President Trump to members of the US Coast Guard: "You never know about an ally, an ally can turn."
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 23, 2017
Sounds like “President” Looselips got an early heads-up on Flynn’s (potential) defection. The Washington Post confirms the earlier NYT story:
… Even if Flynn has begun discussions with Mueller’s office, there is no guarantee he will ultimately reach a deal with prosecutors.
Flynn served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama before he was pushed out in 2014 amid criticism of his management style and clashes with other administration officials.
He then established a private consulting firm and gave paid speeches, work that has drawn intense scrutiny from Mueller…
Flynn served 24 days as Trump’s national security adviser, but was forced to resign after acknowledging that he had secretly discussed sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during Trump’s presidential transition in December.
Lawyers for the president and senior White House aides had been quietly speculating over the last few weeks that Flynn was under increasing pressure to cooperate because Mueller had signaled his ability to charge his son alongside the father.
Michael G. Flynn, the retired general’s son, helped his father with business arrangements and served as chief of staff at his father’s consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group…
7/ That's a shocking development because it means that Flynn does not expect Trump to pardon him or his son, or he believes that him or his son could be convicted of unpardonable state offenses. If pardons are off the table, cooperation is likely the right move for Flynn.
— Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) November 24, 2017
Of course, since it’s Donald Trump we’re talking about, he further disgraced his current position by cheaping out on the spread for servicepeople condemned to working the holiday…
Trump is passing out potato chips and turkey sandwiches. This is the best they can do for Thanksgiving?
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) November 24, 2017
Trump visits service members on Thanksgiving, and reignites Twitter feud
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 24, 2017
Turkey SANDWICHES? Jesus at least Dubya made Cheney throw in a full bird to get his no-bid contract.
— Zeddy (@ZeddRebel) November 24, 2017
I’m ready for the ball to start rolling.
The sandwiches and chips- damn, that is pitiful ?
Obama spends time at a homeless shelter carving turkey for a real Thanksgiving meal, while Trump passes out pre-packaged turkey sandwiches. A starker contrast is difficult to find.
Serving sandwiches and chips is another in a series of simple photo-ops this gang of incompetents have botched. It’s dismal and dismaying at the same time.
@rikyrah: No class, gawd what an asshole.
Mike J
Preznit give me turkee sammich
Major Major Major Major
@Duane: It really is amazing how they can’t do a single damn thing right.
Looks like President* Donald J TeleshoppingHost is now flogging product placement opportunities and the MOTUs at Pepsico was suckered, not realising they’re tarnishing the Lays brand.
Amir Khalid
You can’t say that serving them turkey sandwiches and chips at Thanksgiving fails to reflect how much regard Trump has for the serving military.
I remember Thanksgivings in the that might have been improved by them serving pre made sandwiches and chips. But we weren’t being served by the president. And had been at sea for awhile.
Disgraceful? Was anyone expecting any better? Has there been even one tiny thing this moron has done that might possibly have made anyone think he’s capable of doing any better than disgraceful?
In other news, per the local news here in LA, Trump’s twitter feed with LaVar Ball has generated $13 million in free advertising for LaVar’s Big Baller Brand.
@Amir Khalid:
Or anyone who isn’t him?
@Montanareddog: Ouch
@Amir Khalid: Ouch again.
Well done, both of you!
@Ruckus: My dad’s ship ran out of food, they had to resort to beans. He recalled being amazed how many ways the navy chefs could prepare beans.
OT: Just to share, another pic from Mt. Lowe of LA.
…and a 360 degree pic.
Amir Khalid
The good causes championed by Mr Ball’s Doppelgänger LeVar Burton deserve at least as much.
Like I’ve said before, pardons are far from a certainty. Throwing people to the wolves is Trump’s instinct, even when loyalty would help him. His pardoning Arpaio was a sign only that Trump is a hardcore white supremacist who considers anyone who brutally abuses minorities a hero. Personally, I think someone mentioned that pardoned people could be forced to testify, and that shut down all other considerations in Trump’s head. He’s too damn stupid to take in other arguments after he’s latched on to an obvious self-interest.
Amir Khalid
The jackal lawyers have said that once you’re out of danger of being prosecuted over a particular crime, there is nothing for the Fifth Amendment to protect you from. So you have no reason, and thus no right, to withhold testimony in a related matter.
@rikyrah: Fucking sight better than paper towels.
@Ken_L: True, you can’t eat paper towels. OTOH, it depends on the quality of the sandwiches.
Jay S
@Amir Khalid: @Frankensteinbeck: Arpiaio probably had nothing on Trump, so a pardon couldn’t hurt him. Why people think a pardon of a co-conspirator buys Trump any security escapes me. It just opens them up to tell tails with impunity and makes them liable to contempt or perjury charges. Trump may do it, but it would likely be against advice of counsel.
@Frankensteinbeck: That’s an excellent point. Anyone who is pardoned can’t take the 5th. They’ve been pardoned. Then they can tell all. Nice.
I’m waiting for the Russians to turn on him too and release the pee pee tape.
Don’t hold your breath.
Trump has really shitty taste in food. He serves iceberg lettuce wedge salads, with blue cheese dressing at Mar-a-Lago. Just a wedge of iceberg lettuce. With so many interesting salads this is what he chooses to serve people and eat himself.
Plus the whole well done steak thing, with ketchup.
The man is tasteless, in every sense of the word.
Edit: He probably thinks a turkey sandwich and chips makes a good meal. Better than exotic foods like arugula.
The man exudes all the class of a fart in a phone booth.
@gene108: Everyone knows that an iceberg wedge salad should be served with Thousand Island dressing.
Amir Khalid
Sometimes I wonder how Trump, born into money and having expensive tastes, can be so ignorant about quality food.
@opiejeanne: The Blue Cheese dressing makes it classy.
@Amir Khalid: There’s a whole lot of things that Trump is ignorant about.
@Amir Khalid: @Amir Khalid:
His mum was a Scot
Patricia Kayden
@Wag: President Obama and Trump aren’t comparable. Obama was an actual President. I don’t know what Trump is. He has been a total embarrassment for his entire time in office (and long before then).
@Frankensteinbeck: @Amir Khalid: I have read other lawyers who say that is not strictly true. trump can issue a pardon for all federal offenses but not for any underlying state charges. ie he can pardon a person for evading federal taxes but he can’t pardon them for the concurrent evasion of state taxes. Therefor a person can still invoke the 5th, at the very least in many cases, but this is a sword that cuts both ways. Mueller is hanging the threat of state charges over each and everyone of their heads by sharing info with the NY state AG and most likely others as well.
Amir Khalid
Ah the Scots, with their talent at invective and their love of oatmeal boiled in a sheep’s stomach.
Patricia Kayden
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I assume that’s why Ball dissed Trump in the first place. Ball is a shrewd businessman. He banked on Trump not being an adult who could ignore a slight and he was right.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
How much did Drumpf charge the sailors for the sandwiches?
@Patricia Kayden: Obama is a human being. I’m not sure trump classifies as a life form.
ETA trump might be a virus.
Patricia Kayden
@gene108: Trump was raised by wealthy parents so it’s kind of surprising how tacky he is. You’d think he’d be more classy being born into the upper classes. He behaves like a nouveau rich louche. He’s not articulate and can’t even write tweets without errors.
Billy West started reading Trump quotes as Zapp as a joke, but that quote in the OP about allies sounds a bit too much like the actual Zapp.
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: A virus which Mueller needs to stamp out.
Adria McDowell
Those poor Coasties. I’ve had better Thanksgiving meals in the middle of Iraq (literal feasts). They deserve so much better.
Adria McDowell
@Patricia Kayden: His father was very very cheap. Like, picking up broken panes of glass to reuse again cheap. Maybe old Fred was just into recycling?
@Adria McDowell: He should have recycled his son.
@OzarkHillbilly: Trump can pardon crimes committed against the United States(note the past tense), he cannot preemptively pardon folk.
@Montanareddog: Just about all of the good cooks are brown, foreign or expensive. Which of those types wanted to cook for Fred Trump or Donald, for that matter? He hates them for being brown, foreign, or expensive. So I bet he’s never been able to keep good cooks when he accidentally got one.
Amir Khalid
El Presidente Trump did push the boundary on that by pardoning Joe Arpaio between conviction and sentencing.
@Amir Khalid:
Trump does not have expensive tastes. He is cheap, but wants others to think he buys expensive stuff, which is why everything about him is so tacky.
How can I glitz up this chair, I got on a clearance sale? I know! I will wrap it gold tinted foil.
Just one more canuck
@?BillinGlendaleCA: even more amazing, trump’s been able to make thousands, maybe millions of people to think, “Hey maybe this Lavar Ball guy isn’t so bad”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: great pictures Bill ?
Cheryl Rofer
I have to comment about the beginning of the video. Somewhere along the line, somebody said something to Trump about the F-35 being invisible to radar. It isn’t primarily a stealth plane, but its radar profile has been trimmed some. Trump, not understanding radar or stealth technology, has extrapolated that into total invisibility in dogfights (like in the movies). Sounds like he is visualizing a movie dogfight between a visible and an an invisible plane. The pilot just flips a switch, I guess, and we have a Plane of Invisibility.
This is probably a feature that was activated on his becoming President and one of the great things that is now strengthening the military under his rule.
I give the three guys behind him a lot of credit for keeping their faces as composed as they did.
@Amir Khalid: Because he is a giant toddler trapped in the body of a flabby, out of shape 71-year-old man.
This is the answer to most Trump-related questions.
Lurking Canadian
@gene108: Thing is, this is worse than usual, even for Trump. Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and sweet potato isn’t exactly snooty food-snob arugula and foie gras haute cuisine. It is literally the food of the people. The same dinner (with minor variations) is probably eaten by 100 million American families on Thanksgiving. It’s the Thanksgiving version of well-done steak, iceberg lettuce with dressing with chocolate ice cream for dessert. And he STILL fucks it up.
@Cheryl Rofer:
God, what a buffoon. I skipped that video when the post first came up, but I just went back and listened to it. Trump is everybody’s crazy blowhard uncle who somehow has been given carte blanche to lecture the entire nation and nobody can stop him. And we can’t even send him down to hang out with the other blowhards at the VFW hall because he never served.
Only if you spell it “bleu cheese.”
@Lurking Canadian:
Years ago, I read about a study on tipping in restaurants. Tips decreased in proportion to how well-done meats were ordered.
Was it the poor taste of the meat that reduced the tip, or the poor taste of the patron?
Uncle Cosmo
@BellyCat: I’d guess the latter, but indirectly. The kind of patrons who’d order beef well-done are the kind who cook it that way at home – most likely due to current or past financially-tight circumstances, where the cost of the meat was a critical factor (so they bought poor-quality cuts or meat that was past its “best by” date). (I write “or past” because the taste of even the best-heeled adult is often determined by an impoverished upbringing.) Someone who’s conditioned to “think poor” may be more likely to skimp on the tip on the (probably rare) visits to a full-service restaurant. Y’think mebbe?
@Mike J: well done!!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Wow – amazing pics.
@Cheryl Rofer: We’ve seen this before. Remember Ronald Reagan and his Impenetrable Space Shield. Still a face plant after all these years.
I like my steak and burgers medium well, and I’ve never skimped on a tip. Twenty percent or more for good service and tasty food. Never less than 15 percent for bad service or poorly prepared food. I don’t think how you like your food prepared has anything to do with it. If you’re a cheap jerk about these things, you’re just a cheap jerk.
No Drought No More
The Coast Guard commander prepared the sailors for Trump’s visit by screening the movie The Caine Mutiny for them all the night before. Or if he didn’t, she should have.
Look at the blonde haired guy (to Trump’s right) in the first photo. He’s Fred MacMurray and finds Trump extremely disturbing, looking at at Van Heflin somewhere in the room as if to say, “You see? I told you so”.. Now look at the sailor standing to the far right and behind Trump in the last photo. He’s summoning all his will power not to break out laughing at his idiot commander in chief, and fighting the temptation not to call Trump a birdbrain to his face. By my lights, that he somehow succeeded, in the face of impossible odds, to keep a straight face marks him as a man fit for higher command.
The Pale Scot
Once upon a time in the days of yore steakhouses and “continental” places that catered to the blue-haired manhattan/martini gulping /old money set served this, it’s just a delivery platform for what should be aged lumps of quality blue cheese that blends with the cocktail washing it down. The dish disappeared from the NYC area decades go except of a couple of nostalgic steakhouse places.
You can probably can find it in ever other golf club down here in Florida, except bland domestic brand chz is used and there’s domestic vermouth in the drink.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Patricia Kayden:
Except a self made man would have more focus and drive, Trump clearly lacks both and seems to think snarling at an subordinate “fix it and don’t bother me on how” is the height of management. He’s sort of the worst of both words when it comes to Nouveau Rich and Trust Fund Baby.
@Uncle Cosmo: Possibly.
Methinks there may also be an element of “fear” for many who go the “well-done” route.
Exhibit A: My mother cooked pork chops until the smoke alarm would go off. Trichinosis, you know. You could resole your shoe with those sad little dessicated cutlets.
By extension, same logic was generously applied to all meats and vegetables.
Didn’t know that broccoli was safe to eat “bright green” or “raw” until college. Limp and grey (and uneaten, BLECH!…) were standard fare growing up, straight up from safe and sanitary frozen rectangular bricks, doncha know!
I’m imagining the conversation amongst the Coast Guard folks:
Coastie 1: Hey, did you hear Trump’s going to visit us on Thanksgiving?
Coastie 2: Crap, that means we’ll have to bust ass getting everything spic and span before he gets here. At least we’ll get some top-notch chow.
Coastie 1: Um, yeah, about that…..
In boot camp, Great Lakes IL 1981. The chow hall had three wings. A high mucky-muck visited the wing my company used as we were there. We had “surf and turf.” After the m-m left, that wing was serving some ordinary cheap thing, chili-mac or the like; the other wings never saw the surf and turf. Daily budget to meet. I guess I know what it’s like to be in the one percent!
I feel confident in guessing that it was cheap turkey “lunch meat” at that.
@Lurking Canadian: My reaction exactly: Trump doesn’t know ANYONE who knows how to cook a turkey? The only complication is the size.
@Marcia: Hell he could have someone read a top 10,000 blog and picked up on size, cooking techniques, and sides to serve. Proof that no one on their side reads this blog.