Kitty accidentally pressed the turbo button ??
— Nature is Amazing ?? (@AMAZlNGNATURE) October 6, 2017
Sometimes I feel like I should just post animal videos like this one for a while, because the “serious” news stories are too depressing.
Apart from steeling ourselves — and stockpiling whatever links make you smile — what’s on the agenda for the start of the week?
Made a graphic visualization of all of the White House mistakes that turned this week into a mess.
— Philip Bump (@pbump) October 21, 2017
barb 2
That looks like my cat and dog — happens every day. Entertainment. Cat always wins, he jumps up on something and swats at the dog (Chihuahua) as he comes racing by.
I need the cat videos — animal videos. Also, the craft how to videos — anything that is not shitgibbon. When do I wake up from this nightmare?
Need to call Congress to stop the Medicare/Medicaid smash-and-grab tax plan in Congress.
We need ACA-repeal level opposition.
I’m with the cat- WTF????
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Perfect for a laugh on a Monday morning. Animals keep us sane. Thank you AL!
Good morning, morning crew. Another day in Paradise awaits us!
Why are those things considered mistakes? Offending everyone who isn’t an outright asshole is what he was hired to do.
By now I assume you have all seen the Jets fan wearing an “I stand for the national anthem” T-shirt while sitting on a US flag. I am deeply disappointed he has not been doxed yet so that he could explain his actions and how they compare to his T-shirts slogan.
Good morning all.
I think for the duration we should have a pet video/picture/story up there competing with any political content in the morning thread.
@Immanentize: Are you tired of WINNING! yet?
Ohio Mom
@gene108: I’ll be on it. Though I am not too optimistic. Tax cuts mean too much to Republicans, and Medicare/Medicaid too little.
Left my car at the shop last night. A few weeks ago, someone rear-ended me while I was at a red light. Took his foot off the brake and now I need a new bumper.
I am happy enough to nest at home all day but at 2:40, Ohio Son needs to be picked up at his bus stop. It’s a 30 minute walk one way, very doable, but it will be pouring rain all day.
So, yes a Monday.
Macron’s dog relieves himself near fireplace at Élysée Palace – video
Is there a reason dogs do that? Is it anxiety?
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@debbie: I think it’s a full bladder. Or do you mean the one at top? He’s just so happy he can’t keep it all in.
@Ohio Mom: My sympathies.
And I hope the walk in the rain turns out well. Sometimes they can be soothing.
My sister-in-law’s dog used to take off and run circuits at breakneck speed for no seeming reason. We figured we should let him go and get the exercise.
GMA says there is a manhunt for a serial killer in Tampa. Stay safe, Betty!
@Baud: we’re assuming it’s NOT Betty. You never know with the quiet ones.. ;)
@Woodrowfan: Even if it’s her, I’d still like her to stay safe.
Cheryl Rofer
@Girlyratfish (who I suspect is a Juicer) suggested the caption
“I haz teh nukular codez.”
I wonder if anyone in the WH will have the sense to sit Trump down in front of that chart and point out how his lies only make things worse.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I meant to put this in the previous thread. Sorry.
He escaped from police custody???
@Cheryl Rofer:
Too cute.
And, they would be safer.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I do fault him for that, unless he was publicly opposed to the war. But insofar as he seems very pro-war, I doubt that was the case for him in the late 60s. He was likely just anti-war for me, not for thee.
@rikyrah: I didn’t catch that he was in custody. I just heard about the manhunt.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
Better a kitteh should haz teh nukular codez than Donald Trump.
@Cheryl Rofer: That’s a very handsome kitty you got there. :-)
@Amir Khalid: The entire presidency, for that matter.
@Baud: Hmmm. Seminole Heights neighborhood. (Named, once again, for people and creatures driven out of the area by development.)
Tampa Bay Tribune: “Someone is terrorizing” Seminole Heights after third slaying in 11 days
3 victims shot, possibly randomly. Reminds me of the DC snipers, John Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo.
“Serial killer” always sounds more like home invasions and murder rituals and trophy taking. This is more a “spree killing” kind of thing, perhaps. (I know. Too much Forensic Files.)
Matt McIrvin
@debbie: I don’t think his lies have made things worse. They’ve worked out fine for him, haven’t they? All he wants is to hurt us. His opponents are upset and dismayed almost to the point of catatonia, and his supporters don’t care.
GMA interviewing Johnson’s wife now.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
The problem is not that he tried to get out; the problem is that he turned into a chickenhawk who makes the 101st Fighting Keyboarders look like anti-war protesters.
Maybe he figured out that, had he made it to Vietnam, he would have been fragged, and decided that “draft dodging was the better part of valor.” [Of course, given his personality and “abilities,” he would not have been promoted due to performance. But I expect Fred The Racist would have shelled out enough to get Deadbeat Donnie Dipshit out of being a grunt.]
@Baud: Personally, I’d prefer a dog in that role.
Tampa Bay Times: Experts have some theories on who’s carrying out Seminole Heights killings
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, if we’re being greedy… But any not-Trump will do.
@Matt McIrvin: Catatonia. Yup. I think it’s what they’re going for. A symptom of being terrorized; of your world being turned upside down, without your being able to effect it much.
@Baud: I would have liked to see that. How is Mrs. Johnson doing?
What’s she saying?
@rikyrah: Good morning! It’s ☔ here today too.
True to form, the Republican gutting of Medicare will take effect just as I become eligible, after paying into it for years. Pretty much everything that was a social benefit, like pensions, expanded unemployment during the recession, now Medicare, have all been ended or decimated by Republicans just as I qualified for them. And people wonder why I would never in a million years vote for an R.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@MJS: @SFAW: I agree with both of you on the loathsomeness of advocating others go off to war while dodging the draft himself. That combination is damning.
@satby: We can’t let that happen. We just can’t.
Hello out there?
Speaking of catatonia …
@Elizabelle: refilling coffee ☕?
Amir Khalid
If Tampa PD reckons that the killer comes out to shoot one person at a time, then that does indeed sound like a serial killer rather than a spree killer. Spree killers like Anders Breivik and the DC snipers are basically going on a jag.
@satby: If the Rapture ever happens, I am so going to miss it. Don’t watch much TV, so if something big is happening, no clue whatsoever. Got a little alarmed that no one is here this morning. What’s up with that? Or maybe it’s just earlier usual …
@Amir Khalid: I would think bus riders have fairly set routines, which makes them easy to target, but one of the victims was on the wrong bus. So does the killer lie in wait?
@Amir Khalid: Now see, I would call Breivik a mass murderer/mass shooter, as was the psychopath in Las Vegas. It was one action, with a tragically high body count. UTexas clock tower. With a bomb, Timothy McVeigh.
Serial killer sounds more like stalker, and who is to say spree killers don’t stalk too …
Anyway, I hope they catch the killer before his next victim.
Betty Cracker
Good morning, everyone! I passed my motorcycle safety class yesterday! Didn’t drop the bike or embarrass myself significantly at any point. It was glorious riding around all weekend without a care in the world. (Except for the prospect of falling off a machine and getting mangled.) Puts things in perspective!
Regarding the serial/spree killer in Tampa’s Seminole Heights neighborhood, until two weeks ago, my kid lived within a couple of blocks of where one of the bodies was found. We’re so relieved she changed residences. The killer appears to target people completely at random. The latest victim was a young man with autism who had got off at the wrong bus stop. :(
@debbie: They haven’t told her what happened in Niger. And her baby is due in January. Everything else has already been reported.
The best people are born in January.
@Elizabelle: and to this, since my long edit missed the window: I have heard SO many Republican voters tell me that the Rs wouldn’t really cut Medicare or SS, they just say stuff like that to win elections. I’m now at the point where I think those voters just have to live with the consequences of their votes, even though I and millions others will be hurt too. Nothing else will teach them.
Amir Khalid
It sounds like he’s not targeting particular people, but killing unfortunates who happen to cross his path.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@satby: It always strikes me as odd that their defense of their candidate is “s/he’s lying so it’s ok.”
Matt McIrvin
@Amir Khalid: The DC snipers were more serial killers, though there were aspects of both. Early on, there was a day where they killed four people over the course of a few hours in the morning, and another that evening. But after that, they started spreading them out more and shooting one person every two or three days.
The younger kid might have had spree-killer sorts of motivations–he seems to have been not all that smart and full of revenge-against-the-world fantasies. The older guy running the show may have been motivated by a desire to murder his ex-wife and cover his tracks by making it look like a random serial killing.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
When you get the Harley, don’t forget to show us the pictures.
“… embarrassment myself”? You’ve got such a distinctive style of writing, even your mistakes are lovely.
@Betty Cracker:
Breaks my heart.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Top twelve, definitely.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): my late mother said that, but she had the excuse of dementia. Lots of these idiots just think it’s code for screwing “those other” people. Well, since I always seem to land in the screwee bucket, I want company.
No, seriously, they will never get it. They have no empathy, no imagination, no ability to believe that what they gleefully vote for will come back to bite them. And it needs to, because they’ll just keep on voting that way otherwise.
Tenar Arha
@Cheryl Rofer: Thanks for the embedded pix. (Super fluffy soft putty tats are my fave ;).
My Amazon pictures just reminded me that four years ago we had the first snow fall in this date.
@satby: I don’t think they’ll stop voting that way even if they are hurt by it. I haven’t seen many examples of it anyway.
@Baud: Republicans still had plausible deniability, but they control all three branches of the government now. And blame always lands on the guy at the top.
@satby: Yes, I hope so. But the people who convert aren’t the ones saying it’s ok because my guy is lying. IMHO.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: Dumb autocorrect! Fortunately for me, the edit window never closes! :)
I’m content to borrow my husband’s motorcycle for now. I need a lot more practice. But if I ever get my own bike, it’ll probably be a Japanese cruiser of some sort, and I will share photos!
@Baud: why do you think I care about converting them?
A Ghost To Most
@Betty Cracker: Congrats on the motorcycle license. Your test was probably harder than mine. I got mine at a DMV out in the countryside outside Omaha. To pass, I had to drive my motorcycle around the block, and come back. The tester couldn’t see me for 90% of the road test. A friend of mine ran out of gas on the trip around the block, and had to switch to reserve. He still passed.
Enjoy, and be careful. People don’t see motorcycles.
@Baud: They’ll stop[ voting that way when it kills them.
father pussbucket
Thanks for the laugh, AL. When I was a kid, our schnauzer would reliably do this after getting a bath.
A Ghost To Most
@Amir Khalid: The DC killers were actually targeting an ex-wife, and shot all those random people in an attempt to cover it up.
Those were strange days; they caught the killers a couple of miles from our then house.
Nope. They’re the deserving people and Republicans will always stick up for the deserving people. Even when Republicans harm the deserving people like them, they’ll rationalize that it’s because they were trying to harm the undeserving people, just that they had bad aim.
One thing that’s not quite right about that “leopards eating faces party” joke is that the person has a moment of insight as the leopards eat her face. Republicans do not. It’s more like “leopards eating my face feels better than I expected.”
@satby: It’s not about you doing anything. Lots of people just follow the crowd or the trend.
Tenar Arha
@satby: I know those feelings. Oh boy do I know those feelings. Then I sit here and remind myself that I really don’t want to hurt all our allies to get these a*holes, & we’re going to have to figure out a way to help them in spite of themselves, and then I *headdesk until my brain is bloody gif*
But more seriously, many are long past the stage where even a salutary lesson would take effect with them; so many people have been propagandized to where any reductions in their benefits will be blamed on all the usual targets rather than on their choice of party or legislators. We are going to have to work around them. /sigh
ETA I got few ideas except get out the vote, push the instigators out of power, and start working on some laws so that a minority of oligarchs can’t gain this kind of power again.
O. Felix Culpa
@satby: I’m a bit less than four years from Medicare and, yes, I’m pissed too. I’ve been paying into freaking Medicare since I was 16.
As for conversion, we both know it ain’t gonna happen for the majority. Even now they find ways to defend their Donny and the rest of his evil cabal. A (former) RWNJ friend* – who, as a Ph.D. in philosophy and long-time philosophy professor purportedly knows how to think – could only bring himself to say that the Dotard-in-Chief’s remarks in Puerto Rico were “inartful.” If inartful = appalling + callous + ignorant + racist, then I suppose ex-friend was right. But not even the intelligent and educated among them are learning. Makes me want to inartfully throttle someone.
*To clarify, former friend, because still a RWNJ and increasingly so.
Betty Cracker
So now Trump is basically calling Sergeant Johnson’s widow a liar on Twitter.
@Betty Cracker: I know who I believe.
@Betty Cracker: I want something sudden and gruesome to befall that motherfucker. ASAP.
O. Felix Culpa
@Betty Cracker: The bar, it goes ever lower.
By the by, am I the only one who remembers that the Republican convention devoted a whole night to having a grieving mother excoriate Hillary Clinton?
I’m so tired of WINNING! that I think I ought to just go back to bed….
Chris Christie leaves office as the most unpopular governor in the state’s history.
OMG, remember the absolute adoration media gave him? He was the future of politics! Could win nationally!
They love assholes. There’s no other explanation. They admire terrible people.
File this under “Trump Administration respect for the military”- Donald Trump is accusing a Gold Star widow of lying this morning.
Who do you think that soldier would pick if it were Donald Trump vs the soldier’s wife? In the Trump Administration they choose Donald.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@FlipYrWhig: No, and I remember a father of one of the “Blackhawk down” guys getting all up in Bill’s face as well. Different rules for Democrats is all.
@Kay: They DO love assholes, because they think it combines toughness with genuine-ness. Big Media thinks that politicians are over-rehearsed, eager to please, and tell people what they want to hear. So their little hearts beat much faster when they come upon politicians who act like dicks because they’re playing the game on a harder setting. But it’s of course not just the media that falls in love with these characteristics, or the right. “The left” loves ’em too.
Betty Cracker
@FlipYrWhig: You’re not alone. A friend and I were discussing Trump last week, and I realized how much I envy my friend her certainty of Trump’s comeuppance. I don’t have that kind of faith, not in a world where Dick Cheney still lives and GWB is partially rehabbed by Trump’s awfulness. But I do hope for it. Daily.
@Kay: They do. They admire terrible people. Because there is something deeply wrong with them.
And: if Trump is flaming Mrs. Johnson, I don’t think that’s going to benefit him. Except with the basest of his base.
@Betty Cracker: I know you will likely ignore this advice — but wear leathers, boots and a full coverage helmet. My friend the emergency room doctor has told me too many tales of ripped off jaws from motorcycle accidents without full coverage helmets….
But my advice is only worth what you paid for it….
Kelly has to come out and give Donald Trump a lecture on respecting the military.
That was predictable.
@FlipYrWhig: The more people he alienates, the higher the probability that someone is going to go full Second Amendment Remedy. And now that he’s antagonizing a group of people who have higher than average numbers of PTSD and other mental health issues, I’m thinking it could be sooner rather than later.
We do NOT need a President Pence taking office under such a cloud. The pull to give him a mandate will be enormous, and the howler monkeys will be howling for just that.
Patricia Kayden
@FlipYrWhig: No. I will never forget that horrible woman.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Kay: No, Kelly will lecture us again.
Shouldn’t there be some kind of correction issued? “Chris Christie is not, IN FACT, at all popular and seems to be loathed in his own state”
He was a terrible governor. That state has underperformed in the economic recovery and he just moved money around to close budget holes- he’s terrible on character, he has a bad personality AND he’s a bad manager.
Patricia Kayden
On GMA, Mrs. Johnson backed up Congresswoman Wilson’s account of what Trump said to her during the condolence call and verified that the phone was a on speaker so everyone in the car could hear Trump’s words.
@Matt McIrvin: I have had the pleasure of knowing and talking extensively with Lee Boyd Malvo’s attorney, Craig Cooley. That trial was amazing…. But the level to which Lee had been ‘brainwashed’ by John Muhammed — particularly about the role of a sniper — was amazing and I think tipped the jury away from a death sentence.
glory b
@Elizabelle: On Morning Joe (listening on the radio), one of their panelists sounded like she was nearly in tears as they read Trump’s tweet denying what she said.
They also said the widow’s recounting sounded exactly like something Trump would say.
@Patricia Kayden:
We should have a full hearing on this because Trump will continue to lie unless he’s stopped with some enforceable rule.
There has to be some accountability for this administration’s DAILY lying to the public. It’s not fair to the people they lie about to allow it to continue unchecked.
Cheryl Rofer
Transcript from the Myeshia Johnson interview.
O. Felix Culpa
David Letterman quoting Twain at last night’s Mark Twain Prize for American Humor ceremony.
Your Federal government, a/k/a The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight, in action.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Yup, by all means, let’s have Kelly come out and give the widow a lecture on respecting the military and its sacrifices. Ugh. I so hate these people. I’m exhausted from hating all day, 24/7.
A Ghost To Most
Patricia Kayden
@Kay: In this particular instance, his lying is causing real pain to a pregnant widow (and the rest of the deceased’s family and friends). There are no words to describe what we have in the White House.
AM JOY 10/22/17
Obama and Bush appear to address Trump rhetoric
Former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush seemed to critique Donald Trump and the impact of his presidency in recent speeches. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.
@Cheryl Rofer: OK, that transcript make me tear up hard.
O. Felix Culpa
This is worrying:
Ha! Not enough Irish in you. That’s what’s keeping me going these days.
(This does not mean this is a lifestyle I would choose or endorse, BTW.)
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@geg6: You know Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn right? The M.O. is never backdown and never admit a mistake. They’ll just keep at it. Yeah, I’m exhausted as well.
AM JOY 10/22/17
Trump judge nominee Thomas Farr defended voter ID law
Donald Trump’s federal judge nominee Thomas Farr defended the defeated, controversial North Carolina voter ID law, but Ari Berman of The Nation tells Joy Reid he may soon hear similar cases if confirmed.
NEWS – @OFA enters partnership with Holder redistricting group @DemRedistrict, Obama to announce it himself shortly
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) October 23, 2017
Patricia Kayden
@Kay: Kelly doesn’t even respect the military. If he did, he wouldn’t be using his dead son as a shield to support a lying bigot. It galls me that Kelly never acknowledged that President Obama held a breakfast ceremony for Gold Star families, including his own, after his son’s death.
$74 million to build homes for hurricane victims awarded to a company that claims it has 5 employees, uses a residential home address as HQ
— Adam Khan (@Khanoisseur) October 23, 2017
That and the Irish sporting pages (aka obituaries?)
Patricia Kayden
@O. Felix Culpa: I live in a relatively blue part of a blue state (Southern Maryland) and see car bumper stickers bearing the nonsensical “I don’t believe the liberal media” at least once per week. Those stickers have been around way before Trump’s ascendancy. Makes me snicker because the car owners don’t believe the “liberal media” but do believe the actual fake media which includes Fox News.
@Immanentize: And, for some, the women’s sporting pages. (Bridal announcements)
@Patricia Kayden:
What do you call a man who beats up on pregnant widows?
O. Felix Culpa
This is worrying too (from WaPo):
@Patricia Kayden: Yeah. We need to have a stock of
stickers we can slap on those suckers’ cars.
O. Felix Culpa
@Patricia Kayden: I used to snicker at silly right-wing bumper stickers like that, until they had (stole) real power. Now I find them more dangerous than funny.
Myeshia Johnson, widow of Sgt. La David Johnson: “I don’t know how he got killed, where he got killed or anything.”
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 23, 2017
Myeshia Johnson, widow of Sgt. La David Johnson: “Whatever Ms. Wilson said was not fabricated. What she said was 100% correct.”
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 23, 2017
Q: You were upset when you got off the phone?
Myeshia Johnson: “Oh very. Very upset and hurt. Very It made me cry even worse.”
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 23, 2017
Sgt. La David Johnson’s widow: “[Trump] couldn’t remember my husband’s name… That’s what hurt me the most.”
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 23, 2017
@O. Felix Culpa: Just last week I saw a poll which showed the opposite.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder will be on the Rachel Maddow show TONIGHT.
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: I hope the poll you saw is more accurate. My confidence in the citizenry supporting the Bill of Rights beyond the Holy 2nd Amendment is waning. But I’m feeling down today. This maladministration is exhausting and I am angry and depressed about feeling exhausted because of their gross cruelty and crimes.
@Patricia Kayden:
Tell it.
Not to worry, it’s an annual event.
@O. Felix Culpa:
In other words, Republicans. Republicans are willing and sometimes gleeful suckers.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Twitter will never accept responsibility for what they’ve done to this country.
A gigantic asshole.
@rikyrah: Thank you for that info. I am in. Got to have some reason to get reconnected.
I would like to see us push for nonpartisan citizens’ commissions for redistricting, as were organized in California. Make it clear, it’s NOT to redistrict to benefit the Democrats, necessarily. It’s to benefit the citizens, so they have real choices and they get to choose their representatives, not the other way around, as now.
Stop the Fox News perverting counterclaims before they get started. They see “Eric Holder” and “Democrats” and they’re going to be urinating themselves over Democrats trying to steal the elections.
When the truth is 180 degrees from that.
@Patricia Kayden: Who knew a retired 4 star Marine Corps general could be such a complete pansy?
Donald Trump’s ‘blind spot on Russia’ isn’t going away
10/23/17 08:41 AM
By Steve Benen
After Congress approved new economic sanctions against Russia, Donald Trump grudgingly signed the bill into law, but not before blaming lawmakers – including members of his own party – for undermining the U.S. relationship with the Putin government.
But the story took a strange turn recently when the public learned that the sanctions still haven’t been implemented, despite the deadline included in the law. On “Meet the Press” yesterday, NBC’s Chuck Todd sought an explanation from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a proponent of the sanctions.
Really? You still can’t figure it out? It’s just a total mystery as to why this president might have a “blind spot” when it comes to the foreign adversary that launched an espionage operation that help put Donald Trump in power?
Is it really that difficult to wager a guess?
@OzarkHillbilly: I remember when pregnant widows were sacred…
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: Quisling seems more apt to me.
Bernie’s Bots: How Fake Twitter Accounts Manipulate Public Perception
The percentage above represents a wide range of interpretations, depending on the context. If one were to receive a 31% on his or her exam, the reaction to this number would be an obvious disappointment. If one were to receive a 31% tip as a server, then he or she would most likely be elated. That same percentage also elicits a wide range of emotions in the sporting world as well. A professional basketball player who shoots 31% is most likely not happy with his performance while a professional baseball player who gets a hit 31% of the time is most like quite proud of the work he is doing. The point of these comparisons is that a certain numerical percentage can tell us a lot about a person based on how he or she performs, but, more importantly, how he or she chooses to respond to that percentage moving forward.
Senator Bernie Sanders is currently at 31%.
He is at 31% in terms of the number of actual human beings that follow his Twiter account of the more than 8 million who claim to do so, this according to a routine Twitter audit of the senator’s verified account. That means that 69%, or roughly 4.9 million of Sanders’ followers are not living, breathing human beings. In fact, you can tell that they are bots simply by going to Sanders’ Twitter profile where the overwhelming majority of his recent followers have not Tweeted a single time since joining this month. In addition, several are following anywhere from 40 to 180 people but do not have any followers themselves, a key characteristic of being a Twitter bot. Of the people these bots follow, there tends to be a pattern in that they will follow a handful of politicians, a handful of news organizations, and a handful of celebrities. Hardly ever do they follow an Average Joe because they want to be able to maximize their retweets to the largest audiences possible.
@O. Felix Culpa: It’s all noise.
Ohio Mom
@Baud: My husband’s office is full of wing-nuts and at this point, he is an expert at their thought processes. They’ll just blame it on Obama for any cuts to SS or Medicare, or any tax hikes, they are immune to argument and fact.
One of them dismissed our local paper’s claim last year that their endorsement of Hillary was the first time they’d endorsed a Democrat for president in over a hundred years. Even after my husband goggled the paper’s endorsements of McCain and Romney, this fellow refused to concede.
But his standard is simply: “Is the media talking and or obsessing over it?”
And by that standard it is all a win for him. Being right isn’t necessary because he already knows he is right.
@rikyrah: I repeat: Twitter will never accept responsibility for the damage they’ve done to this country.
@different-church-lady: Words to describe what we have in the White House. I would use different words that would be just as accurate. I’ll bet Patricia could come up with some too, with a little effort. ;-)
@O. Felix Culpa: Quisling… Why can I never find that word when it is most apt?
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: I wish it were all noise, but this maladministration’s actions and inactions are having real impact on real people. I’m doing what I can to fight and I know others are too, but the wanton cruelty gets to me sometimes.
this article on confirmation bias seems relevant today.
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: It’s times like that when the hive-mind comes in handy. :)
a) A great number of people are getting their “news” mainly from social media nowadays.
b) Social media deliberately leverages weaknesses in human nature for profit, with very little return of true significance.
c) It is becoming increasingly apparent that social media is very easily gamed.
d) The vast majority of social media is noise
e) What isn’t noise is being corrupted and falsified
Social media ENCOURAGES people to be their worst selves. The fact that some people manage to use it without becoming awful does not obviate that.
@rikyrah: Truly, it is a mystery!
I was reading through this timeline of the obstruction of justice case against Trumpov this morning, and it’s shocking all over again that this country didn’t grind to a halt this summer. Just like Trumpov asking Russia to hack Hillary’s email, the evidence is right there in front of everyone: Trumpov wanted the Russia investigation to go away and obstructed justice multiple times. He fired Comey for it. End of story. Oh wait, the GOP Enablers in Congress are perfectly fine with it, never mind.
Trump keeps rejecting plans to pay for his proposed tax cuts
10/23/17 09:21 AM
By Steve Benen
Republicans remain eager to pass a massive tax plan, which still doesn’t actually exist. That said, GOP lawmakers continue to consider some provocative ideas to help offset the costs of the package they have in mind.
The New York Times reported the other day, for example, that Republicans are “considering a plan to sharply reduce the amount of income American workers can save in tax-deferred retirement accounts.” According to the lobbyists who are working with GOP lawmakers – Democrats have been excluded from the process – Republicans have weighed capping “the annual amount workers can set aside to as low as $2,400 for 401(k) accounts,” far less than the $18,000 a year most Americans can put in their 401k without paying taxes upfront.
This would only cover about a tenth of the cost of the GOP tax plan, but it’s a start. Or, it might have been a start if Donald Trump hadn’t just rejected the idea in his latest morning tweet. The Washington Post reported:
@O. Felix Culpa: When I say ‘It’s all noise.’ I’m just talking about the polls.
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: Noted. Thanks.
@O. Felix Culpa:
CNN has a response. Not bad, but too subtle for Trumpsters of course.
Greater need but less help for Puerto Rico
Rachel Maddow compares the amount of help the Houston area received after Hurricane Harvey and the progress made in recovering from that storm to the comparatively meager response Puerto Rico and the corresponding slow progress there.
@Kay: The lecture will be delivered to the grieving widow.
US refugee office denying girl access to abortion
Rachel Maddow reports on an anti-abortion extremist appointed by Donald Trump to lead the Office of Refugee Resettlement trying to force a teenage girl refugee to give birth by denying her access to medical care, including abortion services.
@Patricia Kayden: Kelly’s remarks show him to be racist and a misogynist who could belong in the Victorian era.
White man’s burden: Check
Putting women on a pedestal and denying them agency: Check.
ETA: If his views are representative of the military in general then that is an even larger problem. I have no idea whether that’s the case but he was referred to as a canary in the coal mine in a FP post here last week.
Weak response leaves Puerto Rico backsliding one month post-storm
Rachel Maddow reports on the updated death toll, the rate of infection, and the reverse in progress restoring electricity to Puerto Rico as the inadequate response to Hurricane Maria is turning a natural disaster into a public health catastrophe.
Trump Chief of staff John Kelly lied in attack on Rep. Wilson
Rachel Maddow reports the latest developments in the mess Donald Trump has made politicizing military next-of-kin notifications with the fact that Trump chief of staff John Kelly’s attack on Rep. Frederica Wilson in his defense of Trump was completely false.
Patricia Kayden
@Wapiti: Black one’s? I don’t. Not in this country at least.
P.S. I know you’re being facetious but Kelly needs to be called out on the inherent sexism in that statement.
Search for answers on U.S. soldier deaths in Niger intensifies
Rachel Maddow looks at circumstances and U.S. interests in and around Niger and the increasing demand for answers about the how four American soldiers were killed there.
The President. who has been lying all morning assures us that he won’t cap 401k contributions.
Why in the world would anyone believe a word he says? He’s a liar. He’s been lying for 50 years with no accountability at all.
Why is this lie different?
Expert sees risk of corruption in Trump foreign government deals
Sarah Chayes, author of “Thieves of State,” talks with Rachel Maddow about the structure of corruption in some developing nations and why she sees a risk of that kind of corruption spreading to the United States under Donald Trump
Trump flouting norms risks venal turn in US
Sarah Chayes, author of “Thieves of State,” talks with Rachel Maddow about why Donald Trump’s business with corrupt foreign governments risks spreading corruption to the United States
Said it many times before – ‘social media’ is neither.
Trump interviews with U.S. attorney candidates raise eyebrows
Rachel Maddow reports on Donald Trump meeting with candidates for U.S. attorney positions in the districts that would have jurisdiction over Trump’s affairs, which isn’t illegal but is unusually enough to draw concerned attention.
Trump screening of U.S. attorney candidates unheard-of
Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the rarity of presidents meeting with candidates for U.S. attorney positions and why Donald Trump doing so is of particular concern.
Isn’t it sort of Politics 101 to remember peoples’ names? The moron planned this call. He couldn’t find out the guy’s name?
Is that in The Art of the Deal? Not finding out someone’s NAME before you call their family? They’re so bad at their jobs.
@Kay: They are indeed.
Why it matters if Trump pays his aides’ legal bills
10/23/17 10:12 AM
By Steve Benen
Axios’ original report on this used the words “pledge” and “promise” to describe the president’s intention to defray the costs of his aides’ legal representation.
I’m highlighting the specific verbs because Trump’s credibility in this area is something of a joke. This is, after all, a president who’s been caught lying about contributions to veterans’ charities. Sure, he may say he’s prepared to use his own money to help cover the legal costs of his team, but what Trump says and what Trump does often have little to do with one another.
But just for the sake of conversation, let’s say the “plan” is legitimate. Let’s assume that Trump will follow through on this vow, grab his checkbook, and start writing checks to his staffers’ law firms. That brings us back to Walter Shaub’s concerns.
Given the circumstances, this need not be seen as a story about magnanimity. In the Russia scandal, the sitting president is in legal jeopardy – there’s every reason to believe he’s under investigation for obstruction of justice, for example – and those around him are, at a minimum, potential witnesses who may be able to shed light on Trump’s alleged wrongdoing.
And that’s where the trouble kicks in. What happens if officials in the West Wing have information to share that may be damaging to the president, who also happens to be paying for these officials’ legal counsel?
In other words, we don’t know if Trump is prepared to start writing personal checks to help his team because he wants to help them or if he wants to help himself. It’s not hard to imagine the president thinking that he can perhaps buy his aides’ silence by opening his wallet and discouraging them from “flipping.”
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: It’s worse than bad. It’s careless cruelty. Donnie don’t care.
Family values.
Trump forgets Tiffany in list of his children
— David Frum (@davidfrum) October 23, 2017
She’s pregnant, so in addition to losing her husband and having to engage in a defense against the President she has that to worry about. It’s amazing she’s standing upright let alone kicking Trump’s and Kelly’s ass.
@Kay: If there’s no money in it for Trump, then Trump don’t give a shit. There’s no deal, so why bring the art?
Maybe it’s a plus for Tiffany. Maybe the best thing to do is distance oneself from that family. They’re poison.
@O. Felix Culpa: To them, non white, non R and non Christian people and women are the lesser, not human. So its not surprising.
@Kay: She is a brave woman.
The President of the United States is attacking a pregnant war widow. Okay even I didn’t see such a rapid descent coming.
What next? It has to be “orphans”.
He’s a little person. And a BLACK little person at that, Kay.
So, WHY should Dolt45 have to remember his name?
Well, Mrs. Johnson has children, so isn’t he attacking them too?
President of the United States.
There were only 4 of them. None of his tens of lackeys could write down their names and hand the sheet to the moron?
A Grown Man Mooned the President’s Motorcade Today Because We All Have a Role to Play
FYI (emphasis added).
@Kay: Who is Kelly going to send to teach the WH about human rights?
* When asked why are we in Africa, he said, we are there to teach them about human rights.
One of them is yours…
Meet the Trumpkins
A crop of Republicans are betting that a Trump-style mix of crassness and white grievance will bring them victory in 2018.
by Saahil Desai
As of late September, Donald Trump had the lowest approval rating of any president that far into his first term. Yet there has been remarkably little atrophy among Trump’s base. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll from the same month found that 98 percent of Trump primary voters approve of the president’s job performance. Among Americans who support Trump, 61 percent don’t envision anything that would change their favorable opinion of him. A majority of Republican voters consider themselves primarily loyal to the president rather than to the Republican Party.
It’s no wonder, then, that 2018 GOP primaries are devolving into fights about which candidate in the race is most closely aligned with the Trump agenda. Take the Arizona Senate race: Jeff Flake, the incumbent, who refused to endorse Trump and wrote a book earlier this year excoriating the president, is facing a tough primary challenger in Kelli Ward, who has positioned herself as an unwavering partner to the president. Steve Bannon, back at Breitbart after being ousted from the White House, is scheming to cultivate Trump allies to challenge establishment Republican incumbents with help from the billionaire Robert Mercer, who has already pumped $300,000 into a Super PAC affiliated with Ward’s campaign.
In the murky sea of 2018 GOP candidates, the most fascinating creatures are the ones trying to capture the secret sauce that propelled Trump from laughingstock to president. Trump’s crudeness didn’t deter as many voters as pundits anticipated and Democrats hoped; nor did his embrace of the politics of white racial resentment. Down-ballot candidates have taken notice. Elements of Trump’s brand of populism are surfacing in various configurations among two types of opportunists: longtime vulgarians emboldened to run for higher office by the president’s success, and establishment politicians eager to rebrand themselves to ride Trump’s appeal among the GOP base.
Joshua Mandel (OH—Senate)
Trumpyness score: 6
Electability score: 7
Notable tweet:
In his current Senate campaign, Mandel has flirted with xenophobia and Islamophobia. In May, not long after he announced his campaign by noting his commitment to protecting “Judeo-Christian values,” he traveled to the southern border to meet with border patrol agents and write tweets assailing the “liberals & squishy repubs” who oppose Trump’s border wall. Since signaling his intention to challenge Brown again, Mandel has established himself as one of the Ohio public officials most fervently opposed to sanctuary cities, supporting an ill-fated bill in the state legislature that would have banned sanctuary cities and held local officials who violated the law liable for the crimes of undocumented immigrants.
In May, he tweeted out a local news story with the caption “Ohio Mosque chains kids to wall & beats them for not reading Quran. We must protect women & kids from these people.” He failed to mention that the article he shared was from 2013, and that the story had been widely debunked, including by the news channel that originally published it.
Mandel poses a serious threat to Brown: a prolific fund-raiser, he has already raised more than $4 million in a state that’s trending more reliably red than purple. With an endorsement from Ohio GOP heavyweight Senator Rob Portman, he lacks any competitive primary opponents.
Joe Cicero, a registered independent and the former mayor of Lyndhurst, takes a dim view of Mandel’s latest branding as Donald Trump 2.0: “He fooled everyone in the city. He was opportunistic from the start, one of the worst things that ever happened to Lyndhurst. Josh Mandel is inadequate as a human being.”
@rikyrah: I had a thought last week: What does a Dem call a rich sexual deviant? A pervert. What does a Republican call a rich sexual deviant? Mr President.
@Betty Cracker: Congratulations on passing your motorcycle license test!
Now, go have fun!
Why should they? They pride themselves on their incompetence.
Once again, I ask…
The Curve for Unqualified White Men is REAL!
@Betty Cracker:
Congratulations on passing the test!
Now, go find you a cute, but appropriate helmet that just screams B.C.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I think I’m bailing out of twitter for every purpose save for simply tweeting out blog entries from my business blog. It is a cesspool of bogus accounts, nasty people, racism and misogyny. The good that people are doing (or think that they are doing) by engaging the bots, trolls and nasties is sapping emotional strength and time, and while those rhetorical battles do counter the notion that the horrible sentiments are widespread (blunting breathless media stories about “economic anxiety” and the WWC), they feel like farting in the wind.
Yesterday was bad (I decided to say what I really thought about Kelly on a relatively widely read “rah rah” troops twitter page). I engaged a few, some of which may even be located here in the US, and my mentions look like what you’d expect. This morning, however, was truly depressing. Between Twitler’s frenetic pace and the usual suspects spreading the shit on Ms Johnson, I’m too disgusted for words. If it weren’t for Google algorithms elevating sites based on appearances and clicks from popular sites and backlinks, I’d delete the account altogether and deprive @jack of that content as well.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat : Yes. And what different-church-lady said at #170.
ETA: sorry, ms. different-church-lady, I borked the link to your comment.
@Kay: This is a guy who insults the Pope…I guess attacking a pregnant war widow was the next lowest step. Maybe he can attack the Johnsons’ unborn child next?
Death on the Nile.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well that was weird,
I just watched a debate about ancient Rome verses ancient Athens between Boris-Bretexit-Boris and Mary Beard, a classical scholar. Apparently Boris is such a fruit loop he sees somekind of equivalency in Bretexit and the Athenians – I think it was Greece was a great place because it was all these little city states, while Beard was arguing that our concepts of democracy mostly come from Rome. I think.
My take on the Conservative code talking was Boris, being a rich dude, wants Athens because the rich can do what they want (before and after the Democracy Athens was pretty much run by a few rich families), women and minorities know their place. So the Classics, Rome, on the other hand, the rich had to put being treated by the emperor like the rich treated everyone else. So another front in the Culture war.
Amir Khalid
I found it remarkable is that Trump couldn’t remember (or couldn’t be bothered to remember) a name as common in America as Johnson.
@OzarkHillbilly: I think Macron says that’s how the dog is making the palace “chez chien”.
Now I wish I could resolve my thoughts on Macron. I thought he was bringing what the French need. Maybe the unpopularity signals that he is?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
As an aside, after Kelly’s tenure at DHS, air travel has gotten worse. The Countess and our oldest daughter just came back from Italy last night. As per the course at CLT, TSA searched all of their carryon bags on going to the connection to Louisville despite their precheck status. That also happened when we returned from CUN at the beginning of the month. Global Entry seems fine for the moment (unless your name is Bill Browder).
It is almost like they have no desire to honor precheck anymore.
A Ghost To Most
Are we entering the end times for the NFL?
Professional basketball offers the NFL a blueprint for success: embrace the black culture of the majority of your players
The National Football League, the American sport that comes closest to resembling a religion, has its end times in sight: the year 2021. “The likelihood,” NFL Players Association executive director DeMaurice Smith said in August, “of either a strike, or a lockout is in ’21 a virtual certainty.”
Doomsdays. Humanity has always been obsessed with them.
Every religious text has mention of the end times. In just the past 30 years, we’ve survived Halley’s comet, Y2K, the end of the Mayan calendar and the rapture that was supposed to happen in September. But nothing lasts forever. The NFL has survived lockouts and strikes before and has seemed like Teflon for the past decade with sky-high broadcast ratings, massive revenues and an annual American holiday called Super Bowl Sunday. But the league has serious competition for American pastime status from the National Basketball Association.
This may seem far-fetched now, while the NFL’s television ratings lead the NBA’s by a wide margin (although numbers were down last season, and some wonder whether television ratings, in a streaming world, matter as much as they used to). And the NBA doesn’t have anything close to dominating a whole day in America like the Super Bowl. But the NBA, which is as popular as ever in this social media era, continues to embrace an important fact about American culture: Black culture and black people determine cool. Cool resists linear structures. If the NFL wants to maintain its dominance, it needs to embrace black culture or get left behind. Just like baseball.
Let’s be clear: The 2017 NBA Finals between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers was the league’s most watched Finals since Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls played the Utah Jazz in 1998. But the average 20.4 million viewers who tuned into each game is equal to the average viewership for a single Sunday Night Football game in 2016. And the NFL is still an unmitigated cash cow, with a net worth of more than $13 billion, dwarfing the NBA’s $6 billion figure. The average NFL franchise is worth $2.5 billion. Worth of the average NBA franchise: $1.36 billion, a 3.5-fold increase over the past five years. Over at Major League Baseball, the average team is worth $1.54 billion, but 50 percent of viewers are 55 or older, up from 41 percent in 2010. And in its defense, the MLB can still captivate the country when it has historic World Series matchups like last year’s battle between Cinderellas in the Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians. And they almost doubled back with a monster championship series between the Yankees and Dodgers if the former hadn’t lost to the Houston Astros. ESPN data shows the average age of baseball viewers at 53. The average age is 47 for the NFL, and it’s rising. The average age is 37 for the NBA, and it seems to be staying there. Baseball’s television ratings continue to trend downward.
Howard Bryant, ESPN senior writer and author of Shut Out: A Story of Race and Baseball in Boston, summarizes the NFL’s stance in relation to the NBA and MLB: “Post-ABA merger,” he says, “basketball has done by far the best job of adapting to the people who play the sport, baseball the worst. The NFL has been in between, leaning towards a bad job.”
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I have to go India early next year. I am so not looking forward to the airport part of the trip.
He doesn’t see well and when he reads it takes him a long time to go from seeing to understanding. You’ve probably seen the montages Chris Hayes has done of Trump screwing up while reading and then acting like it was intentional by inserting the word “frankly.”
It may be the _height_ of vanity not to wear your reading glasses when making a condolence call to a war widow.
Not so much an underdog as a netherdog.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Where was this? Is it still available for viewing?
Ohio Mom
@rikyrah: Josh Mandel, the living embodiment of A shanda fur di goyim — that is Yiddish for “an embarrassment to the Jewish people,” like washing your dirty linen in public.
My one ray of hope is that Sherrod has beaten him before.
@satby: Satby, I take a deep breath regarding people who benefit from programs but blissfully vote against those programs thinking that no one would ever want to hurt them. I certainly don’t want to hurt them, but I have decided to aim most of my fire to protect those programs that protect people who are more likely to vote like me. I am no longer willing to fight Medicare cuts to the death to save elderly people who worship racists candidates. I know not everyone who benefits from Medicare is like that, but as compared to Medicaid, they are far more like that. Let them fight for their own programs by contacting the representatives they voted for to see if they actually have their constituents’ backs. And if they don’t and they keep voting for them, then indeed, they are voting against their own interests. I can’t worry about them any more. My 82 year old mother told me to stop worrying about old people the last time I visited her. I am starting to understand where she is coming from.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
The Countess’ travel record undoubtedly lights off DHS computers – she frequently reports problems on reentry that don’t seem to catch me. The current delays appear to be more systemic than personal, and involve long-assed lines, especially at precheck. There have been more than a few occasions when I’ve told her that we may have a better, faster chance of entry with the non-precheck line, as nobody is arguing over the “random” checks.
Assholes are determined to kill interesting travel and tourism so that we can once again drive to Florida and “See Rock City-Visit Ruby Falls” on the way.
Amir Khalid
@Ohio Mom:
A quibble: are you sure it doesn’t mean “a disgrace before the gentiles”?
Ohio Mom
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I remember reading that people with passports who use them are more likely to be Democrats. Travel is broadening, after all.
Amir Khalid
@A Ghost To Most:
If Trump takes it into his head to recall all those pilots, will USAF actually have planes for them to fly?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Ohio Mom:
After January, mine will be full and I’ll have to get a new one for any international travel. The Countess got extra pages a few years ago when you still could, and she’ll be full, too.
I never thought I’d have a full passport, particularly 3 years prior to expiration.
@NotMax: They should just give it up, all of them. Amazon’s 2nd HQ is going to be in the DC area, mostly likely in NoVA. Nickel bet!
@Amir Khalid: Right, but with the sense that it’s said about a Jew who is embarrassing the Jews in front of the gentiles.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Amir Khalid:
Yep. Also, there’s some notion that we’re going back to maintaining alert planes.
Really stupid.
This got me curious.
Digging further, it seems that sports viewership is trending towards older viewers and cable and TV viewership is down big time. One obvious solution here is to get more deals to stream events on PCs, laptops and mobile devices. This is going to involve making new agreements. Currently, stupidly, I can view some football games on my desktop tv but not on my Android tablet. Fortunately, I’m not a big sports fan.
But is the NBA the only way back to the future? Nope. From a Marketwatch article on sports viewership:
Of course, video game E-sports may swoop in and rule all sports viewership.
A Ghost To Most
@Jeffro: Denver seems to think they are in the running. There is a shiton of open space here; not so much in the DC area. 50,000 additional people would make the Beltway more of a parking lot than it already is.
Ohio Mom
@Amir Khalid: Literally, yes, you are correct.
But I think the emphasis is that they are reflecting badly on the rest of us, and thereby doing the community real harm.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
For me, one of the current problems is the length of your average sports telecast for sports I like (while basketball is shorter, I prefer watching that live, as I tent to have issues watching and following fast action on a screen – I stop paying attention). Committing at least 3 hours to a game because of the delays due to advertising needs and breaking sports news really kills my desire to watch.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@O. Felix Culpa: meh, these are the very same people who think that science makes up stuff like evolution, global warming, supply side economics and the earth round. That and the watch Fox News.
Roughly every 20 years come stories that soccer is this close to breaking out and burgeoning in audience in the U.S., about to roll like a behemoth over other popular sport.
Murcans, for better or worse, carry no torch for games where 0-0 can be a final score.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
My guess is that the great unspoken criteria is “major air hub” and not a place at the end of a spoke.
A Ghost To Most
I know some of you have a problem with this
This certainly takes some brass balls (not the class-warfare argument itself, but the more refined, “why do we do this divisive thing to our country?” BS): It’s Class Warfare to Keep the Top [higher/progressive] Rate For Million-Dollar Earners
Um Rep Russell, I hate to break it to ya, but a large majority of this country is actually quite united on wanting the rich to pay more. So yeah, let’s ‘unite on things that we actually could agree on’…and soon, ’cause folks are sharpening some pitchfork tines as we speak…
@A Ghost To Most: Denver’s not far enough east, and Bezos just bought DC’s biggest/most expensive house out here last year. Put it near Dulles (which is way underutilized) or in Crystal City (which has a lot of vacancy and has National nearby)
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Yup. Dulles would work.
Most plans floated to cut Medicare usually apply to those currently 55 and younger. The people on Medicare can keep voting Republican, without feeling any pain.
Wherever it ends up, the real estate market there is going to climb so fast it may reach escape velocity.
Eliminate the goalies.
Tenar Arha
@Ohio Mom: I dunno, Stephen Miller, Jared Kushner, and Benjamin Netanyahu are beating him in the shonda sweepstakes so far (but that’s probably the media coverage in my media market).
Corner Stone
@NotMax: Both Austin and Houston have been mentioned as in the mix. I hope it’s not Austin as that would kill off what’s left of the stuff that makes Austin so attractive to visit/live in.
Houston could absorb it fairly easily but I’m ambivalent about it.
The Moar You Know
@Amir Khalid: They’ll use commercial jets. Troops transport, refueling, massive cargo, that sort of thing. There are agreements in place for that.
My father got called up last time (in 2003/4, he was the last active pilot in the US commercial fleet with actual wartime medevac experience). Think he’s far too old this time, but you never know. I expect he’ll refuse this one; he is a serious NeverTrumper and I just don’t see him obeying the call like last time. I could be wrong.
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: I’m wondering when someone doesn’t embrace the “class warfare” mantle and say, “Fuck yeah it is. We’re coming for their kesh. Their bundles and bundles of kesh.”
@Jeffro: Wow, that is impressively stupid. Especially because the entire Republican Party is dedicated to the idea that the Good People (white people who work hard) are getting screwed and the Bad People (guilty white people with cushy thinky jobs and the shiftless black and sneaky brown people they love so much) are doing the screwing.
Betty Cracker
@A Ghost To Most: I definitely have a problem with it, though I can understand the motivation. Bottom line is, more of the folks who buy those guns are going to end up at the wrong end of them than successfully defend themselves against someone else.
Amir Khalid
As I recall, one of MLS’ predecessor leagues made a rule that matches that were tied at ninety minutes had to be settled with a penalty shootout.
A Ghost To Most
@Betty Cracker: Agreed, in normal times. We are no longer in normal times.
Doug R
@Ohio Mom: The bumper might be done by now. Too bad there’s no courtesy car.
Matt McIrvin
@FlipYrWhig: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is at least doing the old dance of talking about the “average family” when she means the mean household rather than the median. (And, apparently, using some imagined wage benefit of business-tax cuts as her measure of what everyone will get.) That’s the kind of lying we’re accustomed to.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
All politicians lie.
It’s a known in conservative world.
It also happens to be true in conservative world.
All of their politicians lie.
Corner Stone
McCain no look so good.
@FlipYrWhig: It’s just part of the mentality that says taxing the wealthy and powerful is a crime/unjust/unnatural/”class warfare”. The poor ought to be paying the taxes to the king, just like in the good ol’ days…
Matt McIrvin
@Corner Stone: “The class warfare’s been going on a long time. We’re shooting back.”
I’m ok with that – if it could peak in about 5 1/2 years, when Mrs. Jeffro and I are planning on cashing out and heading west, that’d be super!
A Ghost To Most
@gene108: Yes, but we possess their end of life judgment calls.
Doug R
@SFAW: What skillz has donny shown? He never learned to drive, so Air National Guard was out. Maybe a supply clerk, but he’s a liar and probably a thief. Minor unproveable medical 4F I guess they thought was their best way out. I know dodging STDs was his personal Vietnam, but if he had got someone pregnant, he might have got the same loophole Cheney did.
They are assholes.
They are terrible people.
They do have mirrors. Love the one you’re with and all that.
There is no other explanation needed.
Matt McIrvin
@Barbara: The thing about Medicare is, everyone ends up being in the group that needs it eventually, unless they die first (or are stupid rich).
The plans I’ve seen thus far to cut Medicare usually save it for the Fox News geezers who are eligible now, and get rid of it for me, even though I’ve been paying in all my adult life.
Amir Khalid
FIFA would definitely not go for that. Or more precisely, the International Football Association Board, consisting of representatives from the four British national bodies (because the British invented football, that’s why) would not. Another only-in-America rule drew “offside lines” 15 yards either side of the centre line: a forward could only be ruled offside if they were between this line and the defending team’s goal line. This rule was also quashed by IFAB.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@rikyrah: I think someone has brought it up before here, but there’s a scholarship fund for Sgt. Johnson’s children. It’s now at nearly $700K of its $1million dollar goal–and in 6 days. So if anyone here is feeling strongly they’d rather light a candle right now, there’s a place to start.
Very true.
However, the average age of football viewers is 50 plus. When the viewership age gets in the 60s, as is the case with horse racing, it is a signal that the interest in the sport is dying.
This does not mean that soccer is the future. It may be that (gasp) almost all sports will become a niche viewership kind of thing. However, that the average age of soccer viewers is younger, and also that it has appeal to 18 year olds, means that there is money to be made, even if the viewership does not expand.
BTW, a side problem is that there is a boatload of corruption in international soccer. This is not helpful.
The Moar You Know
@A Ghost To Most: My problem is that not enough people of the leftist persuasion are doing it.
@Matt McIrvin: That is one of their most undead zombie lies. I haven’t heard them talking yet about the size of the tax cut in dollars, like they usually do, while obscuring where those dollars _go_, but I’m sure that’s coming.
The Moar You Know
@Corner Stone: I don’t think he’s got two months left in him. He’s still ticking on rage and there doesn’t seem to be much of that left. Wouldn’t wish that death on anyone.
@Brachiator: If Americans cared about corruption in sports they’d never watch NCAA basketball or football, and yet they not only have an insatiable appetite for it, they care about _high school_ sports because they feed the corrupt college kind.
A Ghost To Most
@Brachiator: I played a bunch of soccer when I was younger, and it was fun, but watching soccer is almost as boring as baseball.
@A Ghost To Most: I know some of you don’t have a problem with this
A Ghost To Most
@The Moar You Know: Don’t say that too loud.
A Ghost To Most
@Brachiator: I know what my ex-family and their friends are capable of.
Call on me, call on me, I know the answer.
Anyone who would spend an entire career/life in the marines, rise to the top and then take a job being drumpf’s office boy.
Corner Stone
@The Moar You Know: I don’t know if it’s the illness, the treatment or both that is getting to him, but McCain is noticeably more frail and haggard.
It’s a sad day when we’re reduced to counting on a rage-ful vengeance machine R Senator from AZ to save our collective ass.
@A Ghost To Most: The obstacle to me when it comes to enjoying soccer is that it seems like I’d have to get all excited about a _chance_ at scoring. That’s when the live crowds start to cheer, not when the guy is about to take a shot but when he has the ball and might do something that leads to something that might _lead_ to a shot on goal. Then a shot is, like, mind-blowing. I feel like it’s too hard to cheer that way. It’d be like getting all excited as soon as LeBron rebounds the ball under the opposite goal, because he’s LeBron and something interesting hasn’t happened yet but might soon.
Amir Khalid
@The Moar You Know:
I understand why there are such agreements. But Trump couldn’t simply call up civilian planes on a whim, could he, given the potential for disruption to the economy and daily life? I imagine there must be some kind of event trigger to activate the US government’s authority to do that.
For a conservative politician to call out the head of his party, yes.
It’s party before country every time. Look at their agenda. They know they will be killing their voters, but they don’t care. They know that only the very wealthy will gain from their agenda, and not only do they not care, they are getting paid to not care. Party before country my ass, it’s wallet before country every time.
A Ghost To Most
@FlipYrWhig: To be fair, when I was working in Oz, an Aussie coworker made me watch an entire day of cricket. That was the definition of tedious sport; thankfully, the drink was flowing.
The Moar You Know
@Amir Khalid: Yeah, pretty certain he can. Hell, last time my dad got the notice and ended up with a two-step jump in rank just for saying “yes”.
No. Bear in mind this only applies to US flagged carriers.
Amir Khalid
The Laws of The Game do say that a goal is a goal is a goal, but the most memorable goals come from sweet attacking play, and that’s what fans most want to see.
A story at Marie Claire about the way that reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey worked on the Weinstein story. It also mentions the importance of the editors who supported their investigation.
They also mention their parents.
drumpf is not good with money.
He could easily be worth far more than he is if he had simply done what the average person does with their found money.
drumpf is not good with the truth.
Because he has no grasp of the concept. Not one iota. He can not even keep up with his own lies. The concept of a truth, any truth, doesn’t matter to him. drumpf’s truth is whatever comes out of his mouth at any time. Doesn’t matter if he changes the output in the next second, whatever is current is his truth. He doesn’t lie, he changes the truth, because whatever falls out of his mouth is what he believes to be real, even if he can’t remember what that was. One would think that he could be right once in a while, just out of the law of averages, he’d have to stumble across it occasionally.
I become more convinced every day that he has Alzheimer’s.
Because of the above and the anger at people for not believing him to be perfect and truthful, both of which he is anything/everything but. He turns on people who support him. To stay on his good side requires knee pads and a total lack of humanity and self respect.
I guess he is to busy tell the Democratic party what it should be doing to change his registration.
Mike J
@d58826: I hope he doesn’t want any money from Dems.
@Matt McIrvin: You get to my second rule, which is that anything that is forward looking can be undone. When I told this to one of the lobbyist types in my office he sneered. But it’s the truth. I have been working in this area for a long time. Unpopular actions can be undone, especially if they take things away from people.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Interesting query – why was Baquet willing to call all in on Weinstein while facilitating the happy ending on the 35 year velvet glove job they’d given Trump?
71,000 folks went to a soccer match in Atlanta yesterday.
@Amir Khalid:
Why do you think he has all the reminders of his own name all over the place?
At least that way he can remember who he is. You don’t think he has a drivers license in his pocket to look at do you?
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Amir Khalid: I believe that’s something shared between your football and ice hockey (I’ve never watched enough field hockey to comment on that sport)–there is a certain beautiful inevitability about some goals, and seeing that develop in real time is amazing. It’s not just “Did it go in?”; it’s “How do they manage to deal with both the actions of the opposing team and the physics of the game itself?” There’s something dreadful about seeing that process shut down (even as a Nashville fan, I can see why Chicago’s playoff loss last spring was horrific) and something uplifting in seeing it completed successfully (which is why fans manage to tolerate Sidney Crosby and his inability to engage comfortably with humanity outside the boundaries of the rink).
@Mike J: I’m sure his hand will be out. Grifters gotta grift
When I say corruption, I mean match fixing and related activities. I don’t know the relative levels of this in basketball, football and soccer.
Miss Bianca
@A Ghost To Most: I have a problem with anybody thinking gun ownership is some sort of – forgive the reference – magic-bullet solution for social problems they may be facing. That being said, I have to admit I’d be curious to see what the NRA’s and the gun manufacturers’ marketing plans for lefty gun nuts would look like.
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca: And normally, I would fully agree with you.
These are not normal times, and foreshadow worse times ahead. YMMV.
The NRA has one audience, and it is not us.
@Corner Stone: I hope he considers giving a punchier version of that ‘farewell address’ he gave last week. Name names, right wrongs. Make some history, John – be the guy who caused the Mango Menace to stroke out.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
It isn’t interesting travel that they want.
They want your travel dollars and you are taking them offshore, a place where there is more competition for your dollars. And besides, conservatives are at their core, stanch isolationists. You go overseas you might have a good time and want the same whatever as the place that you visit. Like real people, not the town of Stepford, with it’s cookie cutter people and dominated women.
@Ruckus: He would supposedly be $10B richer if he had done nothing but put his inheritance into index funds.
But he’s the great wheeler-dealer, what do I know?
A pretty Balloon-Juice/TPM take on Kelly if I ever saw one: We’re Down to Mattis, I Suppose.
Who knew that asking one loony old Fox News viewer to look after another, loonier old Fox News viewer wouldn’t go well?
@Amir Khalid:
If they have planes will the pilots be certified to fly them? Or have to be completely retrained and certified? Someone asked yesterday, isn’t flying one big plane like flying any other? No, no it is not. Have the pilots aged out, are they still even flying?
I also saw yesterday that the AF was not in favor of this. These guys retired. They did that for some reason. Do you really want them back after making that decision?
I don’t believe him. Not at all.
Betty Cracker
Speaking of the NRA, have y’all seen that completely unhinged video by spokesnut Dana Loesch?
Matt McIrvin
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ve been hearing a lot of chortling about Weinstein from wingers who say things like “this is the difference between Democrats and Republicans: we just TALK about grabbing pussy, they really do it.” Setting aside whether Trump is innocent of really doing it, it’s as if Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly never happened. I remember what happened when Ailes was forced out: he instantly joined the Trump campaign.
A Ghost To Most
@Ruckus: All this. They pulled this from their asses; more red meat for the deluded base.
A Ghost To Most
@Betty Cracker: You’ll need to be more specific. I’ve seen several videos from her, and she is unhinged in all of them.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Miss Bianca: Forget the 80s already? Homophobies don’t think gay bashing is so fun when the gays fight back. Almost all of these idiots from Trump on down are terrified and trying to hide by cruelty to the helpless. So best to make it very, very one isn’t helpless.
Spend it?
I agree that Trump is mainly a fraud, although I don’t know if he is ill, as you suggest. But who knows what we might find out about him as his administration rolls along.
Even if he had taken half of the found money and invested it reasonably and blown the rest he have 5 billion, a not insignificant amount and over twice what the best estimates are that he’s worth. And I think a lot of that is smoke and mirrors. It’s not that he’s broke, he’s not. But I’d also bet that his cash on hand is pathetic for his supposed wealth. I’d also bet he’s leveraged to or past the hilt. And I’d bet to whom.
Of course he saves on his suits and ties, purchased at the 99 cent store. Everything 99 cents, all day every day, alterations not included (nor purchased). He bought a third hand, 25 yr old converted airliner. Those are normally used for air tankers, or third world airlines. And they didn’t want this one.
We know he is ill, as in not normal. That’s a given.
But what I’m talking about is developing. It may be early, but I think it’s happening. And I don’t wish this on my worst enemy. Which he’s for sure in the running.
A Ghost To Most
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I agree. They need to know that some of us will fight back. It’s the only way I know of to back down a bully.
I think he is evil, and sadly, this is fairly common.
I don’t go in much for remote diagnoses of supposed maladies. But I will indulge in this much speculation: would Trump try as hard as possible to hide any signs of serious illness? Wouldn’t he demand secrecy from his staff and cabinet? And if any illness were to seriously hamper his ability to function, would the GOP do everything they could to preserve the lie?
Didn’t we find out everything we needed to know when we looked at all those years of his tax returns? Oh, wait…
@A Ghost To Most:
You think?
He saw, likely got read a report of a shortage of AF pilots. As he has no real world skills he has no idea what it takes to accomplish anything. So just call them back, easy peasy. It took me longer to type that original comment out than come up with any of that. And I’m not a pilot.
Miss Bianca
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Fighting back is one thing. Fantasies of depending on guns to protect you in the case of an attack is another. Maybe it’s just the Imp of the Perverse which prompts me to point out that Adam, among others, has noted that unless you are highly trained in the use of arms, you are more likely to be killed by your own firearm than to kill an attacker.To say nothing of the fact that “standing your ground” under those circumstance if you do manage to kill or wound your attacker is likely to be treated much, much more harshly if you are a minority (POC, LBGT) attacking or killing a member of the dominant culture than the other way round. It’s a dead end for lefties.
But hey, at least we’re likely to see a rush to push for gun regulation if more of “the wrong sort” fall for the idea that Second Amendment solutions go both ways, so I guess there’s that. : /
Amir Khalid
Planes also need hangars, aircrews to maintain them, a supply chain for spare parts, etc. Triump is probably unaware of all this.
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca: All true, if these were normal times. They aren’t, and signs point to it getting worse. I’d rather be prepared for something that doesn’t happen, than get caught up short if something does happen.
As for the “wrong sort”, that depends on your point of view. They are all “good guys with a gun”, until they aren’t.
Miss Bianca
@A Ghost To Most: It’s all true even if these *aren’t* normal times.
ETA: And do I really need to add the snark tag to “the wrong sort”? Please.
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca: I took it as snark. We are the “wrong sort” to those people.
@Amir Khalid:
Probably? That word does a lot of work when discussing the shitgibbon.
But as I said it took less time to come up with the list than it did to type it. A non pilot coming up with that many faults in less time than it took to type those 79 words doesn’t amaze me any more than anything else the shitgibbon does.
@Amir Khalid:
I think it is “before,” but a lot of versions of Yiddish don’t make a clear distinction between what would be “für” and “vor” in German. Sometimes “für” is pronounced “fir” in Yiddish.
(Not a real Yiddish speaker, but a German speaker with Yiddish-speaking friends.)
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca: I took an oath of loyalty to the Constitution a long time ago. I don’t think it is a fantasy to uphold that oath, but an obligation. Different strokes.