From commentor Hedgehog:
A friend of one of my co-workers has been keeping a couple of cats in her shop. The shop owner has told her the cats have to go. I’ve posted to all of my social media contacts but no luck. The cats are in Denver metro.
The black one, Bubby, aka Mr. Bubbles, is about 6 and has been living inside with us for 2.5 yrs. Before that, he was living in our shed as a stray. He has a very shiny, medium length, black fur with mahogany tones. He keeps himself very clean and is a pretty easy going guy. His favorite things are to sit in your lap, and to eat!
He loves attention, but is used to spending a lot of time on his own. His eyes are often a brilliant green.
The tortie is Mama, as she had 3 kittens in 1 of our sheds at a very young age. Consequently, she is on the small side. She has bunny soft fur, and only has ½ of a tail.
She was feral when I trapped her and the kittens, but she has learned to like people. She loves to be petted, and is a bit of a talker. She is about 3, and moved inside 2 winters ago. She can be a bit sassy, after all, she is a tortie, but is a very sweet girl and likes to flirt.
Both cats have been neutered. If you know anyone who would like to meet them, I’d be happy to have them come by and visit. They are both really nice cats.
They could go together, as they get along, but they are not bonded so could easily go separately.
If you know anyone who might be interested in one or both of these sweethearts, leave a comment, or email me (‘contact a front pager’ or [email protected]) and I’ll forward your message.
hedgehog mobile
Thank you, AL!
I hope that a wonderful home is found :)
Gin & Tonic
I don’t know about anybody else, but this describes every cat we’ve had.
I’m a little nervous to do it, but will pass this on to my daughter in Denver. She’s not supposed to have animals in her apartment, but she may have friends who will be able to. I wish I could bring Mr. Bubbles here to Seattle, but can’t right now :(
TaMara (HFG)
I have shared with all my Colorado contacts. We’ll find these guys a home.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Thank you, everyone.
Dammit, my dog won’t let me have another animal in my house. She even snapped at her best friend when my son pet her at our house.
One of the best cats I have ever served, was a small, feral tabbie who learned to love us – not all people but she loved her people. She was a delight and had so much personality. And the big guy looks a lot like my Charlie, who was gray but had the exact same body type and eyes. He was the sweetest, cuddliest kitteh ever.
I bet these kitties will be the best ever for the lucky person who adopts them.
They are both so beautiful. Fingers crossed.
Wow. Bubby could be twin of our girl kitty, eye color, black long hair with mahogany tones and kind of chunky. Even his expression is the same. I wish I could see his tail, if it is a fluffy fan tail like ours.
Miss Bianca
I wish I could take one or both. Alas, I have a Husky. I really want some kitties tho’, not only because I love them, but because the packrats are getting OUT OF CONTROL around my house! : (
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Miss Bianca: I know–we already have three, or they’d be home with us :(@bemused: Our Shadow boy could be his twin, as well.
I wish I could take one of them, but I travel too much. Also I promised that if I did take an animal, it would be my ex-wife’s dog, a sweet older chihuahua who I absolutely adore. But until I can build a friends network, it’s going to be hard. I only know my co-workers right now.