Because the very fact of President Obama’s existence as a beloved, accomplished, respected and self-made man is a grave narcissistic injury to the worthless whelp of Fred Trump, the Orange Fart Cloud has tried to undo everything his predecessor did. Now Trump is trying to ruin the economy that PBO rescued from the abyss.
From the pinkos at Forbes: "The GOP tax cut will be the start of a decades-long economic disaster unlike any other that has occurred in US history"
— Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) November 20, 2017
The good news is, the GOP tax plan is deeply unpopular, and if we can put the fear of God in just a few Republicans, we can defeat it, which would hang another goose egg on the scoreboard, against all odds. (Trump has already given us an assist on that by trashing Senator Flake on Twitter — thanks, asshole!) Another legislative defeat would drive Trump even more batshit insane, causing him to lash out impotently at his own party and perhaps hastening the unraveling of the whole sorry mess.
So call/fax/email/tweet your senator, maybe? Here’s where to get contact info, in case you don’t already have them in your contact list (which you do). Thanks!
Sorry, going to need something a bit more fearful then that.
When we have Trump Bible-humping supporters starting to admit they’d fucking accept Trump over JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, they’re not afraid of ‘God’ anymore.
/still in shock over what the hell I saw.
Shantanu Saha
When the self-described capitalist tools are against your grift, you know you’re in trouble.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Maybe a riot at one of their offices that they’re personally at during the same time frame by Republican constitutients?
Mike J
Does anybody have a schematic and parts list for a guillotine? Do you really need 4x4s for the vertical track support or will 2x4s do? What’s the minimum drop height for the blade, and how many uses can you get in between sharpening?
These are the things we need to know.
Other than the inflation threat I wish he could have had some specific things that he feared would undermine the long term economic outlook..
@Mike J: I’m sure Amazon has a single use guillotine suitable for shortening Trump by a head.
Mike J
@D58826: I don’t think the problem is limited to Trump.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
white supremacy is the most potent, and toxic force on earth. Trump is literally the anti-christ in the way he administers it in daily doses to his cult. Republicans are literally a death/suicide cult.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
The GOP has become a personality cult.
Amir Khalid
Republicans in Congress fear no god but Mammon the billionaire donors’ deity. If they fail in their mission to secure those greatly desired tax cuts, the donors shall be displeased. A wrathful Mammon shall smite them a mighty blow right in the campaign fund. 2018 was going to be a tough year for them even without that.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: At this point I am seriously questioning my non-religious stance on the grounds that Trump literally could be the Anti-christ.
I’m amping up my push for folks to call. We can’t waste time on anything other than preventing a very fast collapse of this country.
We know he’s sick, sick, sick, could he be six-six-six?
Lotsa reasons the Trump team wants this pile o’crap tax bill to pass. There’s the whole “making the millionaires and corporations richer” angle, the “Trump promised this in his campaign” angle, the “If the Dems don’t like it, I’m all for it, even if I starve to death as a result of passing it”, right off the top of my head.
Also, too, ignoring the Deficit, which only matters when Democrats are in power, and making sure those with private jets are not infringed upon.
I’m calling my Senators, pronto!
@trollhattan: There is only one way to find out.
@Mike J:
Will be really important to get kiln-dried straight-grained beams, as warping will make the blade run askew and jam. I recommend Doug fir or spruce.
Oh the comments over at that story. Such lovely comments.
@Mike J:
Depends on the weight and sharpness of the blade. 12-16 feet on average tends to work best.
I recommend cleaning and checking the blade around every 4th neck or so, its not the sharpening so much as to make sure there’s no chipping from hitting the bones. Most of the work is done by gravity, after all.
The Lodger
@D58826: It’s the Gillette-tine. Cheap to build but the replacement blades are really spendy.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
This greeted me as I sipped on my morning coffee:
First: Walker Bragman: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Secondly: Any “progressive” who runs as a Republican is no progressive.
Thirdly: Good luck winning a GOP primary.
And, lastly: Well, what else can you say? Bernie progressives are upset because the Democrats haven’t bent to their will and anointed Bernie Sanders as permanent Secretary General of the party. So, these two gonefs are taking their balls and saying: “See, we’ll just run as Republicans if you’re not nice to us!” That’s like a Social Democrat in Germany deciding to run as a rightwing AfD candidate. It would make one wonder about his or her’s devotion to liberal principles in the first place.
@schrodingers_cat: We dunk him in a pond and if he floats he’s guilty, if he sinks, he’s still guilty but someone else’s problem now?
to the phones!
@daveNYC: They have drunk the koolaid over there and want more.
The Democrats need to be holding Town Halls in nearby GOP districts to ‘ explain’ the tax bill.
Don’t let the GOP hide out when on Thanksgiving recess.
NEWS: On Thanksgiving, Pope Francis will meet @RevDrBarber, who’s leading a revival of MLK’s Poor People’s Campaign. Barber is among international grassroots leaders meeting @Pontifex that day.
— Laurie Goodstein (@lauriegnyt) November 20, 2017
I’m glad that the Twitter message in Betty Cracker’s post refers to the Forbes article, which lays things out pretty clearly:
It’s enough to make you choke on your Thanksgiving turkey.
@TenguPhule: Doesn’t the anti-Christ supposed to have 666 on his head? Is that why he needs that ugly comb over?
Va. Elections boss just said there were 83 voters wrongly assigned in a House district where the Republican is currently leading by 82 votes.
— Alan Suderman (@AlanSuderman) November 20, 2017
Mike J
BTW, Samuel Ronan, who ran for DNC chair claiming the primaries were rigged, who said he wants reign women in, and is running in OH-1, has announced he’s switching to the Republican party.
I’d rather having him pissing inside their tent than ours, but I don’t think he’s going to find many sympathetic listeners there.
Also his web site now has dead links for issues like “muslim ban” and “Trump care”. Guess he’s busy changing all his positions since Dems don’t want him.
@schrodingers_cat: It doesn’t specify exactly where the sign of evil is supposed to be located on him. A full body inspection would be necessary to confirm or deny the accusation.
Of course they are.
O/T Trump cabinet member says what we already knew.
@Mike J: I would go with the 4x4s. You don’t want your guillotine to be unsafe, someone might get hurt!
Gin & Tonic
Doesn’t make me wonder at all.
But her emails!!!
Isn’t this the same race where they claimed to have undercounted the Republican and then found even more votes?
Members of Congress are on recess for the next 7 days.. The Town Hall Project has an updated list of where local Town Halls will be held: Show up. Speak out.
— meta (@metaquest) November 20, 2017
@But her emails!!!: Not sure, but wouldn’t be surprised.
@D58826: If Trump ever got that wall built, it would be a convenient place to line them up. Irony would have its greatest day.
@daveNYC: Hey look, it’s my crazy uncle…and my dad…and the old coot down the street…and and and…
SO SIMPLE, LIBTARDS!!! Just abolish all taxes and go with that magical 10% flat tax. (Funny how retirement investments are excluded from even that tax, no?)
Adria McDowell
@rikyrah: Rev. Barber is a saint. Bet Wilmer is jealous the good reverend got an actual invite.
Mike J
@LeonS: You want it to stand up to repeated use, but on the other hand you want it to be as cheap as possible so more people can participate in the project.
It’s usually on the scalp. Hence the dead ferret attached to his head.
All my reps are solid Dems. Are there any Republicans, maybe with presidential aspirations, who would care about hearing from people outside their constituency? Any apps out there for faking caller location?
Adria McDowell
@TenguPhule: A full body inspection of 45?!?!? Pretty sure that’s a violation of the Geneva convention.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Jim Jones with nukes.
Major Major Major Major
@Jeffro: Wow, that’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read. Glad that my various content blockers prevented me from loading the comments!
@Jeffro: Gotta love how he presumes all revenue will be bitcoin and therefore digitally collected at point of sale.
@Mike J:
I think with 200 lbs behind it, and a well greased track, sharpening is never necessary.
It’s a spatchcocked pyramid scheme (thanks, Bob).
@Mnemosyne: Are you sure? Traditionally I heard it was normally the armpits and groin.
Chip Daniels
@Mike J:
We need empirical data, from numerous field tests.
@martian: Murkowski & Collins are very open to hearing from folks as they are often voting against this crap. Messages of support are always welcome. I would also say sending a fax to Majority Leader Yertle in his capacity as a Majority Leader is fair, but I am sure they’re mostly screening for the right zipcodes.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
It makes more sense for the Wilmerites to court Republicans – it’s their natural constituency. Wilmer and his cult have done nothing to fix their problems with the Dem base – they don’t want to, because they desperately want to be the victims of the economic system of oppression known as capitalism, since they clearly aren’t the victims of the real system of oppression of white male supremacy. They’d have to look in the mirror at their own extreme mediocrity and wonder why they’re a bunch of losers in a system that tilts everything their way. They can take that resentment over to the GOP and test out Wilmer’s kinder and gentler white resentment coupled with big government socialism. Why GOPers would vote for Trump Lite instead of Trump is the hard thing they’re going to find out the hard way that no, Bernie wouldn’t have won. If the white middle/working class is going to pay higher taxes, they want it with Trump’s air raid siren racism, not Wilmer’s dog whistling about “identity politics”.
GOP Nazis 2018: After 62 years, we’re overdue.
Betty Cracker
@TenguPhule: Well, Voice of Doom, the Republicans managed to pass exactly zero pieces of major legislation despite holding both chambers and the presidency, even with a full-blown cult problem in their base. So I think it’s worth trying to defeat this piece of shit bill. YMMV.
Chip Daniels
A 10% tax on every purchase?
Like, when investment firms purchase shares of a company?
Whats 10% of the yearly churn of Wall Street trading?
I agree this is a cluster f**k and a fool’s errand. What would be funny would be to see a Dem – properly prepared with a speech, some advance press releases, etc – file to switch parties and primary Trumpov for the GOP nomination.
“I’m here to run as a conservative alternative to the Russian puppet, just to show Republicans what a conservative with actual principles – as opposed to being a TRUMP SELLOUT GRIFTER – would look like. Will I have to fake enthusiasm for conservatism? Hell yes. I’d much rather stay a progressive and be able to sleep at night. But I can put on that ‘suit’ if that’s what it takes to remind Republicans just how far gone they are, and what an abomination they’re currently supporting.”
@Jeffro: –
so when Warren Buffet buys $1B in stocks he (Berkshire Hathaway) pays a 10% tax. Good luck with that plan.
retirement investments. Author is over 50, but not yet selling those retirement investments.
Fester Addams
As previously observed by Rex Tillerson. And one doesn’t have to think the former CEO of Exxon Mobil would make a good Secretary of State to believe he knows a fucking moron when he sees one.
@rikyrah: Good luck with that one, Walker Bragman. I promise I’ll rue the day when you helped build a coalition of slavering Bible-bangers, racists, and highly-educated white hipsters with mustaches.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: Thanks for saying what we’re all thinking!
If you want to check, feel free. I’ll be standing six states away.
@ruemara: My name isn’t Adelson, Koch, or Mercer, so I’m sure Yertle won’t be bothered by anything from my zip. Thanks for the Murkowski and Collins suggestion – I’ll work up something to say to them.
@Betty Cracker: I’m just saying you need to set your sights higher. Put the Fear of Fear into them. The old norms are not applicable any more.
They have to be scared and stay scared.
Tenar Arha
@rikyrah: ? AFAICT no one but Capuano has regular events according to this ??
ETA it’s Massachusetts, so either the app is missing something or the Representatives & Senators are up to something else, I hope.
Gin & Tonic
@FlipYrWhig: What do you have against mustaches?
@Major Major Major Major: @TenguPhule: Yup. The smug, calm demeanor of someone who has given exactly zero thought to how this would work in the real world. Otherwise know as an airquote “libertarian”
@Chip Daniels: You know if you asked this clown “does every purchase mean EVERY purchase?” he ain’t talking about investment firms and rich folks and stuff.
@Jeffro: If it’s true that the White Working Class (TM) desperately wants battlin’ populism and they’re frustrated the Democrats won’t give it to them, they can elect Republicans who will. SPOILER ALERT: they don’t want it, and in fact they think Walker Bragman is friends with Pajama Boy.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: I just checked and it says forehead or right hand, for him as well as his followers.
Mr. Collendar is right about the end of economic sanity, but wrong in that to the Republicans and their donors that hamstringing the Federal Government in economic crisis is a feature, not a bug.
Ryan and Mulvaney want the next economic crisis to “cleanse” the system and force wages into gutter. Then the workers will have a proper deference to the Randian Overlords.
@Gin & Tonic: A hipster mustache is like a face-fedora.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Always forget about tripping the mod filter using the “s” word, so I’ll repeat myself.
It makes more sense for the Wilmerites to court Republicans – it’s their natural constituency. Wilmer and his cult have done nothing to fix their problems with the Dem base – they don’t want to, because they desperately want to be the victims of the economic system of oppression known as capitalism, since they clearly aren’t the victims of the real system of oppression of white male supremacy. They’d have to look in the mirror at their own extreme mediocrity and wonder why they’re a bunch of losers in a system that tilts everything their way. They can take that resentment over to the GOP and test out Wilmer’s kinder and gentler white resentment coupled with big government s0ciali$m. Why GOPers would vote for Trump Lite instead of Trump is the hard thing they’re going to find out the hard way that no, Bernie wouldn’t have won. If the white middle/working class is going to pay higher taxes, they want it with Trump’s air raid siren racism, not Wilmer’s dog whistling about “identity politics”.
@Gin & Tonic: David Friedman has one.
@trollhattan: Is someone gunning for McMaster? Trumplethinskin is gonna freak, and the rest of those preening, rich bastards won’t be far behind him.
Chyron HR
Good! The entire thesis of Our Revolution is the idea that Republican voters in red states yearn for democratic socialism. Obviously the logical course of action for them is to stop trying to take over the “neoliberal corporatist” party and run as Republicans instead.
Repeated from below:
We gotta make more calls on the tax hike. I just talked to a real person in Toomey’s DC office. I never got anything but voicemail the whole way through ACA repeal. That tells me the phones aren’t busy enough. Call!
@sherparick: As I said in an earlier thread. If this tax abomination gets through, federal tax evasion is going to hit levels not seen outside of third world hellholes.
The system only works because most people who live here still respect the law.
Once that changes, things get ugly.
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: I’m not sure who he is or why that would be an indictment of the many thoughtful and rational mustache-Americans.
I bet an exception for gun purchases is coming, too.
The Moar You Know
@TenguPhule: Same people who would actually pray to cardboard cutouts of George Bush, before he embarrassed them all by doing his job for once.
They are true atheists. They’re neither afraid of or believe in God, if they did, they would not act as they do.
Gin & Tonic
@FlipYrWhig: Hipsters don’t wear fedoras, they wear trilbys (generally).
Mike J
@rikyrah: BTW, sorry for posting the same thing as you. I’m a slow composer and yours must have gone through wile I was writing.
But her emails!!!
A middle class tax cut that makes the tax code “simpler” and is revenue neutral or better is easy.
1. Double the standard deduction
2. Condense the 10% and 15% brackets to a single 10% bracket
3. Condense the 25% and 28% brackets to a single 25% bracket
3. Condense the 33% and 35% brackets to a single 35% bracket
4. Make the current top bracket 40%
5. Add a new top bracket on income over 1 million dollars at 50%
See, easy.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Chyron HR:
This is what they should have been doing all along, because they’re not getting anywhere with the Dem base who refuse to step aside. Especially after Virginia. Who needs them?
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: And to bring this up during Movember is just salt in the wound.
@But her emails!!!: Tax bracket simplification is bullshit. Just make it a continuous function. This isn’t hard.
@But her emails!!!: But we’re in the part of the economic cycle where taxes should be going up, not down.
They’re literally doing everything in their power to make sure the federal government will be helpless in the next economic downturn and that the effects of the crash will be magnified to the worst extent possible.
Hey, somebody saying what I have been saying. He must be right!
sheila in nc
@Major Major Major Major:
Once again: Any combination of arithmetic “brackets” is easy — for wage-earners.
For business owners or investors or whatnot, the hard part is NOT “what is my tax bracket”; it is “what part of all this income is taxable and what is not”
The hard part (the part you pay the accountants for!) is always determining what is taxable income. The brackets are just arithmetic.
@Mike J:
It’s a bit above my skill level which is why I’ve decided to go with pikes.
@TenguPhule: And they’re gunning for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
@Adria McDowell:
For the inspector.
Just called Senator Flake’s Phoenix office and left a message with a staffer. Flake is officially “still reviewing the legislation”.
@Major Major Major Major:
@sheila in nc:
not even arithmetic – table lookup.
well of course. Tax cuts are the all season recommendation good times or bad.
But her emails!!!
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m not a moron. I know it’s easy. Tax software does it easily. Even without it, it would take about 5 seconds to calculate using Excel. Having said that, for some reason the number of brackets is daunting for the general public and Republican Politicians. I assume a continuous function would be even scarier.
@sheila in nc:
The counter to that is that calculating taxable income beyond a certain point has been made difficult by the very people who employ accountants.
The Moar You Know
Wow, Forbes commenters are truly “special”. Damn. Thought they were supposed to be an upscale outfit, not Breitbart II.
And as I said in an earlier thread, you’re probably wrong about this.
This would be a feature of the GOP plan, not a weakness. The Republicans want to take as much money out of the tax system as possible in order to target Social Security and Medicare. The Koch Brothers and their ilk are opposed to any kind of social safety net, and one fantasy of extremist Republicans has always been to starve the beast, i.e., the federal government.
Whatever money they could scrape up would go towards the military, although in the real world, reduced tax revenues would ultimately affect this sector, too.
The hardest part to understand is that the guys that are forcing the economic hands of the GOP are the guys who’ve already won with the system that we have in place, they can’t just hand the ball to the official knowing that; so, they’re not only wanting to spike the football, they wish to calvinball the game so that they are not only the winners, but they’re also the only players and we’re supposed to admire them from below, while they’re not only standing above us, but on us as well.
Corner Stone
@Gin & Tonic: God. Not another two day argument about fedora:trilby:porkpie hipster fetishisms.
@The Moar You Know:
I don’t think I’ve ever looked at the comments to Forbes stories. Sounds like it was a good idea to avoid them.
Why is Donald Trump launching a withering attack on nonprofits?
David Callahan
Ari is on it.
Trump judicial nominee who defended NC voter suppression law & racial gerrymandering may have lied to Senate about his role in Jesse Helms effort to disenfranchise over 100,000 black voters
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) November 20, 2017
@rikyrah: The tax plan also attacks graduate education.
Major Major Major Major
Sheesh, when I said complaining about tax brackets was bullshit I wasn’t insulting you fine folks.
@But her emails!!!:
Easy indeed – great work!
For folks who’d like to play at home, give this a try: Budget Puzzle-You Fix the National Deficit!
(an oldie but a goodie)
I usually end up putting us a couple hundred billion in the black, with a sensibly-sized military, slight trimming of entitlements, and the rich paying their fair share.
And donations to the ‘right’ kinds of churches and private schools…
Good piece from Bruce Bartlett, too:
The answer is that Republicans are pushing the tax cut at breakneck speed precisely because they know they are probably going to lose next year and in 2020 as well. The tax cut, once enacted, however, will bind the hands of Democrats for years to come, forcing them to essentially follow a Republican agenda of deficit reduction and prevent any action on a positive Democratic program. The result will be a steady erosion of support for Democrats that will put Republicans back in power within a few election cycles.
My Sens are Whitehouse and Reed. Will it do any good to call other Sens if I ain’t a ‘consitchent’?
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: I blame Charles Mingus.
@piratedan: it’s not enough to win, everyone else must lose.
@TenguPhule: Next up from the professed Christian Trump-lovers:
“ If Jesus Christ told me `A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’, I’d check it with Trump.”
Jack the Second
@Mike J: I think keeping your tracks straight is going to be absolutely critical. I would even go up to 6×6’s, and then use some 2xN dimensional lumber at right angles on two sides of each post (eg, the back and outside edges) to increase rigidity. I would also look for a way to make the blade easily swappable, so you can sharpen one blade while using the other. When a piece of equipment is going to see constant utilitization for long periods of time, you don’t want to skimp on the construction, and you want to ensure you minimize down times for repairs and maintenance.
Gin & Tonic
November 20, 2017 at 2:20 pm
@FlipYrWhig: Hipsters don’t wear fedoras, they wear trilbys (generally).
Thank you for the clarification. I’m wearing a snap-brim fedora as I write this (the black one, not the gray Borsalino), and, not having a single tattoo marring my skin, I can’t be a hipster.
That’s not quite how it works. Deficits matter when dems are in power because it is a great tool with which to stop them from doing good stuff.
Deficits must be INCREASED when repubs are in power so that the problem will be there waiting when dems next take power. So it’s not that they don’t matter, they matter a lot in this way.
@TenguPhule: The mind of a Trumper: Things are great, sales are humming, I’m taking in cash by the truckload. Therefore: Let’s completely turn the tax structure upside down, explode that deficit that I described as the most important thing ever right up until the end of last January, and shock the economy to its toes. Oh, and withdraw from NAFTA while you’re at it. It will be great!
@Mike J: Why worry about that when every financial district in the country is so well equipped with lamp posts?
@Stan: When Republicans say “deficit” they mean “welfare.” The things they squander money on, which affect the actual technical definition of the deficit, aren’t stigmatized. Hence _by definition_, “the deficit” is a Democratic problem, because Democrats want The Government to dish out money to Those People, causing “the deficit.”
Republicans have been playing this game at least since Reagan. The media either doesn’t notice or pretends not to notice.
I think Democrats should take something out of the Republican playbook and run on “repeal and replace”. If the tax cut ends up being as unpopular as it’s polling then the Democrats can wipe the slate clean and start over.
Miss Bianca
Wow. fuck me, weasel Cory Gardner is having a town hall today? No advance notice? And I’ve already missed it. That smarmy little SOB.
@Stan: Yep. So the public can continue to send lovely mixed messages that they want spending but don’t want any taxes so the Dems will need to tackle unsustainable deficits, thereby pissing off their base.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: Mingus seldom wore a hat.
@Major Major Major Major:
Actually, you would have to blame Lester Young. And maybe Buster Keaton. :)
I know.
Can’t have anyone but rich White people getting higher than a Bachelors.
I know some people who think you don’t need no education past Grade school, and a good understanding of the Bible.
I call my Republican Rep so often it gets kind of embarrassing. Even though the tax bill is now being debated in the Senate, should I call my Rep again?
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: I thought he famously wore a hat, but it’s probably just because of that one song.
Bill Arnold
Another article worth spreading:
“It’s a Ponzi Scheme”: Wall Street Fears Trump’s Deranged Tax Plan Could Kick Off Economic Euthanasia
I just called all 3 of Al Franken’s offices and left messages at 2 of them. One of them had a full mailbox., so I imagine a lot of people are calling to say he should resign. I left messages saying, sure, the USO photo was in poor taste, but there’s no way he should resign because of that or because of this ridiculous “al grabbed my but cheek during a state fair photo” issue.
Having said that, I am going to make a list of every person – male and female – who accidentally brushed my boobs in passing because of an ill-timed move. (not really!)
This is exactly what I feared – people coming out with politically motivated bullshit stories.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: He sometimes wore a hat (as was the fashion at the time) but not nearly as frequently as some other musicians. Monk, for instance, was seldom without a hat, although some of his would be hard for anyone else to pull off.
@Jack the Second: It appears you’ve thought about this guillotine quite a bit. Do you have a test model?
Mary G
@martian: I sent a postcard to Jeff Flake that if he votes no on the tax bill I will contribute $1 a month to his inevitable presidential campaign as soon as he announces, but if he votes yes, I am bringing my Guatemalan-American housemates over the border into Arizona to volunteer for the most whack primary challenger in the race.
@Major Major Major Major:
The song was a tribute to another musician, Lester Young.
@The Moar You Know:
1. Never read the comments on internet news sites.
2. Never get out of the boat – the mangos are evil.
3. There is no three. Also no spoon.
4. goatse
@Mary G: Ha ha, love that.
That’s quite a talent for understatement you have there. :p
Its graduate genocide.
Most of those fuckers are too heavy to risk the lamp posts.
@Bill Arnold: Euthanasia? There is no mercy in this killing, murder is more appropriate.
I thought that was the Kale.
@schrodingers_cat: And Euthanasia is supposed to end suffering, not cause it.
@TenguPhule: Its going to affect undergraduates too, guess who teaches those labs and intro classes in STEM and also humanities.
@schrodingers_cat: Yep. Anyone who remains is pretty much guaranteed to be cheating on their taxes from that point on. Because unless you have a trust fund, there is no way you can survive being taxed on twice or three times your actual income.
@WaterGirl: He’ll be gone by the end of the year. We do it to ourselves, ever freaking time. I can tell you one thing, the democratic groups, from the DNC on down, each and everyone of them, can whistle for my money.
“the pinkos at Forbes”
We figured our grad students will have to pay $8000 in taxes out of their assistantship salary of (at most) $20,000.
@Emma: I hope you are wrong! That would be beyond stupid.
@WaterGirl: Unfortunately, the Democrats are conditioned to stupid actions. Let’s face it, the Republicans are crap but they fight for their own to the last drop of blood. I am tired of politicians who are good moral people; I want SOBs who can fight.
I want good moral people who will fight.
The absolute WORST thing Franken could do “for” the democratic party would be to step down. If he steps down they will take it as an admission of guilt and tar the democrats with that all the while being holier than now because Trump and the AL senatorial hopeful didn’t step down because those were false accusations.
Bill Arnold
It is “eat your children” level of stupid at the National level.
@Bill Arnold: The GOP presume that it will be mostly dark meat at the buffet.
@The Lodger:
yeah but those 4 blades really get the job done. And the lubricating strip helps too.
Bill Arnold
Pretty sure that the GOP isn’t really thinking about it, except for the drafters of these higher-education parts, and they probably think “graduate students bad[1]” without thinking about how this is essentially slow national attempted suicide. OK maybe not suicide, but akin to attempting to drink oneself into a dysfunctional stupor with Bloody Marys made from one’s own blood. OK, maybe that’s a bit hyperbolic, but these changes in higher education tax policy are profoundly stupid.
I was at a party Saturday night, and took the opportunity to directly ask a wingnut couple (as in husband and wife, asked independently) if they would be willing to suffer a 5-10 percent drop in their home value “for the team”. They both said yes!!!. The husband said that “they need a win”. (They being “his team”)
It was unsettling. These are both people who can think reasonably complex thoughts about other thinks, but politics literally makes them stupid. [2]
[1] “bad” == “do not vote Republican”
[2] Earliest cite I found, whatever you think of, Politics is the Mind-Killer: