The Washington Post on the attempted terrorist attack in NYC this morning:
Authorities said a low-tech device was detonated in the New York City subway in an incident that the mayor called “an attempted terrorist attack.”
A man suspected of setting off the explosion Monday morning in Midtown Manhattan was identified by authorities as Akayed Ullah. The blast, which occurred in the area of the Port Authority Bus Terminal, at 42nd St. and 8th Ave., resulted in serious injuries to the suspect and minor injuries to at least three others, authorities said during a morning news conference.
Ullah sustained burns and lacerations to his hands and abdomen, authorities said. Police said he was taken to Bellevue Hospital for treatment and then taken into custody. Three other people also suffered minor injuries caused by being in the vicinity of the explosion, including ringing in the ears and headaches, police said.
Thank dog the idiot attacker was inept. Oddly, as of this moment, Trump has not tried to make political hay of the attack on Twitter, which is unusual to say the least. Maybe he’s keeping his powder dry until 10:30 AM, when Brave New Films will hold a press conference with some of the 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct:
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:30 am PST / 10:30 am EST at – we will be streaming a LIVE press conference: Women share firsthand accounts of sexual misconduct by Trump and demand an investigation. #16womenandtrump
— Brave New Films (@bravenewfilms) December 11, 2017
There should be an investigation. Trump surrogates are claiming people already knew about these allegations and voted for Trump anyway, so no backsies. But there was never an investigation, and he wasn’t an elected official then. There should be one now.
Speaking of degenerates, reports that two polls show Roy Moore with a lead over Doug Jones in the AL senate race. But a Fox News poll shows Jones with a big lead:
Doug Jones hold a 10-point lead over Roy Moore, 50-40%, in a new Fox News poll of likely Alabama voters
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 11, 2017
Is this Fox News trying to goose Moore supporters to the polls? Possibly.
What else is going on? Did anyone else binge-watch “The Crown” this weekend? Open thread!
randy khan
I generally do not want to make fun of terror incidents, particularly ones that injure innocent bystanders, but there is something amusing about a suicide bomber whose bomb doesn’t even kill him.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I think Moore wins by 4-6 points because Alabama. Gloria Allred screwed the pooch with the lady with the yearbook, and wafflers got all the mental justification needed to go ahead and do what they were probably going to do anyway.
Besides, abortion and godliness, QED.
Betty Cracker @ Top:
We shouldn’t discount the possibility that Fox wants to raise liberal hopes, the better to dash them and mock us later.
The Port Authority attack: good news for drump
The Brave New Films press conference: bad news for drump
I did binge watch The Crown this weekend. Was about all I could handle. I have a feeling the trumprussia mess is about to get really interesting/stressful.
Collins seems to be backing away from the tax scam so we have to keep up the pressure.
low-tech cyclist
AFAICT, Fox News’ hired pollsters are as honest as any others. The one part of their operation that seems to be untainted.
They’ve been an outlier through the run-up to this special election, though. These things are hard to poll because it’s hard to tell who’s going to show up and who isn’t. While I’m not optimistic about tomorrow, nobody should be particularly certain that they know who’s going to win.
@WaPo via Betty Cracker @ Top:
Just want to remind everyone that it’s perfectly valid to describe these right-wing Islamist attacks as *right-wing terror attacks*. Just because it’s an Islamist terror attack instead of a Christian terror attack doesn’t make it any less a right-wing attack.
Betty Cracker
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Fox News flat-out lied about the yearbook thing (claiming the woman “forged” the entry), then issued a retraction. It may have the effect you describe, but if it does, it ain’t Allred’s fault.
I believe this.
All through the race, while other polls have shown them evenly split, Fox has been coming out with these “Jones is ten points ahead!” polls. They’re trying to rouse and motivate Moore’s base.
Also, I’ve noticed on TV Jones is more often referred to as “Moore’s Democratic opponent” than uh… “Jones”.
Major Major Major Major
ISTR that fox polls tend not to be politically biased, at least the election ones. Trend is good. But as we know all it measures is what the people who decided to take it decided to say, which bit us in the ass last time. We’ll see!
Jones had Corey Booker come out to campaign with him.
How do Alabama voters feel about a guy from New Jersey giving them advice?
The Dangerman
This. Lucy and the football.
Betty Cracker
@MomSense: I haven’t finished the whole season, but I got a good part of the way through it thanks to a cold snap that kept me indoors. So far, it’s pretty damned good, IMO. I was afraid they’d lose steam after a good first season. What did you think?
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker:
But it is her fault for being so careless. This has to be bulletproof. She has to treat the yearbook as if she were the devil inside Trump’s head. She has to believe the YB is garbage and made up just to hurt Trump and then work from inside out. You can’t give these people even an extra space in between letters they can kern into a pile of garbage.
That she didn’t present it as a codicil from the very beginning is malpractice.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just finished watching The Way Back on Netflix. Harrowing, most certainly, yet ultimately uneven and smaller than the canvas it occupies. Ed Harris more and more stolidly becomes a representative for the Clint Eastwood school of taciturnity as the film progresses. Some of the other characters, despite the best of intentions, remain ciphers.
Still and all, worth a look. Had to lengthily pause a few times to decompress during the first half.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: good. Keep ‘em coming.
Corner Stone
I don’t think either wins by that large a margin. If Moore wins it will be outside the margin of error, say 4 to 6 points. If Jones scrapes this one out it will be by under 2 points, IMO. Maybe by under 1 pt.
@Betty Cracker:
The acting is so good- especially Claire Foy. I may prefer it to the first season.
Tony Jay
My binge watching pleasure these last few weeks has been split between Penny Dreadful, which is basically the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen done extremely right, and has a main cast that nails every spine-tingling scene of grimy, creepy Victoriana, and the unexpectedly diverting Freakish, with its cast of ‘Vine’ alumni and rolling program of gruesome deaths for pretty young things.
Just started the US remake of Dirk Gently. Coincidentally the title character in that – just – turned up in Penny Dreadful in a role I won’t spoil for anyone who hasn’t watched it yet. Very holistic of him.
We binged last season’s Crown and started the new season, Mrs. J now has a British accent.
I’m only on episode one.
How does this season compare to the first season?
Which season did you like better?
The Moar You Know
Precisely. Even the kindest of polls don’t show anywhere near that kind of gap – not for either candidate.
Bet someone put a bottle of Xanax in his morning Coke.
Betty Cracker
@MomSense: She’s really wonderful in the role. Victoria Hamilton is terrific too.
1) As others have noted, polls seem to be the only thing Fox ever does that isn’t spinning faster than a quasar.
2) Saying they did decide to play games with polls: in our brave new reality-distoring world, I keep thinking about frequently overlooked point Orwell was trying to make in 1984. The purpose of the Ministry of Information was not to lie, or to get anyone to believe the false figures. The true purpose was to create so many lies that the populace gave up on the idea that there was such a thing as objective truth at all.
Thus, if you’re given to conter-Occam theories, the reason for fiddling with poles would be so that the deplorables could hoot, “See, polls are never accurate! They’re worthless!” Thus, when the votes totals are manipulated, polls cannot be used to question the fake vote totals.
Or convince soft Jones supporters they don’t have to show up, maybe.
But I don’t think that logic works in either case. There are a lot of Alabama Republicans looking for any excuse not to vote for Roy Moore, and a wide-open race in either direction incentivizes them to stay home. But the people who hate Moore really hate Moore and are not going to be discouraged, especially if they think they have a real shot at beating him.
The polls are all over the place on this one, and it could legitimately go either way. Best possible motivation for Jones voters, and he’s got the turnout operation and the public appearances while Moore has been hiding from the public and yet, somehow, still fueling a daily stream of news stories reporting the latest horrible thing he said. This race was always going to be a challenge, but this is doable.
You know that this is the last season with Foy and this Philip. They are going to recast. In fact, they’ve already chosen the new Queen Elizabeth.
Amir Khalid
It doesn’t matter which poll says who is leading. The only poll that counts is the one on election day. If you don’t want a child molester in the US Senate, vote against him if you’re in Alabama and remind everyone to do likewise..
@Tony Jay
re: Penny Dreadful
Season 1: Superb
Season 2: Half-baked
Season 3: Skip the penny, simply dreadful
low-tech cyclist
@low-tech cyclist: Following up, here’s Harry Enten of 538:
O. Felix Culpa
Reposting from fading morning thread: So, hive mind, I seek your wisdom. I have taken a two-plus year sabbatical from work life to move and recover from a series of toxic job situations. But now I want to build a garage so that the packrats don’t generate thousands of $$$ in car repairs from chewing up the wiring. You may be shocked to learn that building garages costs money, and a fair amount of it. Not wanting to raid my savings, I’m thinking about seeking paid employment again (sob!). How do I handle explaining the recent hiatus and reference requests? Let’s just say my last employer and I did not part on good terms. :(
Major Major Major Major
I recently binged (not really, but watched quickly) Big Mouth on Netflix. Pretty funny. Now finishing season 3 of Kimmy Schmidt, which lost me back when the sense that the world was burning was stronger, to me at least, over the summer. (?boobs in California!)
@Tony Jay: I liked Dirk Gently a lot. I wasn’t sure they were going to make it work at first but they did. Is it a remake though, or another go at the story entirely? (I don’t know.)
@different-church-lady: I remember reading several pieces about how the Trump campaign/newly-minted administration was after the actually-Orwellian school of lying, many years ago (2016/February). Now it just seems like they can’t tell their elbow from a hole in the ground.
@O. Felix Culpa: Perhaps say you were self-employed?
The Moar You Know
@germy: Can’t speak as a native but generation once removed (can’t remember the Japanese term for that but it’s good, they’re very precise about such things) and seriously, probably a wash. Not many people will know who he is, and the ones who will be pissed about it would never vote for a Democratic candidate anyway.
The attempted bombing was in the corridor I take to get from my bus to the E train, although I usually get there about 15-20 minutes earlier. (sick – working from home today) It’s very crowded even that early in the AM so good thing this guy messed up.
Way to many holiday program related activities this weekend to check out season 2. But one of these nights…..
We went on a neighborhood lights bike ride with a middle aged gang. So much fun on a brisk night, and with the added bonus of running off the holiday sads that have been a constant presence these last few weeks.
I’m fairly sure that the statistically correct conclusion from all the Alabama polling is ‘I don’t know’.
Chip Daniels
I like how all the royals are presented as such flesh and blood people, who are thrust into these roles that are alternately so suffocating and exhilarating.
Particularly how Phillip despises the courtiers and royal bureaucracy that crushes any bit of humanity in the name of preserving the institution.
But her emails!!!
Fox’s polls are generally OK. The concerning part is the shift in the Gravis poll from Jones +3 to Moore +4 although that might just mean that the candidates are essentially tied in their model and it’s just noise around that point.
Edit: I’d also like to add that it’s up to white liberals and NeverMoore voters to turn out for Jones. There are just as many voters in that group as there is among the African American Community and fewer impediments to voting.
@Corner Stone:
Possibly it may be so close that it drags on for months with recounts and challenges, etc.
Moore by 6. It’ll still represent a better result compared to the Presidential results since 1980.
Amaranthine RBG
We harvested our sad crop of tomatoes in September
I was taking vines out this morning and found one sad little tomato hiding. It was pretty good for a December tomato. For a few seconds it tasted like summer.
If you believe that FOX polling is all part of the big right wing conspiracy, then releasing a poll like this means the internals of the real polls must be terrifying.
At any rate, polling isn’t real good for off year special elections to begin with. it’s still all about enthusiasm and GOTV – and no, you’re not getting a special effort because there’s a Democrat running against a Republican. Maybe stop trying to depress people by Chicken Littling over a year that’s been great for Democratic wins in special elections.
Besides, everyone knows Doug Jones was the wrong candidate – Al Franken woulda won.
Doesn’t the Franken rule apply? No investigation and we go straight to Trump’s resignation?
Roger Moore
Or they have a different voter model. There’s a very interesting poll done by surveymonkey which shows anywhere from a 9% Jones lead to a 10% Moore lead depending on the voter model. One set of models uses what they describe as “standard demographic weights” and then various ways of judging who is likely to vote, and a second set uses “standard + 2016 vote weights” and the same set of ways of judging who is likely to vote. Going with the standard demographic weights is much more favorable to Jones than going with the one based on 2016 voting patterns.
I forget where I read it this morning but supposedly the Fox poll is the only one who is doing cell phone users, and their responses have been 30 pts in favor of Jones. That is what is causing their results to be much more favorable to Jones.
Amaranthine RBG
@O. Felix Culpa:
I had been working solid for X years, so I decided to take a break.
I was an active internet commenter.
I was too depressed to work after seeing Trump rising to power.
Thank you.
Haley Jackson intoned solemnly on Chuck Toddle’s show yesterday that the difference between Moore and Franken is that AL voters are going to the polls knowing the allegations against Moore whereas MN voters didn’t know the accusations against Franken when they went to the polls. Thus is enshrined the ‘both-sides-do-it’ narrative. Allegations of copping a feel during a public photo op are the exact same as allegations of child molestation.
Maddow, Hayes, O’Donnell, Reid and Melber should join the new English-language Univision station Fusion. MSNBC will then go to the dogs.
That’s a very odd view of how criminal justice is supposed to work.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@O. Felix Culpa: I just answered on that thread.
Amaranthine RBG
@Betty Cracker:
The woman initially said Moore wrote it. Now she admits that she wrote the last few words
A monumental mistake by the fucking idiot Allred. It’s all about credibility and lying about even unimportant stuff destroys credibility.
Roger Moore
I’m curious about what happens to Strange in that case. Does he stay on until his replacement is seated, or is the seat vacant until the election is settled?
Tony Jay
I can see where you’re coming from, though I think the second series/season had a lot to recommend it and took the characters on a natural progression from where they ended series/season one, plus its main antagonists were every bit as horrifying as the hordes of vampires they replaced. Series/season three? Yeah it’s slower going, and having the ‘family’ split up has drained it of a lot of its charm, but Eva Green is still riveting in every one of her scenes and the guys playing The Creature and the Inspector are carrying their arcs very pleasingly. Hecate is no Mrs Poole, though.
@But her emails!!!:
There was a massive enthusiasm boom in Virginia. The Republicans got about as many votes as they had earlier. But there were many more people pulling the lever for Democrats. Of course, Virginia tilting Democratic and it’s not like they had massive deficits to overcome. They just needed to run bodies in many of those house races so people had a Democrat to vote for.
In other words, enthusiasm (and lack thereof on the Republican side) can only get you so far. There just aren’t enough voters out there. Greater turnout from black and liberal white Democrats will get you close. But there will need to be enough disgusted (largely female, I’d assume) Republican voters to switch. I just don’t think there are enough to overcome 25+ points.
@tobie: Ah, so Haley Jackson thinks Franken should be allowed to run again. Good news!
Amaranthine RBG
@Roger Moore:
Moore by 4.
It’s Alabama for heavens sake.
Corey Booker said he has Alabama roots.
If it’s a local newspaper poll and doesn’t include cell phone polling (which is very expensive), it’s useless. Alabama and most of the south have very high incidence of households that do not have a landline. Generally, the poorer the area the more likely that a household will be cell phone only. Some polls correct for it but that greatly decreses the accuracy
low-tech cyclist
My last thought about Alabama polling is that polls coming out today are basically for the pollsters to lay down a marker. The rest of us will find out the results of the real poll tomorrow night.
Roger Moore
This should be seen as a trial balloon. If they can use it to defend Moore, you know they’re going to bring it out again as the accusations against Trump get more attention. See, that stuff all came out during the election and the voters have spoken, so you’re not allowed to hold it against him.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Betty Cracker:
The moment she put her pen to that entry, it was tainted. Where Allred fucked up was not explaining it from the onset.
I’d have eaten that alive, if somebody introduced it in Court with no explanation.
My guess is Jones by 5. The proliferation of Jones signs in previously affluent Republican suburbs all over the state is striking, and the absence of Moore signs is so obvious it makes you wonder if the campaign even produced any. Energy is way up for Democrats, but they probably have a -15 electorate to overcome. It all depends on turnout, which should be way above normal.
Chip Daniels
@Amaranthine RBG:
If the addition of date to this tiny piece of evidence is what flips someone’s vote, they were going to vote for Moore already.
What he has confessed to is dating high school age girls while in his 30s, supported by corroborating evidence.
No one disputes that.
Studying the kerning of this document or the puff of smoke from the grassy knoll isn’t going to change that history.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Stop blaming gloria Alred–stop it for christ’s sake. Nothing she did affects the outcome when motivated thinking is involved. Its just childish on your part and reeks of the same logic that is going to blame African American voters for the obvious fucking failures of white alabama voters.
@Corner Stone: You must never have had a yearbook or been a teenage girl–as soon as I saw the page I understood that she had written that in to affirm and mark the importance of that signature in her book. Lots of girls did/do that with their yearbooks. Its so normal as not to require comment, actually.
Judging by the turnout to that rally, as reported by friends who are there doing GOTV for Jones, pretty darn good. The photos show massive lines out the door.
@Chip Daniels: I agree nobody who was going Jones would switch back to Moore based on the addition to the yearbook. However, it’s realistic to think that some number of Moore supporters might have stayed home out of disgust, but now feel like they have some kind of B.S. motivation to come out for the vote.
I strongly suspect this was the effect of the Comey letter: “See! That bitch is crooked after all!” became the most current thought before deciding whether to vote or not.
Mary G
I just happened to switch to Fox the year Karl Rove had his meltdown and insisted that based on some county in Ohio there was NO WAY Obama could be projected to win.
He became so unhinged they sent Megyn down the halls and corridors to talk to the analysts so Bret Baier could talk about her beautiful legs. The data guys were stone cold killer types and shut down Rove’s theory with beautiful disdain. She asked what the chances were that they were wrong and they said “zero percent.”
It was a beautiful thing that I cannot imagine Fox doing these days with Trump.
Corner Stone
@tobie: Hallie Jackson does a lot of very serious intoning on the daily segment she hosts. You get the sense she is physically leaning in to the job in an effort to sell credibility or seriousness or some other savvy trait.
I have not been a fan of hers for some time, mainly because she attacks and pounces on small things and lets the big wrongs get both sideristism.
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: during the election I figured the comey letter wouldn’t change any minds either, but later analysis showed that the polls shifted then and it probably cost her the election—so what do I know.
Roger Moore
I think it’s understandable for the accuser to have done that. The problem is that Allred needed to recognize that as a possible problem and get out ahead of it instead of leaving it there for Moore’s people to take advantage of. If they had said from the beginning that part A was Moore’s inscription and part B was the accuser’s, it would be no big deal. By not bringing it up herself, though, Allred left it there for Moore’s defenders to spin into a conspiracy theory.
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: me too! It was great! Caught it live, we laughed our asses off.
“Quick! Switch to fox! I want to see them call it!”
Amaranthine RBG
@Chip Daniels:
Look you and I know Moore is evil, both in actions and ideology.
But there are lots of people in Alabama who have been making very fine mental and emotional calculations about this.
Having one of his accusers caught in a lie is not a good thing. It is disastrous. How many people will care? One half of one percent? That’s a one point swing.
If Moore wins a squeaker, Gloria Allred is as much to blame as Comey is for Clinton’s loss.
Corner Stone
This fucking Noelle Nikpour Republican money raiser just took one sentence to get to Bill Clinton when she was asked why people would believe that Trump’s accusers were all lying.
Tony Jay
@Major Major Major Major:
Re: Dirk Gently, I don’t know. I’ve got the book(s) on my shelves but it’s something I’ve never got around to. I’ve only caught the first episode but it was weird and quirky in just the right way, kind of like the first episode of Legion was, and that ended up being one of my favourite shows of last year.
Plus ‘Holistic Assassin’. If that’s not a direct lift/homage from Sherlock and Moriarty then it’s still very funny in context.
Chip Daniels
But I think we political junkies overemphasize the effects of this inside-baseball stuff.
For most voters the date thing was a tiny blip in the radar that affecting only the tiniest sliver of people and moved a microscopic number of actual votes.
Even the Big Picture, the massive October Surprise event of this campaign, i.e., the revelation that Moore is a perv, wasn’t enough to make a wave election. So a few niggling details here and there aren’t either.
@Major Major Major Major: Another way of looking at it: the Comey letter didn’t change any minds, but it did reinforce emotions, and emotions drive turn-out.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@O. Felix Culpa: Another good explanation for the gap is that you were caring for someone–a child, an elderly relative, a neighbor. Basically you need a positive action you were taking, to counter the notion that you were goofing off.
@Roger Moore:
So basically, nobody knows nuthin’, and everybody just needs to chill and wait for the actual election to take place.
I know. I’m sad about that because these two are incredible together. I was a big fan of Smith as Dr. Who as well.
Right now I think I prefer this season. The characters are well developed. The ripped from the headlines 50- 70 years ago stories are compelling. I think you will enjoy it.
@Chip Daniels: I’m not a sanguine: it was only about 500 votes that separated us from the tragedy and waste of the Gulf War II.
Chip Daniels
@Amaranthine RBG:
Except she wasn’t “caught in a lie”; Thats a Fox News talking point.
She added the date and time so as to document his autograph and as pointed out above, that’s a common practice.
Again- no one is disputing that Moore dated her or other high school girls. The “One detail destroys the entire narrative” stuff is the province of 9-11 truthers.
Corner Stone
@aimai: I don’t care what she wrote in the yearbook. It’s irrelevant if it’s brought forth immediately as a, “You’ll see her notation here of the date. Right under where Roy Moore signed her YB.”
The mistake is to let it be discovered by someone else and then explaining it.
Corner Stone
@Shalimar: Jones by 5? I say, sir or madam, I like the cut of your jib!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: and I will still harp on the fact that his being fired for breaking the law and ignoring Federal Court orders were assets in his campaign – as far as Republicans were concerned. only the perv stuff makes it closer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think it’s all goat entrails at this point, and we’ve been hearing about cell vs land lines for fifteen years, but maybe– 30 fucking points?– this is a good sign
The Moar You Know
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: You could have destroyed her in court even with an explanation. No matter what the explanation. My realm is digital forensics, not other types of evidence, but if it’s been altered, well, it’s been altered and every attorney I’ve ever worked with knows how to deal with that. You get it tossed. And any judge WILL toss it.
Allred didn’t do her homework or (most likely) pawned it off to a junior attorney in her practice. I’ve seen that happen a lot. It usually works out great. But it can sometimes go very, very bad (I had a case where the junior attorney decided to stop taking her bipolar meds and that went almost as bad as it can go.)
O. Felix Culpa
@germy: Excellent idea. And true for some of this time.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Sounds like you took time off to take care of family matters (which includes yourself).
Did you work at all during this period? Self-employment or part time jobs?
Did you do anything to keep your job skills current, or learn new skills?
As another poster noted, you may want to give some sense of not just treading water. But if you were just chilling, be reasonably honest.
Some time ago, I took a couple of years off and traveled. In interviews, I noted that I had saved enough money so that I did not have to work, and deliberately took time off (emphasizing that my separation from my last employer was voluntary). During the last 6 months before working again I did some part time work and went back to school.
O. Felix Culpa
@Amaranthine RBG:
Lol. And ouch.
Actual headline in today’s NY Times:
“Liberal Outsiders Pour Into Alabama Senate Race”
Someone on LGM joked about them saying “You know our headline policy; draft it so that it could be used in a neoconfederate TV spot for Moore.”
@MattF: Exactly. There is no way for them to arrive at “likely voters” for this special election, based on anything in the past. We have no fucking idea how this turns out, so we have to work like crazy to do everything we can to help, and then the outcome will be what it will be.
No regrets if you did everything you could. Sadness, frustration, rage if it doesn’t go your way, but no regrets. Sometimes that’s the best you can hope for. And sometimes you win!
We have been harping on the lack of cell phone representation in polling since at least 2004 with Kerry. It is not the cause of poll fluctuations. The mix of likely votes and the hemming and hawing of republicans not wanting to admit they are voting for a known hebephile is the cause. It will all come down to GotV and overcoming the voting disenfranchisement of African-Americans and Latino constituents.
well I guess Der Fuhrer hasn’t said anything about the bombing because to many people in NYC don’t qualify as real Mukins, All them off-white and mooslims folks snark
O. Felix Culpa
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Thank you! I went back to read your response. Yes, I can accurately say I was self-employed, plus adjunct faculty at the local community college. The harder part is figuring out how to explain the departure from my last full-time position. (It’s funny, just thinking of that situation makes me want to cry again, it was so awful.) I have a friend who has an excellent way with words and extensive corporate experience. I’ll ask him how best to talk about my exit in an interview situation.
Corner Stone
I think the perv stuff probably actually makes a lot of older white male R’s envious. They imagine themselves having their way with a much younger woman, or even girl, and think that’s pretty damn cool of Judge Moore!
We can only hope that enough women R voters stay home to offset the turgid response of their male R counterparts.
Roger Moore
That’s a decent summary. To give a slightly more nuanced version, we know who people say they’re going to vote for, but we don’t know who’s going to show up to vote and who’s going to stay home. My gut feeling is that both Trump and Moore are such odd candidates that they throw the standard voting models off and make the polls less accurate.
You can see some of this in the Survey Monkey results. The polls that are weighted by asking voters whether they’re likely to vote are much more favorable to Jones than ones based on past voting patterns, which is what you’d expect if there are a bunch of Republican voters who are thinking of staying home rather than voting for Moore. In such an oddball election, I’d tend to go with the voter-reported chances of voting, i.e. the likely voter or certain voter models.
The other big question is the big difference between the “standard demographic weights” based models and the ones based on 2016. If the 2016 effect is because of Trump, the standard demographic weights are probably more reliable in this election. If the 2016 weights are a result of increased voter suppression effects after Shelby County, they’re probably more reliable than the standard weights.
@The Moar You Know:
Hmm. Not taking a side in the Alred discussion, just very curious about this. If someone wrote in my HS yearbook that they planned to murder 5 people on their 30th birthday and then,12 years later was charged with 5 murders, my yearbook evidence would be thrown out if I had added a date and a “this guy is nuts!!!” quote on the side?
@Amaranthine RBG:
The Internet court of instant judgement typically loves to point fingers and assign “blame.”
This shit is a waste of time.
Neither you nor I knows how individual voters are parsing this stuff, if at all. In one series of interviews a number of pro-Moore women voters said that they wanted Moore because he was clearly anti-abortion. Nothing else really mattered to them, and they discounted all the accusations against him.
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: such a weird thing to drive enthusiasm, but some people are just unfathomable.
@Tony Jay: the books are great, the first one is my favorite Douglas Adams book.
O. Felix Culpa
Alas, mine wasn’t. I had a potential legal case (I documented the hell out of the situation with my evil but politically savvy boss), but decided to cut my losses and move on. A new job interview is not the place to relitigate what went wrong. Any thoughts on how one presents an involuntary departure?
For whatever reason, I am actually hopeful that Doug Jones will win tomorrow. Either way, we have a better idea of what values people actually hold. If Roy Moore wins, it is truly tribal and I think we should stop trying to use morals or logic and reason to influence people like this. For them: Party. Over. Country. Is. Everything.
If Doug Jones win, we will be able to see that perhaps some Trump voters are willing to put something over party.
Miss Bianca
@O. Felix Culpa: Oh, my gosh, driven back to paid employment because of packrats! (which ate my car’s windshield wiper hose out last winter, surprisingly costly repair, so I feel your pain!).
Nothing useful to add on the resume front,I’m afraid, but I would be curious to learn what others recommend.
Just One More Canuck
@aimai: I just pulled out my yearbook and saw that I had written the last names of people who only wrote their first names. Otherwise I would probably would have had no idea who they were even a few years later, let alone (mumble)-ty years later
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: Don’t be silly. We’ll get no investigation, and no resignation.
@germy: Look, the Times and the mainstream punditry want to continue with the narrative that Dems don’t show up. I watched that nonsense on PBS Newshour with Brooks and Shields in Virginia basically calling it a Dem loss the Friday before the actual vote because they couldn’t find any “inspired” democratic voters. And even when Northram won, it was “why didn’t more Dems turn out?” In my mind, even if Jones loses, the fact that it could be close in Alabama is a good thing. There simply aren’t enough Democrats in Alabama, period, for “turnout” to put him over the top on its own.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Perhaps explain that you wanted to explore an opportunity of being self-employed? And although the opportunity was gratifying and taught you a great deal about being organized and productive, you are seeking more formal, regular employment, and are sure you’d be an asset in a new job?
Some companies have a policy of basically saying “yes, this person worked here” rather than going into detail about job performance or reasons for leaving when it comes to giving references.
@germy: I guess Trump is an Alabama Insider according to this headline. So wish we could send him there and let someone else serve as President of the US.
@Tony Jay:
Oh my word, that was him, wasn’t it?
Anyway, I love this version of Dirk Gently–it is utterly bonkers with just enough sweetness and humanity. It’s my understanding that it is nothing like the original source material, but I watched one episode of an earlier BBC version that was closer to the original, and I hated that Dirk.
Corner Stone
I wonder if that would be a good or bad thing.
@O. Felix Culpa:
I would say this… You don’t want to present yourself as totally blameless and your boss as being totally in the wrong.
I suggest that you get the book Crucial Conversations, and that you read it cover to cover. They talk a lot about “mastering your story”; how to not make yourself the victim and the other person the villain in the story you tell yourself about a particular person or situation.
I think if you read that book and do some thinking about what happened that there’s a good chance that you can step back from your emotions and find a way to describe what happened in a way that wouldn’t scare a potential employer away from hiring you.
Major Major Major Major
I guess it’s always possible you’re a sensible person with decent coping skills.
My understanding is that special elections are innately hard to poll for a valid prediction and I suspect this year with all the conflicting influences and not just the normal apathy it’s even harder. Add in that Roy Moore’s scandal may seem to us to be tied to GOP rottenness, but it still stands alone in someways. The tie to the GOP is that after hesitating, greed made them go ahead and support him.
I am resigned to waiting for tomorrow night to find out.
I had heard of this hateful bigot before this election and there are other kinds of scandals that could have been the focus of this contested election. He is not the surest winner the GOP could have found. The bigotries I knew about from before involved religion. Anyone not obviously Christian by his definition should fear being in his courtroom. He seemed to enjoy the fear too.
@Peale: Are they also blaming Black people?
I saw this idiotic comment somewhere online:
“Sadly, I doubt the black population is going to turn out. They didn’t bother for Hillary either. It’s the price we pay for Identity politics, isn’t it?”
O. Felix Culpa
@Miss Bianca:
The dastardly packrats did the same to my car. And built nests in my engine. So far I’m keeping them at bay with a little strobe light device and mothballs, but I’d like a more permanent solution – that doesn’t involve nuking the beasts.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Since YOU decided to move on, you can call it voluntary.
If they escorted you out of the building after saying “you’re fired” then you’d have to admit it was involuntary.
You may have left reluctantly, but it sounds like it was your decision.
O. Felix Culpa
@germy: @WaterGIrl: Good suggestions. I knew the BJ hivemind would be helpful! We have the best jackals, believe me.
@MomSense: I agree. Foy and Smith seem more completely in character in the second season. Maybe the writers and actors have just really found their footing this season, or maybe it’s because my first memories of the royal family are media and video from their middle years, so these slightly more recent events (and slightly older characterizations) seem more fully formed to me.
Either way, I liked season 1, but really loved season 2.
@O. Felix Culpa:
We had the same thing happen to our car.
Strangely enough, it happened in our garage, which was a warm place that attracted them to build a nest. Since we’ve moved and our car is always outside in the cold, we haven’t had any more infestations.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Corner Stone
@O. Felix Culpa: Whatever you do, do *not* say anything even remotely negative about your previous employer/employment. Going with taking care of personal situation (that is now successfully resolved) or looking for new challenges/opportunities is the way to go. You may call your previous employer’s HR and simply ask what their employment verification policy is. I would believe it is simply, “Yes, Joe Smith was employed here from X to Y.” And some confirm salary if requested. Anything else and they get their ass sued off, toot sweet.
Roger Moore
I don’t think that’s true. Moore polled worse than a generic Republican even before the pedophilia stuff came out, which is why Jones was interesting months ago. IIRC, this is backed up by his performance in previous statewide elections, where he did worse than the typical Republican. He’s a perfect example of the super-polarizing Tea Party candidate: he excites the rabid base well enough to win the primary but makes the general election race closer than expected based on party registration because he turns off moderates. A huge reason the pedophilia allegations are such big news is because there’s a chunk of Republicans who were looking for excuses not to vote for him.
Amaranthine RBG
Well put
O. Felix Culpa
From WaPo: “Alabama’s desire not to be embarrassed may be the best thing going for Doug Jones.”
@Roger Moore:
Like I said. Nobody knows nuthin’.
The problem is that some people desperately want polls to be prophecy, and ignore the uncertainty and nuance. It will be interesting to see how pollsters adjust their models after the fact, but that is not useful to someone who wants to “know” right now who is going to win.
Corner Stone
The R Alabama Delegate on MSNBC just specifically called out the Allred/Yearbook issue that brought in a lot of doubt for people.
She politely called it a fuckup.
@O. Felix Culpa: One tiny thing to add to all the good advice you’ve gotten would be to consider any volunteer work or community service you might happen to have done in your down time. It may or may not be relevant to have on your resume or CV, but even if not, think about how you might discuss it in an interview. Those can also be sources of references, too, depending on the kind of position you’re applying for.
Good luck!
Miss Bianca
@O. Felix Culpa:
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty… ; )
That would require Republican females turning on Trump in public first.
O. Felix Culpa
@Corner Stone: Agreed that there’s no badmouthing the previous employer. I actually loved my job at that place, so can easily say positive things about it. I just need to craft and practice a credible explanation for my departure. Thankfully the HR department follows the policy you outlined, just confirming that I was employed there from this date to that date.
Johnny Gentle (famous crooner)
@msdc: It’s probably meant to scare republicans into voting — their kind doesn’t get discouraged and stay home, they vote like their life depends on it. On the other hand, our party is little more than a collection of reasons why this or that group didn’t turn out and how we’d run the country if, gosh, we’d only take the time to cast a ballot.
A poll like this will put the fear of God into the republicans and send them out in droves to save their good, white, Christian values from the liberal horde. I mean, it’s not like there are any consequences if Fox puts out a fake poll or flat-out lies about everything all the time.
Corner Stone
And I continue to want to have all of Sally Q. Yates’ babies.
@Johnny Gentle (famous crooner):
Our voters also get shafted on voting districts and machines where Republicans have control and have a lifetime of Democratic party leaders not actually doing anything to fix this, instead they factor in this voting denial and simply believe MORE VOTERS is the solution.
When blatent cheating by one party has become an expected factor of the process, the process has become a problem.
@O. Felix Culpa: You mentioned that you were wondering what to say about the two year pause in work history. Have you done any freelance work during that time? Done any volunteering or spent time on any neighborhood organizations, etc? Have you been involved with an activity, hobby, or personal project or work (renovating a house, writing, etc)?
Any things like these could be discussed and the skill sets involved highlighted to fit with your specific career field if you are asked about the two years. For example, “I spent two years renovating an older home that I purchased, and I’ve been active in a community organization. We’ve acquired grants and gained local government support for targeted improvement projects, and integrated tech and social media platforms to make the organization more easily accessible and interactive for members.”
@O. Felix Culpa: Regarding references, for my last couple of job changes I used co-workers not bosses. Especially important if you’re moving on and don’t want management to know until hou turn in the resignation.
O. Felix Culpa
@amygdala: @Mel: @frosty: All good ideas – thank you! I’ve done a significant amount of volunteer work during the interim, so I can happily include that in my CV and conversation.
Corner Stone
Nooners is on air toasted af again.
@Betty Cracker: I’m up to Margaret marrying Tony. I know how it turns out, and Tony is that hard to pull off mix of charming and creepy, and I still get why she married him. I think I like this season better than the first, because John Lithgow as Winston Churchill kept so much of the focus away from Elizabeth. The actors playing Eden and Macmillan, though excellent of course, aren’t stealing every scene.
My favorite part so far was the poor woman married to Philip’s secretary trying to get her divorce.
@Roger Moore:
With the caveat that national polls were pretty accurate on Trump – only what, 2-3 points off? It was the rarely polled states (i.e. states that weren’t tossups pre-Comey) that shocked everybody.
Of course, Alabama is a rarely polled state, and Moore is an odd candidate and it’s a special election and the polls are all over the place so who the fuck knows what’s going on? No single poll should be cause for complacency or a freakout.
@O. Felix Culpa:
You can say that you were laid off or cut as part of some company reorganization, downsizing or shake-up. And you don’t use anyone from that company as a reference because the situation was “not handled well by management.” (No need to go into further detail on that.)
And, whatever you do, don’t blab that the downsizing was one person—you!
Tenar Arha
Aww, cute. (Fair warning it’s a dog adoption listing in Boston)
The wife and I binged the first 9 episodes of The Crown. Generally enjoyable. One episode concerned the buried history of the collusion and Nazi sympathy the Duke of Windsor had. Reminds me that we still have buried history of how are right wing was pro-fascist in the 30s and has never been held to account.
@O. Felix Culpa:
That’s tougher. If you did not do anything illegal or unethical… downplay it. Or that you realized that you were not a good fit for that particular company.
Again, I think I would want to try to emphasize the things I had done that would make me a good employee today, even if I had totally screwed the pooch in an earlier employment life.
Tony Jay
The Stephen Mangam one? I vaguely recall I may have watched episode one but it didn’t stick.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Yeh. This is the good stuff.
O. Felix Culpa
Ding! Ding! Ding! Thank you for jogging my memory about that. They DID reorganize when they got rid of me, mainly so I couldn’t sue them for wrongful dismissal, but now I can use that in my favor. I’m feeling much better now. :)
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): @catclub: Both of IOL’s pieces of advice are excellent. I’d add, did you do any volunteer work during that period? You kind of need to show that you weren’t in jail! But, instead, were pursuing a hobby or interest that you hoped could become financially viable, or being a care provider, or taking classes, or such like. And describe what you learned from the sabbatical that can help you be successful in the job you are applying for.
@Steeplejack: @O. Felix Culpa: Yeah, on top of his other great qualities, Steep is
psychoticpsychic!J R in WV
@Amaranthine RBG:
You completely contradict yourself in 24 words. “The woman” exaggerated the comment, and didn’t tell even Allred the truth. I don’t know how you can blame Allred in any way for this unfolding news.
You are an idiot, and I’m glad that I usually just see you opine on pie.
Betty Cracker
@arrieve: Yes, poor Mrs. Parker. I admired her for not putting up with the courtiers’ bullshit. Don’t know how accurately that particular incident is portrayed, but overall, the series seems to follow history pretty closely. Agree about the post-Churchill PMs, though possibly my favorite scene from the first season was when QE2 called Churchill and Salisbury on the carpet!
@Scott: That’s a great point. Lots of Americans with unclean hands on that score — mostly rich old conservatives too.
Miss Bianca
OK, I’m getting the feeling that I need to add “The Crown” to my TV-on-DVD Binge Watch list…
@O. Felix Culpa: Other people here are giving good advice! I would be very straightforward, start by saying, “My previous position ended when my employer and I could not come to an agreement about [whatever].” Then give enough details to make it clear you weren’t caught with your hand in the till, or sexually harassing colleagues. Talk about how you tried to make it work, and what you have learned from the experience and would do differently at your next job. If you were at fault in any way, acknowledge it; if you just had a crazy manager whom no sane person could work with, be brief and tactful.
The idea is to show briefly that, although your last position was not a good fit, you are a good person, have learned from the experience, and would be a great fit for this new position.
Corner Stone
@stinger: Jeebs. What Nunnery do you work at?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Betty Cracker:
I love the drama of that period of time. If you get a chance, try Foyle’s War. He’s a Chief Inspector in Southeast England, and literally every decision he makes is based on whether investigation and prosecution will hamper the war effort.
Really interesting in terms of the ethical considerations.
@Corner Stone: I think most HR depts know this, and will only confirm employment dates and salary level. Especially if they know or can see that the departed employee might have had a legal case. So give contact information for the HR dept rather than the individual manager.
Uncle Cosmo
@OGLiberal: It’s central to my recent European trips – Greyhound from Baltimore to NYC-PA/42nd St, E-train to Sutphin Blvd, AirTrain to JFK, RT cost ~$60 to save at least $200 on the flight. Probably result in a bit higher security presence at the bus station, which strikes me as a good thing.
Roger Moore
That Doug Jones is within shouting distance of Roy Moore is a sign there’s a segment of Trump voters who are willing to put something over party. A state-wide election in Alabama was always going to be an incredible challenge just because of the difference in party identification. Just having the election be close is a big deal, even if winning it would be an even bigger deal.
Betty Cracker
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I’ve heard good things about Foyle’s War — thanks for the reminder!
@Corner Stone: I’ve worked in HR at a couple of convents, and have been the hiring manager and/or on hiring committees at several monasteries. Why do you ask?
Uncle Cosmo
@MattF: So much depends on the accuracy (or deliberate distortion) of the turnout model applied to the raw results. Rasmussen is a chronic offender – his models routinely skew to hype the GOP’s chances & demoralize the good guys, until the election is nigh, whereupon they gradually return to reality in order to preserve (whatever remains of) his credibility.
In the current instance, I don’t think anyone out there has much of a clue as to who’s going to turn out & who isn’t.
Second the recommendation for Crucial Conversations.
@JGabriel: yup. Gotta love psyops. Not to mention Moore “Beating the odds”.
Jones is a good candidate, but always has been a longish shot. I have a ton of respect for those fighting for him.
But this is the Land of pre teen beauty pageants.
Corner Stone
They called those the “Moore Sweepstakes” didn’t they?
Uncle Cosmo
@Betty Cracker: Second the rec for Foyle’s War.
Also, if you have any tolerance for space opera, The Expanse is damn well done & has its full share of ethical & political commentary. Season 3 is due next year but the first two are out on DVD, & in a pinch you can just read the first 2 novels in the series (Leviathan Wakes and Caliban’s War) to come up to speed; these are real page-turners that the video follows fairly faithfully.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
not at all. Foyle is the one arguing that murder is murder, and it doesn’t matter if the murderer is helping the war effort. It is his superiors who argue that the war effort excuses some murderers.
unless you are saying that he is trying to foil (ha) the war effort by picking cases that actually hamper the effort. Which is goofy, he also goes after the British Nazis.
Why, I oughta . . . [shakes fist]
J R in WV
@Amaranthine RBG:
See, there you go again, telling lies.
Gloria Allred didn’t add that date to that yearbook, and didn’t know that the girl had added it.
She isn’t to blame for anything, to the contrary, she is to be admired for bringing these young girls – now grown adults still having issues with what that pervert did to them 30 years ago!
And the pie verse is nice, shame you get no credit for that either! You are shameful, nearly as bad as “judge” Moore, because both of you claim to be someone you are not and will never be.
That sounds like overexplaining it (the previous job).
Roger Moore
Also, it’s good to remember that while this may be your first experience with an unpleasant end to your previous job, it won’t be a first for a decent-sized HR department that’s looking at hiring you. They’ve probably seen and heard worse situations than whatever you encountered, and from the perspective both of the employer where the ugly incident happened and the subsequent employer. I would guess they’ll be more favorable to you if you’re straightforward about your past than if you try to conceal what happened; they’re professionals at figuring that kind of thing out.
Another Scott
@germy: Dunno.
From the PDF download on the Fox News web site:
I don’t know anything about these pollsters, but presumably they have a track record that can be checked.
External pollsters want to be right, especially this close to an election. They know polling a single state is difficult, polling a special election in a single state even moreso. I would assume that they’re (generally) trying to get it right. Of course, Fox News itself has an agenda and is trying to spin things. So I wouldn’t take their spin as being accurate, but…
I’m feeling pretty good about DougJ’s chances. But no matter what, we have to continue to fight the Trumpists and the Teabaggers every single day.
@Corner Stone:
SNL introduced a seven year old girl to Trump – his next wife.
@Steeplejack: Hey, I paid you two compliments in that comment! I amuse myself with the psychic / psychotic thing whenever I am going to say something like “I must be psychic.” Don’t take it personally.
@Steeplejack: The job applicant should *be prepared* to discuss touchy issues. When I say, “Start by saying…,” I’m not recommending that O. Felix Culpa actually start the interview that way! Just to be ready if the topic comes up.
Corner Stone
@stinger: INTERVIEWER: “Good morning and thanks for coming in. Would you like a coffee or some water?”
APPLICANT: Ok, Ok. It was a rough exit, I admit it. And now that you bring it up, yeah, maybe I did screw up a few invoices here and there. But I was under a lot of stress, gambling debts and a heavy drinking problem kept me a little distracted. But my boss, you see, my boss…*he* was the real cause of the embezzlement. It wasn’t my fault! He was always trying to trick me. Asking gotcha questions like what time did I get in and did I have the TPS reports ready? That smug bastard. I’ll show him, I swear it.”
APPLICANT: Oh, and yes, some water would be fine. As long as it’s none of that Eye Talian or Frog style crap. My ex used to always drink that before she left me. Thanks.”
John Revolta
@Corner Stone: Well personally I always go with “I left my last job to go into the Witness Protection Program, and that’s really all I can say about that.”
Works like a charm. Hey, are you gonna finish that sandwich?
J R in WV
@O. Felix Culpa:
” Any thoughts on how one presents an involuntary departure?”
Talk around it while being truthful: It really wasn’t a good mix anymore, and so I wanted to move on in order to do these other things, including teaching, travel, remodeling, whatever else makes a constructive case. For my metal health, even, perhaps.
I doubt anyone will point blank ask “Were you fired for cause?” and if they do you can say yes, I had a good case against my immediate superior but decided not to litigate it, just to move on. Nothing says you have to volunteer that up front, does it?
@Betty Cracker:
I second the nomination of Foyle’s War (with the possible exception of the last season, in post war England). Michael Kitchen is great as Foyle. He’s decent, modest, and reminds me a bit of George Smiley, a detective of fierce intelligence who is under-estimated by the people he comes up against.
Corner Stone
@John Revolta:
What da fuck? You call dis a sandwich? I wouldna fed this to my mother’s dog, even if I were allowed to contact her again. Now, for a real sandwich you gotta go to this little place where I’m from in Brighton Beach. The rye, the mustard! That’s a sandwich! So, how’s about I start Tuesday next? I’m no good on Monday mornings cause ah all da you know…(let the record state he made the drinkie drinkie motion). Great! I’ll see you about noon.
Julia Grey
Binged The Crown and the final season of Longmire (husband was out of town). Both were great, except that last episode of Longmire was a total WTF??? Didn’t buy most of the resolutions of the people’s storylines.
One detail that kind of interested me in The Crown is they showed Elizabeth having Andrew(?) while knocked out in “twilight sleep,” but actively delivering Edward (?) with Philip in the room and not playing snooker or squash or whatever as for the earlier baby.
Steeplejack (phone)
When I replied I thought there was an unedited version that said “on top of everything else,” not “great qualities.” My apologies!
Steeplejack (phone)
Even with that, it sounds like going into too much unprompted detail to me.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@stinger: Oh, stinger! I posted the fruit/nut cake recipe in the thread yesterday morning. You asked about it?
Also, an Iowa meet up sounds great. If you click my nym, it take you to my web site and there’s contact info for me in the right margin. Whenever you’re ready, let me know.
J R in WV
He was elected Alabama Supreme Court Chief Judge twice, and both times ignored the U S Constitution and was removed from his high office – IIRC the first one was installing a granite monument with the 10 Commandments (of which there are multiple versions) in the actual hall outside the court. The second one was, again IIRC, same sex marriages. A shame they didn’t disbar him after the first illegal action, really.
J R in WV
@J R in WV:
Glad to see others with better and more specific advice!!
Last time I searched for work was 1992, and I had an in with a former co-worker then. I did “interview” for promotions from time to time, not the same thing at all.
Do read the book as recommended! While you think about your situation as the book sheds light on it.
John Revolta
@Corner Stone: Now, the best baloney sandwiches are at Dannemora. Sing Sing, fuhgddaboudit.
@Corner Stone:
Not the “Moore Creepstakes”?
@John Revolta:
Didn’t they rename “Sing Sing” to “Cedar Junction”?
[Sorry, probably only Massholes — present and former (lookin’ at YOU, efgoldman) — will get the “joke.”]
@Corner Stone: Thanks for the laugh!
@Steeplejack (phone): Pretty sure I didn’t edit that comment, but I’m glad you went back and read it again. I would never dis you!
Steeplejack (phone)
I took it as a joke in any case.
Has anyone else found The Great American Baking Show. Season 3 has Paul Hollywood and is in the tent in England for some reason. I’ve not found the first two seasons which may be under a different name and do not get great reviews on imdb BUT I recommend season 3. On Hulu and maybe even live TV.
@Corner Stone: We may actually have hired that guy once.
When Moore squeaks out a victory, they can then crow about how Trump’s last minute trip to Mississippi and Florida really pulled Moore over the finishing line despite these terrible poll numbers a few days earlier, showing how amazing Trump’s salesmanship is. Or something.
ETA: squeaks out or eeks out? English — how does it work?
This is going to come down to turnout — enough Republican voters being [secretly] disgusted enough with Moore to stay home or write in a protest candidate, and Democratic voters being pissed off/alarmed enough to turn out in record numbers. It’s going to be close, no doubt about that.
The Faux Noise Nutwork poll is a technique used to suppress progressive votes. Make people think the margin of victory is project to be so large that it will be OK after all if they do NOT get out and vote.