No lawyer and a public transcript. Erik Prince borrowing sound legal strategy from his fellow navy vet Carter Page.
— Zeddy ( me [ person ] ) (@ZeddRebel) December 6, 2017
Erik Prince, brother of Betsy deVos, founder of Blackwater (now Academi), testified before the US House of Representatives Select Committe on Intelligence on November 30th. A 105-page transcript of his testimony has been released, and is providing much fodder for specialists…
House Intel Commitee releases the testimony of Erik Prince
Schiff says of the Seychelles trip: "Prince also could not adequately explain why he traveled halfway around the world to meet with UAE officials and, ultimately, the head of the Russian fund."
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 6, 2017
Here, btw, is how Prince characterizes his role in the Trump campaign. It's both nothing much — and sending foreign policy memos to the campaign's CEO:
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) December 6, 2017
Who does Erik Prince think he is? This guy: “I flew in from Africa and I’ve had about enough of this,” and doesn’t think he was hauled before the House intel panel to “indulge your fishing expedition.” Actually, yeah, you were. It’s called the law.
— Kevin Baron (@DefenseBaron) December 6, 2017
US official: Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administration @CNNPolitics
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 6, 2017
BuzzFeed News is publishing the slide presentation by Erik Prince to privatize the Afghan war and mine Afghanistan's valuable minerals. He pitched the proposal to the Trump administration. Prince told BuzzFeed News, "You're a fucking hack." @AramRoston
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) December 7, 2017
… Prince briefed top Trump administration officials directly, talked up his plan publicly on the DC circuit, and published op-eds about it. He patterned the strategy he’s pitching on the historical model of the old British East India Company, which had its own army and colonized much of Britain’s empire in India. “An East India Company approach,” he wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “would use cheaper private solutions to fill the gaps that plague the Afghan security forces, including reliable logistics and aviation support.”
But the details have never been made public. Here is the never-before-published slide presentation for his pitch, which a source familiar with the matter said was prepared for the Trump administration.
One surprising element is the commercial promise Prince envisions: that the US will get access to Afghanistan’s rich deposits of minerals such as lithium, used in batteries; uranium; magnesite; and “rare earth elements,” critical metals used in high technology from defense to electronics. One slide estimates the value of mineral deposits in Helmand province alone at $1 trillion…
Prince currently runs a Chinese security and logistics company, as BuzzFeed News has previously reported. Still, in his pitch to America’s policymakers, he plays the US against China. One slide, devoted to “market manipulation in rare earth elements,” presents China as dominating the market for the valuable minerals.
Ironically, the statement from Prince’s spokesman that said Prince’s Chinese company, Frontier Services Group, would participate in the Afghanistan plan, and “would provide logistics support to the extractive firms with secure transportation and camp support.”…
Wait. He is proposing sending a private army into a country to kill people and steal their resources. Right?
— Mr. Fun Guy (@Mister_Fun_Guy) December 7, 2017
Bad ideas never die, they just encycst themselves in the GOP groupmind…
New from me: Devin Nunes spoke to Erik Prince about forthcoming House Intel testimony despite recusal from Russia probe
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) December 7, 2017
Adam L Silverman
Actually it’s now Constellis. Constellis owns Academi, as well as Triple Canopy, and about a dozen other defense and intel contractors. Basically they’ve created a consortium like super defense contracting company.
Jerzy Russian
Christ, what an asshole!
dr. bloor
Erik Prince’s singular strength seems to be pissing off people who have the resources to not deal with his bullshit. His gray matter is going to be a wonderful sight to behold.
Adam L Silverman
That proposal slide deck is terrible.
Jay S
@Adam L Silverman: somehow I got it into my head that they were bought out by a Chinese outfit. Or perhaps they were just renting out to one?
mike in dc
Prince does not strike me as a man who will die of natural causes, in hospice surrounded by loved ones.
Jay S
How did I miss this
@Jay S: Got the ownership backwards I see.
@mike in dc: Good.
Jay S
@mike in dc: Actually Prince strikes me as a survivor after bringing ruin to everyone around him.
mike in dc
Elise Jordan
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Follow @Elise_Jordan
Erik Prince has been in the news a lot lately. In his book, he explains the kind of man he is: the kind who impregnates his children’s nanny while his wife is dying of cancer. …
Cheryl Rofer
Not Erik Prince (although all this will probably be shown to connect up at some future date), but
This is one place where the Trumpies showed some good judgment. Or maybe their incompetence prevented them from being able to set up a page on VKontakte.
@mike in dc: Don’t give Newt any ideas.
Adam L Silverman
@Jay S: No. Prince is currently fronting a PRC funded security and logistics company. Constellis, which includes Academi, has, as far as I know, nothing to do with Prince. I’m sure some of the senior Academi folks may be leftovers, but as far as I know Prince doesn’t have a stake in them.
Adam L Silverman
@mike in dc: Here you go:
Also, Elise Jordan was Michael Hastings wife.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
how fast can campaign commercials be cut and how much do they cost?
Cheryl Rofer
ETA: I see Jim beat me to it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This was good, O’Donnell was quietly pissed. He used to fill in for Franken on the radio show.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer: yours is easier to click
trump was gross with WWII survivors. brilliant
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I just saw the clip. What a putz!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It has to be seen to be believed. It was just horrible:
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Prince and Drumpf sure act as if Drumpf owes Prince a big, big favor.
Hmmm. I wonder what it could be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jim, Foolish Literalist
not a bone spur among them!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The whole “have you ever heard the call ‘remember Pearl Harbor’ before? Have you ever heard that?” Was just nuts. First off that wasn’t the call. Secondly WTF? And I don’t mean water treatment facility!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Meh. Evangelicals have been saying that for years. Remember Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell saying that 9/11 happened because we were too liberal for al-Qaeda?
mike in dc
There would be bedlam if Mueller actually did this. I’d kinda like him to, actually–get a sealed indictment, send the report, wait to see if the House acts, if they do nothing, file the indictment and formally request 45 to present himself at court.
mike in dc
@Adam L Silverman: “Boy, that Bataan March was some walk, huh? Wow, 60 miles. I’ll bet your feet hurt!”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Lawrence on the historical context of Sen. Franken’s resignation
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
That company’s had quite a lot of names in 20 years. Is there some reason it has trouble keeping its good name?
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: It doesn’t have a good name. The time period it had one didn’t last.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @Cheryl Rofer: That’s okay, Doug Jones just suppressed the African American vote in Alabama!
More at the link!
@Adam L Silverman: The sole bright side was that he didn’t do that shit over here.
Secret Service or not, He probably would have had trouble making it back to his plane in one piece.
@Adam L Silverman: Nice to see Sen Franken was pushed onto his sword for this.
@Adam L Silverman: Why should the Carlyle Group have all the fun? Plenty of Republican crime families to go around, amirite?