This is FOX News currently…
— Josh Sánchez (@jnsanchez) October 30, 2017
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This is FOX News currently…
— Josh Sánchez (@jnsanchez) October 30, 2017
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I suppose the ‘pile of poop’ emoji is too much of a Trump look-alike.
Can that be his new nickname? (works for multiple hes, a bonus.)
Patricia Kayden
I can’t see what’s on at Fox due to work filters but that’s probably for the best. LOL.
I’m listening to the Stephanie Miller show and she’s celebrating Manafort’s downfall. Fun times!!
I would love to see Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and clan, Roger Ailes’ survivors, Sean Hannity and the other loonies, get smeared badly and end up implicated too, even tangentially.
They’re a cancer, and we could never have Trump in office without them. They amplified the crazy mean.
zhena gogolia
. . . и другие официальные лица.
We’ll see if anyone gets the joke.
zhena gogolia
I’m in moderation for using Cyrillic
Amir Khalid
Fox News has a myth to uphold: Alles geht der republikanischen Partei immer gut.
When do we get to find out what Manafort and his little buddy are charged with?
@Patricia Kayden: Ari Melber seems to have been doing his homework & he’s been on since the early session with MJ.
I do enjoy that so many get caught via tax evasion. I so hope Mueller has trump’s tax returns.
Jerzy Russian
OK, I will bite. What is going on at Google with the cheeseburger?
All it takes is a click (.pdf file).
@Jerzy Russian: Trump and Fox kept calling it a “nothingburger” and now some wags are saying it’s graduated to “cheeseburger” (i.e., something more substantial.)
Amir Khalid
I expect he’ll be brought to a Federal court sometime soon, like today or early tomorrow, to hear the charges against him. That has to be done within 24 hours of arrest, right?
Jake Tapper is now supposed to be some sort of benchmark of responsibility in journalism? I think not.
Patricia Kayden
@TS: Thanks. Messing with taxes may be exactly what brings down Trump and I would assume that Mueller has Trump’s tax returns already. Kind of ironic since Trump refused to show them to us.
Jerzy Russian
@germy: Sweet Jesus. I am going back to bed, as it is still dark out.
@jonas: Just broke. Money laundering and tax fraud.
Edit: link to indictment
At this point, I think anybody relying on Fox Not-News for actual news probably thinks we’ve never been to the moon, that the Earth *is* flat, and that ALL IS WELL, THIS IS FINE, THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES…
@PaulWartenberg: The judges would have also accepted the ‘bring out your dead’ scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. “I feel …happy”.
Interesting that Manafort’s property at Trump Tower is NOT included in the list of assets subject to forfeiture.
It appears that ‘conspiracy against the US’ is one of the charges.
That has the potential to ensnare a lot of people.
@NotMax: I wonder why it’s not included?
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Блин!
Amir Khalid
@Patricia Kayden:
Tax evasion was what brought down Al Ca[pone, too. And that’s not the only similarity between Capone and the people now in the White House.
@Amir Khalid
It’ll be today, and more than likely he’ll be released from custody afterwards.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Huh. You’re right. It used to work for me.
Link to the Conspiracy Charge in the pdf from DOJ
Amir Khalid
And pretty soon it’s going to be a Double Whopper.
@NotMax: If I were him I’m not sure that I would want to be released from custody. The Russians have a very terminal way of dealing with loose ends.
Why isn’t the President following through on the sanctions on Russia? hmmm
I have to admit, my favorite charge is Conspiracy Against the United States.
That hits to the heart of everything for me.
In America, you always find a party!
In Russia, party finds you!
Amir Khalid
I’m sure the US Attorney will argue to the judge that Manafort is a flight risk.
@Kay: Newt:
Oh, Newt, you’re so right! Many of them are on their collective way to prison!
Newt really is a pseudointellectual.
RICO possibilities eventually?
For our legal eagles: conspiracy against the US means against USG? Is this a legal cousin to treason or sedition?
Aren’t $ prosecutions very hard to get convictions: complicated? (Hence RICO)
@rikyrah: I really don’t have time to explain, but that doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s a general conspiracy charge, the object of which is to obstruct justice.
All federal conspiracy charges have that language.
@Amir Khalid: You’re too polite. Fox’s slogan is: Republikaner über alles.
1) don’t know
2) no
3) money laundering is super easy to prosecute.
@Amir Khalid: You know, that war (the Nazi one) ended 3 generations ago, and Germany has (by and large) done a better job of admitting and self-examining its sins — and teaching about its war crimes to the new generations of its country — that pretty much any other county I can think of, most especially the US, France, the Netherlands, Japan…
Obviously there are a whole bunch of ignorant monsters marching around the US right now claiming to be Nazis, but, yeah, nope, they’re not even. They are cruel, racist, ignorant, violent assholes, but ironically they don’t even meet the (physical) standards of the WWII era German military. Nor do many of them speak German, I’d wager.
All of which is to say, I personally get a little tired of German being used to stand in for all things evil. (At the moment, in real time, they have an arguably generous refugee resettlement policy–or at least they’re trying. They have amazing state health care. You start at 6 weeks vacation and unlimited sick time in a regular job there. The public transit system is peerless. Living is mainly affordable–and there is safe and decent housing for disabled people and others who need it. When was the last time you saw a large group of homeless people on the street in Germany? Yes they exist, but so do resources for help if wanted.
Have they elected a Donald Fucking Trump? Their nascent right wing asshole party is at what 13%–we seem to consistently hover at 27%.
Anyway, rant over. Germany ain’t heaven, but it’s not the father of all evil, either…
Mueller indicts Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chair
10/30/17 08:49 AM—UPDATED 10/30/17 08:59 AM
By Steve Benen
When we learned on Friday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was poised to issue the first criminal indictment in the Trump-Russia probe, it was entirely possible that it’d be a relatively low-profile figure facing charges. The president’s critics, hoping for a blockbuster revelation, needed to keep their expectations in check.
As it turns out, however, when the former chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is indicted, it’s an extraordinarily big deal.
Rick Gates’ name may not be immediately familiar, but his name came up in a recent interview Rachel did with Greg Farrell, investigative reporter for Bloomberg News. Also note, the New York Times published a profile on Gates in June.
@Amir Khalid
Besides posting bail, turning in his passport is probably required.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@LAO: If you look at that indictment, Mueller’s crew seems to have the money laundering nailed down with times and places.
@NotMax: Assume he’ll be required to surrender his passport….
Ooh, Manafort’s wife is tied in, too.
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) October 30, 2017
@Amir Khalid: Will be interesting to see if Manafort is released, or remanded. He may have been offered the choice; we don’t know.
Where is he safer? Out and about, or in federal custody, maybe with some extra privileges to reward him for cooperating.
@rikyrah: 1000% this.
uh huh
uh huh
Cyprus named as one offshore account Manafort and Gates used to hide millions. Any comment, Wilbur Ross?
— meta (@metaquest) October 30, 2017
@Lee: For the life of me I can not think of a single reason why Putin would want Manafort dead. The more chaos the better and he maximizes that with a Manafort trial/pardon/anything.
zhena gogolia
Abramson is so good. I wish I had time to just read his twitter feed all day.
We’ve all seen Law and Order and know how this works. The indictment is “here’s what you’re nailed beyond doubt on.” In the conference with the defendant, the next move is “here’s more serious stuff we could go for unless you cooperate,”
@germy: There really needs to be a “nothing burger” emoji.
@Amir Khalid: When you self surrender in feds, you go to FBI to be processed. Then to court for arraignment. It’s more likely than not that the ausa has agreed to bond.
zhena gogolia
No, but he’s part of the megaphone so it’s good for us if he’s at least slightly waking up.
On a regular day, this would actually be big news.
#BREAKING: NBC terminates Mark Halperin’s contract after sexual harassment allegations
— The Hill (@thehill) October 30, 2017
El Caganer
@MoxieM: They also have a very powerful labor movement, no? Something that’s been disintegrating in this country for the last 40 years.
“For our legal eagles: conspiracy against the US means against USG? Is this a legal cousin to treason or sedition?”
If you read the indictment, the “conspiracy against the US” is conspiracy to defraud the government by not paying taxes on income. In other words, the prosecutors are going the the Al Capone route and charging the defendants with earning ill-gotten gains and then not paying taxes on it.
Are these going to be the only charges against Manafort? Probably not. According to this article, “Four sources told NBC News that there was a statute of limitations issue in play that may have helped drive Monday’s charges by Mueller” – i.e. they needed to file these particular charges right now and not wait – and “The sources said the indictment does not preclude other charges being filed against Manafort in the future.”
Amir Khalid
There’s still plenty of room to hide in America, especially if you’re well-resourced like Manafort.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
I made a rather obscure joke, using the phrase “i drugie ofitsial’nye litsa.” It was the phrase that ended most of the stories on the evening news Vremia. Some visiting dignitary would be met at the airport by Gorbachev, his deputies, “and other official personages [i drugie ofitsial’nye litsa].” I thought it would be a good phrase for today.
@MoxieM: Britain has never said sorry for its Empire and the atrocities they committed over a much longer span of time than did Nazi Germany. They are busy make rosy nostalgic TV shows about the fucking Raj and the present generation knows next to nothing about the Empire.
Gin & Tonic
@MoxieM: I was in Bavaria this summer, and had occasion to visit the “Documentation Center” outside Berchtesgaden. It presents a sobering (and accurate, I believe) assessment of the rise and fall of the Third Reich, and is located on the grounds of Hitler’s summer compound. The interesting thing is it’s primarily geared for a domestic audience – there are some minor concessions to non-German speakers, but by and large everything is in German. And it is struggling logistically because it is operating at five times the capacity it was designed for. The place was jam-packed when we were there on a random weekday.
Did he yell “RICO” in a crowded theatre?
zhena gogolia
Me too. We’ve been living in a Conspiracy against the US for a while now.
@JMG: ?
Yeah, no.
O. Felix Culpa
@LAO: Yay! a jackal legal eagle! I know you’re busy, but when you have time, can you tell us how Mueller can protect his investigation (that is, continue bringing findings to light) if he gets fired?
OzarkHillbilly noted in the thread below that Mueller is sharing info with the NY state’s AG, but what about on the federal level?
Thank you.
Major Major Major Major
So if we’re going to operate under the assumption that this is step 0 or step 1 in nailing Trump, what’s the game?
Your argument is with the Nazis, not anyone here.
@MoxieM: ;)
@Amir Khalid
Well, there’s always the Ecuadorian embassy. ;)
Not a lawyer, but pretty confident orders to freeze his accounts would be put out immediately following revocation of bail.
Neither did Hermann Goring but he was a Nazi. Otherwise agree with all you said.
Patricia Kayden
@O. Felix Culpa: I’m actually on trial today, waiting for late jurors so can’t be all that much help today.
And I’m not certain how Mueller can protect the investigation. Will need to think on that.
Patricia Kayden
@germy: So many awful folks to indict. Two down and many more to go. Mueller is fast, I’ll give him that.
There Was No Reason To Hire Manafort Except to Collude with Russia
by David Atkins
October 29, 2017
As the political world waits anxiously for the seal to be broken on special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments, the smart money is on Paul Manafort as the principal target. Manafort is clearly corrupt, having made millions under the table selling his services to pro-Putin forces in Ukraine. He’s the target of an FBI probe focused on at least 13 suspicious wire transfers related to his dealing overseas.
Beyond pathetically attempting to redirect attention to Hillary Clinton and attack the integrity of the Steele dossier, the conservative line is that while Manafort may have been involved in shady dealings, and while Trump’s family and campaign may have met with Russians promising to deliver dirt on his opponent, Trump himself was not complicit with Russia to interfere in the election.
This is almost assuredly untrue, because there was no reason to hire Manafort in the first place except to collude with Russia.
O. Felix Culpa
@LAO: Thanks. No worries. Hope your trial goes well.
@NotMax: ALL of them? ;-)
@Major Major Major Major:
Bad assumption. These opening moves could be seen to be pre- Trump or independent of Trump.
Now, you nail Jared.
@Brachiator: The mathematical opposite of a “nothing burger” would, I suppose, be an “infinity burger” which I think is an appropriate synonym for Trump since every bad story about him appears to be true.
@NotMax: his accounts are (probably) already frozen since allegations include money laundering.
@Patricia Kayden:
Corner Stone
Uh-oh. MSNBC has a guy on the panel that’s wearing a bowtie. Shit’s about to get real.
Or Pence – it was Manafort that brought Pence on board. That would be interesting.
Report: Trump backer sought to help with Russia-hacked documents,
Rachel Maddow shares a scoop from the Wall Street Journal that Rebecca Mercer directed Cambridge Analytica to offer to help Wikileaks even as Cambridge Analytica was part of the Trump campaign and the Wikileaks documents were known to be the product of Russian hackers.
Patricia Kayden
@MoxieM: I love love love Angela Merkel. She’s done a great job of leading Germany and as far as I can tell, she can accept the title of “Leader of the Free World” which used to be associated with our Presidents.
Corner Stone
*Homer and donuts drooling noises*
Russia charges cast U.S. attorney Boente resignation in new light
Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about what might be inferred from the surprise resignation of U.S. attorney Dana Boente at the same time as reports of the first charges in the Robert Mueller’s Trump Russia investigation.
Patricia Kayden
@germy: Schneiderman doesn’t play. He’ll scalp a b*tch!!
Exclusive: Mueller probe reached out to James Woolsey about Flynn
Rachel Maddow shares an exclusive statement from the spokesman of former CIA director James Woolsey about being contacted by special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump Russia investigation with regard to a meeting that included Mike Flynn.
Amir Khalid
Manafort has been aware for some time that the Feds were after him. He’s had time to prepare an escape. I would have, were I in his shoes.
A Ghost To Most
MAGA – Manafort And Gates Arrested!
Jack the Second
I wonder if, realistically, the best-case scenario isn’t to indict and jail everyone who wouldn’t get a pardon (ie, everyone not related to Trump), while making everyone else feel like they’re a hairsbreadth from indictment.
If Trump just blankets everyone in a fluffy layer of pardons we get to find out what happens if we lose another set of democratic norms. If we just scare the piss out of everyone involved and watching, maybe future Republican co-conspirators will start invoking they only thing that supercedes “Party above country”, “self above Party”, and decline to participate in future treasons.
Corner Stone
When will the Terror of Twitler explode?
@El Caganer: Yup they do, and good non-university education for folks who want to do other things. And respect for non-white collar jobs. (Downside is you have to pick at a young age and the tracking is stringent).
Jack the Second
@Amir Khalid: Gee, wherever might he flee to?
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, a lot of the Nazi officer elite didn’t. Funny how that works? There’s a great war-time cartoon about it somewhere….
@A Ghost To Most:
Love it :)
@LAO: But how’s he gonna pay for his lawyer? I guess poor Paulie’s gonna have to settle for an overworked public defender.//
tracy ratclif
@Jerzy Russian: This will be lost in all the other replies, but in Windows and on Apple products, the emoji for “hamburger/cheeseburger” has the cheese on top of the hamburger patty. On Android and other Google products, the cheese is under the patty. Hamburger purists are outraged.
@Wumpus: It looks like it was BOTH the DoJ & DoT. So that might be more than just tax fraud.
@Jack the Second
Keep in mind that one of the articles of impeachment drawn up against Nixon was for the offer to barter pardons in exchange for silence.
Gin & Tonic
@Jack the Second: I’m sure Ukraine would welcome him.
Jack the Second
@schrodingers_cat: Not to mention Britain just getting tired of being an Empire after WWII and going home, setting the stage for the problems in the Middle East and leaving the US to play world police, which hasn’t really benefited anyone but Europe.
@schrodingers_cat: Exactly! and the Dutch were the second largest slave trading nation– largely unknown. VOE (Dutch East India Co.) committed similar depredations in Indonesia and Southeast Asia for generations. Virtually no acknowledgement, no reparation. And the French! not only the Vichy BS, but demanding reparations from Haiti into what…the 1970s!! scandalous. Draining the country of assets and then pointing the finger.
But this is thread derailment…
Back to your regularly scheduled and anxiously awaited Trump cabal indictments.
Once the dominoes start falling, how fast can we anticipate more?
Jack the Second
@NotMax: I’ll wait to hang my hopes on impeachment till after the midterms. Meanwhile I think Sessions and Pence could go to jail and Trump would call them sad losers. Sessions already pissed him off by not firing Mueller and even he knows Pence is a vulture waiting to feast on his downfall.
@MoxieM: Sorry, I failed (rather badly) at making my point: The Nazis were a political party, the Wehrmacht was the German Army, the SS were the paramilitary arm of the Nazi party. So fat white Americans running around with Nazi armbands and espousing white supremacy while technically not Nazis (is there an actual honest to dog American Nazi party?) I think the term Nazi as a descriptor fits them fairly well. And besides, if they want to call themselves Nazis, I say we take them up on it.
Corner Stone
@Jack the Second:
Hmmm…I think you may want to think on this one for a bit.
@Jack the Second
Not suggesting imminence, just citing precedent.
Corner Stone
@tracy ratclif:
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: I don’t understand why that’s a bad assumption. I know that Mueller is after the truth and such, not any particular political target, but what I meant is, if this is step 1 in going after somebody bigger. I mean, it’s unlikely that the goal of arresting Manafort to get him to flip is, like, Pelosi.
Alain the site fixer
@zhena gogolia: FYI it wasn’t the Cyrillic, it was the first characters. A lot of Cyrillic spam starts with certain character(s) and so is blocked.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: quiet you, everybody knows Asians aren’t people and Americans never benefit from trade.
But her emails!!!
The only reason the American Nazis aren’t behaving like their historic German role models is that they still don’t have the power despite holding all three branches of government. Even though the foundations of our government are rotting and crumbling due to neglected and have been deliberately hollowed out and undermined, they are still more resilient than what was in place in the Wiemar Republic.
zhena gogolia
@Alain the site fixer:
okay testing и другие официальные лица
zhena gogolia
@Alain the site fixer:
I’m not sure what you mean by “first characters” — I started with the phrase itself and still went to moderation
But her emails!!!
@Major Major Major Major:
Pelosi would be a tough target to take down. Setting aside the reality that she’s almost certainly clean, even if she was dirty she’s significantly smarter, more cautious, better disciplined and better organized than the Trump Troupe.
@Corner Stone: Feint left or right?
Major Major Major Major
@But her emails!!!:
We’ve been around a couple orders of magnitude longer.
ETA or one, depending on how you count
Jack the Second
@Major Major Major Major: Asia is one of the places we’ve played World Police. America benefits from trade, sure, but we’ve built a culture of permanent militarization, which I don’t think a fair trade for trade, and we get to occasionally be reviled for going to far or not far enough.
But her emails!!!
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah. That’s basically my point. Of course, being around longer is both a blessing and a curse. It means time to solidify a set of norms and build institutions, but also time to corrupt and undermine the same.
Major Major Major Major
@Jack the Second: I don’t see how you can say nobody in Asia has benefited from “us playing world police”.
Alain the site fixer
@zhena gogolia: sorry, at hospital visiting mom. The list of words to block includes some Cyrillic. I don’t read it and trust the source but perhaps it is overly sensitive. Please send me an email and I’ll send the words to you to get your input as to the appropriateness of including them.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: I too went straight to moderation just for typing “блин!”
@MoxieM: the French also, you know, Napoleoned the shit out of Europe. Plus side was end of feudalism, I guess.
Alain the site fixer
@zhena gogolia: forgot to say that a large proportion of Cyrillic spam starts with the same few words so that’s the logic behind using them, but this may be causing you and others issues!
Gin & Tonic
@Alain the site fixer: This is a relatively minor point that only affects a couple of us, but it’s not “initial characters” as I just entered a comment that began with English and was 90% English but included at the end one 4-character word in Cyrillic and I went straight to moderation. I used to be able to write in Cyrillic without an issue.
zhena gogolia
@Alain the site fixer:
I’ll be tied up for a while. I’ll try to remember when I get back.
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: he was saying “initial characters” to indicate which characters were the issue, not say that the placement was the issue
@Jack the Second: No they didn’t just get tired. They turned tail in India after the armed forces rose up in open rebellion in addition to the freedom movement after 1945. They left after partitioning British India a year and half ahead of schedule and left the two newly formed countries to deal with the fallout. That has been a bleeding wound between India and Pakistan since 1947.
Gin & Tonic
Also today, George Papadapoulos pleaded guilty. That ties the Russia-Trump bow tighter.
Jack the Second
@Major Major Major Major: Jesus H, I’m bitching in blog comments, not writing a comprehensive paper of the winners and losers of the post-WWII realignment of world powers. I’m just saying that it pisses me off when Europe acts like they didn’t start half the fires that the US has spent the last century running around pouring gasoline and water on.
Major Major Major Major
@Jack the Second: well, it pisses me off when people say things like “leaving the US to play world police, which hasn’t really benefited anyone but Europe” so I guess we’re both just pissy.
@Major Major Major Major: Japan definitely benefited but not Vietnam. Arming Pakistan has benefited neither India nor Pakistan. China has also been a winner.
ETA: In general United States World Policeman propagated the policies of the two west European winners of WWII, namely UK and France in Asia.
Villago Delenda Est
@satby: Remember when Tapper was the one defending his “colleagues” at Faux Noise?
That put his name on the tumbrel manifest in indelible ink.
low-tech cyclist
(correct spelling) Rebekah Mercer is one of the right-wing billionaires who provide the funding for the army of wingnut welfare organizations that make all the wingnut stuff look more grass-roots than it really is.
I’d love it if it turned out that she’d done something indictable.
Careful, buddy, that’s Jake Tapper’s “sister station” you’re talking about. Just because they’ve been a corrupt, sexually harassing Republican mouthpiece for 20+ years doesn’t mean they can’t report the news!
Uncle Cosmo
@OzarkHillbilly: @MoxieM: I pretty much agree with yinz, but just FTR, Goering is not the example you want to cite;:
IOW as of the time he joined the NSDAP (1922) – before the morphine addiction & serious added kilogrammage – he pretty much was the Nazi ideal.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: Vietnam benefited eventually via China benefiting, and I imagine the millions of anti-communists in the Vietnamese diaspora would think they benefited (the ones I know do).
ETA and these countries have just a few hundred million more people than Europe.
ETAA and we’re leaving out South Korea for some reason.
@Major Major Major Major: Okay sure. United States backed the handpicked winners of the older colonial/imperialist powers. Saudi Arabia too.
The leader of free world business was always a bit of propaganda.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: also there’s the Philippines. I was merely objecting to the eurocentrism of the original comment when in terms of raw numbers most of the beneficiaries are Asian.
@Major Major Major Major: No disagreement from me on that point.
ETA: Despite my reservations against Team America, World Police, I think by and large United States leadership of international institutions, post WWII has been a force of good, overall.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: I agree, and frankly military-capitalist hegemony was a lot better than what else was available. False dichotomy? Now, maybe, but not so much when it was being installed.
@MoxieM: Germany and Angela Merkel are defenders of the Democracy and Western Civilianization (the good part) at the moment from the Neo-Facist Trump, Briexiters, and Putin. (P.S. Rupert Murdoch is there trying to get something out of all three for his support.)
Major Major Major Major
And the Nazis in the Czech Republic and Poland. Strange days.
@Major Major Major Major:
A political junkie noted over the weekend that the Clinton investigation began with the Whitewater real estate deal and ended with Monica Lewinsky. I don’t think anyone could have predicted how that would eventually unfold.
We will see how things develop, but I think that a lot of the Manafort stuff came before he got hooked up with Trump. Who knows. Again, my main point is that I don’t think it possible to have informed speculation about any of this. But theories and wild ass guesses are always welcome in Internet-ville.
Speaking of Trump’s base, and the NY Times care and treatment thereof, Matthew Heimbach apparently went out without his hood this weekend.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yep, in 2009 he was defending them from the Obama administration pointing out that Faux News was a propaganda arm of the Republican Party, which of course they were. Tapper and CNN were pretty much in the tank for the W. Administration and the Iraq War to the very end.
J R in WV
Yes, but which ones? Given that it’s easy to have dual/multiple passports when you are wealthy just by “investing” in many island nations, I would bet these guys can travel under multiple passports with multiple names even.
Ja, nicht wahr?
Aber, wie sagt man “Juden ‘raus” auf Englisch, oder Russisch, oder Franzosich?
In other words: and yet, a significant portion of the Rethuglican Partei seems to be in love, or at least heavily in like, with a number of the things for which the National Soshulist Partei (in Deutschland) was known.
Or were all those Dockers/khaki-clad, tiki-torch-bearing marchers showing their solidarity with some other group, and I completely misunderstood?
@Major Major Major Major:
Gotta get some of that Lebensraum, baby!
J R in WV
Good afternoon, rikyrah! Love your posting, mostly always agree with your points. But I do have a nit to pick with this paragraph, specifically your use of the word “collude”.
People have been using it as a synonym for “conspire” and in ordinary speech that would be fine. But legally, collusion is combining to accomplish something that may or may not be illegal. Conspiracy is different and implies combining to violate the law while hiding what is going on.
This is why the mass media are using collude, collusion, etc with regard to Trumpism. They want to get people thinking of this conspiracy as something that has nothing to do with law breaking. That’s why they never use the word conspiracy. Note that government/Trump spokespeople ALWAYS use collusion when they speak of people who may have done things with or for Trump.
@germy: why “the better to hear you my dear”, said the big bad wolf.
@OzarkHillbilly: True, until the Nazi leadership decided to overtake the Heer. Honestly I can’t remember all the detail since military history ain’t my thing, but basically Hitler (or, “the Monster” as my grandfather called him) and his leadership circle realized that the mainly professional soldiering officer class at the head of the various military branches was not totally down with the NSDAP agenda, so they engineered and/or killed people to gain control. I believe all this prior to Barbarossa? Somebody with a better command of deets can please correct me.
[If I knew how to do the snazzy multi part answers I would…]
I had no idea this would be a topic of interest, with the indictment and all. Nach Mannafort kommen Wer?
@J R in WV:
Fortunately Russia has a very long reach and doesn’t give a shit about safe havens.
So the loose ends have nowhere else to run to.
@Amir Khalid: he’ll pull a Ken Lay and suddenly “die” from a heart attack.
@SFAW: I am completely in favor of Nazi punching, Nazi shaming, Nazi harassing, Nazi arresting (has that actually happened yet, besides the car-murdering maniac?). Just so it’s clear.
What I was trying to say… was simply that using the German language as a stand-in for “bad stuff” fails to capture a lot of history, and present reality. It’s too simplistic. (Notwithstanding that Boris and Natasha have a lot to teach us about other matters!)
Genug, doch?
J R in WV
Now I see that you were quoting a MSM person using the word collude…. My Bad!
Shorthand, perhaps, but not simplistic.