Scott Pruitt: Fuck the Planet
Jeff Sessions: Fuck Law & Order
Betsy Devos: Fuck Education
Sarah Sanders: Fuck the Truth
General John Kelly: Fuck My Life
Rex Tillerson: Fucking Morons
Donald Trump: Fuck America
Vladimir Putin: Fucking Fantastic!— PROUD RESISTER ?? (@ProudResister) October 8, 2017
I am not an expert on Protestant theology, especially in its current media-friendly Prosperity Gospel offshoots, but in the old-line Catholic Church where I was educated this would’ve come perilously close to blasphemy:
Pelosi said thoughts and prayers not enough after Vegas slaughter.
Typical lefty who marginalized the power of prayer.
Politicized instead.— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) October 8, 2017
Unless there is an opt-out clause I missed, you don’t get to give your God instructions, Failed Sheriff Clarke.
Consider that He might’ve sent Nancy Pelosi to promote gun-safety laws suitable for a 21st-century society, not your small child’s fantasy of a wild-West shoot-em-up.
Clarke is the kind of guy that the I sent you a helicopter! joke/parable is aimed at.
Once again, demanding government action to address a horrible problem afflicting the country isn’t “politicizing” it. It is already politicized because one party has made not addressing it their partisan position.
My old Irish Catholic mother had a deep and abiding faith. And she said that God doesn’t want to hear from you unless you have done everything in your power to make things go your way. In her view, he was willing to give someone who was trying their best the final push over the top of the hill. But don’t be sitting on your ass and say “Please do it for me, Lord” and expect any help. If you’re a lawmaker who offers thoughts and prayers but doesn’t want to make any laws, Mom’s God doesn’t want to hear from you.
If I’m wondering who is an instrument of God’s will, Nancy Pelosi seems more likely than Sheriff Clark.
The reason it’s a joke is that people like Clarke don’t get it, even after it’s explained to them. By god.
As an instrument of god’s will I’m more likely than Clarke, and I’m a devout atheist.
Villago Delenda Est
Clarke is no true Christian. He’s your typical Mammon/Moloch worshiper who has a thin veneer of Falwell/Robertson/Osteen “Christianity”.
@Ruckus: I agree.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mnemosyne: That parable needs to be beaten into him.
A mentally-ill man died of thirst in Clarke’s jail; a woman gave birth while shackled – we don’t need any lectures on appropriate Christian behavior from this atrocious man
@Villago Delenda Est:
With what?
Do you think if I told him to go f#ck himself, he would ban me? Horrible person, one of far too many.
If you truly believe all the mummery and mumbo jumbo, Mr. Clarke, then pray for your so-called soul. You’ve obviously misplaced it.
MarilynD Southern Oregon
If anyone is still trying to figure out what ad is doing the audio auto-play thing, It is the one that is located above the Amazon link. I have an ASUS laptop machine, Windows 10, using Chrome browser…and Clark can fuck himself with a rusty farm tool I have in the shop next to my house.
Chet Murthy
@Debbie(aussie): Being banned by these types is a badge of honor, no?
Ten Bears
Taking her name in vain.
It’s been a long time since my confirmation class, but if I recall correctly the question of whether faith was enough for salvation or whether works were also required was a major point of contention for Martin Luther. He figured one could never be justified by works because one would inevitably fall short, so he was big on justification by faith alone. But works were still the outward sign of faith. Then the Calvinists took it even further with predestination.
No. In Clarke’s case, God would “tell” him “See that sheer cliff over there? Get a running start, and run/jump off the edge. Of COURSE I’ll catch you! I catch all the righteous! Would I lie? <sotto voce> So, you think you’re righteous, motherfucker?”
Still waiting to find one wingnut who is not crazy, stupid, or evil. They’re all some combination, with Clarke being all three.
@Alex: I don’t think any serious theologian ever took the position that faith without works would get you into heaven. I seem to recall an Epistle (one of John’s, perhaps?) that said anyone who says I love God but hates his neighbor is a liar.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well, Clake really doesn’t have any law enforcement experience so can’t be expected to comment on the Vega shooting.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@SFAW: The Devil’s Dictionary sums it up
Another Scott
@Nora: Dunno. “Serious” seems to be doing a lot of work there.
People have been arguing about this stuff for ages. Once you throw “Grace” in there, it gets even messier, IMHO. “God will save you via his Grace, or not. It’s not in your hands….”
Personally, I agree that “faith without works is dead” and “you shall know a tree by its fruit” and all the rest. Works matter, to me.
But I’m an atheist, also too, so take that as you will. ;-)
The comments section of Clarke’s tweet is entertaining, a cesspool of stupidity and villainy. I wonder how many bots are inhabiting that rathole….
[fundy] None of you can say anything about Christianity because there’s swearing in the first tweet. [/fundy]
@Gretchen: Pelosi: New Testament God, Clarke: Old Testament God
low-tech cyclist
I’m one of those born-again types. I’ve known the Lord for 47 years. Thoughts and prayers are what you offer on top of what you can actually do to help, or when there’s really nothing you can do.
Congress is in a position to help. For the Congressional Republicans who are offering thoughts and prayers but no legislation to succor the victims of this most recent carnage and keep the next one from happening, thoughts and prayers are an evasion of responsibility, pure and simple.
Not to mention, ex-sheriff Clarke, how come your prayers didn’t prevent Las Vegas? And Orlando? And San Bernardino? And Newtown? And Aurora? And Virginia Tech? And infinitum. Seems like your own ‘power of prayer’ has already been marginalized, by the Almighty, not by Nancy Pelosi, whose faith isn’t an excuse for doing nothing.
“My brothers, what use is it for a man to say he has faith when he does nothing to show it?…Faith divorced from deeds is barren.” – James 2:14,20
Those are the sorts of deeds Mr. Clarke was responsible for when he was sheriff. He has worse than no faith*. He is a bringer of evil.
*This is NOT intended as any sort of swipe at those who don’t have faith in God. I had an experience 47 years ago that changed my life forever. If you haven’t had such an experience, and you survey dispassionately the evidence of people claiming to be Christians in this day and age, I don’t blame you in the least for wanting nothing to do with Christian faith. You’re making the right choice based on the evidence available to you. That’s all any of us can do.
if clarke thinks that prayer works in these cases, he must be praying for more mass shootings.
@low-tech cyclist:
Well said.
@low-tech cyclist:
Thank you for this.
Lizzy L
@yam: Active Catholic here — this is absolutely not true. There are hundreds of verses in the Old Testament, more properly called the Tanakh, which REQUIRE observant Jews to take care of widows and orphans, to feed the hungry, succor the refugee, aid the poor, etc. etc. Jesus, you will recall, was an observant Jew. Clarke cannot use the Tanakh to justify his cruelty.
@Ruckus: You assume that Clarke is anything but a grifter.
Clarke is the two-boats-and-a-helicopter drowning victim.
@Lizzy L: In FundiEvangelistan, all those merciful, generous, selfless parts of the OT are carefully edited out.
i was always taught that god helps those who help themselves (and others)
I’m a practicing Episcopalian and seem to remember Jesus condemning this kind of thing. (Matthew 6:1-5)