“So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my god, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away,” said Trump. “I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, eighty years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. ‘Oh my god! This is terrible! This is disgusting!’ and you know, they’re turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. His wife is screaming—she’s sitting right next to him, and she’s screaming.”
[…]“I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!’ The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say he’s ok,” said Trump, adding of the blood, “It’s just not my thing.”
“Most in this Ohio bar share Trump’s distaste for blood”, I’m sure.
I always wonder at what the reactions would be if PBO or HRC said anything like this.
I mean, I know what the reactions would be. But part of me still has trouble accepting it.
Corner Stone
Speaking of bloody old men, Rep Scalise is making his triumphant return to the floor of the House and addressing the crowd.
Can someone explain to me how after 2 years of campaigning and almost a year since the election, not a single newsroom dug these interviews up?
And yet somehow we all needed to know Podesta’s risotto recipe ASAP
Corner Stone
@Kristine: That he was in shock and didn’t help the guy? That he fainted at the sight of blood? That the guy’s wife was screaming and no one in the assembled audience went to his aid? Or that he was more concerned about his beautiful marble floor and forgot all about the guy?
Republicans can’t run from Roy Moore’s record forever
09/28/17 10:42 AM—UPDATED 09/28/17 10:54 AM
By Steve Benen
I don’t generally see eye to eye with Karl Rove, but about a week ago, the Republican operative reflected on Alabama’s U.S. Senate special election, and he raised a perfectly legitimate point.
Well, yeah, of course they’ll be asked, “Do you agree with that?” Their party is poised to welcome to the Senate a theocrat who believes his radical religious beliefs supersede American laws. If Republicans are going to support Roy Moore’s candidacy, it necessarily means they’re at least comfortable with his brand of Christian nationalism.
Aardvark Cheeselog
What a striking lack of compassion.
Corner Stone
@Served: Everything was right there the whole time. Major media outlets had covered Trump the persona for two+ decades. They knew where every nook(ie) and cranny was.
This would not have even been investigative journalism. It wouldn’t have even been work. Assign an intern to search the archives for “Trump” and they would have had front page stories for weeks. That none of this happened is self-evident in their collusion and guilt.
Frank McCormick
Was he perhaps one of the models for Samuel L Jackson’s character in “Kingsman: The Secret Service”?
Christ, that’s awful. Would his defense be “I was trying to make the story funny because it was on Howard Stern”?
I still wish Hillary had run more ads about how his fraud links up to his vanity and vice versa. Using donated money to buy giant portraits of yourself to hang in your private clubs seems to me to be SUCH a window onto Trump’s particular form of demented narcissism. Maybe when they tested it it didn’t change any minds. Worrying about the old man’s blood on your beautiful marble floor seems like the kind of thing that crystallizes the Trumpness of Trump too.
Corner Stone
The POTUS said it was A-OK to grab women by their pu$$y. Anyone who thinks a thoecrackpot as a candidate is a handicap in 2017 or 2018 is delusional. The time when “I’m not a witch” or “2nd amendment solutions” or “use a chicken to pay the doctor bill” were somehow damaging or disqualifying are long gone. I bet if Todd Akin was running this cycle he could state that he really did believe in “legitimate rape theory” and get elected.
I’m really shocked. I would have thought Trump would have taken off his jacket, rolled it in a ball and cradled the man’s head while trying to decide if he should give him mouth-to-mouth. You just never can tell about somebody.
Becky was ready for the Iowa-v-Iowa State game this year. Becky’s been working out.
Just One More Canuck
@Corner Stone: Why would anyone tell a story like that? What’s the point? The best it does is tell people that he panicked and then was too embarrassed or thoughtless to see if the guy was alright. At worst, it tells people that he’s an asshole that, like you said, cares more about his marble floor than the guy who was hurt.
Then again, since it’s Trump, maybe telling people that he’s an asshole that cares more about his floor than the guy was the point, since his base seems to love that
Corner Stone
I wish she had run some ads with some kind of message about the economy and how she was going to help the forgotten man.
@Served: Would it have mattered? I mean, which is worse- “I watched an old man die” or “I sexually assault women”?
I’ve been practically stroking out from rage already this morning, and this just dials it up to 11. Trump is a monster.
Bro’ Man and I were talking about Trump, and I told him that I can no longer laugh at anecdotes from history about crazy rulers. “Silly Romans! The emperor put his horse in the senate!” “Marie Antoinette built a fake village at Versailles so she could play at being a shepherdess. Ha-ha, Frenchies!” “He called himself the Moon King and built a fairy-tale castle with a Venus grotto on the grounds! Suck it, Bavarians!”
Somehow all that seems much less funny now.
Hungry Joe
Aversion to blood is a visceral reaction over which one has no conscious control. What makes Trump’s story so odd is his not understanding that his lack of interest in helping the injured man, and his concern instead over the state of the marble floor, is abhorrent. Yet he tells this story ABOUT HIMSELF. He has no idea how normal people feel and think and react.
You know, not everyone is good in an emergency, but everyone should at least know HOW TO CALL FOR HELP, FFS!
And, yes, if you are somehow in charge of the place where this happens — like being the owner or figurehead — you should at least pretend to be concerned to keep your customers calm. Jaysus.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Kristine: I read somewhere that a Democratic Congressman expects the investigation to take another one to two years.
Corner Stone
@Just One More Canuck: It’s what immature bros do to bond. It’s a story that only a male with no sense of decency or maturity could tell another human being and not feel shame about it.
This is why they sold the Hollywood Access tape as “locker room talk”. Because this is the kind of shit some man-children do as ways of signaling what a cool kid they are.
W-E-I-R-D is a weird way to spell “Sociopath”
@Corner Stone: The policy-based ad I saw a fair amount in Virginia was the SCHIP one. I don’t remember ads about taking steps to improve the economy. Speech lines, yes, ads, no, or at least not that I remember. Sigh.
IMHO what they didn’t take into account enough was that ads have two purposes: to persuade the persuadable on the one hand AND to drive media coverage on the other. If you focus group an ad and it doesn’t connect in the room, there’s still a chance it could have led to some kind of news story _about_ the ad and its contents, which might make it effective after the fact. But IANA marketing major.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: I sincerely hope whatever had you in a rage was something different than what you discussed with your brother. Because if that’s your flashpoint…we’re going to need to get you some help.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@FlipYrWhig: The more I see and read the more I am convinced the election was actually stolen. So I don’t think any ads would have made a difference.
Huh. Not getting any audio on that.
Corner Stone
I just looked up and saw the chyron on MSNBC and at first read I swear it said: “Rep Scalise: You have no idea what it feels like to be black”
@SatanicPanic: I’m not commenting on whether it would matter, but on the absolute malpractice the media committed during the campaign and continues to commit today.
Poor dumb Maggie today is twisting herself in knots to avoid the l-word to describe an obvious lie:
@Just One More Canuck:
The most important part of any Trump anecdote is Donald Trump—what he did, what he said and what he thought. QED. Everything else is window dressing.
@Steeplejack: There is no audio
Corner Stone
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: IMO, of course it was stolen. I honestly believe we are going to eventually find out the Russians hacked and changed actual vote(s) / totals.
@Corner Stone:
Apparently you missed her long-form TV ad. Think it might have run only in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
P.S. Didn’t know Hillary smokes. Sad!
@Served: “Appears”? WTF? That’s so stupid.
@Corner Stone: That sounds plausible but we need evidence to be certain.
Roger Moore
@Corner Stone:
1) He lost the popular vote by a substantial margin, so he clearly wasn’t extremely popular to begin with
2) He’s lost popularity since then
I’m not saying that interest in deranged crackpots is gone, or even that it’s necessarily declined since Trump’s election. But it didn’t start with Trump, either, as the nomination of people like Akin and O’Donnell- and the repeated election of people like Roy Moore- attest. But we shouldn’t over-interpret Trump’s election, either; it isn’t a sign that everything has suddenly changed and all the old rules can be casually tossed out the window.
Expansionist Russia promotes division everywhere else
Rachel Maddow reports on the latest revelations about how Russia used social media to disrupt the 2016 U.S. election and in actively encouraging secessionist movements around the world to promote division as it tries to grow itself.
@Hungry Joe:
“Stop bleeding on me, damn you, these shoes cost more than you do!” Right up there with “Hey, your face hurt my fist!”
That would certainly explain the well-done steaks, but what about the ketchup?
@Corner Stone:
No, two separate things. Was talking to Bro’ Man a week or so ago. Now we know what it’s like to live under a mad king.
Repube snowflakes.
Right-wing, anti-refugee fake news terrorizes American town
Caitlin Dickerson, national immigration reporter for The New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about how right-wing media, aided by Russian accounts, whipped a local story into an anti-immigrant, anti-Islam fake news crisis that terrorized residents of an Idaho town
@SatanicPanic: She should resign from “journalist” job and take over from Sarah H Sanders as the Liar-for-T job. She is definitely more attractive than SHS and a better liar.
Inept storm response leaves Americans suffering in Puerto Rico
Rachel Maddow reports on the life-threatening shortages in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and how supplies and human resources are ready to help but an apparent lack of leadership of the operation has left storm victims suffering.
So, this guy is injured and maybe dying, and Trump is… Trump. Are we surprised?
Villago Delenda Est
Donald Trump would have been a superior Auschwitz guard.
Weak leadership leaves Puerto Rico aid at port, undistributed
Gadi Schwartz, NBC News reporter, talks with Rachel Maddow about the desperate effort by Puerto Ricans to restore livability to the island, and the maddening administrative gridlock that is keeping ready help from the people who need it.
@Villago Delenda Est: Nah too much work, unless the work involved giving incendiary speeches full of lies about the prisoners and keeping the other guards riled up.
The Moar You Know
Holy fucking hell. Hey Two Scoops, here’s an idea. Help. And if you don’t know how to do that, call 911 and go pray with the poor fucker’s wife.
Jesus, I don’t think I’ve ever read anything more offensive in my life. Anyone who reacts like that is not a human being.
glory b
@FlipYrWhig: There was at least one I saw here in Western PA. It included a white guy in front of a closed factory.
Betty Cracker
Even in the hyuk-hyuk-hyuk environment of a Stern interview, that’s a weird and disturbing anecdote. Not so much the part about Trump freaking out over the blood but the admission that he fretted about the marble floor and was so clearly unconcerned about the injured man. It seems quaint in retrospect to have been so disturbed over Romney’s revelation that he lashed the family dog to the roof of his car for road trips.
White House tax debate has started with two outright—no other word for it—lies: wealthy don’t get a tax cut and cuts will pay for themselves
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) September 28, 2017
Corner Stone
@Roger Moore: IMO, we should pay umm more attention to the fact that Roy Moore crushed the candidate Trump had stumped for.
Trump did lose the popular vote, obviously. I believe the media’s endless fascination with the theme “Trump voter still sticking with Trump!” is a ruse. It’s not so much that we have a “Trump cult of personality”, it’s that – as I think most here believe – we have a solid chunk of people who hate everything about America and want to destroy it. The earlier test runs by Akin and Angle and O’Donnell were all the warm up lap. Trump’s election was the starters flag.
Chyron HR
@Corner Stone:
I hope you mean the forgotten WHITE man. We don’t cotton to identity politics in the new and improved Bernocratic party.
Re “senator in the hospital”: Perhaps not a complete fabrication. Apparently Trump was referring to Thad Cochran (R-MS), who was recuperating at home from “treatment for a urological issue.”
Matt McIrvin
@Corner Stone: In Alabama it’s not a handicap. But Trump had an appeal to resentful suburban conservatives in the North that I suspect Roy Moore mostly doesn’t. (Not to say there aren’t theocons up here–there are, I’ve seen them. But pure “screw you” conservatism is more prevalent.)
Another Scott
ObOpenThread? NavyTimes:
Ya think? :-/
Here’s hoping they actually implement these things, and also have enough people on the ships to do the work required…
The Moar You Know
@SatanicPanic: Well, I’ve watched an old man die. He arrested right in front of me as he was walking down an airplane aisle towards my seat. I yelled for the crew and for a doctor and for someone to grab the defibrillator, and then stood the hell back because three doctors were there in thirty seconds. Nothing I could do, and as it turned out, three defibrillators later, nothing anyone could do.
“Watching an old man die” is situational. Sexually assaulting women, not so much.
A Ghost To Most
@Corner Stone: Yea, people are calling it a miracle.
The miracle would be if it caused him to renounce his racist and fascist ideology. I’m not holding my breath.
@Betty Cracker: Which one of trump’s cabinet people adopted cats and then dissected them? I think it was Price. Makes Romney look like Francis of Assisi.
@The Moar You Know: The difference is that you felt some concern for the old man. Your anecdote doesn’t involve worrying about blood stains on the aisle carpet or annoyance at a delayed flight.
If he hadn’t dodged the draft he would have had basic first aid training.
Betty Cracker
@germy: Seriously? I hadn’t heard about that one. Christ on a crumpet.
A Ghost To Most
@germy: More like the Bill Frist life plan.
@Another Scott:
Long before he became an RWNJ, my RWNJ brother was a “surface warfare officer” on destroyers in the ’80s. He said the experience was like working—and living full-time—in a really loud, dirty factory where double shifts were the norm and it could get worse than that at any time.
A Ghost To Most
@The Moar You Know: Trump always tries to find himself in that situation.
Oh, Doug! You picked the wrong line for this one.
Saw an old man dying of a heart attack in Manhattan
He died while we just stood there laughing right at him
Ain’t he cute?
I don’t care about you
Fuck you!
@germy: I thought that was Bill Frist.
glory b
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: I believe that too. Here in PA, Trump is the first R presidential winner since 1988. Hillary and Katie McGinty (D for senate) were ahead of Trump and Toomey the entire campaign. Not by a lot, but never below. Three or four other statewide races (think Atty Gen, Treasurer, etc.) in 2016 all went to Dems. Dems over performed in the last three elections.
Trump and Toomey were fishy.
And I don’t believe that voters voted for 2 Rs and the rest Ds. Doesn’t make any sense.
Bobby Thomson
@Corner Stone: yes
@rikyrah: Thank you for the Maddow link. I don’t have or watch MSNBC, but am interested in this segment. Dickerson’s story was really well written.
@A Ghost To Most: You’re right, it was Bill Frist.
@glory b: Yeah. I am hoping Mueller’s investigation finds a thread to proveable vote fraud.
I think Trump is an illegitimate president. I would like to have him proved so.
@The Moar You Know: that’s kind of my calculus. One is a poor response to something that happened but not something he actually did, the other is a choice to go and do something bad.
Roger Moore
@Corner Stone:
I would argue the details of this point. They hate many things about America that we love, but they also love many things about America that we hate and want to change. Their vision of a racist, patriarchal America is certainly closer to our real past than our vision of what America is supposed to be.
They should pass a Wellness Check law. Anyone adopting an animal should be able to prove the pet is being cared for.
Trump’s kink is obviously bodily fluids. I have no doubt he has special glass tables in all his suites.
@Elizabelle: Does that make Gorsuch illegitimate? I believe so.
Mike S.
@Corner Stone: I saw this ad a lot here in PA. It didn’t help enough. https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/760847322922090496?lang=en
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: Smokin’ hot, you mean! Yes, that is the ad she should have had in rotation across the nation!
“I ain’t sayin she a gold digger
but she ain’t messin with no broke, broke”
The Daily Beast site is down (not just the story). I have no idea why, but a story like this might have earned them a DDoS attack from aggrieved maga chuds.
Corner Stone
@Roger Moore: Point being, to return to the America they may “love” and idealize would destroy the progress that has been made and what truth America may otherwise be heading for.
I don’t think there is any argument that most white people whitewash America’s true history to some degree or another. They don’t really want to return to a past America, they want to live in “America”.
Mike S.
@glory b: We’ll never know if totals were altered in PA, because there is no way to audit or recount in most of the state. They just take the totals for each candidate off of each machine at the end of the day. We have electronic systems where I vote with no paper trail.
Trump forcing Puerto Rico evacuees to sign promissory notes ensuring full repayment for transportation https://t.co/g1BwV61qX3 pic.twitter.com/XpKtJQ5Chl
— meta (@metaquest) September 28, 2017
Villago Delenda Est
This guy needs to die bathed in his own blood.
Fair Economist
I really don’t think he’s lying. His brain is falling apart. He’s far more incoherent than he was even a year ago. A year ago he was spouting his nonsense policies and claims – “build the wall”, etc. He could more or less respond to a question with one of his canned responses. Now he seems to just be rambling incoherently and can’t even respond to a question. Stuff just tumbles out of his mouth. I don’t think he has any idea about what’s going on in general, never mind Senate whip counts.
@Served: Because they were more interested in (and being part of) the spectacle than any investigative reporting.
Villago Delenda Est
@sharl: “Internet Research Agency, Vladivostok”
@Corner Stone: They may not like multilateral treaties but they do like the economic power that comes with being the reserve currency of the world. They may not like science but like their iphones and smartphones and so on. What they want is contradictory.
Villago Delenda Est
@Served: The mission was to destroy that Clinton bitch. There was no other thing on their minds.
@Fair Economist: Oh for fuck sake he knows what he is doing, he is a LIAR and he knows it and doesn’t think that lying is wrong.
Russians would never have succeeded to the extent they have if there was not a captive audience that was willing to digest all the lies they dished out. I blame the Republicans for creating the ground for this poisonous crop. Their attack on reason and rationality made this possible.
What a strange reaction, Howard Stern’s show or not. I guess all forms of blood are “disgusting” to drumpfh, which adds a bit more nuance to his Megan Kelly “blood coming out of her whatever” comment. He’s an 11 year old snotty boy who just found out about tampons.
We got home from Europe in the wee small hours Sunday, went to work on Monday and now I’ve got a miserable cold that felled two other coworkers that same day. The trip was great, this cold and cough not so much.
Did they scrub this link? It doesn’t appear to be working anymore.
@sharl: That’s what I think also.
@rikyrah: OMG! Seriously?
@Corner Stone: Do you wish she would have more beers in bars in Pennsylvania to show what she had in common with the white working class? That didn’t really help her in her election against Obama because it came across as disingenuous.
@Roger Moore:
This 100%. It’s a fundamental difference in values.
Naah. The pee thing was to insult Obama, who had slept in that bed. Trump’s kink is early teenage girls. There’s a history there.
I just got it to load. The entire Daily Beast site was down for a while, for whatever reason (DDoS attack maybe?).
If he had done it to dogs, his political career would have been over, but unfortunately just enough people still hate/fear cats that he was able to get away with it.
Jesus fucking Christ. My rage level just went to 12.
Rage reduction strategies: I decided to finish the bottle of pre-made Cuervo margaritas in the kitchen. There was about one big glass left. All the windows are open to let the breezes in, and the weather is glorious here in NoVA: sunny and 79°, humidity 44%. The housecat is dozing peacefully at her workstation beside me (heating pad set to 1, “Is this thing on?,” appropriate for prevailing conditions). In a bit I’m going to get cleaned up, take the doughty Kia to get washed and then transport a friend to the doctor to get a cast removed from her arm. Hopefully will avoid Trump-related news.
Corner Stone
Google Advanced Search has really decided to eat a bag of salted dicks the last several months.
That’s one of the reasons shelters started charging money to adopt pets — they usually charge more than you would be able to get by selling that animal to a lab. Because people are assholes and do that shit.
Corner Stone
That might have done some good this time around. Just any kind of message, really. And maybe not have been so prepared for the debates. Come across a little more genuine.
@trollhattan: Oh, Mr. Cheney, I’m so sorry my face got in the way of your shooting pleasure!
No Drought No More
Just like Barbara Bush, Trump doesn’t feel the need to waste his beautiful mind on such matters.
It’s a two-fer to say as much, knowing how deeply Barbara Bush would resent being favorably compared to Donald Trump.. But there it is, Babs, from me to you.
This entire thread from Zeynep Tufekci is worth reading (starts with first tweet below). She has been writing critically on Facebook for years, well before the 2016 election and the ratfucking by the Russians, warning that FB’s business model invited the very things that ultimately happened.
The motivation for Zeynep’s thread is Zuckerberg’s mewling response to Twitler’s latest bout of oral diarrhea claiming that FB has always been against him. Zeynep is quite rightly calling bullshit on that, and she has the receipts.
randy khan
Even if you give him credit for that (which I am disinclined to do), the problem is that Cochran’s vote wouldn’t have made a difference, given that there were at least 3 (and, actually, probably at least 5) Republican Senators who were going to vote no.
Gin & Tonic
@sharl: Maddow had a good segment last night about the Russian FB ratfucking of Ukrainians in 2014, after the Maidan demonstrations and the annexation of Crimea. Ukrainians have had the receipts for three years now.
@rikyrah: Monstrous.
Noted anti-trumper Jennifer Rubin (didja catch that, Corner Stone?) weighs in on how Americans As A Whole Haven’t Lost Their Minds, But The GOP Has
Unfortunately, J-…er, Ms. Rubin, another take on this polling would be that 42% of voters have seen everything this clown has said & done for the past two years, and still find him to be ‘fit’ to serve as president. That would almost have to translate into…wait…she’s already run the GOP-specific numbers:
Nothing new there, except I’m still in shock that 79% of Republicans think Trumpov is honest, or that 85% think he cares about average Americans. I thought at this point they were ‘in on the joke’, as it were – “he’s an asshole and a liar, but he’s OUR lying asshole”.
And this leads her to – for the umpteenth time – the question: where does the non-Trumpkin 20% of the GOP go?
Commenters are trying to help Ms. Rubin find the obvious answer here. Frankly, they can twist in the wind if they can’t summon the courage to move from center-right to center-center.
@glory b:
I just checked. The three other statewide races on the ballot were Atty Gen, Treasurer and Auditor. Dems won all three. The Sen and Presidential votes stink to high heaven. Can the governor in PA request an election audit? I gather the Secretary of State (Pedro Cortes) is also a Dem.
@Corner Stone:
One thing that has struck me about Clinton in all the book-related interviews she has been doing lately is how genuine she comes across. No boilerplate, no hedging, no hesitation, just really smart, experienced Hillary telling it like it is from her perspective. If only that had come across more in the campaign. (Not saying it was her fault, necessarily; the media played a big role.)
Headline in the trending section of Facebook: Moore’s win conjures 2018 nightmare — for both parties ‑ politico.com I’m not even gonna bother reading. That headline is garbage.
The Moar You Know
@germy: I wholeheartedly agree.
Most of the specialty breed rescue organizations do exactly that, before and random post-adoption surveys. But that requires manpower and money that the local pound just doesn’t have, and my fear is that if you extend that sort of level of oversight to pet adoptions, you’re going to see the number of people willing and able to do it go way down. Which we absolutely do not need.
Corner Stone
@sharl: Have never been a fan of Zuckerberg the person, for several reasons. But the business model was always going to lead to this. His response as a business is completely predictable.
@No Drought No More:
Coincidentally, I was just griping about that very statement with a co-worker two days ago. Such a small thing, and yet so telling and so infuriating…
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: It’s too late. My golf swing is ruined.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@glory b: Here’s a tweet with an embedded video showing the actual relation between Facebook and Cambridge Analytic. The corporate officers of both companies should be investigate, tried, and if guilty spend many, many years in jail.
@Served: I was kind of out of the US news cycle out of the country for a bit, so the first I heard of the collapse of Graham Cassidy was in the airport. When Trump talked about a senator in the hospital, I had no idea he was lying. I figured that part must be true, because…it’s so easily checked. But why bother. The only thing we can do is lie some more and say that some Senator up for election was in the hospital. Start talking about his health issues and fitness for office. Someone should start talking about Bob Wicker’s stage III Prostate Cancer that he’s hiding from us so that we won’t know that he’s unfit. Make him deny it. Make him have an independent exam on TV.
@Fair Economist:
I’m not so sure about that. Trump is a toxic narcissist who has gotten by for decades on being able to gaslight and lie to people who have no way to prove that he’s a liar or throw his words back in his face.
Now his every public utterance is recorded and people are scouring his Twitter account for past and present tweets. He’s trying to rely on his familiar strategies of spinning the truth until everyone else gives up, but that’s hard to do when they can play back a recording of you saying the opposite.
That’s why he’s flailing, IMO. He thought he could control what the media says about him, but that’s impossible.
Another Scott
@sharl: It’s up again – http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/thedailybeast.com.html
Miss Bianca
@Another Scott: wow, I’m kind of amazed that the navy hadn’t done this sooner. I mean, that watch schedule is right out of the 19th century.
Wonder if hospitals will finally follow suit with decent schedules for medical students? I mean, how many people have died in hospitals owing to the fact that the exhausted intern attending to their cases were on their 24th or 36th hour of their shift?
I felt like she really came across like that at the DNC, which is probably why the Sandernistas spent so much time trying to make it all about themselves.
Corner Stone
@Peale: You see? This is where the right wing has it all over the left. They would already have invented 20 or so conspiracy theories about different D Senators “secretly” having to be hospitalized, with each one needing emergency care for a different malady that damaged them in their state.
IMO, instead of saying he’s hospitalized for cancer, we should say he had to have a foreign object removed from where it was lodged in his anus. Not really sure how it happened but his nephew that brought him in said he wasn’t sure how it got there.
He does offer occasionally useful information, like on making toast.
Totally normal human, just traveling the country, and particularly interested in talking to the teens.
(I love the classics…)
Corner Stone
@sharl: Speaking of classics:
How do you do fellow _______?
@Corner Stone:
FFS, are we back to this shit? Just check the picture here.
@Corner Stone: I love that one. It gets a lot of use on twitter.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jeffro: Nate Silver believes that as Donald has shat the bed, more and more people are no longer self-identifying as Rethugs, so his relative approval among Rethugs stays the same, percentage wise. Not raw number wise, though.
Amir Khalid
The people who voted for Trump knew perfectly well what he was — spectacularly unfit in every imaginable way — and that was what they wanted. I’m not sure that there was any winning rational argument Hillary (or Wilmer, had he been the Democratic nominee) could have presented against a personally gratifying but irrational choice. And with people who liked what Trump was saying, as stupid and hateful as it was, talking policy would have been a waste of breath.
Corner Stone
@les: Look, the media may have made too much out of her emails. But that doesn’t say why she didn’t have a message that stuck with the forgotten man. More ads, on point and making a genuine effort to tell them how she was going to bring back their coal jobs, may have made a difference. But I guess we’ll never know.
@germy: Yes. I think Gorsuch should be removed from the Supreme Court. He is illegitimate too.
Fuck Mitch McConnell. That was Obama’s USSC seat.
@Corner Stone:
Proof that there is no just and loving god and that only the good die young.
Since election:
1. Trump does______ i.e., awful act/utterance of the day.
2. Trump voter declares, “He’s just doing what he promised. Yes, I totally support him.”
Before election:
1. Trump does______ i.e., awful act/utterance of the day.
2. Trump supporter declares, “He’s just doing what it takes to get elected. He’s from New York, they all talk like that, but he doesn’t really mean it.” Pundit: “He’ll have to pivot at some point, certainly will if he’s actually elected, which totally can’t happen.”
They’re poised to get the first one who is actually honest about it.
Amir Khalid
@glory b:
As I recall, W did win a popular-vote majority over John Kerry.
@randy khan:
No, I agree with all that. My concern is that I am starting to see some first warning signs of epistemic closure on the left. That’s how the right drove itself crazy over the last 20-30 years: “We know what we know from an array of cross-pollinating sources, and we ignore/deny anything that doesn’t fit.” I don’t want to see us driven down that same road by Trump’s insane antics.
So now we have “Trump totally made up a senator in a hospital! He’s senile!” Yes, Trump was wrong, and what he said was idiotic, but it wasn’t completely untethered from reality. If someone told you, “So and so is recovering from an illness,” you might conclude that he or she is in the hospital and just roll with that. Stupid, yeah, but, hey, Trump.
In a similar way, there is the trope now that “Trump said Melania wasn’t there when she was standing right next to him!” As I pointed out to Adam L. Silverman when he posted that clip, there was a bit of artful editing involved there. The viral clip that made the rounds ended right after Trump said, “Melania really wanted to be here,” or whatever, and did make him look like a nut. But the longer clip provided a little more context that could at least possibly make the case that Trump was intending something like “Melania really wanted to be here, so that’s why she came.” Again, I’m not discounting Trump’s idiocy, but the tendency to amp up his miscues and misstatements worries me a little.
ETA: Also, “Trump is flashing that ‘OK’ white-power hand sign!” He does that all the fucking time, even when he’s discussing what he had for breakfast. Okay, it’s white-bread toast, but still . . .
Hey, if “I’m gonna have our military torture people to death and their families too” didn’t get any fucking traction, everything else was just an afterthought.
Fox is just validating what they already believe.
Bear in mind, part of the ‘he’s our liar’ attitude is to never, ever admit that we’re right and he’s lying. However, I do think a large proportion of them believe he’s honest in every important way – about how kneeling NFL players should be fired, for example.
Amir Khalid
@Corner Stone:
Coal? These jobs are going, boys, and they ain’t coming back. Nobody can bring them back. Had Hillary said she was going to do that, she would have been lying.
@Amir Khalid:
Yes, Bush won by more than 3M votes in 2004.
@Amir Khalid: my view is that Trump was elected by people voting third-party, especially the Jill Stein voters. I wish the press would do stories on them, instead of on the people who voted for the monster.
@Corner Stone:
What BS. The media made little to nothing of her policies, is the point. She spoke about the economy every fucking day. She had economic policy statements on her web site. Do any of your poor neglected WWC have minimum wage jobs? She wanted to raise it. Would any of your poor neglected WWC benefit from a union? She wanted to make it easier. Do any of the poor neglected WWC need better health care, or cheaper education, or a strong safety net? She was for them.
Or do your poor neglected WWC have some special need that no other working person has, that she neglected? Like to always be better than the non-white guy down the line? Like some special welfare program like all them blacks have?
Corner, you’re stupid or racist. And I ain’t sure you’re stupid.
@The Moar You Know:
Trump: Hold my beer.
I’d prefer both groups be placed in exile and some Clinton voters actually be interviewed for a change.
I am sensing deadpan snark from the original source, but who knows?
Unfortunately, they think A) We should be back on the gold standard or B) There is nothing they can fuckup enough that would endanger said reserve status.
O/T this is certainly the best thing of the week.
This is the thing that I keep wanting to see addressed by the pollsters: how has the raw number of self-identifying Republicans changed from poll to poll to poll? I believe that his “popularity among Republicans” percentage remains high because there are fewer and fewer of them willing to self-identify as such, but that’s just a hunch.
Also, are there really any “distressed Republicans”? Anybody who is truly distressed can scarcely call himself or herself (h/t morning thread) a Republican with an ounce of self-respect. What I think is more likely is that there are a lot of nice, polite Republicans who honestly deplore Trump but sort of wouldn’t be too unhappy if he cleansed us back into an imagined 1950s sitcom universe.
Maybe this is some kind of epistemic closure on my part, but the more we hear about Russian ratfucking with the 2016 election, the more I wonder whether Dolt 45 actually won in WI, MI and PA. His margin was less than that of the number of Stein voters and less than that of voters who weren’t able to vote (because the lines were too long, or they had been removed from the voter rolls).
Knowing for sure won’t change the status quo, since this country has no history of addressing outright stolen elections (cf Rutherford Hayes and George W Bush, at least) but it would make me feel a little better.
Corner Stone
Woah, woah, woah. The link you provided with the chart showed that Trump talked way more about jobs than HRC did. If she were talking about the economic recovery for the forgotten man every day than why wouldn’t the chart better reflect that? And having policies on a website is great and all, I remember being told to go check out the details for Obamacare on some website I couldn’t access for hours at a time. No, sorry. If she had run a few more ads and been a little more genuine in the debates maybe we could have avoided all this mess. Fancy detailed speeches are nice and all, but where’s the gut level connection? That’s what we were missing.
@Steeplejack: Here’s a Slate report on Senator Thad Cochran clarifying that he is not in the hospital, despite what Trump says.
Thank you! I always pictured her, uh, operating on herself, but that was scarcely less brain-bleachy than Corner Stone’s vision.
Someone forgot to check on the photos they had in a history textbook.
A photoshopped one got slipped into the printing.
I think that one is working the other way around — white supremacists have picked it up from their hero and are using it as a signal to show that Trump is their guy. That’s why the tiki torch mob cosplayed as Trump in white polo shirts and white slacks.
It wasn’t a white supremacist signal before Trump was elected, but it has become one thanks to him.
Think you might need to get the ol’ snark detector calibrated.
@les: Here’s a somewhat long (22-paragraph) piece from Appalachian scholar and east Tennessee-born Elizabeth Catte, on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and how she subsequently wrote about Appalachia (West Virginia specifically) in her (HRC’s) just published memoir. The title of Catte’s article is WHAT HILLARY CLINTON IS STILL GETTING WRONG ABOUT APPALACHIA
I couldn’t find just a couple paragraphs to excerpt that neatly summarize the article. Also she writes from the perspective of a leftist/progressive, so I intentionally included the title of her article so a lot of folks here – and you know who you are – will know up front to say “No Thanks!” and get on with your day without spending reading time that you’ll regret never being able to get back.
One other thing worth noting: for some time Catte’s bête noire has been J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy. Anyone who favorably cites that guy is bound to get on Catte’s bad side.
@Amir Khalid:
Snark detector. Get it checked.
@Steeplejack: Poes Law is in full effect these days.
Yeah, somebody’s being stupid here, but I don’t think it’s Corner Stone.
The Big Shitshow coming down the Supreme Court
Fuck the “Right to Work for Less” Movement.
They’re going for a death blow on unions. And this is why I am so confident the shit is about to get a lot worse.
@Corner Stone:
Hey, it’s “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” I cannot take anything in your comment seriously after such a grievous error. Good day, sir. I said good day!
Jesus fucking Christ, I get that.
I don’t disagree with that. But the idea that Trump is consciously flashing a white-power signal is right out.
Miss Bianca
@Corner Stone: I really have to hope you’re snarking here.
ETA: Because this is so spot-on with the dead wrong that I’m…a little scared. ; )
SiubhanDuinne (at some point in the indeterminate future to be known by my real name, Judith Mann Costello, but maybe not quite yet)
There was also his tweet a few months ago about Mika Brzezinski “bleeding badly from a facelift.”
Okay, I’m off to take my friend to the doctor. Might calm myself by pulling my cable-knit sweater a little closer around my shoulders and listening to some yacht rock on SiriusXM. “Music as smooth as the hands of a man who loves the sea but has people to do all that boat stuff.”
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Mnemosyne: This is correct, along with wearing the same outfit that Trump wears to golf. BTW, to me, that hand gesture is very effeminate.
In case link isn’t working for ya. The image is worth finding–like a still frame from “Zelig” but with Yoda instead of Woody Allen.
@germy: Jesus Christ
@Frankensteinbeck: Re: early teenage girls. It’s like people didn’t notice Don’s infatuation with his daughter right around 13. What the fuck else do you think is in that tape? It’s preteens and I wouldn’t be too surprised by a bit of snuff. Let’s say I’ve met a few wealthy manhattenite males of Trump’s ilk. When you’re alone with them and underage, they give off a stomach churning mental wave of possession & cruelty.
I’m steaming from the – granted, hearsay – that the Trump administration was planning to do nothing in response to PR. I do not need America to be called up to the Haight for crimes against humanity. I’m pretty furious at these bastards in power, but I’m more angry at everyone who decided that purity uber alles was more important.
Pretty much the crux of it at this point. Fewer than 100k votes across three states–is it such a stretch that the meddling could have affected the vote by that much?
@tobie: Were there more total PA votes for Pres and Sen than for the statewide? That would be consistent with new or occasional voters coming out for Trump and skipping the down-ballot candidates.
Matt McIrvin
@Steeplejack: HuffPollster was aggregating that before they had their big budget cuts. It seems to depend a lot on whether you’re filtering for registered/likely voters or not:
Party ID-adults
Party ID-voters
Party ID is consistently higher for Democrats than for Republicans, and for the most part they go up and down in synchrony, with people either deciding they’re “independent” or coming home to the parties. And the trend for “independent” seems like it’s almost opposite depending on whether you poll voters, or all adults, which suggests that a lot of “independents” don’t vote at all. That said, up to June, depending on whether you’re looking at adults or at voters, Republican ID was either holding steady or gaining–I don’t see any evidence that Trump is making it collapse, as people sometimes suggest.
@trollhattan: There was a study (at work so can’t research it) that it was just THREE COUNTIES that decided the election. And Michigan and Wisconsin also had oddities re: asymmetrical Dem/Rep wins. This whole election stank.
joel hanes
I do not need America to be called up to the Haight
or to the Hague.
Although I’d love to see Cheney and Kissinger there.
@Matt McIrvin: Nope. And Unitl I hear stories about how voter registration for the Dems is through the roof without a massive Democratic effort to register voters, I’m not going to believe any talk about some groundswell of support for the Democrats. We lost with a majority of the vote. We will continue to lose until those hidden pockets of liberals who can’t be arsed to register themselves get upset enough to actually try to vote. Otherwise, we’re stuck with the same voters in 2018 as we had in 2016 and 2014 and that’s not nearly enough. Superior party identification means jack shit.
To me, that says that someone pulled the image off the internet rather than getting it from an archive or a photo agency like Getty Images.
IOW, they tried to cheap out and get a free version of the image and it bit them in the ass.
@Steeplejack: I understand what you mean. The constant excuses and false equivalencies are exhausting.
At least, after this latest nightmarish Trump anecdote, you likely won’t have to listen to a Trump / Countess Elizabeth Bathory comparison.
J R in WV
I think the Republicans, some of them at least, and in the leadership, have been turned by the Russians for decades now. Look at how divisive they are, how they don’t at their roots love America at all. Double agent Republicans since Nixon’s times is my bet.
Could be wrong, but with all we’ve learned the past year, who would bet their life against it?
@Amir Khalid: High Five for the Springsteen lyric.
Matt McIrvin
@Peale: Democrats’ overperformance in recent special elections is an encouraging sign. People may not be registering to vote, but Democratic voters are turning out when they normally would not. They are sparse data points, of course.
@J R in WV:
I think it’s more likely that it started happening in Reagan’s time at the earliest, and probably more Bush I. People like Putin could see what was looming and started getting their ducks in a row to take advantage of it.
Remember how young most of the current Republicans are, relatively speaking. I think it was David who had a statistic saying that the majority of House Republicans have only served one or two terms.
And Paul Ryan is my age (late 40s). He was a toddler in the Nixon years, but a young adult in the Bush I and Clinton years.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Peale: Get out of here with that emo shit.
@germy: No, that was Frist.
@Miss Bianca: Military as a whole (well at least the Army/Marines can’t speak for the Air Force) has an issue with this. Too many commanders on down can’t seem to recognize that while there will absolutely be times where your people will have to operate with minimal or no sleep and you have to train for that contingency that it doesn’t follow that you should be consistently operating in this manner when it isn’t necessary. I’ve seen too many units deploy run their people ragged during relatively low operational tempo times and then moving into high tempo times with already burnt out personnel. And as much as people like to pretend otherwise exhausted people simply will not and can not perform as well as well rested people. Trying to have this conversation though was pretty much akin to ramming my head against a wall; it’s actually impacted my post service life as I have a huge bar to waking sleeping people even if they want me to if I do judge a situation as life or death.
@Jeffro: My mom converted in 2004, has been a solid D ever since. It’s not that hard.
Matt McIrvin
…The other thing you notice if you look at aggregates of party ID from polls is that there’s a lot of spread in the numbers, much more than you get in most opinion-poll results. I suspect what you get depends very sensitively on how the question is worded and may not actually mean much. That’s one of the reasons that it doesn’t make a lot of sense to try to re-weight poll results by party ID (Rasmussen does this, and it seems to be one of the main reasons their numbers are so weird).
Millard Filmore
@Corner Stone:
Soundbites! We need soundbites!
The government should be small. It should be barely big enough to protect ME, but not so big it protects YOU.
Taxes: I know better how to spend my money than the government. If I had an extra thousand dollars, it would be a choice between a high-def big-screen TV and that flood control project in the next county upstream from me. (such a hard choice, right?)
@Corner Stone:
Are you having me on???? The link showed media reporting was more about Trump’s job talk, not about which of them said what. Learn to read.
Steeplejack (phone)
Jesus, yes, he’s having you on! Snap out of it!
@germy: I think you are referring to Bill Frist, if I recall correctly …
Never mind … several commenters beat me to it …
@Jacel: I think Cochran is probably righteously pissed.
@Steeplejack (phone): Well, shame on me. I had CS in the pie pantry for a while, maybe missed something then; I guess s/he’s just too good for this old fart. Certainly has the song down, tho.
Quarter point to Trump for honesty.
@Served: the ruling class wanted a Republican President. And they own the media. Look no further.
Corner Stone
@les: Why would you do something so mean?