Maine’s voters have approved a ballot measure to accept the ACA’s Medicaid expansion.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2017
In Maine, we're at 59-41 in favor of Medicaid expansion with 59% precincts reporting, per NYT.
— Rachana D. Pradhan (@rachanadixit) November 8, 2017
We could turn winning into a habit:
Maine is one of 19 states whose Republican governors or legislatures have refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare. Other holdouts like Utah and Idaho are closely watching the initiative, as newly formed committees in both those states are working to get a Medicaid expansion question on next year’s ballot. The outcome may offer clues about the salience of the issue in next year’s midterm congressional elections.
After white supremacists declared their comeback, Virginia has an African American lieutenant governor, Charlotte has its 1st black mayor, & the Va. House of Delegates has a transgender member.
— Jonathan Weisman (@jonathanweisman) November 8, 2017
What the fuck is going on at Northam’s victory speech in VA? Are those Bernie Bros protesting his election????
@opiejeanne: Yes. Immigration protestors at least.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Democrats are within sight of winning the House of Delegates here in Virginia.
Will Maine’s gov BigBaby threaten to take his ball and go home? (i.e. somehow refuse to pay the, what? 5% to 10% the state will be responsible for?)
What an amazing night. I’m still in a state of disbelief about Virginia. Amazing.
TWELVE VOTES!!! That’s how many the Dem candidate is behind in HD 94 in VA. If the R holds on it’ll likely be a 50/50 House of Delegates.
mai naem mobile
Does. CMS/HHS have to accept Maines medicaid expansion and VA if they decide to do it?
Also too, please stop criticizing Northam and how he won his campaign . Take a page out of the GOPS playbook and treat it like it’s the greatest victory ever. I have already heard news people say these victories were normal and expected. Stuff we didn’t hear from Ossoff and the Kansas aeat.
@Baud: Yet Trump was the Christian in the race.
@guachi: Holy shit. What a night.
@Baud: That’s a message from a leader. If nothing else, she initiated the fire that started tonight.
I was having kind of a crappy day, so I’m glad it ended well.
(Nothing big — just last-minute travel prep stress at work and my sprained knee acting up.)
In the entire history of Virginia (at least what you can find on Wikipedia) a +16 swing to the Democrats is the largest swing in state history. Next up is +12 to the Rs after the 2000 redistricting.
This is a massive punishment of Republicans in Virginia.
And not a moment too soon, either.
@Manyakitty: Last time we had a wave, we quickly forgot. I hope this one is a little stickier.
Mary G
@Baud: I saw your comment in the earlier thread that it’s too bad she had to lose to wake people up to what’s going on and I agree. I am sure tonight is some balm for her soul, but it is still a shame. I thought she would have made an excellent president.
In other news, Daniel is actually a Danielle. We’ve been calling her Dany but I kind of want to change her official name to Danica in honor of tonight.
Corner Stone
I am vaguely reminded of something. No Mark Halperin on Morning Joe tomorrow to tell us what this means for the Democrats in disarray. How sad.
@Baud: Vote for Baud-let’s get sticky!
Major Major Major Major
@guachi: I read this morning that the Dems winning more than ten seats in VA today is apocalyptic news for Republicans.
@mai naem mobile: I have been to four separate events with Northam, some with the other candidates and some not. He is passionate and genuine. So is Fairfax. Four years ago I heard the same drivel about McAuliffe being faux progressive. He has stood for voting rights like no other governor in my living memory. I wish these people would stfu.
@Corner Stone: If that’s not an incentive to turn out, I don’t know what is.
@debit: That’s a splendid idea!
It seems fitting since she started her time with you identifying as a different gender. ;-)
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: I am tuning my tiny violin to play the world’s saddest song.
At least Jews did not replace them.
Ohio Mom
Very glad for Virginia and Maine of course, happy my county’s trio of social service levies passed handily, and disappointed about who won in my little suburb’s city council races.
But we have a city manager who can sometimes rein them in, and I can hardly be surprised that most of my neighbors are dolts. That is the price paid for living in a midwestern suburb.
Looking forward to calling my Republican MoCs tomorrow to once again let my displeasure with the tax proposals be known, but this time I also get to point out that today’s election results are sending a loud message, and it ain’t “give those rich folks lots of tax breaks.”
Fox’s Boris Epstein’s prerecorded message is about Brazile. He decries the chaos and chides Dems for not looking forward. Pity tonight makes him look far more foolish than usual.
@Baud: You don’t know that. They could all be Jewish as well.
NoVa Commie
So fabulous! Always out of the country at this time – can’t help contrasting the despair from last year to the hope this year (I vote in person absentee before heading to the airport and then have to just hope!)
Proud to be a Virginian today :)
Mary G
@debit: She is adorable, congratulations! The name seems meant to be, don’t you think?
AL, thanks for all you do in the pet bleg posts. It’s nice to see animals find homes through the vicious jackals.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Emily’s List reports a huge number of women coming through the pipe for 2018. This election is just the preliminary waves, the storm surge, from the wave that’s coming next year.
I’ve been thinking all year that there was no hope for this country until we break the hold of white privilege. The curve, as rikyrah is found of saying, that guys like Trump are graded on.
@Mnemosyne: That is an awesome observation. I’m doing it.
EVERY STATE that hasn’t expanded Medicaid – DEMOCRATS, GET THAT ON THE BALLOT IN 2018.
@SWMBO: They could be transgender black Hispanic Sephardic Jews. Sharia Law is coming! Look out.
@Mary G: Yes. And I love this place for many reasons, but the pet posts and the rehoming blegs are at the top.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
That’s awesome, and long overdue! Hope this is a parallel to the 2005 that led to the 2006 shellacking that was so richly deserved on the GOP side.
Adam L Silverman
@debit: @Manyakitty: @Mnemosyne: Of course the way the universe works, she’ll think she’s named for Danica Patrick and decide to run around in counterclockwise circles.//
All you Virginians on this site, take a bow. This is yours. You did it and millions of us elsewhere are damned glad you did. Way to pick up your teammates.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: They could convert.
@rikyrah: health care was the #1 issue for a large plurality of VA voters…and those voters broke for Northam 79%-21% tonight. In a country where there are so few safety nets, people understand how crucial this is. You’re right rikyrah…Dems, get it on the ballot and talk about it non-stop!
Just so long as they’re not all sinister southpaws.
@JMG: (bow taken) (and we need a party soon, too!)
Major Major Major Major
Except Trentrunner.
Kyle GriffinVerified account @kylegriffin1
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Kyle Griffin
Maine becomes the 33rd state to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, expanding coverage to as many as 89,000 low-income residents.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Epshteyn works for Sinclair Broadcasting as their Director for Political Analysis. Not Fox.
Maine was the first state in the nation to win marriage equality via referendum and now we’re the first to expand Medicaid via referendum. We are also the first state to see the sun every morning. Morning in America. ? ?
Adam L Silverman
@SWMBO: I’ll ask the Elders about it during new business at the next meeting. I will most likely not be allowed to tell you what I discover.//
Mike J
Put down your ballots. The boxes are closed. If you live in the 45th or 31st I hope you got them in.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Easy there cowboy!
TanielVerified account @Taniel
Taniel Retweeted Nathaniel Rakich
Dems picked-up 2 Georgia seats in special elections tonight, both in districts won by Trump–this one by a very large margin:
Virginia made me sooooo happy tonight.
HD 51 – Democratic candidate received 0% of the vote in 2015. In 2017 the Democrat won with 53% of the vote.
That’s how good of a night it has been for Democrats.
Sun is above the horizon for 24 hours during parts of the year in areas of Alaska.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: Was the Atlanta mayoral election tonight?
Lizzy L
Virginia! Maine!
That’s more like sunstuck than sunrise.
Marshall CohenVerified account @Marshall_Cohen
This says a lot about turnout.
2016 VA exit poll: 67% white, 21% black, 6% Latino
2017 VA exit poll: 67% white, 21% black, 6% Latino
Same proportions. (Given normal MOE.) Usually midterm years and off-years feature a whiter electorate. Benefits GOP in a big way. Not tonight.
6:14 PM – 7 Nov 2017
@Adam L. Silverman
Conform to the protocols.
Amaranthine RBG
Yes, a good night.
My friends in VA were pretty enthusiastic canvasing for Clinton, but boy oh boy, they were on fire for this race.
I think they believed the polls and thought that a Trump was just inconceivable. Glad to see that is gone.
Maybe, maybe, if the polls show a 10% victory margin, then it’s okay to relax a bit. But anything less than that should be viewed as a battle.
@Corner Stone:
And that a Democratic gubernatorial victory is really good news for Republicans.
@Adam L Silverman:
Results still coming in.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Well played!
Add HD 72, 73,85, and 91 to districts where the Democrat received 0% of the vote in 2015 and won in 2017.
The Democrats received 36.1% of the vote in the House of Delegates in 2015 and 55% of the vote in 2017. Their vote totals increased 185% and the Republicans only increased 32%. It’s shocking, alright.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: How’s the African American candidate doing? Is she ahead?
Keisha Lance Bottoms has early lead- in Atlanta.
Trump sycophant Rob Astorino, the current Westchester County Exec is getting his ass handed to him by 20 points with about a third of the vote counted.
Trump train!!
I saw that the white vote for “non-educated” whites…still voted for GOP.
But the suburban whites have turned a bit…those are those folks who don’t like to be thought of as racist/bigots…and with white guilt, they vote against the racist…
we’ll see if it holds for 2018/2020 or if Trumps doesn’t finish his term
Oh, man. 2015 was so bad for Democrats in VA they didn’t even run a candidate in 44 of the 100 races. They only left 12 races blank in 2017.
The Republicans didn’t run candidates in 27 races in 2015 and no candidates in 28 races this year.
What a difference showing up makes.
Linda SarsourVerified account @lsarsour
Sikh American Ravi Bhalla won his race for mayor of Hoboken, NJ. Wow, this is AMAZING. Love trumps hate AGAIN.
Sister Golden Bear
The man wrote Virginia’s (unsuccessful) anti-trans bathroom bill just lost to a trans woman — becoming the first openly transgender lawmaker in the U.S. Let that sink in.
Why, yes I’ll be having a cocktail of sweet, sweet justice, with a spritz of bitter tears of impotent rage.
I think the PBO rally for Northam not only energized folks, but also PBO being there surely reminded folks when PBO tried to warned folks pre-election 2016 about NOT voting/the dangers of voting for Trump…
Kanisha Jackson @Kanisha1Jackson
Congratulations Sheila Oliver on being the first woman of color elected lieutenant governor of New Jersey!
Mike J
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: Excellent!
@Adam L Silverman:
He appears on the local Fox station. They’re welded at the hips as far as I’m concerned.
Exclusive! Dolt 45 and entourage feast on real Korean kimchi.
Mike J
@Mike J: WA 45 is 52k households, 142k pop.
29k votes are in.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: That means your local Fox station is owned by Sinclair.
It’s almost as if Democrats are not actually in disarray.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: That is not going to end well.
Harvey Gantt was the first black mayor of Charlotte. FYI
@Mike J: We voted before we left for California. We waited for the ballots to come so we could leave.
Any news in the 45th?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Even the liberal Morning Blow:
Corner Stone
@Frankensteinbeck: But but…Brazile Nut!!!
Grumble grumble I’m always the last one to learn about the new thread…lol.
Going to bed soon but happy for Mainers.
And forever after I am calling this election Trump Ragnarok.
The Trump Train has been thrown under a bus.
I would call it “public shaming” rather than “white guilt,” but that’s pretty much what it is. They’re happy to be casually racist among themselves, but Nazis marching with tiki torches freak them out.
Mike J
@opiejeanne: We’re up 16k to 12k, no idea how much is left. If I had to guess, I’d say another 20k votes out there and we should cruise to victory, but I’m not popping the corks yet.
In a day or two we’ll have champagne for our real friends and real pain for our sham friends.
@debbie: But he appears on my NBC and CBS affilliate here. Sinclair is a rougher beast than Fox News.
@Adam L Silverman:
It is, and he’s introduced as a Fox contributor. I take back saying welded. It’s incestuous.
Mike J
Durkan wins Seattle Mayor.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
The news about the Westchester county exec makes me wonder what else is going on in the NYC metropolitan area. Anybody here from that region? Any lovely upsets to report on Long Island or in Connecticut?
91% of Black Women voted for Northam
81% Black Men
White Women/Men: 48/36%
The Black vote in VA for Northam is almost exactly the same as for HRC in ’ fact the Black woman vote is EXACTLY the same!
ETA: All except Black women, had a small % vote 3rd party…Black women…it was 1 or the other!!!
Another Scott
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): VPAP has it 51 R / 49 D (+15).
I saw a tweet at BlueVirginia that NotLarrySabato says there’s going to be wrangling over the results for a while.
We’ll see.
But let’s remember that the Virginia Teabaggers have found ways of flipping Democrats in the past when they were close to a majority. I hope that the leadership in Richmond is on the lookout for things like that.
A great, great result tonight. But the fight is not over by a long shot.
@Mike J: Go Dhingra!!!
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Tracking.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: Slate has a brutal piece about her. The DNC “Cancer” Is Donna Brazile.
Mike J
WA Atty General (the first to file against Trump’s Muslim ban) Bob Ferguson: “How does it feel to have just taken back the Washington state Senate!”
Adria McDowell
Seriously, people, I’m gonna go to Google Earth and tag each Sinclair station and where it’s located (if someone hasn’t done that already). People need to know.
Sister Golden Bear
@Adam L Silverman: As long as she runs circles around Republicans, the direction doesn’t.
And I would love to see her sworn in in a racing suit covered in patches from SJW organizations.
@Mike J: clever boy. ?
Speaking as a white male, I am grateful someone is saving me from my deranged demographic, and black women can have whatever they want, especially leadership roles.
@Sister Golden Bear: Debit was talking about a kitten and totally respecting the candidate – party on!
Mike in NC
@NotMax: Here’s hoping that Trump is shitting kimchee when he wakes tomorrow, as he boards a plane to be rolled over by the Chinese. What a disgrace.
Sister Golden Bear
@Lyrebird: Thanks for the clarification. I’ve updated my comment accordingly.
Just an especially touchy issue for me because Danica’s intentionally misgendered her throughout the campaign.
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Golden Bear: I was referring to the cat, not the candidate. In regard to the candidate known as Danica, I’m very pleased to hear/see the news about her turfing out that old bigot.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I think you misunderstood: “Daniel” is debit’s new kitten, who was just discovered at the vet’s to actually be a female. Now she’s thinking of making the kitten’s new name “Danica” since the kitten’s true gender has been revealed.
@jl: I think she’s cis, but if you’ve never watched the Hebrew Mamita’s poetry slam, look out! (She is awesome.)
Corner Stone
@Mike in NC: He’s not ever eating kimchee. That was a good joke though.
zhena gogolia
@Sister Golden Bear:
debit was talking about a kitten she adopted.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: @Frankensteinbeck: I’ve written it here before, but it bears repeating: we need to identify all the women, especially women of color, as well as women who are religious minorities, who want to run and then do everything we can to support them. If they’re the most loyal members of the party, then they deserve all the support we can give them.
@Sister Golden Bear: Totally understood… Glad if I could assist. What a wonderful night! Dunno ’bout you, but I needed some good news!
@Sister Golden Bear:
Debit adopted a kitten they thought was a male and named it Daniel. They just found out the kitten is actually a female which is why they are considering new names. If you missed the kitten news, Incan imagine it seemed like a totally different comment. I hope this improves the punch.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sister Golden Bear:
Get a grip. debit was talking about a cat that she had named Daniel and has now found out is female. Instead of calling the cat Danielle, she is considering calling the animal Danica because she was inspired by what happened tonight. Consider an apology.
When’s the last time you saw an American newspaper use a two dollar word like ‘salience’?
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: Girls can be named Daniel, I’m sure.
Corner Stone
If Manka Dhingra holds onto her lead in the 45th, I will do a VERY happy dance to see a true Dem majority in both houses of the Washington State Legislature.
She’s giving a very good speech on the power of diverse people coming together.
@guachi: Hala Ayala is my new Delegate. Just got back from the victory party. We flipped six seats in the House of Delegates just in my county. Historic night.
Mike J
Remember just 24 hours ago when Republicans were still making jokes about Dems winning moral victories?
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The D’s seem to be leading everywhere
I was interested in Rob Astorino because the Mercer’s put a $1.000.000 donation behind him
Corner Stone
@smintheus: Was it used in a dining review where the food they were served were overly salted?
Adam L Silverman
I despair for the Republic:
Alright now Charlotte, NC…Vi Lyles first African American female to hold the office
Democrat Vi Lyles easily defeats Smith to win Charlotte mayor’s race
@Sister Golden Bear: I think the Danielle debit is referring to is a newly adopted pet. That she will now name Danica in honor of the newly elected member of the Virginia House of Delegates.
Mike J
@Planetjanet: Congrats! Keep pushing the Repubs out 66 until they’re in West Virginia!
Corner Stone
@CaseyL: Pics or it didn’t happen.
@Corner Stone: Nope. I am eating overly salted popcorn, but that’s not salient either.
This joker on CNN talkin bout “Trump voters are pretty sophisticated…”
C’mon son…
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major:
Girls can be named pretty much anything — most people more accepting of “weird” names for girls than for boys.
Our youngest cat Charlotte spent some time being called “Chuck” while her sister Olive still lived with us. But when one of G’s coworkers adopted Olive, the joke wasn’t as funny anymore, so she became Charlotte. Or Stinky. She’ll actually answer to “Stinky,” ‘cos she knows she’s a little stinker.
Omnes Omnibus
@smintheus: Overly salted popcorn is bad. Overly buttered popcorn is awesome.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Have you seen his daughter Alicia? of course Bobby Bob is innocent.
@Mike J: What station is covering the election in WA? It’s not even 9pm and they’ve all gone to regular programming.
randy khan
With WA-45 swinging Democratic, it’s hard to imagine a much better night. Unless I wake up to a Democratic majority in the Virginia House of Delegates. I sure know I’m sleeping better tonight than a year ago.
Mike in NC
@Corner Stone: Expression I learned in the Navy. Trump reminds me of people I’ve known who’d prefer to go to Disneyworld (everybody speaks English with a cute accent, souvenirs are paid for in US dollars, and McDonald’s fast food are everywhere) than travel out of the country for any reason.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I’m sure I have, she’s a TV reporter, right?
Latino Victory Fund says they’ll make more ads like the Gillespie/Confederate Flag pick up truck ad, following the result in Virginia.
Good. Fight fire with fire.
More bare knuckle politics please.
@Adam L Silverman: How does one define a Senator nowadays? I mean in a way that actually identifies the Senators we actually have?
Nope, that won’t do.
Nope, nope, stop right there.
Not all guys, are they?
@Adam L Silverman: Poor Danica Patrick was no match for the road courses.
Major Major Major Major
@smintheus: Until recently we could have included “unlikely to get brutally assaulted regarding shrubbery.”
Mike J
@opiejeanne: Twitter and news websites.
Adam L Silverman
This is also good news:
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: For a while I thought about asking her to marry me, then helping me run for Senator in TX. Unfortunately she decided to marry some rich Cuban asshole before I had my shot.
Omnes Omnibus
@Manyakitty: F1 beats Indy every time.
scott alloway
@NotMax: Then it never rises or sets. Just sits there.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: My condolences.
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
Donald Trump, owns fancy hotels with fancy restaurants, but still thinks Mickey Dee’s is the pinnacle of American cuisine. Hard to imagine him trying kimchi.
Mike J
Mike in NC
Going to gird my loins now to watch just a few minutes of Tweety on MSNBC bellowing about the election. He’s so bad my wife leaves the room if she sees him on TV.
Corner Stone
I wonder if people are still now concerned who former Gov Wilder did or did not endorse in VA?
Corner Stone
@Mike in NC: He’s opening with fucking Braebender for God’s sake.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike in NC: smart woman.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I’m really not sure how to respond to this.
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: He’s going to have to gird his own loins after inflicting that on her.
@rikyrah: It’s surprising how often liberal proposals, like medicaid expansion or minimum wage increases are put to a popular vote, they pass.Even in Republican controlled states. Imagine what could be accomplished if people would STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN!
@Omnes Omnibus: Word.
mike in dc
We should target 150 House seats next year, and work as though +50 is a minimum goal, not a maximum one. A very good chance they will have nothing to run on, that anti-Trump sentiment will be stronger than ever, and Dems can present both a positive vision for the future and a solemn pledge to hold Trump fully accountable.
randy khan
@Corner Stone:
Not anyone who actually understands Virginia politics.
Dems picked up another special election House seat from GOP and held another Dem. seat in NH.
This is a pretty effing good night.
A little music for a victorious turn-the-corner evening.
Va House of Delegates now stands at D-50, R-47 with three races not called.
This is per the GOS spreadsheet thingy.
@Ohio Mom: Thought you might like to see this:
Sister Golden Bear
@MomSense: I did miss the news about the kitten, and consequently completely misread debit’s comment.
As as soon as lyrebird clarified the situation, I removed my own comment. debit I apologize for unloading on you
To everyone else, yes I am on a hairtrigger… today we found out that the GSA eliminated employment protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. Also today the USDA announced a “religious advisory” that okays anti-TLGB speech by employees. It’s the latest in what are efforts announced every fucking week to strip me of my rights.
So yeah, I’m a wee bit cranky these days.
@Mike J: Yay!!!
Still having trouble finding an updated total. Seeing the same numbers, 16k to 12k with not update on percent counted. I was only slightly worried about her this past week.
This is such blatant sore-losing that I LOL’d. Here’s how Fox News announces that a Democrat won the NJ Gubernatorial race:
So classy.
Amir Khalid
It’s a thing I don’t understand about that bloc of American voters: They want what the Democratic party is cooking, but they pick the Republican who knows only how to make tyre rims and anthrax..
Saw that Dems apparently won every contested race tonight…is that right? So how will this affect the elected GOP…hmmm…
Mike J
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Golden Bear: I know it’s easy for me to say, but deep breath. As with so much else of this BS, I fully expect that lawsuits to roll these decisions back will be filed by the normal champions of civil rights and liberties in short order. It isn’t the best way to combat this stuff, but it is effective. And if this part of the line can hold until the 2018 midterms can bring some change to Congress and 2020 to the White House, then it’ll be good enough until better, more permanent protections can be put in place.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
TBF, those creeps would freak anybody out. Reminds me of a time where I saw a propaganda video put out by Spencer’s outfit, National Policy Institute. It emphasized a mythical shared cultural heritage for white people while clearly denigrating the individualism that has come to characterize the West since the Enlightenment. I found it deeply creepy and unsettling, precisely because the video’s message went so against what people have traditionally thought America is: a diverse melting pot of peoples and cultures held together under a common culture of democracy and rule of law.
In a white nationalist’s utopia, there is evidently no room for pride built on individual achievement.
I’m especially glad that Virginia told Trumpism (white nationalism) to go take a hike tonight. I’m sure Heather Heyer would be overjoyed at this turn of events.
There was a bad Democratic turnout in PA today. There was very little on the ballot that mattered and it was Republican weather – cold and rainy – and urban turnout was atrocious. Nevertheless Democrats won a slim majority of the statewide judicial races. Could have been much worse.
“Saw that Dems apparently won every contested race tonight…is that right?”
Don’t go getting my hopes up. But, I’d like to know too.
” So how will this affect the elected GOP…hmmm… ”
Start calling Congressfinks of your choice to complain about the rich person’s tax slash bill. Will be easy to make them shit their pants now.
A person could call their office and say “Ha ha ha, you losers gong to pass that BS tax gift to richshits now? Ha ha. Go ahead, asshole, go ahead! See you in the unemployment line next year”. That’s probably all you have to do and they would have an accident in their pants right there.
If nothing else….PBO’s legacy of inspiring more people of color, to become candidates for office, even JUST on the local level!
more candidates of color…more political winners of color!!!
Adam L Silverman
This is interesting:
If nothing else….PBO’s legacy of inspiring more people of color, to become candidates for office, even JUST on the local level!
more candidates of color…more political winners of color!!!
@Mike J:
I don’t live in Seattle (I live near Bellingham), but I am cool with that. I liked Jennie Moon but don’t think she is as good a choice. It was close though and they were both good strong women. I am proud.
WHAT A NIGHT, praise be. Now if we can get a few local races done up here the way we want… WA has mail in ballots and it sometimes takes a bit longer up here in the hinterlands. YAY Maine! YAY NJ, and YAY, YAY, YAY, VA. (I doorbelled in Alexandria VA in 2012 for Obama when hubby an I were working there — one of the most wonderful experiences… not surprised that they sent the orange thing a message. There will be a lot of messages coming over the next couple of years)
I would love to see ol sourpus’s face tonight. Disgusting piece of shit…
Another Scott
@Sister Golden Bear: Understood. But Trump’s minions haven’t (yet) been able to destroy federal workers’ protections. We can beat them on this, and the other things.
GovExec says he sent another letter to Congress today, demanding money for his Wall. Democrats continue to say, “No Way”. So plan for the possibility of a shutdown come December 9 when the CR expires. There’s no way he and the Teabaggers would come out of that in a stronger position.
Hang in there.
Amen…. Amen.
My Dad was born in Milledgeville, GA….
Thank you for sharing this….
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Huh. Of course there are loads of complicating factors, but this would suggest that guns were the decisive factor for gun-issue voters only 9% of the time. I assume that is very low.
Since talking about adopting kittens seems allowed in this thread, I am adopting the last newdealfarmgrrrlll kitten (littermate to debit kitten). But we need help getting the kitten to me in Maryland. newdealfarmgrrrlll took her to the vet today and the vet says she is only 6 weeks, so that makes it harder. Any suggestions from the community? newdealfarmgrrrlll and I have both emailed AL, but no post yet.
Mike J:
I was just seeing that on twitter.
@Sister Golden Bear: I was confused by debit’s comment, too. I figured there was something I didn’t get. Shoulda known it was a cat. Or a dog. Or something with four feet.
Mary G
@Sister Golden Bear: I have been wondering how it is going in the agencies, sounds like it is awful. I am sorry you have to work under stupid, hateful assholes.
Here in Saratoga County, NY, we had only statewide propositions (one Constitutional Convention, two provincial and noncontroversial matters) and county offices. Virutally every county office is Repug, and all ran unopposed. The ConCon, a major threat to liberal and conservative alike, lost in a bipartisan landslide (thank heavens). The rest of the votes were sleepy affairs.
Broke a week of black-cloud depression to see the results from VA tonight. Team Democrat, fuck yeah!
dr. bloor
@JGabriel: To be perfectly honest, though, given that Murphy (a) was going to win in a walk, and (b) will be variably successful in implementing his agenda at the state level, having a D rather than R name Menendez’s replacement is pretty huge.
Mary G
@B: GoFundMe, or Paypal? I’m sure plenty of us would donate.
Mary G
@lamh36: I love Jason Lander and Let America Vote.
@Elie: I saw Wilmot Collins from Helena, MT? I don’t see any calls for that one…
Omnes Omnibus
@Duane: This is Balloon Juice. If something seems weird assume a pet is involved before you go to malevolence as causation. Unless one is dealing with a known troll, I find that assuming people here mean well is a good idea.
@Major Major Major Major: Ditto. Especially the Trentrunner exception.
@lamh36: Jesus, I missed that story. That’s a horrible thing to happen, but I hope Hurst can make some good to come from it.
dr. bloor
Grab yourself a plane ticket and stake out the Beijing McDonald’s closest to his hotel.
According to those in the know over at Blue Virginia, the best guess as to how things will settle out is 51-49 Dem control. An exceptional result we may be celebrating a few days (or weeks?) from now.
Millard Filmore
@smintheus: I can totally see Opus and Portnoy having that conversation.
Wow…Virginia really DID THE DAMN THING tonight. Good for you VA…looks like many just picked straight Dem ticket, even folks who crossed the aisle?
Usually, don’t they tend to pick and choose rather than straight ticket for opposing party?
@Amir Khalid: I’ve lived around that bloc of voters all my life. They consistently vote against their best interests, and their friends and families,too. Always voted Republican, probably always will. Even if it kills them.
@Mary G: Fox News is still pretty classy compared to the Trumpsters. Trump and Bannon turned on Gillispie. blamed him as solely responsible for the loss, and a low energy fool who was never really with them, and did so about five minutes after the election was called.
Before long, only psychological damaged people who want to humiliate themselves by publicly supporting obvious A-holes, will admit to supporting Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: It’s hard to tell. The 2nd Amendment Absolutist sites and outlets make the claim that they’re single issue voters and that is the only issue that counts. But what we really don’t know is just how many of the absolutists there are versus firearms owners that aren’t absolutists. If I recall the last set of estimates I saw, only about 1/3 of Americans are gun owners. So the question is what percentage of that 1/3 of Americans are the absolutists. I don’t think anyone can answer that question.
@Yarrow: Woe, that’s s surprise! Maybe my state still has potential.
@Adam L Silverman: 27%
@Mary G: money is one issue, but there were many who said they would contribute. First we need to figure out how she gets here. She is too young to fly.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Right. Especially that bit about how one or two cars passing others once during a race is a big deal.
Nice to hear about the victories by the Sikh candidates. I hope their Trumpster constituents consider learning who the Sikhs are, rather than having a butt ignorant meltdown/freakout.
Mike in NC
Lived in Virginia from 1990-2007 and was happy to see less and less of the wingnut hate machine in every election over the years. Wife just attended a 50th reunion at Robert E. Lee high school in NoVA and they will probably rename the school in a few years. Screw the traitors.
Another Scott
@Cthulhu: Lots of races are close enough to trigger mandatory recounts. It should be easy with the paper ballots statewide now, but it might still be a few days before we have the final results (especially if there are court challenges).
I’m hopeful, but won’t be devastated if we don’t take the House.
But it is a great, great result either way and illustrates – yet again – that when Democrats turn out, Democrats win.
Mary G
@B: John really liked the guy that drove Walter to debit’s house. We could use him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I own two shotguns and a 1898 model Mauser with a cut-down stock All gifts or inheritances. Therefore I count as an owner. The 12 ga side by side Lefever is from 1921 and is a wonderful tool.
I think the WA senate result may actually be the most telling. Neither candidate brought Trump into it. Both were fairly new to running but reasonably accomplished. Tons of money spent. Swingy district. But it wasn’t all that close. This indicates to me that just having an R by your name is a big problem. But maybe someone on the ground there has more detailed insight into this particular race.
Mary G
@Mary G: Cursed Autocorrect, I meant the guy who drove Walter to debit’s house.
Tonight Virginians had a chant of their own for tiki torch Trumpers:
“Nazis will not replace us!”
@Mary G:
I think autocorrect tripped you up — it’s Jason Kander. Yes, as in Kander and Ebb — John Kander is his great-uncle.
@Mary G: will ask debit for details. Thanks.
People have done car relays before. How far are you willing to drive towards MN?
If you didn’t see the mailer, it had “Make Edison Great Again” and pictures of the two Asian Americans, with “Deport” underneath. Apparently someone didn’t like cricket fields in Edison.
@debit: I am adopting Danielle’s littermate, but I need to get her to Maryland. Do you have the info on the guy who transported Walter?
Voters to Donald Trump and the Republican Party today.
@Origuy: Cricket fields, the devil’s playground! Here in Edison City. Trouble with a capital “T”
And that rhymes with “C” and that stands for POOL,,,no… CRICKET! We’ve got trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble.
Adopted Boris and Natasha in June when they were tiny and haven’t stopped laughing since. Never let it be said that they don’t talk, by the way – my man Boris was earlier today telling me the following, clear as day: you don’t need this work stuff, what you need is a cat.
@B: 6 weeks is awfully young – Is there no way she can stay with newdealfarmgrrrlll for 2 more weeks? Otherwise, driving is much better than flying, with frequent stops for petting/reassuring, food and water.
Pretty cool! Wow !!! I know and accept much work is ahead, but LAWWWWD I am just thrilled to pieces!!!!
What a horrible year its been — how wonderful to get a little happy success!
@danielx: So cute!
So far, the only D loss I’ve seen was for Chaffetz’s seat in Utah. Because Utah.
@Mnemosyne: I work in wv, so that far is easy.
@CaseyL: i agree that she is very young and intend to ask newdealfarmgrrrlll if she can keep her for a bit.
@CaseyL: just catching up with the comments tonight, wheee, so much rejoicing on twitter!
Yes, no problem with Danica the Kitten’s sister staying with me as long as needed. She has a bedroom all to herself. The drawback, of course, is that I am losing my heart to her. What a little darling! Needless to say, she charmed the socks off the entire staff at the veterinary clinic today.
Sister Golden Bear
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for the reminder. Although with the way the Trumpistas are trying to stack the courts, I’m not entirely confident relying on them long-term.
@Duane: @Duane:
@Mary G: Thankfully I don’t work for federal agencies myself — but it’s part of ongoing pattern. Last week, the Louisiana AG wins a court battle to block workforce protection for LGBT state employees. Two weeks before it was the Trump administration petitioning the Supreme Court to allow it to argue against anti-discrimination laws in a case involving an anti-gay baker.
@Omnes Omnibus: I own guns as well, I’m firmly in favor of gun control. Treat ’em like cars.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Me too, and I agree, treat them like cars. I have great grandpa’s shotgun and his rifle. Can’t remember the brand of either, but I think the rifle is a Winchester; it’s a .22 with a very low serial number but it looks like crap, looks like the stock was chewed by dogs. The shotgun is a nice-looking piece of equipment, stock is pretty. I have not fired either of them; both need to be cleaned.
@jl: If you’re going to bring up Black Jews, I feel like I should give the Beta Israel a shout out.
Greetings from New Jersey!
Had to be at polling place at 5:15 yesterday to get things set up for polls opening at 6. So was in bed at 7 Monday inght, clock radio set for 2:30, alarm buzzer for 3:30. Woke up at half past midnight, couldn’t get back to sleep.
Was in 70’s Friday, walking around in T-shirt. About 40 yesterday morning, polling place in firehouse, big door open. Eventually good people from fire department got space heaters into winter mode. Before cold soaking rain started at 3 pm…
Got home around 9, in bed at 10 last night. Was reminded this morning that alarm buzzer was still set for 3:30. :-(
Would feel lousier this morn if not for good news, especially from my old stamping grounds of Delco PA and Philly (Krasner’s time at DA should be _interesting_ – certainly those of us who got woke during the Rizzo years and stayed that way will be keeping up with him.) and Virginia. Here in NJ, beside the governor’s results, ballot questions on library expansion and remedying enviromental damage passed. And hurrah to the cricketeers and Sikhs (Any military history buff will warn you not to mess with the Sikhs!)
Thanks to everyone who came out to vote yesterday – especially in my district ;-) (good turnout, good results). Also the good folks who brought in some Teixeira’s ‘Portugese custard tarts’ (heavenly!) (there’s Portugese name for them which I can’t remember at this time of morning) and Aveia cookies (what the Latinos do with oatmeal – very good) and the cooks at the Portugese barbecue place where I had lunch.
And the firemen who protect ‘The Devils’ Playground’ (ice-hockey joke), who went out on a half-dozen calls yesterday. And came back. May all the ghods of flame protect them.
Now for another cuppa. And hopefully some more sleep.
@Sister Golden Bear: I went to bed and just caught up now. No worries at all. I can see how my comment must have looked to someone not aware of the kitten situation (I almost typed that like a Tarantino movie chapter: The Kitten Situation).
I’m really sorry about the news on your end. Last night gives me hope that things are bending back to justice, but we still have a lot to endure and a long way to go.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Of course you are on a hairtrigger. The Republicans have been bombarding us with stupid and cruel. I know this won’t allay your fears in the short term but last night’s results tell me that we will rectify these wrongs. Please let us know how we can support you in the meantime.
{{{{{Sister Golden Bear}}}}}
@B: B I used TLC Transport. I picked them because they were sort of in John’s neck of the woods, but they do scheduled transports all over the country. The phone # is 859-428-1677. Gale was my contact person at the office, and Tim was the driver. I highly, highly recommend them. Walter was in good hands every step of the way and I wouldn’t hesitate to use them again.
Another Scott
@JAFD: Thanks for the report, and for your efforts. It’s important. It’s people like you who keep Vlad and the Bots from stealing our country.
Rest easy.
@smintheus: I’m pleased that my colleague Caroline Thompson, Dem. of Yardley, won her seat on the Yardley Borough Council. She’s 25 years old, progressive and this is her first time running for office. She was energized to run after last November’s disastrous general election to try to put her energy into action. She and her running mates have been tirelessly working to GOTV these past weeks in her town and it gives me a great deal of hope for the future to see her, and more young people like her, running for office.
@SWMBO: Probably a dead thread, but the two jewish incumbent House members I can think of won reelection handily.
@Another Scott: Keep in mind that absentees haven’t been counted yet, as far as I know. And they should, if past is any indication, be largely D votes.
Uh huh