Kershaw vs. Keuchel with the series knotted up at 2-2. Does it get any better than this?
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Kershaw vs. Keuchel with the series knotted up at 2-2. Does it get any better than this?
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Spotting Kershaw 3 runs is NOT a good idea!
Mueller’s indictment charging Trump would be better than this. Having sex while eating ice cream, also too. Oh, you meant baseball wise?
Betty Cracker
@raven: True!
@Duane: In baseball! ?
M. Bouffant
Not any better than when the former Bums are up by three in the first. And after seeing the two carpetbagging capos of the Bush Crime Family in their Astros jackets, no one can possibly be rooting for the Ass-tros, can they?
@Betty Cracker: Is nothing sacred to you? What would the fans think?
So, the secret to DVR’ing the game an NOT missing the end it to set it to record the 3 shows after the set game time!
Betty Cracker
@M. Bouffant: Mostly hoping for a good series — hope it goes seven games! But I’m pulling for the ‘Stros because they’re my area’s AL neighbor on the Gulf coast, and I like Altuve and Verlander. Not as familiar with the Dodgers, a continent away and in a different league. They’re a helluva team, though.
Why is it called the World Series, seems a bit of a misnomer? What’s the history behind the name?
@raven: Thanks
M. Bouffant
@Betty Cracker: To each her own, then. I’ll admit I’d usually be for the N.L. team had I no other dawg in the race.
Steve in the ATL
@Betty Cracker: any comment on rumors that UF is in talks with Butch Jones and Ed Orgeron?
Betty Cracker
@Steve in the ATL: I don’t believe either rumor. Don’t see how Jones would be an improvement, and I don’t think Orgeron would leave his dream job. My brother hopes they hire Mike Leach. I don’t really have an opinion on that yet.
@M. Bouffant:
You must not be from New York. The Dodgers and Giants broke the hearts of my grandfathers’ generation. Loathsome fuckfaces, the lot of them.
Betty Cracker
Woot! Tie game!
-ly Ballou
So Kershaw proves mortal, after all.
@raven: Kershaw’s got a game now. This is where heros or goats are made.
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
I live in LA now but I grew up in Brooklyn. I was brought up by my dad to hate the Dodgers because they moved away. I still can’t go for them.
Steve in the ATL
@Betty Cracker: you are wise not to believe either rumor, as I just made them up. There are some actual good choices out there, as opposed to these two who have proven themselves to be good coordinators but not head coach material.
@Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California):
My grandfather was a Giants fan. The first game I went to was the first time the Giants came back in 1962. He made sure I became a Mets fan.
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
I’m a Mets fan as well.
OT: Garcetti is not going to run for Guv. Interesting …
@schrodingers_cat: Raven covered the history pretty well. The Guardian had an interesting article that says it’s trending towards a “world” series, as more and more players come from different countries: the Dominican, Cuba, South Korea, Japan. Not something you see in the NFL.
M. Bouffant
@burnspbesq: As a native of San Francisco & L.A. resident for 44 yrs. (last few ancestral generations all from west of the mighty Missisip’) I’m afraid I must disagree. N.Y. & Brooklyn could’ve kept the teams if they really wanted them. And I often refer to the Dodgers as the “former Bums of Brooklyn”, as both reminder & subtle dig.
Definitely not a pitchers duel tonight!
James E. Powell
@M. Bouffant: @burnspbesq:
Pretty sure we should leave our grandparents’ grievances behind. We just have to accept that people move. We are, after all, Americans.
And New Yorkers got a spiffy new team.
James E. Powell
Maybe he’s looking at Feinstein’s seat?
Dodger fans must be extremely disappointed in Kershaw’s outing. Couldn’t close it out after two different leads, and into the bullpen early. Not an ace performance.
@James E. Powell: What spiffy new team was that? The Mets? You’re funny. You were joking, right?
randy khan
A shorter answer might be that when it started there really wasn’t much baseball in any other country, so it was reasonable to say the winner was the World champion. (In truth, it’s at least somewhat close to being true today – the only league that is remotely comparable to MLB is the Japanese league, which probably is somewhere between AAA and the majors in quality.)
randy khan
Yeah, not at all.
This happens surprisingly often in playoff games, especially since much-anticipated pitching matchups in the regular season tend to go to form.
@raven: Yes. Last night I forgot that rule and the recording stopped just before the game was over.
M. Bouffant
@James E. Powell: May be. He’s termed out as L.A. Mayor (‘though not until 2022) & it looks as if S.F. Mayor Newsom already has all the gubernatorial money wrapped up.
Not to mention the Presidential chatter.
Yeah, it’s been a classic pitchers dual.
I imagine MLB is thrilled to death with their juiced balls as no lead is safe no matter how good the pitchers are.
M. Bouffant
@Duane: Either Kershaw is no longer the superbeing he was (no one beats Father Time) or the ball’s juiced, more tightly wound, whatever.
@M. Bouffant:
I am torn. The other night the Dogers had the Kardashian clan. I’m worse humans than the Bush crime family but the Bushes have done way more damage. I guess they cancel each other and I am back to not caring who wins.
Eric S.
@M. Bouffant: there was an article today (last night?) that pitchers from both teams are complaining the balls used in the Series have less grip and they can’t throw the slider.
Kershaw may very well be the best pitcher on the planet as Schmodt says but he’s always been vulnerable in the playoffs.
When did gutty replace the perfectly cromulent gutsy? I just heard Joe Buck say the former, which I would dismiss as Joe Buck, but I’ve seen it popping up elsewhere lately. This must not stand.
James E. Powell
And here I was thinking that the word spiffy gave it away.
@M. Bouffant: The Astros were second in HR’S (238), the Dodgers eleventh (221) in MLB this year. Whatever the reasons, the games have been fun to watch.
Yes, this is certainly a pitcher’s duel. //
Occasionally spiffy. Five WS appearances, as many as the other three 1961-62 expansion teams combined.
Gin & Tonic
What did they put in the damn ball tonight?
@James E. Powell: I like spiffy. I should use it more.
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
@burnspbesq:Maybe not always spiffy, but definitely lovable.
@Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California): The 60’s Mets were lovable. All downhill since then. But spiffy.
I don’t think any one wants to win this game–12 to 12, bottom of the ninth.
Tied at twelve in the 9th. Great World Series game. One of the few baseball games ever that I’d watch again.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
This World Series officially qualifies as insane.
Wow. One hell of a game.
M. Bouffant
@Eric S.: That story just appeared in my feedly.