When we last discussed GOP Rep. Trent Franks, he was announcing his his retirement on 31 January for the following:
I have recently learned that the Ethics Committee is reviewing an inquiry regarding my discussion of surrogacy with two previous female subordinates, making each feel uncomfortable. I deeply regret that my discussion of this option and process in the workplace caused distress.
We are in an unusual moment in history – there is collective focus on a very important problem of justice and sexual impropriety. It is so important that we get this right for everyone, especially for victims.
But in the midst of this current cultural and media climate, I am deeply convinced I would be unable to complete a fair House Ethics investigation before distorted and sensationalized versions of this story would put me, my family, my staff, and my noble colleagues in the House of Representatives through hyperbolized public excoriation. Rather than allow a sensationalized trial by media damage those things I love most, this morning I notified House leadership that I will be leaving Congress as of January 31st, 2018. It is with the greatest sadness, that for the sake of the causes I deeply love, I must now step back from the battle I have spent over three decades fighting. I hope my resignation will remain distinct from the great gains we have made. My time in Congress serving my constituents, America and the Constitution is and will remain one of God’s greatest gift to me in life.
Today we learn his resignation is taking place immediately. Wonder why? Oh:
Arizona Rep. Trent Franks allegedly made unwanted advances toward female staffers in his office and retaliated against one who rebuffed him, according to House GOP sources with knowledge of a complaint against him.
The allegations, which reached Speaker Paul Ryan and top GOP leaders in recent days, led to Franks’ sudden resignation this week. Franks originally announced that he would resign on Jan. 31, 2018. But just hours after POLITICO inquired about the allegations, he sped up his resignation and left office Friday.
The sources said Franks approached two female staffers about acting as a potential surrogate for him and his wife, who has struggled with fertility issues for years. But the aides were concerned that Franks was asking to have sexual relations with them. It was not clear to the women whether he was asking about impregnating the women through sexual intercourse or in vitro fertilization. Franks opposes abortion rights as well as procedures that discard embryos.
A former staffer also alleged that Franks tried to persuade a female aide that they were in love by having her read an article that described how a person knows they’re in love with someone, the sources said. One woman believed she was the subject of retribution after rebuffing Franks. While she enjoyed access to the congressman before the incident, that access was revoked afterward, she told Republican leaders.
Life comes at you fast.
Man, with a title like that, I got nuthin’.
Pity he’s not from a contestable area.
Is “married to Trent Franks” considered a preexisting condition?
Why does Trent Franks’ face look like it got caught in a cotton picking machine?
I suspect the excerpts will suffice for most folks, but for those wanting a link to the second blockquote from Politico – I didn’t see it in the O.P. – here it is.
Freaky-deaky, as some TV comedian (Dennis Miller on SNL?) used to say.
ETA – I’ve long wondered – though not intensively enough to look it up myself – why these self-described christians don’t consider the inability to get pregnant and bear children the “will of God”, and just accept that, rather than going for surrogacy, IVF, etc. I assume there are answers to this on p.4 of numerous church newsletters, at least for those churches catering to prosperous folks. I assume this is a poorly funded way for people with English Lit degrees to get some practice at least.
AP reporting that he offered the aid $5 million to carry his child: https://apnews.com/ca905b7b6e264683832a038521f5353f?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP
zhena gogolia
Why do I think he tried to get her to do those “questions” they had in the NYTimes?
Where’d he get the money from?
@Quinerly: A quick Google found this:
So, either Mr. Franks is a Deal Maker even more skilled at his craft than Trump, or there’s rather more going on here.
Gotta hand it to him, it’s a novel way for a forced birther who wants to play around while salving his conscience- “it’s ok, honey, she was just a surrogate mom so we can bring a wonderful child into the world. Not buying that? At least we didn’t use contraceptives!”
Yoda Dog
@Librarian: I like to think it’s karma for being such a terrible person.
The Cruz Effect, if you will..
@sharl: P.S. The “English Lit” should be replaced with “creative writing”, and the sentence reworked appropriately.
I regret the error.
BC I’m still on endless conference calls… in a poor, fed up need to vent mood… i went to the lowest low and stretched my imagination…
I came up with this:
It is very plausible that Franks surrogacy discussions were plagiarized/crib-noted speeches from M. Atwood’s The Handmaids Tale. As a “powerful” political figure obsessed with abortion, a dozen donuts says he is morally opposed to artificial insemination over what we could term “natural conception.”
Although this is just like placing your hand on Tina Dupuy’s waist.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: All areas are contestable, if the Republicans keep nominating pedophiles.
The Moar You Know
Bottom line, that dude is a fucking lunatic.
@TenguPhule: I was hoping someone would ask: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/trent-franks-net-worth-wealthiest-members-of-congress-trinity-petroleum-9395850
Roger Moore
Dude! The Handmaid’s Tale is not an instruction book.
And yet we shitcanned Franken for squeezing a woman’s waist during a photo op. Christ.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Hoodie: That’s not how surrogacy works. I realize we may not be in normal territory, but normally, there’s no sexual contact between the father and a surrogate mother.
The Moar You Know
@Major Major Major Major: All areas are contestable regardless.
Winnable is different, and Alabama is about to prove it by putting a pedophile into the US Senate.
Frank’s statement sounds like he had Frank Luntz focus group test it…it’s stripped entirely of anything that would remotely suggest Franks was being a creepy sexual harrasser…
No Drought No More
What choice did he have but to fuck the help? It’s not as if the Franks’ were in a position to adopt.
His wife looks like a fool for playing along with this transparent bullshit.
So he puts these forth as two different, unrelated things?
Plot thickens. He’s 60, still married to only wife, she appears to be age appropriate? and they have two children. No wonder there are fertility problems….I’m pretty sure she is post menopausal. I actually can’t believe I’m typing this on a political blog.
@Librarian: Harelip?
@sukabi: @Mnemosyne: I noticed that. Whereas the article that got Franken brought down was carefully written and headlined to imply that the groped “handful of flesh” in question was someplace other than the waist.
@Quinerly: So he offered 1/6th of his net value to a woman to be a surrogate?
I smell bullshit coming from this guy.
I can’t believe that this doesn’t even surprise us anymore.
This is all kinds of crazy jammed into a small space.
I wasn’t sure whether this goober was just talking about surrogacy with women staffers or trying to get them to go along. But I’m also not clear where these family values types stand on surrogacy. Isn’t the Catholic Church, which even some Protestant evangelicals side with, cool to artificial means of having babies?
Also, apart from the issues of possibly coercing a staffer to be your baby momma once removed, it would be triple double insane to insist that this person must carry all the embryos that might develop. It aggravates the situation by diminishing the woman into a baby receptacle. It’s one thing for a married couple to behave so stupidly, but a new level of depravity to involve an outside party to this by coercive means.
The Hand Maid’s Tale ain’t got nuthin’ on this shit.
ETA: This baroque shit again points out how the Franken mess was over-reaction. Yes, your outrage mileage may vary.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Well yes, but things haven’t been normal for quite awhile.
A quick look at his Wiki page also tells me he is one of those guys who think pregnancy from a rape is very, very rare. I guess if a baby was the end goal, his female staff could find comfort in this.??
@Quinerly: Why the emphasis on surrogacy? Why not adopt? OH, that’s right, creepy fetishization of male sperm.
@Bex: He had a cleft lip and palate repair as a child.
This news has been a boon to amateur-comedian-twitter:
Yes, but he objects to the leftover fertilized embryos which are usually disposed of.
@SteveKnNKY: @Mnemosyne:
I’m REALLY having problems accepting Ms. Dupuy’s complaint at face value, even if wanting to..
To sum up: not leaving fast enough, should have delivered speech from Walmart parking lot, boff sides. Who exactly is this person?
@Quinerly: well if she is “age appropriate” and is post menopausal with 2 children, then the odds that Franks was actually looking for a “surrogate” to bear a child are slim to none. He was just twisting his need to get f^cked into a pity f^ck…and chances are his wife didn’t know a thing about it until news broke..
Oil supposedly, from a company he and his brother founded in 1997 when he was in congress. A friend of mine from Phoenix says Franks showed up in Arizona driving a beater car with expired out of state license plates in the early 80’s. (he was ticketed it for it) He was still driving it when he was elected to the legislature in AZ.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
It’s unfortunate that Franks is similar to Franken. Lots of apolitical drones are going to conflate the two.
Chet Murthy
@TenguPhule: I once read that the genealogical evidence was that most of English were descended from nobility … via their female servants. I read similar things about the Roman empire (and their female slaves). It isn’t surprising at all, in a way, that this shit still transpires.
The -surprising- thing, is that *FINALLY* women have enough power, that they’re bringing this to light. As in: “light the shit on fire, yo!” Oh, and they’re all outta fucks to give, of course.
@aimai: Why the emphasis on infertility? Wiki lists only one wife and they already have 2 children. Wife appears to be close to 60. I don’t have time to fully research this…someone please take over.?
The Moar You Know
@trollhattan: The term you are looking for is “paid GOP operative”.
Millard Filmore
I have never understood the morality of a culture that will fight birth control, fight abortions, fight like demons to bring babies into the world, but won’t take care of the kids that are already here.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Scratch one of these sex obsessed weirdos, and you find some kind of fucking pervert underneath. Every fucking time. The ones who seem to be O.K. so far are the ones we just haven’t learned about yet.
Republicans are creepy.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Ah, but who is still in the White House at the end of the day, Dupey?
it did. only for a cotton picking minute, luckily.
Ok, he and his immigrant wife have been married since 1980. They used a surrogate in 2008 to have twins. Donor egg.
@Millard Filmore: To be fair, they can’t just adopt white babies from Russia anymore. Not while the sanctions are still up, at least.
@trollhattan: Someone posted a part of her wikipedia page yesterday. She sounds like an attention-seeking nutter.
So from Wikipedia, having wondered myself ‘so how did he get $5M to throw around?’ I read…
“Franks graduated from Briggsdale High School in Colorado in 1976. After high school, Franks bought a drilling rig and moved to Texas to drill wells with his best friend and his younger brother. He moved to Arizona in 1981, where he continued to drill wells.”
It goes on to say he got a degree from some Bob’s-University-And-Grill joint in Utah. He also told some zine in 2004 that he’d been a small-business owner ‘for 25 years’.
The very next sentence says that in 1984 he was “working as an engineer for an oil and gas royalty-purchasing firm”. So I have questions about this – but anyway, he presumably got his money by drilling for oil.
This question should have been asked 8 times by the Democratic Caucus.
That it was not was a failure of leadership and common sense.
The Church isn’t cool with artificial insemination. Especially not cool with all the “snowflake babies” stored in liquid nitrogen in medical office buildings in every decent sized city.
For 5 million, Franks wanted a gilly. A quiet long-term mistress. A concubine.
Somehow I doubt he ever struck oil.
@Quinerly: Issa messes up the average for the rest of the House by about one million dollars, so it is even lower than the line.
You jackals know damn well you want to read the Wonkette treatment of Trent Franks, a.k.a. “Captain Horatio Spermblower.” So go, already.
@eyelessgame: See comment 16. He’s one of the richest members of the House.
But not for lack of drillin’!
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
And you obviously have never checked into the Trent Franks Surrogacy Clinic.
I’m loving the FNYT story about Russian intelligence agents contacting Hope Hicks after the election. This proves there was NO COLLUSION! Uh, no, it proves some trumpleton gave the Russians her phone number so they could compromise her, too.
Also, I’m sure Jared never discussed any of this with Ivunka.
Sadly, they have spousal privilege and can’t be forced to testify against one another. Though IANAL, so I don’t know if that’s true for federal crimes.
Roger Moore
I somehow doubt he put it in writing.
@aimai: I’m going beyond that: Raids on all sperm banks within 50 miles of his home to see if a Frent Tranks has made deposits.
My wife and I are not the kid-having sort (gawd knows I wasn’t put on this planet to raise something that couldn’t find the litterbox all by itself), but my younger sister has, in getting older, mentioned running across a number of guys who are interested in having a child–no surprise–and many, many of them don’t want to adopt.
They think their line, their DNA, needs to live on, or it doesn’t count.
How do these Congressional goobers have any time left to, you know, do their jobs as elected representatives?
@trollhattan: I know there are three weeks remaining, but if that’s not the post title of the year…
I’m not defending this creep at all, but he did say in his statement yesterday that they had several adoptions fall through. I know that happens (know people it has happened to).
Roger Moore
I suspect that Rep Franks is very representative of his part of Arizona. That’s what’s so scary about these people. As far as reading legislation and doing the work one normally expects a legislator to do, the available evidence suggests the Republicans just don’t bother. They vote the party line and that’s it.
Yeah. She wrote a long article about how her experience of having her waist squeezed by Franken gave her a new appreciation for how awful the Democratic Party is for tolerating Bill Clinton, so of course the Atlantic leaped to publish it.
I’m sorry, but if you’re so traumatized by your past experiences that having your waist squeezed during a photo op sends you into a spiral of PTSD, you really need to let your therapist know that you’re having trouble with everyday life and will need to bump up your therapy, not write articles about how this horrible, scarring experience of a waist squeeze changed your life.
Dear Ms. Dupuy:
@Yarrow: I’m beginning to feel sorry for Franks’ immigrant wife. She has now been hospitalized and their 28 year old twins are probably by her side.
This story is absolutely CRAZY!!!
I mean C-R-A-Z-Y!!!
Real life Handmaid’s Tale!
@Mnemosyne: If they think she’s involved, they can still interrogate her about a lot more than conversations with Jared. There’s no parental privilege.
I notice Rachel Maddow hammers away at how many times Penice has lied publicly about the Flynn matters, implying his involvement. Why not Ivunka, too?
Holy crap. Even our old non-friend BiP is defending Franken. ?
ETA: In the comments at Raw Story.
Miss Bianca
@trollhattan: This chick can go DIAF, far as I’m concerned.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I suspect we are talking surrogate like Sarah and Hager in the Old Testament.
Mike J
The man is 60 years old. What are the odds of him living to the child’s high school graduation? You’d have to be nuts to let him adopt a kid.
I keep returning to the “…he knew exactly what he was doing” line in her The Atlantic article. It changes the piece’s tone from questioning to an accusatory conclusion. While that’s her right it’s also telling the reader what to think. “You can’t trust him, trust me.”
@Quinerly: Ok, my bad on memory of his Wiki entry. He married in 1980. He and wife had twins in 2008 through an egg donor.
Mandatory rapes to knock the women up haven’t been confirmed yet.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@trollhattan: . I think it’s safe to say at lest one of the Franken’s accusers is Attention Whoring. Dupury is the rape by waist hug victim, right?
Miss Bianca
OK, this line gave me an actual LOL to end this shitty, shitty week. Thanks for the tip!
According to Wikipedia, twins are only about nine, not 28. They were conceived and gestated through donor eggs and surrogacy:
None of which negates our feeling sorry for her.
mike in dc
Her position in the administration is less important, and her deceit is less prominent. That said, her brothers are Sonny and Fredo(or both Fredo), and she’s Michael Corleone.
That’s where it gets weird. I’m sure that Franken knew he was squeezing her waist — it’s kind of hard not to realize that. However, I’m guessing he was doing it in a friendly, avuncular way, and she perceived that as sexual and harassing.
That’s why he can’t come out and call her a liar. The problem is dueling perceptions of the same action. If someone perceives a touch on the waist as being sexual when the person who did the touching did not mean it that way, where does the truth lie?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Yep. And who is furious that he didn’t apologize to her during his resignation speech.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
just skimming the thread– did one of his ex “staffers” publicize the abortion records yet?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
The same. Her waist was squeezed, “At least twice.”
@Bex: “Harelip? Wood eye! Wood eye!”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
this one’s a wrecking crew all by herself
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@TenguPhule: Gods, idiots like her.. I mean she just turned harassment into a farce, picture the “I’ve been waist hugged!” mem pictures from 4/chan, No wonder this problem keeps going and going, And she is such a self righteous prig about it.
On MTP they are talking about “bipartisan creepiness”.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: It gets worse.
Apparently the reason she was so mad at him for touching her is that she was overweight at the time and supposedly ashamed of her extra belly fat.
And this somehow translates into groping.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: via that same dead president’s twitter account…
I think that might be a clue
ETA: @MomSense: MSNBC was on my car radio when I got in a while ago, when I heard Chuck Todd’s very leading “Should Barack Obama have been here?” his tone clearly implying whose fault Senator Moore will be. I switched it off but I hope somebody had a dead flounder handy to go upside his head with
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Comonly accepted social norms?
The inverse is if Franken didn’t hug consituates he would have been considered cold and indiferant to them.
Jesus on a pogo stick, are we really discussing a waist hugs like it is rape?
Yeah, I don’t think it’s invented from thin air and over the intervening almost nine years her recollection has understandably morphed, but amongst the frenzy of the first Obama Inauguration this is her takeaway recollection?
At the time Franken’s recount was just underway so I can well imagine the blender of emotions he was experiencing it all, including the swearings in of his maybe yes/maybe no future colleagues.
@Mike J: From his statement I didn’t get the impression that the adoptions that fell through were now or even in the past few years. They were earlier on.
Has it been made clear when he propositioned/asked the staffers to be surrogates? Was that just this year or in the past few years? If so, assisting with surrogacy for intended parents of that age is pretty much out of the norm for fertility clinics. Depends on how old his wife is, but they generally don’t support allowing intended parents to be over about 52 or so. There isn’t a federal upper age limit for fertility treatments, as there is in many countries, so the clinics tend to set it themselves.
If it happened a decade or two ago, it’s still just as inappropriate, but more in the age-range that would be acceptable.
I’m not hearing a lot of credit for Democrats taking the high road. Just both sides are creeps.
@sukabi: That wanna make a baby together line is older than Franks. Hes so full of crap, we should call him Septic Tank Franks.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Turns out he was lighting a candle to set the mood.
Have you seen what they’ve done? And you want to tell me they spent any time on that? IOW doing their jobs is not one of the concepts they enjoy.
I totally remember that joke.
@SiubhanDuinne: I need to quit trying to post from this damn Microsoft Windows phone. It hangs up on this site…and on this site only. I had read his Wiki page earlier and remembered the 1980 marriage but had the birth year of the twins wrong in my mind. Once typed from this phone, I can never edit. I do feel very sorry for his wife. There’s a lot to this story that we don’t know. She is in the hospital. MSNBC reporting.
Here’a one for covering your bases. The polling firm Survey Monkey polled Alabama. They used eight different voter models on the poll and came up with results ranging from Jones by eight to Moore by 10. One of the models is bound to be right!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Can we all agree that Gloria Allred is a fucking idiot? I mean, Jesus Christ – the moment she had the first hint of a nascent thought that any writing on that page was bad, she should have turned that woman away.
Her grandstanding cost us Franken, and probably sealed the win for Moore.
Yep. And the fact that Franken resigned over waist hugs and anonymous accusations means that he must have been doing even worse stuff and that’s why the Democrats forced him to resign.
I hate people. I’m definitely spending the evening reading escapist novels.
Brown Chicken Brown Cow indeed…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@TenguPhule: This is startig to get that suprned lover vibe to it, isn’t it? Sort of the female version of the Dude bro’s “she only turned me down because she’s lezbo” stick. “He didn’t say no, he was harassing me and I said no” if you will.
Still there were other accusers, but it’s lovely that the crazy cat lady in the group has to make it about her.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: From the brief time I looked at that yearbook signature the date and location looked to be in a different handwriting. If it stood out to me just by glancing at it, I wonder why it didn’t look that way to someone on Allred’s team.
I haven’t read anything about it today, but did the woman say she wrote it in at the time or now? I haven’t looked back at the photo but it did kind of look like a younger person’s handwriting. If she wrote it at the time, she should have disclosed that at the time to Allred and made it clear in the press conference. If not, well…
@SiubhanDuinne: Here we go: http://heavy.com/news/2017/12/josephine-franks-trent-surrogate-pregnancy/
@MomSense: @Mnemosyne: I really fucking wish Democrats would grow a spine, stand up for people where it’s clear ratfucking is going on, and tell the rightwing trolls to fuck off. The internet had Sam Seder’s back, there was a big backlash because MSNBC misinterpreted his tweet, and he got his job back. I’d love to see something like that happen with Franken.
Christ almighty Dude, BOUNDARIES.
@trollhattan: Somehow he’s supposed to make a resignation speech without referring to himself.
I hate people, too. I want to go see Ladybird.
This is what kisses me off. As of Wednesday night, Franken was correcting the reports that he planned to announce his resignation. I bet Schumer leaked it to the press sealing Franken’s fate. I’m so fucking mad at all the Democrats who called for this.
Like I said on the morning thread, if you’ve been around social justice work for decades, you recognize when Republican operatives are out to take down their opposition and discredit a movement.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Exactly. It was data that would never, ever be included in that kind of note.
The target didn’t get taken out, the wrong guys got jammed, and now the backlash will be like the white hot heat of a thousand suns.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Inexcusable incompetence. It’s not the first time. You’d think she would have the resources to do proper vetting before holding a press conference.
I hate people so much right now.
@Roger Moore: Up until now.
@Yarrow: Frank’s initial statement was the biggest bunch of gobbledygook that could possibly be. No way he wrote it. Whoever did, I hope they got paid by the word.
@dmsilev: There has to be more going on. It would be insane to establish a surrogacy arrangement like this, with someone you know personally. Among other reasons, you take a big risk if the surrogate is also the biological mother. As someone who had already used a surrogate it is unbelievable that he would not understand these things. It would be irresponsible not to speculate: “I’ll pay you to sleep with me and if anyone catches on we’ll just say you were serving as my gestational surrogate.” But $5 million? Something ain’t right . . .
Le win
mike in dc
@dmsilev: If I had that condition, I’d pursue surgical removal, followed by radiation and chemo until I was sure I was in remission and the condition didn’t return.
@Yarrow: Tina Dupuy is no ratfucker. She may not be right in the head – in fact, she may be the only person on earth to interpret a too-tight waist hug as sexual harassment – but she has some known sincere lefties (John Fugelsang and Frank Conniff) vouching for her.
@JMG: Polls are all over the place and I’ve heard Senate races are notoriously hard to poll. I still think Jones has a good shot because I’m an optimistic person and wallowing in negativity and defeatism before any ballots have been cast is loser talk.
You’d think some Democrats would have some idea of this, but nooooo…..we have to take out Franken. And it’s not getting us anything but BothSidesDoIt. Democrats make it so easy for people to hate them. Even Dem voters.
Citizen Alan
IIRC, there is no spousal immunity at the federal level. It’s purely a state law thing. I’m sure one of the other 70 attorneys who post here can correct me if I’m wrong.
@Barbara: People use surrogates they know all the time. It’s pretty common. But the rest of it–asking a staffer, the $5 million. That stuff is nuts and doesn’t ring true.
Franks, Dude, read the fuckin’ job description: that ain’t in it!
zhena gogolia
Could we stop talking about Franken?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@aimai: Franks apparently has said that he’s been turned down multiple times for adoption.
Which could be true. He’s much too old to qualify for traditional adoption.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I heard a few seconds of her subbing for Fuglesang, and I wondered if he brought her in on purpose yesterday, to prove his woke-i-tude. Connie’s a bit more grounded, by which I mean a lot, and suffers fools un-gladly. I’m surprised he’s vouching for her
@mike in dc: I prefer recasting them in Deliverance.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If he had campaigned for Jones Todd would have criticized him for being egotistical enough to think Jones couldn’t possibly win without him.
@B.B.A.: It’s not of interest to me who is vouching for her. She’s made herself a useful idiot. She’s entitled to her opinion, but whoever approved her article in the Atlantic is fully in on the ratfucking. It’s a ridiculous position for her to take, as waist grabbing during photo ops is well within the bounds of normal social behavior.
@MomSense: I’ll bet he’ll say next that Hillary Clinton staying with Bill is the cause of both side creepiness.
ETA We should write these fuckers’ scripts. We could make a fortune.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Somewhere between Connie in III, Cersei Lannister and Lucille Bluth. I’ve said it before, she knows the truth about the trump family books and the Kushners’. She’ll push Jared to Meuller or under the bus to stay solvent
ETAL @Kathleen: yup, and/or for trying to nationalize a local race! For shame!
@zhena gogolia: I wonder how hard it would be to talk TaMara into a cookie recipe swap thread.
Suffragette City
Franks probably misread the title and thought it was The Handmaid’s Tail
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yutsano: or a designated Franken rage thread. Just to see how many Tboggs it can get
This is interesting.
Evan McMullin is the NeverTrumper Republican who ran for president last year.
randy khan
@The Moar You Know:
This. You never know what will happen.
That’s why they talked him into going. Now, if we could only find dirt on Rob Portman …
This is one hell of an understatement. And I’m saying that as someone who understood why Leeann Tweeden might be pissed off at having a prank photo taken of her while she was sleeping.
Steve in the ATL
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I beat her in the one case I had against her!
@Yarrow: Even if the Atlantic felt they should give Dupuy column space, to use the word “groping” for “waist grabbing” in the headline was inflammatory. Not every unwanted touch is a grope.
@debbie: You could get your wish.
I’m hearing that there’s a difference in degrees — that Dems should have moved more quickly and GOOPers should have moved, period. It will never go away as long as Trump is in office.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Subtle. I like it.
@Yarrow: I think it’s more like, there are 20-30 male members of Congress who aren’t sexual harassers. Maybe. Actually, it sounds a little high, now that I think about it.
None of the credit, All of the blame.
At heart, she’s become an ambulance chaser, so no, she wouldn’t have thought to check.
@B.B.A.: Why don’t we force them all to resign, just to be on the safe side?
Who is “he”?
Funny, that’s pretty much what I yell at my brother. Wish he’d have gone with McMullin instead of Trump.
I sure hope so, but he is the ultimate straight arrow.
@debbie: I follow Eric Garland on Twitter and he posted thread on how Russians have dirt on all the Rethugs which is why they’re hell bent on latest iteration of the Shut The Fuck Up and Die Slow Horrible Tortuous Death Bill.
ETA: I think I misunderstood both you and MomSense. Again apologies and I blame Hillary.
@Quinerly: Thanks for that link to the heavy.com piece! Interesting.
@different-church-lady: If I had any confidence that it would work, I’d suggest it unironically. But we both know the Dems would all resign while the Goopers would laugh in our faces.
Seriously? After the eleventy zillion arguments held here? Yes, every unwanted touch is an unwanted grope, period. The argument is whether the grope, as unwanted as it may be, is intentional or not and whether that should count or not.
@debbie: I was referring to Chuck Todd and his both sides equally perverted and evil. Apologies if I misunderstood your reference.
So, this was NOT “would you, dear stafflady, be willing to carry my wife’s and my kids to term”, but rather “wanna have my kids for me?” A bit different, although the former is still sleazy as fvck.
I don’t think we’re as agreed on that as you think. And I still think that intentions count.
Interesting. I’d bet that’ll all come out as payback for Jerusalem.
Oh come on.
Intention may or may not count, but it doesn’t count any more than perception, consequence, etc.
@Kathleen: Meanwhile the GOP sleaze machine has its sights set on its next Target, Robert Mueller.
The gaslighting has begun on the Russia investigation. “Naked Partisan Interference”, “Tainted with Bias”, “Mueller must be investigated!”
The GOP are pissing crystal meth into the jury pool.
@sharl: I feel sorry for his wife. There’s more to this story.
Steve in the ATL
Touching is a very broad category. Groping is a very specific subset of touching. They are not the same.
George Spiggott
Richard Pryor, actually.
@Yarrow: $5 mil sounds right for “I’ll adopt the baby instead, and we’ll say it’s a surrogacy arrangement, ok?”
@Yarrow: They may use surrogates they know but you don’t do it informally without going through agencies that finalize the paperwork, vet the health of the surrogate, and arrange for donor eggs. That’s what Franks did the first time. Maybe that was his plan this time, but it sounds a lot more like freelancing. Using a personal friend is riskier, but the most important part is not having the surrogate be the biological mother. Basically, it becomes much harder to enforce the contract if she changes her mind.
Steve in the ATL
LA peeps, I may need a couch to sleep on tonight. Leave a key under the mat for me in case my much-delayed flight doesn’t leave.
@debbie: The intention part is the “for sexual pleasure” part of that definition. I guess some people may have a weird fetish where they derive sexual pleasure from putting a hand on someone’s waist in public during a photo op, but it’s probably not all that common.
Your definition requires intention. If it’s not done “for sexual pleasure,” it’s not a grope.
We have reached peak irony.
Everyone at the Onion can now quit. You’ve been replaced by Reality.
@Steve in the ATL:
You can’t check in at Shutters on the Beach and make your company pick up the tab? What kind of cheap-ass law firm do you work for?
@debbie: I simply don’t agree that all unwanted touches amount to groping. Is pinching cheeks groping? Is shaking a hand too firmly groping? Is putting your arm around someone while posing for a photo groping? How do you distinguish the two?
And you’re saying intention is basically all that matters.
@Barbara: Agree with all of that. Surrogacy is a complicated matter and there are a lot of steps. It would be very unusual for Franks to use a staffer as a surrogate, although I guess it could be possible. And, as you said, it certainly would not be done in the Handmaid’s Tale style he seemed to be offering her.
@Quinerly: They have been married since 1980 and their first and only children are 8 years old. From the article, they might have tried to adopt without success. They probably resisted fertility treatment, or he did, and by the time they decided to undertake it his wife was beyond the age where it was even possible to contemplate using her own biological material. I don’t know why they needed a surrogate. Maybe she had other issues, like repeat miscarriage. Franks is a creep but I can understand how painful this has been for his wife. Seriously, if they had wanted additional children, they probably would have made it happen well before now. His wife must be in her mid to late 50s.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: if it comes that, I will get a room here. Or maybe party all night in West Hollywood and catch a morning flight out.
I actually may have to get a Hotel room in Atlanta if I arrive in the middle of the night and can’t get a cab or Lyft home. I took the train to the airport and it won’t be running until 6 am or so.
My life is so tragic!
Steve in the ATL
@debbie: that’s not what she said and you know it. Quit trying to ruin this thread.
Your own definition says that intention matters. By definition, if an unwanted touch doesn’t have a sexual purpose by the toucher, it’s not a grope no matter where it lands.
Let’s go back to the crowded train scenario. If the train lurches and a guy’s hand lands on your butt, but he immediately apologizes and removes it, is that the exact same thing as the guy who grabs your butt and won’t let go? Should both of those guys be arrested and prosecuted for being transit perverts, or just the guy who did it on purpose?
@George Spiggott: Thanks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that Richard Pryor clip; it was fun. And I would have definitely preferred to have cited Pryor over Miller.
@MomSense: Yeah, when I hear Al Franken’s name in a sentence with “sexual predator” it makes me sick. They are just lumping him in with Moore, etc.
Sophie Montane
@debbie: The definition you posted includes the phrase, “for sexual pleasure.” Why are you ignoring that? That’s kind of the key part of the definition. Honestly, if your assumption is that somebody doing the arms-around-waist thing during a photo op is doing it for sexual pleasure, that’s on you.
@Barbara: I agree with you. Infertility is a long, difficult road. I even have some sympathy for him, because it’s not just the woman who suffers when a couple wants children but struggles.
Cheryl Rofer
I could post something on a very realistic scenario for the disaster that would be an attack on North Korea if we need a change of pace.
@Cheryl Rofer:
we do.
Bobby Thomson
Alan Grayson’s former communications director.
Steve in the ATL
@Cheryl Rofer: Bernie would have handled North Korea!
@debbie: Every unwanted touch is a grope? I don’t agree with that statement at all.
Cheryl Rofer
@magurakurin: I’ve been looking for something more positive. Could always post a kitteh.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yes, please. Could you also include some discussion of the Olympics, since there have been suggestions by Nikki Haley that we might not go because it “wouldn’t be safe.” Sounds like BS to me. Vlad doesn’t want us to go since Russia can’t go.
Given how much Trump seems to want to pick a fight with North Korea, she may not be entirely wrong.
@Barbara: Read all that. Made a comment or two with a typo on this phone that I couldn’t correct. When I read that subsequent article about his wife (posted), I began to feel sorry for her. He’s a creep. She’s in the hospital right now. I quit joking around about it.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Saw it in Wapo.
Gonna have nightmares tonight.
@Sophie Montane:
I think this is part of the disconnect: we are just starting a societal transition that says that casual touches without asking permission first are no longer okay. Some people are ready to race ahead and make a declaration that the rules have already changed, but when you’re on the vanguard of a social change like that, IMO you have a responsibility to tell other people that you are changing the existing social rules on them. If you’re in a situation where it’s normal for the other person to put their arm around you — like in a photograph — right now, the person who doesn’t want to be touched needs to speak up and say, “Please don’t do that.” Otherwise, we’re going to end up living in a hell where (let’s say) a third of the population is filing an official complaint because someone touched them on the arm and the other two-thirds doesn’t get why.
@TenguPhule: I wouldn’t diss Newt; he knows how to do l’amore right-and-proper! Nothing says ‘romance’ like getting a blow job in a parked car in a suburban home’s driveway while little kids are walking by (thank goodness the tykes were age-appropriately short).
you can be goddamn sure the US figure skating team DEFINITELY wants to go if Russia ain’t going.
@TenguPhule: Of course. Eric Garland (one of the people I follow on Twitter) said an in a fight like this you don’t deliver a knockout blow – you deliver multiple blows to keep the enemy off guard. I’m paraphrasing badly, I think that’s what Mueller is doing. He’s overloaded their sensors and they’re erupting in rage. They will bring themselves down.
Cheryl Rofer
Okay. Got something. Will take a few minutes.
Mike in DC
This would be unpopular and a huge loss for the US athletes who trained for years to qualify and participate in the Olympics.
@Mike in DC: Well, they can always move the site to one with less risk of war breaking out. How’s the Olympic Village in Sochi doing?
@Mike in DC: Personally, I hate the Olympics, but I agree. It isn’t Nikki Haley’s call to make, or Trump’s for that matter. The athletes are adults. They can decide for themselves about the risks.
@Mike in DC: Didn’t stop Jimmy Carter in 1980. Times have changed and the Olympics are much more of a business and have fully professional athletes now, though, so it’s not the same.
Roger Moore
I would say it would also be very inappropriate. In my field, it’s considered inappropriate to ask a coworker to donate a vial of blood because there’s too much implicit coercion involved. Asking somebody who works for you to be a surrogate is so far over that line you can’t even see it anymore.
I’m afraid that’s not what they’re doing.
This is calculated. Its coordinated. This is not panic, this is a plan.
They’re making this into a public relations litmus and innoculating their tribe against Truth, Justice and the American way. By this time next month, I’m not going to be surprised if they haven’t convinced a sizable minority that Mueller is a Nazi and that any charges he brings are partisan nonsense.
And Trump and company only need one or two assholes on a jury to fuck it all up.
I heard they are still looking for enough snow to hold the cross country ski events.
@Cheryl Rofer:
How about a post on this book: Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win by Luke Harding.
I just listened to an author interview on BBC’s The World.
Ex Fox anchor says Trump tried to kiss her in 2005. She’s an ex Fox anchor because she settled with good old BillO awhile back: https://pagesix.com/2017/12/08/ex-fox-news-anchor-claims-trump-tried-to-kiss-her/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
Sophie Montane
@Mnemosyne: But what’s confusing me is this: are people like debbie re-defining “grope” to leave out the sexual element? When they say “grope” they just mean any unwanted touch now? I’ve never heard the word used that way.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: You think that is tragic? I had to drive a minivan today. The horror….
But her emails!!
@debbie: I wasn’t particularly fond of hugs during my childhood. Does that mean I was a victim of child molestation?
@Roger Moore: I understand that and yes, it wouldn’t be appropriate. However, the fertility treatment world and surrogacy are filled with unusual things like that happening. Depending on the work place and the relationship between the people at work, I can imagine situations where it might occur. The fertility clinic might not agree to it, though. Also the lawyer hired to do the paperwork might say they won’t draw up the contract for it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Automatic or stick shift?
@sharl: Was that when his first wife was dying with cancer and he was refusing to pay alimony or child support or when his second wife was diagnosed with MS?
But her emails!!
@Quinerly: Trump’s got to go. That’s the same accusation that was the final straw for Democrats regarding Franken and this one isn’t even anonymous.
@Kathleen: Cheating on the first wife.
mike in dc
Yeah, but Carter was doing it in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan . Here, why would Trump be pulling the athletes out?
Maybe not. A large number of Americans in South Korea make for a tempting and nearby target for North Korea.
@But her emails!!: IOKIYAR.
@But her emails!!:
no argument there. pick your reason: My name is Legion for we are many…
@TenguPhule: I agree. It’s also a cold, calculated plan they’ve been implementing for 50 years. But I also think they are panicking.
Bobby Thomson
@Sophie Montane: it reminds me of nothing so much as the Pennsylvania white supremacist with obvious suppressed sexuality issues who flipped out when someone touched him on the arm.
@mike in dc:
Prelude to an attack.
The Imperials always pull their forces out before a major strike.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Auto. Do they make minivans with manuals?
@But her emails!!: Actually, it sounds like the ex anchor didn’t have any problems with it. I guess the biggest problem was he was with Melania at the time.
@TenguPhule: It’s so hard to keep up with him. He also told his second wife he wanted open marriage.
@debbie: I’d imagine that if Kim wanted to commit suicide like that he’d prefer to at least take a whack at Waikiki Beach.
@Omnes Omnibus: I guess it wasn’t the Cadillac of Minivans.
@Steve in the You can probably stay with Ruckus. Maybe he has some leftover Armenian.
Thought you’d never ask, Cole. #swoon
@B.B.A.: This TAL episode is very interesting: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/539/the-leap?act=3
@Kathleen: LOL, I doubt that even Newt has been able to keep such details straight in his mind; there were so many incidents.
Now THERE’S a guy who should keep his fucking head down and out of sight during all this, though if he did that, he wouldn’t be the shameless creature we’ve come to know over the years.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yarrow: It was not.
@mike in dc: Nikki Haley’s comment was they were concerned for the athletes’ safety.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus:
You win. Even if I end up sleeping on a bus bench in Inglewood tonight. Minivan [shudders] [then shutters for the spelling impaired]
@debbie: There are already a lot of Americans in South Korea.
@Steve in the ATL:
Thank you for letting me know that anything you disagree with is ruining a thread. I missed the announcement that you were the arbiter here. Now I know.
@But her emails!!:
The rules for democrats are 100% different to the rules for republicans – that seems to be the idea of all the posts on this thread. Trump ain’t going anywhere – other than a number of golf courses.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
So what would NBC do if America doesn’t go to the Olympics?
I would think so many civilians would be a real temptation to Kim.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Who knows. I bet they’re frantic behind the scenes at this point.
Bobby Thomson
@debbie: You’re not ruining the thread. You’re just stupid.
@debbie: Americans aren’t the only ones who go to the Olympics, so he’d be hurting a bunch of other countries as well. Maybe that’s not a problem for him. I don’t think China would be very happy about it, though.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Yeah, I mean I imagine their ratings would naturally drop if no Americans were participating. I’ve never liked their nationalistic coverage anyway.
My sister in law’s minivan just got stolen, apparently. Since it was over 10 years old, I’m assuming they wanted it for parts.
Steve in the ATL
@debbie: that’s not what I said and you know it. Quit being a petulant child.
You stated your position on an issue on an anonymous internet chat room. Many of the people who post here disagreed with you. It happens. It’s not personal. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. If you can’t handle the gentle disagreement posted here today by people you don’t know in real life and probably never will, then you should probably stay off the internet.
But you keep doubling down on your mistake. Let it go and move on. You have insightful things to say on other topics. Proceed with those types of posts before you get a reputation as shomi/BiP/TrentRunner.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: or the vintage “baby on board” sign suctioned to the rear window
@Omnes Omnibus:
Mazda still does, last I heard.
Omnes Omnibus
OT: The Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol is just starting on TCM.
@Bobby Thomson:
Dude. Come on. We’re having an actual debate here.
And The Republicans are already making noise about pulling out the troops dependents from South Korea.
John Revolta
@Mnemosyne: Anybody who’s stealing a 10 year old minivan is doing it out of sheer boredom, or maybe just being ironic.
This was debates? I thought this was arguments.
@John Revolta: No, the parts are worth more then the sum of the van.
Omnes Omnibus
@John Revolta: Could be madness.
Steve in the ATL
@John Revolta: maybe it’s a car thief with self esteem issues
@John Revolta: The most stolen car last year was the 1997 Honda Accord. Cars from the pre-chip-key era routinely top the list because they’re much easier to steal.
@sharl: But he got himself out there today (?) with this draining the swamp shit. Is Mel Brooks writing the script for this?
@TenguPhule: Occasionally wandering next door into Room 12 for some Abuse.
There would be more refried bean tooting if that were the case.
@Kathleen: It IS like Newt sprang to life from a Brooks script and escaped the studio; that right there is the basis for a dark comedic fantasy.
I haven’t looked into the latest, but I assume that by now his wife is in place as U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican. I like the idea of Newt, being his usual self – shameless and lacking in self-awareness – offering unsolicited thoughts on ethics and morality to the Pope. I’m bad for kinda wishing the Pope to be placed in that situation solely for my petty amusement, but hell, he just met with some genocidal Burmese generals, so we know he has a thick hide. He can smile and pass Newt along the greeting line or whatever in quick order.
Go get ’em Newt!
John Revolta
@Omnes Omnibus: They were good, but I prefer the Specials.
Omnes Omnibus
@John Revolta: As do all sensible people.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Let’s place the blame for the losing Franken and sealing Moore’s victory squarely where it belongs: on Kirsten Gillibrand, the instigator and organizer of the lynch mob.
@John Revolta:
It was a Honda, so … parts. That’s why my 10+ year old Celica got stolen years ago. I still miss that car.
Regine Touchon
A hand maid’s tale.
@Quinerly: Well that’s enlightening. (Thanks for that link.)
Good god. The oil cos, the mining cos, the toxic polluters … They’ve been trashing the ocean and the mountains in Africa and Central America for years with little interference. They’ve been allowed to toxify parts of Canada to death. Now they have to keep the big profits going. Continue seducing investors, make their stock look promising.
They look at the US and see how it’s past time to have their way with more of the landscape. Now, while the country is still set up to make taxpayers subsidize them.
The stock market is more important in this country than life itself.
Omnes Omnibus
For whom?
Omnes Omnibus
I have to meet some people. Have a good evening. For people who care, I will be using a union cab.
@debbie: were Kim to do violence at the Olympics, so many would be dead in the region that the loss of the US short track racing team would be a footnote. What frickin cowards.
@Steve in the ATL: The “r” is not capitalized.
Sorry not to see this until now, but thank you. I’ve said all I can say and hope to stay out of these debates/arguments from now on. But I salute your passion and your energy, and I wish I could muster up a fraction of either.