Grandpa’s nurse let him play with his phone again:
The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2017
There’s a whole stream of bullshit like this on his feed. Here’s a telling one:
I will be going to Puerto Rico on Tuesday with Melania. Will hopefully be able to stop at the U.S. Virgin Islands (people working hard).
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2017
Speaking of working hard, the Post has a tick tock of how Trump and his team dicked around last week instead of working on Puerto Rico.
Anyone who thinks that Trump’s slow play of Puerto Rican disaster aid isn’t intentional doesn’t understand the guy.
Fuck him for thinking PR’s problems are they’re not “working hard.”
He’s signaling his base that we don’t need to care about the PR wankers. They’re whiners.
Think about how PR is an island. Its citizens could not drive to safety. They could not even protect their cars, which are a great resource to families.
I would guess individual Marines and Coast Guard and other service members are just sick that they are not allowed to step up and assist in relief.
Bobby Thomson
Betty Cracker
Coincidentally, I was thinking about posting on this topic using the very same headline. Glad you got there first and saved me the trouble. For those who don’t do the Twitters, here’s the follow-up tweet to the first above:
So, the mayor of San Juan is handling a major humanitarian crisis, and Fuckface Von Clownstick attacks her from his self-branded golf resort, where he’s currently lounging at taxpayer expense to generate profits from public office. Then, he tweeted this:
Just marinate in the racist-ass racism of the “want everything to be done for them” comment — from that gilded turd in his luxury perch directed toward people who are literally fighting for their lives. Jesus Fucking Christ.
There has GOT to be a reckoning for this, goddamn it. If Trump’s incompetence in handling the hurricane response and gob-smacking cruelty in abusing people who are suffering as a result doesn’t bite him on the ass, HARD, this country isn’t worth salvaging.
Bobby Thomson
Unnecessary. They’re Latinos, so the script was written a long time ago. It won’t take much prodding before he drops the lame ocean excuse and says we shouldn’t go to the expense of rebuilding Puerto Rico because the “locals” are shiftless. Anyone who can’t see what’s coming has never studied US policy toward the indigenous tribes.
Villago Delenda Est
His vile base loves this shit, too.
Nate Silver says we’re overthinking that Donald is doing any of this with a strategy in mind; it’s just the way his demented mind works…lashing out at any criticism.
Fuck anyone who still supports this ghoul. I mean anyone. You will burn in Hell with him. People are dying, helpless in Puerto Rico from a level of devastation that is simply beyond anything that has ever occurred in modern times. This is the Super Dome in NOLA times 3.5 million. 3.5 million people facing starvation, dehydration, cholera, and death.
And this is what he said early this morning after playing golf all day yesterday.
“Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job,”
Not everyone has experienced such a state but there are moments in life when we can find ourselves completely helpless. Over two decades okay I found myself lying on the side of the road in Ontario next to the 18-wheeler that had just run me down. My back was broken. I couldn’t move. There was nothing I could do to help myself. If not for the humanity of total strangers passing by who contacted emergency professionals trained in rescue, I would have simply died there as I lay. I was totally helpless….That is Puerto Rico now. They cannot help themselves. They need the help of others to save them.
I swear on my honor, I will cling to life long enough to piss on Donald Trump’s grave. He is the physical embodiment of all of humanities failings. He is the worst person in America. And he was elected to office by 10’s of millions of people who are only slightly less evil and foul on the absolute scale of foulness. Clinton was far too kind to call them deplorable.
I have no fucks left to give. Just ban me now and save yourself the trouble. Because I am unchained. I am Godzilla on crack cocaine. I am Hannibal Lector after Lent. I am a rage filled machine of venom. No quarter.
Occum’s razor: Trump doesn’t like being talked back to by women and anyone of color. More surprising it took this long.
@Betty Cracker: God bless Puerto Rico. But I’m glad Trump pulled off his own mask of “caring and competent hurricane response” demonstrated WRT Texas and Florida.
States and people that count.
Also: here’s José Andrés, a naturalized U.S. citizen, has become the face of American disaster relief
WaPost story on DC star chef, naturalized American (Spanish by birth), and his work feeding hungry Puerto Ricans. He traveled to cook for Haitians too. Good man.
What a not-asshole. You may remember he refused to open a planned new restaurant in a Trump DC property a few years back. Chef’s got a lot of hot restaurants (good food, too).
Bobby Thomson
@Villago Delenda Est: and he’s right. Hillary thinks he’s a cunning manipulator. I think he’s just a classic spoiled rich kid bully who coincidentally gives assholes what they want, and there are a lot of assholes.
When I see this loathsome jackass on TV I now have recurring fantasies about beating him with a baseball bat.
BTW you could see it coming, the attempt to Nagin-ize the mayor of San Juan. What I didn’t expect but should have is the way with words like “nasty” Trump is trying to link the mayor and Hillary Clinton.
Remember having a president? It doesn’t seem that long ago.
@Bobby Thomson: he is both.
Trump is giving himself a mulligan for his PR response. And Senor Mulligan should be grateful.
Oh, God, this story:
They’re all assholes, mistermix. Like all the biggest assholes you ever met collected in one organization.
zhena gogolia
As the stomach turns.
How did we get here, how did we get here.
The chump in chief is a spoiled, entitled ass-wipe that has only one priority in life – himself. All else is window dressing.
Three words for Trump voters: You. Did. This.
A big part of Katrina for conservatives was their believe that people there wouldn’t “help themselves”- it’s how they justified the Bushies sitting on their asses while the city drowned.
That’s what he’s doing to Puerto Ricans.
He’s a horrible man. Also- I’d just like to point out that he’s getting worse. He’s worse every week and we have 3.5 years left.
You have to get rid of a bad hire quickly- they always get worse, never better. You know in 2 weeks. Rule Number One.
Well, Two. Rule Number One is don’t hire them in the first place. Too late for that!
@Kay: But…but…but… Clinton Fatigue!
@Baud: Yep. Hell fire is too good for them.
Betty Cracker
@magurakurin: Ban you? Fuck that. I co-sign every word.
Note how he is also trying to differentiate between Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. PR wants others to do things for them. USVI people are working hard.
Trump is kind of like wingnut. Just like there is no peak wingnut, there is no peak Trump assholeishness.
@Betty Cracker: I think we’ll know whether this country is worth saving in November, 2018. With a sneak peek when Alabama chooses a Senator.
We needed a 90 day probationary period before he got health benefits and a permanent office. He was wildly unpopular 90 days in. People knew by then.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
“They.want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort.”
That’s straight outta George Wallace and Reagoon
@Baud: Also the Jill Stein voters.
Notice how Trump always names FEMA and other organizations in his disaster tweets and never says what he is personally doing. He’s laying the groundwork for blaming others whenever his Katrina happens.
There sort of is 90 days- November to January. He was worse after the election than before it. That was the key span where he should have been terminated. Obama would be like “fuck- I have to stay over?” Yes. Until shift change.
Snarki, child of Loki
“I will be going to Puerto Rico on Tuesday with Melania.”
Is it just me, or does that make it sound like “I checked into the hospital with a bad case of Melania, and they totally cured me!”
Given Trump’s marital history, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Disgraceful. What the fuck did we ever do to deserve this? Going from Obama to Trump is going to look eternally stupid in the history books when we are dead. Imagine high school students having to write an essay and trying to explain that.
Remember No drama Obama?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Kay: Yeah. I think Obama erred mightily. Propping up an illegitimate election and the spoils thereof.
Not to mention, first election without Voting Rights protections.
Fuck the system. It failed. We should have had new elections, and gone to the mat for that.
Trump didn’t know they had to do anything because the pictures weren’t on tv. Imagine what else they don’t do.
Everything that isn’t on cable news.
@Zach: His Katrina began Jan 21, 2017.
Betty Cracker
@Snarki, child of Loki: I hope the people of Puerto Rico pelt them both with garbage. Won’t happen, of course. His advance team will keep them in an airtight security bubble. But they deserve the Ceaușescu treatment.
@MJS: In fairness, I would not make Alabama a bellwether. Although they could surprise us mightily, by voting for Doug Jones.
But it’s a backward state. Likely to lose some tourism and business travel; don’t you think there would be a “Roy Moore effect?” North Carolina could advise them.
@Kay: Isn’t it the case that Fox is not covering PR much? It’s heavily NFL kneeling?
They know their #1 viewer is der Trump, and give him what he wants.
Obama is a process person. Hell would freeze over before he’d do anything radical to overturn an election. You may as well ask him to turn into a rabbit. He believes in process.
I hate him like I’ve never hated anyone in my life. And the hate extends for every person who voted for him or for Stein or Johnson. You were confronted with an evil, dangerous man and you chose to give him the most important job on the planet. Fuck all y’all.
Between the whining, the single syllable words, and 5 word sentences, I have seen 5th graders communicate better than he does.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Bobby Thomson: Yeah, I’ve been seeing these analyses of him as some sort of evil genius by the way he uses distractions and masterfully sows discord. I’ve seen this applied to his obsession with Kaepernick/protests. But I’m convinced that’s just a case of: 1.) he hates Black people (and anyone who speaks out for them), 2.) he loves his rah-rah American Flag/troops/cops, and 3.) he sides with rich NFL owners (and hates labor), and 4.) he’s just an asshole. If he was getting a hefty amount of legislation passed I would be more convinced that there was some deeper strategic thinking going on, but to me it appears mostly that he’s always just being an asshole and sadly there is a big market for that. He’s a rich (?), white, bully of a man. He’s gotten to where he is because of that, not despite it. Take away his privilege of white skin, or male gender, and he would never be rewarded for acting the way he does. Any skill we try to ascribe to him is deeply marinated in privilege and the White/Cis/Het/Male Supremacy of our society. The fact that he can literally fuck up everything he does and still be rewarded, is not a sign of any devious skill, it’s a sad reminder of just how tilted our playing field is for mediocre (or even awful) White men.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@OzarkHillbilly: You obots are so biased. You white wash every scandal, like the time he reached over the sneeze guard when ordering a burrito.
It’s so weird to watch reality intrude into Donald Trump’s world. Although it wasn’t on Fox and Friends it was in fact happening. These real events are what trip him up- he can lie and say a Senator is in the hospital but he still doesn’t have a health care bill.
@zhena gogolia:
“If only Hillary had gone to Wisconsin…”
Seriously, every time I think there’s no way I can hate him any more than I do, I’m proven wrong.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Drumpf knows he’s cornered – he’s using troops as a human shield.
@Kay: True. But, being a good person, he refused to see how process was failing him, and how rotted the institution had become. Stolen USSC seat too.
PBO is my favorite president, and he did so much, but he accepted some horrible outcomes with grace. I think they should have warned Americans more about the Russian interference.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: You’re right, and that’s part of what made him a great president. But like most virtues, it has its downfalls, and we’re living it now.
@MomSense: My father and some truly beloved aunts and uncles are Trumpsters. I’m not sure my relationship with them can survive this. My disgust level is like I’ve found out they’re into kiddie porn.
@PsiFighter37:”Going from Obama to Trump is going to look eternally stupid in the history books when we are dead. Imagine high school students having to write an essay and trying to explain that.”
I think it will be as easy or as hard as explaining 100 years of Jim Crow after the Civil War.
Facebook friend who is a Trump supporter but has family in PR was assuring everyone the other day that Trump’s response was fine and the people in PR agreed. Just read the local paper and not the american media, cause you know, they hate Trump. I can’t imagine being so devoted to someone like Trump that even your family and their friends and neighbors suffering can’t induce a sense of outrage because you feel the need to defend orange sack of garbage.
And then I look and Twitter and see:
@Elizabelle: The problem is, there are way too many backward states right now. Hence Trump. I guess I’m looking to Alabama to restore my faith in this country immediately. And if they don’t (I don’t expect they will), then I’ll have to wait until 2018. But I do believe that 2018 is really the last chance this country, as a whole, will have to show that it’s worth saving.
@Betty Cracker:
I know. At the very least, I want to rub their noses in it. It’s like look at what you’ve done, look so closely you get the shit smeared on your nose.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Remember when people reached for their fainting couches when Obama said “Trayvon could have been my son.”?
@MomSense: Reserve some of that hate for the “there’s no difference, so I’m not going to vote” crowd. They are legion.
Uncle Ebeneezer
If there’s one lesson we should all have learned by now: There’s no level of awfulness that can’t be justified by a large swath of people, in order to perpetuate ___ism/phobia.
@Betty Cracker: I have never seen most of my sister’s family since my return from Barcelona. Something weird going on via my Trumpsplaining brother in law. This is not normal. He isolated me.
Also: New thread. Anne Laurie’s found some amazing tweets.
People you would not expect, dissing Trump for his PR non-response.
Yeah, she thought she didn’t have to pay for it like all the other rubes in the restaurant.
Well, but part of the reason he believes in it is his own unlikely election. No one here thought Obama could win. The Dem county chair here in ’08 thought the country would never elect a black man. So he takes the good with the bad which is very consistent with “process person”. They genuinely believe the process is the best way to reach “a result”- doesn’t mean “good result”- means “orderly and predictable and equitable”. I’m sort of one although this “faith” has been sorely tested and more and more I’m like, fuck it- throw a stick into the spokes” :)
Amir Khalid
@Snarki, child of Loki:
I wouldn’t normally say anything about other people’s relationships, but I guess it’s okay to state the obvious: Donald and Melania are treating their marriage like the title character’s friends treated his dead body in Weekend At Bernie’s.
As for what he said about the mayor of San Juan, it’s appalling but no surprise at all now. There is no uncertainty left about whether he can grow into the Presidency: he can’t. He needs to be removed.
Oh, how I would love to see the biggest asshole in the country get “accidentally” left behind in Puerto Rico to face pissed off, ungrateful Puerto Ricans and fend for himself finding shelter, food and water. It could be a couple of weeks for the jerk to get rescued because, you know, it’s an island surrounded by big water, ocean water.
I was thinking about that head of agency or whatever who quit “Trump doesn’t believe in the rule of law”
Of course he doesn’t. He won by going around it, evading it, saying it’s stupid and it doesn’t apply to me.
True, too, Look where he is! Can’t argue with results. But he can’t control everything and he’s continually tripped up by real events that can’t be bullshitted around or waved away or distracted from.
@Kay: PBO got an enormous assist from GWB and the economic meltdown. Made it less unlikely, but no less historic.
I would love to see PBO write on this topic, in the future. He may have some deep regrets.
Betty Cracker
@MJS: My prediction is Jones loses narrowly, but I hope the Democrats put enough resources in the race so that the “mainstream” GOP gets smeared by association with Moore, who is a walking Jack T. Chick tract.
@Elizabelle: Our sycophantic media would have adopted right wing talking points about tyrannical Obama undermining democracy and trying to help Hillary win. It would have been non stop Obama bashing and the real story would have been totally lost. No one in media would have even tried to investigate or report on it. The topic would have been poison. Obama knew very well the field he was playing in. Horrible choices but given the sorry state of US he made the right one.
Iowa Old Lady
@Elizabelle: Alabama has tourism?
@Amir Khalid:
I think you can say it. It is weird how they never do anything together, other than photo ops. It’s also weird in modern fatherhood to never spend any time with your ten year old and instead go away golfing every weekend. It’s from another era.
Everyone disagrees with me but I thought Al Gore did the the right thing too. He has to follow the law-he, of ALL people has to believe in process. It never meant “win”.
@magurakurin: There are millions around the world who applaud your remarks. Thank you
@magurakurin: @TS: Amen.
@Kathleen: That’s true.
That’s the flip side of Martha Raddatz almost in tears on Election Night. She couldn’t believe it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
among other things: “modern”. The Rough Beast is said to worship his father the way he himself thinks he should be worshiped, and I believe has said he’s not interested in his children until they’re adults
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I believe the unbearable knowledge that his own father thought he was a worthless piece of shit is what turned Trump into the narcissistic monster he is today. He built a cathedral of self-regard over the bottomless pit of self-loathing and insecurity at his core.
@Snarki, child of Loki: Trump takes Melania with him, hoping to defuse protests – rather like Sarah Palin used to bring along a child or two & then scream that protesters were being horrible to her children.
Never saw a person devestated by fire, flood, storms or mass murder that turned away from seeing President Obama. If I was in this situation the last person on earth I would want to see would be trump.
@magurakurin: me too I just want trump and his miserable followers to die ghastly painful lonely deaths.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kathleen: You can make a case that Obama should have done more to raise alarms, but he trusted McConnell to do exactly what he said he would do and make it a partisan issue, and the media would treat it as “he said/he said”. The generally passive reaction of the public at large to what we know now suggests that’ what would have happened. Trump went on TV and bragged about obstructing justice. His closest aides and family members met with Russians who said they were representing the Russian gov’t, which wanted to help “Mr Trump”. How many of your IRL voting but non-political junkie acquaintances are up in arms, or even interested?
Republicans like Sunday morning pin-up boy Lindsey Graham are working to make Susan Rice’s “unmasking” of trump’s associates a scandal because it sounds nefarious and they hate her from the last picture. Paleo-conservative and war-hawk Tom Nichols, to cite just one voice from the other side, are pointing out that that’s exactly what she should have done, but the very patriotic “Russia hawk” Lindsey Graham wants something to muddy the partisan waters on cable shout shows, not least to stave off a trumpist primary for himself
Ella in New Mexico
Every single Friday night/SaturdY morning, Donald Trump drops a foot-long turd on America. We go apeshit, the non-Fox media covers it incessantly, Fox ignores it completely, and his intended result of keeping us all distracted/ignorant regarding the important stuff is accomplished.
And he spends yet another weekend at one of his golf resorts.
Motherfucker. I’m so looking forward to the piss-fest on his grave with Magurakin.
randy khan
Andres really is a good guy. He’s done a lot of humanitarian work and is great in the D.C. community.
Also, the shrimp in garlic sauce at Jaleo is to die for, as is the fried eggplant.
randy khan
I think the PR mess is not so much intentional as indicative of Trump’s way of looking at the world. In his personal hierarchy of things to care about, it’s just not high enough to register on its own. And since he did the big “Commander in Chief taking charge” photo op for Harvey, he doesn’t think he needs to do it again.
This is not a defense in any way, of course – the inability to figure out that 3.7 million lives should be prioritized over a golf trip and the NFL kerfuffle is pathological, not to mention terribly narcissistic. But given his 3-second attention span and everything else we’ve seen about him, I’m not sure you can say it’s intentional as opposed to ingrained.
Lurking Canadian
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: That monster once put mustard on a hamburger. Mustard. On a hamburger.
After that brush with anarchy, is it a surprise that there was a backlash?
Okay, no more blockquote for you for at least a week!
@randy khan:
Oddly enough, Lauriol Plaza (Mexican food) also has a great shrimp in garlic oil appetizer. Yum. I’m going to try to recreate it at home.
@MJS: No this country is worth saving for the majority that did not vote for T and the immigrants and non citizens that could not vote but voted with their feet because they believed in the promise of America giving up everything they knew and were familiar with.
@randy khan: I lubs me some Jaleo, their dish with potatoes is pretty good too.
Julia Grey
As for the idea that the Trumps treat their marriage like Bernie’s “friends” treated his remains in Weekend at Bernie’s, it’s hilariously true, but let’s also remember those guys weren’t his friends, they were his employees.
Even funnier.
The big fraud’s big mouth is so reliable- always dumb and always bullshit. He can’t shut up. No one ever told him to just shut the fuck up so he lacks ordinary discipline- what you would expect from a well-raised 6 year old- and he’s the President.
randy khan
There’s almost nothing there that isn’t pretty darned good.
Amir Khalid
@Lurking Canadian:
It’s a crime to put American yellow “mustard” on anything. But a proper mustard, e.g. Colman’s or Dijon, is fine.
Amir Khalid
@Julia Grey:
In a sense, also true of Donald and Melania.
randy khan
Not exactly the same, but an amazingly easy garlic shrimp recipe. It’s so quick that peeling the shrimp actually seems to take more time than the rest of the recipe put together:
Yes, it’s Martha Stewart. Anybody got a problem with that?
@japa21: I think Drumpf has property on USVI…left Puerto Rico holding the bag on his bankrupt golf course there.
He’s probably afraid PR will somehow make him personally pay back the $33 million he stuck them with.
@randy khan:
Will save that. Think I bookmarked one from Saveur (?), but I’m not on the computer and I’m too lazy to look it up again right now.
@magurakurin: Hey, well said, thanks. One of the things that I can’t understand is why the US military is not using helicopters. I am readin an amazing book, Hue68, about the war in Vietnam. It is clear that the US ground troops thought that the helicopter pilots were gods. Perhaps there were good reasons a week ago put certainly not now.
@Kay: And, Trump has an entire civilian cabinet of Michael Browns (aka Brownie).