The president just made his first public remarks about the four U.S. soldiers who were killed in Niger. It has been 12 days.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 16, 2017
Trump on the US soldiers killed in Niger: "I will at some point during the period of time call the parents and the families"
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 16, 2017
There is nothing this person will not lie about. THANKS, REPUBLICANS!
… Trump was responding to a question about why he has not yet made remarks about the four special operations servicemen killed in Niger almost two weeks ago. Trump, speaking from the Rose Garden in a surprise press conference with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he plans on contacting the families soon.
“If you look at President [Barack] Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls. A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I am able to do it,” said Trump. “They have made the ultimate sacrifice. So generally I would say that I like to call. I’m going to be calling them. I want a little time to pass. I’m going to be calling them.”…
The office staff is having a little trouble finding those phone numbers, y’see. And they tore the place up looking for the roll of stamps, but how often do letters get sent, these days?
Obama attended Dignified Transfer ceremony for Benghazi victims. Trump was golfing as the 4th Green Beret came home.
— Zedward Tweeterhands (@ZeddRebel) October 16, 2017
Trump has played golf 5 of the 12 days since Dustin Wright, Jeremiah Johnson, La David Johnson & Bryan Black died
— Julie Laumann ?? (@weltschmertz1) October 16, 2017
Look, those soldiers will be just as dead during the off-season, but there’s only so many days suitable for a few rounds of golf. The man has his priorities.
… “President Trump’s claim is unequivocally wrong,” a former Obama official said in a statement to ABC News. “President Obama engaged families of the fallen and wounded warriors throughout his presidency through calls, letters, visits to Section 60 at Arlington, visits to Walter Reed, visits to Dover, and regular meetings with Gold Star Families at the White House and across the country.”
“President Bush wrote all the families of the fallen, and called and/or met privately with hundreds if not thousands,” a spokesperson to former President George W. Bush told ABC News.
An aide to President Bill Clinton also called the claim false. “He did call the families of fallen soldiers while in office,” the official told ABC News.
Alyssa Mastromonaco, former White House deputy chief of staff and a longtime scheduler for Obama, told ABC News, “It is unconscionable that a president would dare to ever portray another as unpatriotic, which is essentially what he was doing.” …
He may be squatting in the Oval Office, but Donald Trump will never be “a president”.
(Also, too, if glum-faced Mitch McConnell had the political sense of my little dog, he’ve tried to distract his “leader” before he dug that trench any deeper — by faking a heart attack, if necessary. Nobody outside the 27% believes your ‘No True Republican’ bullshit, McConnell.)
Obama visited wounded troops at Walter Reed so often that hawks worried it was making him too anti-war
— Foppish Vox Hipster (@dylanmatt) October 16, 2017
(Trump would probably explain that he prefers soldiers who don’t get wounded and suck up money that could better be spent on tax cuts shiny new weapons.)
This assumes McConnell has a heart. I’m not sure the evidence supports that.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
imagine owning yourself this hard
Jim, Foolish Literalist
twice with Lindsey Graham, who was one of the first and the worst to politicize Benghazi. IIRC started running ads in So Caro within weeks, using it to stave off a Tea Bagger challenger
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Impressive. It takes talent to jam a foot that far into one’s mouth.
Corner Stone
It’s like I am so enraged I can’t even
I’ve simply got to stop asking “how much worse could this asshole Trump get?”
Because every time he opens his stupid mouth, I get an answer.
I just can’t, anymore. That pustulant excrescence sets new standards everyday for loathesome behavior.
I’ve known some horrible people in my time. He’s worse than any of them. Vomit that walks like a man.
Corner Stone
Should be the first question anytime SecDef Mattis or John Kelly pop up for press avail, “Sir, do you agree with Trump’s statement that former presidents did not contact or console families of fallen service members?”
He’s getting worse as a person. Not really- he was probably always this horrible- but as more is revealed he’s worse and worse.
He’s just poison. He ruins everything he goes near. I don’t know how one manages to ruin “President calling family members of deceased soldiers” but he found a way.
Adam L Silverman
1: And it is important to remember that it was as a result of making this bereavement call at Dover that Secretary Clinton has been slandered for several years as having lied to one of the grieving parents.
The Huckabee Spawn does her master’s bidding. Again.
She combines the credibility of Baghdad Bob with the gravitas of Lord Haw Haw.
I wonder if the low quality people he hires tell him these lies to soothe his injured feelings and kiss his ass, because he’s getting this crap from somewhere.
Could get worse. Imagine Trump meeting the family and propositioning the widow.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: Jethrene enjoys lying, like Ari Fleischer
Well, they have to kiss his fat ass or he pitches a hissy fit, so really they’re as selfish as he is.
Corner Stone
Because he simply doesn’t want to do it. It’s hard and it scares him and it’s just not important to him. So he’s not going to and then when caught flat on it he had to drag others down so that his “small” delay would not look bad in comparison.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@dmsilev: “Deep down, even we really wish that Hillary was actually president.”
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
My favorite part was where he tried to claim that Hillary is the “shadow president” and got dragged again.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kay: I don’t think anyone had to. I think Obama occupies a larger part of the wasteland of his brain than HRC. And all these people talking about how gross he is– I’d bet a mortgage payment trump watches tweety, for instance, and Morning Joe– and all the pictures of Obama conducing himself with dignity are going to drive him nuts
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: @Kay: @Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Imagine him having to deal with this, as President Bush (43) was forced to do:
Remember when Clinton said he wouldn’t “wear well”? This is what she meant. 4 years of this. Every day.
Fixed, I think.
Michelle Obama said, Becoming president shows who you really are. And she said it in, like, 2012.
Major Major Major Major
Christ, what a fuckstick
@Kay: She was correct about so many things.
This is why Hillary is my litmus test for people.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He really does poison everything. I’m not sports fan but I know a lot of them- he managed to turn football into a horrible contentious battle. He inserts himself into everything- nothing escapes his ignorant, nasty, mean-spirited commentary.
No one ever told him to shut the fuck up and boy, they would have done him a favor.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Kay: In this case at least, I don’t think anyone told him anything. He never gave a second’s thought to contacting the families until someone asked him about it. Then he just scrambled and said whatever crap came into his head that he thought might fly and make him look better.
Major Major Major Major
He is poison and his supporters are basically cancer.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Actually, I think someone warned him that a reporter would ask about it. His lie came out too quickly. He usually stammers and rambles when he’s lying off the cuff.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: I will never voluntarily associate with a Trump voter, but I won’t go out of my way to punch a Johnson voter in California.
Which is why I love this meme so much. So, so much.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I hope all 4 families – if he ever does write them or call them – take out op eds at the NYT and let loose on the guy who gives not two shits about their husbands/wives/parents/children. My anger at Trump knows no bounds.
@Corner Stone: Did you see what the BJ favorite among generals said about the President?
Corner Stone
I really need Mueller to hurry up.
@Mnemosyne: Me too.
zhena gogolia
Господи, спаси нашу бедную родину.
Deadbeat Donald is one of those people who believes he must tear down everyone else to exalt himself. Every fucking thing awful and libelous and scurrilous that the Republicans and Deadbeat Donald has said about President Obama has been done twice as often by the miserable sack of vomit and excrement that is now [sometimes] occupying the White House.
I’m a Canadian and I am enraged by this, I don’t think I can imagine what most American citizens are feeling.
Corner Stone
“I’m not going to blame myself”
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
The thing is the families are real people, these things actually happened to them, and douchebag is up there saying this event in their lives didn’t occur. Lying to make himself look better is one thing- that’s daily- but denying someone else’s actual experience at this profoundly sad point in their lives is a whole new level of “asshole”. He doesn’t get to tell their story.
Were Obama to accidentally step in a pile of dog shit, this creature would not be fit to lick it off his shoes.
Seems like a good time remember this.
Both sides.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Kay: it’s only been 9 fucking months and it feels like 9 years.
BJ favorite, MM
What I think @POTUS has done is helped us restore our strategic competence.”
Corner Stone
@schrodingers_cat: I saw where he praised Orange the Merciless for his strategic prowess and how it enabled our superior dominance in a gloriously victorious way.
If that’s what you mean.
randy khan
Well, that’s why he would have had to fake it.
@Adam L Silverman: Trump would’ve said (later) that they got along great, that she said the nicest things about what a great job he’s doing.
But if her quotes were made public, he would’ve claimed that the grieving mother had “attacked” him. That she was “so unfair” to him, “the most unfair thing ever done to anyone”. He would’ve claimed that the Democrats got her to say those things “to play politics”.
Major Major Major Major
I hate these people so much. I can’t believe I have to avoid 60 million people for the rest of my life. At least we know who they are now.
@Baud: That’s what Vichy Times journalists are selling.
Trumps Commerce Secretary Left More Than $2 Billion Off Of His Financial Disclosure Report
randy khan
I would really enjoy hearing her answer if someone asked her to say when he’d done each of those things. Since, of course, he’s basically done none of them.
I know Presidents aren’t supposed to criticize the person who follows them but couldn’t the living Presidents make an exception for this one really bad one? Solidarity! Say it as a group.
If they’re really concerned about the “institution” of the Presidency don’t they have to protect it at some point?
@rikyrah: He must have used Jared’s intern.
@Corner Stone: That’s exactly what I am saying.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: McMegan? Malkin?
I saw that earlier and I’ve been thinking about it. I’m not sure people realize how much bias and prejudice depends on social context. It’s like your ex-friend who moved to Idaho and slowly became more and more racist without ever realizing it.
When Kelly was in the Army, the rule was that he was required to be bias-free and non-racist, and he conformed to that rule like a good soldier. Now he’s in a different situation, both socially and professionally, in which his subconscious tendencies towards racism are being encouraged, and that’s why he seems to be acting out of character compared to how he was in the Army. The context changed, and he changed with it.
ETA: McMaster, also, too. Both of them.
It’s hard to rank them because they’re all so terrible but doesn’t Ross seem particularly sleazy? He’s at the bottom of the bottom- down there with the one who left in disgrace, the chartered jets enthusiast, what’s his name.
Corner Stone
Another institution that has failed. They are all holding to norms but guess what?
I wonder if Mr. Sanders can tell, Sarah is lying to him?
Also, why is a conservative Christian woman interjecting her maiden name into what she like a common feminazi Hillary Rodham Clinton?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
This is from a post at DKos.
It’s so true. If a Democrat had sunk to a 32% approval rating less than 9 months into office, the Village would be dancing on table tops.
I don’t want him to call. All he would do is rub salt in their wounds. A form letter with auto-signature without him every touching the thing would be better, lest he scribble “PS: Have fun!” at the bottom.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: None of these people can fill out their paperwork properly. I’ve watched people not just lose their clearances, but lose their jobs on the spot for forgetting to list a vacation overseas on their forms. Every single one of these folks should have their clearances pulled pending a full counterintelligence investigation with both lifestyle and counterintelligence polygraph.
@Corner Stone:
There’s not gonna be anything left to “protect”. We’re not even a year into this and he gets worse every month.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Is that supposed to give it more or less credibility?
@Kay: I don’t agree about Fucking Donald getting those “facts” from someone on his staff. I think he has proven often enough that no falsehood is beneath him. His whole life has been full of self serving and vile lies. Its what he is.
Face it, a minority of your country handed the Presidency to a raving psychopath. The Dead Zone was my favourite Stephen King novel, but in that case Rep. Stillson hid the fact that he was a monster to become popular and successful. Deadbeat Donald put it all out there for everyone to see what kind of deranged and incompetent monster he was/is and still got elected. That says more about your fellow citizens than the rest of the world wants to know.
I’m old enough to remember when the death of 4 folks from a so-called slow response resulted in 33+ Congressional hearings.
@Adam L Silverman: Serious question: why isn’t that happening?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Good to know Huckabee is such a good Christian.
Merry Christmas.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: He’d have had the Secret Service arrest her.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: I think the russian troll farm has left GOS for the winter. They’re experiencing less fake outrage these days
@Major Major Major Major: McMaster.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: I don’t know. Given that this just came out about Ross, I’m not sure anyone would have had reason to call for it. In the case of Jared, it seems that the White House Special Security Officer is unwilling to irk the President by suspending the interim clearance pending both a full and complete adjudication of the full clearance application, which should include the polygraph.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Who has time?
Adam L Silverman
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
All Holidays matter!!!
Mike J
Donald Trump is a fucking liar, and Sarah Huckleberry Sanders is gaslighting for him.
James Powell
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
They’d all be suggesting that the Democrat appoint a Republican successor and resign.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: So you’re part of the in crowd, you’d abbreviate that as Mc3 or McM3. Basically shorthand for a general officer/flag officer is the first initial of their last name followed by the number of stars they have. So Petraeus was routinely referred to as P4. Odierno as O4, which was a bit confusing because and O4 is a major (officer level 4). But you get the idea.
Oh, I agree. It isn’t education or facts, either. You don’t need any special training at all to spot an asshole.
They admire bad people. There’s no getting around it. They’re going to get robbed and snookered and used and abused, because they are poor judges of character. They’ll do it again.
@Mike J: As a dude, I starting to feel like I haven’t been offensive enough in my life.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: You’re one of those people who will just tell a funny story in French at a party as if to lighten the mood, aren’t you?
Well, in her defense, what could she say? “The President was defensive because he ignored the soldiers so made up a desperate lie to attack his predecessors?”
She can’t tell the truth. It’s devastating to him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
current chairman of Joint Chiefs
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@James Powell: Remember how the Village demanded – demanded – Democrats reach across the aisle in the name of “bipartisanship”.
Yet they haven’t once held Republicans to the same standard.
Call me cynical, but it’s as if they never meant it
@Adam L Silverman: My insider knowledge of any kind of military organization is close to zero but thanks for the info.
Omnes Ominbus
@Major Major Major Major: That wasn’t a funny story.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Ominbus: How would I know?
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Actually former chairman. The current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is General Dunford.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m right there with you. I personally prefer it when the assholes wear their MAGA hats. Makes it easier to avoid them.
Adam L Silverman
Here’s a great one:
@Baud: @schrodingers_cat:
What Trump counts on are his supporters to trust him, and there still tens of millions of them. He says Dems were just as bad, and reality takes a vacation for the faithful
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Mike J: That’s easy for you to say.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: ah… Dempsey needs to update his twitter profile. Never mind. I see the (R) now
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: You’ll get another show in a week or two. After the GOP male geezer millionaires lock themselves, and only themselves in a back room to cut a corrupt deal and hang out a sign ‘No poors, Grilz or DemocRATS allowed’, the news actors on the TV will ask Democrats why they are not helping.
@gene108: You think it’s just the Trump faithful hanging onto both sides?
Omnes Ominbus
@Major Major Major Major: Hire a translator?
@Baud: And totebaggers.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh, the low quality Trump Administration really stepped in it now. They’re too stupid to see a line you don’t cross.
It must be funny to watch when it starts to dawn on them they made another error. They don’t know this themselves- they have to let if bounce off normal people and come back. No inner compass at all- they’re reading reflections.
Anne Laurie
Mnuchin seemed to be a bog-standard Wall Street grifter. Wilbur Ross has a lot of his personal fortune in Cyprus banks — the same banks where Putin and his fellow oligarchs launder their billions. Under any other president, I’d think that drawing a line between those two data points would be hardcore conspiracy theorism, but with this gang of thieves squatting in the Oval Office…
@schrodingers_cat: And lefties.
@NorthLeft12: I want every single fucstic who voted for him to be forcibly removed to rebuild Puerto Rico. They need to lay off the burgers and the fox news
@dmsilev: Especially when one’s head is that far up one’s ass.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I have a feeling we’re going to be hearing a lot more about Cypriot banks in the months to come
@Kay: 100 quatloos says either he or Fredo will tweet the situation worse before 9 am eastern
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Obama disrespecting the fallen over the years:
(Photo #1)
(Photo #2)
(Photo #3)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Good. I’m tired of non-military people like me being offended if the military isn’t.
I canNOT wait to hear Sean Hannity’s defense of Trump’s misstatements tomorrow.
I’m worried about a lack of participation as this goes on because it’s really awful to watch. I think a huge group of people tune out in disgust as this goes on and on and on. SO negative – just every day with this nasty lying shit.
Yeah, well Hillary too too long to condemn Weinstein so SAME THING!!!!
@Ksmiami: Why would we trust them with hammers?
@Corner Stone: @Adam L Silverman: @Jim, Foolish Literalist:
People can pick their points at which the GOP went off the rails and embraced the devil in terms of forsaking veterans…for me, the big two will always be
1) the Swift Boating of Kerry (complete with mother. Fucking. PURPLE HEART BAND-AIDS) and
2) the nonchalance of Repubs when Trumpov told primary crowds that he ‘preferred [soldiers] who weren’t captured’
Hey when you use up all your outrage on tan suits and beer summits, it doesn’t leave much left in the tank for defending genuinely offensive, un-American crap like that.
The number of “Me too”s on my FB feed this morning was depressing.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman:
At least we know he gets good traction when he assigns tasks.
Trying to picture what would have happened if Obama…or President HRC…had waited 12 days to acknowledge 4 fallen American soldiers while also playing golf five times (AT HER PRIVATE CLUB!) in that period…
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: All part of the service. We’ll have you squared away in no time.
Trump is the King of Lies.
I have never seen a bigger degenerate in my life.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I don’t care if he is Ret. That’s still a BOOM! Goes the Dynamite tweet.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dunford is doing a good job, but Dempsey was something special.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh, I know. You heard Melania. When they’re punched they punch back. They’re IN-FUCKING-CAPABLE of not expressing their every horrible, poisonous thought. It would never occur to Melania that maybe she shouldn’t respond to Donald Trump’s first wife’s ridiculous, shallow blabbering. That’s impossible. No opinion goes unexpressed.
30.6 percent increase due to Trump BS versus previously announced 7.6 percent increase due to ‘failing’ Obamacare.
The article below has a good explanation of how the ‘Silver Loading’ strategy works.
Pa. approves steep 2018 ACA exchange percentage increases, hopes to minimize impact
[PA acting insurance commissioner] “Altman blamed Trump and Congress, which has not appropriated money for the payments, called cost-sharing reductions.”
The state governments have an incentive to aggressively publicize that the unexpected and huge increase is due to Trump action and the GOP’s inaction. Might be kept in mind, I have to go see if I can find how much of the drastic Medicaid and Medicare cuts remain in the tax slash bill The tax slash bill will be harder to stop than the GOP health care crud. Collins is already talking friendlier about than GOP health care disaster. Tying public dissatisfaction with GOP/Trump health care crud and pointing out health care hanky panky hidden in the proposed tax slash might be important when contacting Congresscritters over next couple of weeks.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: Ross actually owned one of those banks.
The “days without a lie” counter has literally never passed “0” with this administration.
@Adam L Silverman: I ain’t saying W didn’t have that in him, but I also wouldn’t look at the by-line on that essay and take it as unvarnished truth.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I really, really want to see Trump come at Dempsey.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: They are. But they’re limited about what they can say and how they can say it.
@Cacti: Days? You mean hours, no?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The Moar You Know
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I click on these sort of links expecting, as always, hyperbole.
You delivered.
Checked the legislative calendar.. Senate has exactly 8 weeks, less a couple of days to do their dirt. House, 7.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: No, not an autocorrect issue. I was thinking of Lt. Gen. (ret) Dunlap and conflated the names. Gen Dunford is the CJCS. Lt. Gen. (ret) Dunlap wrote this:
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m no big fan of Bush 43, but assuming that story is accurate, my respect for him just went up a whole lot.
@Cacti: I think he’s actually averaging 3-4 lies per day, so factoring that into just waking hours, it’s something like a lie every few hours.
I must say I’m disappointed in the Bush Family. The Clinton’s were always treated like barely acceptable white trash but I thought the Bush’s had real elite clout.
What’s the point of having elites if they don’t have any power to enforce societal norms? They’re not earning their keep, these people.
@David Canadian Anchor Baby Koch: I believe you are dead wrong on this one.
I think they are still after the Dems to “work with the Republicans”……for the good of the country of course.
@Kay: This is one of the era when the elites went bad, in a big way.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Major Major Major Major:
Can they all be deported to Russia? That does seem like it’d be right up their alley.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Dempsey was one of the best US Army generals of his generation. Strangely Marine general officers have been far better strategists than Army generals over the past 20 years or so. Given the different missions of the Marines versus the Army this is sort of an ironic reality. GEN Dempsey was one of the Army generals who was an excellent strategic thinker.
@SiubhanDuinne: Remember, he’s the one who was okay with the 2004 campaign, swift boating & purple band-aids and all. Also the guy who drove us into a drummed-up war that got over 4,000 US soldiers killed and 31,000 wounded. While also bringing home huge tax cuts for his wealthy benefactors and cronies.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: There were other people there that confirmed what she wrote.
They have to fail at tax reform. If Trump doesn’t deliver the pay-off they were promised they’ll all discover their “honor” and bail on him. It’s one thing to throw away your principles with the promise of a reward. It’s another to not even get the reward.
He has to pay up.
@NorthLeft12: As I noted above, this summer corporate media news actors were pestering Democrats about why there not working with the GOP on a bipartisan effort to reform health care, exactly when the GOP very publicly kicked the Democrats out of the back room negotiations for the bills that were intended to come to a vote in Congress.
And of course, some Dems were working on good bipartisan efforts, but the GOP Congressional leadership very publicly, killed those efforts with prejudice, and for no other reason than to push their back room partisan and disastrous schemes.
I wanted to bust the screen in a few times. Sadly, many weak ass timid Democrats just sat there and whimpered.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: My understanding is others there that day have confirmed it.
Corner Stone
Even before he started lying about Obama the vocabulary Trump was using to describe how difficult it is when people get killed and how tough it is for him all sounds like a 4th grade vocabulary.
@jl: the Democrats have to call out the Republicans for the animals they r
Corner Stone
Trump and McConnell are already starting the “These things take a long time, sometimes” type BS. Because if they got nothing this calendar year they are scared of what may come next.
It’s a little odd watching them shift seamlessly from Obama and the D’s crammed the ACA down our throats immediately with no hearings or debate – to watch Mitch say it even took Tyrant Obama almost two years to get Obamacare passed.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
One can only aspire to plumb those depths.
Thru the Looking Glass...
There… isn’t that what you were really trying to say?
@Ksmiami: Amen. That former Obama deputy chief of staff certainly didn’t hold back today (said Trumpov’s words were and I quote, “A fucking lie”) More, please.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
My favorite is:
The answer is of course they have no reflection so they can’t see any shame.
Ross, Munchin, Mulvaney, the Evil at EPA, -they all suck.
Then, there is Attorney General White Citizens Council.
@Kay: Need to get up a call in campaign like for health care. That is why I need to keep tabs on how much health care destruction and mayhem the GOP has sneaked into the GOP rich man’s tax slash proposal. Last I checked, a lot was still snuck in. That might be a sacrificial bit that is designed as a face saving sop for the likes of Collins, so need to point out absurdities that might be make or break for the reactionary crazies. Some Trumpsters were braying that retroactive provisions were very important. Those would really supercharge the investment incentives, you see. We are going to have to find every weak point and press those.
So, anger over insurance premiums hikes will be in public eye over next few weeks, so general public outrage needs to be in the opposition tool kit.
Another Scott
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: It’s been 853 days since he took his golden escalator ride and dragged America’s media and much of the electorate down with him. That’s why it seems like forever.
Or, if you don’t want to count his announcement date, you certainly have to go back to the day after the election when the press acted like Obama no longer existed, even though BHO had 75 days more in office.
Especially with one’s head so far up their own ass.
Major Major Major Major
@Ruckus: you apologize to vampires right now.
Did you read the story that now has Ivanka knee deep in the Flynn mess?
Christie was smart enough to know that Flynn was nothing but trouble, but Ivanka and Jared got rid of him from the transition, and in came Pence
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jl: I’ll be curious to see how tightly they cling to things like eliminating the charitable giving and mortgage interest deductions. Those are poison pills, I think, as are the local tax changes. Whole lot of R congresscritters from states with income taxes.
Or grabbing her by the…………
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Yep. This.
He’s like an infectious disease, and affects everyone with whom he comes in contact.
I felt the same until different-church-lady pointed out that the author is Dana Perino.
lurker dean
here’s a somewhat happy ending amidst all the crap – family finds dog after california fire burns down house.
the reunion is at the very end of the video. i’m not crying, you’re crying! :o)
@schrodingers_cat: “BJ favorite” reminds me of “wrong way Cole”. I will be really disappointed if you are starting to troll us. I believe that you are better than that.
ETA: You are making an unwarranted sweeping generalization.
Corner Stone
Sooo…that makes it much less likely to be accurate?
I do believe that a twitter account is warming up for me. Piling on looks to be too much fun. Especially when the pilee deserves it in bucket loads.
Odds that Trump had to be taught to pronounce Niger?
99% or 100%?
KS in MA
@Kay: Aw, the Bush family aren’t elites. They’re just white trash with money, and they happen to be from Connecticut.
Retarded brain eating disease?
Fucking stupid, lying asshole disease?
Moron appeasement disease?
@Cacti: if he had to be taught once, corrected three times, and it’s still a dicey proposition, does that come out to 400%+ ?
Corner Stone
Paul Rieckhoff really bothers me.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: Here’s another similar example from one of the parties involved:
They will have to do it more than one time.
We have to fight for the 20th century.
If we can stave them off until Bobby Three Sticks brings the indictments….
He will see just how much the GOP Congress has been covering for him.
@Corner Stone: um, yes. SATSQ
What a dirty little man he is.
Damn you Jeffro!
And you are probably more realistic on the math as well.
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: Don’t you SATSQ me, Jeffro Mensch!
@Adam L Silverman: no doubt W was empathetic. And yet, those casualty and cost numbers in #138 above…
I’m sorry to be a pain, but Trumpov’s clueless narcissism doesn’t mean W’s hugs wipe it all away. In real terms, W actually did far greater damage to this country than Trumpov has to date, knock on wood.
@Corner Stone: lol
I take it sorta back
@lurker dean:
Portrait-mode videos make me stabby now.
@Corner Stone:
emphasis added.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Matt Yglesias has a recent piece explaining how the current GOP doesn’t have the ability to make hard choices and compromises necessary to create a workable bill. So they have a mishmash that will hard to pass. Even solid blue California has quite a few red pockets where the current version of the GOP rich man tax slash scheme will hit the prosperous upper part of the Trump base hard. Kern basin, Orange County are examples.
I love to complain and gripe, but recently Yglesias has improved his commentary and analysis greatly. I can’t find the piece where he does a careful comparison of Bush II and Trumpster tax cut proposals to show why this proposal will be harder to pass. But I did a search ‘Matt Yglesias Republican tax bill 2017’ and got half a dozen recent pieces, some of which I’ve missed.
Here is one on why the current version is so unpopular with everyone.
Nobody wants Donald Trump’s corporate tax cut plan
Matthew Yglesias Sep 28, 2017
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: I know next to nothing about Anthony Kennedy, but I hope he’s old school enough to be so offended by trump he doesn’t want him appointing a successor
ETA: Which is a response to your comment in that the USSC and lower courts were one of a areas where Bush did great damage to the country. And trump is too. Which is one of the other reason Chinless and Gormless are so willing to eat trump’s shit
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Those photos bring tears – and then anger thinking of what the moron says and does.
@Corner Stone:
About Dubya? In my opinion, yes. But I’d be happy to see some confirmation from other sources. What’s that phrase? “Trust but verify.”
Ah… I think this is the one I wanted to find:
The GOP’s tax reform Bermuda Triangle
Their three core goals are totally incompatible.
Matthew Yglesias Oct 10, 2017
Omnes Ominbus
@gbbalto: Thank you. This meme by s_c has been rubbing me the wrong way for a while, and I have been looking for a tactful way of expressing it. You did it well.
I hadn’t seen that. Thank You.
The difference is that President Obama is a human being. He has flaws but he works at minimizing them.
drumpf may biologically be human but a human being? No. He has no morality, he has no sense of other, he has not one trait that someone could give him credit for as a human being. He’s the anti human.
I would love to think that ostensibly “liberal” pundits like Yglesias have had their eyes opened to the truth about the Republican Party by the disaster that is Trump, but I’m pretty sure that if we do manage to throw the bum out in 2020, Yglesias and his buddies will immediately pivot to criticizing the Democrats even harder than before.
joel hanes
I want it remembered that the W43 misadministration eventually forbade the press to take pictures of the flag-draped-coffin flights arriving from the other side of the Atlantic, and that W himself never met one of those flights.
Obama was able to face reality.
@Jeffro: the only thing the GOP will understand is the end of a bully stick to the face no more appeasement, or politesse- those days are over and the American ppl respect ppl who fight like hell esp when it’s the rt thing to do
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: I’m not arguing about the damage he did. I initially mentioned this as an example of the President likely being unable to comport himself as well as President Bush (43) did if this type of thing should happen to him. That was it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks. I really don’t think that SC is a troll and I was a little curt there. We are all pretty pissed off. I value SC’s thoughts and I just hope that we can (mostly) stop chewing on each other. We have plenty of real enemies to chew on.
@Jeffro: I agree. Dub may in many respects be a much more decent person than Trump, but (so far) he did more lasting damage as president. Thing is that could change any day with Trump, and then there really is no bottom to what Trump could do.
Dub could change course for the better after kicked in the head repeatedly for several years on some (but by no means all) issues. Dub can function like a more less normal person. in terms of persistence and focus, on both good and awful proposals.
Best that can be said is that Trump bumps Dub up one position that will help him stay out of the ranks of the three or four absolutely most disastrous presidents.
But with a case as bad as Trump, need to find every point of comparison with something within 2 standard deviations or normal, in order to persuade all who can be persuaded that Trump is a special case of bad news.
@Mnemosyne: Use ’em now, can always lose ’em later if they go bad again.
Edit: Yglesias once wrote that he saw the future of punditism, and it was celebrating the glories of Washington Consensus neoliberalism, and held up Micky Kaus (sp?) as a model. After he saw where that might lead, he may have scared himself straight.
Omnes Ominbus
@gbbalto: I think we are all angry and frustrated and sometimes it bubbles up in odd ways.
Another Scott
@gbbalto: This.
We don’t have to be a mutual admiration society here, but Trump and the Teabaggers are the enemy.
The Lodger
@Corner Stone: No, that means it’s fucking near impossible for it to be completely true.
@Adam L Silverman:
Fine. I think it’s prudent to be skeptical of a hagiographic story from someone who is one of the ex-president’s leading cheerleaders. The big finish with Dubya’s rueful summation and the unwiped tear sounds preposterous to me, frankly. That’s as much the point of Perino’s story as Dubya being yelled at by a bereaved mother. He bravely faced her raw, naked emotion and really felt her pain. Blargh.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
John McCain is waxing lofty tonight. Brian Williams may have to excuse himself from the set if he gets too… excited.
and not to be morbid, but McCain has aged a lot in a relatively short time
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: I understand why you’re skeptical.
Mnemosyne alert!
Bobby Troup on Perry Mason right now (MeTV). “The Case of the Jaded Joker.”
@Steeplejack: One more apparently more or less normal US citizen and gold star mom (edit: sorry, tweet was from a gold star sister) willing to go public with accurate evaluation of Trump. Contrast between Trump and Dub did some good. We can lick a salt block deciding how much goodness to impute to Dub, but a net gain.
joel hanes
I don’t think I can imagine what most American citizens are feeling
Fear and loathing, in addition to the rage you’re experiencing.
@Another Scott:
After all, this is a refuge for a snarling mass of vitriolic vicious jackals.
“This is a call from the President of the United States. Will you accept the charges?”
@NotMax: Also ‘Do you need a sick bag?’
@NotMax: if that’s not tbe President, you’re going to have to answer to the Coca-Cola Corporation!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Repatriated: Ernestine?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): It’s clear what Trump was up to — he has a well-established pattern of behavior. When confronted by something troublesome or inconvenient, and/or something he hasn’t thought about (but should’ve), he will:
1) Lie that he’s already doing it.
2) State that he’s doing it much better than anyone else. (This is why he had to make up the lie about other Presidents not writing the letters — it makes his lack of action appear better by comparison.)
3) When/if called out on his lie, shift blame to others by claiming that “someone” told him this, or that “everyone is saying it”.
There’s another step that hasn’t happened yet, but I would expect it tomorrow:
4) Double down on the original lies. Since he can never admit he was wrong, he’ll have to make up more stuff to justify why he was right. Expect tweets about this tomorrow, as well as his flacks coming out to defend what he said.
It would be nice if the media would (consistently) recognize this pattern, and have it inform their reporting.
It is true that GWB did worse for us in his 8 yrs than drumpf has done in 9 months but he still had human emotions and feelings. I even believe that it’s possible he now understands what he caused. He did at least make an effort to be human. And no, I’m not shilling for him. He is a horrible man, he did horrible things. Sometimes a president has to. All of the horrible things GWB did, did not need to be done. He will still go down in history as being among the worst presidents ever. And if given the opportunity, I’d tell him that to his face.
But this ass, this mass of shit in a suit from the 99 cent or less store, he’s evil and horrible without having done anything. He will be remembered as the very worst president ever. The bag of shit that least exemplifies the values of the country and humanity.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Strangelove ref, and only tangential at that.
Adam, dunno if you saw this juicy morsel in an earlier thread or not. Something more for the bulging Florida file.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, I caught the part of the ceremony with McCain and Joe Biden and thought the same thing. Most patients tolerate the newer chemo for glioblastoma better than the older drugs, but radiotherapy to the brain can be rough, especially in older patients.
Boris providing unneeded editorial assistance.
Repeated and recast from earlier.
“Yes, sir, more proof you’re the best, greater than Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. None of them telephoned service members’ families. Not once.”
You left out:
5) He was just joking about the whole thing, that is, saying other presidents didn’t call/write/visit.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I have it saved for a late night Betelgeuse Woman open thread.
6) I never said that. Fake news.
@Repatriated: In fact, the reverse circumstances: trying to contact the President, rather than being called by him… as I said, tangential.
Also slightly misremembered the line — it was “company”, not “corporation”.
@Adam L. Silverman
Maybe it’s time for Khizr and Mrs Khan to come forward again.
That should have been the lede.
Sanity is not a requirement for elected office; see Gohmert, Louie.
Omnes Ominbus
@danielx: His issue isn’t sanity; it is sentience.
@joel hanes: Also deep shame. We can bitch about Russians, but 60+million of us voted for this creature. The majority did not , but a huge minority did.
@Omnes Ominbus:
Hey, it’s Texas. It’s hard to tell the difference.
Omnes Ominbus
@Sab: I don’t feel shame. I know what i did and I know how I voted. I can’t control other people.
@efgoldman: Not its not. Leave those sad lovely people alone. They poured their hearts out in public when it mattered (before the election) and many many Americans simply ignored them, to our shame.
Omnes Ominbus
@danielx: Point taken.
Thru the Looking Glass...
And almost immediately turned around and used it as an opportunity to bad mouth Obama…
What a f-in’ asshole…
Omnes Ominbus
@Sab: Yes. They stepped up and did their bit. We shouldn’t ask for more from them. We need to have people step up at various levels – you, me, Cole, Kamala Harris, whomever…. The new leaders will bubble up.
@Omnes Ominbus: Happy for you that you don’t, but I still feel part of the collectively “American” and we (not me) did this, and when I go out into the world beyond US borders everyone else sees this as us. Collectively we elected this monster.And “our Congress” chose not to refute him. And he still hasn’t been impeached or much repudiated in Congress.
Libertarians swear we can get rid of federal enforcement agencies because harmed people can just use the courts. Well, about that.
Of all the monsters in the administration Pruitt keeps popping to the top of my list. He’s really making Oklahoma proud, yeah buddy.
Omnes Ominbus
@Sab: I suggest that the morality of collective responsibility is suspect.
@Sab: One.. more…. time, we voted against Hillary and the Democrats. Much more easier for the Republicans in Congress to corral Trump into doing what they want then it would have been to make Hillary do anything. Run a better candidate with a more conservative platform and you might get some of us to switch.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Ominbus:
I believe there’s a distinction between blaming all Americans for letting Trump into the Oval Office — plainly unfair, because so many toiled in vain to prevent it — and (how do I put this?) the responsibility that citizens in any democracy share for whomever is elected to office.
J R in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Does anyone remember Senator Ted Kennedy? He voted on the Senate floor in a wheelchair as he was dying.
Now Senator John McCain is dying. Of course he looks older now. Hopefully he will come onto the Senate floor to screw with Yertle’s plot. If not, then not. He may go home to AZ to spend his last days, I’m Ok with that too.
Chet Murthy
@Amir Khalid:
Fuck that. He’s not my fucking president and those evil mofos aren’t my fellow citizens. They can all go rot in hell. I wanna offload all the decent people in those states, but after that, for all I care, they can be put to the torch.
Yeah, I’m bitter.
J R in WV
@Omnes Ominbus:
No shame here… I went into town over and over to call into Ohio, trying to get out the vote. Some days they would have preferred that I make WV calls, I didn’t think that was helpful, and stuck with calling Ohio. I couldn’t have swung, what… 15,000 more votes? but I did my best.
If you voted for Trump, fuck you. I didn’t. We also kicked in funds to Clinton and some Congressional seats that we won. Some that we didn’t, like the guy who ran against Issa in Orange County. But he might do it next year!
Rage, frustration, anger. . .
@Adam L Silverman: I never thought I’d miss George W., but this made me see how much better a man he was than out current president. God help us.
Therefore you can eat shit and die.
You voted for the Reavers.
Now you get to find out in what order you will be raped, killed and eaten by them.
@gbbalto:He is popular among certain segments of the BJ commentariat. People have written glowingly about him. I just wanted to point out that his behavior has not been exemplary since he joined the current administration. This is at least the second time he has lied for his boss.
@Omnes Ominbus: IIRC you have been one of the people who has praised McMaster and Mattis for not being like T’s other appointees. You have been full of praise especially for McMaster. Its not meme, those were your comments.
I was wrong for generalizing that McMaster was a favorite of BJers, not all may be but he has had fervent admirers such as yourself among the Juicers. He may have been a wonderful person in the past, right now he is acting to prop up a divisive President who lies constantly. That is not admirable in any sense of the word.
ETA: If pointing out an uncomfortable truth makes me a troll then so be it.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@schrodingers_cat: It would be wonderful if you turned out to be wrong about this, and that McMaster was successfully working behind the scenes to keep our national security set-up on an even keel, but I am more afraid that you are right than I am hopeful McMaster’s work in this administration will turn out for the best. If nothing else, Trump turns everything he touches to shit, and McMaster’s career in this administration could end up perverting his talents and abilities to dreadful ends. Soldiers are trained to obey, after all.
One of the things Hitler used was the oaths of loyalty sworn by the regular officers of the German Army. They found themselves unable to bring themselves to break their oaths.
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio): Thanks, I do hope that I am wrong as well. But I like to see things as they are and not what I would like them to be.
@dmsilev: Now expecting that eventuality in 5… 4… 3…
@Boatboy_srq: When you are the President they let you do it.
J R in WV
This is a flat lie. The Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton WON THE 2016 ELECTION. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or ignorant of the antiquated American presidential election system. The Democratic party took additional seats in both houses of congress in 2016, and Hillary won 3,000,000 more votes cast than Donald Trump.
The Electoral College then proceeded to elect the minority candidate in a stunning display of un-American and un-democratic deception. And now we see why – the Republican Party intends to steal all the benefits of the FDR-LBJ-BHO social improvements to donate that money to the very wealthy.
They intend to end the ACA health insurance program by executive order sabotage because they are afraid to vote it down.
They intend to end Medicare for the retired and disabled, and to end Medicaid for the working poor.
They intend to end Social Security if they can manage it, which may trigger violent revolution by those still able to get around enough to foment revolution.
They intend to ruin the American social contract, the security-based safety net, even paving the roads would be optional under Republican leadership!!
All enabled by a crooked election that enabled an appointed president who lies about the patriotism of previous presidents, lies about his own activities, and plays golf while dead soldiers come home instead of showing respect at Dover AFB, as Presidents Obama, W Bush, H W Bush, Clinton and Carter have done.
And for supporting Trump, I call you out as a moral coward and liar as well.
Omnes Ominbus
@schrodingers_cat: I knew McMaster years ago and have followed his career with interest. This has been my position on McMaster since the end of May.* I don’t know enough about Mattis to make a call about him. IMO Kelly is on board with Trump’s agenda.
*Also, fervent admirer? Kiss my ass.
@Omnes Ominbus: Thanks for the measured response. Except for the part after the asterisk.
I think I will pass.
Omnes Ominbus
@schrodingers_cat: I try not to do passive-aggressive.
@Omnes Ominbus: I like that about you.
Still friends?
Omnes Ominbus
@schrodingers_cat: We still need to hash out the anglophile =/= support for the Empire issue, but that should probably be left for another time.
ETA: So, yeah, still friends.
@Omnes Ominbus: You totally can be an anglophile without being a supporter of the Empire. I love tea and cricket and my favorite authors are dead British people. Doesn’t get more anglophilic than that.