Ok, I’ll admit that some of these things do surprise me a bit:
Lauer, who was paranoid about being followed by tabloid reporters, grew more emboldened at 30 Rockefeller Center as his profile rose following Katie Couric’s departure from “Today” in 2006. His office was in a secluded space, and he had a button under his desk that allowed him to lock his door from the inside without getting up. This afforded him the assurance of privacy. It allowed him to welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him, according to two women who were sexually harassed by Lauer.
According to sources, the sexual harassment extended to when Lauer traveled on assignment for NBC. Several employees recall how he paid intense attention to a young woman on his staff that he found attractive, focusing intently on her career ambitions. And he asked the same producer to his hotel room to deliver him a pillow, according to sources with knowledge of the interaction.
If this keeps up, pretty soon you won’t be able to lock your co-workers in your office without their consent.
Mike J
A button under your desk to lock the door is a tip off. If any of your employees asks for one, just fire him right then.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
OT: Anyone else heard about Slobodan Praljak’s suicide his morning?
Best line I have read in this whole sordid mess . . .
@Mike J:
The problem is that it was the bosses getting it installed for themselves.
These fuckers are going to make it so no man can offer support to a woman’s career because the man could be a shitheel. Nice work you scum sucking piles of shit. As if the harassment & assault were not enough you managed to cut off mentoring that would help level the playing field.
I want the goddammed meteor NOW!
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Yes, I’m out of touch with my Croatian friends but I’m curious what their take on it is.
@Mike J:
Apparently many execs at NBC have one
I don’t think that’s true.
25 BILLION annually. Those Trump voters better start tightening their health care belts. No chemotherapy for you!
@Schlemazel: Who had their money on Andy Lack being next?
No fair – you lure several attractive young women into your office and use your secret automatic door locking button so they can’t leave, and your labeled for life.
And I thought this day wasn’t going to get any weirder.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): funny enough, I saw it on my Facebook news feed, but didn’t see it on my twitter TL
@Yutsano: I still say Geraldo is next.
@Kay: And remember, the final bill is going to be even worse.
@germy: I don’t think its going to be women that are filing all the complaints against Geraldo.
@Mike J: Sure is. Clearly there were many warning signs from this guy.
Matt Lauer always struck me as an angry passive-aggressive control freak who could barely maintain. His charms completely eluded me. The attempt to pass of a person who was really never anything but a talk show host as a journalist was an example of the fraud that much of US corporate dominated has become. And his attempts to actual journalism of any kind always tuned into messes.
So, sad end to an unfortunate career.
@germy: I thought Jerry Rivers had an accusation a long time ago. You’re not wrong (and I didn’t think he was in the NBC hive either) but his would be the least surprising.
@jl: He did a cooking segment with Nigella Lawson and him alone once and it’s so creepy. She tries to handle it with grace but it’s clear on her face she doesn’t relax until the co-hosts come in.
EDIT: It’s on YouTube. If I remember when I get home tonight I’ll try to find it.
I remember Geraldo back from the 1970s when I was watching NYC tv news.
Ron Burgundy was a documentary.
Felonius Monk
This is probably going to make it very difficult for NBC to defend itself in what will soon be a tsunami of sexual harassment lawsuits. It smacks of institutionalized sexual harassment.
I’m afraid we have to throw the book at you.
What are you trying to say about men who fixate on Bette Middler?
Trump has been telling unrebutted lies all day on the tax bill. I heard a clip on local radio where they treated his lies as fact.
This is why it matters that the President lies constantly. It’s not adorable maverick behavior. He’s a liar and his speeches are intended to deceive vulnerable people. They’ll die without health care. This is not a game. There will be a body count.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Kay: This bill is a gift. It heightens the contradictions and lays the foundation for a glorious revolution.
Corner Stone
@Felonius Monk: As long as they get Chuck Todd, also too.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): If he died with his pants on, then it’s not news.
@Yutsano: apparently Chump did…he mentioned Lack in a tweet.
Oh and in a deleted tweet, he also mentioned Joey Scar and the dead intern.
Scarborough’s brother: I supported Trump all along but he just crossed the line
the tweet was have since been deleted
Mike in NC
When I worked at places where people had offices — as opposed to cubicles — it was generally understood that your door was to be kept open pretty much all the time, unless for example you left the building to go to lunch or a meeting with a customer.
I loathe Matt Lauer because he sucks at his job. The fact that this clown made hundreds of millions of dollars should make people question the whole basis of “merit” in media.
Good fucking riddance. I hope they fire all of them.
Cheryl Rofer
@Schlemazel: No, women have always been able to tell the difference between those helping them and the shitheels. The tell is when they assault you. Or the lewd remarks.
Yeah, that’s one thing I didn’t understand this morning when I read various news reports that described him as the “beloved” or “popular” morning show host. I mean, who the fuck loved Matt Lauer? I don’t know anyone who liked him or found him charming. He’s just someone the network executives promoted.
Trentrunner II - Pie Is Squared
This is fine. This is all fine:
– NYTimes Magazine
Cheryl Rofer
@Yutsano: I saw a tweet that multiple NBC execs have buttons in their offices.
Corner Stone
This has become a Democratic Party political issue, only. Thanks Chuck.
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone:
Difficult to imagine that any attempt by the Toad to sexually harass anyone would not have resulted in a swift kick in the nuts. He sort of zeroes out on the suave meter.
Corner Stone
The self-righteousness of Chuck Todd confirms for me he is guilty AF of something wrong with women/boys.
@Corner Stone:
There’s got to be something going on with Chuck. That goatee and the hair remind me of bad Spock. We’ll have to leave it there.
@Corner Stone: I see Chuckles trying to thread the needle on trying to play both sides…and its ridiculous
Sadly it is a game to them. The body count is how they keep score.
@Droppy: This is one guy who should NOT be allowed a comeback after a hiatus or some BS country club ‘program’. From what I have heard so far, just to damn stone cold and pathologically abusive and manipulative.
I have trouble seeing the supposedly rehabilitated Mel Gibson. And even Alec Baldwin, though what he was doing was not sexual, but still emotional abusive to his kid. But they were more rage freaks, and Gibson was trained from an early age to be a horrid bigot. But Lauer is worse than those guys. Maybe Gibson and Baldwin saw the error of their ways and reformed? Maybe? But Lauer? He seems like the kind of person Dr. Phil talks about who goes to therapy to learn how to get better at his racket. I’m no fan of Dr. Phil, but sometimes he drops the reality show schtick and sounds like a professional. Maybe he is right about that.
Trentrunner II - Pie Is Squared
Congresswoman Kathleen Rice:
Conyers must resign. Franken must resign.
That’s the thing about middle men. They flip, because they’ll be dead one way or the other.
And they sell out the bosses… https://t.co/PpBrKXBD6Q
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) November 29, 2017
Subpoenas are being sent to 23 Trump businesses requiring them to preserve records in emoluments case https://t.co/l8195OuSSi pic.twitter.com/v5eGmD7ecc
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) November 29, 2017
@germy: He seemed weaselly.
It’s amazing how often I get to talk to interns, deal with students, man-handle weightlifting guys into good pose positions for the pose down, yet never needed to lock them into rooms or done anything worse than maybe hug them to say goodbye when they left. I like being in a position of power to help folks and get mail from them years later saying thank you. Not stories of me molesting them. It’s really easy to not harass folks, even gorgeous ones!
Pil.. what… in god’s name everlovin fuck?
@Kay: Did you document the lies and contact the local station? I think that is one area where just a few high quality, polite but firm and complaints, with evidence can make a difference.
@Trentrunner II – Pie Is Squared:
Moral High Ground hasn’t won us any elections so far.
Perhaps its highly overrated. How about we try some mudslinging and groin stomping for a change and see how that goes?
who’s surprised?
@germy: I see Chuck on MTP now..trying to make NBC sound so noble…”we hold our people more accountable than the party leadership”…
Bish…bullshit…how long has it been known that Lauer was scum…at CBS…that Rose was scum…at Fox News…oh O’Reilly/Ales were scum…
Give me a break Chuckles…Vanity Fair was ready to BLOW UP with this story…that is when NBC, or CBS, or Fox news acted…profiles in courage my azz
Suddenly the Megan Kelly hiring makes more sense.
@rikyrah: /Colbert finger twiddle
@lamh36: Heh. I wonder if Twitler knows where just enough bodies are buried at NBC to throw the channel into complete chaos. Granted it won’t be enough to actually break the channel. There are enough underlings who know how to handle operations that it can run until replacements are found. But if some of the institutional rot comes out from NBC, so be it. Maybe then MSNBC can get back to some quality and Joy can finally get her daily show.
@different-church-lady: He could have asked her to peel him a grape.
But they’re sitting on a vault full of “Apprentice” out-takes. Surely dolt45 knows not to pull the lion’s tail?
*Sigh* I wonder what company owns that radio station.
People rightly complain about Fox News. But there are some conservative owned radio and tv stations that also deliberately distort the news. And as always, when Trump decries “fake news,” what he is really saying is that he benefits from deliberately faked news.
Felonius Monk
@Trentrunner II – Pie Is Squared: Maybe we should start a GoFundMe for you to buy a decade’s worth of Depends because the way you keep pissing your pants over this seems pathological and at least the Depends would keep you for soiling the couch.
Oh, absolutely. But at this point, I’m not going to shed a tear about anybody who still believes the guy – they’ve decided they WANT to be lied to, and WANT to believe the lies. They deserve every ounce of suffering they’re going to get.
I’m much more concerned about the people who he’s going to hurt who aren’t collaborators.
Patricia Kayden
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Susan Sarandon, is that you?
@TenguPhule: What Rice said was not good. The Democrats are not ceding some ambiguous undefined moral high ground on what exactly? Everything? Talking like that and making it some kind policy to force everyone accused out of office based on accusations, or some leaked history of apparently resolved cases will just make the Dems a target of dirty tricks.
Remember there is evidence that alt-right operators selectively leaked the Conyors info. That doesn’t change what Conyors did, and he deserves censure and sanction. But I am not going to be a sap and sit by and say nothing when there is evidence of corrupt and very partisan selective leaking of Congressional Democrats while GOPers are protected.
Society has to learn how to handle these cases, for elected officials, in a way that every offense does not deserve a death sentence, and the punishment fits the crime.
Rice is wrong and what she said is foolish.
Also remember that journalists were trying to use Frankens sexual harassment problem as an excuse to discredit his work on the Trump/Russia scandal and Sessions’ lying.
Kay may disagree with me on this, but I think her comment that this is not a game and there will be body count needs to be remembered.
Edit: and also remember O’Keefe’s latest stunt. We always know about his stunts because he stinks at them, but others do the same thing and are much more skilled.
Ok…NBC management…sure…
@Trentrunner II – Pie Is Squared: I have never, ever felt tempted to curse someone until you came along. True curse, not a feeble “damn you.” Our country is toppling over a cliff, and more personally, my two best friends, one of whom is disabled, may lose what little medical coverage they have — not to mention my 84 year old father losing medicaid — and all you want to do in every bloody thread is to push your imbecile moral sense of superiority. I hope someone is paying you because trying to cause so much destruction for free is the clearest representation of degradation I’ve ever seen.
Gelfling 545
@Mike J: I once worked in a place where I could lock the door from my desk. I was supposed to lock it with my dying breath to protect the rest of the office from whatever horrible fate I was suffering. It was meant to kerp people out, not in.
Nope. TV don’t work like that. TV is built on a “Q” factor that leads people to come back and watch you every day, even if they just love to hate you, like a Jerry Springer. But Lauer was popular. From a 2015 Variety story:
It’s all about the numbers.
And I agree. Its long past time our purity ponies get with the program and either pitch in or get the hell out.
@Doug!: No? You try it now, then.
We’ll wait.
@Gelfling 545: You worked in HR?
If you were a woman and some guy was interested in “helping your career” would you believe him? I wouldn’t
This is an extra whammy they have to deal with
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Oh, nooooooooow he goes too far. the birtherism, the sexual assault, the racist crap about mexicans, blacks, and mooslims was okay, but attacking his brother was over the line.
what entitlement.
OK, let me get this straight: Lauer wanted a pillow. He decided the best way to get this pillow was not from housekeeping, but from a female coworker. Because… NBC has pillow interns?
Wow. What a crazy day. Firings over sexual harassment. Congress trying hard to push a terrible tax bill. War criminals committing suicide by taking poison. The North Koreans acting up.
And the Supreme Court hearing a major privacy case:
Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
@Cheryl Rofer:
OK, I didn’t know that & admit my creeper radar is broken. There is a guy in a social group we hang out with that I always thought of as an OK guy. When my wife said he was a creep I was a bit surprised. I checked with some other women & they all said he was a creep. I guess when you don’t have to deal with that shot you don’t develop the antenna for it.
But are you really sure you can be 100% accurate?
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Someone should ask Todd why NBC is protecting Trump by refusing to release the Apprentice tapes which we know exist (showing him engaging in sexual harassment and racism). For some strange reason, NBC is protecting the Orange Bigot and they need to be challenged.
@TenguPhule: She is a Berniecrat, I am so not surprised.
@Felonius Monk: I don’t think “suave” has anything to do with harassment.
@different-church-lady: This is a man whose contract clearly stated a private helicopter would pick up him from his estate and bring him to work so he could enjoy more “family time.” Of course he wanted co-worker to bring him a pillow. And he wanted her to fluff it up for him.
A Ghost to Most
Well said. This obsession is not helpful.
@germy: Perhaps I’m misremembering, but I thought the Apprentice out-takes were with the producer of the show, not NBC.
do yourself a favor & pie the son of a useless bitch
@germy: It’s not just ego at play — at a certain point it crosses the line from harassment to just deliberate and outright humiliation.
Does anyone know why Trump referred to Lack’s “past” this morning? I can’t find anything on Google. I wonder if he threatened to cancel The Apprentice or something similar.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Patricia Kayden:
@Shana: I thought NBC had legal ownership of the outtakes and hot mics. I don’t know what arrangement the producer and network have.
Felonius Monk
I didn’t mean to imply that it was. Only making an observation.
No, you are right. It is not NBC but Mark Burnet, that would be the guy who with his wife, Romey Downey, produces the Bible for TV – you remember that, they searched for an actor that looked like Obama to play Satan . . .
Patricia Kayden
@Trentrunner II – Pie Is Squared: Conyers should resign but I’m not sure about Franken. The accusations against him aren’t as egregious as those against Conyers (which include pressuring women to have sex with him and threats to job security). Franken has admitted wrongdoing and has apologized for his behavior. As far as I’m concerned, that should be enough. Let his voters vote him out if they’re unhappy with him.
Some people can hide it well, and I guess sometimes people can be wrong, but when you have so many women coming to the same conclusion, you got to treat it seriously.
After Sarah insisted she state what she is thankful for? How rude!
It’s time for an NBC special where they interview every single woman who came forward about Trump’s harassing behavior.
Gin & Tonic
@different-church-lady: Because when you’re paid $28 million a year to read off a TelePrompTer, and management sucks your cock every day, you figure you’re hot shit.
@Patricia Kayden: I mostly want Conyers to resign for two reasons.
A) He’s old, like in his 80s.
B) He’s in a safe Dem seat. It’s time to get a new Representative in there.
Oh, I don’t doubt it I am just amazed I don’t see it. I pride myself on reading people very well & figuring out what their motivation and style are. I do know some guys that are creepers but this is the first time I actually knew someone well enough to make a guess about them & not pick that up at all.
Yes, you can always tell.
ETA: Once you’ve learned or experienced this, you can always tell. And it’s pretty much a given that you will experience this.
You of course being a woman.
Patricia Kayden
@Yutsano: True. And his behavior has been outrageous when it comes to sexual harassment. He needs to go. He’s been a politician since the 1960s so it’s time for him to retire. I’m more ambivalent about Franken. I don’t see why he should go unless there are more serious charges out there. He’s submitting to an investigation so we shall see.
bolding is mine.
Look at the wording. Someone apparently thought they could “tell the truth” if they worded their statement very carefully.
I’m in a similar boat. I’ve recognized some creeps. Others totally escaped my notice.
J R in WV
@Mike in NC:
I had a private office with a door and a nice view in my last position. I closed the door when I was alone working on a sharp deadline. I pushed it partly closed when doing employee evaluations, but those were mostly “Keep up the good work!” so not super secret confidential. Or for hiring interviews, with a committee of 3 and the potential new hire.
But when working on a grant application with a hard deadline, I didn’t need distractions while trying to keep the numbers all in my head. Or when I was working on something for the boss and he came in to help me with input from his level. Or a phone conference with people from all over the country listening and speaking. Now I’m thinking of the reasons to have your door mostly closed.
But a button to lock your door? My door wouldn’t lock from the inside, that’s a fire trap safety hazard waiting to kill someone. When locked, it would open from the inside, and opening it would unlock it. I never had a key! It was supposed to be open when I left. I could have locked file cabinets, but I didn’t. Mostly shit was piled in stacks on my credenza.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Yutsano: as I understand it, Conyers has Alzheimer’s and is barely functional. Sure, he’s Dean of the House, founder of the CBC, etc., but he hasn’t been an effective representative for a very long time. Even setting aside the allegations, he should go.
@Corner Stone:
Won’t be sad if they get Chuck
They are who we thought they were
I don’t believe them. At all.
J R in WV
Isn’t that sweet?!?!!
@rikyrah: Don’t we think that should have been done months ago? They have surely destroyed everything of interest by now.
@lamh36: The word “current” is doing a lot of work in that sentence.
We women who have been in the workforce or are not agoraphobic for any period of time have well developed creep radar sheerly out of self preservation. Men have no idea. Even at my age (59), it still happens. It is part of life for us. Maybe good men will start developing better radar because of all of this. It’s not that hard if you pay close attention. The signs are glaring once you know what to look for.
@Barbara: Yeah, I made that point, too. I think “was never made aware of any complaints” is also doing a lot of work. Doesn’t say they didn’t know, just that there’s no proof that anyone formally made them aware of any formal complaints.
Do they think we’re stupid?:
@geg6: Oh, yeah. Not one woman would be alone in a room with one male who worked in our unit, and we would not allow ourselves to be in a closed stairway with him, either. We all knew instinctively.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I wonder how this starts
Two possiblities;
Guys like Lauer were otherwise decent guys who got carried away with the groupies and those women seeking career advancement threw a bed room to assume everyone woman is one. Sooner or later Lauer forgot no means no.
The Lauer is a stone cold creep from the get go and mind games was how he got his gig at the Today Show. He does sound like an odd choice since my understanding of a talk show host the guy is supposed to be the father figure for the female host who is the audience surrogate. That don’t sound like Lauer. NBC dropped him really quickly, so that sounds like management didn’t consider Lauer one of their bros and the people Lauer crossed saw their chance and took it.
FWIW, everything I’ve seen says that the Baldwin call happened during a low point in the relationship with his daughter when she was a teenager, and they have since worked it out and are back in contact.
Gibson is another matter because he was physically abusing his girlfriend. To me, that’s totally different from yelling at your teenager on the phone.
Don’t leave out Mel’s rabid anti-Semitism. You don’t get to become a good guy while still holding on to your anti-Semitism.
J R in WV
Actually, they are counting on stupidity to carry them through to the touchdown. So, YES, they DO think we’re stupid. We should plan on making them pay for that misconception!
Not that I want to provide exculpatory facts, but the door lock thing doesn’t lock them in, it only locks others out. Office doors would always allow free exit unless someone installed the lock backwards, and then he’d never be able to lock it from the outside. A door hardware set that locks both sides is an anomaly against code in such a manner that locksmiths would not install them in a corporate environment.
Sister Golden Bear
What? Have people make potentially unwarranted assumptions about you, and not believe what you say… welcome to what women have experienced forever.
I’m not trying to be snarky, because I know you’re genuinely interested in learning, but yeah.
Sister Golden Bear
As someone who crossed the gender divide, one of the first things I learned is to be hyper aware of
Schrödinger’s rapist. Because yes, there are so, so many of them.
@Sister Golden Bear: I crossed the divide in the other direction. I have been quite astonished how much more comfortable it is to navigate day-to-interactions as a man.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Patricia Kayden: …super late to the thread, but his approval ratings are fucking horrible, and while Conyers’ actions are much worse than Franken’s, said ratings probably make “he just plays grab-ass” a shitty hill to die on.
“I fought the lock, and the lock won.”
Bruce K
I ran across a comment elsewhere that justifies the existence of those remote-locking buttons in certain circumstances. Specifically, the commenter stated they worked in a substance abuse treatment unit, and the remote-lock button was right next to the panic button that called the cops.
So, yeah, there’s a reason for such things to exist … but what the hell is the justification for a television news presenter to have such a mechanism in his office in a presumably reasonably secure network headquarters building?