… ‘Almost as cold as the face on that beeyotch in the WH publicity photos’. [Yes, I am a petty, petty person.] Per TPM, Ivana Trump has a book to sell, and presumably a team of ace legal specialists to vet it, because it sounds like Game of Thrones – NYC:
A new book from Donald Trump’s first wife pulls back the curtain on a tumultuous period of the president’s life, including the messy divorce that was splashed across New York’s tabloids for weeks…
“Raising Trump” is set to be released next week. The Associated Press purchased an early copy.
In the book, Ivana writes glowingly about her marriage to Trump and her prominent role at the Trump Organization. But then she unburdens herself about the heartache that Trump’s affair with Maples caused her and the couple’s three children, Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. Donald Jr. didn’t speak to his father for a year after the split…
‘Don’t blame me if the kid’s totally effed up. I did my best, but given Mr. My-Superior-Genes… ‘
…But she and the president have returned to far warmer terms. She writes that they speak about once a week and that she encourages him to keep using Twitter…
I’ll bet she does. What ex-Trump-partner would not?
She said in a CBS News interview this week that she was offered the post of ambassador to the Czech Republic, her native country, but turned it down because she already has “a perfect life.”…
‘And you, Melanja Knause? Those news photos, your expression is not that of a woman whose life is perfect.’
Much of the book is spent recounting Ivana Trump’s childhood in Europe, her burgeoning modeling career in New York and Trump’s courtship. She writes that, at their first meeting, Trump secured her and friends a table at a hot Manhattan restaurant, paid the check and chauffeured her back to her hotel in a giant Cadillac…
‘So much more romantic than having an aging roue hand me a business card at a ‘party’ so we could dicker over terms the next day. But then, I was a legitimate model. And I had friends.’
“Maybe in fifteen years, she could run for president?” she writes about her daughter, Ivanka, before musing about her own possible title. “First Lady? Holds no appeal for me personally…”
‘Your anchor baby Joffrey, or whatever his ridiculous name, will never be President. He’ll be lucky to reach voting age before the old man either strokes out or goes to jail. At least my kids are old enough to fend for themselves when the whole house of cards collapses…’
Did anyone actually see Pence at the stadiium in Indy today? What kind of an idiot uses a pic from three years ago?
Edit: Lol. Ok. Guess I’m the dumbass. I thought all the pics I saw from today were from 2014.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Obviously Mike Dense.
I still don’t believe this. I’ve nagged away at it in two or three other threads, but there’s something that isn’t computing, or isn’t being acknowledged in this “Ambassador to Czech Republic” story. Within days of Trump’s electoral “victory,” Ivana was very publicly lobbying for the job. Now she claims it was offered to her but she turned it down? I don’t get it and I don’t buy it. Somebody’s lying.
(Edited, because autocorrect wants to change “Ivana” to “Ivanka.”)
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Anyone else weary of the Pence furrowed brow, uh-oh, Dad’s disappointed look he keeps on his face almost constantly?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
It’s weird, because she should have known better than most people how radioactive he is and how much of a disaster he would be as president. I feel like now, she might be trying to distance herself from Trump after the past year or so.
Wow Ivana is such a loser. If she had played her cards better when she met Trump she could have gotten some furniture out of it.
Cattier than a Steve post.
Also, have some kittehs.
Here’s the tweet that busted him.
OT, but a scenic photo for those of us who appreciate the male physique (sorry, the Facebook link is the only one I can find).
I see they’re trying to drum up business for next year already. ;-)
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
The original tweet did say “Looking forward to”, so he used a picture from 3 years ago. He still should have known players were going to kneel. And he did. Not to mention that reporters were informed by I (believe) SS that there might be an early departure.
@khead: Cute, thanks!
It is a safe bet, when dealing with the Trumps that not only is someone lying, but they are all lying.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Planned from the get-go to rile up the base. Only positive is that this news has eclipsed coverage of Manning’s number being retired, I despise him.
Of course it was never offered. She’s as much a pathological liar as he is, and together they’ve cornered the market on idiocy. Pity she aged out of his preferred category; Ivana is the only woman Trump will ever deserve.
@Mnemosyne: I would think that chafes a bit, riding a horse while wearing a kilt.
zhena gogolia
I just love the way they can find the gleam of sunlight to lie in, so unerringly.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Well, Dad’s stolen his thunder again:
I’m guessing that he’s wearing some kind of undergarment to avoid a wardrobe malfunction. I’m pretty sure the state of California requires it, or so James Corden and Lin-Manuel Miranda claimed.
(The bit is long, but you gotta watch all the way to the end for the funniest part.)
ETA: Yes, I’m procrastinating on replying to your email, but I have a good excuse — I’m avoiding doing the homework for my class on procrastination. ;-) I really should go do that.
@Mnemosyne: I saw that bit by Corden & Miranda. Died laughing.
Not to mention that wool is really scratchy.
Given the general awfulness of their three kids together, I would say yes, they deserve each other. And they both have a lot to answer for.
We may need Anne Laurie or Origuy (who does Scottish dancing) to make a ruling. Maybe it’s not real wool?
VP Penice always does what Big Daddy tells him to. I love seeing the two of them acting in concert to try to deny American citizens their First Amendment rights.
But not as much as I enjoy seeing Corker call twitler a baby. The WH is an adult day care center. We haven’t heard the last of twitler’s attack on Corker and that’s exactly what it will take to turn the Senate against him.
Think it went a little like this.
“Hey fuckface, the first time some negro knee hits the turf you hit the exit, capisce? Stop tilting your head every time I talk to you, damn you’re stupid!”
Polyester would be worse. In every way.
And Pence is thinking, “Go ahead, you asshole, the more you think you’re manipulating me, the more I’m pulling your strings in order to speed up your impeachment and my inevitable assumption!”
I dunno. I think we all have to go look at the picture a few more times to decide. ;-)
There’s wool and cashmere blends which would be as soft as silk. I imagine.
Exactomundo–0 for 3, odds rule out them all being awful by accident. Only positive thing I will say about Ivanka is she probably doesn’t slaughter exotic animals for yukks.
I have a silly question: is “kneeled” even a word? Isn’t the past tense “knelt”?
Wonder what happened to Ivana’s claim, sworn to in a deposition, that Trump raped her as retribution for suggesting he have scalp reduction surgery?
@debbie: Nothing in Pence’s political or personal background exists to suggest he is anywhere near that clever.
@zhena gogolia:
Coal shows up in the loft EVERY DAY for his share of late afternoon sun.
Oh, well, if you’re gonna twist my arm like that….
@opiejeanne: I’ll back you on “knelt”. I’m still confused by the use of “dived” instead of “dove”. If anyone can explain that, I’d be grateful.
It’s an archaic naval term, foreshortened from kneelhauled, an unbearable punishment of the time.
Actually, you’re quite right. My own kilt (made to order for my then-measurements in 1975–I haven’t been able to wrap it around my midsection in years, but I keep it for sentimental reasons) is a wool-cashmere blend.
I find cashmere to be a little itchy, but I may have some kind of mild goat allergy because I get a rash from mohair.
I also say it because I think it’s funny to claim that I might be allergic to goats.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
My recollection too. I wonder if the rape story was in the air and he was mad at her for a while
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I’m thinking that maybe Ivana is a not-very-bright person with the instincts of a publicity-seeking grifter. And what debbie said
Jim, Foolish Literalist
also, because open thread
I don’t give a damn that they married for money. They had a talent and used it harmlessly to get rich. I don’t know what kind of person Melania is. I know the woman who obviously loathes what Trump is now has a better moral claim than one still sucking up to him. Especially since the latter has no need.
There is plenty to suggest he’s a bigoted, egotistical jackass who would walk out of a sports game because the negroes dared to defend themselves.
joel hanes
If Moonie and Broon are still doing that NoCal Ren Faire, then it’s still worth seeing.
Never been a big fan of the jousts myself, but used to get a chuckle from The Bold And Stupid Men.
Omnes Omnibus
I’ll just be standing over here being happy.
@Mnemosyne: Oh my, heart be still.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Excellent limerick. Thanks.
Now I see why my friend likes renaissance fairs so much!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Captain Renault did it with far more class.
O/T, it took FTFNYT and Maggie and Glenn eleven fucking paragraphs to note that Eric Prince is the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
If he had been a Democrat, any Democrat? Well, we all know the answer to that, don’t we?
@trollhattan: You have a stray “n” in there — keelhauled is the word for that nautical torture. Hauled under the keel.
The double standard. It burns. I’m old enough to remember when the drunken antics of Jimmy Carter’s and Bill Clinton’s brothers were supposed to show that Carter and Clinton were unfit for government, but a cabinet officer’s brother working as a mercenary for China? Meh, no biggie.
(Haven’t read the thread yet.)
I think it’s her version of Trump-style sour grapes: she lobbied for the ambassadorship, got the answer “No way!” from somebody, and now she’s spinning it as “They offered it to me, but I turned it down.” And she’s pretty safe, because so far nobody seems to get called on their lies in Trump World.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Permasquint. Denoting steely resolve, or possibly constipation.
Another Scott
Variety says Harvey Weinstein’s been kicked out of his company.
Burying the lede is damn near the defining aspect of modern American journalism. I am infuriated by the endless series of articles that start with ‘Is X happening??? It sure looks like it’s happening!’ And then way, way down in the body is ‘We checked, and X is not happening.’
I think to the Village, being a mercenary is sexy and exciting. They think Eric Price is James Bond.
Yes, I’m pretty much there as well. I don’t think Ivana was ever offered the job, and if she was stupid enough to bring it up herself, she was laughed right out of town. The sourest of grapes.
Yeah, it’s some kind of print-media corollary to Fox’s “Caputo Mark.”
Another Scott
Andy Slavitt on Twitter:
We have to fight them every single day, and do everything we can to vote them all out of office ASAP.
I think Trollhattan was making a pun, a funny. Could be wrong, but that’s how I took the comment, as a play on words.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Aaron Rodgers is so money.
@Another Scott: And they complained about the number of executive orders made by President Obama. trump can get NO legislation passed so he rules via executive orders
mai naem mobile
I don’t remember exactly when but I am guessing it was in the early 90s I was flipping channels(this was pre 250 cable channels&Netflix) and started watching QVC because it was interesting in a sociological study kind of way. Ivana used to hawk her fake jewelry stuff on QVC. I don’t remember much about her except she had that stereotypical Eastern European feel to her. Big fake jewelry. Big bkind hair. I never bought anything from QVC (too expensive for a start!) but it was amazing to listen to the hosts talking to the callers being excited about buying a fake piece of jewelry like as if they had just scored a ticket to the Rose Bowl. I’ll.never understand getting excited about getting a regularly priced regular non collectible consumer good item. Who cares,it’s just stuff.
@Another Scott: I don’t get why they think they won’t get blamed by someone who had affordable insurance and loses it (or the price doubles) after they’ve been very publicly been messing with it for months.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Indeed.
glory b
Since this is an open thread, and I am sometimes at the mean girls table here, I’ll do something not mean and say congrats to Pittsburgh’s WESA radio’s Indian Music Show, the longest running one in the US! Happy Anniversary!
45 years old! Dr. Vijay Bahl and Harish Saludja play all kinds of Indian music. It comes on every Sunday evening. I listened to more npr news a few years ago, and it comes on right after, so I listened to it often. Don’t listen to the news there much, but I still catch the Indian Music.
The True Believer RWNJs (as opposed to the total cynics among ’em) really truly beliiiieeeeeve that the huge majority of the country agrees with them.
They’ll continue lying to themselves right up until significant numbers of them are blown out a year from November.
@SiubhanDuinne: If so, it’s the most eccentric one in the history of BJ, and I’m not getting it at all. I prefer to think it was just a typo.
Omnes Omnibus
@Achrachno: I found it absurdist and amusing. But I am weird that way.
@Mnemosyne: I don’t ride, so I can’t help, but I bet he’s not regimental.
Sister Golden Bear
@Mnemosyne: After a lousy dinner at the airport, I appreciate the man-candy for dessert before I board my flight. (While I’m primarily attracted to women, I’m actually pansexual, although my attraction to men is pretty finicky. That said…. .)
@Sister Golden Bear:
I’m boringly straight and cisgender, so he was my cup of tea. ?
In the olden days (like the Victorian Era to the 1980s), straight women were supposed to pretend they found men’s bodies to be uninteresting, verging on icky. I’m glad those days are over.
1000 flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@West of the Rockies (been a while): I was putting it down to constipation, myself, and wondering why Mother was withholding the prune juice and Metamucil.
No One You Know
@khead: I loved these! Especially the two cats under a…table? The black one looks like he’s ready for the opening of That Door That’s Always Locked. Tabby knows what’s going on.
It was a lot of time to love four cats. I miss it. We’re down to two…Although we may have been adopted by a possible stray. The blue cat, “Earl,” has been making careful friends with my own two black cats, and I see them together when they’re all outside.
Pondering taking “Earl” in to see if she’s chipped and spayed. She’s lost a lot of weight, and a collar.