This is an actual tweet from conservatives last fall.
Party like it's 1928! ???
— Young Conservatives (@YoungCons) November 17, 2016
by DougJ| 132 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
This is an actual tweet from conservatives last fall.
Party like it's 1928! ???
— Young Conservatives (@YoungCons) November 17, 2016
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dr. bloor
Cut them some slack, their Texas-based history textbooks did as good a job explaining Black Friday as they did the cause of the civil war.
Put this in the dictionary next to “shortsightedness”
They have no sense of irony whatsoever.
…unaware of what happened in 1929…?
There were already signs of impending doom long before the Stock Market crashed, but most were too occupied with survival or partying to notice…
Not being from the US and not finding it directly by using teh Google, what happened in 1928? Or is the thing that they the stock market crashed in 1929 one might want to hold off on all that dancing?
How’d that 1928 party work out? Asking for a friend.
and the 1928 election was marked by a LOT of religious bigotry with the KKK attacking a religious minority in order to elect a republican. huh.
Roger Moore
The tweet says it fairly exactly: the Republicans took complete control of all three branches of the government. The point, of course, is that they’re happily ignoring what happened next.
And looking at that list, three of the items they took were by treason (Pres), theft (SC), and cheating (House)…
Party like Versailles 1788
dr. bloor
@laura: It ends with a variation on “JUMP, YOU FUCKERS!,” except Occupy Wall Street has nothing to do with it.
Nice! Who else shall we add to the manifest?
@AnderJ: Yes we are referring to the Great Depression which started with the stock market crash of 1929. All of the Republican economic business ideals repeat the mistakes that lead to the great depression and this has been pointed out over and over for quite a few years now. It’s taken time for us to “forget” and then dismantle the safety we built into regulations. for those who study history, it’s pretty infuriating.
@gvg: Rs are aggressively anti-knowledge. What they refuse to acknowledge is going to hurt us all.
Tim C.
The major difference is that the plutcrats are using abortion and hating on the gays to get the rubes to go along with their looting instead of prohibition.
As luck would have it, I am currently re-reading J.K. Galbraith’s “The Great Crash,” written in the late ’50s. It is wonderful droll prose recounting the 1929 boom and the weeks of the Crash. Highly recommended.
@JPL: SAD = Self-Awareness Deficiency
Betty Cracker
I’ve been too busy riding my new motorcycle around to pay much attention to news and politics for the last few days, but I’ve noticed an infuriating (but not unexpected) trend on Twitter: People blaming DEMOCRATS for the shitty GOP tax bill, even though not a single Democrat voted for it. Basically, the line is that they didn’t oppose the shitty bill vigorously enough, or if they did, their messaging was crappy.
This kind of bullshit drives me nuts. Approval for that fucking bill is literally at Crazification Levels, and it sure as hell wasn’t Republicans who were telling people how bad it was. A bill that Trump and the rest of the GOP liars are framing as a huge tax cut is less popular than past tax HIKES. The messaging worked!
Some people just can’t help slashing the goddamned tires on the town’s only fire truck in the middle of a raging inferno. Makes me want to break things.
They are not ignoring what happened next. They celebrating it. Their hope is that next time their is an economic calamity, their won’t come an FDR or Obama to save the country. They hope they can use the calamity to make the government more regressive.
I am done giving right-wingers the benefit of the doubt.
Major Major Major Major
Ahh, I remember that.
@dr. bloor: And there was actual jumping.
Holy cow, that’s one of your best lyric choices for a post title. Works on so many levels! Lauds! Lauds! Slow clap! Slow clap!
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker:
Clearly we need to primary Joe Manchin!
@Betty Cracker:
Pics or it didn’t happen.
They’ll always need Democrats to absorb the hate when their Nazi plans wreck the country. “Yeah we voted for scumbag Trump! Look what you made us do!!”
@Betty Cracker: Blaming the wife for her husband’s drinking problem.
Betty Cracker
Sweet Jeebus, I love J.K. Rowling!
@Betty Cracker:
Most of them have ? next to their names.
Even though the Southern Democrats screwed my. Grandma out of Social Security, she was a diehard Democrat because she lived through the Depression. Her very simple description of the difference between the parties was Republicans are for big business and the wealthy and Democrats are for the rest of us.
Betty Cracker
@Nicole: I’ll do an open thread later featuring photos of my sweet ride! :)
Truly a crisis of education. Only an idiotic ignoramus would crow about impending disaster.
@Major Major Major Major:
They learned from that. They installed nice financial safety nets (including golden parachutes) so their little MOTU heads needn’t get splattered on the sidewalk.
But there are still baseball bats.
@Betty Cracker: Betcha that started with the red rose brigade. They’re working hard to bring down Joy Reid, too.
Dan Drezner in the Washington Post today
The GOP is made up of bigots so I’m not sure how they change.
@Spanky: Actually, in Galbraith’s book, he looks at statistic and while there were some highly publicized suicides of financiers 1. They mostly shot themselves, not jumped, and 2. The overall suicide rate did not increase. The jumping thing is a Depression era urban legend.
I see the DOW is opening up 244 at the moment. Yay unbridled capitalism!
@JMG: Sad!
Lindsay Graham said that all Americans should leave South Korea, so how does that relate to 1929. I’m not sure that I want the answer.
@Major Major Major Major: There’s an old Charles Addams cartoon where a broker is telling a client that the economic indicators are falling –
through the broker’s window, the client can see Wall Streeters standing on window ledges.
Of course, these days the government would bail out the brokers with taxpayer money…
Taking an estate planning tip from Charles ‘aw shucks’ Grassley, I am not partying like 1928; rather, I have stopped spending any money on women, booze and movies!
My grandfather used to joke he spent all of his money on bad women, good booze and the rest he wasted.
Major Major Major Major
@Manyakitty: The Democratic Soshulists of America encourage you to put a rose in your Twitter name.
With friends like them, who needs friends.
@Betty Cracker: (insert gif of happy dancing girl here)
Major Major Major Major
@Manyakitty: Apparently they went to Dartmouth.
Betty Cracker
@Manyakitty: I saw that on Twitter too. Didn’t know where it originated, but I’m not a bit surprised to hear it’s the Bernie Bros. Reid apologized for saying what basically every Democrat in Florida was saying 10 years ago, and Crist accepted her apology. If the MSNBC takes any action against Reid, I will be so fucking done with them, even if it means boycotting my beloved Rachel.
@Betty Cracker: Mark Fucking Shields whose jowls must not be mentioned was peddling it on the Snooze Hour last week. Gerson (subbing for Brooks) made better anti-R points than him.
@JPL: Americans should leave South Korea? Two months ahead of the Winter Olympics?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m going the complete opposite direction – I’m intent on blowing every dime on a dissipate life; my constant companion shall be excess in all its forms. Overeating, guzzling liquor, reckless sex, gambling. That way, I’ll at least get to enjoy it before the next conservative crash.
@schrodingers_cat: The thing that most infuriates me of the Punditocracy over 50 is that apparently the Democrats are always in position to stop Republicans from acting out their insanity. Just like we were all talking about Tweety on Friday: if the Republicans have the majorities (and with Reconciliation, the Senate just acts like a smaller HOR for the time being), and categorically refuse to hear Democratic arguments, there is fuck all the Democrats can do except go outside the halls and try to appeal to the ‘better angels’ or whatever moderates are left.
How this should be read is one of two ways, and both being related:
1) There are no real moderate Republican office holders left in general, a few might not be so rabid on particular issues, but they are doctrinaire conservatives or are willing to vote as such
2) There is no real moderate Republican base left; they are all either conservatives or blind partisans
We have a center-right party that has long since gone off the rails and become a far-right reactionary party, but the polite punditocracy still feels they are the Republicans of the early 60s (right before the Evangelical and Dixiecrat poison got in their systems) instead of the Republicans of 2017.
@Betty Cracker: @schrodingers_cat:
I sometimes feel like, “Why aren’t the Dems doing more!?” But then I realize who holds the media venues in thrall. Who gets air time. How people have internalized the idea that Dems are feckless — they couldn’t even beat Trump type exasperated outbursts.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Betty Cracker:
Chris Matthews was spouting this last week, querulously grilling various panelists. He never did explain what exactly they were supposed to do.
@JMG: Thanks for the recommendation.
@JPL: Drezner’s a fucking idiot: if (and when) charges are brought against the president*, then you impeach. You don’t give him a pass until 2020 just because it’d be “difficult” for the nation. The past fucking year has already been “difficult” for the vast majority of this country and impeachment (and tarring and feathering and RICO-ing his sorry ass) would be a relief.
Matt McIrvin
@Tata: Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?
@JPL: @Tata:
The logic being, I’m assuming, “You’re making it harder for us to pull the trigger on North Korea, even if it means tens of millions of South Koreans and Japanese will die – so evac, dammit!” Makes me want to tie ol’ Lindsey to a fencepost overlooking the DMZ…
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I just saw Trump’s claim that it’s “unfair” lying to the FBI is “destroying Flynn’s life.” The idea that lying is illegal must be incomprehensible to anyone in the Trump family.
He also says Clinton lied “multiple times” to the FBI which Comey testified there was no evidence of. He can’t let Clinton go. He’s obsessed with her and Obama. Probably because they’re both smart, successful, respected, competent people.
mike in dc
@Jeffro: Exactly. I want Trump voters to be traumatized by the consequences of their failure to check their own worst impulses, and for the white supremacy underlying much of it to be thoroughly rebuked and discredited in the public sphere. Trump in an orange jumpsuit would do wonders for both of those causes.
Matt McIrvin
Anyway, I thought the conservative vanguard’s theory of 1928 was that Hoover was a liberal squish, and his taxing and spending caused the Depression–good old Silent Cal would never have let it happen.
One thing that I think is underappreciated (and which I would like the economically literate to comment on) is the degree to which the fact that the US dollar is the world’s reserve currency has enabled the Republican fiscal irresponsibility which began with Reagan and continued whenever they had power right up to the present. I would not be a bit surprised if China takes advantage of our imbecile president and Congress to replace it with a basket of currencies, and the effects on us will not be pretty. The saddest thing is that the last two years of Clinton’s presidency we actually ran a surplus (if you include Social Security, which is a bad idea and along with Vietnam is LBJ’s greatest shame), and had we continued with Clinton’s policies we might be close to deficit neutral. Ah well, we’ve been through worse and we’ll fix this too.
randy khan
Am I the only one who saw the beer emoticon in that tweet and was reminded that Prohibition was still in effect in 1928? (I mean, forget the Great Depression, that’s a *really* important part of American history.)
Meanwhile, the president*s lawyer asserts that it’s not possible for POTUS to obstruct justice.
How entirely unanticipated!!
randy khan
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I don’t suppose it would do any good to remind Trump that the FBI concluded that Clinton testified truthfully? (Well, outside of the obvious benefit of irritating him even more.)
Tumbrels warming up
All other things aside, given the rightful downfall of so many men accused of sexual harassment this statistic is mind boggling. These women (and the ones that voted for Trump) are basically validating being targets of abuse.
@d58826: Apparently every woman should be made to suffer in silence like they have. And no, I don’t get it either, but that’s Conservative Patriarchy for you.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): and got more popular votes than he did (fat lot of good it is doing the rest of us).
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Also because he knows that Clinton won the popular vote and is vastly more popular than he is even though she’s not all that popular compared to Obama.
Mike in NC
@Tata: Maybe Dotard has decided to cancel the Winter Olympics since the family cannot personally profit from them. He has other ‘fireworks’ in mind.
Roger Moore
And you still impeach even if you don’t think you’ll be able to get 2/3 of the Senate to go along. Force the Republicans in the Senate to justify voting to keep the bastard in office. Hang him around their neck.
@Jeffro: Dowd makes the same mistake all despots make -. Assuming that being President (and therefore the head of the executive branch) makes you head of everyone in the country, the judicial branch included. It doesn’t. So certainly a president can obstruct justice.
I guess the question Dowd is trying to address is whether a President can obstruct justice by commenting on an investigation fully within the confines of the executive branch. That is not a full on stupid argument.
@JPL: Japan had occupied Korea since 1910. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931as it began its slide into military rule. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Mussolini was dictator of Italy beginning in 1922.
Funny, that’s not what they said when Obama expressed his personal opinion of the Trayvon Martin case, or said that the cop who arrested Henry Louis Gates Jr, on the porch of his own home had acted “stupidly.” Then, the Republicans were full of screeches about the president trying to undermine justice.
Here’s my (impossible to answer) question:
The young conservatives in the above tweet; the “party like it’s 1928” fools… will they grow up to be old conservatives, or will they evolve?
@JPL: WTF is a Senator doing giving advice that is the prerogative of the State Department? And by All Americans does Sen. Butterbutt include our massive troop build up there?
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
Did you name the bike yet?
Republicans still think everything that happened from 1929 onward was some fanciful flight of fiction, that there never was a Great Depression or New Deal or War Against Nazis or Integration of the Military or Brown v. Board of Education or the Civil Rights acts and Voting Rights acts or Nixon resigning in disgrace or Reagan overseeing an era of massive deficits and debt or Dubya overseeing worse deficits alongside a horrendously mismanaged invasion of Iraq or a Biracial man from Hawaii winning the Presidency TWICE…
So yes, let’s party like it’s 1928. Because we’re about to go through the exact same shit for the next 90 years.
Remember the Battlestar Galactica reboot? “This has all happened before…”
@randy khan:
Yeah, but they’re arrogant.
In the 1928 they romanticize, they’d simply have the best bootleg liquor, and never go blind from drinking sweetened rubbing alcohol.
@BlueDWarrior: Yes most of my old moderate R friends are Ds now and those who stayed R have gone completely cray cray.
Villago Delenda Est
The @youngcons are going to have to wait their turn for their tumbrel ride. Plenty of folks ahead of them on the manifest.
low-tech cyclist
So tonight they’re gonna party like it’s 1929.
Lots of mentions of 1929 in this thread, but nobody connected it to Doug’s thread title? You guys need another cuppa!
J R in WV
Display a total lack of historical awareness.
What did happen right after 1928? 1929!!
But does that mean anything to them?? Nope!
Amir Khalid
The “chief law enforcement officer” claim aside (I always thought that was the Attorney-General) John Dowd seems to be defining justice as whatever POTUS asserts it to be in any particular case. That can’t be right.
Villago Delenda Est
The manifest is already long, filled with luminaries such as Chuckles the Toddler and Chris Cillizza.
@Betty Cracker:
As someone who pays absolutely no attention to Twitter, what did Joy Reid supposedly do?
also this:
reformed broker
good read
Prohibition was too late for MacCawley to include in his Great Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. But it fits!
@Woodrowfan: Catholics, right?
@d58826: never is a long time.
the things that rural america used to lose their shit over (a la Emmett Till) are changing.
But change is very slow.
I would think things like the ‘it gets better’ campaign, are important, too.
@gvg: Social security was enacted to protect older people from effects of G Depression, right?
@geg6:Went after the wife of the Prophet of Burlington.
randy khan
If you’re blind already, it doesn’t make any difference.
@Steeplejack (phone):
If I remember my catechism from the OBAMA DIDN’T. EVEN. TRY. days, I think it’s “lead with leaderly leadership, and also ‘messaging.'”
Certainly in 1992, Clinton did not get a majority, due to Perot, I somehow think that was also the case in 1996, also due to perot.
Matt McIrvin
@catclub: But Jimmy Carter!
@BlueDWarrior: This sounds suspiciously like the argument that good girls need to act to prevent boys from taking advantage, because Boys Will Be Boys® and it’s always the girl’s fault for looking/walking/talking/studying/working/whatever like that. It’s admission that one whole party, just like one entire sex, has abdicated all responsibility, and somehow that’s somehow perfectly natural.
@germy: And this time around, booze is legal, so anyone can get sh!tfaced without worrying whether there’s a Treasury agent watching.
Matt McIrvin
@catclub: And Republicans flogged those facts as hard as they could to insist that Clinton was not a legitimate President, unlike their last few Presidents, who had won real majorities and electoral landslides.
Then, of course, they won with a disputed electoral vote and a popular minority and were all GET OVER IT SORE LOSERS. I will grant that Bush actually did win a 50.7% popular majority in 2004, but that’s the only Republican Presidential candidate who ever managed that since 1988.
And pigs might have wings. Also, the moon is totally made of extremely edible green cheese.
@Spanky: Or for his ‘gayness.’ That was the reaction of some christianists to revelation about Ted Haggard’s gay prostitute scandal.
I think Mark Driscoll (minister of former Mars Hill church in Seattle) claimed men became adulterers or had gay ‘adventures’ when their wives refused sex or didn’t want to engage in oral or anal sex. His sermons on the OT book Song of Songs are notorious for claiming that that OT book advocated both oral and anal sex.
Some have charged Driscoll appealed to hip young males in Seattle by promising them many young women in the congregation willing to engage in ‘non-traditional’ sex. More or less a temple prostitute, fertility cult.
@Immanentize: There is no State Dept any more.
Good. As she should. As they all should.
Just One More Canuck
When Black Friday comes, I’ll stand down by the door
And catch the grey men when they dive from the fourteenth floor
Just One More Canuck
@Villago Delenda Est: Gonna need a bigger tumbrel
@geg6: 10 yo (?) anti-gay posts on her blog directed vs Christ. She’s appologized, he’s accepted.
Classic case of ‘use dem values to attack dem.’
@Amir Khalid: Justice is separate from the executive branch for one thing. For another, it’s very easy to obstruct if you are the CEO. He is offering a very incorrect argument about the role of the President based more on an idea of royalty than rule of law. the idea that Trump defines the law……a certain kind of stupidity.
that argument is so weird, it actually makes it possible he was stupid enough to be involved in the latest Trump confession tweet while lawyers are saying no lawyer would be stupid enough to approve that tweet.
Who are the Nazis this time around?
@Villago Delenda Est: let’s do like the airlines and board kids first!!! Young republicans and “Young Americans for ‘Freedom'” get to jump the line. We can test the blade on them….
Which church was this? Asking for a friend….
@Ladyraxterinok: and because so many lost all their retirement savings in the bank crashes…
The Truffle
@woodrowfan: Elderly people vote. Elderly people are baby boomers. The GOP pissed off a whole voting bloc. Nice job. The knives will be out for them.
I imagine a lot of Young Conservatives will also have a hard time finding work outside of wingnut welfare in the years to come. Even Heritage Foundation is a joke in RW circles.
@The Truffle:
Jesus, are we going to do this again? I’m not going to do this again.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@MikeEss: Wasn’t it Charles Schwab who was told in 1928 he was crazy for thinking the market was about crash, went to a shrink who listened to Schwab and promptly took his own money out of the market?
In the church of Aphrodite,
Priestess wears a see-through nightie,
Its an awfully righteous sightie,
and its good enough for me.
Give me that old time relgion…
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Here’s newsreel footage of Schwab in 1931, sounding optimistic; saying he’d “always been optimistic”:
(His segment begins at the 0:45 mark)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Betty Cracker:
That message has been everywhere. basically “Why didn’t you liberals stop the Republicans from doing an incredibly stupid thing and don’t give me that not in power excuse?” Sort of High Broderism ad nauseam. Sort of reminds me of a parent yelling at the good son for not stopping the bad son from sneaking off and getting busted for a DUI while raping a chicken.
I am taking it as a tab admission that the Democrats are the only adults in government and the first baby step on a Cole like journey out of Right wing fruit loop land.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I cannot figure out the correct word here.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@gene108: There is nothing to give them the benefit of the doubt about. The really do believe that tax cuts are the solution to everything like they believe Jesus was a dinosaur rancher. Keep in mind if they were merely out for plunder and power all they would need to do is a massive infrastructure program as cover for a tax cut for the rich, that would bring money and job into their hick districts and do donor service. The whole impasse because their beliefs demand doing contradictory things like tax cuts and deficit reduction a the very same time.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@catclub: “they making an admission”, trying to write around work
@catclub: “tacit”
@Matt McIrvin: Don’t forget the infamous Hoot-Smalley tariff, which FDR imposed on the nation, causing the Great Depression, more than three years before he took office.
This history lesson brought to you by Michele “faraway eyes” Bachmann.
@catclub: Perhaps tacit?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Only a handful of the GOP caucus is sincere about caring about the deficit. And for almost all of them, relieving the rich of their tax burden is even more of a moral imperative than Dealing With The Debt, which can wait until a Democrat is elected and tries to do presidenting stuff.
NEVER EVER give them the benefit of the doubt.
Your granddad wasn’t joking. What looked like laughter on the outside was crying on the inside that he couldn’t keep doing that forever. I had granddads too. Of course one of them died in 1936. I could tell you it was due to the depression but it wasn’t. He was playing tennis with my mother when his congenital heart condition made itself known. The heart thing was the major issue of course but think about what he was doing at the time and what year it was. And all of that meant nothing because his family immediately became rather poor, there was no democratic safety net at the time. Just like the same moronic republicans who want there to be no democratic safety net now. All of these fuckers are spoons, playing in the knife drawer, none of them are sharp in any way shape or form.
@Turgidson: And here we all thought that name was what she gave to the exclamation that she gave at first sight of Ladybird’s antenna.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
These are not contradictory in their world view. How do you reduce the deficit? Cut government spending. How do you reduce taxes? Cut the need for them, cut government spending. To them these things are one and the same. The major point is that they don’t want government. They want to rule with the almighty dollar, mostly with that the almighty dollar sitting in their bank accounts. Or personal Scrooge vaults. It’s power to the wealthy, fuck everyone else. They want to be able to steal as much money as is humanly possible, with no ramifications. And because they are stupid, along with their many other faults, they don’t remember history, like what has happened at every other point in history when the rich tried to fuck over everyone else. Bottom line (a phrase they like), it never ends well for the rich. They think they have the advantage of money but they usually forget to pay their guards well enough to stay bought off and there are lot and lots more non rich people with nothing left to lose. So even well paid guards are not enough. I’m not endorsing violence, just acknowledging that history repeats itself often enough that it should be a lesson. But the people that need to learn that lesson never do.
Also that we have a government set up that while it currently supports the wealthy, it isn’t intended to be totally that way. Yes there are a few things that need to change to guard against this happening again. Automatic registration to vote for all citizens, vote by mail, early voting, voting day is a federal holiday, better safe guards against any individual having too much power in congress, no caucuses, regulated running times (say 4 months) to lesson the amount required to win an election and the endless speculative bullshit surrounding a candidate, possibly a certain amount of free political advertising for office, elimination of the EC, number of representatives in the house to further reflect equality of population…….. A short list of some needs that might address the issues.
@Major Major Major Major:
See if you’re saying that less sarcastically the next time he crosses the aisle. Or decides to endorse a Republican candidate for office.
J R in WV
I learned to never give a right-wing nut job the benefit of the doubt before I was out of high school. So half a century ago.
Uncle Cosmo
@Major Major Major Major: I was a Westinghouse employee in Pittsburgh for a corporate Statistics Symposium the day of the October 1987 market tank. Most of the attendees had major chunks of their life savings in (W) stock, which dropped 25% that day. As we entered the 17th floor ballroom at the Westin William Penn for supper, there was a hotel staffer standing at each door to the balcony. I turned to a companion & said, They’re taking tickets – it’s Jump-By-Numbers tonight! (Easy for me to say – having seen the place from the inside, no way would I spend a dime for the stock. [& less than 5 years later the destruction of a once-proud US technology corporation was underway, & I was gone with the first great wave of layoffs {which was fine by me, the first ones out the door always get the best severance package…}])
@Betty Cracker:
That is a very Betty Cracker-like turn of phrase.
@catclub: i’m going with tacit.
edit: late to the party again.
Their hope is that what will come is what came in Germany after 1929.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I saw a comment on Charlie Pierce’s column today that basically said that the fact that Hillary was exonerated and there was no evidence to convict her of anything PROVED that she was guilty because it was “obvious” that “the system” is set up to cover up for Democrats. You can’t expect these people to pay any attention to facts or evidence, so why give them any room to open their stupid mouths?