From first-class party promoter Casey L:
The Seattle BJ Meetup was terrific, except that the Guest of Honor, Yutsano, apparently went to the wrong Elliott Bay Brewery. There is more than one, and we were at the one in Burien; possibly our Absent Host went to the one in Lake City :(
We did have a good turnout- 12 people! – and I’ve attached some photos. Maybe you’ll get more from other attendees.
In the first photo, from right to left:
Beautifulplummage, Bonnie, Filbert, Lurker1, Lurker2, HG Wolf (Heidi), Connie (Bonnie’s twin sister), and part of MikeJ’s face
Left to Right: HG Wolf, Connie, MikeJ, and Bumper
That’s me, CaseyL, on the left.
A couple latecomers, Susan and Roger (The Lodger).
We had a great time, but are really sad Yutsano wasn’t there. Hopefully next time!
Good-looking crew — thanks, Casey!
Miss Bianca
Yay! Hoping to make it up to the Denver meet-up this weekend – thanks for posting pics!
There’s something not at all ironic here about BJ’rs!
Patricia Kayden
Lovely photos of lovely folks. Always nice to put faces to nyms.
Yutsano, I am sorry you ended up at the wrong place. That sucks. Good turnout, though!
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I like the way a meet-up shows us not only nyms we recognize, but also BJers who read and seldom or never comment.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): That’s the best part of a meetup, I think. We get to meet people who lurk as well as us rambunctious types.
Nice looking group, glad you all had fun!
Major Major Major Major
Lookin good, folks!
A pleasure to see everyone, mostly-lurker (ETA: and photo-phobe) that I am; and I look forward to meeting ruemara, SuibhanDuinne, and Yutsano when your travels bring you to the Seattle area.
zhena gogolia
It always cracks me up that they mostly look like my IRL friends.
Hello you beautiful juicers!
Looks like a great group!
Good lookin’ group of jackals at play. Glad the meetup was a success.
John Cole
Way to go, Yutsano, you dork.
I guess everyone has their John Cole moments. I would have shown up to the wrong place without pants.
Too bad I didn’t know Yutsano was going to end up in Lake City, where I live.
We could have had a beer.
I thought it was TOO FAR to Burien so I skipped the gathering.
hedgehog mobile
Yay jackals!
Glad y’all had a good time. Speaking of meetups, Rebecca from Wonkette is doing a West Coast tour. I will be attending tomorrow at Quinn’s on Vista in Boise. Doktor Zoom from Wonkette will also be there.
I see what Lurker 2 is doing! And I do the very same thing!
@debbie: Why do you do that?
I hate being photographed. Other than my driver’s license, there is no proof of my existence.
@debbie: Wow. Even family photos?
P.S. Are you a spy?
Sure. Sounds as good as any reason I could come up with.
@John Cole: It’s not the first time Yutsano’s done that. LOL! He couldn’t find the bar the night of the 2012 election, the one he told us to go to.
Sorry I missed this party yesterday. We did get a lot done in the garden, after my youngest bailed on her event at the last minute before 3pm, the reason I had begged off this event.
Great photos. i’m glad the turnout was so good.
@opiejeanne: Hey, no telling stories on Yutsano when he’s not here to defend himself.
Betty Cracker
As always, I’m struck by how normal and nice you lot appear. Of course, we know the truth!
@WaterGirl: Aw, he knows we love him.
Thanks all! So great to meet others. And to the folks from afar, thanks for driving all those miles to visit. Very good time & cool folks.
Really good pics, CaseyL. My sister and I had a great time meeting everyone in person.