There are lots of local elections tomorrow, in addition to the guv races in NY NJ and VA. Get out there and vote Democrat for all offices. This the only way we have right now to send a message that we hate Trump and we hate all the shitty legislation Little Paul is trying to ram down our throats.
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Major Major Major Major
Polls in VA are holding steady, and if you exclude that consistent outlier republican firm we were freaking out about last week, looking optimistic. GOTV!
Catherine D.
Um, I think you mean NJ. Andy-Pandy is unfortunately still safe.
NYC Mayor, too.
Wish I knew whether to vote for the NYS Constitutional Convention.
Good luck to the Dems…
This just in. Criticism of Trump dumping fish food is actually real fake news
From Gizmodo: That Viral Photo of President Trump Dumping Fish Food Is Very Misleading
Don’t worry, though. It’s still early.
Mike J
One legislative district in WA will flip the state legislature.Even if you don’t live in the 45th (the target for flipping) make sure you get your vote in to hold your district.
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: I guess I’m glad he didn’t really insult them that much in that particular moment. And this bit from the article is certainly true.
@bystander: The teacher’s union is against it. There is some danger of public pensions disappearing.
@Brachiator: Did you see the nice Happy Meal they prepared for him? Hamburger, ketchup, soda. None of those scary local dishes for him!
Thoroughly Pizzled
Regardless of the outcome, I want to thank Tom Perriello for throwing himself wholeheartedly into campaigning for Ralph Northam and the Democrats. For some reason, he has been able to do this without compromising his moral integrity. Who knew?
@bystander: I’m voting against it, based on the coalition of folks who are for/against.
it’s one of those things that “in theory” sounds great, but there’s too much risk of losing good stuff that our current constitution protects, and the idea that we need this in order to get ethics reform is bullshit. We can amend the constitution without a full constitutional convention – in fact, I’m voting FOR the two other amendments on the ballot because they’re both good ideas.
And I see it’s already been fixed from the RSS feed, so I won’t pile on to note that we’re not voting to retain or dump Cuomo tomorrow. This year is deBlasio’s turn.
(also, seriously trying to figure out what to do about Cy Vance. He’s running unopposed, so there’s clearly no way he’s not going to win, but I just really don’t want to vote for him right now).
@bystander: Ballotpedia seems to have a pretty comprehensive entry on Proposal 1.
Trump is a simpleton, uh, I meant a simple man with simple tastes.
He reminds me (absolutely true story) of a co-worker who went on vacation in Italy and complained that the food was terrible because he could not get meat loaf and mashed potatoes anywhere.
There’s a diary up at GOS (yeah, I know) about the latest GOTV efforts in VA that’s very encouraging.
@sam: I thought I read somewhere Vance had a challenger.
just found the link:
Here tis
But her emails!!!
@Major Major Major Major:
Noticed this. In fact, the Republican outlier actually shifted from showing Northam down to showing him 1 ahead. There’s also a Fox News poll showing Northam up. This has increased the RCP average back up in excess of 3%. Closer than it should be, but also close enough that people hopefully won’t sit on their buts assuming Northam will win.
Matt McIrvin
…It does sometimes drive me nuts that people make vast pronouncements about the success or failure of this or that strategy based on razor-thin election results that are swung by a few thousand votes. Probably much of the time what works and what doesn’t is down to statistical noise.
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: Even if the polls weren’t optimistic (and they are) you should still vote. I know people hate voting for a loser, but it’s a self fulfilling prophecy if you don’t vote.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I’ve seen some evidence on the ground here that the local Republican party is running scared about the local races. We live in a tiny township (called a Borough in PA) and both Borough Council and County Council have been safely 100% Republican for many years. At the County level I think the monopoly goes back well over a century.
A couple of months ago, lawn signs sprang up here and there all around the neighborhood and county. Deep blue lawn signs with names and no party identification. Around here, that means Republicans trying to pretend they aren’t Republicans. Lawns that had them would have 8-10 signs. I don’t ever remember that many lawn signs for local races, especially on an odd year. It was obviously a coordinated effort.
Plus the local Repub Party has been going door to door putting mailers in people’s mailboxes and doors. Nobody has bothered to actually talk to me when I was right there, as I think they know the reception they’d get. Nevertheless, they are canvassing hard in this local, off-year election. Today, when the nice Republican lady walked right past me as I was raking to put the insert in my door, marks the third such delivery.
I hope their fears are more than justified.
New Yorkers, vote no on the Constitutional Convention. It’s a waste of time and resources.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: My next sentence was ‘GOTV!’
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I think it was Tom Perriello who said that he spent all day out greeting folks and and canvassing for Northam, and if he had a dollar for every person who mentioned the Donna Brazile shit show, his pockets would still be empty.
It’s all about the judges here in PA. I hate that we choose judges by election, but since we do, I’ll be marking Democrats only. Dwayne Woodruff, former Pittsburgh Steeler, is running for the Supreme Court. Hope he wins.
Another day, another hippie-punch.
Somebody hire this woman, stat!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Brachiator: Every guy like that also seems to have a trip-to-Paris story that goes, “So I ordered steak tartare, figuring what the hey, you can’t go wrong with steak, right? You’ll never believe what they served me!”
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: In my experience, the Democrats knock on my door and talk. The Republicans drape their literature over my mailbox without a word.
That would be very cool, as he’d be traveling the path of Minnesota Justice Alan Page, former Viking when the Vikings were good.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@trollhattan: How, pray tell, is that work related in any sense? That sounds like good grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuite.
A progressive Democrat is running against Vance Jr.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Reminds me of a bidnez dinner with someone who ordered potatoes au gratin “with no cheese.”
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
My thought as well. What the heck?!?
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: fuckin frenchies. who ever heard or tartar sauce on steak…
And please Democrats when you go out to vote, please disregard those Russian & BernieBro trolls who say Northam is worse (than Hillary).
Speaking of which Republicans should remember they’ve made a special Election Day just for you all of next week. That’s right! Republicans can vote any day they want to 11/13/17-11/17/17.
@Brachiator: I didn’t see the photo. At this point I don’t think there is anything that will lead me to change my opinion about the current occupant of the WH.
@germy: The difference between volunteers and paid solicitors, right there.
@trollhattan: I was in a pub just 2 weeks ago when a patron sent back the espresso martini because it had espresso in it. Bartender blew a fuse (patron was in another room.)
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@trollhattan: I will occasionally order something when I’m not actually sure what I’ve ordered. Then I’ll say, “Let’s see what arrives”. But that’s part of the adventure of travel for me, I view those surprises as POSITIVE! I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a person who goes to Italy and is looking for meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
My last such experience was in Munich, with a dish called “Wurstsalat” (wurst salad). I asked if that was a green salad with wurst on it, and the proprietor responded “Nein”, followed by German too rapid for me to follow. So I ordered it anyway. What arrived was a huge pile of sliced wurst with a little cabbage mixed in. It was, after all, Bavaria. No complaints here.
The Moar You Know
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: SOP here in my SoCal beach town even before they became a minority here. The sad thing is, the locals totally buy it, so we’re one seat away from a GOP-controlled school district even though the same area has gone Dem in every presidential election since 2008.
Can’t fix Democratic, but wealthy and stupid. And we have both qualities in abundance here.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: She had the picture on her facebook page. Even though it was her personal account, and doesn’t reference where she worked, it was still considered a violation. THat’s why she mentioned the other employee and his facebook transgression.
@Repatriated: I had two Democratic candidates knock on my door. Mayor and judge.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: “… well it hasn’t got much Spam in it…
@sam: I understand there’s a write-in candidate running against Vance.
And Germy got there first.
@Matt McIrvin:
Especially then that vast pronouncement JUST HAPPENS to align with what that person already liked and hoped for.
I would say no. Any Republican talking
Constitutional Convention cannot be trusted.
The Moar You Know
@trollhattan: My view as an employer: she’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. I wouldn’t hire her even if she were paying me.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: She works in an at will state so they don’t actually need a reason to fire her. It sounded like she was going to go job seeking with a more progressive employer. I don’t think she’ll be unemployed for very long.
Find out who put it on the ballot. I would bet it’s right-wingers.
Just vote NO.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Not to mention the contretemps about Democracy for America and something something sanctuary cities, which flew around leftish social media in hummingbird-paced agitation for like 48 hours yet didn’t seem to penetrate the consciousness of local human beings whatsoever.
@bystander: My thoughts on a Constitutional Convention are to ask if I want the extreme right wing to band together and have the state constitution declare that contraception is the same as abortion, unions are illegal, abortion is banned, there is no right to free speech and guns must not be regulated in any form. Think of the things you don’t want enshrined in a Constitution and then decide if it’s worth risking having extreme groups who WILL show up make the decision.
In response to the actual post, I voted early and straight a Democratic ticket. I’m in Oho and I voted for Issue 2 because there was just too much money on the side I don’t trust hating on it, so I figured it had to have some value.
@Major Major Major Major: KEEP VA BLUE! Let’s do this, people!
I dunno about NY, but the reason why the GOP and our evil Governor is having such a hard time gutting Illinois state pensions, is because we have it written INTO THE CONSTITUTION of the state, about pensions.
Maybe, the same exists in NY.
I can top that. My brother and I went to Rome about a decade ago and my bro – a lifelong, pizza-three-times-a-week guy – couldn’t find any pizza he really liked. In. Rome.
@Thoroughly Pizzled: Yes, Kudos to Periello for working for the team. I liked him in 2008, phone banked for him in 2010 (unfortunately he lost in the GOP wave election), and would do it again in a heartbeat. Dems are stronger together. He gets that.
ETA: I thought during the VA primary he did play up intraparty divisions in a way I didn’t like but he handled his defeat with dignity and has been unwavering in his support for Northam. This shows character.
Major Major Major Major
@kindness: Even if Northam were “worse than Hillary” (whatever that means) you should still GOTV for him! It’s a binary choice, this is a very straightforward trolley problem.
Major Major Major Major
This is why it’s important to keep some melancholics around, we tend to think the opposite.
@The Moar You Know: She did nothing wrong and went to her employer when the her name went public to give them a head’s up. If flipping someone off is an non hiring offense I would never work again.
randy khan
Yes, please everyone in Virginia and New Jersey vote, and remind all of your friends to vote.
In addition to positive polls, one other hopeful sign is that as of Sunday, there were more than 41,000 absentee ballots cast in Fairfax County, Virginia, which is 16,000 more than were cast in the last gubernatorial election in 2013, with two more days to go.
(And here I will add a slightly nasty comment about the useless WaPo poll last week, which had Northam up 5, but still within the MoE because the Post wasn’t willing to pay for a decent sized sample. If you’re not willing to get a big enough sample that +5 is outside the MoE, don’t bother.)
@Jeffro: Why do people like that travel outside the US? I mean, really, what’s the point?
re: the meatloaf and mashed potatoes guy, Italy is known for fabulous steaks. Especially in the North. That wouldn’t work for him? Sheesh.
We instituted a policy when the girls were young that when we traveled we never went to a chain restaurant unless there was absolutely no alternative. If you’re going somewhere different you should eat what they eat. Regional, foreign, whatever, it’s part of the experience of travel.
Thoroughly Pizzled
@FlipYrWhig: I don’t know about you, but I am certain that I’d win 100% of the vote if I ever ran for office. How could anyone disagree with my wisdom?
It’s not wingers. The New York constitution requires a vote every 20 years on whether there should be a constitutional convention. This is the 20 year mark. Now, it is being pushing by good government groups, like Citizens Union. It’s really not a conservative issue. The problem is that if we vote for it, then we have to elect 3 delegates from each state senate district, and 15 state wide. And then they can hold the convention as long as they want and make any recommendations they want. The amendments would have to be approved by voters, but that probably wouldn’t happen until 2019 or 2020 at the earliest. Meanwhile, the delegates get a salary from the state. And did I mention that the reason we don’t have truly progressive laws in New York is because the state Senate blocks them regularly? The whole thing would be a waste of time and money. We’re better off just focusing on those few senators who side with the republicans to block legislation.
Major Major Major Major
@Shana: Sometimes the chain restaurants have different things! I seem to remember a special burger at the Bangkok airport McDonald’s.
Of course, I was in the Bangkok airport past security, so that was one of the few things I could be sure I wasn’t allergic to.
Well, yeah. I went to Vancouver and had a local treat me to authentic Chinese cuisine. I was dismayed to find out that I really only like the trashy American version of Chinese food.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
With primarily southern German roots I heartily endorse any dish comprising mostly meat and cabbage. After all, what’s the Wurst that could happen?
I’ll let myself out.
He just wanted to see the Colosseum while enjoying some Pizza Hut – what’s wrong with that? (j/k, j/k)
Everywhere I go, I’m all about trying the local cuisine…I’m not much for street vendors, but I’ll always try some of a country’s or region’s signature dishes whenever we’re in a restaurant. It’s all part of the experience, as you noted.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I went through my shop steward Trotskyite lefty phase in my 20s and would love to see way more Democratic socialist policies, but even when I was in my 20s, when the country seemed to be more amenable to big government programs (before Reagan), I was never as big an idiot as these nose/face/cutting self-owning idiots.
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: Sounds like my sister-in-law, who also found the pizza in Italy didn’t live up to her standards. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eat a slice of pizza without comparing it unfavorably to the pie produced at this little pizza joint on LI near where she grew up. She made us all schlep out there to try it when we were visiting NYC a few years ago, and it was good pizza. But it wasn’t the Platonic Ideal of pizza as she seems to think. Being that damn picky is a recipe for disappointment, IMO.
Suspect most Americans growing up in the last century know only of Cantonese recipes heavily bastardized for our tastes and the available ingredients. Other Chinese regional dishes can be a true palate challenge.
In a similar vein, workplace yelling matches between folks with Taiwanese and Hong Kong roots and PRC emigres can be a real eye-opener.
Fair Economist
That seems a pretty reasonable rule for me. I was really shocked when my husband went to Paris and said he’d just as soon eat at McDonald’s. =:-0
@Major Major Major Major: Dietary restrictions and food allergies are completely different. I understand and, had that been our situation, would have made exceptions. I occasionally hear about things like that that sound kind of intriguing but we never get stuff at American McDonald’s, for example, that they get in India.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I’m in moderation. I will never understand how a politics blog can use a filter that screens the word s0ciali$m.
Quadruple the sugar and a tenth of the spiciness, eh? Ah well, at least you tried, that’s better than most!
Here’s a good list of ‘real’ Chinese dishes (vs their American Chinese counterparts) to consider next time you’re feeling up for it.
Major Major Major Major
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: It contains the name of a boner pill.
@trollhattan: Have you seen The Search For General Tso? Very interesting.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m freaking out about VA. Hope to God it works out.
Tom Q
1) Vote like your whole world depended on it*, even if it’s some lame down-ballot office you hardly think about. Every syllable of resistance can resonate.
* Yes, I know I’m echoing an old Nixon slogan. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
For NYers:
2) Constitutional Conventions are the kind of crapshoots you don’t want to risk. Polls have long shown the Bill of Rights would have trouble getting through these days. Such conventions have always been right-wing sponsored. A definite NO vote.
3) As noted above, there’s a write-in candidate opposing Cy Vance. Vance had probably thought he’d dodged the noose because these two disqualifying stories came after it was too late for anyone to primary him. It’s still very much a long-shot, but worth sending a message. I’ve never voted write-in before, and will have to ask my election workers how to do it. One thing I think is true (at least was in other write-in campaigns, like Lisa Murkowski’s): you need to have the spelling of the candidate’s name exactly correct. So: Marc Fliedner — not that easy to remember; you might want to have it on a piece of paper or in your phone for reference.
Betty Cracker
I’ll bet my next paycheck Trump has no fucking clue about that. The stupid remark he made about Japan’s “warrior nation” status shows he has no goddamned clue about how other regional players, notably China, feel about Japan’s “warrior” past.
He’s such a clueless dope. I’m sure Abe & Co. are pantsing the dumb bastard at every turn, as will China’s Xi and every other world leader he meets. A not particularly bright third-grader would figure out how to flatter him and rob him blind within an hour.
Fair Economist
Many years ago, I went on a deluxe tour to China. The tour got us a meal in one of the meeting rooms of the People’s Congress in Beijing and the food was amazing – all these remarkable Chinese delicacies; state dinner quality. Most of the other tour participants complained “where’s the sweet and sour pork?” and similar. OMG. A few days later we went to this tourist restaurant which served food so salty I couldn’t even eat it, with many of the stereotypical “American Chinese” dishes. My mother did eat, and then swelled up so much she had to take off all her fitted jewelry. The rest of the tour? “Oh, this is what they should be serving in the People’s Congress.”
@Betty Cracker:
I think you’ve nailed it – there’s more than her taste buds at work there.
I tell my youngest a version of that all the time: “You’re missing out on SO much!” Heck at some point mac n’ cheese and chicken fingers were new foods to him, right? But at least he tries a bite or two of whatever ‘regular’ dinner I’ve whipped up before defaulting back to the boring stuff.
Aboard Air Force on en route to Tokyo, President Trump held a brief Q&A with reporters (from pool report) …
Let me emphasize how well he’s done.
Lutherans seem to have changed some since I was a kid.
He seems nice.
@Betty Cracker: Xi’s laughter at Trumpov’s follies is only cut short by his serious work consolidating power and laying the groundwork for China’s next 50 years. Meanwhile in America, we are dealing with global warming deniers and anti-vaxxers, to say nothing of Russian pawns. Yay us!
Anyway, to get myself back on topic for once: VA and NJ folks be sure to vote, and prod 10 other progressives to vote too! Put something up on your FB page and Snapgram one too! Call your local Dem party office and see if they still need volunteers to drive people to the polls (they do!) Let’s bury these clowns!!
Oh, there’s no reason for anyone to change their opinion of Trump because of this. He has left a sufficient trail of ugliness.
@Betty Cracker:
My sister in law has a very limited list of restaurants where she’s willing to eat. Chili’s is at the top of that list. ? And if we don’t eat at one of her preferred restaurants, there is hell to pay for the rest of the night.
The capper is that this isn’t even my narcissist SIL in Florida — this is G’s sister in IL.
“Murder is God’s way of saying he loves you.”
Somebody stop the planet, we have people that need to be kicked off.
I sense you have to pay hell for many nights.
randy khan
I will give you 10-1, no, make that 100-1 odds that he’s a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod guy. The LCMS folks aren’t like other Lutherans; they’re more like Southern Baptists, although even Southern Baptists may be too loosey-goosey for them.
I was in a Paris restaurant with a friend who spotted cervelles d’agneau on the menu. “Ooh, I like lamb. I’ll have that”, he said. I was kind enough to explain to him what cervelles meant.
In actuality, Gizmo is wrong.
Abe poured the remaining bits AFTER using his scoop to distribute the bulk of it.
Trump just DUMPED his in.
Gross breach of manners.
@trollhattan: Fiene’s church is part of the Missouri Synod. They’re the nasty, fundy asshole Lutherans. If you’re going to hang out with Lutherans, you want to stick with the ELCA variety.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Ah, the Vimes school of food.
The Moar You Know
@debit: I went to China and experienced the same thing. Lost fifteen pounds on a month-long trip, seemed like every place I went was in a competition to serve me food that was both horrifying and bad. I must add, in fairness, that this was back in the 1990s and I was in rural China, not the cities.
The winner, by the way, was “Live Perch Soup”. Take one live perch, dump him into boiling water, yank him out still alive but mortally scalded, eat still-wriggling pieces. I threw up. Not the first time on that trip but it might have been the last.
Fun fact: serving a guest rice when you have “anything better” (I would have murdered my parents for rice halfway through the trip) is a gross, grave insult. They would not do it. Two other fun facts:
1. The way the Chinese do tea is the way to go. It gives you heart palpitations and tachycardia, but it’s delicious. Real green tea tips, fresh not dried, stuffed into cup. Water poured into what little space is left. Freakin’ delicious. Good luck sleeping!
2. After two weeks with no coffee, I visited a factory and the owner had a jar of Yuban instant. I asked for and got a cup. I almost cried from joy. Seriously got misty-eyed. And then we had more tea. I don’t think I slept more than four hours a night during that whole trip. That tea of theirs is the shit.
To be fair, eating authentic Chinese Cuisine in China presents its own risks since they have a joke of an FDA.
Any chance one of the FPers can put up a post about Marc Fliedner’s write-in campaign? It is actually a big deal, since Vance’s corruption has an actual knock-on effect with respect to national politics (e.g. failure to prosecute the Trump spawn), and Fliedner has basically zero exposure so this is really a case in which every little bit helps.
Concerned NYC resident here.
@randy khan: @cat:
My folks, nice polite country club Republicans without the country club, fled the Mo Synod when they went feral, going with ELIM along with our pastor. IIUC Michele Bachmann belongs to an even crazier Lutheran sect than the Mo Synod, but I don’t even want to know. What I would be curious about is how the German Lutherans view these fundy branches.
Obviously depends on where you live. Plenty of great Chinese restaurants, representing various regions and styles of food, in the Los Angeles area, for example. And many locals are in the know.
I always laugh when people from the midwest (because of the associated colleges) come into the Pasadena area during the Rose Bowl and are dismayed at what’s available at Chinese restaurants, while locals just pop in and order up their favorites.
Also, though, there are still some Chinese restaurants that have untranslated items on the menu, or noted on wall boards, because they assume that non-Chinese simply cannot handle the full breath of food choices.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: Are those authentic? because some of those are, like, my favorite Chinese things, so I mistrust their authenticity.
(Whenever I go to Sichuan Gourmet in Billerica I have the shredded pork in hot garlic sauce, because it is unbelievably good there. Nobody else I’ve found seems to be able to do it quite the same.)
@The Moar You Know:
Reminds me of my brother’s story of being served a fish in a Tokyo restaurant, with the fresh flesh arrayed in ribbons atop the fish remains, whose gill covers were still moving.
I don’t have anything as horrifying, just the nastiness of birds nest soup and dim sum chicken feet.
Matt McIrvin
@Brachiator: When I was in grad school a bunch of us used to occasionally go down to the Imperial Garden in Chinatown for dim sum, and I remember you really needed a Cantonese-speaking front man to get the best stuff. Fortunately we had some.
Matt McIrvin
@trollhattan: I think chicken feet aren’t that bad, it’s just that there’s not much meat on them–it’s a lot of work for not much.
I will usually hit an American chain restaurant once on a trip out of the country. I craved pizza in Barcelona on my third week in Spain, so I went to Pizza Hut. It wasn’t exactly like American pizza, but close enough. I went to McDonald’s once in Moscow, for something quick on my way to a museum. Not one in a tourist area, this was full of Russians. Mostly though, I walk into a place, get out my phrasebook, and try to avoid making a fool of myself.
Cervelles are just offal….
Growing up in Seattle with all sorts of Chinese food–cheap/expensive, gloppy/wonderful–it wasn’t until the ’70s when Szechuan broke in to much fanfare that Cantonese dominance gave way to varied styles. Suspect this was true for most of the west coast and we surely got the new styles before the rest of the country, once China began opening and allowing emigration.
At informal Intentional District places the trick was getting a waiter patient enough to translate the reader board order off-menu. Every meal an adventure.
Ikizukuri is delicious. The freshest fish possible.
Stop intestine my patience.
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: I do feel as if my ability to appreciate good food has been eroded somewhat by years of living with a picky-eater child who begs to go to chain restaurants. We get an existential crisis sometimes when the opportunity comes to eat like grownups.
@germy: Thanks – not sure how valid “campaign aide figured out he’s eligible to run despite not living in manhattan” works though!
Just One More Canuck
@trollhattan: it strikes me that this pastor’s saying it’s “God’s will” is a cowardly way of absolving himself from taking any responsibility for speaking out against something so horrific
And to you at 96, Joe Jackson said in It’s A Big World, “Eat it when it ceases moving, just before is fine, too”
@Matt McIrvin:
Chinatown is almost more Vietnamese than Chinese these days, and some of the best Chinese eats are to be had in Alhambra and Rowland Heights. But yeah, dim sum at Imperial Garden, yum!
Sometimes the street vendors are the best of local food.
In LA you have street vendors selling bacon wrapped hot dogs with jalapenos on the side. Oh, yes!
Pigs feets, don’t fail me now!
@trollhattan: shaanxi food would be very easy to adapt to us palate.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Jeffro: change your street food policy. You’re missing some of the best stuff.
Some of us hate strange food but enjoy strange scenery. Complaining is generally bad manners. What you do is plan so you don’t bug everybody else. sealed granola bars are generally my solution. My stomach has always hated almost everything except sweets or bland familiar things. My parent took me traveling early and insisted I try some of everything. It did not make me like it or tolerant of new foods. Still follow the same rule with my nephew and try not to complain in front of him so he can make up his own mind. My mom had ideas about why, but I think people differ and its ok as long as people don’t try to make everyone else agree with them.
Even my parents acknowledged Italy’s pizza isn’t as good as American. Multiple tries. Now our chains are all horrible in a different way but homemade American pizza is better. I prefer my own actually.
Matt McIrvin
@Brachiator: I was talking about Boston, but that Chinatown works too.
Matt McIrvin
@gvg: I have to admit, there have been times even in wonderful foodie towns like Barcelona when we were pressed for time for whatever reason, needed a quick bite and didn’t want the cognitive load of figuring out how to do that with the local cuisine, and just went to some American fast food chain like KFC.
@bystander: I know nothing about NYS, but they tried the same thing previously in IL as a way to be able to remove the guarantee of state worker pensions in our IL constitution. Thankfully it failed, but not by as much as I would have liked.
@TenguPhule: So there were also black, crunchy bits?
@workworkwork: In Bavaria I would assume that’s a given.
@The Moar You Know: We had a friend that had to make multiple business trips to China. The first time, he ate jellied duck’s feet and snake blood and other local exotic foods. Every trip after that, he packed one suitcase with large jars of peanut butter and saltine crackers.