And tell them to vote, particularly if they live in Virginia.
Unless they are Republicans.
I called and texted all the people I know!
This post is in: Election 2017
And tell them to vote, particularly if they live in Virginia.
Unless they are Republicans.
I called and texted all the people I know!
Comments are closed.
Mike J
Washington votes today to flip the legislature. Even if you don’t live in the 45th, vote. Wouldn’t you feel like a schmuck if we flipped the 45th and lost your district?
Why of all days does it have to rain today????
We got nuttin’, no dog catcher, no utility commissioner, no school board, no judges, nuttin’. Nice break, actually, but how many printer’s kids are going barefoot this off year?
What’s “rain”?
What’s the motto? Virginia is for lovers.
Today, Virginia is for Democratic voters….
No elections here in Memphis either, but my one friend in VA has voted. Did not need encouragement from me.
Betty Cracker
@trollhattan: Same here. There’s a mayoral race across the bay, and our county-level party is trying to get folks to phone bank for the Democrat. I would if I knew anything about him or the issues in that county, but I don’t since I don’t live there! Feel kinda bad about not helping out, but I hate doing calls, and I will not do them without knowing what I’m talking about.
No voting here today.
Unlike you crazy folks on the mainland, we sensibly stick to a two year schedule most of the time.
Major Major Major Major
If they’re Republicans then just send them that Don Jr. tweet.
@trollhattan: I understand it’s like extremely thick fog.
Major Major Major Major
Also, I would like to complain about a CNN headline that I got on my alerts app. The headline was “Poll: Dems hit 25-year low”, which, OK, that’s accurate. The last line in the blurb was “Republicans fare even worse.”
Why is the party out of power getting the fucking headline here? I know, I know, because they’re Democrats, but still, grr.
Alain the site fixer
Fucking VA elections folks. Almost three weeks ago I requested absentee ballot for my mom’s home address and all was well when I did so but it never arrived. I’ve had calls and mail from VA Dems here but no ballot. When I’m stronger from my mom’s loss, I intend to raise some hell. So any squidgy VA voter, please make sure you vote and make up for my stolen voting opportunity. The two things I had to do today – go to funeral home to begin prep for mom’s funeral, and vote absentee. One I did. The second shouldn’t be difficult.
Saw a good suggestion on the Twit — remind folks to vote if they’re Democrats. If they’re Republicans, tell them they don’t need to vote, thoughts and prayers will suffice.
Gin & Tonic
I have no friends, you insensitive clod!
@tobie: @#2
So many dems complain about our “wienie” legislators. How “wienie” are the voters who skip the vote because of rain? Use an umbrella, buy some Wellingtons, build an ark…but VOTE, godammit.
Betty Cracker
@Alain the site fixer: That sucks, Alain! Hang in there, man.
Major Major Major Major
@Alain the site fixer: Ugh! Can you cast a provisional? Not that you probably have the energy to go through the rigamarole.
(My emailed offer to help with the site stands, btw, in case it got lost in the flood of condolences.)
glory b
PA voters, remember, we want as many Dem judges as we can get.
PA Supreme Court gets the last word on redistricting, and we need to unwind this gerrymander.
Also, remember, it was the Dems on our Supreme Court that threw out voter ID. The republicans were planning on passing it again until they lost the Supreme Court.
Betty Cracker
“Ye fuck ONE goat…” ?
@Alain the site fixer: So sorry, Alain. Be kind to yourself.
@Gin & Tonic: @#13.
Whut? You have cyberfriends; admit it you insensitive clod!
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: Weird how she’d decide to actively promote the parts of the book that don’t say that! It’s almost like she wanted to make a splash with predictable outrage instead of focus on the truth.
@Alain the site fixer: That’s just piling on now. Sorry.
Matt McIrvin
My Democratic sister in Dave Brat’s district is telling me to vote.
Alain the site fixer
@Major Major Major Major: it wasn’t lost, will ask when needed.
@Betty Cracker: thank you. It’s kinda crazy when I realize that my mom literally has groupies around the world who worship her teachings and that she’s affected likely hundreds of thousands of folks around the world and here at home.
I intend on writing about her a few weeks from now, when it’s a bit less raw. I’m still at the point of walking around the family home (now my home as I’m an only child) and pleading, screaming, stuttering “no”. Worst case scenario was her dying a week or so after coming home, like 15% chance. She died the morning she was due to come home and so I’m thankful she didn’t die at home in my care day 1, I would have been ok helping her those last few weeks or days at home with that result. I had so many questions planned for about now, a few days after she was home and being treated well by her loving son.
Anyway enough about her, for now: do please vote, Virginians!
Miss Bianca
@Alain the site fixer: : (
“one woe doth tread another’s heel”…so sorry to hear it!
Mike J
Tom Q
One of those days I wish I lived in VA (or anyplace where it really could make the difference).
However, I dutifully voted in my Upper West Side NY races, including a write-in for Marc Fliedner against Cy Vance. I wasn’t sure how to go about doing a write-in — I’d never had cause to notice the option before — but it was easy to find the spot, and I had Fliedner’s name-spelling committed to memory. I hope at least enough of my fellow NYers do the same to throw a scare into Vance.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: Par for the course. We had to deal with that with the Obama campaign in Denver 2008. Hey, at least it means Repubs are taking this very very seriously, so if they lose it’ll be as big a narrative-setting blow as we’re expecting.
@Alain the site fixer: I missed that bit of news Alain. I hope that good wishes transfer into positive energy for you. Condolences to you and your family.
I’m pleased that there’s lots of social pressure to vote today. More people than usual seem to have really taken to heart the admonition to take a photo of their “I voted” sticker and encourage others to follow suit.
Voting by mail here in Seattle. I was going to vote for Moon for mayor, but last night talked to a friend who knew people who’d worked with Moon in urban planning, which is her big claim of expertise in running projects. They said she never ran anything, just sat in the meetings. A dilettante, was their opinion. So I guess I’ll vote for Durkan after all. (My friend, who’d voted early, wished she could take her vote back.)
ETA: Nothing against Durkan; I just thought Moon had more energy and clearer ideas. But all the great ideas in the world aren’t any good if you don’t know how to implement them.
Alain the site fixer
@Miss Bianca: I WILL be coming that way in the next few months for some much-needed “me time”. I’ll let you know as I very much want to meetup.
Alain the site fixer
@Spanky: thanks. I’m pretty destroyed. She was my idol and hero, and I’m an only child. My dad died 22 years ago and she missed him to the moment she died – he was her lifetime love. So I’m at least comforted by the idea that
she’s with him, or no longer missing that so-important part of us, our partner.
Betty Cracker
@Alain the site fixer: It’s so hard to come to terms with losing a beloved mom. Much courage and strength to you in the difficult days ahead, and I look forward to hearing about your mom when you feel up to writing about her.
@Mike J: Sadly, some pro-GOP group does this every election (and by mail before there were robocalls.) They know that more people voting is better for us. Conservatism is fundamentally about aristocracy, and prefers democratic processes to operate only to placate the plebians while keeping the ruling class in power.
Alain, I wasn’t able to comment the other day but wish to offer you my condolences. It must be even harder for you since you were so ready for her to come home. Perhaps this was her final gift of love for you…she knew how stressful it would be for you to take care of her-even though you were more than willing and happy to do so-and she decided to just spare you that pain.
It may sound odd, but the grief you feel is telling you how much love you had for each other. When my mother passed, I felt nothing because there was nothing there to miss.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
We voted though our only races were for mayor and city council.
I did my check on the turnout numbers for my very Democratic precinct at noon, and there was no drop off in the rate of people voting after 10am, which is extremely unusual, especially since it started raining around 10:30. Usually there’s a morning rush until 8:30 or 9, then a trickle and maybe a slight uptick at lunchtime.
I had a training session for work and had to have someone else do the 2pm check. I’ll be interested to find out if that continued, but I’m liking what I’m seeing.
@Alain the site fixer:
Alain, good to see you. Sorry for your loss. I know the pain, and hope that you take the time to heal. It’ll be slow.
Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
Miss Bianca
What? No! Say it ain’t so! You’re basing your vote on something concrete like “ability to implement plans” rather than “rainbow unicorn poop for everyone!”? Your credentials as a True Progressive may be in serious jeopardy!
Miss Bianca
@Alain the site fixer: As would I. Very, very sorry to hear of your loss, meant to email and, well…stuff of my own got in the way. Hope you are holding up OK.
Saving a special bottle of mead for you!
I’m in S.E. Va., and I’ve never seen GOTV outreach like what I’ve seen for this election. Candidates have come by the house, phone calls from out of state (Hi, Sue from California), Door knockers Saturday and Sunday (one was bussed in from Maryland), and lots of advertising by the Dem party for our local candidate running to unseat the incumbent Republican in the statehouse. I didn’t see this kind of action in 2016. Here’s hoping the efforts pay off.
Alain the site fixer
Before I put away the internet and get back to meatspace, let me thank all who’ve sent good wishes, etc. This group of jackals is second-to-none when it comes to caring: for animals, each other, our country, and our communities. Thanks again.
Corner Stone
White women voters continuing to vote R are going to be the death of us all.
@Alain the site fixer: What a piling on, not being able to vote. I too look forward to hearing about your mom once you are ready.
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
The only thing worser than white women is white men. They’re the worstest.
I voted about 10:00 AM, in a very blue NVA district.
More people in the voting precinct than I remember seeing outside a Presidential election.
Lots of staff and volunteers.
Also making point of outreach to kids, talking to them about voting and I think I heard one of the workers talking about a ‘future voter’ sticker (like the ‘I voted ‘ stickers they give out.
I’m sorry, Alain.
@Taiko: I’m in the same part of the state and it’s been a barrage. And this is the first election cycle I can recall where House of Delegates candidates had TV commercials. Good! Let’s fight the enemy everywhere.
@glory b:
Yep, I’ve been reminding all my friends about this. Hope Dwayne Woodruff wins. Maybe he’ll spin the Terrible Towel.
@Ken: There was a young and frazzled-looking woman at my polling place who had at least one baby strapped to her body and at least one more in a stroller and I think one or even two more tykes walking. I was inspired for a moment until it occurred to me that she was probably there to vote for Gillespie.
@Taiko: Awesome!
Chyron HR
@Amaranthine RBG:
Nobody forced Bernie’s chosen people to vote for a syphilitic neo-nazi sex offender, chalky.
Bobby Thomson
@Major Major Major Major: weirder how she fucking made up stuff she knew would sell to pro-Trumpers and Wilmerites – but I repeat myself.
Mike J
ACLU phone number below:
BREAKING: Department of Justice has finally decided to end prosecution of the woman who laughed at Jeff Sessions.
— Facts Do Matter (@WilDonnelly) November 7, 2017
Major Major Major Major
@Bobby Thomson: just super weird. Why, one might think she’s casting her lot in with them.
Bobby Thomson
@FlipYrWhig: there was an old woman who looked like she’d never used a scan ballot before. Then she stopped at the Dem table on the way out. Anecdotal, but nice.
For what it’s worth, I’m in Northern Virginia, and I work at a county facility. For weeks the Dem volunteers have been out in force (at least 3 people, more often than not 5 or 6), while the tiny Gillespie table is either unmanned or has one person there. This is NoVa though. I still like the enthusiasm. As for today there are 6 people out there, no Republican volunteers and in chatting with them they said the traffic is very strong.
@Chyron HR: +1 for the DOUG reference…Skeeter and Pork Chop would have approved….
@Alain the site fixer: Was going to ask how you are, but then I read the thread and see it’s been addressed.
So I’ll just send you love and peace and calm over these here intertubes. I promise it gets better.
Gelfling 545
Did phone banking for the first time ever for seversl hours last night. Felt cheered that I actually talked to about 1/4 of the people on my list. Being the new girl, I was given the easy list -Democrats known to have voted last year. When I was finished I did a quick calculation on my phone. The average age was 76. The youngest person on my list was 44. Disturbing that even the presidential election roll was seriously lacking in young people. Obviously there must have been some but whole swaths of an area with no younger voters showing?
@Betty Cracker: She needs such a slap.
House Republican: Donors are helping driving push for tax breaks
11/07/17 12:40 PM
By Steve Benen
At first blush, the Republicans’ push for massive tax breaks, disproportionately benefiting the wealthy, seems politically unwise. The American mainstream isn’t exactly clamoring for the GOP tax plan – polls show broad public opposition to the Republican proposal – and no party ever became more popular by doing something unpopular.
What’s more, the country can’t afford the Republican plan; there’s no reason to believe it’d make a significant difference on the economy; and it’s having the unintended effect of dividing the GOP at a difficult time.
So why focus so much time, energy, and resources in the idea? Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) spoke to The Hill this morning and gave away the game.
Eric NNY
@rikyrah: Collins is a dick.
Matt McIrvin
@Major Major Major Major: We’re into a period of people turning into “independents” again. Both parties lose ID and support at such times. The Democrats usually remain several points above the Republicans, not that it necessarily matters at election time–consistent Republican voters just seem somewhat more likely to disclaim party affiliation.
Local elections are today, and I have been sign waving. I am on break, and have to report back to duty in 30 minutes.
@Gelfling 545: It depends on what type of list they are using. If it’s an A list, which means you vote in primaries also, that trends older. Younger folks tend to be more moblile, so accurate data might not be available.
@rikyrah: Well, anyone at this point who doesn’t realize the GOP works only for its mega-billionaire donors is an idiot.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@rikyrah: You’d think for a normal person that would be enough to never vote for that guy again, and yet ….
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: They had the “future voter” stickers at my very sparsely attended MA polling place. But my daughter didn’t come along this time (she was otherwise occupied).
@CaseyL: I voted for Durkan because I want more relevant experience in my politicians. When beliefs are similar, vote for the one with accomplishments.
@rikyrah: Well thank FSM for that.
@Gelfling 545: That may just be the demographic of “people who use the phone.”
Here’s the Bohdi with his stitches.
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker: “Why, I am HORRIFIED I am being booked on all the TV shows to discuss my book when they are totally getting it wrong!!!”
Major Major Major Major
@Matt McIrvin: I know, and it happens during times of disaffection as well as right after presidential elections, but the headline is just a shining example of a bias towards reporting bad news for democrats.
This trailer cheered me up, maybe a movie that jackals of all sorts will enjoy. (You know who you are.)
Mary G
@raven: Poor Bohdi! Hope he feels better soon.
Adria McDowell
I voted here in central Ohio. It was mostly for school board, county and municipal judges, and city council members. I was dismayed that there was no party affiliation by the names (I remember there being party affiliation by the names on last fall’s ballot). There was literally more people working the polling place than were in there voting.
I can’t wait until I stop seeing Wilmer on commercials to vote yes on Issue 2.
Miss Bianca
@rikyrah: Aww, what a fucking shame. I feel so SORRY for these assholes, forced – forced, I tell you! – to ram thru’ an incredibly unpopular plan or their rich donors won’t take ’em out to dinner no more.
@raven: Yikes! Hope the little fella is doing okay, that’s a lot of staples.
Mike in NC
Losing a parent is always rough. Mine were married for over 50 years and when my dad passed away in 2003, my mother never really was the same person again. She spent her final years pretty depressed and lonely. It didn’t help that I lived several states away, and my older brother who lived nearby took financial advantage of her every chance he could.
Random question: do we get moderated for linking to Youtube?
Adria McDowell
@Alain the site fixer: I am so sorry about your mom.
Sorry for your loss Alain.
I voted today in Denver by drop-off ballot. It was small, just one at-large school board member and several bond measures to improve the city’s infrastructure. I nagged my husband until he voted too and then he dropped off the ballots in one of the drop boxes on his way to work.
@Mike J: they’re going to pay for this…they’re beyond redemption
@glory b: Done from South PA. D judges down the line.
@raven: Oh, poor thing!
@Alain the site fixer: oh, Alain…so sorry about your mother. Just reading this. Have been out of the BJ loop for a few weeks. So, so sorry for your loss.
@raven: Poor little guy. How’s he doing after all of it? Looks sore.
@raven: Ow! That looks painful. Poor Bohdi.
@zzyzx: Well, my thinking was that Durkan’s long experience meant she may have internalized policy limits that Moon hadn’t. But, yeah: I want a mayor who can get things done.
patrick II
I was working for Northam in Virginia this week on the phone banks. These weren’t “persuasion” calls, but confirmation calls, encouraging people who said they were going to vote to actually vote, and made sure they knew where there polling place was, and had a ride, etc.
By Monday democrats had called every number they had listed and had literally ran out of numbers to call, not to mention the many canvassers they had out in the neighborhoods. They made a big effort. I heard on the radio turnout was good today, so I have my fingers crossed that it worked.
Cheryl from Maryland
No ballot today here in Montgomery County, MD. But, the County Council approved changing the county’s minimum wage to $15.00 an hour!
The Moar You Know
@Jeffro: How? Dems certainly don’t have the backbone to return the favor.
They’ll get away with it just like they’ve gotten away with it since they started doing it in the 1990s. And we will do nothing.
@CaseyL: We were at the Ta-Nahesi Coates thing on Sunday night; one of my sister’s friends said that she might have considered voting for Moon, except for Trump. Since Trump happened, she decided that she’s voting for government experience for offices like city mayor.
I am off to my second three hour shift at the polls handing out sample ballots. Response is great, but it has to be great to compensate for other parts of the state. There is a steady rain and 45 degrees. One lady brought me a hot ginseng tea, which was wonderful. I will get warm later. Onwards.
@CaseyL: Yea, they put him under so he’s pretty groggy. We have some pain meds so I’m hoping his discomfort is limited.
@raven: Oh hun. I missed the post about why he got them. What happened?
Miss Bianca
@ellie: what were you all voting for up in Denver?
The Moar You Know
@raven: Jesus, I thought, from your description, he’d been nipped. That’s a nasty injury. He’s got another down on his chin, yes?
Poor guy. Hope he heals up quickly. I’d have freaked.
@HeleninEire: Raven posted about it here. And here.
Miss Bianca
@raven: oh, the poor Bohdi!
Getting quotes on pet insurance now….
@raven: Oh man, that’s ugly. Here’s to modern veterinary medicine!
He looks properly chastened. I’m guessing it’s an act, though.
@The Moar You Know: Yea. little puncture on his mug. It was quick but I thought the other dog had a solid grip on him so I wasn’t surprised it was as deep as it was. They also probably opened it more to make sure they got everything,
Mary G
Great thread on Twitter of Virginians
McAuliffe always left me cold, but in restoring rights and seeing these people voting for the first time is making my eyes a bit watery, especially the lady who stole diapers for her baby at age 19 and has been refused the right to vote ever since.
@Spanky: As they used to say in the fight game “he’s on queer street”. He did take cookies so that’s a good sign.
@Miss Bianca: This was $440 and we have a $200 deduct so we’ll see what we get.
@Betty Cracker: Dismayed enough to return your advance and demand the publisher retract the steaming pile of shit with your name on the cover? Thought not.
tracy ratclif
Actually voted in an off-year election in Ohio. Voted agains the victims-rights constitutional amendment and for the drug-price one. Voted for both local tax renewals. Rest of the ballot was judges and school board, only the school board had more candidates than slots.
@Yarrow: Thanks. Jeebus, also too.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I felt unusually motivated to vote today even though out local elections were not a big deal. I felt like voting was sticking a thumb in the Rs eye. I’m not sure why. It just felt that way.
No Drought No More
Virginians are on their own as far as I’m concerned. If they need a Californian to wise them up about the republican party in 2017 they’re beyond hopeless. I also tend to subscribe to Lincoln’s hands off, “no intention to mess with the cranberry laws of Maine” political philosophy of minding the store.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, I got that too, and thought the same thing. Really pissed me off. For once I would have been okay with a neutral “both sides” framing.
Just City Council elections where I live, and two of the three were incumbents running unopposed. In the third, the incumbent had two challengers. These are nonpartisan races, but I happen to know that one of the candidates is a D so I voted for him :-)
JUST RELEASED: “Preliminary Distributional Analysis of the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” by TPC Staff
— Tax Policy Center (@TaxPolicyCenter) November 6, 2017
@raven: So I’ve said this a number of times here. Was gonna say it on Tamar’s post the other day but I was thinking I was redundant.
I am not a pet person probably cuz I did not grow up with pets. But everyone here has made me a pet person once removed.
So, anyway, glad he’s OK.
@Corner Stone: Brazile’s coverage is the publisher’s dream promotion tour.
Chyron HR
@Mary G:
Fuckin’ neoliberals. Hopefully Gillespie can save progressives from four more years of their cold, technocratic rule.
@Betty Cracker: In other words, she’s not an idiot, she’s merely as naive as one?
@HeleninEire: I still believe in your theory of Rand Paul’s attack motivation. Even though nobody in the thread last night gave it much credence. They all seemed convinced by the gardening/landscaping and homeowner rage explanations.
ETA: Now I am not sure you put that up, and going to check is such a bother. Maybe it was watergirl
“You should see the other guy!”
The Moar You Know
@raven: That other dog’s got a bad, bad case of food aggression. Owners need to get her some training, because the next dog might not be so lucky as yours.
If another dog steals food from my dog, the worst thing that will happen is an extreme case of hurt feelings and then he comes looking for me or my wife to make it better for him. Which we do. We spoil him rotten, but train him exhaustively. He’s on his first real training break since he was born (22 months and counting!) but he still has to rehearse, every day.
mouse tolliver
@Alain the site fixer: Same thing happened to me. I mailed in request for absentee ballot back in September. Got a call yesterday saying they just got the application and it was too late. Can’t help but think this a deliberate voter suppression effort.
Fortunately, I saw a tweet from Mark Warner last week reminding people it was the last day to apply that had a link for online applications and I did manage to get the ballot on time. But this seems fishy.
Jeff Sessions Is Cooperating With the Wrong Branch of Congress
by Martin Longman November 7, 2017
I’m glad to hear that the attorney general has agreed to appear before Congress and testify about all the lies he’s been telling.
The only problem is that Sessions told most of his lies to the Senate, not the House. He perjured himself during his confirmation hearing in the Senate and he perjured himself again when he appeared before the Senate in both June and October.
@rikyrah: all they have now is an ‘oops, we are fixing an error in our calculations’ message.
But the message will turn out the same. Trump personally makes out like a bandit – in multiple ways.
I am mostly not worried because I think that bill has zero chance of passing reconciliation in the Senate, so does not really matter.
The House may pass it so they can blame the senate when nothing else passes.
joel hanes
@Gin & Tonic:
I have no friends, you insensitive clod!
Hmm. Forensic analysis suggests a long-time reader of slashdot, and early exposure to Bill Gaines’s MAD Magazine would also be no surprise.
So he has a lie deficit with the House that he’s anxious to catch up on.
Poor pup! He looks quite chastened.
All the same, I’d rather not take any chances and would prefer we kill it in the womb.
@Betty Cracker:
You’re obviously not Presidential material.
FWIW all the friends I know have voted in Virginia. 5 for Northam and one for Gillespie. So it might be okay*.
*anecdote is not data I know.
Mali muso
Checking in from a cold and rainy corner of VA. Husband voted on his way to work this morning with our 11 month old daughter in tow (they gave her a sticker too!). I cast my ballot around 2:30 and it was busier than I recall it being in previous years. Volunteers standing outside with sample ballots from both parties despite the rain. Here’s hoping we can keep the commonwealth blue. Oh, and I had a great sense of satisfaction to be able to vote against Jill “transvaginal ultrasound” Vogel. Ugh!
Miss Bianca
So, here in Colorado, we have mail-in ballots, and early voting – you can mail it in, or turn it in by hand for a week before election day. However, I discovered from our county clerk here, a surprising number of people still wait for Election Day to come in and vote. So, which day has been the only day this month, so far, with a snowstorm? Anyone? Bueller?
@Alain the site fixer: Sorry for your loss, Alain
Mike J
@Miss Bianca: I like election day drop off. I encourage everyone else to get it in the mail and have it banked, but I like the ritual of election day.
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: you know the fucking republicans would manipulate the weather to drive down turnout if they could.
Oh my, that looks like a rough wound. Poor, Bohdi.
Chyron HR
I bet nobody on the blog’s confederate counterpart, Tobacco Juice, is reporting that any of their friends voted for Northam.
@raven: Looks nasty, good to hear he’s on the mend.
@Alain the site fixer: I am so sorry for your loss. My mom passed two and a half years ago and I still expect her to come into my bedroom, sit at the foot of the bed, and share the latest gossip on the extended family. I have a feeling I’ll miss her until my dying day.
@Yutsano: You’re admitting to having a friend who voted for Gillespie?
@raven: Oh baby. My stomach clenched when I saw that wound. Poor pumpkin.
Major Major Major Major
@Chyron HR: I’m not sure who I would ditch first, a friend who voted for Gillespie or a purity pony who refused to vote.
Nora Carrington
I voted in VA 27. 7th Congressional District (Bratt, replaced Cantor). Suburban Richmond. Straight Democratic ticket. It was about 12:45p and the place was deserted. I recognized all the same elderly white poll workers from November but there were a number of younger AA poll workers, too. Last poll was Northam by 6 which if history is any guide should mean Northam by 2 when we’re done counting. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride and a long night, I think.
@Alain the site fixer:
She left a wonderful legacy in her teachings – and in you! Sending strength to you.
Voted early in NE Ohio on Friday because I don’t know where my polling place is any more. They have moved it every election for the last few years, and last time they moved it to a place I have never been. Before all these moves we had voted in the same place for forty years.
Anyhow, the early voting at the board of elections was a mob scene. Two tax issues, issue two that big pharma hates, and a bunch of local judgeships and the school board were all that was on the ballot.
Patricia Kayden
@Gin & Tonic: LOL!! You have friends here at Balloon Juice including all of Cole’s pets.
@Alain the site fixer: So sorry to read about your Mom’s passing. Hopefully you’ll work out the voting hiccup so this doesn’t happen again.
The Moar You Know
@Sab: You must live in a Dem-leaning district. This is a mild form of voter suppression, but it matters, especially with older folks.
@Mike J: I am sure the Sessions DOJ will vigorously investigate those – and try to arrest the voters.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: Ouch!! Hope he heals up quickly. That looks ugly. Poor pup.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike J: Republican dirty tricks because they hate democracy.
@tracy ratclif: I think I know where you live. Someday a meetup?
The Moar You Know
@Major Major Major Major: No contest for me. I prefer people who are pragmatic. Republicans NEVER sit out elections. They squall, cry, threaten to do so, but come election day those fuckers vote every time. And for the Republican on the ballot. Every time.
Pragmatism. You’d have had nothing but a Dem president, Senate, House and judiciary since the New Deal, and a far better society to boot, if Dems voted at 80% of the rate of Republicans.
Fuck purity ponies. I’m here in this life to get shit done.
Matt McIrvin
@Nora Carrington: My sister was saying turnout looked pretty good in VA-27, but that was earlier in the morning.
@The Moar You Know: Yep. I live in a Democratic sanctuary city that welcomes (more accurately, celebrates) our new Bhutanese immigrant neighbor citizens.
Miss Bianca
@The Moar You Know:
I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you on this one, but here I am.
@Major Major Major Major:
Purity pony, hands down.
You might get useful intelligence from the other friend on the enemy’s intentions.
@catclub: What do you mean try?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@TenguPhule: Purity ponies feel like they’re knifing you in the back.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Just voted in a local election here in NE Ohio. Turnout was alright. I feel bad for not knowing much of anything about local candidates. Local politics just isn’t as interesting as national and international politics. I knew more about the levies and the state ballot initiatives. Doubt Issue 2 will pass. Was the “Crime Victims Rights Intiative” a good thing to vote for? It seemed pretty harmless.
Mary G
Funny thread with serious and sober end:
Another Scott
@Mary G: Thanks for the pointer. Too many things did indeed change for the worse that day in November 2016.
Here’s hoping that today starts us on the path to make things better.
Catherine D.
I voted, despite all local candidates running unopposed, to vote against upstate NY mouthbreathers rewriting the state constitution.
Corner Stone
It’s pretty obvious by now that Chuck Todd is having a sexual affair with Danielle Pletka. Why else would he continue to have her crazy ass self on air all the time?
@The Moar You Know: THIS.
It’s been easy to vote absentee in Colorado for years, but now we have all mail-in ballots though people who still want to vote in person can do so. I dropped off our completed ballots the day after we received them. Husband and I very happily voted to retain the 3 school board members who won their seats after a recall of the Koch supported 3 right wing nutjobs who did a lot of damage before a group of pissed off moms with school age kids made the recall happen. Word was that the Koch’s spent $600k to oppose the recall; they were all recalled with 66% of the vote or better; that was a fun campaign to be involved in!
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Just curious. Has your polling place been wandering around for the last few years?
Major Major Major Major
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I guess I would never have a republican as a friend in the first place either.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m trying to avoid hearing any Brazile news. She is making me seriously cranky.
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: I used to.
Corner Stone
@bemused: Stay away from MSNBC then.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: Sure, that’s more what I meant. There was a natural winnowing over Obama’s presidency as they all moved away or went insane. There was nobody left to purge after 2016!
Mike J
@bemused: Stay away from F1 news. This week’s race is at Autódromo Interlagos. ???
Oh poor baby. Quite a gash. Our two dogs tangle with a muskrat only resulted three stitches each. Could have been a lot worse. It’s hilarious to see them lap up all the attention they get from us when they have an injury or illness. We’ve had dogs that had an injury in one leg who would forget which leg hurt and hold up wrong leg simply to get some loving. I’m picturing Bohdi getting a ton of TLC and smooches.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
At my polling place in central Ohio, I was told it had been busy all day, which is good. I voted yes for all issues. The victim’s right issue is very important. Among other things, it prevents the Defense Smarm from endless discovery to unearth irrelevant dirt and using it at trial.
@Corner Stone:
Oh thank you for that wonderful demand for brain bleach.
@bemused: That’s for sure!
@Corner Stone:
I’ve been changing channels or turning tv off when she is the topic. Someone ground her to her room and no media access.
@Major Major Major Major:
And punk out Elizabeth Warren. It’s all an Establishment plot.
@Miss Bianca: Nothing wrong what was said, since it’s the ugly truth.
Tracked down what happened in the previous thread. Unless they’re protecting puppies, I’m surprised a female black lab would do that kind of damage. No cone for the guy?
Are we sure she hasn’t been compromised by Russia yet?
@TenguPhule: No.
The expressions on their faces is always priceless. They know how to get the max loving.
@Miss Bianca:
Thirded. I’m surrounded by young people at work who don’t bother to vote in off years, but still complain. First thing in the morning, I’m slapping back more than a few ears.
@Corner Stone: Same here. I used to have many R friends back in the aughts. Most have become Ds and some I have lost touch with and one friend has become cray cray conspiracy mongering, JS voting crank.
No matter what their age is, the no voters always use the excuse that both parties are just as bad.
You know, you can always find your polling place and check your registration on line at your county’s Board of Elections.
Villago Delenda Est
Just to be “me too!” about all this, I dropped my ballot off at the Election Division, on the vital questions of “should the city charter be amended to be less ridiculously confusing” and “bond measure to finance street/sidewalk bikeway improvements”, here in Tracktown, USA.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Sab: Yes, actually. Yours too?
Well, I’ve got ample proof showing otherwise, thanks to Trump.
@Mali muso:
She is a real horror show, isn’t she? O the demons running around in THAT head…
@dmsilev: He’s my rehabilitation project. He’s a security guy with ambitions to get into state policing (which would suit him well) and a Marine guardsman. He’s pretty much Republican because he thinks that’s expected of him.
Villago Delenda Est
The Village cannot let go of the “Democrats in disarray!” narrative, even as the Rethugs prepare to reenact Bosworth Field over “rich guys vs. snarling poor bigots”.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I was leery of that only because I do favor strong defendant rights (Never know when you might be accused of a crime you didn’t commit)
@Nora Carrington:
I think my last prediction to my politically-interested friends was Northam to win by 2.5-3.0%, with Fairfax slightly higher and Herring at around 4-5%. Probably not too long a wait before the networks call it but fingers crossed.
No elections in my Mass. town. Except we have a Prop 2 1/2 override (tax increase) vote on December 4. Town elections are always on Mondays, which does wonders for turnout as you can imagine. Have never found out why. Had a friend who got elected town selectman back in the aughts, and he said, “nobody knows, just always been that way.” Much of New England runs on that principle.
Just read a news report that Fairfax County has exceeded turnout from four years ago by 5:30, with 90 minutes left to go before the polls close!
@Jeffro: Doesn’t it usually take a while to call VA? Seems like last year it took forever.
No kidding. Gotta be lazy to keep using that old excuse. They should just be honest and admit they are too lazy to study up on the issues and candidates and get off their asses to the polls.
Miss Bianca
AAAGH, this. The “don’t vote, it only encourages them” contingent, who are then shocked, SHOCKED to discover that those contradictions heighten themselves all over their unaware, clueless asses. At least most of the ones around me have learned that if they didn’t exercise their right to vote, they’d better not be exercising their right to bitch – at least, not to me.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
New England has always been kind of weird. No offense.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:Yes. My family moved back to NE Ohio in 1966 and the polling place was the same from then until about 2012. We could walk to the polls. Now it’s about four miles away and changes with every election.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Hopefully the majority of that turnout is for Northam and downticket D’s.
Public Service Announcement: In Virginia, lower population (i.e., more Republican) localities always report results first, so don’t freak out if the early returns show the wingnuts ahead.
If the early returns show us ahead, however, that should be very good news.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
They definitely need to narrow the parameters on discovery. Right now, defenses have access to everything and can introduce anything (or at least try), and that’s not right. There are also other issues, like having to notify relatives when the guy’s released from prison, etc.
Scamp Dog
Dropped off my ballot about an hour ago, at the Thornton, CO city hall.
@Miss Bianca: My ballot was for a spot on the city council, a spot on the school board, and a couple of municipal questions.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Without question. Fairfax is the biggest Democratic stronghold in the state.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I considered that and voted for it. The pros outweighed the cons
The political “norms” have been shattered to pieces. This is the time to abandon doing what is “expected” and think hard about where people want the country to go and how to get there.
@debbie: @debbie: I am on line, but not everyone is. My Dad’s nurse’s aide has better things to do with her money than buy computers (i.e. support her family and buy meds for her kid with MS since medicaid won’t cover anything that works.) You shouldn’t have to have a computer and an Internet connection to know where to phucking vote!
Not meaning to yell at you. Your input was useful to me.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Yay! Especially in light of all the #MeToo going on. You just know the predators are the real victims.//
@Alain the site fixer: {{{{Alain}}}
@Corner Stone: That applies to too many white voters, period.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
A few months ago I got a card in the mail from the Board of Elections notifying me of the change. Did yours?
I voted by mail on school bonds. Of course, I voted YES. Mr. Suzanne is a public school bilingual SLP in a Title I school in our local elementary district. Spawn the Younger attends that school. Spawn the Elder attends the local public high school. I would have voted FUCK YES if I could.
Corner Stone
@Kathleen: I expect white men to be largely horrible and horribly stupid. If we could figure out what white women are doing…
So do many things in Inda. No wonder, I like it here (compared to other places I have lived in the US).
No elections here, either.
My fairly purple precinct is reported 10-15% above normal for this cycle.
@Adria McDowell: He was supporting Issue 2? I knew I made the right decision when I voted No today.
We are electing City Council and Mayor today. We can cast up to 9 votes for Council. I am so impressed with the quality of candidates we have in Cincinnati. My choice for Mayor, Yvette Simpson, is a young African American woman who was raised by her grandmother (parents were drug addicts) and was homeless for a bit. She got a Bachelors, a law degree and an MBA. She’s smart, focused and charismatic. She’s made mistakes, but I like how she promotes a personal vision (“Cincinnati saved me and I want to give back”). Someone has been distributing flyers claiming our current mayor is a racist.
My man PG is running again (I hope he can move forward in state politics) and a young African American woman who worked for him is also running. I met her and several other candidates at a forum in my neighborhood and was so impressed with the diversity in race, gender, and background I saw. Each one was passionate about engaging communities and the youth. First time I had more than 9 people to consider.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Usually I do. This year nope.Also, that was last year I got the card and I might have forgotten since it changes so much. I didn’t want to risk assuming no change. Debbie’s info was useful, but I still stand by my position that you shouldn’t have to be online to know where to vote.
It used to be common knowledge where to vote in your neighborhood. Now it is secret info for political junkies. This is not right. This is undemocratic. This is NOT NORMAL.
CNN had up the question whether voters were using their vote for/against Trump. Not so much here in New Jersey. Its more of a reflection on how Chris Christie is universally despised.
@raven: Poor guy! I hope he heals quickly.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@TenguPhule: Indeed, clear seperation of powers issue with who has Session lied too.
@Mary G: NPR “reporter” accused him of restoring the vote as ‘political” because a Republican said so and by God they wanted him to admit it and asked him 4-5 times. Effers. They never hammer Rethugs on voter suppression.
I miss my Mom’s letters – full of every last piece of information about the extended (and extended extended) family – not to mention all the people in the village that I grew up with. Every family has a matriarch that keeps them all together – this was my Mom.
@tracy ratclif: I ended up voting for victim’s rights but did not do enough homework. I voted no on 2. What was your objection to that issue (I know there are drawbacks just forgot them).
@catclub: While WaPo didn’t explore BJ alternate theories, Aaron Blake isn’t at all satisfied with any explanations thus far:
I skimmed NYT piece which was much more “He didn’t get off my lawn”.
@Sab: They’ve changed my voting place/precinct about twice in the past few years. I used to vote early but they moved BOE from downtown to Norwood, Bleh. I voted today at my precinct.
In addition to Mayor and City Council we had judges and Board of Ed. After what happened to that poor l little 8 year old who killed himself because he was bullied at school, which is about 2 miles away from me, I want that whole Board to go.
@TenguPhule: Who is she? I don’t watch MSNBC except for Joy on occasion.
@Kathleen: American Enterprise Institute: i.e. a Republican/Libertarian of Negotiable virtue.
@Corner Stone: Too many of them are doing what their white males husbands tell them. Also, women can be just as hateful and spiteful as men all by themselves.
@TenguPhule: A ghheeeeez. Thanks!
@raven: ouch! poor thing. what happened? I missed it.
O. Felix Culpa
Me too. And heartfelt condolences to Alain. Your mom sounds wonderful. Virtual {{{hugs}}} from New Mexico, which is also a great place for healing visits.
@Redshift: I think I’m experiencing PTSD flashing back to election night a year ago when that fucking NYT (?) meter kept started moving from Hillary to Trump and back again, then going further and further into Trump’s side, followed by the eventual realization that the result was not going to be what I thought it was. (not meaning to make light of PTSD)
Alain the site fixer
@Kathleen: so many thanks!