Watch as women writers for Jimmy Fallon, and guest Miley Cyrus, write thank you notes to Hillary Clinton:
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 5, 2017
I kept it together until Miley started sniffling. Young women like her are why Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t going away — even though she’ll probably never run for office again.
… Fallon asked if Clinton would have felt differently about losing the election if her opponent had been someone other than Trump.
“I would have. Yeah, I’ve thought about that a lot,” she said. “If I had lost to another Republican — somebody who I disagreed with, but who I thought was temperamentally capable of being president, who would take the job, and the awesome responsibility seriously — of course I’d be disappointed, but I wouldn’t be so worried about my country and the world as I am now.”…
“You may not lose a presidential election, but you may lose somebody close to you. You may lose a job you want,” she continued. “There’s all kinds of challenges in life, and so I want not only individuals — and so many of them as they’re coming to my events are telling me that it has helped them — but I want our country to understand how resilient we are. We are such an extraordinary collection of people, and energy and all sorts of great potential. And I don’t want people to get depressed, and worn out, and tired because they see things they disagree with that are contrary to who we are. There is something for everybody to do.”…
Apart from keeping faith in the #Resistance, what’s on the agenda for the day?
When my father lost, we prayed, hiked, grilled a lot of red meat….and then he went back to work and completely moved on.
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) October 5, 2017
maybe if your father had "lost" by getting 3M more votes instead of losing by 9M votes the way he did, you would've had different reax
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) October 5, 2017
She's not hiding, and women don't have to shame her for having a voice that inspired over 65 million Americans.
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) October 5, 2017
Chyron HR
He spent 8 years going on TV every week to grandstand about how he would run the country better, you dumb asshole.
Whatever, Soylent Blonde*.
Anyway, isn’t it always good news for John McCain?
*MMcC’s nickname on
what’s on the agenda for the day? Avoiding the rain, so probably cleaning up the shop,putting stuff away in the camper, and being a bum.
ETA: and calling my New Orleans son just to make sure he isn’t too blase about a Category 1 hurricane.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
If there’s one person who doesn’t hold on to the past it’s John McCain.
In fact I just discovered in the Ken Burns/Lynn Novick documentary that McCain was a POW. I was shocked. He’s so humble about himself, he never mentions it.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Irony is a hellva drug.
FBI terrorism unit says ‘black identity extremists’ pose violent threat
Saturday morn? Speak for yourself…
/eating a late dinner at Noosaville cafe
Right out a paperback potboiler.
[British Columbia] mosque removes link to anti-Semitic website following questions
What a crude, idiotic, vile and downright nasty piece of steaming sh*t to spew out. WTF goes through someone’s head to do this?
@Chyron HR: In all fairness to Meghan, she’s not very bright and the only reason anyone outside her immediate family hears anything she says is because she won the Lucky Sperm Contest.
“I’m better than you.”
Bobby Thomson
Without Meghan to speak for that old hermit, John Wahtsisname, who would ever know what he thinks today?
But her emails!!
Meghan literally wrote a book about her father’s election. Maybe she forgot because she wasn’t actually the writer.
We arrived in Fort Lauderdale yesterday to board the the Harmony of the Seas for a cruise that has been booked for months. The islands we were suppose to see were in the Eastern Carribean after a few changes we are now going to the Western Carribean.
Fort Lauderdale looks very good there were still some piles of trash that needed to be picked up and the sand on the beach had stuff washed in.
Gah! Got up at 4:30 to pack and get to the Farmer’s Market, and because I wasn’t there earlier this week I didn’t get a booth. It’s a two-tiered lottery, you have priority if you sell additional days, but I got a rescue call on Thursday that tied me up. So now I’m home and can’t unload the car in the rain. Stayed up late finishing lotions too, dammit!
Meghan McCain exists, like her father, to prove that there is no such thing as a “reasonable Republican”.
@OzarkHillbilly: Is it really going to rain in St Louis today? We have had so many promising forecasts, and so little rain.
Good morning, everyone.
Heh. Meet our newest Senatorial candidate in the GOP primary to run against McCaskill:
In case the NBC News article on the Burr statement’s discrepancy has not been linked, here it is.
So, the dossier started as a Jeb! project but got picked up by the Dems (HRC? Soros?), and Burr wants to impugn the report as tainted because of the source money. He sort of admits the facts reported are true but he needs to create a shadow over the dossier for Andrea Mitchell to tut tut about.
Amir Khalid
Meghan McCain remained a loyal Republican after the horrible rumours about her sister that some Republicans spread to undermine John S. III’s 2000 presidential campaign. I’ve always wondered why.
Steeplejack (phone)
What I remember about McCain “moving on” is that he was a complete dick the first time he was at Obama’s White House in February 2009. He got up at some economic conference and started bitching to Obama on camera about the cost of the Marine One helicopter—which Obama had fuck-all to do with and had inherited along with every other mess in the country. Story here.
@Lapassionara: 70% chance of rain for us in Washington Co. (NWS says 60% in STL) On Tuesday we had some storms move through that left about 1/2″ in Union but when I got home I found about 2 inches in my wheelbarrow. The first good rain we’ve had in a month.
A Ghost to Most
@bystander: This is not really news. It’s been known for months. The fascists just want to downplay the dossier.
Amir Khalid
Courtland Sykes sounds like a lovely person. Who won’t be a US Senator, or a married man, for very long.
@satby: Look on the brightside. You’ve already done all your prep for next week so now you can take it easy, read a book.
Cheryl Rofer
@bystander: @A Ghost to Most: It would be interesting to know exactly who funded the dossier in the Jeb! camp, and if they already had suspicions that Russians were interfering in the campaign. There’s some evidence they were in the primaries too.
@Amir Khalid: He’s almost enough to make me look forward to 2018 in Misery.
@Amir Khalid:
Amir, have you learned nothing about red-state ‘Murica?
Cleek’s Law every day, some days more than others. As for the “married” thing: I expect that he’s marrying her in large part because she’s A-OK with being “the little woman.” Even if she is smarter than he is, which is admittedly a pretty low bar to set.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
Uh huh
Uh huh ?
@Amir Khalid:
Because she’s a horrible person? Just a guess.
Of course, no worse than her father, who (figuratively) fellated W after Rove and company pulled that shit in SC about his daughter. Maybe I’m a bad father, but were someone to go after my kid — adopted or not — to get at me, I’d find a way to make them suffer, not ask if I could (figuratively) blow them. But that’s me, and I’m a bad father.
With a non-adopted sibling, there might be some rivalry issues; there had better not be with a parent.
All the while pretending that’s not what he is doing.
It was originally a Republican that hired Steele. Somewhere along the way, Steele wasn’t working for anyone, but following the evidence and his spy hunches.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Steeplejack (phone):
“Your helicopter is now going to cost as much as Air Force One.” (video)
This is McCain, with the entire U.S. economy teetering on the brink of the abyss, bitching about one small item in the vast morass of “military procurement.” What a dick. Oh, yeah, Meghan, clearly he moved on.
And of course in that clip Obama pwns McCain without breaking a sweat.
. . . I’m a little surprised to see how apparently I haven’t moved on from this. But it really did strike me at the time, because it was just about the first time McCain had appeared in the news since Inauguration Day, and that’s where he went?! He could have just kept his yap shut and scowled at everybody.
That’s lower than the crazification factor.
The Fox News version.
Cheryl Rofer
Trump wants to bring back the Fairness Doctrine this morning.
@OzarkHillbilly: As a New Englander, I would like that Midwesterner to think Norman Rockwell, too. He can start with The “Four Freedoms” and continue to “The Problem we all Live With”.
@OzarkHillbilly: true that! I’d go back to bed but I already had almost a (6 cup) pot of coffee.
@Steeplejack (phone):
No big deal. In the modern political world, Dems are supposed to “move on” within a few days after Rethugs steal an election (or similar), but it’s OK if Rethugs don’t have to “move on” until after another Rethug is “elected.”
It’s not exactly a corollary to Cleek’s Law, but it’s not too different.
Self-righteousness: America’s #1 Export.
A solar powered donkey (pic)
@Cheryl Rofer: and he’s the only mope who doesn’t understand that.
Cheryl Rofer
He seems upset. Five tweets in the last hour or so.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
Not one to be careful what he wishes for, is he, this President of yours?
I really want a white man to be politically incorrect, and realize political correctness just protects him from himself.
Todd Akin sort of demonstrated this six years ago.
Cheryl Rofer
@Amir Khalid: At least today he is not wishing for nuclear war. So far.
Is there no end to the number of pigs coming out of that party?
@rikyrah: I’m pretty sure no small part of the 27% are upset by how how few of the promises he’s made he has actually kept.
@SFAW: Yep, too true.
No, he’d just say his buddy Sean Hannity and the rest already provide balanced information.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I love his idea that good news reporting is that the Republicans have received more donations than Democrats. Back out the mega-donors and he’d likely be very, very SAD!
@Cheryl Rofer:
Another day ending in “day”.
So it would seem 76% don’t seem to believe the president* is Making America Great Again.
Betty Cracker
Hillary Clinton is definitely not running again; she’s made that crystal clear. That’s why I find the zeal to belittle her and the constant demands for her to shut up and go away so infuriating. She’s not a threat to you anymore, assholes! You don’t care what she has to say? Change the channel. Don’t buy her book. But she’s an inspirational figure for tens of millions of women (and men), and when you tell HER to shut up and go away, you’re telling US to shut up and go away. And some of us won’t react to that with the grace Ms. Clinton displays in the face of unhinged hatred.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@debbie: In Misery??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. Gasp…. Wheeze….. You a funny girl. :-)
@Betty Cracker: That’s exactly right. Hillary has become one of my litmus tests for knowing who I can trust.
Not that it matters, but that really isn’t true about John McCain. He complains constantly about the winner of the Presidential election, whoever the winner happens to be. He’s clearly angry that he’s not President – that’s really his reason for working, as far as I can tell.
I know he’s very ill but the truth is his 2 legislative issues were campaign finance reform and immigration and his own Party cut him off at the knees on both of them. He can’t even blame Democrats. My God, the name of the campaign finance law conservatives obliterated was McCain Feingold.
The best example of an adept mover-on is probably John Kerry.
@Betty Cracker: This.
My plans for the day: I’ve got a load of cleaning and neatening to do. I have an out-of-town visitor arriving tomorrow night, an 80-year-old woman from Alaska who I haven’t seen (I suddenly realize) in probably 15 years, although we’re in regular phone and e-mail contact. How time flies. She’s not staying with me, but I’m sure we’ll want to spend time hanging out here. She is an artist and wants to hit some of the museums downtown in her four-day stay.
Amir Khalid
Do the “I like what he’s saying” crowd still like what the Dotard is saying? Or have the media over there finally begun to cut back on fetishising them?
@Kay: This is correct.
A Ghost to Most
@debbie: Um, no.
Wapo. Malignant cancervativism is incurable.
@Betty Cracker:
What Betty said.
It became a running joke after ’08- they were interviewing President McCain again to critique President Obama.
McCain wants the executive branch role on foreign policy, which is sort of a problem since he’s in the legislature.
@A Ghost to Most:
His rubes buying that garbage he hawks.
@Kay: Yep. I remember. Compare the behavior of McCain and Kerry after their losses and it’s clear MM is talking out of her ass.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Because the late night folks have his number, and because in the middle of political commentary, they can make jokes that make fun of him. Seeing the audience laugh at him, burns him up.
A Ghost to Most
@Betty Cracker: If they are still fixated on HRC, GOOD! It means they aren’t paying attention to actual candidates.
One more valuable service from HRC.
Amir Khalid
@A Ghost to Most:
Looks like my question #61 has been answered.
I wonder if this disconnect between the economic numbers and how people feel about the country will continue, because this was true of Obama too- the economy had technically recovered but there was no boost from that. That would be uncharted territory, if the economy no longer matters in elections.
People are working in this county and have been since 2015. We’re at full employment. There are billboards and “open” interviews- they just leave the signs up- they are basically hiring anyone who wanders in. They aren’t making more than they were in 2000 but they aren’t making less either- the decline in wages and standard of living has a long arc. It didn’t occur WITH the financial crash. So why aren’t they more optimistic?
zhena gogolia
@Chyron HR:
I knew that the BJ commentariat would nail that one in comment #1.
EconomicSocial anxiety.A Ghost to Most
@Amir Khalid: And not as we had hoped.
Millard Filmore
@Cheryl Rofer:
That would mean 50% of the stories on Fox would praise Trump, and 50% of the stories on Fox would come from Trump’s propaganda office praising Trump.
Right, but that was supposed to be taken care of by restoring old white men to their proper place, at the top of the heap.
When do these fuckers cheer up? Why are they still moping around? They got their douchebag and his merry band of yes-men in Congress. They’re still not happy? They want a slightly different mix of yes-men?
I’m in Majorx4’s beautiful City by the Bay for Hardly, Strictly Bluegrass music festival
@Amir Khalid: I haven’t noticed any reduction in racial pride in the immediate neighborhood.
@Kay: They’re not happy because they know they aren’t winning despite being in control of everything. We aren’t deferring to their superiority. And Hillary Clinton still roams the earth freely, without a care about being locked up.
Note to Deadbeat Donald: You will never get a hug from Miley Cyrus…….you creepy douchecanoe.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I’m in Brainerd, MN at my brother’s house looking out his kitchen window at a lake. I may never go home.
Another chores weekend for me. My son is meeting me at my dad’s place to finish the splitting and stacking project. Lots of other chores to do as well.
Our right to choose our president was stolen from us. Our constitution never imagined the ethical bankruptcy of today’s republican party and that’s why we don’t have a mechanism for redress. The EC was supposed to serve as the safeguard for precisely the foreign interference scenario we experienced.
We are in a constitutional crisis. The good news is that Mueller’s team seems to be closing in on the traitors. The bad news is that the Rootabega Rat is feeling cornered. So we have to be strong and keep fighting back even though we are tired and pissed off and sick of dealing with this crap.
The times we are living in are a little too interesting for my taste.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Stay away from the wood chippers.
A Ghost to Most
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
No wood chippers nearby, I hope?
Eta I was THIS close.
I hear you
I hear you
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Meghan McCain @
When he really lost he sat for years in a POW camp you insipid entitled political hack. Also, Obama didn’t bet McCain in 2008 by conspiring with a national enemy, perhaps that’s why McCain isn’t such of a fan of Trump and Hillary can’t just let it go?
@A Ghost to Most:
It’s the time zone difference. Were Ozark one of Mnem’s neighbors, you would have beaten him to the punch
@A Ghost to Most: Not so great minds and all that.
@OzarkHillbilly: Gloria Steinem? Norman Rockwell? Is this guy 70 years old?
He’s expecting home cooked meals from his fiancé? Are they sharing a home already before marriage? Does he expect her to come to his house to cook them? I bet he’s shacked up with her but will excuse himself from that breach of “traditional Norman Rockwell values.”
I think some conservatives would die happy with the world going up in flames secure with the knowledge that Hillary never became president.
I have to go to a wedding reception in Toronto today but I’m dreading it. I have to leave after my son’s soccer game because if he doesn’t play they might have to forfeit. I just know with the Canadian Thanksgiving traffic, my complaining kids,hot head husband and my old lady problems it’s not going to be fun.
@Betty Cracker: @Baud: Righteous rant, Betty C. I’m having a very hard time letting go. Don’t know if I ever will. But it’s more than what happened to Hillary. It represents the trajectory of hatred, racism and misogyny that Rethuglicans have gotten away with (thank you, Mainslime Media) for too long.
And Double Triple What Baud Said.
It’s amazing that they are still discovering stuff like this.
The Atlantic.
@Kay: They are still old. And nobody else is shutting up or deferring to them either. Women aren’t leaving their jobs, the kids aren’t coming back to the hometown, coal isn’t reviving.
Meghan McCain is an asshole and really needs to fuck off forever. Grilled meat. Gurl bye.
Betty Cracker
My husband has become fixated on a motorcycle, and I know it’s my job to talk him out of it, but I like it too! It’s so retro! Looks like something you’d see in a Bruce Lee movie. You’d need a flag helmet to ride the damn thing!
Except they aren’t happy. They’re miserable. Trump was down to 32% in a poll I saw yesterday and they loathe their congressional leaders almost as much as we do. FOX doesn’t even cover bad news and they’re still miserable. Imagine if they knew what Trump was actually up to.
I don’t know- I’m starting to think they’re just angry assholes, like their leader. 32% sounds about right.
@Kay: They won’t be happy until AA’s, Muslims, immigrants and Democrats are locked up in FEMA camps. Or better, dead.
@Betty Cracker:
She is still very much a threat, because she inspired millions of us to believe an inclusive, tolerant, and just America can be achieved. The gains in gay rights can be expanded. We can work to ending racial discrimination in policing and sentencing. And the list goes on.
And as a private citizen, who – unlike her husband – is not hamstrung by whatever tradition exists that former Presidents do not criticize current Presidents, she is free to keep voicing her opinion.
Good point.
Got it in one.
They can’t be happy until all their twisted fantasies will come true, which will never happen. So instead they build an Empire of Whining.
Ralph: “I’m the King, and you’re nothing!”
Alice: “Congratulations. You’re the king of nothing.”
@Betty Cracker:
That is so funny you mention that. Mine has had motorcycles forever. We had two but he’s down to one. He’s selling it because he needs room in the garage for a riding mower. Our youngest cuts the lawn with the push mower but he’s not going to be around forever! We’re not pushing that thing for two hours, that’s for sure.
I don’t ride on it as much as I used to but I “get” why people enjoy them- it’s fun to ride although I have no desire to drive it.
The end of an era :)
@Baud: Cool stuff.
@Betty Cracker:
One of my son’s friends built a motorcycle from a kit. I was blown away by that. First they have a kit and second that he actually finished the whole thing and it “worked”.
@Betty Cracker:
I used to bike. It’s a joy, but you have to be alert on the road.
They are unhappy because their vessel for White Supremacy is an international embarrassment.
@Betty Cracker: My oldest just got one. I am not happy about it but what can I do?
He sort of gradually stopped. I remember the day he said it has to be above 60 degrees for a ride :)
Funnily enough he gave my middle son 1000 dollars if he wouldn’t buy a motorcycle. That son is a tad reckless though. He took him up on it and actually collected, which I thought was mean of him- to collect- but they were fine with the deal.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: They are fun! Hubby had a motorcycle when we first started dating — it was the only thing that made my mother suspicious about him!
They are unhappy because we never ‘ got over it’.
We loathe Dolt45 and his voters, and they know it.
@Kay: Yeah. I never told my mother I had a bike.
I love that Fox is in a bubble. So, when the indictments come, I am going to tune in. I am going to enjoy watching them spin.
OMG. I just realized Trump’s going to keep ruining things after he’s out of office.
@OzarkHillbilly: my youngest was working on restoring one but the ex-gf wouldn’t give it back out of the storage unit when they broke up. I used to love riding but I’m more conservative about my kids’ safety, even when all those kids are in their 30s.
No Drought No More
“..but I want our country to understand how resilient we are. We are such an extraordinary collection of people, and energy and all sorts of great potential..”.
Apparently, however, they’re just not resilient enough to be told the truth about the calculated lies told by those that stampeded the country to war in Iraq.
I don’t understand democrats sense of loyalty to someone who proved so catastrophically wrong in supporting the Bush-Cheney ( plot to war, and who remains so cavalierly unrepentant about . After all, John Kerry certainly doesn’t rate that kind of love, even though, unlike Hillary, he can at least lay claim to some significant legislative achievements throughout his career.
@No Drought No More: If you don’t understand, perhaps you belong somewhere else.
And when she comes along and wins the nomination, I predict a flock (murder?) of previously
unheard from commenters will launch their “neoliberal wall street shill” crows to derail every thread.
@Baud: probably for the best. Moms are worrywarts.
@rikyrah: I treasure the memory of watching Karl Rove melt down the night of President Obama’s reelection.
@WereBear: Who knew a Metallica song came from “The Honeymooners”
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: I was horrified when my little brother (who is in his mid-30s and 6’4″ but still my little brother) got one several years back. He’s such a dummy! ? He has since sold it. Whew!
@satby: I had one as a college student in Florida. They are dangerous and I was glad to trade it in on a car when I could afford it.
@Betty Cracker:
They make a lot more sense in Florida. His were in the garage the vast majority of the time. The motorcycle from a kit was neat looking- it’s stripped down- you can see all the works.
@satby: Especially mine.
@satby: I had one. They are fun. Too much fun for an idiot like me. My son is smarter than I was, but the idiots on the road haven’t gotten any smarter in the 35 years since I had one.
Omnes Omnibus
@No Drought No More: Good fucking god.
J R in WV
You know, lots of things, when they spin too fast, they shatter into tiny bits flinging all over the place. Is it too much to hope that Faux will spin espionage stories so fast they destroy the business?? I’m so optimistic.
Will go now to make 18 hard-boiled eggs for deviled eggs, and bake an artichoke-heart/cheese dip casserole for the Intergalactic Homebrew festival this evening at a neighbor’s farm. No entries from us, but frabjous beer and food, campfire, old tyme music picking, etc.
Plus a meteor shower, sky gods willing!!!
Boyfriend had one a billion years ago. I cannot imagine leaning into turns like we used to.
Fear not, people! In the Trump future, we will all have jobs!
They thought they were going to rehab. They ended up in chicken plants
@MJS: Art has many parents :)
@J R in WV:
Can I come too?
@Baud: They are just an old troll with a new name. A troll by any name is not sweet at all.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
One of the most beautiful sights in northern MN is the brilliantly colored autumn leaves reflected on a perfectly still lake. Brainerd is more central MN so you may still have full color yet there. In the NE we are getting past peak color but it’s still pretty. If it gets windy this weekend, most leaves will be down. I’m always sad when the leaves fall because the vivid yellow, orange and red leaf cover really brightens up the cloudy days and fewer hours of daylight. Even in dusk, those glowing leaves have a light effect.
@No Drought No More:
In October 2002, Bush, Jr sold the need to be able to use force as a stick needed to get weapons inspectors back in Iraq, which was a goal both parties supported. He did not sell the authorization to use force as an open declaration of war. It was let the inspectors in or we use force.
If Bush, Jr had been honest to Congress and the American people, he would have stopped when Saddam let the inspectors back in, shortly after the authorization to use force passed Congress.
Bush lied, not only to us, but also to Congress.
I can forgive people in Congress for thinking the President would not so blatantly lie to them, as they have some level of institutional power to exact reprisals in such cases.
I agree. There is that segment of Americans that are perpetually angry bitchers. I think they were born with the crabass genes.
Chris T.
@Kathleen: They won’t be happy then either. They will turn on another sub-group. (Splitters!)
Uncle Ebeneezer
@No Drought No More: If you still don’t get it after reading the 100’s of 1,000’s of words written, videos, podcasts etc. on the topic, explaining it, maybe the problem is YOU.
Betty Cracker
@No Drought No More: Wild guess: you’re a white dude?
I hate thinking this way. I love white dudes — married one 20+ years ago! But goddamn, are most of y’all utterly clueless. It’s wearying.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
And from flip-flopping on climate change and closing Gitmo and Wall Street regulation and right up to the end with the blockade of Merrick Garland, conducted an eight year campaign of spiteful, bitter trolling of the duly elected President of the United States. And you yourself, dear Megs, blundered through a third rate pundit’s career, arrogant and blissfully unaware that nobody would have paid you a dime or pointed a camera at you if your name were Smith, or even Hensley. She really is an amazingly stupid human being.
and trying to pass the old man off as prayerful… it’s not as offensive, even to this old atheist, as when trump does it, but it is laughable.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: If it’s the one I’m seeing on HuffPollster, that’s an AP-NORC poll that appears to have been a consistent low outlier–they had Trump at 35% approval in June when his approval in the average of polls was closer to 39-40%.
I think it’s important not to be misled by polls that seem unusually encouraging. I’ve noticed that the polls like Quinnipiac that show Trump’s approval in the low thirties always get echoed around the liberal blogosphere, but if you look at Huffington Post or RCP’s averages of polls, they’ve shown him most of the time in the high thirties, low forties when he has a good week. Knock out Rasmussen, which is probably bullshit, and that takes off about a point, so he’s at about 38% now. I’m not willing to believe that all the polls that look good for Trump are cooked, while the polls that look bad for him aren’t–that’s motivated reasoning. A lot of people like his shtick.
@debbie: yeah, that. When I was a passenger I weighed LOTS less. Now I think I would tip the bike ?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Tell us that in January.
@Chris T.:
Quite likely, they’d turn on each other. Wingnut groups are not exactly in sync together.
@Matt McIrvin: Since when is 38% a wonderful approval rating to have? The bar is always lower for T even by supposedly liberal commenters on a liberal blog.
Matt McIrvin
@schrodingers_cat: It’s not good. But Trump was elected President with a personal approval rating that was lower than that. I’d be happier if he were down in Jimmy Carter or late George W. Bush territory, but he’s not, not yet at least. I think party polarization is so hardened that numbers like that may literally be impossible.
@Matt McIrvin: Was their approval rating that low in the first year of their Presidency?
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Betty Cracker: No, your assumption is perfectly fair. Assume d-canoes on internet are White dudes, until proven otherwise. Also applies to White People: racist.
Matt McIrvin
@schrodingers_cat: Definitely not–however, Bill Clinton had a moment in his first year when he was down that far, and Ronald Reagan got to sub-Trump territory later in his first term. It wasn’t sustained; presidential approval ratings seem to have been more volatile in those days, maybe because of lower partisanship.
@Betty Cracker:
Well said.
She won the popular vote, she should be our president, rather than that whiny 4 yr old, bloated, bigoted, narcissistic, sociopathic asshole who is. I just wonder if those who are complaining about HRC are complaining because they are even less human than that whiny 4 yr old, bloated, bigoted, narcissistic, sociopathic asshole?
Some of the idiots out here in lala land have. Been riding for 50 yrs and while is still dangerous, it is also better. Most of the time. If you don’t want to or can’t pay 100% attention and have solid reflexes and knowledge they will get you. And at some time a person loses either the desire or the skill to pay attention and react. That is the time to hang up your gear. I have a friend who is a bit older and he quit about 2-3 yrs ago. The cries about how horrible it was to stop were, fucking stupid. This man knows himself better than they did for sure. He lost the desire, and that’s the end of it. His choice, better that he made it than some moron made it for him.
The curve for unqualified White Men is REAL ?
@Betty Cracker: ❤️