The Fox & Friends social media director is lashing out on Twitter again:
I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2017
The terrorist came into our country through what is called the "Diversity Visa Lottery Program," a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2017
We are fighting hard for Merit Based immigration, no more Democrat Lottery Systems. We must get MUCH tougher (and smarter). @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2017
"Senator Chuck Schumer helping to import Europes problems" said Col.Tony Shaffer. We will stop this craziness! @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2017
President Schumer responded as follows:
I guess it's not too soon to politicize a tragedy.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 1, 2017
Will the new EXTREMELY Extreme Vetting Program — Now with More Extreme! include the brown paper bag test? Tune in to Fox & Friends tomorrow to find out!
Patricia Kayden
Didn’t an American-born White man just shoot up hundreds of concert attendees in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago? There are dangerous, unhinged people of all stripes in this country. This has nothing to do with immigration.
Too bad he didn’t do any of that Extreme Vetting on his own staff…
Major Major Major Major
I can’t even. Gah.
@Patricia Kayden: I guess we just need more good guys with trucks or something.
While we’re at it, can we have a Merit Based presidency, please?
Big Ole Hound
Enough current news. I am going to be an ostrich and stick my head in the sand while on the couch reading detective trash rather than look or listen or read any crap from anywhere. Tomorrow I will re-enter the world.
Corner Stone
SOUR BLAST Extreme Vetting Program! Now with MORE SOUR EXTREMENESS!
Nothing means anything anymore.
Jack the Second
The day Trump stepped up and truly became the President this country needed.
The Moar You Know
Didn’t know he resigned. That’s great news.
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden:
Not just any concert attendees! The kind that love the USA more than the others! Country Music Concert Attendees! Real Americans ™ !
Trump is just a thoroughly shit human being. Like fractally shit, both shit in totality and shit as far as you zoom in to every shitty micro-part.
The Moar You Know
I’m enjoying Schumer’s style, definitely more “fist to the face” than Reid’s “stiletto between the ribs” method of doing things. Both very good. Would like to see Schumer get his shot as Majority Leader, see what he can do with some actual power.
Corner Stone
A.B. Stoddard was just making sense on MSNBC talking about this garbage tax cut BS. I don’t have a fever but I may just need to go back to bed anyway.
@Big Ole Hound: Which detective garbage?
Michael Connelly has a new Bosch out. I think I will take up reading Philip Kerr’s Berlin Noir books (Nazis, days of Hitler).
Hear you on decompressing.
And I am going to vote early in Virginia today. Ralph Northam, for the win!
Corner Stone
@FlipYrWhig: I read through his garbage ass tweets and was almost overwhelmed with how much I fucking hate Trump.
Certified Mutant Enemy
@Patricia Kayden:
That’s different, because reasons.
Corner Stone
@Elizabelle: How could people in VA let this race be so close? I know VA is purple and it is usually tight but this seems wildly ridiculous that so many could be voting R at this point in our country.
As with all conservative policies,
if it doesn’t workwhen it inevitably doesn’t work, it didn’t fail, we just need to do it harder!Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: Yep, me too.
Don’t let him fool you, T does not believe in “merit” based immigration as well. He has made the employment based GC process more difficult than it already was, with more bureaucratic hurdles without any increasing in funding or personnel.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: gee, I dunno, racism?
Keep in mind special elections have turnout issues that we historically suck at.
@Corner Stone: There are a lot of stupid and racist white people, and when you estimate likely voters, old white people are more likely to vote in off-year elections, and people with more money are more likely to vote in general.
Last min edit to Wikipedia to say, “It is also known as the Shumer Program”
Dirty f’in rascals
@Corner Stone: every day in every way, I hate him more and more.
Uncle Ebeneezer
Needs moar EXTREME!
@Starfish: Ka-BAM!!! Thanks Senator Flake – you’re still a conservative wackaloon but at least you have some principles and at least you’re speaking out to call Trumpov on his bullshit. I’ll take it.
Gin & Tonic
And it almost goes without saying that this dude was from *yet another* country not singled out in Il Donaldo’s unconstitutional travel ban.
Oh, and Miss Lindsay wants him detained without any legal rights, like in Gitmo.
@Jeffro: Flake has always been good on immigration across the board, unlike say the Senator from Vt or his friend Chuck Grassley.
@Corner Stone:
Does it have electrolytes?
Betty Cracker
@satby: Me too. I didn’t know I was even capable of hating someone this much. The things I have learned about myself in the Trump era have not been good things!
Roger Moore
And the diversity visa program was passed before Schumer was in the Senate. But nobody cares about your stupid facts and evidence.
@Gin & Tonic:Doesn’t the Constitution say otherwise.
@Betty Cracker: I swear constantly, these days. That was not the case before.
@Patricia Kayden:
Well he got his inspiration from a fine neo-Nazi, who plowed his car into a crowd killing one and injuring 19, in Charlottesville, Virginia.
We need some extreme vetting on white people.
@Betty Cracker: I hate him, and hate every one of my fellow citizens who voted for him or the third party critters and allowed him to slither into office. They hate the rest of us just as much. There’s no good end to this, we’re just refusing to recognize that the second civil war is in progress.
Major Major Major Major
@jeffreyw: so it’s Paul Ryan’s fault then.
@Roger Moore: Wasn’t that the part of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act?
John Kelly, football goalie (we hope), went after Rep Wilson now Boss is going after a Jewish Senator, coincidence? I think not.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: The one I’ve read does. And I’m sure the NY DA’s office will say “uh, we got this, OK?” Well, I guess until Cy Vance takes another bribe from Trump’s lawyer, then all bets are off.
@Gin & Tonic: Why do you think Manafort needs 3 passports?
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: I’ve gone all the way round to merely abandoning all attempts to think about them. Some people are just garbage and it’s not my fault. I need to accept that and move on with my day to day business.
Corner Stone
@lethargytartare: It has the EXTREMELY SOUR ELECTROLYTES we need! Throw your old Extreme Vetting Program in the trash, along with the Constitution, and STEP UP to the SOUR EXTREMENESS VETTING!!
In other words he has no idea what to do except uselessly run his mouth.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t have the slightest idea, but I’d bet real cash money the US passports aren’t the only ones he owns.
There was a discussion last night about the multiple US passports, but he doesn’t seem to fall into any of the legitimate categories that were discussed. I could see two legitimately, but can’t get to three.
Hey is this a sensible take or what?
Jennifer Rubin sounds like Obama, or any other mainstream Dem. (She must have read ‘Chasing Ghosts’!) I think most folks understand the ‘cannot eliminate every threat’ part – it’d be nice if the GOP would quit pretending like they have the ability to do that, and quit calling Dems traitors for suggesting it’s impossible.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
under a merit based system, Melania would still be escorting in serbia.
Major Major Major Major
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: under the existing system she was already here illegally…
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Under the merit based system proposed by Cotton-Perdue many Nobel Prize winners would not have qualified for a Green Card.
So one of the revenue-raisers being discussed by Senate Finance is a 25 percent excise tax on exempt organizations for compensation in excess of $1 million per year paid to the five highest paid employees. At virtually every Power 5 conference school, the football and men’sbasketball Coaches are top-5.
The reaction to this ought to be amusing.
Man just reading thru the comments on this Diversity program and never realized the number of people who were such experts. There are to many long and well reasoned comments on the program to link to. However they can ghenertally be summarized to fall into three groups:
1. F*k libs want to destroy the country
2. G*D f*k libatards hate American and want to destroy it
3. F*K libs hate Trump and his MAGA
zhena gogolia
@Corner Stone:
Yeah, this is surpassing anything I’ve ever experienced.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: You are assuming that under any system that she was here legally before latching on to Der Fuhrer
zhena gogolia
Me too, it’s really getting on my husband’s nerves.
Major Major Major Major
@burnspbesq: wouldn’t that just make people redo compensation as $999k salary plus capital gains bullshit? It also doesn’t sound like it would raise a lot of money, a couple million per organization, how many of them are there?
@zhena gogolia:Husband kitteh can relate to that.
@Starfish: Oh that’s gotta hurt. What is the next level down from Der Fuhrer’s S*T list?
would this include mega churches?
Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
Well that one is absolutely correct. We sure do.
Major Major Major Major
@Patricia Kayden: why don’t you want America to be great?
@Roger Moore: I read a long (and serious article) that it was passed signed by Bush 41.
Gin & Tonic
@Patricia Kayden: Not me. I love MAGA. Manafort And Gates Arrested.
@Patricia Kayden: I’ve not bought a home in Virginia because I am sick of the constant horror over what the GOP puts up every 4 years, and the legislature.
If Gillespie wins, and I do not think he will, I will be relocating to a more reliably blue state. Or Europe or elsewhere for a few years. Will probably do that anyway. Ready for a change.
@Major Major Major Major:
End runs are a little more challenging for exempt orgs because they can’t tie comp to the performance of the company’s stock. And although coaches are the high-visibility examples, C-level execs of hospital systems make eye-opening amounts of money.
I expect this will die a quiet death before a bill gets to the floor of either house. It’s mostly a bullshit show of “yes, we’re doing our phony-baloney jobs.” But I’ve been surprised before.
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: I cycle through different phases, sometimes within the same hour. I’m a “fixer” by nature, so I keep coming back to “do something,” and I try. But my efforts seem so thoroughly inadequate to the scale of the calamity. Gah. Time to go back to “ignore the whole goddamned thing” for a while…
Major Major Major Major
@burnspbesq: thanks!
@Major Major Major Major:
This is actually something i’m in favor of. You’re right that it would result in lots of 999,999 dollar salaries, but the American Red cross and similar large non profits aren’t going to be able to dodge that with options and stock grants.
Impossible to be sure until there is statutory language to look at, but it should.
@Big Ole Hound:
Ooh, what detective trash are you reading? I’m always looking for recommendations.
randy khan
I am still amazed that we have a President who is less coherent than the average Facebook troll.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: I’m not a very good zen practitioner but I try. Some people just suck and it’s not my fault. At the end of the day I have to take the bread out of the oven or it will burn.
Major Major Major Major
@randy khan: he’s an ambulatory YouTube comment.
All right! Need to hop over to the Nook loading dock.
Second the recommendation on the Philip Kerr novels. I had to pace myself on those, though, because they are dark.
@Steeplejack: For me Agatha Christie is an old favorite, also too Wodehouse, when I need to unwind.
@Corner Stone:
And many of the survivors of that attack have been receiving hate messages from trolls acusing them of faking their injuries because the attack never happened- that it was staged or faked!
Roger Moore
Who doesn’t like Making Attorneys Get Attorneys?
@Jeffro: She stopped being a GOP hack I guess in horror of Trump and the Alt-right anti-semitics that surround Trump (and that includes in particular Mr. Stephen Miller). If this was 2009-2015 she would have written a screed about Obama’s softness on Islamic terrorism. Still, she seems to have had her eyes opened about the nature of the Republican Party and the Right-wing Industrial Infotainment Complex she associated with the last 20 years.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: @schrodingers_cat: in that vein I’m enjoying Magpie Murders, which is a Christie-like book embedded in a modern detective story.
Campaign Ad for R candidates in midterms, specially focused at their base.
Extreme vetting to stop extreme wetting, you can depend on it.
Just One More Canuck
@Gin & Tonic: MAGA – Make Alcatraz Great Again
Big Ole Hound
@Elizabelle: Have to read the new Bosch, although his view of the world is depressing so maybe it will cheer me up.
@d58826: As opposed to Trump and his Base who are actually destroying the country.
J R in WV
@Gin & Tonic:
He probably has one original passport, one for use during a wait for a visa to be issued (Russia, Chine, etc) and one for entering Israel to avoid stamps in his original passport that would cause trouble when entering other middle eastern countries at war with Israel. I can see him getting to three easily.
Patricia Kayden
@David Merry Christmas Koch: Ouch!!
Our local clerk of courts race in NE Ohio is really vile. Ed Gillespie would be ashamed of the ads the local Rethug is running.
Corner Stone
Apparently not since Eddie G is, in fact, shameless. The Confederacy Ads he is running are poll tested and approved so he knows what filth he’s producing in his race.
@Corner Stone: a white kid from ohio radicalized by white supremacist trump supporters drove a car across a pedestrian mall and into a crowd of pedestrians killing a woman and seriously injuring 19 people on August 12. A real Trump special.
Miss Bianca
@Steeplejack: I ‘m not sure “dark” is the word I’d use to describe those Philip Kerrs. I found the first one just really gross on all levels. Completely killed any desire I had to read any of the others, and as a history student, that was my period of study, so I know some dark. Too bad. I was really looking for more than a misogynistic Philip Marlowe knock-off. Oh, well.
@Elizabelle: Love Kerr’s Berlin Noir series. Also, yes, to Ralph Northam. Volunteering for the campaign has been good. Great ground game this year.
You can’t say that here, that’s considered crazy talk.
@Gin & Tonic: Here’s what I haven’t seen yet: yes, you can properly get a second passport under certain circumstances. But is that one with a different number? The reports on Manafort have stated that he had three with different numbers, which may — or may not — change things entirely. Anyone with knowledge care to weigh in?
Citizen Scientist
@Elizabelle: The Kerr Bernie Gunther books are great.
Corner Stone
@Citizen Scientist: I think I’m going to check them out. Look good enough to give a chance on, anyway.
Although I have never been a fan of the “tough talking” variety.
@lethargytartare: and is it gluten-free?