President Trump labels US justice system 'laughing stock'
— Vaughn Sterling (@vplus) November 1, 2017
… Trump’s comments, made during a White House Cabinet meeting Wednesday, malign the justice system for a lack of toughness. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the head of the so-called ‘laughing stock’ justice system, was in the room for this comment — sitting across from Trump.
The President also said he would consider sending the attacker to the controversial prison at Guantanamo Bay.
“We also have to come up with punishment that’s far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now,” Trump told reporters. “They’ll go through court for years. And at the end, they’ll be — who knows what happens.”
He added: “We need quick justice and we need strong justice — much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke and it’s a laughing stock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place.”
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, defending the President, claimed during her Wednesday briefing with reporters that Trump said “the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughing stock” — which is not what Trump said.
Trump’s call to get tougher on terrorism fall in line with the same rhetoric he used during the campaign trail, where he called the Geneva Convention — a 1949 agreement that dictates international rules on torture and humanitarian treatment of prisoners — a problem that the United States had to move past…
Legal scholars are divided on whether Trump could actually send people to Guantanamo, with most acknowledging that such an action would set up an unprecedented constitutional showdown…
The good news is, this seems to have been preempted (for now):
BREAKING / NBC News: The Manhattan federal court has sent out an advisory that terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov will be charged today.
— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) November 1, 2017
Trump: I might send him to Gitmo.
Sanders: He’s an enemy combatant.
DOJ: Nope, we’re charging him in fed ct.
What an embarrassing spectacle.— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) November 1, 2017
But not before a couple of prior offenders jumped in front of the cameras…
Speaking with @FoxNews in just a few minutes about why the terror suspect in the NYC attack should be held as an enemy combatant.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) November 1, 2017
We literally just convicted the Chelsea bomber under regular criminal procedure.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) November 1, 2017
McCain: “There’s no miranda rights for someone who kills Americans.”
— Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC) November 1, 2017
McCain also told reporters that the Guantanamo system “doesn’t work well but it sure beats the hell out of Miranda rights.”
— Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC) November 1, 2017
The Guantanamo Bay kangaroo court system is, not coincidentally, deeply embroiled with its own problems.
And Liddle Lord Krankypants is not about to give up on his “strongman” dreams…
Reporter: Do you believe any members of NYC terror suspect's family represent a threat to America?
President Trump: "They certainly could."
— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 1, 2017
Yeah NOTHING else happened this week that might be influencing his opinion of the US Code and Article III courts
— Zeddy (@ZeddRebel) November 1, 2017
So, under Trump Rules, do we get to bust Jared, DJT Jr, and Ivanka once we finish throwing him out?
Watching the second part of Frontline’s doc on Putin is really pissing me off.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Dylan Roofe got miranda rights. And a Whopper. And a conviction.
Matt McIrvin
I say we put Trump in Gitmo right now, if he hates due process so much.
Corner Stone
JFC McCain and that jagoff JAG Officer Graham. Give me a fucking break you assholes.
He’s gotten away with defrauding people for years even when he’s been dragged to court himself, so if course he thinks it’s a joke. He’s sitting in the White House now because nothing has ever held him accountable.
@Matt McIrvin:
Yeah, what’s he got against diversery anyway?
@debbie: The same Frontline which did a hit job on HRC while praising her R opponent as a lovable rogue, in their show on the candidates before the elections last November?
randy khan
Well, I certainly agree that sometimes prosecutors and the courts take too long. But enough about the Russia investigation.
(Actually, I don’t think that, but the fruit was hanging soooooo low it was hard not to reach for it.)
Corner Stone
@Matt McIrvin: I reverse all my previous exhortations on Rule of Law. *This* is something I can get behind.
Really? I should doubt them? I should think they’re exaggerating what Putin has done?
Orange fascist says whut?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
because your greatest fear is a primary challenger who doesn’t respect the unwritten beltway rule that nobody ever bring up your personal life, or lack thereof?
I kind of wonder why they’re only telling us this stuff about Putin now and not last year when it would have done some goddamned good.
Yes, I’m still pissed at them for slanting their coverage last year. Gosh, thanks for telling us that you opened the barn door and let the horses out a year ago, guys!
@debbie: I haven’t watched Frontline after the election episode. So almost a year now. Hence I have no opinion of their Putin episode.
Adam L Silverman
Also, here’s what the former Chief Prosecutor at GITMO has to say about this stupidity:
And the current Chief Defense Counsel at GITMO:
Link to full transcript of remarks:
Major Major Major Major
I just finished taking a friend’s advice and redoing a major, albeit in the background, part of my novel’s plot. (On-page impact probably 10 pages.) But I feel awful, like I’m taking advantage of people when I get help like this, and that it makes me not original either.
I think this stems from my last close collaborator pretending I’d done nothing the whole time even though I’d done most of the legwork, but I’ll give him that the big ideas were mostly his. The last time I saw him I mentioned I was working a lot on a book and the undercurrent of his response was (playing to the crowd) “oh yeah, I wonder who’s really writing it”.
So, that guy’s mean and has left me insecure, the end.
@schrodingers_cat: Exactly. You could not get me to watch Frontline any more. I remember that. Fuck ’em.
PBS should stick to Ken Burns and nature programs. What’s up with otters? And volcanoes?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Well, it’s not as if he killed Real Americans
Omnes Omnibus
It was a crime committed on US soil. It belongs in Art. III courts.* The military tribunals were developed to try to get around “shortcuts” and “jurisdictional questions” regarding people nabbed overseas and then tortured. They shouldn’t exist at all. This guy belongs in a regular court.
* If it belongs in federal court at all…
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: And a vanilla shake. None of those shakes of color or multi-culti shakes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I like vanilla shakes.
Everyone slanted their coverage, not just Frontline. You can’t, and you shouldn’t, just stop reading everything. Be skeptical, but don’t wall yourself off. What exactly will your purity achieve?
Orangemandias just wants to punish, Punish, PUNISH!!! O the lessons he learned way back when from Fred Trump…
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
The fact that Trump is no longer a reality show host is completely lost on him.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Since the entirety of the crime happened in a 20-block stretch of Manhattan, I fail to see the Federal jurisdiction…
(I feel the same way about Johar Tsarnaev, FWIW; he should be in Walpole, not Florence.)
@debbie: Not at all walling myself off. I find CBC and BBC to have better coverage of our politics than the fawning MSM.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I figured NY state and Manhattan would have fought to try him for murder and vehicular assault first. I think the acting US Attorney, who was Bharara’s deputy may have jumped on this in this way to preempt the GITMO crap.
@FlyingToaster: Totes agree about younger Tsarnaev. And I think it is wrong to have given him the death penalty.
@Omnes Omnibus: Chocolate or go home.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Nothing wrong with them. But you don’t like them because they’re white and the other shakes aren’t. You like them because they taste good.
@Adam L Silverman:
Politically correct shakes?
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Wrong.
@Adam L Silverman: My mom and my brother would chose chocolate. Dad and I would do vanilla.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SFAW: Shamrock shakes? From Uncle O’Grimacy? They still do that?
It’s becoming quite clear that major portions of the U.S. Government are dealing the fact that the POTUS is insane by simply ignoring him and going about their business as best they can.
@Omnes Omnibus: I am never wrong, sometimes slightly mistaken.
I believe the proper retort is “I thought I was wrong, once, but I was mistaken.”
Just trying to be helpful.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: If by “the proper” you mean “my dad’s”, then yes.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I will leave that where it lies.
I hesitate to ask, but: any recent word on efgoldman? I have not been here much lately, and am hoping he’s on the mend, but I don’t know the extent of whatever hospitalized him.
Gin & Tonic
Someone with better Twitter skillz than me, please find the Tweet where McCain said this about Dylann Roof.
Oh, there isn’t one? Why not?
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, you’re letting that past asshole get inside your head and mess with you. Evict him. Normal people have critique groups and beta readers and take advice from them, and it has nothing to do with not being “original.”
Besides, originality is highly, highly overrated. Most people don’t actually want something totally original, because they have no idea how to interact with it. Shakespeare’s stories were not original, only the way he told them.
And with that, I need to go write at least a few words for NaNoWriMo. Good night.
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: Technically it would also have to apply to like, any person who killed multiple Americans?
Kraux Pas
@Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California):
Is our political media not a 24 hour reality show? Unfortunately this problem may pre-date Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Please read with over emphasized English accent:
Kraux Pas
I always blend fresh bananas in my chocolate shakes. There are so mnay good flavors though. I want to try every flavor at the ice cream shop as a shake. Coffee oreo makes an amazing shake.
Matt McIrvin
How many Americans has Trump killed in Puerto Rico just by being a dumbass? Oops, we don’t know, they’ve started cremating the dead without counting. More than enough to go to Gitmo without a phone call if that’s the standard.
Kraux Pas
<@Matt McIrvin:
We’d need to compare Trump against the paint swatches at Home Depot before determining whether he’s eligible for GTMO.
ETA: And if, on this basis, we determine he’s eligible; there may be a court case over whether real Americans have Spanish as their primary language.
Major Major Major Major
Yeah, I do too, for some reason it upsets me when it’s to do with larger plot pieces. Probably, again, because of the specific situation with said asshole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kraux Pas: No one is “eligible” for Gitmo.
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: I remember once writing an essay for some tech website and getting a full editing pass on it, and the requested changes were so many that I started to worry that it wasn’t even my article any more. But then I made nearly all of the changes, and by God, the thing was clearly still mine but it was so much stronger. A good editor can do that.
Kraux Pas
@Omnes Omnibus: Can’t we make an exception for Trump? Oh and Cheney?
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: Or maybe because the Manhattan DA takes bribes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kraux Pas: Seriously, no.
Oh yes please, please, please….
Cheryl Rofer
He’s tweeting again. Responses are along the lines of good show, give the defense material to show tainting etc.
–>NYC terrorist was happy as he asked to hang ISIS flag in his hospital room. He killed 8 people, badly injured 12. SHOULD GET DEATH PENALTY!
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer: There are rules that he can’t touch and professionals who will do their jobs. I really hate that people assume like Trump does that civil servants will do whatever illegal shit he tweets.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Same thing is going to get Bergdahl a reduced sentence.
Sometimes it seems like when he’s guilty he can’t help talking about it by projecting. ‘The election is rigged’ he started saying before the vote … And now “They’ll go through court for years. And at the end, they’ll be — who knows what happens.”
Cheryl Rofer
@Omnes Omnibus: The sense of the responses is that he is undermining the case for the prosecution by adding prejudice.
Cheryl Rofer
e.a. foster
so its reasonable to conclude Trump is wants a way to circumvent the American judicial system by establishing one where “enemies of the state” or perhaps enemies of Trump can be tried and jailed. gee I think they did something like that in turkey and Eygpt and North Korea is good at that sort of thing along with Communist China.
ah, yes, trump can’t even read the American Constitution. He ought to be arrested for stupid while in the Oval office.
@Major Major Major Major: Not quite the end. That guy was also wrong.
Could it be he was insecure, and trying to deny giving credit for how much of the work was yours?
Artists use ideas they got from someone else all the time. It’s the work part that differentiates. Anyone who can’t share credit or acknowledge similar work by others is lacking either honesty or awareness of how form arises simultaneously in more than one place.
Major Major Major Major
@Aleta: Thanks for saying that, I know all these things, but logic isn’t so great at shutting up negative self-talk, especially not compared to somebody else saying it :)
This guy is arrogant and kind of a dick in most situations. He wasn’t always, but he is now. He does not wear success well.
After reading about COS Kelly’s civil war remarks, an “honorable” administration would have shown him the way out. Sanders, too. With this presidency, people just shake their head, shrug their shoulders, and say, “yeah, I know.”
sm*t cl*de
Imagine the ridiculosity of a situation where foreign gubblements are regularly reassured that Trump does not speak for the Trump administration.
sm*t cl*de
@Cheryl Rofer:
That happened in 1970, when Nixon weighed in on Manson’s guilt and came close to causing a mistrial.
“President Nixon may have freed Charles Manson-not by an act of executive clemency, but by one of errant stupidity.”
…and the Obama precedent from 2013:
Presidential opinionating causes “not guilty” verdicts. This is not rocket science.
Matt McIrvin
@Cheryl Rofer:
Which is exactly what he wants, right? Tweet a self-fulfilling prophecy about our justice system being “a laughing stock” (whenever Trump says somebody is laughing at us, watch out). Then actually mess things up so that it produces some perverse result, and he has evidence he’s right–one more step on the road to eliminating it entirely and just shooting everyone in the head.
Jim Parish
Legal scholars are divided on whether Trump could actually send people to Guantanamo, with most acknowledging that such an action would set up an unprecedented constitutional showdown…
“Unprecedented”? How about Ex parte Milligan?
What’s sort of sad, is my takeaway from this discussion of Sarah Huckabee Sander’s latest lie was only how ridiculous is sounds for a reporter to say “It’s disappointing because we count on Sarah Sanders to give us the straight scoop…”
There’s the rot right there.
Our justice system is a “joke” because it doesn’t follow Trump’s whims, nasty as they are.
I still believe no one should be allowed to run for President, let alone take office, unless he or she passes a basic citizenship test. That would have eliminated Trump at the outset. The man has no knowledge whatsoever of our system of government.