NEW: Pres. Trump calls on Congress to end Diversity Visa Lottery Program after NYC attack: "Sounds nice. It's not nice. It's not good."
— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) November 1, 2017
Why do I feel like Trump would rather get terrorism updates from Fox News than Homeland Security?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 31, 2017
Niger, NYC, CVille, Puerto Rico. We don't even get to grieve as a country gracefully anymore. Trump has to make it his own gross spectacle.
— Zeddy (@ZeddRebel) November 2, 2017
Charles P. Pierce, at Esquire. “The Fatal Flaw of America’s ‘Forever’ War on Terror”:
… Acts of violence are acts of violence, whether they come from DIY jihadists, or from people driven mad by their gambling debts, or from trigger-happy police. (This would be a good time to note that Saipov got out of his truck after having killed eight people and attempted martyrdom by cop by waving a pellet gun around. He failed even at that. He’s alive. Three years ago this month, Tamir Rice, a 12-year old, was waving a pellet gun around at nobody in particular and was shot dead where he stood by a cop named Timothy Loehmann. The eight people killed in New York on Tuesday are regularly referred to as “innocent victims,” which they undoubtedly are. But so was Tamir Rice.)
Partly because of its unseemly devotion to its firearms, this is still a very violent country, and it really doesn’t have the right to distinguish one act of violence from the others. But it does, because the Forever War has been manipulated into a machine that manufactures a new kind of American innocence—a replica of something that, frankly, never was very authentic in the first place. The Forever War has become a medieval morality play for the 21st century, something akin to the Paternoster Cycle from York, with the United States in the role of the petitions from the Lord’s Prayer. It’s a kind of national Halloween parade in which the country puts on a costume in an attempt to fool its enemies.
That the dramatic cycle is being led this time by President* Trump is proof that history has a dark and weird sense of humor. The president* leapt onto the electric Twitter machine on Wednesday morning to try and pin the blame of Senator Chuck Schumer with his customary disrespect for truth and common sense. The president* has yet to blame anyone for the radicalization of Stephen Paddock…
And it is here where we should point out that Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving Boston Marathon bomber, was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death in a conventional civilian trial in a federal court in Boston, and the sky did not fall, and jihadis with their magic Muslim powers did not cause the Moakley Courthouse to fall into the sea.
That may not matter because absurdity is an essential part of The Forever War, and never more so than it is under the present administration. I mean, Jesus H. Christ on the D train, the guy was live-tweeting Wednesday morning’s episode of Three Dolts On A Divan as his response to a terror attack. The absurdity is forever because The Forever War is forever…
Thanks for this post.
Greg Siskind’s Twitter thread on the diversity lottery.
Corner Stone
I am finding it increasingly difficult to read any article or snippet more than 2 or 3 paragraphs long. I just get tired.
I am glad he called back to Tamir Rice. Absolutely right; every bit as innocent a victim.
Mike in NC
Trump could stand in front of a TelePrompTer and say that no foreigners would ever be able to enter this country, forever, and his xenophobic base of morons would simply give him a standing ovation.
Gin & Tonic
@Corner Stone: It’s that “tl;dr” tattoo you got.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: this is why after my morning Memeorandum read I just get my news here.
Dear Asia,
Keep him.
Thanking you in advance,
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: my tattoo of a ‽ just looks like a better idea every day.
Mike in NC
Saw an item in today’s paper reporting a slump in sales at pizza chain Papa John’s. Wingnut owner John Schlatter wasted no time in blaming NFL players kneeling during the national anthem for the company’s woes, saying they should have been disciplined over a year ago. Just another weird story from Trump’s Alt-America.
Infamous Heel-Filcher
@Corner Stone: Internet brain-rot isn’t just for your Fox News watching uncle.
Gin & Tonic
@Mike in NC: Just spitballing here, but maybe it’s because their pizza sucks?
@Mike in NC:
Schlatter just wants in on that fat bigot cash currently going to Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby.
@Mike in NC:
It’s crazier than that. Fear and hatred has so infected some conservatives that they readily acknowledge that the immigration rules they support would have kept their own parents or grandparents out of the country. They bleat that the country has enough people now or that the threat of terrorism is too strong, so that “exceptional vetting” rules and strict immigration limits must be put in place.
@Major Major Major Major
Meant to inquire whether you have Amazon Prime.
If so, and if you haven’t seen it before, check out The Gamers: Dorkness Rising.
You will laugh and you will also recognize fellow gamer types with whom you have dealt. A satire done with affection for its subject.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Clovis has withdrawn.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): back to his talk radio gig?
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Thank dog. Thank Mueller.
Hope more awful nominations and Cabinet members drop out. Like flies.
The Moar You Know
The Foxbots in my office went insane when I called the Vegas shooter a terrorist. Seriously. Yelling. “That’s not terrorism!”
Yesterday, the minute that thing in New York hit the news “oh it’s another damn Muslim terrorist”.
I asked what the difference was between this and Vegas. “They hate us” was the answer. What, Paddock didn’t? “He was sick. Mentally ill.”
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
Pizza? I thought they sold artificial pizza-like substance.
@Gin & Tonic
Wasn’t Schnatter one of those screaming about how the ACA would drive him out of business?
Catherine D.
There was a hand-painted sign at my bus stop this morning that said “Thanks Chuck Shumer. 8 dead” It then went on to praise Trump and threaten liberals. I knocked it over.
They usually bottle it up better in the People’s Republic of Ithaca.
I think the diversity lottery was well-intentioned but it probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense any more. Basically, my understanding is that it was to allow people from a greater range of countries to come to the U.S. It’s a small number, and I think there are some screening criteria that are applied, but it’s too random to be fair. It’s too small to be unfair, because it doesn’t prevent anyone else from coming, but this guy has probably killed it. And all I want to know is, if he really didn’t like it here, why not just go home? Increasingly I understand where Chris Rock is coming from: Whatever happened to just offing yourself? Why do you have to take other people with you?
The Moar You Know
@Mike in NC: Could be because NFL fans want to view the game from the comfy confines of their couches, not doubled over in agony on a toilet seat in their bathrooms.
Proof of this wingnut theory would be a falloff in NFL viewership. I’m not seeing that when out on weekends (although for me, personally, I threw in the towel on the NFL when they gave Michael Vick a million bucks to give to the Humane Society and brought him back into the game. And I made that stick. Anyone who did what Vick did deserves no less than life in prison.)
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Roger Moore: The worst of the major pizza chains by a good distance, and the only chain I refuse to eat from – IIRC it’s mainly because the cheese & seasonings don’t interact well at all. Little Caesar’s is better and cheaper.
And I know “Domino’s is inedible crap” is a longstanding meme that predates my time, but it hasn’t been particularly bad from my experience. (I’ve only ever had it after 2010, where they changed their cheese to include more milk and butter, which may explain this).
The military is an organization that runs on “I say ‘jump,’ you say ‘how high, sir?'” It’s not exactly surprising that many of its members should be terrible at running any kind of government in which you can’t just order everyone to do what you want.
@Mike in NC: And the party of “personal responsibility” tm
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
I don’t get the hate either. I like Dominos just fine.
Clovis withdrew from USDA consideration.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I know they’ll try their hardest, but its going to be tough to find someone else so uniquely unqualified in every relevant aspect as Clovis was.
@Chris: I got food poisoning from eating a Dominoes pizza once. Never again.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Chris: It was apparently godawful before the recipe change, and its founder’s a gibbering wingnut (though he’s been divested from it for some time).
Also, too:
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I just saw that and did a YEAH with a fist pump. We may not keep all the tRump appointment idiots out but some are so bad that them being out is nothing but good.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): That is fascinating.
I hope Mercer is in a world of trouble. A Siberia full of trouble. Daughter too.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Uh huh
Uh huh
New cover story: Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in U.S. history, one of first-class kleptocrats
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) November 2, 2017
Amir Khalid
No. It’s bad enough that Asia must receive that ill-mannered toddler. It’s not like he’s keen on being in Asia in any case. He’s already blown off an important summit meeting just so he can go back early. Let him, I say.
Corner Stone
@ET: The problem is that you can’t just “pick one” and focus on them. Or even two or three. It’s a full on assault of every department and institution up and down the chain.
If I could have taken out one of Obama’s picks it would have been a tough fight between Arne Duncan and Geithner. And I disagreed with a few others but for the most part they were ok choices – I was not too worried they were going to burn down their own house one week. I feel like all of Trump’s picks are existential crises to their own respective depts, much less the people they are supposed to serve.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Amir Khalid: Jesus Christ they still have Patrick Lawrence Smith
Chip Daniels
Illiberalism’s chief prerequisite is a blinding fear and panic, and an insular tribalism.
Which is why we liberals need to be careful not to let our alarm become that.
Specifically, I think it’s wise to forge common ground with NeverTrump conservatives where we can, do as to isolate the actual fascists.
Corner Stone
Rep Kristi Noem is pretty hot. But she’s got those crazy ass Michelle Bachman eyes working overtime.
Corner Stone
@Chip Daniels: As I said in the Brazile thread:
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: I watched that years ago, haha. Hide behind the pile of dead bards!
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: I’m sure the russians and Chinese had nothing but praise for capitalism during world war 2.
FTF NYTimes re Mercer stepping down from his hedge fund. He’s selling his Breitbart stake to his daughters.
I hope he’s in legal trouble so deep he will wish he could get exiled to Siberia. Horrible man. No way one man, or one family, should have such power. Burn him.
Bill Arnold
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
That made me smile big. Her’s another.
Major right-wing donor Bob Mercer is stepping down as co-CEO of his hedge fund and selling his stake in Breitbart
Working on working out the backstory.
Thank you for the link. I misread one of their descriptions of Clovis and thought it said “a contentious pRick”; which is probably true, at that.
WaPo gets credit for reminding its readers that Clovis was the co-chairman of the T*p campaign (CNN neglected to mention that little detail).
I wonder if Der Fuhrer had every head of the diversity lottery feature of the immigration law before Faux news told him about it?
And as far as Clovis dropping out of the AG. position, I wonder if there was ever a person who looked straight out of central casting as a ‘crooked politician’.
Corner Stone
@d58826: That’s funny. Because I was looking under “Pig in search of a trough” and his picture came up first.
Uncle Cosmo
@d58826: Based on having seen zackly one image of him, Clovis looks like the unspeakable spawn of BGEN Leslie Groves (Manhattan Project) & Bibb the Michelin, uh, mascot. Back to Snarl Radio with him.
Chip Daniels
@Corner Stone:
Yes, these are not nice people.
But since the first ingredient in a liberal democracy is a Loyal Opposition, the best way to create a Loyal Opposition is to reassure people that they are safe to be out of power, and that their concerns will be met with respect.
Even, or especially, those who in the past never extended that courtesy to others.
@Elizabelle: That would be the simplest, shortest evaluation tool. Ever.
Do you think it would be a good idea to get onboard the obviously sinking ship that is the Trump Administration, and potentially/likely be drawn into the Trump Russia investigation?
If yes, you are not fit to be a member of the Trump team. Or any team, for any purpose. Anywhere.
Nothing quite so appetizing as the thought that none of the people making your food have access to health care.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Its quite good these days ever since they improved their quality. I had some for lunch yesterday.
Uncle Cosmo
@Elizabelle: Pro tip for Robert Mercer: Seats are filling up fast, so book yours now on an ultrasonic probe headed for Uranus…
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: When John Connolly switched to the GOP & joined Nixon’s Cabinet (1973?) some wag remarked it was the first recorded instance of a rat jumping aboard a sinking ship…