In case y’all were wondering why the NYTimes is dutifully whitewashing “nice” Midwestern Nazis, yet again…
Rep. Steve King just retweeted Defend Europa, an openly white nationalist group
— Matt Novak (@paleofuture) November 22, 2017
I wrote a book about southern segregationists.
They were actually subtler in their racism than @SteveKingIA is today.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) November 22, 2017
You’ve spent your career going the wrong way on a one-way street, but now hoo-boy you detoured to a super-dark place just now.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 22, 2017
Ah, good old @stevekingIA, (NSM-Vinland), retweeting a totally normal openly white nationalist organization complete with what I'm sure is a totally unproblematic use of the Alghiz rune.
— Dan Trombly (@stcolumbia) November 22, 2017
Watching Steve King realize he can be an out white supremacist on social media is like watching my preschooler realize he can aim his pee
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) November 22, 2017
In all the history of these United States, Steve King is one of the most racist members of Congress. And think of the competiton here!!
— Erik Loomis (@ErikLoomis) November 22, 2017
I, for one, think it is time and past time that Iowa lose its first-in-the-nation-caucus status, because they don’t deserve it, and I want Rep. Steve “Pig Muck” King to get his full credit for the loss of all those media-tourist dollars.
Where I took my title here from:
Going to visit the family in Alabama tomorrow, and I’m so very thankful that they aren’t racist or homophobic or living in the awful parts of the past. I feel very fortunate for that.
— Jason Isbell (@JasonIsbell) November 22, 2017
Adam L Silverman
I’ll just leave this here:
@Adam L Silverman:
I was not expecting this to be the probe.
Can Israel take the Fifth?
Peasants, pheasants, let us call the whole thing off.
You do have to admit, defending western civilization is profitable. I mean, look at how rich Orban and his cronies are becoming, all in the name of saving Hungary from Muslims and homos and a wealthy Jew.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: It is one part of his overall larger probe.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Sure, knowing the demographics it’ll likely be of slivovitz.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: Weird.
I don’t get the WSJ, and I see you gave the whole JP story. Nothing anywhere else that I’ve seen…
Surely there is something more there. Kushner has no direct authority, so his opinion is nothing more than an opinion, so I’m not seeing why Mueller would care. There must be something more going on…
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Is this an, “OOOHHHH, SNAP!” type moment? Or an, “Hmmmm…well, WTF?” type moment?
Corner Stone
Is Orban going to pay people to have kids?
Well. That’s a very clear idea of who he is. I suppose we can say we are now blessed that these folks feel no need to be demure. I would prefer a winning lottery ticket.
Matt McIrvin
You’re sure he isn’t living in the awful parts of the future?
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: This happened before the President had taken office. Apparently Jared started working the phones before he was an unpaid Senior Advisor to the President for Everything in an attempt to get other UN members, both permanent Security Council and rotating Security Council members, to oppose what the official US government was actually doing. That’s why Mueller has added it to the investigation. I think Mueller is going to see if there was money involved. As in wealthy Jewish Americans or Israelis who were opposed to what the Obama Administration was doing were using Jared as a front with a promise they’d help out with the underwater mortgage at 666 5th Avenue.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I find it interesting, given who owns the Jerusalem Post and their editorial slant for both news and opinions, that the Jerusalem Post is covering it.
And it is one more brush back against the President’s closest circle to remind them that they should not be footloose and fancy free during the holidays.
O. Felix Culpa
@Adam L Silverman: Because I do not know these things and am too lazy to look them up (due to a surfeit of food), who owns the Jerusalem Post and what is their editorial slant on news and opinions?
Adam L Silverman
@O. Felix Culpa: It’s currently owned by a Tel Aviv based conglomerate. It supposedly has a centrist position for both reporting and editorials, but Brett Stephens was the editor in chief in 2002 and I’ve always found it to be right of center since it abandoned it’s pro Labor Party stance back in the late 80s/early 90s.
@Adam L Silverman: Is this a Logan Act case? I thought it was unenforceable, which is why after over 200 years on the books it’s never been enforced (except for two indictments, both dismissed before trial, which don’t really count in my book).
The Pale Scot
Visiting someone with cable TV and found this
Feed Me Bubbe.
Isn’t she cutest?
Adam L Silverman
@B.B.A.: Maybe.
He clearly violated the Logan Act. What Mueller seems, however, to be doing is following the money. Mueller has access to all the intel from the Joint Counterintelligence Task Force he inherited from Comey. What he’s now doing is the slower and more tedious process of following the money. What you’re likely to see is that a lot of the indictments he’s going to bring are going to be financial crimes, which will allow him to protect the intel sources and methods. The question in this case, since Israel didn’t want this to happen, was whether Jared was in touch with Bibi about it or someone on Bibi’s behalf about it? And was a promise of something – financial help for his underwater real estate investment in Manhattan – offered and/or solicited?
I particularly like the image of this seemingly calm sea with a little overcrowded boat overflowing with Capt Orange and asst crew all studiously avoiding with their eyes the foreground ripple with the ‘duh-dunt. dun-dunt. duh-dunt’ music playing. Maybe add a little Flynn rat scurrying down a cable to a still smaller personal craft (also being strenuously avoided). Behind them, in utter silence, in yet another unobserved direction, emerges an entirely unexpected shark’s fin. How many are down there and where are they! Ah, the stagecraft.
Mary G
Thread from someone with experience in the Balkans:
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Yep.
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s gonna get ugly, soon.
N’est pas?
Yeah, my French is Qubecois, sorry.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.)
That guy really, truly needs to go. How long has he been in office anyway? However long it’s been, it’s been that long too long.
@Adam L Silverman: I love Slivovitz. My family (mothers side) are Slovak or at least lived in Slovakia before the war.
Another Scott
@The Pale Scot: 3:30 AM? :-(
Major Major Major Major
Speaking of horror, I colored in the introduction panel of Stan the Registrar Photographer in my comic… pretty pleased with how it turned out.
@O. Felix Culpa:
They currently don’t like Bibi, or, anyone related to the Trumps.
Suits me.
No Drought No More
In their private and unrecorded talks about the death camps, I assume FDR & Churchill must have broached the subject of informing the public of all they knew- which was essentially everything. They did no such thing, of course. But they must have asked themselves at that point, “what if we do, and the D-Day invasion is defeated on the beaches?”. Assume for a moment the American people been fully informed (of the ongoing genocide of the Jewish people) on such a catastrophic June 6th. FDR most likely surmised at that point Americans of King’s stripe might well prevail in persuading congress that it wasn’t sufficient cause to continue the war in Europe; that another attempt was not worth the cost of gambling yet more American lives (and that perhaps as soon as the elections of November 1944). To say the least, such a terrible decision would have marked our country eternally as an active collaborator of Nazi Germany. But to repeat: there is no doubt it nonetheless would have been OK with legions of Americans just like King during WW2 America, too.
Corner Stone
@No Drought No More: This is an interesting reading of history. It’s sick AF, also too.
The Jerusalem Post is repeating a WSJ story from Nov 21st; it’s readable using this link from WSJ reporter Rebecca Ballhaus’s twitter account.
That security clearance form deception looks like a useful opening for them to begin circling.
Major Major Major Major
I forgive you.
Villago Delenda Est
I recall Nazi propaganda from WWII in which the NYT was blasted for being owned by Jews.
My how times have changed.
@Major Major Major Major:
Villago Delenda Est
@Aleta: Jared has fucked up his SF 86 so badly that Mueller can probably get him locked up for centuries.
@Major Major Major Major:
But, seriously, this is gonna get really ugly, within the next six weeks.
(Or so) Not sure of the actual timeline.
But, wait and see. Welcome to life. :)
“Sometimes the truth is arrived at by adding all the little lies together and deducting them from the totality of what is known.” – Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
Actually, that whole section is relevant. A few more choice quotes:
Major Major Major Major
@aangus: Keep Calm and Draw Vampires, that’s what I always say.
This could turn real ugly real fast.
Some more detailed info here, including this info:
@Major Major Major Major:
Now, I am aware that I am Canuckistanian, and already have Medicare for all, just rubbing it in. :)
It does work, it really does.
Call your Congress people, TODAY!
Smut Clyde
I am OUTRAGED to see those subhuman Hungarian trash using PURE ARYAN Algiz rune symbolism.
@Major Major Major Major
Estranged: Your city has lost a 60-year-old sister.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Well, if they’re gonna insist on continuing to deny their history of sex slavery, that’s their problem. Bye-bye, sisterhood.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, it’s where I live, life is hard. :)
Collecting my retirement cheques now, and feeling quite good about it.
Follow me on FB.
P.S. send a PM first. ;)
@Ken: Come to think of it, Reacher Gilt and the current president* have a fair amount in common. Gilt was much more competent, though. The president*’s competence level is much closer to Crispin Horsefry’s.
Since Steve King (from a state named for a Native Nation, no less) is such a ‘blood and soil’ fan, I hope he will be departing from Turtle Island for Europe soon. The sooner the better.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yet Kushner obtained a security clearance.
@Villago Delenda Est: They get them on the lies, and the lying about the lies, it’s said.
@Duane: He only has his temporary one, issued in Jan or Feb, which hasn’t been made permanent.
Why hasn’t it been revoked? I hope it’s because they’re watching him give himself away. Or because they don’t want to alarm the WH; or want to make people uncertain about what they know.
@NotMax: That’s a shame (for the organizations that do exchanges based on it). I wonder where Osaka will turn — or maybe they have other sibling cities in other countries.
Major Major Major Major
@Aleta: or, famously, tax evasion.
@Major Major Major Major:
“You’re under arrest!”
“For what, hurting your feewings?”
“Felony tax evasion.”
Yes I laughed so loud at that scene why do you ask?
If this isn’t the perfect response to King’s tweet, it’s close enough. Scroll up to the top to get the full effect.
@Major Major Major Major:
Evasion (Code Section 7201) is always a felony. When DOJ wants to deal, they allow the bad person to plead to Section 7207, delivering a fraudulent return (in exchange for something, needless to say).
Smart lawyers always try to get rid of the 7201 count(s) if they have any leverage, because conviction under 7201 has collateral estoppel effect on the fraud penalty in the subsequent civil action.
@NotMax: That’s interesting, we were the first city in the country to have a comfort women’s remembrance statue, and while our Japanese sister city’s mayor complained, we’ve maintained our sister relationship. We have a pretty sizable Korean population in the city.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I remember tearing up going through the A-Bomb museum and the surroundings the first time I was in Hiroshima in 2003. After I finished there, I pulled out my guidebook to see what else was in the area, saw another map mark nearby. Turned the pages to see what it was…and it was listed as a separate monument to the Korean POW victims of the bomb, constructed off to the side, years later, with private funds. Apparently their names were not included in the cenotaph with the eternal flame outside of the museum. Needless to say, it took a bit of the shine off the whole experience.
@Aleta: Nanjing, maybe?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: About 25 years ago I worked for a company owned by a Korean guy. We did a deal with Sumitomo. When their representatives came over to visit from Japan, the CEO refused to meet with them, shake their hands, talk with them, or even look at them.
Steve in the ATL
Should be “N’est-ce pas?”
Where is Omnes? I’m having to pinch hit as the resident French grammar pedant.
@fuckwit: I’m aware of Koreans feelings about the Japanese since madame is Korean.
Van Buren
Boy, that King guy sure has a lot of economic anxiety!
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
When Iowa was redistricted after 2010, Ames was moved into Steve King’s district. My colleagues were horrified and rightly so. I live in a different district which is now represented by Rod Blum, a freedom caucus guy, but at least he’s not Steve King.
Ian G.
Jason Isbell is the reason why Doug Jones (and Alabama in general) needs our support, not derision. There are decent people down there, and think of how much more difficult it must be to live as a decent person there as opposed to a place like New York or California.
Also, Isbell’s father is a house painter. Sounds blue collar to me. When is he gonna get interviewed about his voting preferences?
Orban and his ilk conveniently forget, of course, a certain nation with its entire existence possible only because of immigrants.
J R in WV
AS far as I know there is no Slovak, in fact no Balkan of any flavor in my background. My only central European family tree branch is NE Swiss German, believed to have escaped the French Revolution beheading phase into Switzerland in the late 1700s.
But I met a Serbian lady (escaped from the Yugoslavian Civil War) and her family when she married an old friend. Home made Slivovitz was involved, and wow is that potentially great fluid !!! I’m sure it can be done inexpensively and produce a poor product, but when rural guy does it because he loves it, both the making and the sipping, Wow.
I avoided sensitive conversation topics so I don’t know their politics, but she did flee to a mongrel state like the US, and married a leftist philosophy professor, so I expect she isn’t a fascist. Very sweet and pretty young woman, of course so many women are young to me, old fart that I am.
Steve King appears to be especially vile, from all I can tell from here. A unique blend of fascist and racist, and totally unaware of the mongrelized nature of the American population. Unaware of lots of things, actually. I would give $5 to receive his DNA analysis.
@Ken: a great quote from one of my favorite books….
Uncle Cosmo
@Smut Clyde: One look at the facial shmutz in Seborrhea Dorka’s weaponized photo & I thought, O Chin Horrorshow!
Smut Clyde
@Uncle Cosmo: Hungarian Nazis like the Arrow Cross crowd and their modern-day revivalists (Gorka’s mob) never cease to amaze. How could they convince themselves that there was any place for Magyars in Nazi ideology or the Reich that was not gas-chamber-related?
the original maga!