The gift that keeps on giving. After years of begging for a puppy for Hannukah, I adopted Fitz right before the holidays last year. Then I became the most insane version of a dog mom ever. ?
— The Ripped Bodice (@TheRippedBodice) December 11, 2017
Hannukah candles: Only Jewish ritual obligation in which the act must happen in one's living space, but is meant solely for the passers-by. Others. You.
It's a forced blending of private and public.
A reminder that "mine" is also yours; that miracles must be ours. #hannukah
— Aaron Alexander (@RabbiDoubleA) December 11, 2017
Apart from the immediate topic(s), what’s on the agenda for the day?
On the first night of Hannukah, all I want is for Alabama to not elect a pedophile to the US Senate. Tall order, I know, but a Jewish girl can dream.
— Stephanie Wittels Wachs (@wittelstephanie) December 11, 2017
Minor good omen, FWIW…
Charlie Baker backs Doug Jones.
— Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) December 12, 2017
Charlie Baker probably heard Repub internals show Jones is going to win.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) December 12, 2017
(Yup. Chickenshite Charlie doesn’t jump for a non-Repub candidate until he’s 98% sure he’s gonna be “supporting” a winner.)
… but if Jones wins I suspect three factors will be decisive: 1) Democratic enthusiasm as seen in other special elections this years 2) very strong black turnout 3) a high number of write in votes from GOP voters
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) December 11, 2017
If Jones scores an upset in #ALSEN, it’ll be in part bc he was deluged w cash & gotv help. Threw budget out window
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) December 11, 2017
Good job everyone who contributed to Doug Jones.
FWIW, I wouldn’t put big money on it, but I think Jones wins by 3 pts or so.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) December 11, 2017
Dead Lord,
Please guide and protect this tweet until it finds comfort in your bosom in Tweets That Came True heaven.
— Charlie Sweatpants (@CSweatpants) December 12, 2017
Maybe we’ll get a another Hannukah miracle.
Heh: “Dead Lord,…” Not exactly in the Xmas spirit, now is it?
Happy Hannukah and Christmas month, pals. May our months be bright, and may we wake up celebrating a Doug Jones win tomorrow. It could happen. (It’s actually in Alabama’s best interest, although they may not see it that way….)
But remember, the Moores aren’t anti-Semitic, one of their lawyers is Jewish!
@lowtechcyclist: Wanna bet their banker is too?
@lowtechcyclist: @OzarkHillbilly:
It’s a big tent. The entryway, on the other hand…
@lowtechcyclist: not “Jewish”, Moore’s wife said “a Jew”.
From your mouth to god’s ear.
Betty Cracker
@Elizabelle: I’m feeling fairly optimistic about Jones! I’m in the Florida Panhandle at the moment, and I’m sending strong “don’t fuck up” vibes to the north and west!
Mary G
I am so happy the election is finally here. It’s a win either way – Republicans elect another big fat embarrassment or lose to a Democrat in Alabama. Alabama!!!
@Betty Cracker: “Hold my beer. Watch this…”
I got up at 4 to bake brownies for our OneSight event this morning, and to be able to get my full ration of coffee before I head out. We’re expecting 20 people for free eye exams and glasses in the 2 hours before the store opens. They’re always such fun, rewarding events because the recipients are so excited to get vision care. Many haven’t had it in years and years.
There is no doubt it is Alabama’s best interest to defeat Moore. One of the many problems Jones (and indeed and non-goober) has is that people in that area are sensitive to having their ignorance, bigotry and parochialism pointe out to them by people not of their state. That article about “outside interests” pouring money & time into the race is the sort of thing that will serve Moore very well in playing to his base. They are not going to let any pointy-headed East Coast elites tell them how to vote!!
When I sent Jones $50 this summer it was not because I thought he could win, it was to force the GOP to defend their honey bucket. Now it seems there is a small chance Jones could win, I am not getting my hopes up but I do think this race will pay dividends win or lose.
And apparently a rare sighting in them thar parts.
Adult religious affiliation in Alabama.
Also too, (also from 2014):
Amir Khalid
Is Easter prayer, maybe?
Mustang Bobby
@lowtechcyclist: Surprised she didn’t trot out her black housekeeper and gay hairdresser to complete Cultural Stereotype Bingo.
Ha, one of Moore’s lifer fuck fellow officers is explaining how he and Moore walked into a boom-boom parlor in Da Nang and Moore Di-Di’d like a mofo. Xi Loi asshole.
@Betty Cracker:
Careful. If that shows up on Kellyanne’s microwave, they’ll drone you and your loved ones.
I’m going to try and keep as occupied and as distant from MSNBC today as possible. I may even dive into shopping on 5th Avenue, a definite no-no after Thanksgiving. Fighting crowds and waiting in endless lines at Uniqlo may be just the distraction I need. Plus a final 2017 spit on the sidewalk in front of a certain someone’s house.
@Betty Cracker: Best to you, and I hope your grandma still has some good life ahead of her. If it’s her time, at least she knows you are there (and recognized you)!
@satby: Good for you. The free exams and eyeglasses; participating in that would warm the heart.
@Schlemazel: Gonna be an interesting election night, won’t it be? Shall be burning some midnight oil (here) for this one.
People, you will enjoy life without cable news from the US. It may add months to your lifespan.
PS: just finished watching Netflix’s Godless last night. Loved every episode. I did not find it too slowly paced, since was not binge-watching (only 7 episodes; had to savor them).
Do you guys think there will be a sequel to Godless? I’d love to see the characters again, but I think they wrapped the story up pretty well …. (ETA: no spoilers, if you choose to discuss the show)
Is that a one-eyed puppy dog?
Any pup is a gift.
Well, if there’s ever an election I’d like to be wrong about, it’s this one. I still think the pedo’s heading to the Senate.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
I didn’t check previous posts. Did someone hip folks to the tweet thread about Moore’s buddy from Vietnam, and their misadventures in a brothel???
Ohio Mom
@Betty Cracker: I’ll be thinking of you today as I sit in the totally uncomfortable visitor’s chair in my husband’s hospital room. I wonder if we will ever know why hospitals are so dedicated to making our asses ache.
If this turns out to be your granny’s time, I hope it is a peaceful transition, and that her fear abates. Being there with her is a wonderful gift you are giving her.
Mustang Bobby
Well, if the Dolphins can beat the Patriots, then there’s a chance for Doug Jones.
@rikyrah: I did above but I suspect no-one knows what the fuck I was talking about.
@Ohio Mom: Best to Ohio Dad.
And Suzanne, our resident architect, has her mission in life cut out for her. (Better hospital seating/snoozing for relatives and friends.)
Amir Khalid
The Vietnam War-era Army slang may have puzzled some readers.
Anne Laurie
@Mustang Bobby:
Well, “Sheriff” Dave Clark was there as the Black Friend…
(I’m putting together a post about that rally for later — didn’t want to expose innocents to the full horror first thing.)
Multiple someones brought the topic up within various threads yesterday.
@Amir Khalid: Again, Xin Loi!
Anne Laurie
@rikyrah: Come back around lunchtime, there’ll be a worst-of-the-worst post about that event.
@raven: Now watch — there will be 15 posts about the rally before mine goes up, and y’all will rag about me piling on!
Mustang Bobby
@Anne Laurie: That sounds like it’s going to be blooper reel from “Veep.”
Mustang Bobby
@Amir Khalid: I’ve heard “boom-boom room” before. The rest I sussed out from context. That’s what I get for being a CO.
@Mustang Bobby:
Fake News!!!!
@raven: I didn’t know there was a tweet thread but I knew what you were talking about.
Alabama, break the spell.
You can do it.
@Anne Laurie:
Or…last thing, I’ll be going to sleep soon and that could cause nightmares.
Yes, there were links & comments last night. Very convenient story for the last minute
Run that through the translator.
Also too, a former FB exec. says that social media is smashing society to bits.
Article is in The Guardian.
@Betty Cracker: I missed the news about your grandmother. I hope she is as comfortable as possible if recovery isn’t in the cards.
@Ohio Mom: best to Ohio Dad too, here’s hoping he gets the word he can go home soon.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?! (Though it’s snowing and 22° here ?
WTF does that mean? A non-endorsement for his opponent by a senator is gov’t help? And a full on endorsement of his opponent by the president isn’t gov’t help?
@GregB: Do you have a good link?
From The Verge site: Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society
‘No civil discourse, no cooperation; misinformation, mistruth.’
Here’s The Daily Mail, with a link to what might be your Guardian article:
Read more:
Guardian: might be the link? From October:
‘Our minds can be hijacked’: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia
It’s a serious topic. Repercussions all over the world.
We have seen how badly Fox News and the rightwing wurlitzer have distorted our politics. It’s a tragedy. We should not let this happen.
Didn’t we learn anything from Joseph Goebbels and Hitler? Apparently not.
@trnc: Jonathan Martin is one of the kneepad set at the FTF NYTimes. He’s a Republican whisperer. Believe he arrived via Politico.
Chyron HR
GOTV = Get Out The Vote
@Betty Cracker:
Hope you and grandma are enjoying your visit and that she is feeling better.
no, gotv is phone calls, door knocking, document processing and in some cases rides and assistance getting to the polls/
boots on the ground
Ok, everyone have a good day! I’m heading out with my brownies and my ☕ into the freezing fog.
Luddite that I am, I find myself content with the decision not to acquire a smart phone and stick with a dumb phone instead. I cannot conceive of swiping a screen hundreds or thousands of times a day for self-validation, but I understand this is common.
I’ve got family members in AL — They have been there close to 20 years. They still don’t reveal that they’re Jewish.
Chattering teeth make keeping a stiff upper lip more of a challenge..
@Ohio Mom: Hope today is more comfortable. You shouldn’t hesitate to take cushion, tho.
@Elizabelle: I could take fb or leave it, except that my HS reunion is coming up and it’s been a fun place to reconnect with old friends. But the more I’m on there the more I see how somebody is not randomly posting the Trending Events column strictly by number of hits. News of the guy who was let go by Mueller is far more prominent than the actual confession of Flynn to felony crimes.
Something totally different. Check out this Russian photographer’s website and instagram. She specializes in fantasy art photography. A picture of a bear that has lived with a Russian family for years prompted my interest. I think it is buried in one of these links. Looks like she’s only been taking pictures for 5 years: and
@Schlemazel: What they said. It stands for Get Out The Vote.
@trnc: goTv, get out the vote.
Mustang Bobby
@danielx: I’m with you. It’s cheap ($30 a month), it does text (slide-out keyboard), can’t be hacked, can’t catch fire, and if someone mugs me for it, they’ll probably give it back.
@Quinerly: I think this will link to the bear picture and the back story:!/photo.php?fbid=1446575208793872&id=100003242194596&set=a.241827055935366.51748.100003242194596&source=48&ref=bookmarks
@danielx: LUDDITES UNITE!!! (I refuse to have a phone smarter than I).
@trnc: get out the vote, not government.
6.2 quake in Iran.
@Mustang Bobby:
Google Translate also helps.
I wish national Democrats had laid better groundwork for GOTV. Small donors could have an effect on this. We could insist that some portion of the money we give to campaigns goes toward voting rights groups or direct voter contact on voting process- getting them ID. I read yesterday that AA’s are 25% of the D electorate in Alabama, so that would be a good benchmark- 25% of campaign funding goes to voter protection work- investing in a kind of “infrastructure” instead of blowing the whole wad on tv ads. They should hire people in Alabama to do the work.
We’re not bad at raising money. We’re bad at spending money. This is a great problem to have because it’s easy to fix.
Part of it is because there’s a kind of corruption- self dealing- people at the top of the campaign infrastructure make a lot of money so it will be difficult to wrest control away from them and send some of it downstream. Part of it is just a lack of imagination- they’ve always bought ads so they buy more ads.
We can do this differently and we don’t need additional campaign funding- Jones had plenty- we can just reallocate some portion of funds to more productive short-term and long-term investment. Voting rights is the long term investment.
Ian G.
@Mustang Bobby:
Don’t forget how she loves the yard work her Mexican landscaper does!
Chyron HR
“They’re not deplorable! They’re not racist!” – Bernard S., Burlington VT
Morning everyone. I see I received a surprise visit from Gin & Tonic last night as he passed through Dublin airport.
Slainte agus tainte.
Good news:
The numbers speak for themselves.
Short piece on the “protect Mueller” bills in the Senate. Graham doesn’t feel any urgent need to pass:
@Chyron HR: I’m sure the Moores are looking forward to “fellowshipping” with Bernie Sanders.
I look at it as creating a temporary private sector voting rights infrastructure to replace the (missing) public one in Alabama and (now) the federal government. I say “now the federal” because Jeff Sessions enthusiastically endorses voter suppression laws and specifically endorsed those in Alabama and he’s the AG.
Because you can’t get there from here. If (black) Democrats can’t vote in Alabama then they can’t fix their own voting laws. It isn’t that Democrats don’t do anything on voting rights when they’re in power- they pass state laws expanding voter access in blue states every year. But they have to win elections first. So there has to be a donor-funded effort before there can be a state-supported effort.
Yowza! Next meeting to be announced, as usual, by semaphore. Keep an eye peeled.
As if someone needed one more reason to vote for Doug Jones. There’s this.
Viva BrisVegas
I think you mean, “accidentally” walked into a Da Nang brothel.
Moore’s “buddy” claims that there was lots of underage available, but that Moore did not partake and took off as fast as his stubby little legs could carry him. Therefore Moore is a good guy and all those ladies are liars.
I just think it proves he only likes vanilla. That or he prefers to work alone.
@NotMax: Semaphore? That sounds like some kinda new fangled techie sort of thing. I use smoke signals.
@Chyron HR:
Sanders, all other things aside, is to me the perfect example of “raising a lot of money and then spending it exactly the same as we have spent it for 50 years”
We don’t have to do this this way! We could try something else! There’s no law that says you have to spend every dollar on tv ads and phone banking.
Our Revolution wasn’t very revolutionary, really. They hired campaign consultants and bought tv ads.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Anne Laurie:
Ah, yes, one of the “good ones” that you could share a meal with and allow to use your guest bathroom.
Q: Why is Yoda Roy Moore’s favorite Star Wars character?
A: “Too old! Too old to begin the training.”
@danielx:You aren’t alone. My 10 year old flip-phone was fried by its charger a few months ago. I was thrilled to discover that I could replace it with another flip-phone.
We have our office Christmas party this week. I like kids and I like to have people over so one year I had it at my house, on a Saturday, and people could bring kids. After that they told me they prefer to go out, at night, without their kids because really they spend enough time with their kids :)
What they want is to get a babysitter and eat and drink without their kids. One has to have the courage to resist societal disapproval to say this, but they rose to the challenge!
@Viva BrisVegas: We always said that there seemed to be no middle age for Vietnamese, they either looked really young or really old. Throw in beetle nut teeth and it was worse.
Wow, Jimmy Kimmel is a champion. His opening monologue with his son last night was wonderful. Go take a look and then call the House and Senate to tell them to fund CHIP now.
About the story with Moore, Vietnam and the brothel..
Adam Silverman has hypothesized from the beginning that Moore honed his predator skills in Vietnam while being an MP.
Betty C, sending positive thoughts to Grandma.
It really was fabulous and on point.
Betel nut.
Beetle nuts are too small to get a good chew on.
More seriously:
Because, the hard ground game work, well, is hard. Easier to buy ads.
As usual, you are on point, Kay.
Patricia Kayden
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: And the reason he is good? Because he oversaw a prison in which a Black inmate was left to die of thirst over a 7 day period. How Clarke gets to hang around in polite society is beyond me.
@trnc: gotv is get out the vote so I think it means volunteers who help.
@Mustang Bobby:
Cultural Stereotyoe Bingo is perfection.
Please to make rotating tag line.
Jack the Second
Let’s be honest.
Would you actually think less of Alabama if it knowingly elected a pedophile to the US Senate?
Easier. but also more palatable to “the campaign industrial complex”
I say this all the time but instead of parachuting in and doing emergency patch jobs why not use some portion to build something? They could hire a year-round voting rights lead organizer in each section of Milwaukee with the kind of money they spend. That person would know everyone and everything. At this point there’s no difference between the “voting rights candidate” and “the Democrat” because there are no GOP voting rights supporters. Each effort benefits the other.
@satby: That’s a really wonderful program. Good on ya’!
Good chance for voter registration, too? :-)
You are good people, satby ?
My dog is pulling ornaments off the tree and batting them around with her paws. I think she may be part cat.
@Humboldtblue: Oh my gosh. You can hear the pain and guilt in that man’s voice. So so sad.
I’m as excited and fearful as anyone about today’s ‘Bama Battle! It’s a BFD but, meanwhile, back in Washington the FCC is gonna vote to take away net neutrality in a couple of days. This is also a BFD.
Read about it here and, for your own sake, call somebody and yell about it. It’ll be therapeutic on this very tense day.
@danielx: There is a middle ground. I don’t swipe my smart phone thousands of times a day.
I use texting a lot.
I use google maps once in awhile when my gps seems to be wrong and I look up businesses I can’t find or check their hours.
the nicest thing though is I can open up a newspaper while I wait in lines at stores. I’ve always hated waiting in lines and this is soothing to me. I also do it at lunch when alone. but passing the time doing something when I have to wait really is nice.
I would like to learn to download music too but I think I waited too long to get interested. all the instructions are aimed at more knowledgeable people.
My 5 year old phone is acting flaky lately and I have concerns I need a new one that I will have to learn about and get used to. Makes me feel grumpy.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I was talking to my brother in law who is Jewish and he telling me “Moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Insanity. Who sits on the Jerusalem planning commission; Jews. So you know it’s nothing but lawyers and bureaucrats. It will take Trump forever to get the permits” Happy Hanuka lol
@Patricia Kayden:
Umm, he hangs out with Republican and other right-wing scum in general, as well as a pedophile and his “some of my best friend is Joooos” wife. I think you have a different definition of “polite society” than I do.
A Ghost To Most
Happy Arrestivus, for the rest of us. The Airing of Grievances by Mueller will continue.
@Kay: I thought one of the priorities for the party was to register voters. In way too many states, that means getting proper ID. Is there any movement on this front? The local party club in my neck of the woods does some registration drives but it’s not a sustained or targeted effort. (Thankfully Maryland doesn’t require ID for voting.)
Amir Khalid
In the traditional culture of my people, betel nut was offered to guests as a token of hospitality. But not anymore: per Wikipedia, a betel nut habit does a lot worse than stain the teeth.
zhena gogolia
I didn’t have the strength to watch that last night. That is so deeply moving.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Patricia Kayden:
The society he hangs around with isn’t polite.
@Jack the Second: I would. As a Texas born refugee and frequent visitor to the South I know they used to be ashamed of these kinds of behaviors and keep them in the closet. Apparently not anymore.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Something interesting about Facebook memories – my posts from years preceding 2012 were generic and fun, not overtly political. I get the impression I started doing pushback afterward.
@A Ghost To Most:
Love it. The other day Fox News had a large graphic with a big cross and next to it “reason for the season”. The placement of the cross made it read “treason for the season”. I saw the graphic on twitter and wish I could find it now to share.
This – Inside Trump’s Legal Team – is reassuring on two counts: 1) the president* couldn’t hardly get ANYONE to represent him (I mean, The President, right?) and 2) to keep him chilled out, they are clearly lying to him that Mueller’s going to wrap up his investigation any day now and exonerate him.
The unfortunate thing is, Repub players who know better are orchestrating this whole “let’s investigate-the-investigators” bullshit and whipping up the base on Fox.
Hey GOP leaders, when Trumpov tweets for his followers to take to the streets…whaddya going to do then?
@MomSense: Oh, you must.
Treason for the season. Beyond perfect.
“When they kick in your front door, how you gonna come?”
Cheryl Rofer
It’s on
@Cheryl Rofer: First Dem to poke a really sharp stick in Trumpov’s eye wins!
Morning to Poco and the tribe :)
Cheryl Rofer
@Cheryl Rofer: @Jeffro: The Trump tweet to which that is a reply is
Once again, reading a Kay post and wishing that she’d Frontpage it.
Sorry Kay, I can’t help myself.
Another Scott
@MomSense: tReason for the Season.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Cheryl Rofer:
He uses twitter like a mean girl photocopying pages from her Burn Book.
Wow, just hearing that Edwin Lee, the mayor of San Francisco, died very suddenly. Apart from the fact that he was the city’s first Asian-American mayor, I know nothing about him. But condolences to San Franciscans and his family, friends, and colleagues.
ETA mayor’s name, and that he was a big proponent of sanctuary cities. Sounds like a good man. R. I.P.
@rikyrah: I kind of like Kay being our little secret.
@Another Scott:
@Cheryl Rofer: Let’s see…he says she ‘would do anything’ for campaign contributions (hint hint), refers to himself in the 3rd person, and then – wonder of wonders – knocks her for being disloyal to the very people (HRC especially) that he loves to beat on.
Whenever you’re ready, GOP…
Read @brianbeutler: The real significance of Roy Moore is that he reveals Trump is not an anomaly in today’s GOP:
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) December 12, 2017
This is how Trump lays the groundwork to eventually fire Mueller, and we all know it.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) December 12, 2017
Alabama Democrats, if your voting rights are challenged –
Take this info with you and if anyone questions your right to VOTE, call
866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) Election Protection hotline with questions or complaints.
— meta (@metaquest) December 12, 2017
Alabama Democrats, POLLS ARE OPEN.
Find your polling place: …
Polling hours are 7am – 7pm
Take friends & family with you.
Make sure everyone you know has a plan and a ride.
Don’t be turned away. Make sure you have valid ID
— meta (@metaquest) December 12, 2017
@MomSense: Here you go.
Today is incredibly important for the future of Alabama and we need your help encouraging your friends to vote.
The link below will enable you to find and email your friends that are voters in AL and remind them to vote.
— Doug Jones (@GDouglasJones) December 12, 2017
BREAKING: We just got a call from attorneys John Brakey and Chris Sautter from #Alabama. The State Supreme Court, without a hearing, but on the pure “ex-parte” (i.e. private) complaint of the State, “stayed” — that is, OVERTURNED THIS MORNING’S RULING TO PRESERVE ALL BALLOTS!
— Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast) December 12, 2017
BREAKING: San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee has died unexpectedly overnight. He was 65 years old. We are awaiting a news conference to begin shortly, and we’ll bring it to you live on-air and online. Latest here:
— NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) December 12, 2017
@Betty Cracker: The western part of the Florida Panhandle is Alabama with fewer pesky minorities. If it was part of Alabama, Moore would win easily. Thank god for line-drawing 200 years ago.
edited to exclude Tallahassee and surroundings.
Have a gin and tonica.
Happy holidays.
Roughly a million FCC comments were fraudulently filed using real names and half a million additional comments were filed from Russian email addresses. Meanwhile, 50,000 real FCC consumer complaints are missing
— WIRED (@WIRED) December 10, 2017
@rikyrah: “If you don’t have the law on your side, pound the facts. If you don’t have the facts on your side, pound the table. If you’ve been caught red-handed by Bobby Three Sticks and the walls are closing in…try the argument that a registered Republican, appointed by Republicans, is out to get you on a partisan witch hunt and needs to be investigated.”
They have already pounded the table and broken it, and they’re well on their way to throwing chairs at this point. This ain’t a WWF match, Trumpov, it’s our frickin’ country, with laws and everything…scum.
I saw that last night on Twitter. Made me cry.
@rikyrah: I don’t know about honing his skills, but he could very easily have picked up a taste for young girls.
Here it is:
Steeplejack (phone)
Fox News: “(T)Reason for the Season.”
@Another Scott: Late again!
He had a distinguished career with the city.
I donated money to Doug Jones via the Balloon-Juice post. Since then I have received email after email, sometimes as many as ten a day, with captions that vary between excessively alarmist and borderline threatening. I’ve had two already today, and the subject of the second one is “Please confirm: D*** N*** [my name] wants Roy Moore to lose?” The way I can confirm that is by sending more money.
Wouldn’t that put you off? It puts me off. I don’t live in Alabama, I donated a little money, and the repeated requests are always for that amount of money or more, to avert catastrophe. And if I don’t donate again, it means my dedication to the cause is insufficient. I have donated to other people via these Balloon-Juice drives and have never received either this number of emails, or emails with this tone. I hope these emails won’t negatively affect turnout by those who support Doug Jones.
Yes, the email allows you to select an option to get fewer emails and I didn’t do that because I figure most people wouldn’t bother and I wanted to see if this continued.
@Elizabelle: In fairness, Rethuglicans did.
@Mustang Bobby: I miss my slider. Had to switch providers when Cincy Bell ditched cellular. I took plunge and went with smart phone. I have mixed feelings. Basically I’m a 2G Girl in a 4G World.
I got to have Fitz sniff my hand the last time I was at the Ripped Bodice. It’s a great store, crammed full of romance and feminist books both old and new.
@OzarkHillbilly: When I arrived in Iowa in Dec 2007 to help with the Obama campaign, I spent a couple of hours wondering what Go TV was. :-) Thankfully, I never asked anyone and figured it out myself.
Not that there’s anything wrong with asking here, but I would have looked the fool if I had asked while I was there to get out the vote.
low-tech cyclist
Get a second email account for all the crap that you don’t want cluttering up your primary email. Disqus, ActBlue, every online business that needs my email address, they all get the second email. That keeps my primary email free to be mostly family and friends.
@Patricia Kayden: My brother would refer to that event as “Nazi Yahtze”. Clark is a jackal but not in a good way.
@Kay: Back in The Good Old Days, we had these people called, in my area, ‘precinct committee (persons)’ – my father was one – who made sure everyone of their political persuasion got registered and to the polls. They also knew, or would promptly find out, whom to see to resolve problems anyone had with The Government.
Now many of them had ‘government jobs with flexible hours’, and sometime spent more time on ‘constituent services’ than on what the ostensibly did for their paycheck, but if you took a poll to see if Americans would like that system to be revived…
And a happy Hannukah to Jew and Goyim alike!
J R in WV
You misread the abbreviation: GOTV is NOT GOV’T, they meant Get Out The Vote help!!
Governments can’t help in elections, when they do it is unethical, and usually more often harming an opponent, by sending one voting machine for 10K people etc.
@low-tech cyclist: Yes, I could do that. My point is simply that I fear the quantity and tone of these emails are counterproductive.