I guess the email to Trump Jr. just gave a link to already public knowledge about Wikileaks emails:
A 2016 email sent to President Trump and top aides pointed the campaign to hacked documents from the Democratic National Committee that had already been made public by the group WikiLeaks a day earlier.
[….]The full email — which was first described to CNN as being sent on Sept. 4, 10 days earlier — indicates that the writer may have simply been flagging information that was already widely available.
Cheryl Rofer
Hm. “Uncategorized.” I’ll take that to mean “Open Thread.”
I just had a yellow-shafted flicker at my bird feeder. Unusual for New Mexico.
Right. If it was publicly available, why would they need a special link?
I wonder how his lawyer explained the meaning of “scintilla” to li’l Donny Jr.?
O/T, this fucking guy.
Looking at the pics of the cop and the victim, if I were to encounter either of them at random I can tell you which one looks worthy of avoiding at all cost (hint: it’s not the now-dead guy).
Arizona and Alabama seem to be having a little side-competition.
“What’s the tale Nightengale?” “Did you hear about Hugo and Kim?”
“What’s the word, Hummingbird?”
A Ghost to Most
@Cheryl Rofer: Really? They’re as common as jays here.
Roger Moore
To make it seem special and thereby gain extra attention and credibility.
If you didn’t read the book on Trump’s mental health, here’s a shorter read by one of the authors: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/donald-trump-s-mental-health-becoming-dangerous-medical-experts-weigh-ncna827251?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma
He’s usually quite, but sometimes he’ll pop right up. Depends on the story:
Ugh. Between my knee hurting and all the crap in the air from the fires triggering my asthma and the whole Franken thing, it’s been a crap week. I’m looking forward to putting on my jammies tonight and forgetting about all of this crap for at least 24 hours.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Thought I’d drop this here:
The Worst of All Possible Worlds: Did Market Leninism Win the Cold War?
The article was written in early 2015. Prophetic.
The thrust is this: history never ends and we seem to be expecting that authoritarian regimes (UnSwedens) in places like Turkey, Russia and China will eventually become more like the West: liberal and democratic. But China has surpassed our economy to become the largest in the world and doesn’t appear to be ready to end it’s one party rule any time soon. The article does end on a hopeful note. We are not slaves to history and can change our system to become something that is truly great and most optimal for everyone. We just have to want to and fight like hell.
One of its flaws is it does seem to ignore the effects of racism and general xenophobia.
Some here (and you know who you are) might get a kick out of this WaPo review:
Starbucks’s Christmas Tree Frappuccino tastes like broken promises and Thin Mints
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Could a front pager dig my comment out of moderation?
Hopefully Shaver’s family can bankrupt Mesa with their wrongful death lawsuit.
Only way this changes is if cities lose so much money in civil suits, they feel a need to enforce better policing.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
This is a big blow to the “True Progressives” like Matt Taibbi et. al. who have spent the past year insisting Wikileaks was objective and Drumpf never worked with the Russians.
FYI, Trent Franks’ resignation from the House – originally scheduled for January – is now effective immediately.
Patricia Kayden
@trollhattan: I’m not second guessing cops but I wonder if they could be trained to shoot to maim instead of to kill. If someone is “reaching for a weapon” (which it seems that every unarmed victim allegedly does), why not shoot to stop that instead of straight up shooting to kill? And then somehow, it always turns out that the victim doesn’t have a weapon. **eye roll**
Don’t watch the fucking video, that’s all I’ll say. Policing in this country has become making war on anyone who has no influence. If you are poor and you interact with a cop and you get murdered in cold blood, even with video, you can be almost certain the cop will face no discipline at all. Maybe Harris and Gillibrand and Feinstein and Speier and McCaskill will call for the cop to resign because because he aint gonna lose his job any other way.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: not all true progressives.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@germy: What a snowflake. Doesn’t want any dissent or criticism in his mentions. Dainty flower.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: do you support the tax department?
@Steve in the ATL:
I have no idea what this means. Sorry.
Cheryl Rofer
@A Ghost to Most: Our common flicker is the red-shafted. Red-shafted in the West, yellow in the East, with a muddled dividing line where they interbreed.
Patricia Kayden
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Were they on drugs when Julian Assange went on Bill Maher’s show and made it clear that he was going after Secretary Clinton but not Donald Trump? Anyone with a brain cell could have figured out that Wikileaks is all about Russia, Trump and rightwing politics. They tried to mess with Macron and were pro-Brexit. Taibbi and Greenwald are playing dumb.
Cheryl Rofer
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Done.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Thanks I finally figured out what it was. I forgot the one “soci*list” in the first paragraph.
@Patricia Kayden:
I used to wonder if Greenwald was a Russian dupe or an active operative.
Not anymore.
@Patricia Kayden:
Not possible. They’re trained to shoot at central body mass. Trying to shoot at arms or legs is heroic fiction.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Which is why de-escalation tactics are so important.
Three high school students died Thursday from gunshot wounds at their New Mexico school. I’ve not seen any mention of it here, and little in the national news.
Surprising how we’re becoming desensitized to gun violence. Another day in the USA, sadly.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Agreed. Militarized police was never a good idea.
@Duane: Need at least seven victims to cross the threshold, apparently. //
Female aides said Franks suggested intercourse to impregnate them
12/08/2017 03:54 PM EST
Arizona Rep. Trent Franks allegedly made unwanted advances toward female staffers in his office and retaliated against one who rebuffed him, according to House GOP sources with knowledge of a complaint against him.
The allegations, which reached Speaker Paul Ryan and top GOP leaders in recent days, led to Franks’ sudden resignation this week. Franks originally announced that he would resign on Jan. 31, 2018. But just hours after POLITICO inquired about the allegations, he sped up his resignation and left office Friday.
The sources said Franks approached two female staffers about acting as a potential surrogate for him and his wife, who has struggled with fertility issues for years. But the aides were concerned that Franks was asking to have sexual relations with them. It was not clear to the women whether he was asking about impregnating the women through sexual intercourse or in vitro fertilization. Franks opposes abortion rights as well as procedures that discard embryos.
A former staffer also alleged that Franks tried to persuade a female aide that they were in love by having her read an article that described how a person knows they’re in love with someone, the sources said. One woman believed she was the subject of retribution after rebuffing Franks. While she enjoyed access to the congressman before the incident, that access was revoked afterward, she told Republican leaders.
@TenguPhule: Give it a few days. Does Vegas take bets on when we’ll have the next mass shooting? It’s one thing that’s dependable in this country.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: Your job. Do you work in the tax department? Or support people who work in the tax department?
@Steve in the ATL:
Nope. We’re pretty siloed at the Giant Evil, so I don’t think I even know anyone in the tax department. I used to know someone in compensation, but I haven’t talked to her in years.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: ok. The building I was in this week houses at least some of your tax people. Never mind!
Just one more canuck
So the Trumplings were too stupid to know how to use Wikipedia?
@Steve in the ATL:
We have buildings scattered all over Burbank and Glendale. If you were in downtown Glendale (Brand Blvd), I probably know which building you mean.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: that’s the one