Been thinking about this a lot, but my therapist advised against watching Charlie Rose clips:
Many of the male journalists who stand accused of sexual harassment were on the forefront of covering the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Matt Lauer interviewed Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump in an official “commander-in-chief forum” for NBC. He notoriously peppered and interrupted Mrs. Clinton with cold, aggressive, condescending questions hyper-focused on her emails, only to pitch softballs at Mr. Trump and treat him with gentle collegiality a half-hour later. Mark Halperin and Charlie Rose set much of the televised political discourse on the race, interviewing other pundits, opining themselves and obsessing over the electoral play-by-play. Mr. Rose, after the election, took a tone similar to Mr. Lauer’s with Mrs. Clinton — talking down to her, interrupting her, portraying her as untrustworthy. Mr. Halperin was a harsh critic of Mrs. Clinton, painting her as ruthless and corrupt, while going surprisingly easy on Mr. Trump. The reporter Glenn Thrush, currently on leave from The New York Times because of sexual harassment allegations, covered Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign when he was at Newsday and continued to write about her over the next eight years for Politico.
fucking scumbags.
Call me crazy, but it also seemed like a certain primary opponent treated Mrs. Clinton with cold, aggressive, condescension, only to pitch softballs at Mr. Trump and treat him with gentle collegiality.
And a lot of erstwhile men “of the left” for that matter.
Trentrunner II - Pie Is Squared
I will NEVER forget Lauer asking HRC at the CiC summit: “But don’t your emails DISQUALIFY you from being president?”
Lauer’s thought bubble: You don’t have pussy I want, so you can’t possibly be of use to anyone for anything ever, right?
Adam L Silverman
These are the four money paragraphs:
Chickens coming home to roost-Karma. The people at NBC who covered for Matt Lauer all those years need to be fired, if they still work there.
Another Scott
They didn’t even try to hide their contempt for her.
Not to derail the thread, but similar things happened to President Obama.
I see that Baier defended Ailes when asked about him by Colbert. Hmmmm…
All men are misogynists. Some of us are just ashamed of it.
Harris/Gillibrand 2020.
There is some sort of irony that this story is coming from the New York Times. They pretty much set the standard on Hillary bashing, did they not?
I see myself as more of a misanthrope. I hate everyone regardless of gender.
Omnes Omnibus
Sorry, no.
@Doug!: I certainly try, but human nature is tribalistic.
I overcompensate for my biases by being extra critical of people like me (male, white, Jewish, nerdy, etc.) Sometimes I, um, go a little overboard.
Nothing more threatening to the brotherhood of sexual harassers than strong women.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Lauer should be in prison. I hope his victims take him for every fucking dime he’s got
@Adam L Silverman: if and when somebody tells their story about Tweety (beggars the imagination that he hasn’t at the very least made some very crude remarks to young staffers, the Erin Burnett video is already pretty gross), we’ll all remember how much he loved that joke about Hillary sounding like “everybody’s first wife”. I always wondered how the woman who is, I believe, his first and only wife felt about that
The media didn’t want to talk about misogyny and sexism playing any kind of part in the 2016 election. It rarely came up during the campaign and after the election it was almost never cited as a reason Hillary could have lost.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d join your club, but I would never join any club that would have me or anyone else as a member
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Groucho!
Riccardo Cabeza
Who signed their paychecks? You think Lauer is a fluke? A mistake? Happenstance?
Some people say The Orange Better One won because of racism. But the fact is his party’s tent is big enough for every kind of hatred.
Hunter Gathers
NBC is sitting on a treasure trove of Apprentice outtakes. You’d think they have something to gain (cough, corporate tax cuts, cough) by not releasing them.
This song is about knowing your place. As vibrant and wonderful as the music is, it is saddening to know that there really exists a persecuted majority.
Amaranthine RBG
There were 35 stories in the NY Times alone just in November 2016 featuring the words “Clinton” and “Misogyny.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Amaranthine RBG: Gosh, you have convinced me.
Steve in the ATL
Are you a CPA or a tax lawyer?
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It will be what it will be. But I also think there is a difference between stuff by guys in their 70s who grew up in the 50s and early 60s and guys in their 40s and 50s who grew up in the 70s and 80s. Tweety spent far more of his life, and far more of the formative learning parts of it, in an America that thought all of this behavior that we all now agree is wrong was how things were and that was that. The Lauers and Halperins should know better. Which actually makes it worse.
@Riccardo Cabeza: I keep waiting for the sexual harassment and assault allegations to take down a CEO or other top executive, not just a more visible person like a media anchor, entertainment personality, or politician. Someone up the food chain who, as you said, is signing the checks.
Slightly off topic but I had one of those epiphanies in the shower today (where all my best ideas happen) that we women need to adopt the NRA’s arguments going forward. When the Planned Parenthood office is surrounded by right-wingers with fetus posters talking about abortion deaths, we tell them that’s the price of liberty. That they’ll have to pry my birth control from our cold dead hands. N’RAL, freedom’s defenders. In fact, could someone with editing chops recut those angry NRA ads to be pro choice?
Millard Filmore
@Hunter Gathers:
NBC does not control those outtaes. Some Trump loving producer has them.
@Hunter Gathers: I thought Mark Burnett owned all the Apprentice footage.
Steve in the ATL
@Yarrow: such as Roger Ailes?
@Steve in the ATL: Programmer who went to law school, graduated into the Great Recession, and went back to programming. I consider myself to have dodged a bullet by not entering the legal profession.
And they haven’t stopped. So many of their political stories manage to mention emails – as does this one.
@Trentrunner II – Pie Is Squared: I imagine Chuck Todd has the same thought bubble whenever he literally looks down his nose at Rachel Madddow, on the rare occasion he is forced to appear with her on a panel.
Steve in the ATL
@B.B.A.: not many lawyers will disagree with you!
Might be something to it. I remember seeing a clip of Chris Matthews more or less admitting on air that HRC gave him a castration complex (edit: or more accurately, triggered one that was already there). I don’t remember whether that was in 2008 or 2016. But weren’t news celebs like Andrea Mitchell just as bad?
These guys were pretty bad on covering 2016 election, and their misogyny probably played a role in that. But others were just as bad for other reasons.
@Yarrow: does Harvey Weinstein count?
I’m hoping they made the calculated decision to do what they did because they were afraid that their harassment histories would be a problem if they won. That would be a nice twist.
@Steve in the ATL: @B.B.A.: They both count, but I was thinking of it moving past the media entertainment complex. Old school companies–automotive, airlines, energy, etc.
Adam L Silverman
@Lahke: What will eventually stop this harassment is that in a stand you ground law state a woman with a carry permit will eventually stand her ground and then correctly state that the anti-abortion folks screaming at her between the car and the clinic and shoving graphic pictures in her face and invading her space made her feel scared and threatened. This is, unfortunately, the only way anything ever changes here in the US.
ETA: And before anyone poo poos this, it is important to remember that the firearms sites and blogs regularly do posts or have comments about the reason women need to carry is to protect themselves from being attacked, assaulted, sexually assaulted, and raped. So the 2nd Amendment absolutist crowd is already providing the justification. Here’s an example:
Hunter Gathers
@Millard Filmore: I didn’t say anything about control. They are sitting in their archives. The amount of money they’d have to give the guy who owns them through litigation is pocket change to Comcast. They are legitimate news stories. They are sitting on them because they stand to gain a shit-ton of cash from corporate tax cuts and killing Net Neutrality.
@Yarrow: My brother was in airline litigation for over a decade. He had to get out when planes stopped falling out of the sky.
I’ve been singing that song a lot lately.
It seems to me that they treated Hillary the way they treated all women. Why would you have expected them to treat her any differently?
@m.j.: Then there is “You Don’t Own Me”.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I hope he got a golden parachute?
Sorry, had too.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as several people have pointed out, it was a three day story when Nancy Pelosi said John Conyers was entitled to go through the House ethics process
Mary G
@Jerry: It’s an op-ed fig leaf from a contributor; the staff reporters are still empowered to as much Hillary hate snark as they want.
@Adam L Silverman: Actually it hasn’t been that great. The airline work was with a firm he and his pal started and when that dried up things got tough. He did do ok against Zepplin.
I missed this earlier today.
LOL. I’m sure that’ll sway Mueller and any jury.
wasabi gasp
Something made her lose. That’s for sure.
James E. Powell
Hey, I’m convinced. I’ve always found Russian lawmakers, particularly when found in pairs, to be very convincing.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This a thousand times over. Farenthold walks away scot free. Rep Conyers by contrast is hounded by the press.
The other person who of course called HRC dishonest, unlikeable and untrustworthy was Bernie. I find it interesting that his writings from the Vermont Freeman haven’t been the subject of discussion given the current interest in politics, sexism and rape culture. For those unfamiliar, his gross article from 1972 can be found reprinted in full in snopes.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: I assumed you’ve seen this story:
The possum showed no signs of a hangover. How can they tell?
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Riccardo Cabeza: An eight-figure salary to keep a serial rapist who could easily be replaced by an inflatable co-pilot…and a request for a remote lock granted no questions asked.
Res ipsa loquitor; the only questions concern the dates of their downfalls.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The problem is our base actually cares about sexual harassment and wants to reduce it. We echo the “outrage” the media drums up about this.
Republicans don’t give a shit. They would like to repeal sexual harassment laws.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I’m sorry, I was just playing off of getting out of the airline phrasing.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: It’s Florida. Until that opossum has 10 or more units of alcohol it’s just drinking, rather than an opossum that has a drinking problem.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh it’s cool.
Glenn Thrush used to run a podcast called Off Message — if you can stand it listen to him interviewing David Axelrod. Axelrod also has a show called The Axe Files, which he used during the summer and fall of 2016 to exhibit his visceral distaste for both Clintons. Thrush also did an interview with Miss Ann Coulter that was vomit-worthy at the time, but he cautions his audience to keep an open mind, because she’s actually “delightful.”
And there’s always Jon Stewart to put up a photograph of Hillary Clinton while he notes that that look is where boners go to die.
I remember cringing at the time, but who knew back then how this would all play out. Imagine a world were all the comedians, pundits, bankers, lobbyists, judges, and politicians are women. The rare dude with a shot at real power shows up, and one of the best (female, of course) comedians mocks him with the joke that that look is where we all cross our legs. And everybody laughs, because the point of that joke is that what we have here is a person who doesn’t know his place, doesn’t get it that whatever else he fucking does, his primary job is to make us — the powerful — want to screw him.
@Mary G: OT – I responded to you a couple of threads ago and mentioned the Texas Organizing Project.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: It was a whole bottle of bourbon!
I’m disappointed that one of the two Russians wasn’t that eternal drunk, Wladimir Schirinowski.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: That may be, but I don’t like rubbing salt in someone else’s wounds unless it is actually called for.
Mary G
@Yarrow: I saw that late, thanks. I went through a few pages of projects, but didn’t see voter registration specifically. I followed them on Twitter.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: What size was the bottle?
@Mary G: You might find this article interesting. From it:
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Not to downplay Lauer’s scumbaggery, but WaPo says that the lock wasn’t installed at Lauer’s request. It was a legacy lock from whatever GE exec had originally occupied that office, it wasn’t the only office in the building so equipped, and it only prevented people from entering, not leaving.
Mike J
BTW Adam and Doug or anyone else with the keys: if you change nyms you’re modded until released which is a good policy. If somebody is changing nyms solely for the purpose of dodging the pie filter, they should be shitcanned. I like the permissive nature of this blog where only personal attacks get you banned, but IMO trying to circumvent tools users have to avoid you should fall into that category.
Mike J
@Mary G:
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: I’ll argue with that, Adam. The way things will change is when men who wouldn’t do stuff like that call out the ones who do. When women can go to HR with a complaint and have it fairly investigated. When major newspapers or networks recognize the crappy interviewing techniques Lauer used. I recall that one and was horrified at what he did.
Somewhere along the way, your scenario may play out. I’ll put it at 75% probability that the woman will be pilloried in the local media for sure, and someone will run for a state or national office on the idea of keeping those broads in line, although it may not be put that crudely. And the national media will present “both sides.”
It’s really, really hard for men to see how pervasive and difficult to root out this is. I’ve started a post on it, but it’s much more difficult to write than I anticipated. After yesterday’s and today’s uproar, I thought I’d just put it away. But maybe I should go back to it.
@Adam L Silverman: He ain’t here.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: Take it up with Cole. He sets the rules.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: I was referring specifically to dealing with the obnoxious, intimidating protestors at Planned Parenthood. That’s it.
@Yarrow: True that it was not pretty anywhere on the MSM but the awareness on social media, e.g. Twitter, Facebook and bloggers was regularly commented on during the campaign especially after the conventions if only because Trump was such a monster.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: That may be.
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: Ah, okay, that might be amusing.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I look forward to your post. I can’t imagine being able to write about this subject without getting pissed off.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Completely agree.
I’d be interested in your post, but understand that it’s hard to write.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I am willing to bet Ross or Thrush made a pass at Hillary back in the ’90s and she smacked them down.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: Just putting a bug in your ear.
@mainmata: Agreed, it was discussed on social media, blogs, etc. It didn’t filter up to the media, though. It was kind of fascinating to watch, in a horror show like way, just how they studiously avoided it.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Glad we’re all back on the same page.
@Cheryl Rofer: Please do…I’d love to read it
If, by a “little overboard,” you mean way, way, way off the deep end, then yes, you went a little overboard.
Please, try to understand that misogyny is not mere sexism, which is pervasive in our society. Misogyny is HATRED of women. Not some women. Women. To use misogyny as a synonym for sexism or misogynist for sexist is to rob the words of their power.
That said, all men are not sexist either.
@Mary G:
WHAT, if anything, is the difference between a possum and an opossum? And if there is none, WHY is the o sometimes there and sometimes not? This has been bothering me for years.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Maybe you should do some research.
@eemom: It’s really ‘possum and opossum.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Cheryl Rofer: I think it’s worth pointing out the two tier system going on here; for most of us just saying “good morning” the wrong way is enough to get a visit from HR. And then we have clowns like Ross and Laure. It really is mind boggling to read “dropped his pants” when you have to fight screaming out the F-bomb when something falls on your foot at work. Something is seriously wrong with the harassment laws when this is going on.
@Cheryl Rofer: I work in the field of international development (specialty environment and climate change). Much of my career I worked as an “independent contractor” but for the last 25 years I have worked for large private sector firms that contract with State/USAID, World Bank or similar. They all have pretty rigidly enforced sexual harassment regs in part, frankly, because they have a lot of staff who are immigrants or staff located in the country where the project is implemented. There is no tolerance for harassment whether for “cultural” reasons or just males being jerks. Seriously. I’ve managed big projects in Muslim countries, Russia and eastern Europe. The Matt Lauer/Charlie Rose/Hollywood problem is corporate culture. In international development, a large proportion of US-based staff and many foreign project staff are women (for lots of reasons). So the issue of personnel conduct and “sexual harassment” (this is a newish term) has always been paramount for managers like me. It’s the corporate culture; that’s a really big part of this.
Sister Golden Bear
@Cheryl Rofer: I’d also love to see your post — and yes, I’m sure it’s probably a hard one to write.
It definitely is. Guys, if you think you know… trust me, you probably don’t.
If women don’t speak up then men can’t know. We aren’t mind-reading wizards.
Just like if men don’t speak up about being harassed or assaulted by women then it makes it look to women like women never harass people and it’s something only men do.
I’ve personally witnessed only three episodes of what I would call assault and each was committed by a woman.
And men can’t “call out” men who do this stuff because the guys who do this stuff don’t routinely hang out with and do this in an obvious way in front of guys who don’t find it acceptable.
I don’t see it because I don’t hang around guys who do this kind of thing and never have.
Steve in the ATL
Where you live
It’s really possum and o’possum. The latter are found mainly in Ireland.
This will not end well.
Villago Delenda Est
Every one of these maggots should be gelded.
I wonder if you could quantify this in some way: come up with a set of criteria to measure interview attitude and objectivity, and measure the difference.
Mary G
@eemom: What @Steve in the ATL: said. Same animal, but in the South the ‘o’ is silent. My parents were from Texas and Kentucky, highly educated and eradicated their accents, but still said possum, so that is where I go when not thinking about it.
Roger Moore
I think it’s tightly tied into the MOTU mindset. They really see themselves as masters of the universe, and that makes it their right to do as they please to the rest of us. It also makes it their responsibility to protect other MOTUs from little people trying to drag them down.
patrick II
When Naomi Klein was interviewed by Charlie Rose for her book “Shock Doctrine”, he kept talking over the top of her answers when they were answers he didn’t like. At the time her thesis that capitalists were taking advantage of or even causing system shocks, or at least her persuasive popularization of that thesis, to take advantage of those situations was new and evidently Charlie didn’t want that challenge to the establishment asserted by a woman. He was condescending and rude. I didn’t really watch much of him after that.
Love this tweet. Replies are excellent.
Fair Economist
@Mary G:
I’m originally from the South and though my accent is long gone I call them “possums” too.
Roger Moore
Opossum and possum are loan words from Algonquian languages. Like many loan words, they’re hard to render perfectly into English, hence some slight discrepancies in the way they wound up being written in different place. It’s also possible that they were taken up from related Native American languages in different places, so the word being borrowed isn’t consistent everywhere.
Pretty sure men have thought this way forever — when it comes to dating! //
Reminds me of an old Joan Collins(?) joke: Men and women are not equal. Men wonder if they’re going to get laid. Women know!
Mary G
@Yarrow: Wow, they are exactly what I was talking about. Will donate. Bottom up organizations is what will do it, like Kay is always saying.
@Cheryl Rofer:
It needs to be said, even if this is a responsive audience. It needs to be said as loud as possible, everywhere and as often as it takes to elicit change.
A tipping point has to be reached to change a culture. And that takes exposure and repetition.
Women need to tell their stories and/or their friends stories and/or their family stories, to change the air from negative to positive, to bring attention to the width and depth of the issue. I think men need to speak out as well but that sounds like lecturing. As someone up thread said, hopefully a bit tongue in cheek, men are misogynists. Or at least biased. We were raised in the same culture and while a lot may/have recognized early or late that all humans deserve respect rather than domination, attack and second class status probably more never did. That’s how we got a chickenshit bully for president. And as has been pointed here and elsewhere, out a lot of women are not all that great towards their gender either. Other cultures are better at this, we can be as well.
As Scott says, my $.02
Steeplejack (phone)
Damn it, who is that Mia something actress from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for whom I do not want to click on some bullshit Tabula ad to find out what she looks like now, no matter how unbelievable I would find it, and also I’m too pissed to detour to IMDB to look it up. Fuck you, Tabula, in case that wasn’t clear from the subtext.
My brain has seized up on Mia Hamm and Mira Sorvino. Stupid, stupid brain.
Mary G
@Steeplejack (phone): Mia Sara.
patrick II
@Mary G:
That joke reminds me of a comedienne (sorry don’t remember her name) on the old Tonight show on why there were so few women’s magazines with naked men (at the time just playgirl) and so many men’s magazines. Her answer: If you want to see a naked guy — just ask him.
@Mary G: Happy to have helped you find what you were looking for!
I’m very interested to see what happens in Texas in 2018. I know there’s a long way to go but there is a ton of energy on the Dem side. Six or seven Dem candidates declared for TX-07, currently held by John Culberson (Republican). TX-32 in Dallas held by Pete Sessions is getting a lot challengers too. Hillary won his district. Various Congressional Republicans are retiring, like Ted Poe, so there are opportunities for pick up.
Statewide candidates still have a challenge. The Governor is up for reelection and so far big names like either of the Castro brothers are staying out of it. Don’t quite get that. I think 2018 has the potential to be a blue wave. And of course Beto O’Rourke, who, as you know, is challenging Ted Cruz. He’s running an interesting campaign and in a blue wave year, who knows how it might work out.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Mary G:
In my (admittedly limited) experience, possums always act like they’re hung over and coming off a nasty bender.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Mary G:
Thank you. I will be content to remember her the way she looked 30-whatever years ago.
One for the Los Angeles folks:
Steeplejack (phone)
Same animal. Usage is changing, and even an old-school martinet such as myself uses possum. The o doesn’t really stand a chance of hanging on as a silent letter, such as the p in ptarmigan, because it’s a vowel and that seems to throw everything off.
I remember the good old days when right wingers were anti Commie. They were simpler times back then.
@Steeplejack (phone):
With all due respect: Possums probably arrived on this continent after foloowing a prehistoric route from New Guinea or Australia, on rafts made of balsa logs. Opossums came to the New World much later, having been content to remain in their native Ireland until the potato bug famines drove them out. To distinguish their heritage from that of their slug eating distant cousins, they’ve made a point of retaining the O’ .
@Brachiator: Guess they’ll have to redo the whole wing of the Reagan Library where he talks about the “Evil Empire”.
I got a Note8 today, I’m transferring my stuff from my Note Edge. The process is very slow. (I’m using Samsung’s Smart Switch.)
@Brachiator: The current Russian oligarchy is virulenly anti-Communist.
@Cheryl Rofer: It’s worth doing if you can find the time for it.
I’m now convinced that 2016 was as much about misogyny and sexism as it was about racism and xenophobia. Took me a while to realize it, but now it’s very clear. This is one seriously fucked-up country, and this conversation needs to happen now.
@Steeplejack (phone):
That sort of clickbait fits with the subject of this thread. If you look at most of these “OMG SEE HER TODAY YOU’LL BE SHOCKED!” pictures, these actresses look, well, pretty much like someone 25 years older who takes care of herself would expect to look. But hey, she’s not a 20 year old piece of ass anymore! Shocking!
I think it’s more than that: they just think it’s a scam that served its purpose for ensuring Russian dominance and has outlived its usefulness except as a marketing campaign for the olds. There are some communists who actually believe in it, and are using it to focus some unrest against the kleptocrats, but they’re the minority. They celebrated the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the Orthodox Church condemned it as a tragedy and mass murder, and the Kremlin did its best to ignore the entire event.
Especially those oligarchs who used to be Communists.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Enjoy!
Hillbillies say ‘possum ’cause we’re lazy.
What a beautiful morning!
@Raven: We’re supposed to hit 68 today.
@OzarkHillbilly: we’re SEC champs!!!!!!!
@hitchhiker: Yes. And Axelrod continued trying to draw people he interviewed into criticizing Hillary Clinton after the election. I lost a lot of respect I once had for him after starting to listen to his podcast, and even though I’m still subscribed I’ll often go with another choice for something to listen to after considering one of his episodes.
@OzarkHillbilly: Truer words were never spoken!
I belive the election of Trump in 2016 (although he didn’t really “win” the election) was more of a white racial backlash against the first black president, than it was a misogynistic assault against all women. However, John Lennon wrote in 1972 that “woman is the n*gger of the world” (link here). Sadly, not that much has changed in 45 years.
Matt McIrvin
@Adam L Silverman: She’d get the chair. There have been enough cases to make clear that when women actually do that kind of thing the law comes down on them hard. Especially if they’re black.
Matt McIrvin
@eemom: For the New World marsupial, the standard word is opossum, and possum is a colloquial version. For the vaguely similar Australian marsupials, the standard word is possum, though they are named after the American ones.
Van Buren
@Cheryl Rofer: I (and a thousand others, I guess) have been making the same argument re cops and excessive use of force.
@guachi: nonsense.
Matt McIrvin
(I recall Bryan A. Garner’s style guide flatly insisting that “opossum” was the correct word — but that’s wrong, it depends on which animal you are referring to, the American or the Australian/New Guinean one.)
@B.B.A.: I find it interesting that your comment was almost immediately #notallmen’ed and the definition of one of your words was explained to you. Reminds me of the joke- where does a mansplainer get water? From a well, actually.
When someone’s response to a comment about systemic inequality is “Butbutbutnotallofus’” that’s part of the problem. It dismissed and cheapens the experience of the minority so that the person can feel better about himself. Like when white people get more upset about being called racist than they do about the actual effects of systemic racism.
Cheryl Rofer
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Or with your HR department.
@mainmata: Excellent.
@Sister Golden Bear:
@guachi and Enhanced Voting Techniques: You are part of the problem. It happens all the time. A guy looks a woman up and down, then smirks. You may not notice that, because you don’t do it, and hey guys are guys. There is an embedded sexism, just as Van Buren points out there is an embedded racism in our society. That look tells the woman “You are just a sex object and you’d better stay in your place.” Further, if that is going on, the woman knows that she will only get into trouble if she goes to HR with it or says to the group “Joe just did something unacceptable. I’m gonna tell you about it.” It’s not just guys grabbing boobs, and it has been perfectly acceptable forever in most workplaces. But it also gives the goahead to the guys who want to grab boobs and worse. Or how about the time a woman suggested something in a meeting, it was ignored, and then Joe suggested it and everyone thought it was great. You may not have noticed that either. Fish don’t see water.
Gotta get Doug!’s earworm in here. Always been one of my favorite Joe Jackson songs.
Raven Onthill
We knew that sexism was a big factor in Hillary Clinton’s loss. Now we know some of how.
Like @guachi, I used to think I didn’t hang around or work with guys who did this kind of thing. Then I found out I was wrong. Sexual harassers don’t necessarily present as the least bit misogynist around anyone but their victims. Some of them, especially in some corners of tech with which I’m familiar, even use a good-guy/ally schtick to gain the trust and access they need to do their worst. To paraphrase another comment: all men know harassers; some are just aware of it.
With that in mind, I have a very slightly different take on what the reporters in this story were doing during the election. Maybe they weren’t trying to deny female power so much as female credibility. Yes, they’re related, but it’s a different focus. These creeps might have all realized, at some level, that having women be *heard* and *believed* represents a very direct and personal threat to them. Some of them have had to take orders from a woman, and apparently been quite OK with that. Not a problem. But having women *tell their stories* and be believed? That’s a big problem for them. Perhaps this explains the well known phenomenon of Hillary being perceived better when she’s in office (e.g. secretary of State) than when she’s running for office. Running for office is about telling a story, and about evaluating the candidate’s story against others’ (both opponents and detractors). It’s OK for her to *do stuff* but not to talk about it. Her worth specifically as a communicator has to be challenged. Or perhaps the even more specific aspect of her possibly not keeping secrets secret enough is what unnerved these commentators. They really really really prefer for women to keep secrets, don’t they?
Cheryl Rofer
Here’s an image I didn’t really need to start the day with:
It isn’t the same. We guys don’t swim in a sea of stuff like this. If something like this happens to one of us, it’s an isolated incident in our lives, rather than part of a larger pattern of the way it is. Such an incident wouldn’t be physically threatening at the time: I’m an average-sized guy and not particularly muscular other than my legs, but I’m still bigger and stronger than 99.5% of the women I’m likely to come into contact with. And the chances that she’d be able to ruin my career are minimal, given that she’s going to be tapping into a much smaller network of people who would help her do so. I’d be more irritated than traumatized by such an encounter. I hate to use the phrase ‘male privilege’ but it’s hard to see the difference as anything but a rather major example of that.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Lord knows my eyes have been opened a good bit these past few months, but there’s a definite tip-of-the-iceberg sense to it.
I hope Cheryl writes that post.
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: Yup.
I don’t know if you saw Welcome to Hell on SNL last night. The contrast between the (mostly, superficially) happy imagery and the very dark (but accurate) lyrics was very well done.
@Cacti: You’re crazy. SATSQ.
This is cute & funny but totes unnecessary! God knows there’s enough anti-semitism in the world!