PapaD is an idiot, as @joshtpm pts out. We s/d stop sympathizing w/ Page b/c he's an idiot. Who do you think CIA..1/
— Max Bergmann (@maxbergmann) November 3, 2017
So don't expect American assets for Russian intel to be geniuses. Russians seemed to be trying to coopt anyone and everyone. Expect morons.
— Max Bergmann (@maxbergmann) November 3, 2017
Josh Marshall, at TPM:
Former Trump campaign advisor Michael Caputo went on MSNBC this afternoon and said George Papadopoulos was “stupid” and “had no business” being at that March 2016 foreign policy advisor meeting where he apparently talked up his ability to set up meetings with Russians or even with Vladimir Putin. He went on to say that Papadopoulos was only there because Donald Trump was getting slammed for not having any foreign policy advisors and a group was thrown together with basically zero idea of who the people even were.
“He was invited in because at the time the campaign was really reeling from criticism that it had no foreign policy or other advisers,” Caputo said during an interview with Katy Tur. “Donald Trump prided himself on running a lean and mean campaign. That group was slap dash put together in a way another campaign wouldn’t do it. Papadopoulos had no business being there.”…
But none of this is a defense. It’s irrelevant. He had no business being there and yet he was there. According to government charging documents he remained an advisor almost until the end of the campaign and was clearly in regular email contact with the campaign’s policy director, Sam Clovis. The Trumpers have long pushed this argument that they were too inexperienced, disorganized or simply too stupid to have conspired with Russians to subvert the election. That’s not how it works. As we’ve noted in recent days, intelligence operatives (of any country) are looking precisely for people who are desperate, stupid, inexperienced, crooked when they are trying to penetrate or compromise any organization or find collaborators within it. That is when you have something to work with.
The Trumpers might just as well have said well, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner, two complete neophytes and rubes, had zero business with senior roles running the campaign and meeting with foreign government emissaries as we know they did in the June meeting at Trump Tower. Definitely, “stupid”, definitely “no business” being there. And yet they were there. Desperate, stupid, inexperienced, crooked – the Trumpers checked basically every box…
And then there’s this guy…
New: Trump Campaign Adviser Met With Russian Officials in 2016
— Mark Mazzetti (@MarkMazzettiNYT) November 4, 2017
Page tells @jaketapper he mentioned his Russia trip to others on the campaign in addition to Jeff Sessions
— Jeremy Herb (@jeremyherb) November 3, 2017
he is so chatty. very very chatty.
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) November 3, 2017
Carter Page is going to look happier at his arraignment than most men do at their weddings.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) November 3, 2017
This is a serious question: why does Carter Page keep going on television?
— Kai Ryssdal (@kairyssdal) November 3, 2017
He is the Kato Kaelin of the Trump Administration
— Todd Heberlein (@toddheberlein) November 3, 2017
Why does anyone go on television? They like the attention.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 3, 2017
Speaking of which…
Trump on Papadopoulos meeting: "I don't remember much about that meeting, it was a very unimportant meeting. Don't remember much about it."
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 3, 2017
Don't think for one second that Mueller's team doesn't document word for word everything the President says in moments like this here.
— Bradley P. Moss, Esq (@BradMossEsq) November 3, 2017
I’m afraid we’ll find out on Tuesday just how little effect this (completely justified) focus on Russia has on Dems’ electoral prospects.
Why would anyone want to punch Rand Paul?
We will soon find out
Well Drumpf may just get himself a monument… A monument to stupidity, graft and treason.
Chyron HR
Wait, I thought Democrats were going to lose on Tuesday because of Neo-Nazi Northam, the Doctor of Dachau?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Maybe we’ll get more indictments. The last ones leaked or we wouldn’t have known until Monday morning.
Cheryl Rofer
Trentrunner is pretty good at hitting these threads early to derail them. Let’s talk about Anne’s topic.
It’s remarkable how these nobodies – Page, Papadopoulos, Clovis, JD Gordon – all of a sudden showed up as foreign policy experts. I hadn’t ever heard of them before, and still can’t find much to support the idea that they know any more than your crazy uncle about foreign policy.
Trump told us the other day why he hasn’t staffed up the State Department. It’s because he has the best brain and doesn’t need all those people saying stuff he doesn’t understand and doesn’t care about. So he’s been consistent. I believe the story that back in March he was taking criticism for not having a foreign policy team and just pulled some names out of a hat. But who handed him that hat? We still don’t know that.
Major Major Major Major
Starting to remind me of principal skinner’s excuse when he got caught on camera entering the burlesque house. “I was only there to get directions on how to get away from there!”
Major Major Major Major
Also, LOL at “He is the Kato Kaelin of the Trump Administration.”
Roger Moore
This is the worst kind of defense. Seriously, he’s literally saying that Trump put together an advisory committee made of a bunch of ignorant nobodies because he figured it would be better than getting criticized in the press for lacking any advisers at all. Are we really supposed to be happy that:
1) Trump doesn’t think he really needs any advisers,
2) He can’t get competent people to work with him, and
3) He’s willing to do stuff that goes against his personal judgment to get the news media off his back
And this is what they’re offering up as Trump’s defense, because the alternative is that he had a bunch of guys like Papadopolous and Page as advisers for some even worse reason.
@Major Major Major Major: That was a good one.
Let’s be Scrupulously Fair to this dotard: he doesn’t remember much about anything.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I mean, I can understand why people enjoy baked desserts, but I really don’t see the necessity of mentioning them in every thread.
Major Major Major Major
@Cheryl Rofer: was it Reince, is he part of all this?
It’s like my dad, a former police officer, used to say: “If they had any brains, they wouldn’t be crooks”.
I think he meant to say “self-regulation” instead of “brains”, but the idea’s pretty much the same.
@Roger Moore: yes on #1 and #2…#3, noting his judgement, well that assumes facts not in evidence…
@Cheryl Rofer:
We know where the hat originated. We just don’t know who the middleman was. And our trollish comrade really wishes we would stop talking about it.
If we can’t get Sessions on perjury can we force a resignation based on mental debility: CRS disease? Can’t Remember Shit.
The brilliant criminal who gets away with everything is pretty much an invention of Arthur Conan Doyle, when he had to come up with Moriarty because all of Sherlock Holmes’s opponents were too easily defeated.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Roger Moore: I think we all knew he doesn’t think he needs any advisors. I question whether he has any judgment at all, but I agree he’s willing to do pretty much whatever to shut the media up, even if it goes against his beliefs.
It’s all fucking surreal. But we all knew that, too.
Cheryl Rofer
Compounding the stupidity of picking a bunch of randos from someone’s hat is the naivete that those randos showed when confronted with the opportunity to make friends with Russians. So we’ve got this guy Joseph Mifsud, from a clearly nonexistent university, telling Papadopoulos that he can fix him up with Vladimir Putin, and Papadopoulos is like “You’re my bro!”
It may just be that I’ve had too much indoctrination on such things, and maybe Papadopoulos never watched a spy movie, but I would have, like, checked the guy’s name and organization on the internet. And when what turned up looked fake, I would have shut down the fake email I gave Mifsud.
Papadopoulos and Page were recruited. They’re exactly the kind of guys Russians recruit. We need to know more about the timing of that and their being put on Trump’s team.
@Cheryl Rofer: nobodies show up because no one with any sense or sanity wants to get within Shit Midas’ range of touch. Just like with providing him financing: the only people who’ll deal with Trumpov are fools or folks with a malevolent agenda
Cheryl Rofer
@Major Major Major Major: That’s a good question. We haven’t heard much from or about Reince lately. I think he’s talked to Mueller’s people. I tend to think that he’s more ignorant of the Russian connections, but he was chair of the RNC, and I am working on a post about Republicans and this mess.
Fair Economist
Is that really his fault? That trope really annoys me.
@Mnemosyne: did not know that…
Cheryl Rofer
@Jeffro: Which gave the Russians an opening to drive a truck through. That seems to be how they got into Trump’s financial orbit too.
Kind of obvious when you think about it, the kind of thing that reporters might have thought back before the election.
@Cheryl Rofer: From the WaPo article about Donna Brazile
@Fair Economist:
Someone will probably come along and correct me, but that’s where I place the birth of that trope.
zhena gogolia
I think we’ve heard enough about Donna B. for this lifetime.
Major Major Major Major
@Cheryl Rofer: yeah, he’s part of the Kochtopus, but when you said who gave him the hat, I thought he’d be the guy you’d expect to do it.
Marguerite Hill
But #DotardDonnie has asserted time & time again that he has the best brain, the most concise memory. He’s a real smart cookie. Etc. Etc. Etc. Blah blah blah.
MM has an appropriate thread upstairs.
Cheryl Rofer
@germy: More to come on that.
Wait, I thought this was the Clowns & Imbeciles thread?
@Cheryl Rofer: yes. Most things wrong about Trumpov have been obvious/out in the open for quite sometime.
Just like the Russia-related issues: The guy asked Russia to hack Hillary‘s emails at a press conference … he admitted in a TV interview that he fired the FBI director to obstruct justice. He admitted to sexual assault on TV . I guess this is considered “authenticity” by the marketing types…
Clowns to the left, jokers to the right. ?
Millard Filmore
@Cheryl Rofer:
So the Russians got Trump, and got him early. Its likely that they sucked in a bunch of the Republican top leadership as well. Trump is flaming out here, either by our lawful institutions or by crashing the country. Assuming the best for us, I wonder who the Russians have queued up next to spread chaos. They HAVE to be grooming someone.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Conservative egos should never be underestimated.
There are no minor players. There are less important players, there are less connected players. But there are no minor players.
Pulling a deuce from the house of cards can topple it just as readily as snatching out an ace.
Trying to frighten Omnes?
Villago Delenda Est
@lgerard: Just on general principle for being a neo-feudalist scumbag.
Set up a pie filter for the first time.
I like it.
@Trentrunner: My feeling is that we are going to discover ads about fear and scary brown people wins. That will also be a turning point in our country.
J R in WV
Ooh, ooh, who’d you pie? I got 15 people in there now, mostly not around much anymore. I just wondered who drove you over the line…
Too young to remember the Willie Horton ads?
Or Nixon’s dog whistles (abetted by Wallace)?
Since the confederates hold congress, these traitors will never put a check upon dolt 45 much less investigate the penetration that our greatest enemy -which has many thousands of massively powerful hydrogen bombs point at us – and actually do their job defending the constitution.
Since this is a “clowns and imbeciles” thread…seems Milo has been fired from the Daily Caller…as has the guy that brought him on.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.
@Jeffro: my dad used to say pretty much the same thing. He was a homicide detective.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Reince is never ever going to jail for anyone.You best believe that.
@J R in WV: Mmmmmm…one of the obvious trolls. I figure that since they just derail the conversation, may as well shunt them to the side right off.
Plus, I wanted to see how the filter worked. It’s pretty cool.
@rikyrah: he may go to jail, but he’ll drag someone along if he goes down.
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: Duuuude, don’t harsh Kato’s mellow.
Kato’s actually put together a successful career as a bit-part actor, reality TV show player, radio and TV host, and E-list celebrity. Which is makes him more accomplished than Page.
@satby: really? It has probably been around forever, along with “follow the money” and “cui bono?/who benefits?”
Mike in DC
Actually, Carter Page is kinda the main character in the dossier. He features in more allegations than anyone else.
Cheryl Rofer
Here’s more on Mifsud.
Cheryl Rofer
@Mike in DC: There’s a lot about Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, in there too, but it has supposedly been debunked.
Frank Wilhoit
So as to why Trump lies, it is a dominance play. Telling someone the truth grants them equal standing with you. Trump has a total emotional block against doing that, of such long standing that it is no longer remotely conscious.
The importance of this, going far beyond Trump, is to understand that very, very few lies are told for gain, or even for tactical advantage. The purpose of lies is to degrade and humiliate their hearers.
mad citizen
The obvious follow-up to this one “The Trumpers have long pushed this argument that they were too inexperienced, disorganized or simply too stupid to have conspired with Russians to subvert the election. ” is Why do they all think they should be running our Executive Branch? If this is the case, why don’t they all simply vacate? It’s clear Trump has no interest in doing the job. He stopped off to visit his branded Hawaii hotel. WTF? I thought he wasn’t supposed to be tending to his side business. It’s like if Obama had gotten a side gig at Georgetown teaching law while he was President.
I believe I read that 40 people were convicted in the Watergate scandal. That’s a good over/under for Russiagate, although certainly bonus points for POTUS and VP.
But whenever he says that, nobody points out that he has said he has ‘one of the best memories, like ever.’ How come somebody with the best memory cannot remember anything from that meeting.
In addition, if he cannot remember anything from that meeting, how does he know it was unimportant?
Raid on Manafort’s home July 26.
Papadopoulus arrested July 27.
Priebus out, Kelly in. July 28.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff. He is a Great American….
@Aleta: Cue Artie Johnson from Laugh-In. “Very Interesting!”
Troll is the Kato Kaelin of Presidents.
@Jeffro: My old man used to say: “Criminals are by definition stupid. If they were smart, they’d be businessmen, and figure out how to get rich without getting caught.”