"He has asked friends about how a shutdown would affect him politically and has told several people he would put the blame on Democrats." https://t.co/gNE5cU8xnf
— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) December 1, 2017
President Trump has told confidants that a government shutdown could be good for him politically and is focusing on his hard-line immigration stance as a way to win back supporters unhappy with his outreach to Democrats this fall, according to people who have spoken with him recently.
Over the past 10 days, the president has also told advisers that it is important that he is seen as tough on immigration and getting money for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to two people who have spoken with him. He has asked friends about how a shutdown would affect him politically and has told several people he would put the blame on Democrats.
Trump’s mixed messages on a partial government shutdown could hamper the ability of congressional Republicans to negotiate with Democrats, whose support they need to pass spending legislation in coming weeks. Many Republicans said this week that a shutdown is a possibility they hope to avoid. Even inside the White House, aides fret about the possibility, saying it would not poll well…
THIS IS FINE, Repubs reply.
"Mr. Trump also called other lawmakers over the summer with requests that they push Mr. Burr to finish the inquiry" https://t.co/DsqptA5Pwy
— Katherine Miller (@katherinemiller) December 1, 2017
President Donald Trump over the summer repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans, including the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to end the panel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, according to a half-dozen lawmakers and aides. Trump’s requests were a highly unusual intervention from a president into a legislative inquiry involving his family and close aides.
Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, the intelligence committee chairman, said in an interview this week that Trump told him that he was eager to see an investigation that has overshadowed much of the first year of his presidency come to an end.
“It was something along the lines of, ‘I hope you can conclude this as quickly as possible,’” Burr said. He said he replied to Trump that “when we have exhausted everybody we need to talk to, we will finish.”
In addition, according to lawmakers and aides, Trump told Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate Republican leader, and Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., a member of the intelligence committee, to end the investigation swiftly…
Trump’s requests of lawmakers to end the Senate investigation came during a period in the summer when the president was particularly consumed with Russia and openly raging at his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself from any inquiries into Russian meddling in the election. Trump often vented to his own aides and even declared his innocence to virtual strangers he came across on his New Jersey golf course.
In this same period, the president complained frequently to McConnell about not doing enough to bring the investigation to an end, a Republican official close to the leader said.
Republicans downplayed Trump’s appeals, describing them as the actions of a political newcomer unfamiliar with what is appropriate presidential conduct…
During this time, Trump made several calls to senators without senior staff present, according to one West Wing official. According to senators and other Republicans familiar with the conversations, Trump would begin the talks on a different topic but eventually drift toward the Russia investigation.
In conversations with McConnell and Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Trump voiced sharp anger that congressional Republicans were not helping lift the cloud of suspicion over Russia, the senators told political allies. The Times reported in August that the president had complained to McConnell that he was failing to shield Trump from an ongoing Senate inquiry…
Trump “even declared his innocence to virtual strangers he came across on his NJ golf course.” https://t.co/mADndNpbIq
— Nick Riccardi (@NickRiccardi) December 1, 2017
So Trump has pressured the AG, DNI, head of CIA & NSA, members of Senate committee investigating him & fired the head of FBI to stop Russia investigation … but there’s nothing to the investigation
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) December 1, 2017
3/ You can make a compelling argument that Trump is trying to use his considerable influence as President to prematurely end an investigation into his family.
— Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) December 1, 2017
Here's @SenateMajLdr saying Trump is stupid. Things are going well. pic.twitter.com/PDGRXJBWdh
— Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) December 1, 2017
This is the kind of thing that makes me think Trump’s lawyers have no idea what his exposure is – bet Mueller knows more about what Trump’s done than Ty Cobb does. https://t.co/ZjbEdQTRf7 pic.twitter.com/6Rg0BQp0zP
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) December 1, 2017
This seems like Burr warning Trump's handlers/lawyers–"everybody has promptly shared any conversations they've had" ie trump lobbying mbrs https://t.co/33jMMSLxlh
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 1, 2017
What is the message? Are they threatening him or trying to get his attention through NYT to back off?
— AlderFish (@AlderFish) December 1, 2017
The scoop is that they all went on the record to say this. This seems very much like a message aimed at Trump
— Brian Nichols (@BrianTNichols) December 1, 2017
I no longer believe this is a strategy. I think it's a sign of a president and a White House staff completely off the rails, surrounded by opportunistic GOP enablers who are trying to get everything they can before the final meltdown. https://t.co/cBcfRawmQk
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) November 29, 2017
Could be WHY all the mental health stories are dropping in a row, actually.
He may be arranging a 25th WITH his cabinet intentionally and seeding the media with these "ZOMG 45 is Actually Krayzee!" stories this week to tee up an insanity defense for Mueller/Schneiderman.
— Is It Over Yet? (@verbalremedy) December 1, 2017
I guess Trump didn’t see Hamilton so he isn’t aware it isn’t a good idea to tick off someone whose last name is Burr.
kd bart
Red meat for the rubes to keep them distracted. Rewards for the donor class to keep the campaign cash flowing..
Ben Cisco
They don’t seem to realize (or maybe just don’t care) that: 1) This indicates that they DO recognize inappropriate presidential conduct and 2) they’re eagerly rolling with it to get them sweet sweet tax cuts and black/brown/women/lgbtq/olds/poor punching.
That “blame the Dems” excuse has to be getting old. I was gonna say that I am surprised that is still working with the media and even his hardcore supporters……but then I’m not.
Although I do have to say that there seems to be a growing level of pushback from a lot of media outlets not normally identified as “liberal”. I wonder if the Dems came out very strong regarding Deadbeat Donald’s paranoia, delusion, irrationality, and angry outbursts and how his instability was putting the country in danger whether that might actually derail whatever the hell the Repubs are doing?
In other news, you may be shocked to learn that they have been lying about a Border Patrol agent who died a couple weeks ago.
Yoda Dog
It will not. But let’s do it anyway. I do think Donald saying out loud he’s going to do “X” and then blame the democrats for “X” is really fucking stupid even by his standards.
We’re going to kick their asses next year.
Good morning, all.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
The Rs have control of both houses and the WH. They don’t need a single D vote. How can anything be the Ds fault?
@Jumbo76: That was a very odd story. Of course it is no surprise that the Border Patrol and Republicans are pushing the narrative to an attack on the brave defenders of the border.
Since I have an unofficial Internet Sleuth Certificate [Second Class] I feel qualified to solve this crime from the safety of my keyboard up here in Canada. Based on information not shared by the FBI and the article provided, I have determined that the two agents in question were involved in an altercation with each other. Not sure whether it was a case of mistaken identity, incompetence, personal grudge, or other reasons too scandalous to contemplate.
I could use $25K [American!] right now.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I believe you forgot to type your comment in the snark font. By definition, anything that goes wrong in the US government is the fault of the Dems. As per the GOP Bible, Saint Ronnie and Deadbeat Donny edition.
This could be one of the clearest contrasts between Trump and Obama. Obama’s initial reaction would be to reach out and work toward a solution. Trump’s is to figure out how to blame someone else.
La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
Is it wrong of me to wish that the Dems in Congress refuse to support any budget and/or debt ceiling lift if the GOP passes this monstrosity of a tax bill? After all, why should we keep enabling the GOP and trying to protect their voters when they are actively targeting ours?
the man doth protest too much, methinks.
it is pretty ballsy. the GOP has been responsible for every shutdown in decades and the media has, to their credit, never fallen for GOP attempts to flip the blame onto the dems. what makes trump think this time will be different when he himself says he wants to shut it down?
Trump reached out to Democrats this fall? Musta been in one of his fevered dreams.
Stupidity? He’s an unpopular fucking idiot who thinks he’s an adored fucking genius.
yeah, it was a rhetorical question basically.
@chopper: I still can’t quite get over what a stupid dick this motherfucker ACTUALLY is.
Another Scott
@Jumbo76: This is my shocked, shocked face.
It sounded weird from the beginning…
Thanks for the pointer.
What follows is a very depressing and downbeat post. So sue me.
American democracy died on Jan. 20th 2009. It was the day Yrtle decided, that rather than being the loyal opposition, he would run a campaign of sabotage of everything that Obama and the voters wanted. Since Obama was popular, occupied the bully pulpit and had a veto pen, Yrtle had to exercise some degree of discretion over the next 8 years. Now that the axis of evil fully controls all levers of power in Washington the need for discretion has disappeared, So we now see the courts being packed with incompetent right wing hacks,. plans to expand the number of judges so they can overwhelm any remaining Obama judges, the Obamacare repeal show and now the tax cut show. Any pretense of adhering to the democratic norms that have guided this country since 1787 are out the window. It is now government of the oligarchs, by the oligarchs and for the oligarchs (sorry Abe).. A victory by Moore on the 12th will demonstrate that a significant portion of the public is entirely satisfied with being kicked to the curb as long as the gays and POC are kicked into the gutter.
At 71 I have mine and will live out the remained of my life in the middle class comfort that we remember from the 1950’s. I just grieve for my 30 something nieces and their kids ranging in age fro 9 months to 18. They will bear the brunt of the poison fruit that the axis of evil is continuing to plant
I don’t think Trump understands that there are 3 branches of government and the president isn’t the boss of the other two.
@ET: There is no limit to what Trump doesn’t understand.
Noah Brand
I think the multiple “Trump is crazy” stories breaking at once are, to some extent, deliberate. Back in July I wrote a thing about how the 25th Amendment is the emergency ejection-seat button the Republicans desperately need, and I think leaking some tidbits about mental incompetence means they’re not pushing that button yet, but they are flipping back the cover.