Today’s essential read on Trump and Russia is in the Washington Post, by Greg Miller, Greg Jaffe, and Philip Rucker.
Nearly a year into his presidency, Trump continues to reject the evidence that Russia waged an assault on a pillar of American democracy and supported his run for the White House.
The result is without obvious parallel in U.S. history, a situation in which the personal insecurities of the president — and his refusal to accept what even many in his administration regard as objective reality — have impaired the government’s response to a national security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government.
The piece frames Trump’s reaction to Russia as an outcome of his ego needs to believe that he and he alone won the election bigly and his wishful thinking that he and Putin, working together, could solve the world’s problems. That’s fair enough, and those two factors are certainly sufficient to produce the effects reported – the biggest of which is that Presidential daily briefings have to be tailored to avoid irritating the Master on the subject.
But a great many people around Trump, including Donald Junior, who testified another nine hours to Congress yesterday, have had extensive contacts with Russia, so it appears there is more there. The question is “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”
Lots of tidbits in the piece. Trump thought Fiona Hill, one of his competent advisors on Russia, was a clerk and got angry at her when she didn’t act like one, with H.R. McMaster compounding the problem by admonishing her. He took a leak during his pre-briefing for his meeting with Angela Merkel. His obsession with NATO as a protection racket continues.
He’s got it half right – we could do a lot of good if we could work with Russia. But that can’t come at the cost of ignoring the load of bad Russia’s doing now.
Update: Here’s a good companion piece by James Goldgeier about Republicans and Russia.
If Trump were a realist, he would be seeking to deal with Russia from a position of strength, not looking to accommodate Putin from the get-go. If he were a neoconservative, he would be pressing Putin on his abysmal human rights record. Instead, he is praising Putin for being strong and being tough. And it is unimaginable that any other president would have merely accepted Putin’s denial of election interference and moved on.
So why hasn’t the GOP spoken up? Yes, there are occasional remarks by Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey O. Graham suggesting Donald Trump is getting hoodwinked by Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose efforts working with the Trump campaign to swing the 2016 presidential race are under daily scrutiny.
For the most part, however, GOP voters and GOP elites have shrugged off behavior that would have led to outrage in the past. Since it is hard to imagine that a Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz or even John Kasich would have been this accommodating of Putin, is the party of Ronald Reagan really prepared to become the party of Trump on foreign policy, especially in America’s relations with Russia?
Roger Moore
No. The question is “What did the President and his campaign do, and when did they do it?”
BC in Illinois
It’s not his “personal insecurities.”
He is indebted to Putin and Putin’s cronies. Financially indebted (as his sons have said, on the record) and politically indebted to — as the mid-campaign email to Don Jr said it — “Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
He owes Putin. Big time.
Cheryl Rofer
@Roger Moore: A good addition. As I wrote that question out, I realized that there is a lot more this time around.
Tick tock, motherfuckers.
Mike in DC
The big reveal is that it sounds like the IC had actual communications intercepts of Putin ordering the hacks. Which puts the issue of interference beyond all dispute, and highlights all of the president’s subsequent denials as driven by either sheer ego, an effort to cover up the conspiracy, or both.
Corner Stone
DJTJ: No Congressman, I am not saying we have any deals in Russia. What I am saying is that we have a great amount of deals with Russians. There. See the difference?
@BC in Illinois: Yes, he owes Russia big time, but he also needs to believe he and he alone was responsible for his victory. Even members of his campaign were only his lackeys and not really responsible for his victory.
Very true. But working with as equals, not as being subservient to them, which is what is happening now.
What do the McMaster fans have to say now?
Corner Stone
@Mike in DC: How do they know it was Putin on the line? It could have been 400 pound Ivan in New Jersey. You don’t know. Nobody knows, really.
Bobby Thomson
@BC in Illinois: without those tax returns, I feel comfortable assuming that every single rumor is true. Every single one.
Same with Wilmer. That guy is dirty AF.
The argument they are putting forward is ludicrous and without precedent. Yes, a hostile foreign power launched a massive cyber attack against us, but we shouldn’t attempt to punish them and we should move forward as friends. Forget the collusion for a second, someone attacks you and your response is “lets be friends?”
It sounds like a SNL cold-open.
For some reason (masochism?), I’ve been reading Greenwald’s twitter feed a lot recently. You almost have to admire his ability to downplay every aspect of the Russia investigation while blaming the Democrats for all of society’s ills. It’s almost like performance art.
@BC in Illinois: I heard Bump discussing this article on Moanin’ Joe this morning. and it was all couched in this silly narrative crafted out of a hack’s fantasy world.
The reason Trump has done nothing to secure the next election is NOT because it might give lie to his election. It’s because he is in cahoots with Putin. The reason Trump was angry about the new sanctions was NOT because he wanted “warmer relations” with Russia. It’s because he owes Putin and he agreed to lift the sanctions in exchange for help/money and his Congressional vestal virgins are not doing his bidding.
It’s sickening how these hacks like Bump get by with their childish fantasies disguised as journalism.
BC in Illinois
From the article:
To even “raise the matter” of “Russian interference” in the 2016 election, would be seen [by Trump] as “an affront” to Trump. He considers that anyone talking about what the Russians have done, is attacking him. He sees no distinction between what the Russians did and what he has done.
I think that he is right. There is no separation between the agents of Vladimir Putin and the campaign of Donald Trump. They are, if not one-and-the-same, closely identified.
@Bobby Thomson: I wonder what the fallout what actually be if it was found out Wilmer worked with the Russians? That would be something to see.
Corner Stone
@oatler.: Especially the part about using the restroom. They should do the old Frank Drebin from Naked Gun movies and have him go to the urinal miked up. No telling what Piss Trump might say.
Mike in DC
He’d be thrown out on his ass. Resignation would be demanded immediately. Anyone who tried to defend him would wind up buried by the shitstorm themselves.
@Corner Stone: I actually attended a CLE marathon and one of the speakers forgot his lavalier mike. Made for the funniest review of upcoming corporate governance guidelines ever.
I think it is time to consistently refer to Trump as an illegitimate President.
Over and over in public and private.
Amaranthine RBG
Some more solid journalism from the Washington Post
People who like democracy should subscribe.
The Thin Black Duke
@magurakurin: The hard-core Bernistas wouldn’t believe it, in spite of the indisputable evidence. They’re addicted to “fake news” too.
Roger Moore
I don’t think it’s even half right. We could only do a lot of good working with Russia if they were interested in doing a lot of good. That’s not the case, and it’s unlikely to be as long as Putin remains in charge. The guy who’s main geopolitical goal is to recreate the Russian Empire and is willing and eager to subvert the government of any country that gets in his way is never going to be a reliable partner in doing good in the world.
Chyron HR
@Amaranthine RBG:
Have you considered the possibility that a certain US senator is not, in fact, a divine being? Is your brain even capable of processing that idea at all, or do you just see random letters when you look at this post?
@Roger Moore: CR thinks that Rs are still redeemable, she is an optimist.
Mike in DC
3 dots still to be connected:
1. Proof of a deal between Russia and the Trump campaign, explicit or implicit
2. Proof of coordination or efforts to coordinate
3. Proof that Trump knew, approved and authorized 1 and 2
Prove those 3 and it matters not what Trump or the GOP do. The push for justice will be steady and, ultimately, overwhelming.
Roger Moore
His followers’ denial would make the Trumpists’ look tame in comparison.
I am not a fan of George Will. But I do enjoy watching such a stalwart of the conservative establishment get worked up over tRump and in Moore. Today’s Op-ed in the Post caught my eye – Trump is now the worst-ever president – though the online version isn’t quite so blunt.
Guffas indeed. He ended by saying:
So. Guess Will isn’t a fan.
Stuff like this makes my blood boil. One of the most consistent forms of sexism is treating accomplished women like secretaries. It almost never gets any attention.
Amaranthine RBG
@Chyron HR:
Hey, you sickles wonder, how many days did YOU spend knocking on doors for Clinton?
Steve in the ATL
@Roger Moore: bingo
@BC in Illinois: bingo
BC in Illinois
George Will:
A thought:
Abraham Lincoln — one of our greatest Presidents — was preceded and followed by two of the worst.
Barack Obama, who is one of the best President of my lifetime, has been preceded and followed by two of the worst Presidents of my lifetime. [Nixon I would count as worse than Bush; Trump is worst of all.]
Steve in the ATL
Are you using “optimist” as code for “crack addict”?
Cheryl, we love you, but we have been Charlie Brown trying to kick the football too many times. These clowns have proven over and over that they are not redeemable.
The entire party is compromised. Otherwise they wouldn’t be rallying to defend him when he’s at 32% in polls with an inbuilt 5% Republican lean. He’s down to the homebound and mentally damaged.
The Russians beat our ass with our own ugly stick.
A Ghost To Most
I see Amaranthine RBG is still showing fealty to the other Russian candidate(s) in last year’s election.
Bernie is as rotten as Jill Stein and Rump.
Has geg6 checked in since yesterday? I think this is her campus.
@Steve in the ATL: I was trying to be diplomatic because I have pissed off one too many FPers.
Steve in the ATL
@Spanky: yes, she broke the story here yesterday. Was quite upset, naturally, but safe, physically if not mentally.
Cheryl Rofer
@Steve in the ATL: I’m unwilling to write off an entire country as irredeemable.
Further, I’ve seen Russian-American cooperation work during the 1990s, as we dealt with their nuclear weapons and materials to make them safer in the wake of the breakup of the Soviet Union and the consequent breakup of their security in that area. I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately.
Just as not all Americans are Trump (or Wilmer) addicts, nor are we all itching for war with North Korea or Iran, not all Russians think that invading Ukraine was a good idea. Do both our countries have crappy leaders now? Indeed. But I’ve seen things operate differently.
Uh oh, they’re on to us. Run!
ETA: Project much?
Amaranthine RBG
@A Ghost To Most
How many days did YOU spend knocking on doors for Clinton in 2016?
Amir Khalid
@Mike in DC:
You left this bit out:
Wilmeristas would go into massive denial. They would heatedly accuse Killary of planting the evidence and colluding with Wall Street and the Trump administration to ratfuck poor innocent widdle Bernie.
@Mike in DC: what about that time when Trump went on television and said, to the effect, “Putin, if you are listening, please find Hillary’s missing emails.”
What I am agitated about (in addition to a lot of other things he is doing) is his failure to see that “the laws are faithfully executed.” He violates his oath of office daily, and evidently that is not a basis for impeachment.
Tim C.
@rp: One might say he’s a real…. asset to the Russians?
The Moar You Know
This is true and is something I have advocated in favor of for a long time. However, that was predicated on Russia and the US working together as equals with mutual interests. What we have right now is a situation you find in most dysfunctional workplaces; Russia is trying to make us useless and irrelevant, sabotaging us. I’d say Putin’s managed to do more and longer lasting damage to the US/Russia relationship than the Soviets ever did, by successfully fucking with our internal politics.
I certainly will be vehemently against working with them in any substantive way until Putin is out of the picture, and by that I mean dead.
@Steve in the ATL: Thanks!
A Ghost To Most
@Amaranthine RBG: Goddamn, you are a slimy piece of shit.
Only bigots use “retard” as an insult.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Spanky: She posted about this yesterday. She was unhurt but traumatized. She heard the shots, looked out the window, and saw the bodies. I believe she may have known the woman who was killed.
Tim C.
@Cheryl Rofer: Effing A-men. Nationalism is the cancer we have to fight!
Villago Delenda Est
@Amaranthine RBG: No one here believes your claims of knocking on doors for Hillary. Peddle your horseshit somewhere else, Ivan.
Roger Moore
Yes. She was close enough to hear the gunshots and knew the killer.
Villago Delenda Est
@Lapassionara: Not when the Rethuglicans need their own puppet in the WH to sign off on massive tax cuts for the parasite overclass…phase I of destroying the social safety net and plunging this country into chaos.
Saw this from the Daily Beast (but was reading it elsewhere): “While most eyes on AL, Trump added signing statement to defense bill undercutting Russia provisions”.
Why does Trump go out of his way to make signing statements about Russia? It’s almost like we’re seeing a pattern here.
@Cheryl Rofer: Rs here are not Russians but Republicans in power, although they are behaving like Russian puppets would.
Amaranthine RBG
@Villago Delenda Est:
I guess you weren’t reading this blog back before the election when I was posting from on the ground in Reno. Look it up, dumbass
So how many days did YOU spend knocking on doors for Clinton?
One place we’re currently working with Russia (as part of a larger team) is on the International Space Station. Granted, the Russians have us by the short hairs a bit, since we let our heavy lift capability whither and die. Terrible, terrible planning (see funding: Congressional). Anyway, they’re our only ride up or down for the time being.
And, of course, there is collaboration on board the ISS, although I couldn’t tell you the extent to which that happens these days.
A Ghost To Most
@Amaranthine RBG: Stop lying. I’ve been here since the Harriet Myers (sp?) kerfuffle in 2005.
@GregB: Exactly.
Amaranthine RBG
@A Ghost To Most:
Go back and read the threads in the two weeks befor the election
So, how many days did YOU spend knocking on doors for Clinton? Any? Any at all? Or did you help her efforts mainly via your incisive blog commentary!
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Way off topic, but this is why this blog will never use Disqus or anything similar:
Disqus commenting platform sold to big data and analytics firm Zeta Global
@The Moar You Know: The problem is that once Putin is gone the person or persons who replace him could be worse and Russia drops into chaos. I do not like Putin at all but what replaces him could be worse.
A Ghost To Most
@Amaranthine RBG: One trick pony. Believe me, the Democrats don’t want me knocking on doors. I’m liable to tell people exactly what I think of them. Running the DNC computer center, fine, but you do not want me knocking on doors.
You’re an ass.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes. But Pence would sign their garbage bills too. That they take no steps to address Trump’s many derelictions of duty suggests to me that Trump is blackmailing them with info the Russians got from hacking their emails. Exhibit A being one Lindsey Graham.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Dwight, aka GoBlow72, liked to toss that one around. He also claimed to be the most bloodiest knuckled, well-connected true progressive activist in the Bay Area. An in-demand grassroots organizer and legislation writer on a first name basis with governor “Jerry”.
But Betty, who can see signs and runes we mere commenters can’t, says this one is the erstwhile Gun Nut Steve
Or maybe as “the other Russian president”?
The Moar You Know
@magurakurin: It’s an absolute outrage that both he and Stein are not being investigated. I can’t imagine why not.
Cheryl Rofer
@schrodingers_cat: As usual, there are a couple of discussions in progress. I was responding to those saying that there will never be a way to work with Russians.
@Mike in DC:
Aren’t we just about there on #1 (implicit = easy, explicit = not yet), definitely there on #2, and just waiting on #3?
He’s been involved with the Russians since the 1980’s. They own him. He knows and has known for decades.
Last December, when Mitch McConnell looked like he’d seen a ghost when he suddenly changed his position from “No investigations into Russian interference” to “Okay we’ll investigate” it has been clear to me that this whole thing is huge and involves a massive number of people in our government. As for Trump himself, his family, top GOP leadership, a whole bunch of lower level people, they’re all traitors. And they’re all going to go down for it. Tick tock, motherfuckers.
Amaranthine RBG
@A Ghost To Most:
People like you are the reason Trump won.
@Lapassionara: I’ve thought this for some time, too. The Russians must have lots of kompromat on Republican elected officials to keep them in line. Lindsay Graham may be exhibit one but Chuck Grassley is running a close second. Why don’t these seat warmers just retire? They’ve all managed to use their office to make millions.
@RandomMonster: Didn’t know about the signing statement. Thanks for the tip.
@Jeffro: Well, there’s the “President of Russia”, and then there’s the “Russian President”.
Totally different people.
A Ghost To Most
@Amaranthine RBG: Blah, blah, blah, BernieBro. I’ve been a solid Democrat since the 70s. Keep lying.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
I have no doubt whatsoever that the Russian engineers and scientists you worked with are good and decent people who want to make the world a safer place. That’s how most people are, anywhere you go. The Russian government, it seems to me, is run by a quite different sort: greedy for wealth and power, and heedless of the damage they do in seeking both. Trump, himself greedy ang power-hungry, is to them as Mundungus Fletcher is to the former Tom Riddle.
@A Ghost To Most:
The pie filter is your friend :)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Mike Royko explained Boss Daley’s triumph over a bunch of other pols like him, some of them smarter and some of them meaner, to the theory that they wanted to use their power to get rich, but Daley only wanted to use power to get more power.
ETA: that’s why I find people like Collins baffling. She could exercise power, she could make McConnell dance for her, but she doesn’t. Why is she there? True of Flake to some degree, but a bunch of people have said what you have to understand about Flake is, he views taxes much as Ryan does. That’s why he’s there.
The order hasn’t been given yet.
Also, this whole thread is worth reading, but key tweets:
The president is not a loyal American.
@Amir Khalid:
Meh. Let’s not over-estimate Putin, please. I think he’s quite average intelligence, but perhaps above average cunning and certainly ruthless. More like the elder Malfoy, perhaps.
Amaranthine RBG
@A Ghost To Most:
It’s not enough to vote for democrats
Maybe you could spend a few hours less insulting people on the internet and actually get out there and get involved?
@Roger Moore:
I believe it was the victim (the estranged wife) that she knew — a colleague on campus, chef for Food Services.
@Amaranthine RBG: You’re a fucking jackass, crawl off somewhere.
Amir Khalid
There’s a big difference between Lucius and Putin: Putin has a spine.
Well, under normal circumstances they might be hanging on because
– they like the power that comes with being a Senator (world’s most exclusive club, right?)
– they’re sticking around to keep their staff happy & employed
– they like using their influence to make their friends rich (and potentially set themselves up for lucrative deals, pre-/during/post-service as well)
– they can’t imagine anything else they’d rather be doing than working? NOTE: I do not have this problem in the slightest, but not everyone is me. =)
But with kompromat, with serious stuff on them, part of the blackmail could include, “You stay right where you are, comrade, and keep voting the way we tell you too…or else we’ll tell your family/constituents/national media that you’re really a __________ in secret”
What’s is this about?
@Amaranthine RBG:
Why don’t you tell us what today’s claim is for how many days you spent so we can check it against your last claim? Because it seems like the number grows every time you desperately flourish it as a shield.
A Ghost To Most
@rikyrah: Pie filters are for censors.
1&2 have been proven.
Hope Hicks is #3.
Trump filters all this as tainting his election victory. He is blind to any other implication.
His supporters see this through Trump’s eyes. They will never care about any of this, and see it purely as Democratic Party sour grapes.
Damn. This has got to be so terribly demoralizing.
I have no confidence in this administration’s ability to pursue foreign policy objectives with any competence at all. Worse, Trump may not only be in the employ of the Russians, he seems to have some psychological quirk that compels him to go weak in the knees when dealing with a presumably powerful white male leader like Putin.
Not to go all psychological on this… but Trump’s view of Putin isn’t rational. I understand that facts don’t matter to Trump, but it goes well beyond that, IMO.
Uncle Cosmo
@Tim C.:
FTFY. “Nationalism” is just tribalism with flags. “Not my people, therefore not human.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think Collins is uncomfortable standing her ground vis-a-vis Republican party bigwigs. On occasion she’ll do it but mostly she sticks with her party. Look at her votes for judicial appointments. It’s horrifying. She’s not a profile in courage, though she seems to like playing one on TV.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: I think the source of this is a HuffPo article by a pretty good reporter, Matt Fuller, who says Ryan never really wanted the job (which I to some degree believe, he didn’t want to be weakened in pursuit of the presidency), he going to get what he’s been dreaming of since the first time he read Rand, and he can, like Boehner, walk away from the growing mess he created.
@Uncle Cosmo: And armies.
A Ghost To Most
@Amaranthine RBG: You’re an idiot, and a fool. I’ve given thousands of dollars and all my votes to the Democrats for 40 years. I know myself better than to think it would be wise for me to knock on doors. I plan on volunteering my time to back room work when I retire next summer. A man’s got to know his limitations. At least I do, fool.
@A Ghost To Most:
Au contraire, he worships pie, delicious, more or less round pie.
@lamh36: Paul Ryan is up to his eyeballs in the Russian treason stuff.
@lamh36: Con artists know that, at some point, they have to get out of town.
@MattF: The one thing Trump is pretty good at is being a con artist. Wonder when he’ll decide he needs to get out of town. Problem for him, there really aren’t a lot of places he can hide now, unless he decides to defect to Russia and even then…
Reds under the beds?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yup, this tax bill is his life’s dream. If he gets it done, he might want to step down from leadership given the shitstorm that’s coming for the Republicans in 2018. I guess he feels he can tout the bill as an achievement when he runs for POTUS in 2020.
Miss Bianca
@Amaranthine RBG: This is such your knee-jerk go-to “take THAT!” to any criticism of your more ridiculous posts that I’m starting to wonder how many days YOU spent “knocking on doors for Clinton”. Methinks thou dost protest too much.
And before you start on ME about it, I’ll own up to saying I didn’t knock on any doors for Clinton. Because in my deep-red, extremely rural county, that would have been not only exhausting and futile, but risky, because of conservative gun nuts out here who lurves them some firearms just as much as you do. So I drove 60 miles to the nearest Democratic Party phone banking station and did that instead.
A Ghost To Most
@trollhattan: Pie filters are for censors.
O/T Republicans are weird.
The full DENIAL farewell Facebook post is a thing to BEHOLD as a confession dipped in DENIAL. Sure feel sorry for his family.
@A Ghost To Most: Speaking of which, the pie filter isn’t working for me. I want some pie!
Amir Khalid
Upon further consideration, Dung Fletcher was never actually an ally of evil. Maybe I should say that Trump is to Putin as Peter Pettigrew is to Voldemort.
@A Ghost To Most:
And cardiologists.
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca:
“Sometimes you wonder why you’re still talking,
I passed that point long ago”.
It’s been hit or miss with Firefox lately. Mine’s currently in the kitchen, however.
@Spanky: If firing Omarosa ends up being what brings this gang of morons down in the end, I can think of no fitter way for it to all come crashing down. Tell us, O – what did you see? What’d you hear?
Reality-show prez* brought down by testimony from reality-show contestant…details at 11! LOL
Right now, Trump is fat and happy, and looks to get even fatter and happier. Once tax “reform” passes, Trump could position himself so that he never pays a dime of income tax again for the rest of his life. And then, gravy on top, he will be able to pass his estate on, intact, to his children.
As a bonus, he will be able to pocket whatever additional loot is funneled to him via Putin, and retire from the presidency as a happy man indeed.
For Trump, winning the presidency is Grifter Paradise.
I can’t imagine how, even if it would be sweet. How could anybody believe her with the inside scoop?
@The Moar You Know:
I guess the truth is we don’t actually know that they aren’t. I would say the chance Stein at the least is being looked at is very high. and… where is Tad these days?
john b
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Thanks for the motivation to delete my disqus account.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Huh. Informed Electorate just called for the first time since last November. I’ll wager he’s using the Jones win to scam, uh, fundraise more money out of the gullible. (I didn’t answer, and he doesn’t talk to voicemail.)
This isn’t a prediction, but I could envision Trump signing the tax bill then saying “Well America, my work here is done.” and quitting to go spend more time with his…hat collection? He’s got a lot in common with Sarah Palin.
@tobie: Multiple signing statements recently. The excerpt I read looked pretty interesting.
@trollhattan: I liked what Robin Roberts said at the end of the Omarosa segment:
“She has a story to tell and I’m sure she’ll be selling that story. Bye, Felicia.”
Villago Delenda Est
@Amaranthine RBG: As usual, you miss the point. No one believed then you were knocking on doors for Hillary, and no one believes it now.
You have no credibility here. The tone of your posts undermines your claims.
@A Ghost To Most:
You are mistaken. Censors control what is said / can be heard by everyone. The pie filter allows an individual to not listen to someone.
@john b: Ugh. ‘Big Data’ wants to correlate my blog comments with my thermostat settings. And who’s to say that there’s no connection?
Newspeople don’t get many mic-drop moments, she earned that one!
so they are showing this polling trend:
Can anyone figure out which things ( that we think are vile) that Trump has done that have actually lowered his popularity with the base?
Is it actually a tell that FOX News and the GOP House are supporting him so strongly (Lynch Mueller calls simultaneously from Fox News and House GOP) that means they have to do that in order to counter the base’s declining favor?
I guess it is just that he is widely unpopular with the reality based community and that is affecting the base’s opinion of him?
Cheryl Rofer
@Yarrow: A caution on Schindler. I distrust him because he claims more for himself than an intelligence person should. Also, he’s blocked me for no reason I can see. Probably bought one of those block lists.
Nope. His only motivation is to be in the media spotlight. That would take him out of the spotlight. PLus, he chas converted the Presidency into a job that allows him to go play golf whenever he wants to. And Ride AF1. What is not to like?
@Brachiator: He may think that but the legal bills are going to eat up the little money he does have. He’s owned by Russia and he isn’t nearly as rich as he wants people to think. The kids are also up to their eyeballs in the Russian treason stuff and have their own legal bills. Don’t think going to be all that much left for any of them.
Will speculate not killing Obummercare, not throwing out Mooslims and Mexicans and not building a bigass wall are his primary sins. That’s a hellova drop and it’s worth pondering what they were seeing when he was polling 90%.
@Cheryl Rofer: I thought it was a good thing to be on Schindler’s list. Those were the ones who were saved.
Amir Khalid
Trump believes he has the unique smarts and power to ignore the rules. I imagine him, the day after his removal from office, standing before the White House gate, claiming he is the President, dammit, and demanding to be let back in.
@catclub: Hmm. Maybe the connection goes ‘Trump says he supports the little guy’ to ‘But Trump is a liar who actually supports Republican policies’ to ‘Republican policies are anti-Medicare’. And so, therefore, ‘Trump is anti-Medicare’. Making that connection would kill him with the Fox demographic.
Mike in DC
Somewhat. I think we’re there the first time charges directly related to the conspiracy (cyber espionage, accepting in kind foreign contributions, et al) are brought in open court. If/when that happens, all hell will break loose.
Matt McIrvin
@ET: George Will complaining about “tall stalks of pretentiousness” is pretty funny.
Amir Khalid
Not that Schindler, some other guy.
Uncle Cosmo
@A Ghost To Most: Major props for “The Late Show” reference!
Many moons ago I spent a disastrous year in grad school at Cornell, boarding at a frat house just down the hill from Cascadilla Gorge. A few years later it occurred to me that if a mildly depressed person went up to sit at the gorge’s edge with a boom box, a cassette[1] of Late for the Sky, & a copy of Selected Poems of W. H. Auden, by page 20 or the fourth track (whichever came first) s/he would have jumped[2].
[1] Yeah, that long ago; LFTS was released a year or two after I washed out of the astronomy program.
[2] In those days (if not now) the local term for Selbstmord “far above Cayuga’s waters” was “gorging out.”
@Cheryl Rofer: I take all of the online “experts” with dose of skepticism. I think he’s right about his analysis in this regard. Weird that he blocked you. I think people get blocked inadvertently sometimes, or as you said, as part of a list. I also think Twitter itself messes up stuff too when they modify things with their whole program or database. I’ve seen people say they have no idea why someone was blocked on their account as they don’t use blocklists and didn’t block them personally.
Citizen Alan
@Amaranthine RBG:
No one here seriously believes you knocked on doors for Hillary Clinton. Knocked on doors for Jill Stein? Maybe but if you knocked on doors for Hillary Clinton it was to urge people not to vote for her because something emails something Corporate speeches something evil castrating bitch. but no one believe you when you say you try to help her get elected.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Yeah. This reminds me of a person with dementia and McMaster doing what he did makes it worse by playing along. What a toady.
@Uncle Cosmo: My recollection is that one of the boulders at the bottom of the gorge had a bulls-eye painted on it.
Sorry. This is an ongoing fantasy or wish of quite a number of people, ongoing since Trump announced his candidacy. Trump is always going to quit, move on, etc.
Nope. Sorry.
Trump loves being president. Loves it. He has people whose job it is to feed his ego. He can regularly go out and organize rallies filled with worshipful dupes, uh, I mean supporters. He cannot get the same jones anymore in private life.
He has made the Republican Party his bitch. They support him in everything. Plus, he has judges to appoint, including possible vacancies on the Supreme Court. He has a few more Obama era policies to demolish.
The Donald has practically turned the United States into a Trump property. He won’t be done until he has entirely covered it in gold plated shit, in his own image.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer: I saw that thread yesterday and I know that a lot of people are skeptical of Schindler, but I do think he’s onto something there: Why the FBI feared a trump victory is a thread Republicans might regret pulling on.
And Jonathan Chait has a column about why asking about the political motives of the FBI around 2016 might backfire, too.
Also, my personal white whale (a small whale, a small ugly whale that should be hunted) Rudi Giuliani
@Citizen Alan: give him a break… it’s cold this time of year in Moscow.
Amir Khalid
This will interest everyone here: Mnemosyne’s giant evil employer is buying Fox’s movie and TV business.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
I didn’t like Disqus before and like it even less now.
@Amaranthine RBG:
Your monomania is becoming tiresome.
Amaranthine RBG
@Miss Bianca:
If you will scroll up, you will see that one of the resident trolls who follows me from thread to thread, said something stupid about The blessed Bernie Sanders in an off topic reply to me
That’s why I reminded him/her that while I initially supported Sanders, I went all in for Clinton after she beat Sanders. That’s the only reason I raised it.
With that in mind md maybe you can inderstand why it is a bit annoying for me (after I drove from SF to Reno and lived in a crappy La Quinta Inn for two weeks for Clinton GOTV EFFORTS) to have some stupid shits who did nothing but carp in comment threads that I was insufficiently committed to the cause
Good on you for participating in a phone bank. Involved citizens is what wins elections.
The Moar You Know
@A Ghost To Most: A few weeks back, on looking at my Facebook feed, I had the thought: “what we need is some good old-fashioned heavy-handed censorship in this country.” Then I blocked about half the people on it. A good start.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Thus endeth Wonkette. First, Amazon cut off their money flow, now this will insure most of their commentors flee for their lives after frantically trying to scrub their Disqus history. Seriously, this will fuck them over but good. Doing your backend on the cheap for a monetized blog always ends badly. Their IT people should have known better. You bring that shit in house, even though it costs.
No Drought No More
ROT = Russia Owns Trump.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Remember how Gliuliani was always in front of a TV camera? Where has he gone? Why so quiet, Rudy? Oh, on advice of your lawyers for your illegal activities? Funny, how that works.
@The Moar You Know:
What do you mean? Why?
@Yarrow: Rudy was spotted in Ukraine a few weeks ago.
Uncle Cosmo
Stop thinking of Putin as the New Tsar & start thinking of him as First-Among-Oligarchs with a flag & nuclear-equipped armed forces. IMHO things make a lot more sense then. Inter alia, Vlad-the-Paler is doing the work the Mercers & Kochs & Adelsons want done: Destroying democratic governance in any nation (or combination of nations) strong enough to put limits on their wet dream of financial-feudalism-on-steroids. So naturally the Thuglicans fall right into line – he’s just another one of their liege lords.
Call your Senators and Representatives if you haven’t already.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Schindler gets things right some of the time. But so does a stopped clock. I got tired of his puffery long before he blocked me.
That said, there is indeed a question about what was going on in the FBI before the election, particularly the New York office, where Giuliani had connections. But it’s not that one agent sent another emails indicating a dislike for Trump.
We have tax information from Trump’s 2005 tax return. He earned about $150 million, but seems to have had $100 million in net operating loss. Of his total tax liability $31 million was alternative minimum tax (AMT). One of the tax proposals would eliminate AMT. That’s a chunk of money freed up for other purposes such as legal bills. And that’s just one year.
Also, in 2005, Trump earned $9 million in interest income. What do you think the principal must have been?
And I am sure that the Russians are going to pay him very handsomely for services rendered.
Trump will make out OK.
Unless, of course, he is impeached, convicted and thrown out of office like the con man he is. That will extract some punishment.
A WSJ investigation has uncovered thousands of fraudulent posts on agencies’ dockets, in areas like net neutrality and payday lending, some using what appear to be stolen identities posted by computers programmed to pile comments onto the dockets.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 14, 2017
Devastating investigative report by @BuzzFeed connecting the $230m theft Sergei Magnitsky exposed and was killed over to Russian funding for ISIS and Syrian chemical weapons. All done through Cyprus
— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) December 14, 2017
@Brachiator: I believe the most likely scenario is that he dies in office like Harding. Trump has to be really unhealthy.
Matt McIrvin
@catclub: His popularity with Republicans hasn’t dropped nearly as much, but that may be because the remaining self-identified Republicans are now the loyal Trumpists, and the right-wingers who don’t like him are going “independent”.
Probably, it’s just that he’s not winning. He was supposed to be universally beloved and MAGA-ing and so winning we got tired of winning by now. Obamacare was supposed to be gone. Political correctness was supposed to vanish. Liberals were supposed to get banished to the outer darkness and shut up forever, and they haven’t. If the tax bill passes, that’ll be theoretically a major policy win, but it’d be his first one (and an unpopular one that even many conservatives don’t like).
Looks like GOP Rep Farenthold may not run again. Good. Won’t necessarily be a Dem. pick up but he doesn’t need to be in the House.
Here’s where we are on the tax plan:
The clock is ticking. But there is still some time to rally efforts to stop this thing.
@catclub: @Brachiator:
Like I said, “not a prediction” but…do not make the mistake of ignoring his underlying impulsiveness. He ran on impulse, campaigned on impulse and despite the struggles of a few in the administration, governs on impulse.
There is no plan, there are no overarching strategies or tactics, there’s only what’s in front of his nose.
This is why he cannot be predicted with any reliability and why, like Palin, one day he can just get out of bed and say “Fuck it.”
My actual prediction is he doesn’t serve the entire term, Mueller is only part of the reason.
Matt McIrvin
I think he’s miserable–except when he’s doing these stupid rallies and being fawned over by sycophants. Everything else, he hates.
So would he voluntarily resign? No, you’re right about that. His ego wouldn’t let him.
@ET: And I think that means all of the sexual harassers (that we know of) are out, with one giant orange exception.
@MattF: That sounds logical. But, I am almost certain that if logic dominated their preferences, it would be a different world.
They would hate Paul Ryan for wanting to cut their Medicare, AND all of the Republican party. Since they have not made that logical connection for Paul Ryan and the rest of the GOP, why would they make it for Trump?
But thanks for cogitating on it.
Cheryl Rofer
I just added a companion piece on the Republicans and Russia to the OP.
The Moar You Know
@Yarrow: Amazon used to handle their payments. They have stopped doing so. It’s a problem for them.
This is in the article about Blake Farenthold and other srticles I was looking at last night:
No freakin’ idea. It’s Paypal or Stripe there only now. But the Disqus thing…I don’t know how they’re going to deal with that. Either lose a decade’s worth of comments when they move to a new system, or just fold the whole enterprise.
@Matt McIrvin: Maybe if we all got together and gave him a medal. A really big gold medal with stars on it.
@Yarrow: I like to think Mueller has turned Giuliani. It’s the romantic in me.
@Brachiator: That tax return was the one he wanted us to see. I do not take it as an example of what every year is like for him.
The Russians have paid him handsomely. They are now beginning to toss him under the bus. He may be too stupid to see it but it is happening. I don’t think they’ll reward him once he’s out of office.
something, which i cannot follow is happening with the passthrough income tax rates. They are now being converted into some sort of deduction rate. And all the articles now talk about some deduction, after which, I guess, the usual income tax rates apply. It is an credibly complicated kludge.
and it never is brought up as evidence that they are doing anything BUT simplifying the tax system with it. Under it, some passtrhough businesses will be treated as real passthrough businesses, while others will just be treated as ordinary income – the rules are being made up for this as we speak – in secret.
@rikyrah: Would these be Cyprus accounts that Manafort was tangentially related to? That was his bailiwick, correct?
I was very happy to see the Jones win (it was, truly, the first thing I checked on when I woke yesterday morning). But then lately I’ve also been seeing all of these pieces that say orange fart cloud will fire Mueller and nothing will be done about it because craven GOP etc etc.
BUT then I see something like what you linked to and I think ‘ha fuckers! warning shot across the bow to complicit GOP evilpeople and Russians!’ and it makes me a bit more optimistic. Rightfully or not. Feeling sort of schizophrenic about politics… Which is why I definitely have been keeping off the internet as much as possible lately.
reporting now no longer mentions the personal tax AMT and its status. Does anybody know. After the big goof on the corporate AMT, I guess it was no longer sexy. But it is a big deal, and if it is not included I bet Trump would balk at signing, saying he thought he was getting that ( cause he hates it).
@Cheryl Rofer: From the added article:
I think Adam had a post in the last week or so talking about Putin’s long game, the “penetration at all levels” thing. One of the avenues used to infiltrate the Republican party was creating ties between the US evangelical community and Russia. Since Evangelicals vote GOP almost 100%, it was an easy way to create ties between the party and Russia. I think since evangelicals make up such a significant portion of the GOP voting base, it’s harder for Republican elected officials to oppose Russia than it would seem.
Related, I found this voting data interesting:
@The Moar You Know: Interesting. Thanks. That’s weird.
@hueyplong: Depending on who you want to believe, there are rumors that Giuliani begged for a deal from Mueller and was turned down because Giuliani has nothing worthwhile to offer Mueller. If true, that makes me even happier.
Cheryl Rofer
@Yarrow: It’s beginning to look like the NRA could have been a conduit for Russian money too.
@Yarrow: Love it.
There has to be a reason why from Day 1 the Trumpies pursued an I heart Russia policy. The starting premise has to be that the entire crowd saw big money in Russian deals. Manafort, Flynn and the info re Russian financing for Trump business activities – they all point to this corrupt motive. How Pence figures in is interesting, since how can this apparent pinhead end up being connected to everything.
The Russian interference in the election appears to be of purely Russian origin, and is just the Russian state weaponizing the Russian credit card scammers. If anything, the Russian meddling was overplaying it, and has created a problem for Trump since they would have been happy to perform favors for the Russians for business deals without regard to election meddling. The Russians dangled election meddling as additional bait, and the naturally corrupt Trump crew jumped at that. Just how much they jumped is unclear, but they were clearing willing to collude. Someone came up with the idea of using Wikileaks as the intermediary in order to give everyone deniability, and Assange was more than happy to give cover to Russian espionage in order to fuck with Clinton.
I dont think the Trumpies gave much thought to the blowback that would result from Russian election meddling, or their involvement in it. Like many craven business people, they were nosing for deals, and pulling on threads to see what profit might result from it. Blowback is just not a concern cause its almost never an issue in their world.
Winning the election meant pursuing these Russian deals in exchange for lifting sanctions on Russia. They knew this was radioactive. Its why Kushner was caught trying to set up secure communications through the Russian embassy. They knew they had to keep this secret from US intel. It shows the corrupt motive. What I wonder is who gave Kushner the idea to do this – Kushner was acting pursuant to someone elses plan.
Its also why they have lied non-stop about endless contacts with Russians. They knew they were persuing dirty deals, and assumed they could just lie their way out of it. After all, that usually works in their business world. Flynn had to go first cause he got caught – not because anyone was surprised or unaware of the lie. Imagine what Kushner thought, since he repeated the same lies endlessly for his security clearance.
Trump himself knows all this, and went into damage control with Comey. When he realized Comey would not heel like an obedient dog, the Trumpies started to freak. They decided jointly to fire him, and its clear Kushner was part of this obstruction since he could clearly see that he had the same problem as Flynn, only much worse.
Trump gleefully acted like this act, akin to a mafia hit, solved his problem. And who does he brag to about this? The Russian foreign minister the very next day in the Oval Office. You can sense the Russians waiting with some unease for the Trump promise of sanctions rollback to come to fruition, and the Trumpies saying wait until the smoke clears.
This issue exposes the corruption and lying of the Trumpies right to the core. They would sell out US interests for Russian money, and claim that is good policy.
Steeplejack (phone)
Villago Delenda Est
@Cheryl Rofer: Makes sense that this country’s premiere terrorist organization would fall in line with Putin’s oligarchy.
@Matt McIrvin:
But…BUT…his ego won’t allow his ’empire’ to crumble, leaving him (and Ivanka!) penniless. Show him that you can make RICO charges stick, and he’ll confess to everything in exchange for being allowed to keep some of his millions.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Amir Khalid: I think Moore’s senate loss will shows how it end; Trump will blame someone else for how it goes down.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I wonder if McMaster failed to recognize Fiona Hill. In my experience of professional situations, men can’t always distinguish between two women to whom to they are not sexually attracted, especially if they are middle aged or older.
Mary G
I can’t imagine how many times Hillary would have been impeached by now if she had blatantly ignored the new sanctions against Russia Congress passed months ago. Tillerson even shuttered the State Department office that handled them. Yet nobody has said boo about it.
Cheryl Rofer
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Good point.
Or he could have felt that she handled the situation badly, should have played along and acted like a clerk. This part of the anecdote bothers me a lot.
So the President thinks one of his aides is a clerk. The way something like this is usually handled is that he is corrected and graciously apologizes. It doesn’t wreck a working relationship.
But yeah, it’s Trump.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
This sounds like what happened
Jim, Foolish Literalist
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Cheryl Rofer:
It is Trump. Trump is never wrong in his mind and probably reacts explosively when corrected. MM wanted to keep his job and did not want to anger Trump so he played along with Trump’s delusion. Pretty scary and pathetic.
Fiona Hill also happens to be a Putin expert from the Brookings Institute. She’s on the NSC and other stuff atm. Trump appointed her himself. He should know who she is.
No offense to Hill, but her not having supermodel looks probably didn’t do her any favors with Trump either.
@Mary G: I can’t imagine how many times Hillary would have been impeached by now, regardless of what she did. Just being Hillary Clinton is an impeachable offense to the Repugs.
Yeah, that’s about it.
@Cheryl Rofer: Yep. Such an easy way for them to launder money. Same with church organizations and donations.
@Yutsano: Indeed.
Same here. Rank discrimination!!!
@catclub: Last I heard yesterday, individual AMT was back in. No details about whether it had a different rate, trigger points for things, what might be deductible within that regime, or anything else.
The AMT is the one thing I think does need to be changed in U.S. individual income tax. It massively disadvantages upper middle class people who actually work for their money vs. exceedingly high income rent takers. Effective tax rate for someone in management, law, medicine, whatever who makes $300k/year is significantly higher than investor class people pulling in multiple millions, but manage to have most of it come through as capital gains or unearned income or offset by depreciation deductions, etc. AMT was not intended to ensnare everyone in the top 8-10% of individual earners, but that’s what it does.
once you classify the income that only the massively rich get as to be taxed at half the rate for EARNED income, everything else is inconsequential.
I would be happy to drop AMT IF in exchange they also raised the tax rate on interest, and capital gains to be the same as on earned income.
Given that the present GOP wanted to remove the AMT and LOWER taxes on the very rich, I would argue to keep the AMT.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): We’re a little bit invisible if their dicks don’t notice us.
@rikyrah: I learned everything I know about Sergei Magnitsky from Peet’s podcast. What was done to him was absolutely heartbreaking and beyond despicable. Now when I hear the bullshit lie that “we were just talking about adoptions” I am enraged. Putin is truly evil.
Holy crap, that’s huge!
I nominate this for a rotating tag.
edit: I see that I am talking to myself. Dead thread.
@catclub: Keep the AMT but peg it to inflation. Which it should have been in the first place.
@Yarrow: I don’t know — it would be kind of sweet to know that Giuliani was singing like a bird to sell out the NYC FBI office people who leaked to him.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): He is a Balloon Juice favorite, though! Much noble, so smart wow.
A Ghost To Most
@divF: A distinction without a difference.
@WaterGirl: Can’t be dead. I’m still here. Dammit, invisible again.
@A Ghost To Most:
You’re too annoying to me, so you get pied by me. Goodbye.
@MattF: @trollhattan: Pie filter a miss for me since Firefox 57.0.1. Really would like to have it work again.
@Matt McIrvin: For crimes against writing, George Will should be shot at dawn.