Looks like Demented Fox News Grandpa got all hopped up on a TiVO’d episode of the “Judge Jeanine” program and went on a Twitter rampage this morning:
Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?),….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017
…the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia,….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017
…"collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017
…are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017
Manservant and football-wrestler J. Kelly should have scheduled that tee time for first light. It’s not a good look for a president to babble hysterically right before grand jury indictments are unsealed.
The all-caps “DO SOMETHING” is interesting, coming from arguably the most powerful man (-baby) in the world. Is that a message for Sessions? Deputy AG Rosenstein?
I think so — my guess is Trump binged on Judge Jeannine’s “lock her up” rant on Fox News, then vomited the talking points all over Twitter. (Gross!)
Here’s a clip for those of y’all who are blissfully unaware of Jeanine Pirro’s existence, but first, a warning — listening to Pirro is like being exposed to the braying of the most annoying wingnut barfly in the most disreputable dive in the tri-state area:
This is crazy even for Fox. Shut down Mueller probe and arrest Hillary. pic.twitter.com/0XMwdNJi0z
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 29, 2017
Luckily, videos have controls. Otherwise, you’d just have to find another bar.
Now, I have no idea what Mueller’s investigation will uncover. As I’ve mentioned, I have more faith in KFC and McDonald’s putting an end to Trump’s reign of absurdity.
But I’m pretty sure it won’t be Hillary Clinton doing the perp walk tomorrow. Yet, thanks to Fox News, that’s the only acceptable denouement, not only for addled old farts wallowing in duct-taped recliners nationwide but to the demented Fox News Grandpa in the White House. And that’s a dangerous state of affairs.
Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau said this on Twitter the other day:
Honestly, the most philanthropic thing some rich billionaire could do for the world is buy Fox News and destroy it. https://t.co/SDBL7qNsiF
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) October 18, 2017
So true. It would have been a far better use of eBay founder Pierre Omidyar’s money than whatever sum he’s poured down The Intercept rat hole.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
You mean the one that helped her lose and helped you win?
I’d be enjoying this so much more if this schmuck didn’t have the keys to the nuclear football.
No Twitter in the big house. Just sayin’.
this shit is like OJ pledging to find the “real killer”.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: It’s possible that Trump mentioned Comey, because he’s concerned about getting charged with obstruction of justice. At least that’s what I hope.
Why did you not include the tweet about Hillary spending $12 million for that dossier?
Since he hasn’t messaged us in a few hours, I assume that someone called Kelly to come help.
@chopper: Good analogy. Someone should do a video mashup.
Corner Stone
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: No, he means “That One Weird Comey Fix – To Help You Lose Weight Fast!”
Justice would be taking Fucking Fox News off the air. And dialing back Sinclair.
We need to stop the rightwing monopoly on the public airwaves. It is killing our democracy, frightening and demoralizing our citizens, and marching us right into fascism.
They’re not news. They’re not entertainment. They are a propaganda organ that disseminates ugly, ugly programming.
Stop the monopoly. This is right up there with gerrymandering. So — you’ve got fairer congressional districts. What do you do, when a dangerous percentage of your citizens cannot think for themselves and are brainwashed by rightwing garbage that instructs them to trust no other source of news?
Does Germany allow this? Or any other first world nations? I think not. I suspect, like the BBC, they had some national news organizations. We did not do that — went straight to profit-making via corporate-owned networks.
And the millionaires and billionaires were waiting. To drive out actual free speech and vetted news sources; replace it with rightwing propaganda.
Corner Stone
I can’t listen to that lady. It makes me think of someone drowning in a vat of molasses and trying to tell someone to help her. Nightmare fuel.
Spitballing here… The “DO SOMETHING” might be Cheatolini’s call to his base to do something big so he’s got a reason to declare martial law and suspend the constitution….it won’t work though, NAZISNOWFLAKES don’t have the numbers, brain power or fortitude to pull off anything longer than a 30 minute march, especially when they come up against regular citizen expressing disgust for their views.
No Drought No More
Just imagine if dumberr-than-dumbed-down Richard Nixon twittered as the walls were closing in around his crooked ass, only this dumbed down Nixon has plotted with a foreign government to subvert our own.
And Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein- and all those prepared to trivialize the deliberate and dastardly attack on our national sovereignty that occurred last year- aid and abet that enemy with their calculated support as surely as if they took aim and fired actual weapons at us all.
Corner Stone
I’m wondering vaguely what’s going to happen tonight when Grandpa Trump starts sundowning.
Was this a “Fraser” reference? Cuz Marty definitely had the duct-taped recliners. Of course, the irony of course was that he was a gay liberal and it was Fraser who was the unhinged wingnut.
Amir Khalid
Are Republicans really united in anger regarding the Steele file? Ain’t no there there; the Republicans paid for it before the Democrats did, and Hillary’s campaign never used the dirt that got dug up. Plus the whole mess is probably too inside-sportsball for the base to get worked up about.
A side note: It annoys me to see the French word dossier used as though it signified something more sinister and scary than a plain old file. As anyone who speaks the language knows, dossier is just the workaday French word for file.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
You mean his father substitute? He should be concerned about that Obstr. of Justice charge. He admitted to it on national television.
Sean Hannity has always been hot on the trail of Hillary Clinton. I was startled the first time I heard that from him– but I eventually realized that all the FOXies and Trumpites are saying it. Which means it’s coming straight from the top.
@Corner Stone: I’m rooting for a stroke….but it will probably be preempted by someone close to him deploying that elephant tranq before he incriminates the whole basket of deplorables working in the WH.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Yeah fuck that guy, Grammer.
@MattF: This is what worries me the most. Even if Mueller shows direct evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians, the 30% of the population addicted to the right-wing outrage machine won’t believe it. Wouldn’t it be great if Murdoch himself were shown to collude with the Kremlin? That’s the only way I see Fox being taken off the air.
“The Comey fix?” That’s a new one for me. Is the idea that calling something a “matter” rather than “investigation” is treason?
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Yeah, he was also a jealous controlling asshole too. All of the casts became close friends during that show with Kelsey Grammer being the hold out. Probably because he was a total asshole. That said, Fraser was one of my favorite shows of all time.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
And might I say, I never thought the “triggered” meme was funny. But that’s because I don’t see anything unreasonable about forewarning people about potentially painful content.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: I’m so old I can remember when Hillary was being accused of colluding with Ukraine, or Ukraine was being accused of supporting Clinton, or some horrific scandal related to Poroshenko’s pretty clear preference for not-Trump. The idea that Ukraine and Russia would be colluding to support the same candidate is so absurd it shouldn’t have seen the light of day.
@Amir Khalid: what they now believe is that the dossier was put together by Hillary and the Russians. And all the Russian connections run to the democrats. Hillary and the Kremlin were in cahoots to discredit the GOP candidate.
@tobie: well, you have the “old school” republicans calling out fox….
The WSJ must be weeping:
@Peale: In the twisted, hallucinogenic world of fuckwit projection, this actually tracks.
Unless you take down all the graft whores with it, a new one would simply grow in the toxic sludge left behind from the old.
Mike J
Word is that neither Manafort’s nor Flynn’s lawyers were notified of an impending arrest, as is common in white
personcollar crimes.Betty Cracker
@Baud: Seems relevant…
@Betty Cracker: also true for shitgibbons.
@Baud: True that. I was sitting in my computer room with the window shut when I heard the most unearthly sound. I live in a very rural area so I hear all sorts of weird things outside, but this was something VERY different. I went outside to find the source and it was a green tree frog being eaten by a garter snake….
““DO SOMETHING” is interesting, coming from arguably the most powerful man (-baby) in the world. Is that a message for Sessions? Deputy AG Rosenstein?”
I think it’s a call out to the armed yahoos and neo Nazis who are still buying his bullshit.
What is the approval rating for Congress?
This is one of the reasons why Congress is so desperate to give Trump a legislative victory with tax reform. This will not only provide propaganda fodder for the rubes, but also guarantee that Koch and the moneymen throw bags of money at the Republicans for the mid term elections. That the Kochs and Mercers will get massive tax cuts is a sweet bonus.
It’s coming straight from the bottom. Fox’s job is to validate for the base what they already believed. Most of their content was already circulating, and they scoop up the memes and chain mails and local radio rants, then make those official.
I wonder if Fox News can point out that Trump could void the Uranium One deal and force the Russians to sell their stake in the uranium mine?
I mean Team Trump is looking to undo the everything Obama did.
Corner Stone
@Gindy51: You were sitting in your computer room? Do I even want to know?
Cheryl Rofer
This is Trey Gowdy of BENGHAZI! fame. I suppose it’s possible that scripts have been handed out so that Republicans can plausibly argue they never wanted the Orange One to fire Mueller.
Note how God Emperor Donaldus of Orange declares that an attack on him is an attack on the country.
The sad thing is that the GOP simply ignores this and his supporters eat it up. We may have an authoritarian democracy, with Trump channeling the mob.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Thank you. I have yet to read or hear a criticism of trigger warnings that I find convincing, especially on free speech grounds. It just seems to me to be a way for assholes to mock others for being traumatized as “delicate snowflakes” or whatever. And it also seems especially gendered, since trigger warnings began or became common in online communities of sexual assault survivors. And now, of course, it’s a tribal thing…..a way of showing if you’re on Team Douche or Team Weakling.
Corner Stone
@BruceFromOhio: I don’t think it’s that easy to replicate what Fox News has become. The grifters have to have a place to get their echo chamber act on. Right now FNC is the place that is “trusted” by all the rwnj rage addicts to get their daily dose of hate on. Look what happened to both Beck and O’Reilly once they were forced out of Fox.
bemused senior
You will laugh till you cry.
Unfortunately, the right wing doesn’t think it controls enough of the media. Sinclair Broadcast Group, with FCC approval, could soon become almost as large as Fox News. And they also control the rights to technology that may be used for next generation tv and other devices.
@Corner Stone: Didn’t O’Reilly just get a new contract with Fox? But yes, they flopped around like fish out of water. Beck has his private little site, not sure how much he’s getting paid but it can’t be anywhere near what he made at Fox.
Corner Stone
@opiejeanne: I could be wrong but I think they were trying to rehabilitate his persona with the idea of bringing him back one day soon. And then the news of the $32M settlement came out and that put the nonce on that.
Adam L Silverman
@PPCLI: The Comey Fix refers to the reporting, that has been rereported several times within right wing media circles and social media, that Comey began drafting, and staffing the early draft among his senior personnel for their input, his report on the Clinton email investigation before she had been interviewed. According to the reported timeline Comey began his drafting sometime in May 2016. Clinton was scheduled to be, and was interviewed in June 2016. It was the last box to check on the investigation. What Comey did was not unusual. He and his team had over 90% of the investigatory material and evidence at that time. Had Clinton’s interview somehow changed the preliminary conclusions the investigators had drawn, Comey would have redrafted his report. Somehow this has become evidence of Comey tanking his own investigation and burying the actual evidence of her criminality to protect Clinton and promote her candidacy for president.
Corner Stone
Speaking of triggered. I think Cole better review his phrasing on the tweets about Joy Reid and her greatness rubbing.
@Corner Stone: Sinclair Broadcast Group is working hard to displace Fox News. From a Bloomberg story.
Rumor has it that Steve Bannon will head up a new consolidated organization. And Sinclair is already the main source of news for many people, including those who think they are getting straight news and not slanted propaganda.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
You’re welcome. And its not like “trigger warnings” are anything new anyway. Guess what? “Viewers Be Advised” type messages before TV shows are a kind of trigger warning.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Lying Littledick has been saying for a while that Comey was Hitlary’s stooge, because he didn’t attempt to indict her for something-something (either Vince Foster’s murder, or Ron Brown’s, or Judge Crater’s disappearance, or the Lusitania, or altering the Honolulu newspapers in 1960, or being Kim Philby’s girlfriend, or being a clone of Vidkun Quisling, or who-the-fuck-knows-what).
[Yes, I know the FBI Director does not indict people. Just work with me on this one, OK?]
Citizen Alan
@Corner Stone:
It also took quite a while to prepare and fertilize the ground in which Fox News grew. I’m actually old enough to remember the debut of the Fox network which paved the way for their eventual News Channel. It is somewhat amusing to think that if the Simpsons had bombed instead of becoming the first successful tent pole of the network, the Fox network might have actually gone under for lack of profits and we have never even heard of Fox News.
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: No, he did not. He has a website these days. There are rumors he’s in talks with Sinclair, which will likely lead to an on air fight between Bill O and Boris. Which, to be honest, I’d watch rooting for both to lose.
The recent reporting has confused some folks. Shortly
afterbefore his contract was renewed earlier in the year, which was before Fox fired him, he had negotiated a $32 million settlement with Lis Wiehl for sexually harassing and assaulting her. Shortly thereafter Fox fired him after they fired Ailes. So O’Reilly is still fired from Fox. They’ve not brought him back, other than to pimp his new children’s book (Killing Spot, Dick, and Jane) on Hannity’s show.SFAW
Or what Adam said, since FYWP won’t let me ETA.
Betty Cracker
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I’ll just note the irony of being lectured on this topic by the likes of you and leave it at that.
@Adam L Silverman: I thought the $32M settlement happened before O’Reilly’s Fox contract was renewed? Also, please tell me you’re kidding about the title of O’Reilly’s children’s book?!?
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
Far be it from me to think well of a Republican, but let’s remember that
Draco MHarold Watson Gowdy III was once a federal prosecutor himself. Partisan loyalty notwithstanding, he might be inclined to be sympathetic to someone like Special Counsel Mueller, who is in a quite similar role.Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: I think you’re right on when the settlement was negotiated. I’ll revise it.
As for the book title, I made that up. He is pimping his new children’s book, but I have no idea what the title is and I’m not going to look it up.
Doesn’t Trump realize that he has control of the executive branch? He should stop tweeting and act. If Sessions isn’t bringing charges, he’s part of the problem. Trump should call Jeff to the Oval Office and order the Secret Service to shoot the little Hillary-sympathizer. And Pence isn’t helping, so order them shoot Pence too.
(unsolicited advice from someone on the internet)
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: As is the “Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics” label that Tipper Gore got all hot and bothered about. And movie ratings and reviews. And pretty much everything else filed under the category THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!. It’s only when women and liberal college students wanted it that it became something the right wing hated,
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Gowdy was the US Attorney in a district that is in the middle of nowhere in South Carolina. That US Attorney’s office specializes in meth prosecutions. We’re not talking a prosecutorial heavy hitter here. This is like being the US Attorney for the western district of Kansas, which basically focuses on Federal crimes against cows.
@Adam L. Silverman
It’s a cookbook!
Spinoza Is My Co-Pilot
You are dead-on with this. It’s the primary thing the mighty rightwing wurlitzer is cranked up on right now, twitter-led by I-still-can’t-fucking-believe-he’s-the-President-but-he-is himself.
Well, dead-on except for this: the fascist leadership promulgating the bizarro-world story that it was Hillary, not Trump, colluding with the Russians don’t believe this utter horseshit they’re spouting. The propagandists know very well they are spinning lies and fractional-truth innuendo, and they have clear goals in doing so. What they want — and are mostly going to get, I’m afraid — is buy-in from the Republican electorate, and a right-in-their-wheelhouse “both sides” narrative by our largely useless media (“Irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to.”).
If the Russian/election thing all ends (as I suspect it will) as a tempest-in-a-teapot, with maybe a Scooter Libby-style conviction (and perhaps pardon) of some minor player like Manafort or Flynn or whoever, and that’s it, it will clearly demonstrate that the institutions of our Republic (ok, I know we’re an Empire, humor me) are badly broken. Which I think they are.
If instead it actually ends up with some version of “lock her up!” then we’ll know they are not just broken, but destroyed. A boot stomping on a human face, forever (relatively speaking) is where we’ll be. I don’t think we’re there yet, but it feels awfully close to me, as it has since last November.
Roger Moore
What they believe right now is that they’re rubber and Hillary is glue.
Betty Cracker
@Adam L Silverman: You had me going there for a moment! :) O’Reilly has been on a “killing” spree lately — or at least his ghostwriter has.
A question (honestly don’t know). Is it even legal for a president to order the Justice department to lift a gag order (as has been reported)? What’s then to prevent a president from ordering imposing a gag order?
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: That’s why I went with that potential title.
The general idea is that Comey came out and said that Hillary was guilty, which everybody knew, but told the DoJ not to prosecute. Therefor, it’s only a question of finding the proof that Comey is in the bag for Hillary, and prevented her from going to jail for her crimes.
@Adam L Silverman:
I will always, ALWAYS, be proud of kicking O’Reilly’s stupid Jesus book off of the #1 kids book spot on Amazon. Fuck you, O’Reilly. I am glad I got to stick one in your eye. I didn’t need your damn conservative organization rank inflation buys, either.
Trump’s lawyer
Totally OT:
Just had some pumpkin ice-cream that I had saved from yesterday. So so good. I have to go to the farm stand again before it closes down for the season. I ar addicted.
@Elizabelle: Drive the rats out of the Fox sewer and they’ll scurry off to another one.
Suckers to scam, money to be gained. Rats gotta do what rats do.
Why do I feel like this is where we are?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Adam L Silverman: These are people who did their homework just before the bell the day it was due. They can’t conceive of getting things done ahead of time as much as possible so complex work is under control.
My editor sent me a 6-page list of things she and I are each going to do in the next 10 months with dates each thing will be done by. That’s how an effective organization works.
@Adam L Silverman:
I think his new book is called Killing My Career
Spinoza Is My Co-Pilot
@NotMax: The answer to your question is, whatever Congress allows the President to do. That’s it, there is no other constraint on what is “legal” for a President.
True, but the labels and warning crap has always been pretty stupid.
Looks like you just found the quote for the back of your next dust jacket!
@Corner Stone:
Excellent, lol.
@Spinoza Is My Co-Pilot: if she gets locked up, I think it does mean war.
Corner Stone
@Peale: “Of course, you realize this means war.”
Mr. Wu's Pigs
@Brachiator: I really appreciate the quality of your comments, because they add much knowledge and information to the topic. The FCC/Sinclair thing is ominous, especially because the Trump campaign contracted with Sinclair to get better media coverage.
Mike in NC
I would actually be willing to stand in line to buy a copy of “Killing Bill O’Reilly”
@Adam L Silverman: OT, but have you seen this? Yikes.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Betty Cracker:
I wasn’t lecturing you. Sorry if it came off that way. It’s fine the way you’re using it as it’s ironic and throwing it back in the faces of Trumpets so fond of it.
So according to the wise judge in the above clip, Hillary Clinton paid a zillion dollars to connect drumpf to the russians.
So the agents said to Clinton “Give us a zillion dollars and we’ll connect drumpf to the russians.”
That’s the impression judge jeannie is giving her viewers.
Live feed from the Trump White House
That’s pretty much what I said, when you strip away the Vince Foster etc. filler I threw in there.
And the “something-something” part? That was because the RWNJs could never actually articulate what laws were broken by Hillary. I mean, outside of the law that says “If Hillary does it, it MUST be illegal.”
Bill Arnold
There is a rich taxonomy of logics, e.g. (informal, very long) Logic and Metalogic: Logic, Metalogic, Fuzzy and Quantum Logics
Then there is wingnut logic, which I’ll outsource to rationalwiki:
Bill Arnold
@Bill Arnold:
Dang, FYWP is really messing with me today. The first sentence of the quote above is rationalwiki, the rest is mine, unable to fix.
Big R
@Adam L Silverman: Both South Carolina and Kansas are single-district jurisdictions.
Adam L Silverman
@amygdala: I had not. That’s horrible.
@Amir Khalid: “Partisan loyalty notwithstanding, …”
I’d really hate to have anything bet on a GOP politician actually doing something.
“Addled old farts in duct-taped recliners” I see you’ve met my uncles in Pasco County, Betty.