BREAKING: Democrat Doug Jones wins election as U.S. senator from Alabama. @AP race call at 10:23 p.m. EST. #AlabamaElection #APracecall
— The Associated Press (@AP) December 13, 2017
Update 1 from Japa21
Well, the good scotch is coming out.
Dave +1
Fck Steve Bannon!!!!!
Arm The Homeless
All hail the Needle
The Needle knows all
Come into the light of the Needle
I truly can’t believe it. Too bad in the last year almost all my wingnut FB friends unfriended me so I can’t rub it in their faces.
Unbelievable! CNN just called it as well.
Amaranthine RBG
It has been clear for some time now, to those of us who follow politics closely, that Jones was going to win robustly.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
literally unable to stop laughing
Well stick me in a pot and call me a petunia. (I think that is an old timey southern expression of astonishment.)
It’s been said before but honestly, forget the sexual assault allegations. Moore was always a horrific candidate even for Alabama.
(gave money to him, but my goodness did he send a lot of emails)
Did Hell just freeze over?
I did not see that coming.
hedgehog mobile
@lamh36: Fuck yeah.
@Amaranthine RBG:
I like pie. A lot. I’m a robust pie connoisseur.
Fuck Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell who is nothing more than Trump’s bitch!
Steve Bannon super genius.
David Anderson
@dmsilev: You’ll get the e-mails next week for his 2020 campaign :)
mai naem mobile
There’s something very sweet about a Dem taking over Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions’ seat.
Dayumn, what a great night for ‘bama and America!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Turn on CNN — they’re going NUTZ at Doug Jones’s HQ
@Amaranthine RBG:
also shit
Paul W.
Fuck yes!!! Alabama did it! Good on Doug Jones
James E. Powell
I usually go with slap my ass and hand me to my mama.
Cheryl Rofer
New York Times calls it.
@David Anderson: Can’t I even get a week off?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
First Democratic win in Alabama in 25 years.
Forgive any typos; I’m crying. Hope, at last.
My faith in humanity is almost restored. The fact that so many people voted for such a detestable man is the reason it’s only *almost*. That and the current occupant of the White House is still there.
That is delicious. It’s a big loss for all of them, though. Trump, Bannon, Sessions, all the Republicans in Congress who sold their souls for that tax bill.
The last 30 minutes have been delicious as the blue votes came in and the [crimson] tide turned. So fun to watch (and Karnacki was great, really into it).
here’s how I knew Jones had won — the girlfriend shouted “SUCK IT, TRUMP” from across the room
fuck yeah
I’ve shed a few tears since November of 2016, but these are tears of joy. I really hope this means our country is turning back from the dark road it’s been traveling.
@lamh36: Thank the … hmm…
THANK those voters that turned out! (Also see my reply to you last thread.)
And glory halleluia, too!
And the Senate tax bill is such a trash fire the House can’t just straight up vote for it. The Democrats at least had a workable bill when Scott Brown won.
Well I’ll be damn!
I tell you what…the Democratic party better damn well realize…who their most LOYAL base is and would maybe stop trying to win back the WWC.
And white America should give a giant THANK you to African American voters for once again saving you all from yourselves!
So, next thing up is the tax bill. How long until Senator-Elect Jones becomes Senator Jones, and can the GOP manage to jam through their atrocity before that point (especially since Susan Collins is waffling again)?
David Anderson
@M31: Wife her
Well, the good scotch is coming out.
Yes and Chris Matthews is having the orgasm of his life right now.
Jesus I can’t believe it’s even in the realm of possibility. never been happier to be wrong.
@dmsilev: I wouldn’t bet on that.
HOLY SHIT DOUG JONES WON!!!!! Savor the sweet, sweet Republican tears!!!!!!!
Damn. I predicted Jones by 5. Not terrible, but a little over-optimistic.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Tax Sham Bill is now 50-50 in Senate.
Time to make Collins feel the pain until she flips.
I can’t believe it
And Republicans can scream “voter fraud” all they like. Fuck y’all motherfuckers.
Turnout. Turnout. Turnout.
@Davebo: And yet … without the allegations … he’d have won by 10.
Holy shit, this is the Foxnews.Com headline:
I really expected Fox’s headline to be something more like: Black Thugs Block White Christian From Taking Senate Seat.
I’m in tears! Happy tears….and some red wine, too.
As I said on an earlier thread, it should be shouted from the rooftops that Moore was a shoo-in until Trump started campaigning for him.
Ha! See? What good did being so gloomy do you, ya Debbies Downer?
Like someone was all, “It’s Alabama, don’t hope!”
Ya whiner! Yeah! Now you have to celebrate!
I’ll take it.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: McConnell already announced he won’t seat any new Senators until the New Year.
Where’s John “Process!” McCain now?
Has Trump deleted his pro-Roy Moore tweets yet?
@mai naem mobile:
It’s terrible for fundie Christians, too. They have now compromised on child molesting and they LOST.
Moore is still getting votes from the suburbs, narrowing the gap some – but the guy on MSNBC says it won’t be enough.
You’ll be a better off for it.
@japa21: Amazingly … among the voters who turned out, Trump’s approval rating is upside-down (47-48).
@japa21: And as I said in an earlier thread (though I stole the line from someone else), Trump wasn’t campaigning for Moore, he was trying to install a sympathetic juror.
And how hard the republicans tried to suppress that vote
This is the best news out of the USA since November last year.
Can black folks get some goddamn credit for this one?
I have not felt this good since 11/4/08
I hope the feeling does not pass but I know that reality is still here destroying America. It just got harder for them but the still hold the Senate. Their margin of error is gone now.
Make me an angel that flies from Montgom’ry
Make me a poster of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing that I can hold on to
To believe in this living is just a hard way to go
Black voters + hispanic voters + enough educated whites to pull the Democrats over the line is the formula for victory (with a preponderance of women from all three groups).
This won’t be the case in every election in all locations. But it’s a good general strategy.
Virginia was a pleasant surprise. This is even better. The Republicans have finally done it. They’ve made the average Democratic voter just as pissed off and motivated as the GOP core voters who having been showing up in force and making midterms so miserable for us. Fair play to all the African American voters in paricular who were willing to put in the extra effort to get past all the barriers to voting that have been placed in their way.
I’m so happy I’m nearly in tears. I never never never never never thought Moore, one of the few people I can think of more vile than Trump, would lose this election. I’m completely stunned but in a good this time. Let’s build off this.
@balconesfault: Link? Not that I’d put it past him, but still.
@mai naem mobile:
Is it a full term? Or an unfilled term? In any case, I expect the ‘Bama RWNJs will put up a conventional redneck racist, and win the seat back. By then, though, I hope, “presidient” Hair Furor will have motivated so many voters that Dems win significant number of seats in both houses.
I heard some nitwit on NPR this evening saying how she thought that a victory by Moore would be a great victory for Trump. I wonder if she’ll be on the radio tomorrow saying that the loss by Moore was a resounding defeat for Trump.
Holy shit! I was right for once!
@dmsilev: mofo…please…smh
John Revolta
Xmas done came early. Joy to the World and Halle-fukin-luja!!
I’m with you 100% on this.
We did it!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Corner Stone
@lamh36: There is no joke there. Listen to black voters and stop fucking ourselves. Period.
Mitch mcConnell says a very long time. I would not be surprised at a recount to bring back the memories of Franken in Minnesota.
Santorum on CNN looks ready to choke as a co-panelist points out that blacks in Selma Alabama turned the state blue this election.
Alabama passed the minimum threshold of decency, unlike the Republican party. Surprising.
I guess I’ll break out the good alcohol. To Alabama and their new Senator!
“long knives out for Steve Bannon.”
Will his 400 shirt layer protect him??
This is a bit of a flashback to the ‘legitimate rape’ candidate, and the Delaware “I believe in witches” candidate, among others, who get tossed up whenever the pig people (h/t driftglass) actually get control from the slicker professional deplorables. tRump would’ve suffered the same result but for the perfect storm of vote suppression, a generation of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Bernie & bros, and a cowed press.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if Ryan will try to jam through the Senate bill to avoid having to deal with Collins and Flake
@lamh36: THANKS from this white american!
I have to say, I was wrong about the GOTV effort down in Alabama. All hats off to the volunteers, precinct walkers, organizers, phonebank callers, and others who made this happen. If this starts happening in every election in the South, watch out!
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Holy crap.
@Cheryl Rofer:
The New York Times is garbage*.
*Baud asked me to sub for him while he’s away.
Rebecca Traister, the most important writer in politics right now:
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
They;ll be rattled now too. Collins was dumb to do the lying tour. That’s gonna kill her. She should have just lined up and voted for it quietly in the dead of night, like the rest of them. That whole disaster is gonna end up as “Susan Collins tax bill”.
I actually think it should work like that- the fake moderates should bear most of the blame for Trump.
The 21st Century’s Atticus Finch WINS!
That was the third draft, they published #11.
hedgehog mobile
@dmsilev: FFS.
Ha. I think I even posted that the perv sex stuff would have more impact on everyone except trump. Given that Trump won Alabama by 20+%, I think a case can be made.
I’ll believe it when that child-chasing crazy muthafugger Moore concedes. Republicans are sore losers & full of nothing but their hatred of all that is good and their fugging dirty tricks.
BC in Illinois
You have given me the agenda for the evening. 18 year old single malt from the Clan C land in Scotland.
And the earlier thread title has led me from Dylan Stuck Inside of Mobile to the Grateful Dead singing the same to other Grateful Dead . . . so I am about to close down politics for the night, enjoy the feeling of victory, listen to the Dead and sip the good scotch.
Tomorrow will be an even more enjoyable day. Then there’s a year’s worth of work ahead of us.
@Hobbes83: Yes.
@lamh36: You know, if we could figure a way to peel away some of the WWC without alienating the base, that would be awesome.
I know our resident trolls will never understand the second part of that, but… fuck ’em, they’re trolls.
I would like to thank the African-American voters of Alabama for being the adults in the room and voting for the Democrat who wasn’t perfect rather than staying home and sulking like white liberals do if they don’t get their way. I’m not sure anyone can really understand how much I appreciate the fact that African-Americans have their shit together while my fellow white people are beclowning themselves every goddamned day,
I’ve been glued to the computer (but not online) since 7 this morning, and I just this minute finished, came here, and saw this. I was stunned to find myself tearing up, and I’m almost afraid to believe it. I’ve come close to abject pessimism and despair about the entire political state, but this is a glimmer of hope. Let it be the first sign of an avalanche.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
Wowee wowee wow.
Damn. Well, if I must ….
I assume that his aides or kids have taken Trump’s phone and embedded it in a block of cement?
@efgoldman: Nice to see you back EFG.
Very nice birthday gift for me.
And the horse he rode in on.
@Marmot: I just hope some gun-nut/fetus-fondler doesn’t take a shot at the new junior senator from Alabama.
Trump is never, ever responsible for anything. They treat him like a not very bright toddler.
@Quinerly: Screw the wine. Break out the fizz!
Don’t have fizz? Shame on you!
Ian G.
The $100 I gave the Jones campaign the day after the first Moore accuser went public is some of the best fuckin’ money I ever spent.
Write ins are more than Jones lead.
@jonas: True dat.
Cheryl Rofer
The margin is well over a point now, with 93% reporting, according to the NYT. No automatic recount. A real win.
Happy Birthday!
@Seanly: @Waratah: Happy Birthday!!!
All that’s left are Democratic strongholds
@Ian G.:
True. Sadly, you’ll be getting phone calls from fundraisers for the next 5 years at least.
Highway Rob
What is taking NBC so long to call this?
@ewrunning: Hey, what did the horse do to you?
If it wasn’t for that horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college.
@different-church-lady: sure find a way…except STILL majority of Republicans STILL voted for Moore.
And overwhelmingly…majority of whites still voted for Moore…the big deal was that the Black voters turnout dwarfed the rural white turnout.
The Dems shouldn’t have to have a damn PEDO as opponent just to get WWC voters to NOT vote for the Dem, but actually just NOT voting at all for the GOP…
@jonas: anybody know what the turnout percentage was? Much higher than the usual 25% for special elections?
Adam L Silverman
McConnell has already announced that whoever wins will not be seated until the end of the current session. So even if Alabama certifies the election ASAP, which is unlikely, Jones won’t be seated until some time in January.
WTF is happening.
This. And let me take this opportunity to thank you for all your comments.
Been in seminar training all day. Away from the Internet. Finally on my way home.
Hot diggity! Great news. Great. Just not enough words. My spirit is lifted.
It does look smart. I didn’t know what they were doing but they seem to be right politically. They could still be wrong about Franken though.
Have been staying away from info sources since I didn’t need the stress but WOOT!
All y’all BJer jackals get off your asses & celebrate! I expect us to build on this win next year.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
I’m glad. Happy.
The Orange Atrocity is a two-time loser in this race, first backing Luther Strange, then the child molestor. Choke on it, 45.
I was kind of puzzled by Moore’s decision, the night before the election, to bring out a guy to say “Yeah, he went to those brothels where you could get the really young girls, but I never saw him do anything.”
NBC NEWS calling Jones “apparent” winner…bullshit Chuck Todd
Let’s be clear — the vast majority of white (Republican) voters in Alabama supported Moore. They deserve a huge FU for keeping their ghastly, Talibangelist perv of a candidate on life support for so long. It was the few registered Dem voters — lots of young women, in particular — and the Black vote that closed the deal tonight. But not-insane-racist Alabamans showed that, when properly motivated, they can turn the country’s reddest state (a bit) blue.
Fair Economist
CNN has Rick Santorum for commentary? Are you kidding me? WHY? He’s a loser *and* dumb as a post.
Kraux Pas
These threads are coming so quickly!!!
I wonder what impact this will have on the tax bill vote. Hopefully this will help raise the level of skepticism in the Republican caucus.
mike in dc
Seemed apropos.
@James E. Powell: alternate version: Slap my ass and call me Nancy. (Awkward due to friends naming their daughter Nancy… )
I read that Selma is at least 75% for Jones.
mai naem mobile
Anybody know what the recount rules are in Alabama? I don’t trust these people at all. He’s only .8 percent ahead.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
God, I hope this is still true when I wake up in the morning!
@Adam L Silverman:
Can that be contested?
@Highway Rob: The data crunchers are all locked in the executives’ offices.
James E. Powell
I just saw some Republican asshole on CNN arguing that it was not a loss for Trump or any reflection on Trump at all. The valiant great leader tried all he could to save a bad candidate out of the goodness of his heart and loyalty to Republicans. But Moore was just so awful that even Trump couldn’t save him.
@Adam L Silverman:
Heads I win; tails you lose. Democrats should have made (and should make) a massive stink about this.
@Seanly: Yes, I was wondering how fast the state was going to destroy the digital voting records now. Thanks, Alabama Supreme Court for your cooperation in making Jones’ victory unauditable.
It blows me away that they would take something as big as A Religion and just make it a branch of a political party.
What a bad trade they made.
Jones got same % of African Americans as PBO did… and Black voters…voted in LARGER numbers than in 2016!!!! Black vote and Black turnout UP for Jones…and White voters depression!!!! Also Jones won suburban white voters…defections from college educated whites…
@japa21: Glenfiddich 15.
I hope this makes the senators and reps afraid before their traitorous tax vote. (Though til now they seemed most afraid of the donors.)
@Adam L Silverman: I can live with Jones being seated in January. Moore lost. Can’t be said enough. And Trump got trumped.
Fair Economist
@Highway Rob:
NBC has had a lot of the sexual harassers, which tells you that somebody important in management is a sexual harasser too. Whoever it is, he’s trying to support a fellow sex offender.
@dmsilev: Wow. That tweet took a lot of what one of Roy Moore’s lawyers would call Chutzpah.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Fair Economist: Burke and Lack, probably.
@lamh36: Hey I didn’t say I had an answer, or that it was an easy problem.
But Hillary wasn’t completely wrong: there are some that are persuadable — just far far fewer than she or any of us imagined. But some elections are won on the margins.
The write-ins were 1.7% and the margin is less than that. I think the money spent on the “write in Nick Saban” ad was money well spent.
@Ken: I read the initial report in NYT and they said Steve Bannon was also at the rally and apparently belittled Joe Scarborough for not going to a more prestigious university but — wait for it — the University of Alabama. How can that be? I mean, seriously, how stupid would you need to be? Was he drunk?
Ian G.
I get like a dozen emails a day. Whatever, I’m too giddy right now to care.
Corner Stone
They made that trade 30 years+ ago. This guy just kept fucking up. The little girls were probably not the final straw..
I said it when the allegations first surfaced against Moore. People don’t like child molesters, no matter what state you live in. Yes, even Alabama. (Hey watch out now. This is my victory lap)
@MattF: Yep
@James E. Powell: Dear Republican asshole on CNN. Why is Trump backing awful candidates? Does GOP mean Grand Old Pedophile party?
Well, look at it this way: Jones now has to represent Alabama. How much of a prize is that really?
@jonas: This is why I said republicans were still awful. I did say that, didn’t I? If not, that should be my automatic signature on each post.
Black folks (particularly women) really saved their state for the forces of decency.
Cheryl Rofer
@mai naem mobile: I am seeing that a margin of 0.5% triggers an automatic recount.
Fair Economist
Is water wet? Is the Pope Catholic?
OK, I can believe it now. McConnell saying he won’t seat Jones until January (?) means it’s real.
@LurkerNoLonger: naw…he came close…let’s not let GOP voters completely off the hook.
Fair Economist
Gropey Old Pedophile party.
Thank you, Ari.
I wasn’t confident enough to get the good bourbon. That’s next though!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Hobbes83: can black folks get some credit? I say this sincerely, I hope they get way more than credit. As a white person who has — along with her sisters and her parents — literally never voted Republican, I can’t tell you how thankful I am that there are people I KNOW think the way I do about these things.
Corner Stone
This guy seems real. Like a real person.
@Amaranthine RBG:
Jesus Rope Jumping Christ. Are you PROGRAMMED to be an asshole in response to any and all prompts?
I didn’t think Jones would win but I saw an exit poll of “parents” which I’ve never seen before. They were solidly anti-child molester, so that’s encouraging.
“Parents” must have been inserted specifically for this race.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Mnemosyne: You misspelled beshitting.
@Mnemosyne: +10
@catclub: WaPo is reporting that “overall, news reports indicated that statewide turnout had smashed expectations, roughly doubling what officials had predicted.” AA turnout was key. Looks like running a neo-Confederate, child-molesting asshole wasn’t such a swift move.
@Corner Stone:
Are you saying he’s not a Terminator? I agree.
@lollipopguild: I am putting on ice skates?
My mom and I are celebrating with a Buffalo Trace Old-Fashioned.
Just heard Jones say that this is his wedding anniversary. Funny. Today is number eight for Mr. Suzanne and I. A good omen.
Omnes Omnibus
@Hobbes83: All the credit you want…
The GOOD GUYS WIN! A wave building…
Another Scott
The 2017 wave continues. Great work Senator-elect DougJ and everyone who worked so hard to help elect him. Keep it going though 2018 and beyond.
Yet again, when Democrats turn out, Democrats win.
We have to remember that only a few seats stand between where we are now, and having a majority that can enact sensible policies and return us to a nation of laws and sensible government. We don’t have to invent new physics or reverse the planet’s rotation, we have to turn out and vote.
We have to keep fighting for every seat, and every single vote, every single day.
Savor the victory, everyone.
What’s next, I wonder….claims of voter fraud perhaps?
But for this evening I shall savor the defeat of that potato-faced pervert theocrat. Fuck him.
Eric S.
Cheers! You 6 years.
randy khan
I was thinking that it would be a lot of fun to watch his concession speech, but I bet he never gets around to conceding.
Kraux Pas
First Democrat elected to the Senate from Alabama since 1986. I was just a baby.
Bill Arnold
Hungering for the analyses already. Especially on what the influencers of the vote were, notably how much targeted operations e.g. social media were involved, and how much (if any) and in what ways the Democratic and aligned political operations have improved.
Happy. (Perhaps a bit impressed, depending on analysis of above.)
My son just, the Immp, just said: “A lot of guys named Daryl and Bobby Lee are going to be mighty upset.”
@Ian G.: time to set up a filter on your email client.
Watching Jones’ speech. Never thought I would enjoy hearing so many rebel yells.
@lamh36: You won’t find me letting any GOP voters off the hook.
LOVE that song. In particular the version on Prine’s album from 10 or so years ago.
Ron Brownstein focuses exclusively on the tax bill in a way that I adore. ANY news of any kind somehow relates to the piece of shit tax bill. It’s beautiful. All day, every day.
@RobertDSC-Mac Mini:
The Orange Atrocity will be needing lots of diaper changes between now and tomorrow morning.
@lamh36: Those stats are all great news! Maybe we’re actually a sane country after all.
@jonas: thanks!
Happy Birthday!
@justawriter: a better expression, “well wax my shell and call me Mitch!”
hedgehog mobile
@Mnemosyne: Cosign.
@Trentrunner: Fuck you, shitstain. Die in a fucking fire.
@Kay: Ron Brownstein and John Harwood have been really good unlike the many hacktastic pundits and journalists.
Steve in the ATL
@justawriter: @James E. Powell: “well dip my balls in sweet cream and set me down in a kitchen full of kittens!”
The horses did him in.
Amaranthine RBG
Whoosh! What was that flying far overhead???
@ChrisB: Good speech. Hitting all the right notes. Specifically mentioned CHIP program.
given that it took the sex perv information to kill his candidacy, i.e that he had been thrown out of his job on the State Supreme court TWICE for disobeying the law, and that was not a problem, and that he still got 48+% of the vote ( rather than say 27%) I would guess not yet.
Steve in the ATL
Yes, there was lots, but the Democrat won anyway!
Cheryl Rofer
@Bill Arnold: Here’s a description of the NAACP’s campaign in Mobile County. It’s a longish thread, so I’ll just offer up the first few tweets.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: He is a troll.
The Alabama Votes page has Moore up by 7,000 votes with 66 of 67 precincts reporting. I smell rodent carnality incoming…
linky linky
@Davebo: The correct response to instigation by the troll.
@justawriter: My favorite is “well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.”
Steve in the ATL
@catclub: he got 49+ percent of the vote, so continue to say fuck Alabama whenever you please
Also, I think we’re going to hear all kinds of whining about “voter fraud” from the Republicans, but I bet you there will be no actual investigation, because the asshole in charge of AL’s elections very publicly put his thumb on the scales. He’s not going to want anyone taking a closer look at what he did to try and shove Moore across the finish line.
Ridnik Chrome
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Ha!
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: Yes, there was lots, but the Democrat won anyway!
@ByRookorbyCrook: I just checked. Jones up by 13k.
Odds Trumpster insults the state of Alabama tomorrow AM via tweet?
Steve in the ATL
@Ocotillo: “Ohio State should have made the playoff!”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that’s fucking demented
Cheryl Rofer
Followed by this
Amaranthine RBG
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hey, how about a celebratory drink? It is a special occasion after all.
That’s funny because I read Harwood too. I have no idea who he is but I like his Twitter.
I used to hate-read Maggie Haberman to see whatever Trumpster she was promoting but I think hate reading is probably not healthy so I stopped.
There was a period in 2010 where I would regularly watch Morning Joe just to loathe them. It’s a bad thing. Can’t be good for you.
I sure hope so!
Lame wording but true. Plus what @Barbara said:
Counting a teenager, four generations of women in my family supported HRC’s campaign, and at least for the middle two generations (me and sisters and mom), some of our conversations during the primary went like this: “hm he has some good ideas. but gee he is writing off Black voters in the South, therefore he can’t be a national Dem candidate.” I am NOT trying to relitigate, just gobsmacked because “POC are central to the Democratic Party” is about as controversial in my head as “water is wet”
Thank you Doug Jones, Selma voters, Charles Barkley, EVERYONE who brought some hope back today.
@lamh36: Right after the election in 2016, Al Giordano called it – he said the women would be leading the way in the resistance, and in particular, women of color. THANK YOU!
My most sincere thanks to every single person in Alabama who either voted for Doug Jones or who stayed home. I know it wasn’t an easy choice for the republicans who did that.
Well, some additional good news:
Young voters back Jones by wide margin
Alabama voters ages 18 to 44 supported Jones by a roughly 20-point margin over Moore, marking a stark shift from 2012 when Mitt Romney won voters under 45 by a small margin.
@Cheryl Rofer: That sounds like a big Biden deal.
@debit: I love pie.
Cheryl Rofer
@Cheryl Rofer:
Awesome. Also hilarious.
What did the other team score?
Bill Arnold
Senate will be 51-49 – one defection away from a tie, two away from a change of control. What Republican senators have had enough of their party’s decay into rotten mindless tribalism? Even if they don’t actually defect, any two Republican senators are now a swing votes; that’s heady power that Senators don’t normally have, and vastly easier to organize than 3 Republican no-votes.
Cheryl Rofer
Amaranthine RBG
Laphroaig 18
Steve in the ATL
@SFAW: mad dog 2020
Really glad Alabama didn’t elect the pedophile.
Glad Alabama didn’t consider it a negative to be Atticus Finch.
Some kind of extra glad that Bannon is being subjected to ridicule.
It is a good day to be a human being.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I think Donald Trump genuinely believes he is a great guy who is persuasive and charming, which makes it worse.
He will never be convinced people don’t love him because he’s crazy as a loon.
Because god forbid Donald Trump would ever take responsibility for his own actions!
@catclub: @Ridnik Chrome: Point taken. Sigh. A kid can dream.
It fills Sessions term. Through 2020.
@mike in dc:
Given how today played out, Imma fix that image for you. You’re welcome.
@Cheryl Rofer:
It has to hurt for Sessions. Rejection by his own state. I hope he lost his home county. Precinct. Neighborhood :)
Cheryl Rofer
@Kay: There is not a single tweet about this on my timeline that indicates a belief that Trump wrote that tweet. Many are funny. Some speculate that tomorrow we will see the real Trump tweets.
IF that would fit on a sticker or a magnet, I would put it on my car.
And all the stuff that Al G. talked about today in his long tweet – that can be the model everywhere going into 2018.
Steve in the ATL
@Kay: household
And on the first night of Hanukkah, the pigs began to leave the temple. Hallelujah!
@lamh36: AMEN
@Mnemosyne: Imma share that on Facebook if it’s okay with you.
@stinger: I know, I know, but I have a hate hardon for that fucker that doesn’t seem to want to die.
I don’t. I think they want to turn Moore into an unperson as quickly as possible. No sense arguing that “voter fraud” cost a pedophile Republican a seat in the Senate.
frosty fred
@Steve in the ATL: What, you can’t afford Thunderbird?
PS That’s my SteveintheATL. Love ur comments.
@lamh36: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” – MLK
Trump has already tweeted something about write-in votes, as if that was the cause of Moore’s defeat.
The artist (who is not me) watermarked it with his website, so it should be cool as long as you don’t crop it.
@mai naem mobile: Doug Jones also would be a fantastic replacement for Sessions’s current job.
@Bill Arnold: Go look at Al Giordano’s twitter feed from today. He outlines a whole bunch of stuff being done to turn out the vote, the AA vote in particular. You can still see his feed even if you don’t do twitter.
Just google Al Giordano twitter
I just want to say there was a whole lot of smart word done to get out the black vote for this election, and I don’t think it was white people doing the heavy lifting.
We had some tiny bottles of champagne handy, so we broke one out so we could each have a glass. ?
@Immanentize: What a great line. how old is Iimp? I want to say older teen?
Uncle Cosmo
@I’maranting POS: What you know about politics could be written on the head of a pin with a paint roller, fuckhead.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@different-church-lady: Seriously, enough of this bullshit.
Amaranthine RBG
@Uncle Cosmo:
Why are people surprised by this electoral outcome?
mike in dc
@Mnemosyne: Fair. 98% with higher proportional turnout than 2012 is amazing.
Doug Jones running for Senate in Alabama was an act of faith.
All the people organizing and working their butts off – that was an act of faith.
Everyone who donated, even thinking he probably couldn’t win – act of faith.
I hope we learn this lesson and apply it elsewhere: you can’t win if you don’t play.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amaranthine RBG: You are still a troll no matter how upset you are about being called on it.
KS in MA
Yes We Can.
Amaranthine RBG
@Omnes Omnibus:
Pop a top, again . . .
You know, I figured that by this time, Obamacare would be dead and so would I.
Instead, it – and I – live. And I lived to see a Democrat that WASN’T a Dixiecrat elected to a seat in Alabama. He may only be a seat warmer for a few years, but…this is a HUGE symbolic victory. And a practical one: McConnell has one less vote in the Senate for a whole lot of things. Jones won’t vote with the Ds on every vote, but he may oppose McConnell on a few crucial ones – like the tax bill.
Suck on it, you cocksucking, blood-drinking ghouls. You LOST.
@Mnemosyne: Good thing your sleep study wasn’t tonight!
If only McAuliffe had ended that tweet with: “LOSER!”
Omnes Omnibus
@Amaranthine RBG: Trollillio. You add nothing to any discussion. Last response to you tonight. But do try to clever about your drinking comments.
Steve in the ATL
@frosty: I’m here for you.
Amaranthine RBG
@Omnes Omnibus:
I would have drunk it anyway. ?
Though, oddly, G said he thought I actually snored less last night with all of the equipment on. I didn’t sleep particularly well, but it was in large part because my carpal tunnel issues are acting up because of the crutches, so the pain in my arm kept waking me up. ?
Gelfling 545
@Jinchi: By tomorrow he won’t remember who Moore is. It might even be true.
Gelfling 545
@lamh36: No dragging required. Nothing Trump does better than a fiasco.
Bill Arnold
@Cheryl Rofer:
Thank you, that Al Giordano thread is quite helpful. (Sure there is a lot more to the picture though.)
mike in dc
AZ, NV, TX, TN, UT, WY, MS, NE all have R senators up for re-election next year. AZ and NV are very winnable, and with a big enough wave maybe we could get 1 or 2 more, plus hold all those incumbent seats.
If we win the House and Senate next year, it’s time to torture Orangemandias. Subpoenas every day. Passing popular bills, trolling for a veto. Investigating the harassment allegations. Investigating the emoluments violations. Passing a bill requiring an annual neurological exam for the president, release of tax returns, etc. Just make every single day miserable for him. And, if Mueller’s report warrants it, impeachment.
@lamh36: NEVER! Deep respect, fellow citizens. Now let’s reduce the rest of em to dust. 2018, we are coming for you.
@Mnemosyne: this is huge and absolutely all thanks to the turnout of African Americans especially women…awesome!! Run for office if you can!!
@WaterGirl: exactly lather rinse repeat giterdone
@dmsilev: If Cory Gardener believes that, he’s lost his damn little mind. I was glad that Bannon was in Alabama to share in Moore’s defeat. Fuckem.
@Jinchi: I wouldn’t want Santorum as a panelist on a jury, yet CNN drags his stupid ass out. Why?
@p.a.: Republicans keep running such bad candidates, I think they’re trying to see what they can get away with.
@lafcolleen: “So shell my peas and burn my grits.”
@japa21: I’m having a sip of Ardbeg Uigeadail. What are you drinking?
@Kay: Well, obviously.
Bannon was a notorious chucker in his pickup days.