career criminal who learned long ago to work his crimes through a very few trusted henchmen.
Roger Stone was probably trump’s “cutout” in this case, just like he acted for trump with the Russians in the 2016 election. But trump could have been sloppier than usual, and let more people in on his plotting than he needed to.
Although it seems unlikely, it’s possible that Stone might flip on trump. Stone is a fanatic, but his financial condition is shakier now than when he stonewalled Muellar’s team. He cannot count on a pardon this time, either.
Wait. The fascist trash stopped wanting that? When? :)
@Kay: That’s what I said at the previous thread, Musk is just going through the American “justice” system and have some fascist judge bail him out. If they don’t outright assign Twitter to him for significantly less than what he offered. It’s how it goes in kleptocracies.
Another Scott
@Roger Moore: Having separate accounts makes sense, but Weigel knew better.
(via EclecticBrotha)
Paul in KY
@Another Scott: I get a guy vibe from it. A shorter person, though (unless the person who walked by was 7′ tall).
@Omnes Omnibus:
Except he didn’t, he was part of a team that was lead by someone else entirely.