Color me impressed that its the night before the indictments are allegedly going to hit and we still don’t know anything.
— Bradley P. Moss, Esq (@BradMossEsq) October 30, 2017
I hate to make it harder for you, but just so you know, Bureau SOP would be an early morning (600 am-ish) arrest. So don’t oversleep.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) October 30, 2017
Sleep, people. We don’t ever know for sure that it’s happening. We don’t know who. We don’t know where. Get some rest!
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) October 30, 2017
My personal favorite rumor is that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III will be the first target, on the grounds there’s no way he can claim he had no idea colluding with a foreign government to steal an election just might be against the law. As a devout Cynic, I’m prepared for the morning’s news to be anything from “nothingburger” to “opening the door to my worst fears”… but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised!
If @realDonaldTrump were privately urging Jeff Sessions to "do something" about Hillary Clinton, it would feel like a huge story…
— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) October 29, 2017
Trump's lawyers are scrambling to figure out what is going on and who might be indicted
— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) October 28, 2017
Like Reservoir Dogs but with the entire cast of Minions.
— Zedward Tweeterhands (@ZeddRebel) October 29, 2017
Susan Hennessey: Seven Frequently Asked Mueller Indictment Questions for Which We Don’t Have the Answers
— Lawfare (@lawfareblog) October 28, 2017
Despite using fancy pants idioms like “to wit…” these guys are the only sane voices in the #trumprussia universe.
— Toby Boudreaux (@tobyjoe) October 28, 2017
A lot of bizarre behavior from Trump and his associates makes more sense if you consider the possibility that they’re guilty.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) October 29, 2017
2. I say this b/c lots of enthusiasm for some big moment. It's just as likely that WH may end Mon relieved and surrogates claiming victory
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 28, 2017
4. Don't bifurcate the money transaction evidence from collusion evidence, which we tend to do. There may be two parallel lines of inquiry.
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 28, 2017
6. That's the thing Republicans want to deprive him of. And he just bought himself more of it.
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 28, 2017
1. Someone just asked me why Drudge would promote this story (it's been at the top of his page all day)'s why
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) October 30, 2017
3. In fact, they see the way Trump handled the Manafort situation as an example of him doing the right thing.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) October 30, 2017
6. So they see this as an example of Trump doing the right thing. He found out about this illicit activity and cut ties with Manafort asap
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) October 30, 2017
Of course, it’s good for the Wingnut Wurlitzer if this can be spun as “outside grifter abused the trust of poor, naive Trump.” But if anyone now hanging around the Oval Office is dumb enough to believe Manafort didn’t keep receipts, or that he wouldn’t cheerfully sell them all out in return for protection…
All eyes on Manafort-Flynn, but what if … Mueller indicts Russians Monday (or soon)?
It would be a game changer in several ways… <THREAD>
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) October 30, 2017
6. Mueller’s naming any Trump associates as “unindicted co-conspirators” would be very significant for public understanding of wrongdoing…
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) October 30, 2017
Stock market crash, opening way to Great Depression, tomorrow 1929:
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) October 28, 2017
Major Major Major Major
This can’t be said enough. This whole time, they couldn’t have been acting more guilty if they’d tried.
@Major Major Major Major:
Well……. They could have confessed. Oh you said acting guilty. No they couldn’t.
That needs to be in the rotating thingy. It is a widely useful phrase. Also funny.
I am trying to square Trump’s behavior with his heretofore lack of shame and his belief that the rules don’t apply to him. I don’t think he can feel guilt, so why is he acting as if he does?
It’s morning here in Lucca, we are eagerly awaiting the next steps. The time difference of 5 hours means we’ll probably be home in Puglia before we hear/see anything. All of our Italian friends, and a few Minnesotans we met while here for a music festival, are hoping for some sign of a possible end to Trump.
Joyce Harmon
You know what’s sad? I’m trying to think of someone in or involved in this administration or the campaign whose indictment would come as a gobsmacking shock. And I can’t think of a single person.
@Lapassionara –
He’s got NPD, so his reactions aren’t about guilt. His image of himself is being profoundly threatened, so he’s freaking out. It looks like guilt for sure, but for him, guilt is never a reality – his first impulse will be to lash out and blame others.
I wish he DID feel guilty. He’d be less dangerous. But he’s the kind of narcissist who wouldn’t hesitate to destroy the country in order to preserve his false self and narcissistic supply (likely his immediate family members).
@Lapassionara: He doesn’t feel guilty, he feels threatened. He hates that. I can’t imagine that he can hold in all his anger and angst. Future twitter tantrums are gonna be awesome.
Viva BrisVegas
Because guilt in the moral sense is completely unknown to Trump, but he is very aware of guilt in the legal sense.
To that end, it looks like the White House has grabbed Manafort by the collar and is waiting for the next bus to pass by.
He’s displaying fury at being disrespected. In his world, literally everybody is on the take in some way or another. His wife, his ex-wives, his children, his friends, his appointees, his business partners — every single person is just like him, muscling their way to the front of the line if they can.
He thinks winning is muscling harder than the rest, and he thinks he accomplished that a year ago. He still doesn’t get that he was in the weirdest job interview ever, and that what he won was the duty to do a job. He’s enraged that he didn’t even win respect. Guilt, shame, embarrassment, none of that applies. What we’re looking at is anger that we don’t appreciate him & his achievements.
It’s grotesque.
Mike J
If it’s a daylight raid we should know in three and a half hours. If it’s not, it could be any time tomorrow, or even not at all.
For many reasons I hope it’s a daylight raid.
@InternetDragons: I am very worried about what he might do.
And it does not help that his cabinet and the Republican leadership in congress appear to be validating his sense of grievance.
Chitown Kev
@Joyce Harmon: If Jeff Sessions were indicted it woud be a shock but not a surprise.
@Chitown Kev:
How would it be a shock? He lied to congress. On camera. That’s the least of his faults and issues. I’m not thinking this round will include him but it wouldn’t be a shock if it did.
@Joyce Harmon:
Not one person that has come on board since noon Jan 20. How many do we know that lied on security clearances? How many do we know that lied on financial disclosure? And those are the ones that we know about. Next I put it out there than anyone, anyone, that works for him in any political office or cabinet position is guilty of at least gross stupidity while breathing. And there is no lack of proof of that. Including high ranking military officers, retired or not.
Amir Khalid
@Chitown Kev:
If Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Aiyaiyai were the one arrested on Monday morning, a lot of jackals (and not only them) would be thrilled rather than shocked.
Splitting Image
I’ll put five quatloos on Manafort.
Politically, Mueller has to take into account that if he indicts one of the Trump family or someone with longstanding ties to the Republican party, like Sessions, the Fox wurlitzer will rally to his defense. If he goes after a guy they see as an outsider, they’ll drop him like hot lead and call him a Democrat plant. The patsy needs to have enough dirt on the rest of the collaborators that he can implicate the rest when they turn on him. That’s Manafort.
Anyway, we shall see. Tall oaks from little acorns grow.
You have found the perfect way to describe those who would work for the moron. Many thanks.
Seth Abrasion is a law professor with a lot of interesting things to say on twitter:
Abramson damn autocorrect
A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
Because Trump can feel: fear.
Fear that he’ll be caught.
Fear that he’ll be impeached and removed from office.
Fear that he’ll go down in history as a common criminal.
Fear that he’ll go down in history as a traitor to the country.
Trump isn’t feeling guilt – he’s feeling fear and panic.
mike in dc
Even odds:
1. Manafort
2. Flynn Sr.
3. Page
25% chance:
1. Kushner
2. Flynn Jr.
3. Don Jr.
10% chance:
1. Sessions
2. A bunch of Russians/Russian-Americans
3. Ivanka
1% chance:
1. 45
2. VP
3. Speaker Ryan
I believe it would require a referral to DOJ by the Senate, or at least the Judiciary Committee. That’s not happened.
Amir Khalid
Autocorrect does have an intriguing sense of humour, no?
@Joyce Harmon:
Maybe it wouldn’t be a shock, but I guess I’d be a little surprised if Barron or Tiffany were indicted.
Or if it were … Nope. Nada. No one else would even be surprising.
It’s weird how Manafort’s KEY role in the Trump campaign has been written out of history. The candidate was floundering, the never Trump movement was at it’s peak, and Trump had zero support from the religious right. Manafort came in, fixed all of that, and ran a convention that was far less of a complete disaster than any other week of Trump’s campaign.
And he did it all for free, from Trump’s point of view. He brought the religious right to the table and won nearly universal (all except LDS) support for Trump. He used Bob Dole to get begrudging approval from most establishment Republicans… getting Rubio, Cruz et all to kowtow at the convention.
Manafort had a bigger impact on the election than Bernie Sanders or the emails. No one talks about it.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Lucca is a lovely town. We rode bikes over the walls last year.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
There’s frantic activity going on at the White House (live video)
He may be more afraid of the Russians then the Feds.
Putin don’t give a shit about lawyers, after all.
@Splitting Image:
Manafort’s a Trump-world insider via the sketchy real estate investment/money-laundering connection. But much more so he’s a lifelong GOP insider. He’s worked in the zone between dirty tricksters such as Stone and more legit GOP operations since Ford’s primary campaign in ’76.
The fact that both Trump and the GOP are disowning him now… and have been distancing themselves since he left the campaign… worth re-reading the story that came out when Manafort left:
Splitting Image:
I’ll see your five quatloos, and raise you five latinum strips and five darsek on Flynn’s son.
I wasn’t clear. I just think that is the least of his problems, the lies he told congress, but the most public. I suspect that where there is a visible fire of that magnitude, there is a massive possibility that there is more fire somewhere. I don’t expect him to be in the first round but this entire mess is so fucked up that I would not place any bets on who, what, when or why.
Joyce H
But even he couldn’t talk Trump out of that dorky smoke machine stunt.
Manafort is toast. He is going down on money laundering and FCPA violations. Unless he has a super attorney, he could be looking at prison time. I think Jared Kushner is in deep shit too – for trying to set up the “back channel” communication line with the Kremlin. Creepy and unAmerican.
@Amir Khalid: I normally turn it off and just live with obvious typos. Waiting on arrests! The reaction is going to be awesome…
I’m guessing Manafort, but if it turns out to be Sessions or any Trump, I’m headed for Union City, NJ, to join in the fullvoiced ululating and celebratory gunfire.