Trump can’t perform the simplest, most ceremonial function without being a massive dick. A while ago, he worked his stupid, racist “Pocahontas” shtick about Elizabeth Warren into an event honoring Native American Code Talkers from WWII:
Oh man, this is absolutely brutal.
— Philip Bump (@pbump) November 27, 2017
Quote for those who can’t / won’t watch
“You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”
You could hear a pin drop in the room. Christ, what an asshole.
Open thread!
Corner Stone
It was crazeballs.
Tom Levenson
Alienating Americans one community at a time.
Corner Stone
Beyond the big stuff, nothing would make me happier than having a court put a hold on Mulvaney taking over at CFPB.
OH MY FUCKING GOD. I just came here to post this. How is this real? Bunch of non-commentors on Wonkette were posting satirical comments about what he would say.
They were unbelievably fabulous, on target, and funny as hell, but NO ONE came even close to the reality.
Major Major Major Major
Thanks Republicans!
Trentrunner II - Pie Is Squared
Be interested to hear from the codetalkers.
Also note that Trump says “some” or “they” call her “Pocahantas.”
HE calls her Pocahantas. Can’t even take responsibility for his own slur.
Years ago my brother-in-law married a woman with enough Cherokee blood in her to have tribal contractors build them a subsidized home in the boonies of Oklahoma. I thought it was a good government program, sure it is long gone. She looks a lot like Elizabeth Warren, not that it matters. The dotard just had her in mind as he tries to take a wrecking ball to the CFPB.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Great Dog. There is a dent in my keyboard from where my jaw keeps dropping.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
What a fucking asswipe. There’s just nothing at all redeeming about this guy. Nothing. I can’t think of anybody else I ever heard of in American public life I could say that about. Maybe John C. Calhoun or Jefferson Davis, mostly because I don’t know enough about them beyond the big stuff to know if they had anything else worthwhile. I don’t know. Preston Brooks, maybe. But shit, it takes a whole lot of digging around, way back into our history to find anybody as awful as this guy. Every fucking day he does something else I just never could have even guessed he’d do to humiliate us all. I know every day he’s going to do something, but there’s no way in hell to even take a stab at what it’s going to be. What a fuckface.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
Just remember, tens of millions of your fellow countrymen think this is funny.
Roger Moore
In other political news, it appears that a former aide to John Kelley has decided to step into the Alabama Senate campaign as a write-in candidate (autoplay video warning). I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. He could attract Republicans who are planning on voting for Moore as the only conservative choice, but he’s also likely to attract disaffected Republicans who were going to vote for Jones as better than voting for the child molester.
Trump is the turd in this analogy, right?
@Corner Stone:
It hasn’t stopped.
Corner Stone
All the ancient myths and legacies are true! The Prophecy has been fulfilled!!
There are only turds in the bowl.
Not seeing any punch in there.
At the end of the ceremony Kelly and Trump paid tribute with an extended Tomahawk Chop and chant; and invited them to a Redskins game.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
@Corner Stone: That seems a given to be locked up in court for years.
Unless the SC decides to break precedent.
Corner Stone
God, they just replayed that segment again. It gets worse every time.
“But I like you”
Trentrunner II - Pie Is Squared
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): My short version of this:
Obama is a better person than I, in every way.
Trump is a worse person than I, in every way.
I ask myself this question every single day.
I have yet to figure out the correct answer for it.
Don’t have much nice to say about people who willingly volunteer to serve as props for Velveeta Hitler’s latest photo-up. Do the right thing and tell the clown to take a hike. This kind of thing only normalizes him.
He’s absolutely a vile, disgusting human being.
Dolt45 voters should never be forgiven for their lack of character.
Corner Stone
@Mart: And handed them red trucker hats with the logo, “Make America BRAVE Again!”
@Corner Stone:
Uh huh
Uh huh
Roger Moore
@Trentrunner II – Pie Is Squared:
The truly ridiculous part is he can’t even get his slur right. The original thing was to call her “Fauxcahontas” as a way of suggesting her claims of American Indian ancestry are fake. Apparently, though, that point is too subtle for Trump’s even-smaller-than-his-hands mind to grasp, so he goes for an insult that doesn’t even make sense.
No, given the construction of the quoted segment in Betty’s post, that was almost certainly written into the planned remarks. Because the fucking moron thinks it’s ‘funny’. I swear, if I /facepalm any harder, I’ll give myself a concussion.
Today was the day that the Codetalkers actually had second thoughts about their service to this country.
Corner Stone
My God. What is Bubo wearing?
Betty Cracker
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I remember thinking that during the campaign. I think Romney is a prick — pretty much all Republicans in public life are these days — but during the campaign, there were people who were willing to speak well of Romney, to extol his virtues, describe an act of generosity he’d done, etc. Same for McCain and the Bushes. Whatever their faults — and they were many! — they were able to successfully masquerade as human beings. Not Trump. Even his children couldn’t credibly portray him as a human being.
Everything they do is nasty and petty. Everything. And it starts at the top.
I get some joy out of how miserable it must be working there- take 200 of the biggest assholes you’ve ever met and put them in one workplace- imagine how great it is coming to work each day! You can tell they don’t even like each other and the toxic effects aren’t even mitigated by having one or two decent people around- it’s assholes all the way down.
Turds do come from assholes.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Not enough for him to win the popular vote, though.
Sometimes it gets funny, up here in Canuckistan, when various friends and neighbours say to me that we can do much better than Trudeau Jnr. and I look south of the border and go, DUH!
dolt45 is about as funny as a Smitty on a hearse.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Don’t even have to go that far back.
Dick Cheney.
Donald Rumsfield.
Alexandra Petri seems to have read the FTFNYT recently. She ends today’s column thusly:
The Moar You Know
I have nothing but low expectations for Trump, and somehow, he keeps doing worse than the worst thing I can imagine.
The man is delivering for his base, boy, you gotta give him that. Y’all wanted racist and stupid? He’s got a dump truck full of that AND IT NEVER RUNS OUT.
You shouldn’t. Think of all the civil service folks who have to obey these assholes.
Holding the ceremony under the honking big portrait of Andrew Jackson was the perfect crowning touch.
Chyron HR
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Just remember, Democrats must address the economic anxiety that makes tens of millions of your fellow countrymen think this is funny.
every Native American tribe will declare war on the federal government by tomorrow, in response to trump’s massive insensitivity. HOW THE HELL COULD HE THINK THAT INSULTING WARREN WOULD GO OVER WELL WITH ACTUAL NATIVE AMERICANS?!
Oh. Right. I forgot. trump DOES NOT THINK. Any opportunity to insult another person, trump will take it and ignore the consequences because HE’S NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS BULLSHIT.
@The Moar You Know:
Obviously your imagination needs improvement.
Are there any left? I thought the last of the original ones died a year or two ago.
No, I won’t watch that fat, stupid, evil, classless, dickless motherfucker vomiting words, just so I can find out the answer.
Corner Stone
SHS just blamed Sen Warren for Trump calling her Pocahontas today.
@aangus: It would really suck if Trudeau lost his majority just because it’s really hard to change the All Oil All The Time economy Harper was trying to sell.
FSM fuck us, I didn’t catch that the first time.
Truly he excels at doing EVERYTHING wrong.
No Drought No More
Yeah, Trump is a schmuck, the sun rises in the east, and then you got death and taxes.
I can almost imagine the insulted honorees reacting by talking in outraged code-speak to Trump’s face, telling him in no uncertain terms all that which surely only their sense of propriety forbids them to utter aloud to his face in plain english.
I should note that the Atlanta Braves tomahawk chant is racist. But the FSU Seminole chant is signed off by the native tribes in Florida (FSU set up scholarships for the local tribes as compensation, and they make sure the Seminole mascot is an actual ‘Nole. I am, by the by, a Florida Gator, so I don’t diss them on this particular point).
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Who knows, maybe they were good dads or kind to stray animals, but Trump’s got nothing. Nothing at all. He’s extraordinary in his utter lack of redeeming characteristics. He turns every event honoring someone else into something lavishing praise on himself, or something bad about one of his many enemies. Honestly, it’s difficult to imagine a horrible fate that would be horrible enough for him.
Tom Levenson
@Roger Moore: Gotta say that this seems like a nothing burger:
The election is in two weeks. This guy “intends” to use social media to let Alabamans know he exists. If he cracks .25 % of the vote I’ll be stunned. And I don’t think this is going to be that close, either way — if Moore really disgusts folks there I suspect the margin for Jones will be larger than we’d guess in the office pool, and if tribalism holds, it be a ten point or more shellacking by Team Pederasty.
@No Drought No More:
Our deaths, their tax cuts.
@SFAW:In 2014.
But I have no doubts that Trump can offend even the the dead.
@The Moar You Know:
He enjoys being president Farkus. He’d do this even if he wasn’t playing to his base.
What’s next, meeting with Japanese Americans under a giant portrait of FDR?!?!?! /vomits
I knew it. My boss and a co-worker and I were having lunch and we were talking about what a jackass he is and I mentioned that he’d be speaking to the Code Talkers today and we all agreed that he’d absolutely bring this up.
What an asshole. I hate him.
at some point, I won’t even put necrophilia past the Shitgibbon.
Tom Levenson
@PaulWartenberg: Earl Warren too.
Don’t be ridiculous. I remember being told during the campaign that Ryan and McConnell would rein him in, and aren’t they doing a splendid job of it?
Captain C
@Chyron HR: And do so in a way which puts those identity politics people in their place.
There is no bottom. There is only a limit to what decent people can imagine.
@PaulWartenberg: Trump: “See, a little internment never hurt anyone.”
Fortunately there aren’t a lot of those here any more.
I’m a descendant of Rebecca Rolfe (aka Pocahontas, and yes, I have the genealogy report somewhere that confirms it), and, like Elizabeth Warren, I’m an Oklahoma native. Lots of the kids with whom I grew up claimed to be 1/16 this tribe, or 1/32 that tribe. They were just relating something one of their parents had told them, and it just wasn’t a big deal. They were treated as though they were 100% Caucasian as the vast majority of my hometown was. I’m sure some of them, like Warren, were told erroneous stories about their lineage, but so what? It was a tidbit of family lore that made a kid feel unique, like claiming an ancestor participated in the Cherokee Strip land run. (Which was the case with my grandfather. So there.)
It’s never their fault. It’s Senator Warren’s fault or Obama’s fault or the media’s fault- it’s never the fault of the Trump Administration.
Trentrunner II - Pie Is Squared
@Roger Moore: Also note that historically, and culturally, Pocahantas is…what’s the cultural studies term?…problematic.
This ceremony took place in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson. The staff can’t control HIMSELF, but they should be able to select a setting that is not wildly offensive to Native Americans.
Roger Moore
He hasn’t actually opened any death camps yet!
Racism of long standing.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@JMG: That was my thought even before I knew the giant orange asshole opened his mouth – he’s gonna pose the group in front of Andrew Fucking Jackson. And then of course mock Sen. Warren, who like many folks from OK, has family stories of Cherokee lineage – because Andrew Fucking Jackson and the Trail of Tears. I swear to christ I’m out of evens to can’t.
@Betty Cracker:
Yup, not a single “He helped me when I was down” or “He donated to our organization” or “He stood up for me when I was being picked on” or even “What a cutup in our boring history class” story. The only friendship stories about Trump seem to revolve around getting laid in group settings, sometimes involving thirteen-year olds. A true mensch.
FYWP’d. Please to liberate.
He acts up at these events because he can’t stand that someone else is getting attention. He’s a big blank space that has to be filled every moment. His need for constant attention is just gross. Me, me, me. He can’t string 7 words together without bringing it back to himself. His parents really did him no favors. A horrible person.
The difference between Pocahontas and the Shitgibbon is that Queen Elizabeth welcomed Pocahontas into her court. Trump … not so much.
@oldgold: That assumes that they know enough history to realize who or what might be offensive to Native Americans. I have my doubts.
@Roger Moore:
That we know of.
Amir Khalid
Another day, another episode of Donald Trump Is Unfit To Be President. The horror of it is, there’ll be another episode tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow …
Roger Moore
You’re assuming that not being wildly offensive was a goal. I would guess the exact opposite.
ETA: Remember, Trump is the guy who is trying to remove legal protections for a huge area of sacred Dine (Navajo) land by shrinking Bear’s Ears National Monument. Giving them the finger by hosting the ceremony in front of a portrait of Jackson is entirely consistent with his policy.
Suggests competent staff clearly not in evidence here.
A Ghost To Most
@Roger Moore: I can imagine Rump starting a nuclear holocaust.
I guess I’m not decent. Good.
@Tokyokie: Oklahoma has the highest percentage of Native American residents in the continental U.S. A lot of people in places like Oklahoma have Native American DNA but are not “enrolled” in a tribe. My daughter had a high school classmate whose father is Native American but not enrolled in any tribe. When asked for her ethnicity in college applications she put down Native American without thinking, but when she showed up at admissions they asked for formal tribal affiliation and when she didn’t have one they withdrew her financial support. That’s a true story. A lot of people don’t understand the legal niceties of what is meant — officially — by being Native American.
In an earlier thread, I speculated on the ways that stupid evil classless dickless motherfucker would screw it up. Clearly, I had not slammed my head into a brick wall enough times to become fucking stupid enough to come up with what Lying Littledick said.
I sometimes wish that George Orr really exists, but we might end up with something worse.
@JMG: Apparently Twitler had that portrait of Andrew Jackson installed in the Oval Office, which should come as no surprise to anyone who observed him extolling the long, long departed President Trail-of-Tears during the campaign. As usual, Twitler’s admiration is based on selective facts and outright errors.
There is apparently an anti-Obama component to this Jackson love, because of course
In case the FYWP’d comment doesn’t appear, here’s what it excerpted and linked to:
Donald Trump’s long history of clashes with Native Americans
The Lodger
@Roger Moore: Imagine Trump trying to pronounce “Fauxcahontas.” Not doing that is IMO one of the few well-advised things the Shitgibbon has ever done.
@Betty Cracker: And yet, the prestige media fluffed him, lead by Vichy Times, the R party made him their nominee and continue to back his agenda of hate and spite, also not to forget the millions who voted for him.
@sharl: What’s up with Trump and Andrew Jackson? Steve Bannon is what’s up. Trump has no clue but Bannon clearly lionizes Jackson and strove for us to see Trump in Jackonian terms.
What a joke. From the biggest pack of liars to ever hit tv. Sanders lies several times a day up there. Nothing happens.
Why do people still go to the White House? These incompetent clowns are sure to create some big stupid controversy and drag normal people into it. Just stop going. They can’t manage even the simplest events.
@NotMax: Trump doesn’t like competition from Native American casinos. He is not a complex character.
@Amir Khalid:
Something about a tale told by an idiot …
As I wrote this AM, we’re up to ZERO days in a row — for the 300-plus time this year — of the Maladministration not being total dicks or not trying to destroy America. I expect it’ll be up to about 345 by the end of the year.
Gin & Tonic
Trump’s racism against Native Americans likely dates to the period in time when Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun ate Atlantic City’s lunch.
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the media enjoys being slapped in the face by an puffed up piece of southern lard.
He is not going to improve, Ds need to win in 2018. That’s the only way to curb his worst instincts.
@SFAW: At this point we’re at zero hours. It just won’t stop.
I don’t think that’s going to make him stop. Rule, laws and common decency mean nothing to him.
/This is not meant as a downer, but simply stating the obvious based on all available evidence and prior history.
Actually, Warren has been able to prove her claim through genealogical sources and has been accepted by her great-grandmother’s Cherokee tribe.
That’s what moves this from “dickish taunting” to “actual racial slur.” She really IS part Cherokee, just as she had been told.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Corner Stone: Of course she did; it’s what SHS and the Orange Emperor in his own mind do. I hate them.
Anyone who would like to just shoot me now, please do. Tell your friends.
Ugh. She’s just awful. She exudes nastiness. The nepotism is just accepted now too- the children of Right wingers move right into the top slots as a birthright. God forbid there should be some kind of actual merit-based hiring process.
@Kay: I’m trying to imagine how we get back to the old norms of common decency.
I’m still trying.
Also, just on a random note, a fair number of otherwise white people are discovering via DNA testing that the “Native American princess” in their ancestry was really a Black woman. Though it can be hard to completely distinguish between fact and legend since it was not unheard of for slaves to run away and be adopted into various tribes (most famously the origin of the Seminoles, but they aren’t the only ones).
@JMG: Is that really Jackson’s portrait? (head’s cut off in video). If so that’s extremely neglectful or purposely offense on the administration’s part. Sadly, I have to pick purposely offensive.
@Duane: When in doubt, go with evil. Hasn’t been wrong yet.
@Amir Khalid:
…creeps in this petty pace…
Anyhow, my understanding was that Warren responded to a survey after she was admitted to a school that she was part Native American. It had nothing to do with entry, scholarship or favoritism. Yet SHS has to slur Warren with unsubstantiated lies about Warren as she tried to deflect the outrage aimed at twitler. Disgusting and despicable. She’s almost as loathsome as twitler.
Matt McIrvin
@Tokyokie: In this case it’s feeding into the conservative myth about fantastic benefits accruing to non-white people from affirmative action, and the notion that there are also huge crowds of fakers sponging off of it. Back in the 80s and 90s, Warren had listed herself as a minority in a law-school directory, and Harvard University (unknown to her) touted her as an example of diverse hiring–probably a bad idea on both counts, but that naturally morphed into a lie about how Warren misrepresented herself as Native American to “get into Harvard” or to get hired, neither of which happened.
And, of course, it’s a big old excuse to just say racist crap about Indians. That became clear even in the Scott Brown campaign; it wasn’t as if he was offering any kind of sophisticated critique of the appropriation of Native American identity.
@Barbara: Yep; this current* version of Twitler has no native intellectual capabilities or curiosity. He was a perfect vessel into which Bannon could pour his brew of toxic ideas. And as we’ve discussed recently with the NYT nazi normalization piece, there is a market out there for that sort of thing, which Bannon clearly recognized.
*To me, early Trump reporting by the late Wayne Barrett (for the Village Voice) showed what a flawed creature young Twitler was from his earliest adult days. But at least he could put together complete coherent sentences back then. So while the vileness has been there for a long time, his basic cognitive capabilities are clearly not what they used to be:
Gelfling 545
@TenguPhule: Yeah, but he’d have no clue about that. Somebody told him once that he was like Jackson and he mistook it for a compliment.
@PaulWartenberg: “at some point, I won’t even put necrophilia past the Shitgibbon.”
Been there, done that. He has been humping the stone cold dead body of Decency for months.
We stayed with relatives over Thanksgiving weekend, and yesterday (Sunday) we were socially obliged to accompany them to the service at their local Baptist church. The preacher gave a lively sermon about the challenges of bringing up sensibly moral, Christian children dedicated to serving their community rather than materialism, amid the challenges of a secularly hostile society, parts of which (more service than materialistic oriented) I could heartily agree with, even if not quite so much other parts of the sermon. At the end of the service, this particular congregation was whole-heartedly into singing the concluding gospel hymn, hands in the air to “praise and connect with the lord”. Very evangelical flavor to this congregation.
HOWEVER, after the service out in the parking lot, the fact that quite a few of the cars still sported “Trump 2016” bumper stickers did not escape my attention (fortunately not including the relatives we accompanied there). How is it possible for the ironic massive contradiction of their supposed values to so totally escape them? Myself, I’d be so dizzy from the cognitive dissonance I couldn’t get off the couch, let alone make it to church.
@sharl: interesting clip. Drumpf is sharper, faster talking. He still ooozes sleaze in that interview, but he doesn’t seem impaired (as he does now). Also, $650 for a one-bedroom apt. in NYC.
Gelfling 545
@Tokyokie: I thought I had read that Sen Warren’ s Native heritage was confirmed by the Cherokee Nation. Back when this name calling started – by Scott Brown, wasn’t it?
@TenguPhule: He won’t stop but D Congress and/or Senate will be better for us than the current status quo.
He is a maggot.
Oh, President Marge Schott was a racist asshole again eh.
@schrodingers_cat: Agreed.
But what is essential is that the Ds in Congress have to confront the Constitutional Crisis head on. No more ducking around the obvious.
If they won’t do that, achieving a majority is going to be a hollow victory.
No more “we must look forward, not back”
This time we brand Republicans for their sins. Literally, if necessary.
@danielx: Please don’t insult maggots.
And, she won’t because they do crap work and that’s the standard now. Just make shit up.
@Kay: SHS: “Don’t you know its the Christmas season! How dare you ask me questions that infringe on the holy spirit of the holidays!”
@germy: Of course he’s excluding Fox, they’d win in a runaway.
@Kay: They’ll ask the folks at Fox and Friends to draw something up and will pass it along without reading it.
Sandia Blanca
@Mnemosyne: That is interesting! I am one of those who grew up hearing the “Indian princess” stories, although my mother now claims she never heard them. Must have heard them from Grandma. Lots of murky branches on all our family trees, I’ll wager.
@Spanky: I am so stealing this.
Tenar Arha
@Mnemosyne: I don’t doubt this, but a quick google can’t find it because there’s so much bull out about her and the subject. To the point that even snopes doesn’t seem to have the information. Was it on Finding Your Roots or something?
Bard the Grim
@Mnemosyne: True. Warren spoke at a meeting in my town a few months ago, which my wife attended. She explained that this all got started from answering questions on a form AFTER she was hired at Harvard. One question asked if she’d be willing to be a mentor/confidant to minority students. Her (minor) Cherokee heritage was often talked about in her family, and she figured that since that Native American representation was pretty thin among the faculty, and that something was better than nothing if a Native American student wanted somebody to talk to, she checked the box. You know, trying to be helpful.
By the way, outside the meeting building, there was an ***hole beating a drum to mock her.
Edit: Ah, bystander #107 beat me to it.
@Sandia Blanca:
I had my DNA tested last year and I appear to be 100 percent European. No surprises at all — Germany, England, Ireland, and northern Italy. I was slightly surprised because my mother’s family has been here since the Puritans, but I think there’s something weird with DNA where certain things in the maternal line will only show up in DNA from male descendants. So I guess I know what I should get my brother for Christmas … ?
@Tenar Arha:
It wasn’t — she hired a genealogist in a Boston when the controversy started, and that person found a marriage license for the “mythical” Cherokee ancestor, so that part of the controversy has actually been resolved.
I Googled a little more and part of the problem seems to be one of terminology. Because being a member of an American Indian tribe is an actual legal designation and not strictly a racial one, you’re not legally an American Indian unless you apply for and receive membership in a tribe. Warren seems to have enough documentary evidence that she could successfully apply for membership in the Cherokee and Delaware tribes, but she never has. So she may have the DNA, but she’s not legally Native American.
Confused yet? ?
@Mnemosyne: Those tests are not all that scientific, or so I hear. The mitochondrial DNA traces the matrilineal lineage IIRC.
I think I took the Ancestry DNA one, and it was pretty general. Like your ancestors could have come from anywhere inside this 1,000-mile radius! So it wasn’t particularly helpful in pinpointing things. It really is meant to be more of an adjunct to genealogical research, not to replace it.
When this thing is finally over they’re going to have to scrub the entire Oval Office down with bleach to kill all the slime.
@different-church-lady: Or get the British to burn it all down so we can start fresh.
So, regarding the Andrew Jackson portrait, as often noted, a feature not a bug.
@Gelfling 545: I didn’t think it had been, but my point is, what difference does it make? She never claimed minority status to gain undeserved affirmative action status, although that’s clearly the implication this insult carries. Insulting Warren for her (valid) ancestry claims is a twofer for right-wingers: They can brand Warren as a liar and question the efficacy of affirmative action programs.
Tenar Arha
@Mnemosyne: That’s not really confusing at all. But I’m Jewish, so we got some pretty esoteric stuff about who’s Jewish enough for right of return citizenship in Israel. It’s not the same, but it’s similar enough that it does require more legal steps than verifying my genealogy. ??
cynthia ackerman
Ding! Ding! Ding!
My dad’s family is from Alabama, long held that my great-great-grandmother was Cherokee.
Then a photo surfaced.
She was probably “high yella” but clearly of African descent, not Cherokee.
This parallels a similar story in my own generation: my half sister was known until well in to her thirties as fathered by a Spaniard.
Then our maternal grandmother spilled the beans — our mother ran away from home at 15 and had a child with a black man just after WW2. She and I look very much alike.
I wonder if The Orange Better One understands that Warren is actually a Senator, and not a Representative.
The problem with Tillerson calling him a fucking moron is that he was too kind.
The man could literally fuck up a wet dream.
Captain C
@PaulWartenberg: If Ivanka goes before him…
John Fremont
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Yep. They elected him to “shake things up” and piss off liberals.
J R in WV
@Matt McIrvin:
Senator Professor Warren is now an enrolled member of a Cherokee tribe through her great-grandmother.
Late to the party as usual. If I were to repeat here what my Pueblo Indian wife said about asshole Trump’s statement today, the Secret Service would be knocking at our door. Don’t even think about getting her started on the Indian princess bullshit.
Hey, he’s gotta get action somehow. You don’t think Melania lets him touch her, do you?
On the other hand, I guess there’s Hope for him
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Gotta admit, when Susan Sarandon is right, she right.
Trump is far better than Hitleray
Christ, what an asshole.
@Corner Stone: SHS?
@WaterGirl: Finally figured it out. Slimy Huckabee Sanders.
Sandia Blanca
@Mnemosyne: Genealogy is fascinating. I’ve been thinking of having my DNA tested, just to find out what it shows.
This ^^^ times a few billion. Your further comments were spot on too. The manbaby despoils everything he is near. I still cannot believe that tens of millions of Americans looked at this guy and said to themselves and out loud, “Yes, this is what I want to lead my country.” FFS.