It's the @SebGorka "I don't actually know what I'm doing" starter pack. Just in time for the holidays.
— B. A. Friedman (@BA_Friedman) November 25, 2017
If one must go about this mundane globe wearing a sign that says MOCK ME, one should endeavour to have it be a hand-crafted, gilt-edged, premiere-pricing version in bold Black Fraktur of true calfskin vellum…
Time Person of the Year for 2017
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) November 25, 2017
Apart from noting that Jane Austen would most certainly have approved of our japery, what’s on the agenda as we wrap up the weekend?
Sebastian Gorka never leaves home without two pistols, two flashlights and a tourniquet.
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) November 25, 2017
Not pictured: a constant, almost existential need to overcompensate
— Rita Konaev (@RitaKonaev) November 25, 2017
The tourniquet is for when he accidentally shoots himself.
— (((Molly Jong??Fast))) (@MollyJongFast) November 25, 2017
And I'll bet there are people out there who are thinking he's under-prepared for that inevitable confrontation with a joint China – ISIS infiltration force at the Pentagon City Mall Food Court
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) November 25, 2017
be vewy quiet, I'm huntin gwobawists
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) November 25, 2017
He looks like the bank teller that Jesse James shot in the back for being slow to open the safe.
— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) November 25, 2017
Thanks to @ericswerdlin for pointing out that Gorka = McLovin.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) November 25, 2017
I got my next acting gig lined up at least.
— Chris Mintz-Plasse (@MintzPlasse) November 25, 2017
“Has this ever happened to you? You’re trying to shoot a fox on some benefactor’s private manor, and then your French cuff gets caught on the trigger and you accidentally shoot a peasant and need a good personal injury attorney…”
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 25, 2017
New American Gothic
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 25, 2017
After Trump resigns or loses in 2020 or chokes on a Big Mac or whatever, a big part of the national healing process will need to be a weeklong festival in which everyone, regardless of their politics, viciously and hilariously roasts Sebastian Gorka
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) November 25, 2017
Six billionaire turds are supporting an entire class of dandified gun oafs who live in Northern Virginia and periodically go on TV to blame Iran for allergies or whatever.
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) November 25, 2017
God, they really are insecure, aren’t they? Everything about that whole thing screams I’M IMPORTANT, NOTICE ME!
I’ll be so glad if any of them end up in jumpsuits.
The icing on the whole shit sammich is that he carries his own tourniquet and that he’s practiced putting it on himself. He thinks the world works like an episode of The Blacklist.
It’s not governance, it’s cosplay.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
And good morning to everyone! Unexpected day off for me, the office called last night to tell me not to come in. So no rushing to get out the door the same time as my son is trying to leave, bonus!
Edited to add: especially good morning to you rikyrah!
cynthia ackerman
Freud: “Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. [Sees Gorka’s toy collection] But this guy is one twisted fuck.”
Also, thinking of Alain and hoping he’s been surrounded by family at this time.
Gotta carry TWO pistols!
The fantasy world people like this must live in is terrifying. I wonder what he thinks he’s going to be doing with those if bullets ever start flying in his vicinity. If those bullets are intended for him (i.e., an assassination), he’d be dead before he even though about the guns or the tourniquet. If he’s just part of a crowd when a random nut opens fires, he’ll likely be grabbing the first toddler he sees to use as a human shield.
Anne Laurie
Come to think of it, “human shield when the random ammosexual goes off” is probably the best use of a Sebastian Gorka…
It’s a detail, but the left thumb in the pants pocket adds just that special soupçon of swagger.
We finally had Thanksgiving dinner last night, a success except that I burned the garlic toast twice(third time’s the charm). I played a little joke on the kid, by changing my computer speakers to the Echo Dot in the bathroom and started playing “While my Guitar Gently Weeps”.
Well, that was a first.
Put on a Korean movie. In the opening credits the English subtitling misspelled the name of the film.
Amir Khalid
Sebastian Gorka is certainly no Chow Yun Fat.
Alain the site fixer
@satby: thank you. Met with the Rev to review my mom’s life yesterday, prepping house for visitation and family staying here. It’s going to be a rough week but I will finally be able to rest and not stress next weekend.
I didn’t know Gorka could do something that would make him look even more like a one-man clown show than he’s already been. But dayum, he took it to a whole new level here.
Amir Khalid
@Alain the site fixer:
Then you’ll be back with us soon? That’s good to know. Take care.
@Alain the site fixer: Big virtual hug Alain. I’m not the only one wishing you peace at this time.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Well, the first one could jam … since he probably knows fuck-all about how to clean and maintain it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Worth the price right there.
@Baud: I took her out to see the snow at the fancy pants mall, so it’s all better.
Oy, that vest Gorka is wearing! Is this fascist fashion style these days?
Alain the site fixer
@Amir Khalid: yes! I miss this place and all you wonderful folks. I’m slowly getting use to having had my world ripped apart. It will be good to treat her with he reverence and respect she engendered in teachers around the world. And with that, must go start moving furniture to prep for people giving their respects. That’s Tuesday and Funeral and interment Wednesday, what would have been her birthday. ???
@bemused: on top of all his other delusions, that vest shows he’s in denial about his weight. It’s too small.
Rita Konaev via Anne Laurie @ Top:
She must be looking at the picture with the gun cropped out.
@Alain the site fixer: My dad passed away after an intense but brief battle with cancer. He was only 54, and no one was ready to admit he wasn’t going to survive. But at some point I realized that wishing he had survived in the state he was in was basically wishing for him to continue in unimaginable pain and suffering just to spare me from losing him, and that made it easier for me to accept his passing.
Our parents live on in us, and they are free of suffering. She is with you Alain.
Edited to remove redundancy
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Alain the site fixer: Strength to you, Alain. We’re thinking of you.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@NotMax: Good point. It is cosplay, but with real guns.
Amir Khalid
I don’t think it’s stylish enough to replace Trump’s golfing duds.
Co-sign on that Jesse Singal idea…
Anyway, this was just lovely to wake up to today: Elitists, Crybabies, and Junky Degrees-A Debate Over Higher Education Funding. In the WaPo of all places. Sure didn’t read like much of a “debate” to me…
Hmmm…perhaps the reporters could have talked to a wide number of current college students, to hear straight from them about why they are attending college? Or go look up some easily available data, or at least a previous story from the Post? Perish the thought!
*translation: we needed that money instead of raising taxes on the rich…we needed that money as the Boomer Bulge squeezes through, so we shortchanged higher ed spending…
Check and see how often anti-college and ‘safe space’ stories pop up on Fox News…there’s your ‘negative effect’…
Great…then don’t go. Stay home and keep watching your precious Fox.
This is just LA-ZY (in addition to being a bit of a bait-and-switch). Start with the crazy sticker prices of the Ivies, note in passing that most students receive financial aid but oh by the way, $59,000 x 4 = a quarter million dollars. And then ‘switch’ to talking about publics…which have a huge number of Pell Grant students…and community college transfer students…and no, a degree easily DOESN’T cost more than $100,000.
“It’s…it’s NOT THE SAME IDEA AS OBAMA, okay?!?!” UH HUH, as rikyrah would say…
…said the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal cave man.
UH HUH part 2
Go read the whole thing, and then remember it’s important that these assholes not cut higher ed to fuel yet more tax cuts for the .01%
I’m off to email the reporters, asking them if the pro-education side could perhaps lead off the “debate” next time
Tourniquet instruction sheet:
Wrap tightly around neck, tie to overhead sprinkler system, stand on stool, JUMP!
@Alain the site fixer: We miss you too.
I don’t think a vest like that has ever been in style more than two seconds even in the 70’s/80’s. It also looks like his shirt is a pale pink or maybe it just looks that way on my monitor. And those saggy jeans although he may need the room to carry a shotgun in his pants. I had no idea there was such a thing until I recently saw an ad for urban carry on the tubes and the guy in the ad wasn’t wearing saggy jeans. Astonishing anyone would actually buy one and the logistics of using it without blowing off a foot or something else not good, imo.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I received an email yesterday about the Smithsonian photo contest and immediately thought of you.
@Derelict: The two pistols are because TSA has a habit of confiscating Gorka’s guns when he tries to take them on a plane. He’s hoping that if they find one, they’ll think they’ve successfully disarmed him again and he’s still got the other.
@Alain the site fixer: hello, Alain. I’ve been thinking of you and trying to send strengthening thoughts to you. Good luck this week and sleep when the service is over.
@Amir Khalid:
I saw a pic of him golfing and that yuge saggy belly has to get in the way of his swings. I don’t know if there is spanx for men but he should look into that.
You get the feeling the right wing isn’t sending us their best.
@hueyplong: Sadly, I get the feeling that they are….
Himself promised he was going “to hire only the very very vest people.”
@Jeffro: These folk are Know Nothings.
@MattF: Note that the thumb is in the pocket of some mom jeans, which makes it even more laughable.
@Phylllis: Thanks, I took a quick look; I’ll take a look again after I get some sleep
Frank McCormick
Are we sures that’s really a tourniquet and not a celise?
The vest seems a bit tight. Won’t that restrict his assuming the proper stance for firing that thing?
Eric U.
@Jeffro: Of course, a significant amount of the cost increase at public universities has been driven by Republican legislatures defunding the schools. No need to mention that either, I suppose
That’s because the jeans are too tight for his whole hand to get in there.
They really are a bunch of second estate dumbshits and they don’t even have generations of inbreeding to blame for it.
I had to get bait so here’s a non beach sunrise.
Last night, everyone was comparing Trump’s and Obama’s Time Magazine covers. This morning, there’s a photo on my FB feed of Hillary’s 25 covers. I think this would stick in Trump’s craw far more than Obama’s covers.
And to think, he was once Trump’s Kissinger.
Good luck! Hope the surf behaves itself.
It’s as if Roman Hruska anticipated and was cheerleading for the entire sorry lot of ’em way back in 1970.
Yoda Dog
The Constitution is not a fucking “Owner’s Manaual” for fucks sakes. Fucking fascist carries the thing around in his pocket and doesn’t have the first goddamn clue what it is or what it means.
Good morning, everyone.
@Jeffro: Oh, for Christ’s sake. Frank Antenori is my dad’s cousin. I have been politely waiting for him to shut the fuck up at family gatherings for years, and now the nation gets to join me, courtesy of the Post.
My everyday carry is a clean hanky and a reusable shopping bag.
@Raven: very pretty!
Patricia Kayden
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: The Roman Hruska references are becoming rarer as time goes by, and are thus the sweeter when they appear.
Patricia Kayden
@hueyplong: At this point, I doubt the Rightwing has any “best” to send. Look who they elected as President and look who they have running for the Senate in Alabama. Sexual predators.
@Patricia Kayden:
Grabby Old Pricks.
Yoda Dog
@R-Jud: Indeed, I just became aware of this man and he lives thousands of miles from me, but I still have a gnawing urge to find him and tell him to shut the fuck up forever about everything.
@MattF: also wearing a pink shirt.
@burnspbesq: I’ve always believed that Glocks are for people that don’t know how to shoot guns. And I know about the SEALs. The picked for that very reason.
@bemused:nice vest. I guess they didn’t have it in his size.
@Yoda Dog: It’s further proof that there’s no afterlife to me: my grandfather (his uncle) had a “junky” MA in history paid for by the GI Bill and advocated tirelessly for better access to higher education for the poor and (largely) black high school students he taught for 30 years. Frank’s BS would make him furious enough to administer an ass-whooping from the grave.
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: Obama/Clinton combine the two things that Trump hates the most — women and Black people. He likes his women like Melania — hardly speaks in public and completely dependent on him. And he likes his Blacks like Ben Carson — an ignorant yes man. Knowing that in the real world (outside of his Fox News bubble), President Obama is more popular than him must cause his heart to beat extra hard. He’ll never have what President Obama has (love, respect, dignity, etc.) and he knows this. Between that and Mueller, I doubt Trump is having much fun in the White House although he’s grifting hard and playing loads of golf (all at our expense).
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): It really is cosplay. what’s he going to shoot with that rifle? The only thing in Northern Virginia it’s good for is deer, and I don’t think he’s going to field dress a deer in those French cuffs with that little folding knife.
Ian G.
Tom Nichols and Rick Wilson are two of my favorite Trump-hating Republicans because of snark like this. Has David Frum not weighed in on Gorka?
Vest is very tight so where does he carry all that hardware?
I saw that photo of Tomi and Seb on Twitter and just did not want to know. Thank you for telling me the story in its full glory.
Good Morning, rikyrah! Do you think that ‘disconnect’ problem will ever be resolved? (hope you know what I mean).
Gorka’s existence is the single strongest argument that xenophobic fear the immigrant types have.
@R-Jud: lol…that’s actually pretty funny. Please pass along a shut-the-heck-up from me too (and be sure to ask him about his own personal ‘safe space’ as well ?)
I also like the concept of “every day carry”. I guess he has another ensemble for special occasions.
I am so sorry Alain. Went through same with my Dad. It gets better over time….
“Frank Antenori shot the head off a rattlesnake at his back door last summer — a deadeye pistol blast from 20 feet. No college professor taught him that. The U.S. Army trained him, as a marksman and a medic, on the “two-way rifle range” of Afghanistan and Iraq.”
Give me a fucking break. I did that when I was 12.
“Useful skills. Smart return on taxpayers’ investment. Not like the waste he sees at too many colleges and universities”
Yeah, because killing rattlesnakes is so much more productive and valuable than say, cancer research or computer science. How can the Post print this bullshit?
You should send a letter to the editor given your personal history. It would carry some weight and show, even in his own family his views are not universal.
@Honus: Did the reporter ask him what type of pasta he liked? Richard Fausset who writes for the NYTimes, thinks that might be important to know.
Guess he’s mad they don’t have Whacking Day in Arizona, and he’s just trying to compensate.
Edit: Whacking Day explained
father pusbucket
Too late, reality has lapped sarcasm.
J R in WV
@Alain the site fixer:
Glad to hear from you. Take things as easy as you can from here on out. We are all thinking of you now!
Take care of yourself and your closest people.
Thoughtful David
My, my, my, that’s a brave person who can’t get closer to a rattlesnake than 20 feet.
For fucks sake I killed a rattler by my front door last summer with a garden spade. I learned that useful skill from my grandmother.
Yoda Dog
@Honus: The guy admits the only way he knows about what happens at college is by perusing some right wing website… What a fucking joke. I don’t blame this man for being this fucking stupid, I blame the Post. Wtf is our media doing out there? I’m aware the country is rife with incredible stupidity, apathy and hate. THIS IS NOT NEWS.
@gene108: Seconded. And I hope everyone will write these two reporters. If they want to feature every Trumpov supporter in the country one by one, good for them, but let’s not call it a “debate”.
Amir Khalid
If a rattlesnake is 6 metres away (i.e. you’re out of its striking range) and not shaping up to strike, why shoot it at all? To show off your marksmanship? That sounds like gratuitous cruelty.
ETA: I say this to criticise not you but R-Jud’s cousin Frank.
@Alain the site fixer:
Good to see you. Sending you positive thoughts.
Barb 2
That whole face thing with those glasses and the billy goat type beard. Ugh.
J R in WV
My Grandma taught me to shoot, and do it well. Snakes are no big deal, I prefer to remove them to a place where they won’t annoy me and can live in peace in their favored environment.
The biggest eastern Rattlesnake I ever met was coiled up by the FJ-40’s door when wife went to get in after a day in the New River Gorge back before it was a national park. When it rattled, before she got within stepping on it range, she slowly backed away and got in the truck on the other side and slid over. Then I got in and we drove away, leaving Mr Rattlesnake to his riverside life. About 1975 plus or minus a couple of years.
Shooting a snake in nothing to brag about in my book. If it has you trapped somehow, maybe. You can always use a hoe or a shovel, it only takes one of two hits to do one. They’re fragile in many ways.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The clothing is to new, the guns are to new, he clearly doesn’t read that pocket Constitutions and Gorka doesn’t like comfortable enough with at it. What lame bluff. Want to bet Gorka doesn’t know how to clean those guns he owns?
I will say this again:
They attack education because it is the way that non-Whites have been able to improve themselves. It gives non-Whites the credentials with which to compete in this world, and they don’t like it.
So, must have a way to disrupt that.
Bill, enter the contest ?
KS in MA
Reminds me of those pix of Granny Starver Ryan in the weight room.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Also Gorka remind me of the comment my housemate made to his girlfriend’s ammo sexual hick brother “I lived on and on off in the murder capital of the country for decades now and never felt the next to carry, and you live in Mayburry, USA, what is you problem?”
Villago Delenda Est
You’ll note that the copy of the Constitution is untouched and unread, as if it’s just there for show.
Well, yes, it is just there for show. Fuckhead here has no idea what the 3rd Amendment is about, for example. Or the 6th. The 2nd he’s totally ignored as usual the first clause.
FYWP still thinks I’m evil. I mean, uh, it’s not wrong, but…
Forgot to add..
Don’t think that Attorney General White Citizens Council didn’t look at the picture of the incoming freshman class at Harvard, which is majority non-White and seethed.
Once again, they are angry that non-Whites are using education to improve their lives, and they want it to stop. They don’t believe in genuine competition- that’s just bullshyt. They long for the delusional days of Mad Men, where they could pretend that they were big fish in the ocean, when, in fact, they were small fish in a pond where 90% of rest of the fish were locked up in sardine cans. But now, the cans are open, and they have to call compete with all the fish, and they don’t like it.
Villago Delenda Est
@NotMax: Gorka’s military experience consists of Hugo Boss cosplay.
Got an email saying that today was the day, at a new address. Haven’t checked it yet.
Check in over at 3chicspolitico dot com
For if it is a success.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Jeffro: Give the man credit; Trump is powerful argument that the value of a Ivy League Degrees can be over exaggerated.
And he shoots rattlesnakes, I see, another east coaster out to tell us all we are doing to wrong in the West.
FFS you fucking rascist, how can the guy who prosecuted the Birmingham Four be weak on crime?
@Alain the site fixer:
sorry for your loss, nothing I can say could compensate but know we are all sending you our best thoughts.
@Jeffro: Thanks for this post.
Former public univ prof here. Had a talented AA student, from out of state (so he paid full-boat) who was accepted to Harvard for grad school for a modest paying public sector profession. With $150,000 in undergraduate student loans, he could not afford to go.
Is college worth attending for young millennials: Educationally? Absolutely.
Financially? It depends.
By contrast, my SIL works for the post-office. Entire career. She makes more than my wife (a tenured PhD) and can retire with a solid pension in 4 years. My wife is still paying educational loans.
SIL drives a new Mercedes. We drive a fifteen year old car with 160,000 miles on it. SIL thinks we’re crazy and we sometimes wonder if she might be right.
Of course, values, values, values.
What I can say is that universities are very worried, and rightly so. Administrative numbers and salaries have ballooned in the last 15 years, while cost-cutting is rampant for everyone but them.
He prosecuted white guys for the bombing. Had he done the right thing & rounded up them coloreds and shipped them to the farm he would be a shoe-in
I want to know how many of these back to the 50’s culture whities who think too many brown/black folks are being educated over whites get their medical needs taken care of by non-white physicians, surgeons, nurses, had their lives protected and saved by non-white police officers and emergency techs, etc, etc.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Since this is an open thread, I have a bird question. A male cardinal has been battering himself against our windows on all sides of the house. I’m guessing he sees his own reflection and thinks it’s a rival. Should we be doing anything to discourage him beating himself up?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I thought male birds just did this in the spring during mating season.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@bemused: Sometimes I look at how women and POC have been excluded from politics, research, leadership and decision making positions of all kinds, and I wonder how much better off we’d be if we hadn’t been trying to do stuff while allowing only a minority of the population to participate.
@rikyrah: Also, the majority of college degrees are now earned by women. For whites, 60% of college grads are now women. But that couldn’t be a part of this guy’s issue, could it?
He probably would be happier (coming from another Central European)
Amir Khalid
It’s certainly absurd to accuse a public prosecutor of being weak on crime. But then Trump is not actually using “weak on crime” and “wants to raise taxes” etc. as meaningful phrases. He is using them not to make any sort of argument against voting for Doug Jones, but to signal his base that Jones is of a hated ilk, the Democratic party:
@BellyCat: Current employee of private university. I agree but, to me, that wasn’t the point. Obama’s administration put some effort into directing young people into community colleges and trades and yet this f_ckwit never even knew that his own pet cause was being implemented? Instead he attacks Obama as too liberal and elite and prefers Trump because “he has an air”? Really? Stupid or racist. You decide.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
you need to break up the reflection in the glass. If you can put a screen over the window that would work. Some people put a little soap on the glass but obviously that blurs the view so it would depend on how you feel about that. I don’t know if one of those bird silhouettes would help. They look like hawks or owls & it supposed to scare the other birds away
Felanius Kootea
@debbie: By “weak on crime,” he means “prosecuted the wrong color people.” I’m sure the fact that Doug Jones successfully brought some of the bombers to justice is a mark against him among a certain group of Drumpf supporters.
Felonius Monk
@NYCMT: Naw, Gorka is a nazi. He wouldn’t be toting Hebrew National anything. Maybe a nice German Thuringer instead.
Felanius Kootea
@Alain the site fixer: My deepest condolences on your loss, Alain.
Actually, Sessions is trying to pit races against each other. The Justice Department is investigating whether Harvard discriminates against Asian Americans, resurrecting an old case that had no merit.
Conservatives believe that pushing this case would result in more white and Asian American students and fewer Latino and black students at Harvard.
This would be a double twist racist victory. Racist crackers could continue to be ignorant and insist that they didn’t need no fancy college education while simultaneously keeping blacks and Latinos from being able to pursue higher education.
@rikyrah: Agreed on the benefits of non-whites attending high quality universities.
However, the absence of ample financial aid is creating another type of problem — penury for many of these talented kids.
The tourniquet reminds me of my college roommate flunking her first aid test for getting one question wrong: they asked her what to do for a bleeding head wound. She answered, “Apply a tourniquet to the neck.”
I had been listening, full of sympathy for her tale of woe, right up until that point. Then I laughed for a long time while she just kept saying, “ONE wrong! It was only ONE question!!”
Perhaps it’s not too much to hope for that Seb Gorka both has my old roommate’s shortsighted approach to problem solving and finds a pressing need for that tourniquet rather sooner than later.
@BellyCat: right. I could earn enough in the summers to pay my tuition at U of Michigan. My kids started life with loans. One daughter got an Ivy League masters in public health and owes over $100,000. I know a young doctor who owes over a quarter million.
@debbie: Elastic back.
@Emma: Truth. Obama understands the problem.
Given the choice between trying to repair healthcare and education (especially higher-ed), his efforts were (perhaps understandably) more vigorous about the more universal and (should have been) bi-partisan topic of healthcare.
Student-debt is the next housing-loan bubble and it’s hard to imagine this can continue as-is.
Villago Delenda Est
@BellyCat: I say this time we make the banksters take it in the shorts.
Is Seb Gorka moonlighting as a card dealer on a riverboat in Missouri?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Schlemazel: All our windows still have screens on them and the fool bird was battering them anyway. If it’s right he should be waiting until spring to fight rivals, then I think he’s maybe lost some of his birdie marbles.
GOP senator: Millionaires deserve the tax breaks because poor people “create nothing”
By Matthew Chapman | November 1, 2017
@Alain the site fixer: so sorry to hear this. I hope this memorial brings you some peace and joy.
@Gretchen: The debt required of a young person of modest means to educate themselves is truly jaw-dropping.
The well-heeled don’t even blink, since they can afford full-boat (and to equip their kids with $250k supercars to cruise campus — paid with cash, as a title registration agent told me recently).
Given the incomes involved in your example, your daughter will likely be paying off her debt much longer than the young doc.
In the end, this is little more than another form of class stucturing, suppression, and capitalist dependence aimed at all those libtards who insist upon higher education for their kids. “Welcome to the machine…”
This needs to be transmitted all over social media to all the people who think that Trump and the Republicans love them and will take care of them.
Uncle Cosmo
@Immanentize: The bestest & the Breitbartest… /barf
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Lost talent.
If Nancy Pelosi can’t call out someone like Conyers, she isn’t much different than Trump not calling out Moore. God’s greatest gift to the GOP and Trump is the sheer incompetence of the Dem Leadership. Time for all of them to go. Time for a new generation of leaders.
@Villago Delenda Est: That’s crazy talk.
So much easier to keep putting them on University Boards so they can influence policy while lining their pockets.
What could go wrong?
This underscores what I have been saying for soooooo long: the hatred of Obama—and everything else culturally coded as liberal—is deeper than just racism or sexism or all the things we talk about. It is entirely about the fact that jackasses like this used to command respect, and now they don’t. They used to be depicted positively in media and our cultural products, and now they are not. People used to look up to them, and now they don’t. Regardless of who is the president, it is the social influencers of the day who really determine the trajectory of the culture of this country. The deplorables thought that by electing Donnie Two Scoops that they could change that. They can’t.
The wealthy wouldn’t be productive if they had to do all the work that made them wealthy by themselves.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Did you check the potentially marble-lacking birdie for a litte vest, tourniquet and constitution? I’m detecting a common theme somehow.
Peanut has found The Flash. She’s watching the seasons on Netflix.
Amir Khalid
Pelosi is quite right to insist on due process before she does any punishing. The weak thing to do here would be giving in to mob pressure and punishing Conyers before any finding of guilt.
Well, the Gork is a dork. Never wouldda guessed!
What’s going on in those network green rooms that he needs to carry 2 pistols (but no spare magazines) and a tourniquet?
Tourniquets are tricky to apply properly and bring a whole bunch of issues. Why not carry a fistful of tampoons for stuffing in the bullet holes?
White trash (yes, let’s use the term, because without it, we are talking around the issue) are sick of being considered white trash. We don’t hate them—not the way they hate Obama—but we think they’re gross. We think their “culture” is backward and mostly unproductive. They like Trump because, for all his money and education, he behaves the way they do, and adopts the cultural symbols they do (Big Macs, KFC, etc.).
I seriously think we underestimated how badly trashy people wanted to see themselves reflected in the White House.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Maybe he is trying to get inside before winter!!
Seriously, that is odd.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@bemused: Yeah. Succinctly put.
@scav: The birdie is prettier and smarter than Gorka.
blah, blah, blah.
@Amir Khalid:
OK, you said it nicer than I did but seriously I am sick to the teeth with this BS that the current leadership has to go & then finding every excuse under the sun try to fit that belief.
Special Report: ‘Treacherous shenanigans’ – The inside story of Mugabe’s downfall
MacDonald Dzirutwe, Joe Brock, Ed Cropley
Is it too early to ask whether James Comey might just be a preening bumbler?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I’ve had a male cardinal banging against a south-facing glass door for about 2 months now. Even on the many overcast days we’ve had.
They attack education because they are too stupid/lazy to have it and everything they don’t have must be DUMB.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Well, that’s reassuring at least. I was beginning to work up to a Hitchcockian vision of birdfeeding efforts going terribly wrong this winter.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Wouldn’t keeping a light on in the room prevent the bird from seeing its reflection?
I should also note that I am fairly unsympathetic to stupid people who resist self-improvement and their disappointment at their waning cultural influence. I still want to provide them with a safety net because I’d feel liberal guilt if we didn’t, but apart from that, I have no desire to make them feel restored to the social strata they (mistakenly) thought they occupied.
I was going to say that universities have become pyramid schemes at this point. My son got an incredible financial aid package but that do don’t include all the other expenses associated with going to college. It’s a damned nightmare.
I have a new postal carrier and he is so practical about his career choice. His parents are college educated, struggling, and both hate their jobs anyway. He earns a great salary, has fantastic benefits, and will retire with a good pension. He walks everyday listening to music on his headphones and when he finishes he can do what he wants. Have to say I think he is in the right track.
Millard Filmore
Obviously labor is a useless expenditure for big rich companies. Walmart, Hobby Lobby, McDonalds, and the rest should simply cut their useless labor force. Their profits would go through the roof!
@Suzanne: But then the trashy people are all hung up on “respect” and the need to show it. I know that they mean “deference” rather than “respect,” and that it mostly applies to people they don’t like rather than to everybody, but still the inconsistency is galling. Trump is the most disrespectful person who has ever sullied American government.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): its probably economic anxiety. Give him extra seed and block the reflection and he should be good to go.
Major Major Major Major
That’s just… sad.
@MomSense: an illusion. My neighbor was a postsl worker. Years of labor wrecked his knees. No accomodation. No disability. Absolutely brutal last years of work.
@rikyrah: @Brachiator: This is pretty similar to the “I never got a job from a poor person” line they occasionally trot out, though. I’m not sure Trumplings would even find it offensive.
Why is a 50 year old man reading Campus Reform?
I think he has a few unresolved issues
Well we are both dealing in anecdotes but when you compare job opportunities out there (increasingly gigs) the postal service is a very good option.
@Aimai: The post office is an unusual place. Policies are utterly inflexible and no accommodation is made for many extenuating circumstances.
It’s run in a military fashion — highly regimented and largely heartless.
That said, smart and energetic people are given significant opportunities to advance, as long as they play by the rules. That’s the sweet spot. To be a life-long mail carrier could be brutal depending on the route and the personalities above you.
Who wears a pink dress dress shirt with a velour vest and jeans? I thought the official Nazi uniform was a white polo shirt and Khakis. Please try to keep up Gorka..
Adam L Silverman
@smintheus: More of a classic example of the intelligence/counterintelligence officer culture: 1) If you needed to know it you already would and 2) if I don’t share it with you then I have more power than you do.
@smintheus: One thing I didn’t see come up in that article is whether there was a specific FBI office in charge of warning people about those Russian hackers. I’m gonna guess that the NYC office of the FBI was somehow complicit here. Presumably those folks were the anonymous sources for this late October 2016 NYT article, which – despite a lot of us yelling at them on social media about it – the responsible editors/managers have never explained:
……… Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
One of the two authors of that piece is no longer with the NYT, the other is now with their eastern Asia bureau. As far as I know, neither of those reporters is talking either.
There have been numerous reports of the NYC office of the FBI having become politically compromised over the years, after long time and very friendly interaction with, and staff movements between that office and the NYPD, especially those elements long allied with Twitler’s favorite top cop, Rudy Giuliani, a crook and racist who – with the help of big media – made out like a bandit after 9/11, despite his fuck-ups* leading up to destruction of the WTC towers (*as reported in the insufficiently publicized official 9/11 report).
Here’s one piece on the politically compromised NYC office of the FBI, by the late Wayne Barrett:
………Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Comey’s greatest crime in all this is putting his agency’s reputation – and by extension, his own reputation – ahead of the nation’s security needs. He deserves to be slammed HARD for that alone, but official DC has always really sucked at getting the most roguish aspects of the FBI under control. Some of that is institutional habit, going back to the days of J. Edgar Hoover having files on everyone with information that could be used for blackmail. But there is also a long history – originated by JEH and cultivated ever since – of the FBI being very diligent about their media management, with both positive reinforcement (granting access to reporters, movie producers) and negative (among many examples, check out what happened to Ted Flicker after his movie The President’s Analyst came out in the 60s).
I hope something about that NYC office of the FBI will figure prominently in whatever report comes out of Mueller’s work, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I do seem to recall that Mueller removed one or two NYC field office people from his investigative team relatively early on, so there is at least that.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@stinger: @debbie: @Aimai: I’ll try leaving a light on and see what happens. Other than that, the cardinal may have to figure things out for himself.
Adam L Silverman
Just a quick note: there is no way, shape, or form that this is Seb’s everyday carry. While open carry is allowed in Virginia, any time he has to go into the district for work or a meeting or anything else, he’d have to leave his guns at home. There are only a handful of conceal carry permits issued in DC despite the Heller and MacDonald rulings. Moreover, there is no way he is carrying both pistols on his body – open or concealed carry. I’ve had to carry a full size semi-auto firearm(Beretta M9) for work (in Iraq). I preferred a pancake holster (like the one the Smith & Wesson is in in Seb’s picture) on my belt. Even with a proper belt, the damn thing pulls on your waistband. It is likely, given how he’s got the GLOCK set up that he’s carrying that one off body – most likely in his briefcase. This is absolutely a recipe for disaster. And you’ll notice he’s decided to present his “every day” carry as a New York reload (two guns), rather than one comfortably carried and/or concealed gun and one or two spare magazines.
Finally, let’s talk about his knife: the hisatsu. I have one of these. Specifically in desert tan. It was part of my kit for Iraq. I carried it when outside the wire. For a couple of reasons: 1) The Iraqis are both fascinated by knives and somewhat freaked by them. The former because of their tribal backgrounds and the latter because Saddam Hussein and his sons and henchmen would use them, along with semi-automatic pistols, for summary executions. So I was often able to get Iraqis to talk to me by talking about knives, their preferred knife, etc – conversation starter. 2) I actually know how to use one of these things properly because of my martial arts training. So it is an effective close quarters backup weapon for me if necessary. It is not a small knife. It is not concealable. I have several small, concealable knives including a very small, very thin razor sharp tanto (basically a tanto spike), that I carried concealed in Iraq. This included my folding utility knife and a small multitool. There is no way he’s carrying one full size pistol, one carry size pistol, one full size Japanese style knife, and all this other crap every day, every where.
@FlipYrWhig: Yes, you are right, they mean “deference”. They don’t get that “respect” is a fairly low bar. “Respect” just means that I’m going to be civil and polite and not try to use force of law to interfere with your lifestyle. But I’m not going to pretend that living in Pigsknuckle County for one’s whole life and having no education past high school and gunhumping are admirable or aspirational.
@Suzanne: amen
This cosplaying idiot lives just around the corner from my father’s house here in Northern Virginia. Not popular with the neighbors. There was some talk of adding an F to his Art of War license plate. One sees him sometimes walking his beautiful Blondi style dog, looking all sad and romantic, shouldering his lonely burden. What’s a Hungarian fascist to do? Assume the position, I guess. The immaturity of these little boys, trapped in their big arrested development dreams like flies in amber, is something that should be shoved in their nasty mugs every single day. Another one, like his idol Bannon, who imagines himself A World Historical Figure, A Towering Intellect, refusing to accept that millions of us are just not that into him.
On the other hand, the house is rather modest, and his parties don’t disturb the barrio. Plus the dog is beautiful. And the perfect accessory. I gather his wife is still working downtown in a legitimate job while he hangs out at the Breitbart Embassy, polishing the samovars and cleaning out the ashtrays. He was quoted in an interview saying that pillow talk at the Gorka shack proper revolves around ISIS and how to combat it. The couplings must be … homeric! Zeus and Hera.
@Amir Khalid:
Pelosi is quite right to insist on due process before she does any punishing. The weak thing to do here would be giving in to mob pressure and punishing Conyers before any finding of guilt.
. I assume you think Trump is quite right to insist on due process The weak thing here would be to give into mob pressure and punish Moore before any finding of guilt.
J R in WV
Your time would be better spent telling us your favorite pie recipes. Your comment is politically naive and intellect free. Thanks anyway, for 0.
I wonder if Gorka ripped out the pages of his Constitution that contain the 13th and 14th Amendments?
White trash was never respected. Some of these gullible people have been sold a revisionist history where people like them used to have it good but it was fools gold and didn’t happen. Back when it was good for white males, the smart ones, the hard workers, got ahead of the lazy ones.
Teddys Person
@Origuy: and the 15th for good measure.
Jay Noble
That vest is the only part of his Leisure Suit that still sorta fits.