Sadly, this is not surprising:
The Warrior Canine Connection, a program that uses an army of volunteer puppy raisers, dog trainers and veterans to prepare service dogs for wounded veterans and their families, has been partnering with military facilities in the D.C. region since 2009.
But suddenly — and without explanation — that came to a stop, says Warrior Canine Connection Executive Director Rick Yount.
He said his trainers and puppy raisers at Fort Belvoir and at two locations on the campus of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, were told on Oct. 27 to vacate their offices that afternoon.
“At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I received a phone call saying there was a stop work order. There was no explanation whatsoever as to why that was the decision,” Yount said.
Asked if there had been an issue with the program, problems with staff or an incident at either of the military sites, Yount said he hasn’t heard anything.
“We’re trying to get answers. Why would — all of the sudden — a program be halted that was serving patients?” Yount asked.
If a dog had bitten someone or if there had been an incident, he said he could understand why there would be concerns about the program or even an interruption in the activities that his staffers and volunteers provide. “We’ve heard absolutely nothing,” he said.
It was stopped because Trump’s a fucking asshole and he’s surrounded by equally incompetent assholes. The End.
I saw the title and thought it was another post about EF Goldman.
And fuck whoever did this. They should be fired.
Mike J
It’s like they looked to a comic book for what an over the top evil guy would do and said, “Hold my beer. No puppies for soldiers!”
Villago Delenda Est
This sort of crap is, well, crap.
On a cheerier note, welcome back EFG!
Probably because Obama helped the program along. Nothing is more important than empowering and enriching the rich and powerful to Republican fascists. These people need to be removed from power immediately
@Mike J: I completely expect Melania to be seen soon in a Dalmatian coat.
This is not going to go well for them. It fucks over veterans and dogs and both have a lot of support. I expect this to go viral and outrage to be massive.
Corner Stone
I didn’t see where the article mentioned what the program costs. It can’t be much, in the scheme of things. Who benefits from closing? Who is Trump punishing?
How To Win Friends and Influence People, Bizarro world edition.
Just in time for Veterans Day.
I hate this story but am still not clear on who the “he” is. Did Trump give this order? Or someone in his direct chain of command? God knows I want to be enraged at someone, because this sucks six ways from Sunday. I just don’t know to whom I should be directing my ire.
Hunter Gathers
@Yarrow: Yea, right. And conservatives will never support a child molester.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: “See my vest, see my vest made from real gorilla chest!”
WTOP.COM has an update but I am not any more edifice after reading it.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.)
Also, he doesn’t like animals. Knowing that some of his hard earned taxes are going to pay for filthy, smelly dogs for soldiers who couldn’t even keep from getting wounded must bother him bigly.
Heard about this from another blog.
Makes no damn sense??
Villago Delenda Est
@ET: There’s no indication of WHY this program was abruptly terminated two weeks ago. None. The contract had another year or so to go, so WTF?
Seems like a worthy program that helped returning vets get their lives back on track.
If the reason for killing it was “Obama”, then Donald’s pettiness has reached a new low.
In other cheerful news, DOJ is trying to deport 4 naturalized citizens* from Minnesota. The intention is to show supposed fraud in the diversity visa lottery.
*Originally from Somalia.
mai naem mobile
So he doesn’t like puppehs either. And former General now asshole Kelly doesn’t like puppets eithet. I hope the Dems run ads on this. Tom Steyer needs this info for an ad.
Adam L Silverman
@ET: I went in and edited your comment because somehow it linked to a post by Cole from 2009. But now you have a dead link. So if you’d please try it again that would be great. Thanks!
Hunter Gathers
@Villago Delenda Est: ‘Feel this sweater, there’s no better, than authentic Irish Setter!’
This seems like a solid vote getter for 2018! Why the Republicans in Congress don’t just poison him in their next get together is beyond. It’s like Murder on the Orient Express. Too many suspects for conviction of any.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Yarrow: This assumes Repug voters care about Veterans. See: John Kerry, Max Cleland, Tammy Duckworth, VA funding etc.,…
Sorry about that don’t know how that happened! Hope this works Here is a snip:
Not edifying
@schrodingers_cat: I hope they are thrown out of court.
Passive voice sends all the prickles up my neck. WHO placed the phone call?? WHO made the decision? This is, if nothing else, a very badly written article.
Expecting (open sarcasm) onerous, business fettering (/sarcasm) programs such as this one to be jettisoned any day now, because freedom.
I assume that they’re hoping that making the cancellation public will shame whoever canceled it into starting it back up again, so they don’t want to burn that bridge.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: This is the important bit:
The Primes often fail to properly communicate with the subcontractors. It can be very, very frustrating for the various companies involved on a contract, as well as for the actual employees.
@ET: I’m not sure what that means.
The program works, and they are very careful about screening dogs and training dogs. It takes a few years to train a dog for service, and several unfortunately don’t pass the program. In the past, some of the names given to the dogs are for vets. Tammy Duckworth had a dog named for her.
This is their latest litter.
Look no further for explanations.
Mr Stagger Lee
What of percentage of veterans, voted for the Orange D#ckhead. They own this too. EFG back in da Hooouse!!!!
This is how you get 1793. Jesus Christ.
@Hunter Gathers: Children, as a group, do not have near the support that animals do.
Mary G
Whoever’s fault it is, or why they did it, Trump will never admit it was a mistake, he’ll double down insulting everyone involved, including the dogs, and at least that’ll make his popularity go down even farther.
Some recent MBAish administrator who’s been given an order to tighten spending, and is juggling numbers on a spreadsheet, without ever speaking to anyone local. Doesn’t bother to call, much less listen to, the actual people in charge of doing real work at a real organization. Doesn’t need any input — that would slow her down– s/he just needs to claim a numerical achievement in record time. A number that proves s/he has delivered a budget cut savings of $ XXX.XX.
This successful project will go on her resume when she has to look for another job next year. No chance to stick around and learn from the effects of her decisions. Then s/he’ll go and do the same uninformed, uncaring “work” somewhere else, maybe for a company contracted to recommend cuts in another part of the government.
Lyle Kraft
Getting at Al Franken?
I’m devastated by this. The transformations that these service dogs bring to their veterans’ lives is miraculous. I keep thinking about a yellow Lab mix who can tell when her veteran is about to have a panic attack. She goes to him and nudges him and demands pets until he is calm again. She is so attuned to him and they are devoted to each other. I don’t know where he would be without her in his life. There are sooo many stories like this.
Mary G
Even Mr. Andrea Mitchell is against the tax cut bills.
Wonder if that clip somehow disappears from Fox’s website?
@Mary G:
Right. I can hear it from Lord Shortfingers now: “who knows more about economics, a former Federal Reserve chairman or me? Me! It’s always me!”
Save this for the Medicare, Social Security, Working Government and Law of the Land posts, John.
I have a feeling you’ll save a lot of time that way.
A high school classmate of mine who was severely wounded in Iraq and yet still somehow is a total Trump head, worked with this program. I’m kind of sorry that I unfriended him on Facebook some months back, because I would love to see what his reaction to this is since suddenly something Trump does directly affects him.
It’s okay, I’ll give you a preview:
Sure, the program helped me, but then it got wasteful and they got sloppy with screening. People who didn’t really deserve dogs were getting them. I’m glad this happened.
@Nicole: bet he blames the Democrats somehow
@Corner Stone:
Everyone who hasn’t sold their soul to Trump.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Started in 2009, first thing I thought when I saw the date – an Obama program. The ahole is looking for anything and everything President Obama did to remove it, reverse it or kill it.
Snooze Hour report.
I caught the tail end Sheilds and Brooks, gabfest.
Brooks: Ds didn’t deserve to win.
Me: WTF?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Deserve ain’t got nothin’ to do with it.
@Lyle Kraft: Yes, Franken has been a huge champion of this program. He talks about it in his book as one of those things that really everyone should be able to agree on.
The Dangerman
Water. Wet.
If a program either isn’t making Donald richer or isn’t increasing the likelihood of getting done by Ivanka, it’s chopped.
ETA: Oh, I see above that it started in 2009, so it was an Obama thing (Trump is probably funding a program to reanimate Zombie Bin Laden).
I can’t believe veterans’ groups won’t speak out against this.
Mike in NC
Of course it’s just a matter of time (weeks maybe) until Trump and Tillerson announce closing the US embassy in Havana and severing all contacts with Cuba, because something something Obama and rich Cuban expats in Miami will be happy.
@debbie: They’re under attack by the Koch brothers on Veteran’s healthcare.
The GOP is trying to privatize the VA.
Veteran’s groups have their hands full dealing with this new assault on their flank.
@schrodingers_cat: I think he’s going the “Republicans deserved to lose” route. Which isn’t necessarily the same as “Dems deserved to win.”
But it’s David Brooks, so who gives a shit (other than Doug!)?
@Hunter Gathers: Irish Setters are for Mitt Romney!!
But seriously, if there are efforts to find other ways to support this, I’d be ready to throw in some moolah. If any jackals hear of such efforts, please post–
@Mike J: President Supervillain strikes again.
So this fat, loudmouth, draft dodging punk ass motherfucker finally got the the Nam huh?
@schrodingers_cat: last week, both those passed their sell by date old cheeses had decided the Democrats had already failed to get their voters out and had lost. Now Brooks has decided that the democrats lost because they failed to get GOP voters to vote for them. So not only to Democrats need their voters to vote to win…they need Republicans too, even in a state where clearly they can win without them
Very stupid of them to tear down before they have a replacement.
He said the same thing in a column this week. Someone quoted it. I highlighted the same thing at that time and said the same as you. WTF? Deserve?
Trump never had a pet. His sons get off on murdering endangered anmals.
Just your ordinary family of sociopaths.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Yarrow: I’ll never understand why the NYT gives this moron page space. Who makes these decisions? I think more media outlets should be required to make sure this position is publically known so they can be held accountable and shamed.
There are more assholes in this world than Donald Trump – including within the military chain of command. While this move (abruptly terminating Warrior Canine Connection) is the kind of ass-hole move Trump is entirely capable of, simply because the program originated with support from the Obama Administration, OTOH it’s at a level well-below the normal radar screen of the bunch of greedy sociopaths running the Trump Administration, including Trump himself. My conjecture is that the actual ass-hole culprits are ordinary mid-level or upper-base tier officers rather than this move actually coming down on order from someone on the White House staff, or Kelley, or McMaster.
In short, Trump is capable of an asshole move like this from pure spite and power-tripping, but in this case I doubt he or anyone very high in his administration actually was involved in this. This is some sort of military intra-mural asshole-ishness.
Once again, Trump is behaving more like a God-Emperor intent on erasing the memory of the previous ruler than he is acting like a president. He also reminds me of post-Reconstruction Southerners intent on erasing the previous government where there was racial equality.
But her emails!!!
I’ve seen no evidence that Trump was behind this decision, so I’m not going to hammer on him about it just to find out it was some lower level administrator. Still, given Trump’s apparent aversion to dirt/pets, I can’t help but think maybe he ran into one of these animals or heard about them and had the program cancelled due to his own personal phobias.
Come on … I’m betting that the program will be recussitated in due time with a bigger budget … And proper wingnut welfare recipients to skin off the top.
Yea I saw a report on this earlier today. The whole thing seems so odd. What is the rush? Why immediately? Cutting the funds I get. Trumpies don’t give a shit about the actual troops. They only care about the power, the budget and the toys their companies can sell the DOD. The troops though? The sick ones that need help? Republicans have a health plan planned especially for them.
Makes perfect sense if someone whispered in his year that it was an Obama initiative that helped people.
@NotMax: Thank for the info, buddy. Enjoy your damn maggot infested dinner.
The Simp in the Suit
Then you don’t know white veterans. They overwhelmingly vote Republican.
Another Scott
WTOP has seemingly updated the story:
The military is huge and there are mountains of paperwork that have to be followed. It’s highly, highly unlikely that anyone at Trump’s White House had anything to do with the decisions on this contract. (But I have no inside information.)
@Another Scott: Oh.
Tenar Arha
Anyone guess that it’s because this is Lara Trump’s pet issue? (Yes, that was intended).
@debbie: Feature, not a bug.
They want to steal veteran healthcare for looting.
Amir Khalid
@Tenar Arha:
It’s only the first year of Trump’s presidency, and he already has a re-election campaign? He’s an optimistic man.
@JPL: Thank you so much for sharing that! At this moment, they’re all sleeping, and some of the puppies are twitching a bit as they dream.
And thanks JC for shining light on this miscarriage, hopefully soon fixed…
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: He filed the FEC paperwork for his re-election campaign on inauguration day. It’s unsurprising since he said years ago that (roughly) he “could run for president and make a profit” – it’s another aspect of his grifting personality that underlies everything he does.