I’ve just been in a seething rage the past 48 hours. This tax bill may have pushed me over the edge. Oh, and shitheads like Mike Murphy, who looks like a conehead with pubic hair for a combover:
60 fucking votes and it was only Democrats because the Republicans got their amendments and changes and voted against it for purely political reasons. https://t.co/lLHDnrrmAn
— Serenity Now! (@Johngcole) December 16, 2017
.@murphymike douchebags like you like to pretend you are better than the current GOP and sit there and say "How did we get to this and how did we get to Trump" while throwing your hands up in the air and saying Republicans used to be better.
— Serenity Now! (@Johngcole) December 16, 2017
You know how we got to this? Because of the crap you are trying to pull today. You're just making shit up, knocking out revisionist both side nonsense, and trying to make up what happened.
— Serenity Now! (@Johngcole) December 16, 2017
We got to where we are because of people like you. You're fundamentally no different than Trump or Sarah Palin. The only difference betwee you and them is the shit you make up is appealing to idiots like Chris Cilizza.
— Serenity Now! (@Johngcole) December 16, 2017
so just shut the fuck up and go back to your regularly scheduled day drinking, you god damned hack.
Nice work on the Bush campaign, btw. Y'all got what, 1 percent of the vote? Maybe?
— Serenity Now! (@Johngcole) December 16, 2017
His response was to block me. Lying ass prick.
Penguins look like shit. At least SNL is new with Kevin Hart and the Foo Fighters.
I hear you, Cole.
I hear you.??
Corner Stone
Mike Murphy is just like all the rest of the Never Trumpers. They refuse to own up to what they have done for the last 20+ years and given the fucking slightest opportunity will either “both sides” something negative or flat out blame one of the Clintons.
Mr. Nancy from American Gods: “Anger is good. Anger gets sh-t done.”
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
*sees “you kids get off my lawn” tag*
The real problem with political leaders at this moment is that they’re spoilt little butthurts. After all, misery builds character.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Corner Stone: what the fuck is up with his head
You go John!
The really horrific part is that this is not the worst thing they will have done to the nation.
Major Major Major Major
John is the Ghost of Christmas Blast
Corner Stone
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Murphy was drawn by the creators of South Park.
Right there with you, Cole. My friend is staying with me while she recovers so I am on a news break mostly because I cannot stop myself from talking back to the tv.
Here’s a nice story for all of us but especially Schrodinger’s Cat about a stray calico who made a friend at the zoo. calico and lynx
Repeating yet irresistible, What This Country Needs Is Foo.
A Ghost to Most
@Cataphract: @Cataphract:
Thank you. I was wondering where I picked up that saying. It’s kind of a go to.
Looking at Murphy, I now understand why balding men shave their heads.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Corner Stone: some people look like total shit without beards
also bullSHIT that isn’t Dan Akyroyd in a fat suit
Maybe a walk in the woods with the dogs would be relaxing.
Saw The Last Jedi.
Grade: B-
Why are you holding back John? Tell us how you really feel.
@MomSense: That is adorable, thanks.
Honestly we either trim very close or shave so that we don’t end up being mistaken for a moronic asshole who can’t admit the truth. Or scare children.
@Cacti: Because you’re not a kid. I hated TFA, because I dont want my kuds exposed to writing THAT lazy, but every SW movie is at least a little crappy, even Empire.
Lee Hartmann
you and me, Cole. you and me. is there anything these puds can’t damage?
I do love e a good John Cole rant.
@Lee Hartmann:
Let’s not give them any incentive to try to be worse than they already are. Either that or so decimate them that they stay down forever. I like the second choice.
this battle is NOT OVER!
Preach it, brother, right there with you.
Challenge is holding my shit together long enough to rebuild, repair all that’s been torn down, ransacked.
I’m gradually thinning and lately I’ve been telling the barber to just buzz it close. I admit the truth.
Another Scott
@MomSense: Nice, but it’s kinda sad that Time feels the need to recycle a story from June 18, 2014. :-/
Just One More Canuck
Christ, that’s a real person? Looks like the love child of Christopher Walken and Peter Boyle
@T S:
I did prefer it to TFA. But with JJ Abrams now directing the third installment, I imagine the quality will take a step backward.
Ha, I read the twitter thread earlier today. It’s almost like Cole was in the army once and picked up all the grade A swear words.
@Feebog: Fuckin A.
Peanut is getting a Kindle Fire for Christmas. I am going to set it up under my Amazon account. But, I already have my own Kindle Fire under my account. Does anyone know if I can have two from the same Amazon account?
Buzz mine every week, I only shave every 3-4 weeks because I hate shaving, so I’m not shaving my head. Besides, like I said I don’t like to unnecessarily scare children.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@T S: As a SW fan I have to say you’re not wrong. The prequels are terrible, the first three are OK with some great moments but… TFA was just A New Hope. I actually liked Rogue One the most of any SW movie. Haven’t see the new one. Also, how the hell did the world’s most bumbling bounty hunter get to be such a thing?
Eric S.
@germy: I bought my own clippers.
@Just One More Canuck: Yup, real person, GOP political consultant from out here in CA. IIRC, he ran the Governator’s campaign.
I got a new 6TB hard disk and copying all my pics over from the USB external disk. Should be done sometime tomorrow morning.
@rikyrah: I’ve got a whole bunch of Kindles on my account, because I rarely get rid of an old one when I get a new one.
Mike J
@rikyrah: I know Amazon lets you set up child accounts for Prime video, so I imagine it’s the same with the kindle.
@Eric S.:
“One simple trick – barbers hate it!”
MoveOn, Democracy21, Public Citizen, and DailyKos, and I’d guess other groups, are organizing rapid response demonstrations if Trump fires Mueller. So look who is planning something in your area and sign up.
The Resistance Is Already Planning for When Trump Fires Mueller
By Michelle Goldberg,Slate
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: Try these and see if they help:
Corner Stone
@germy: You will not believe what Eric S. looks like today – it is insane!
Thanks for the Amazon tips. Yeah, gonna have to put controls on it, but I had planned for that.
I have 2 Kindle Fires. Both work fine. I’ve never set one up for use by a family member. There should be something in Help for that. Or contact customer service. This has got to be common.
Cornel West talked about “We Were Eight Years In Power” and hilarity ensued.
Coates responded:
Beautifully done, Cole. STICK it to the smug ass lying piece of shit. ❤️❤️❤️
@Corner Stone: Hopefully not as bad as Mike Murphy.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: @Ruckus: @Eric S.: All follicles matter!
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Amazing what happens when you review a book without reading it!
Felanius Kootea
@germy: Actually, it is. Moore just needs some donations from gullible evangelicals before the Alabama Secretary of State certifies Jones as the winner. Total scam artist that Moore.
I think it’s the “I’m gonna let my hair (where I have it) grow really long so I look like a kewl kid or hippie” look that, under the best of circumstances, is not a good look. And he’s about 50 pounds past “the best of circumstances.”
I guess the alternative would be for him to put it into a chonmage, but he’s about 70 pounds and a million clues away from that.
But, as Shakespeare or someone else said: What a fucking dork.
@rikyrah: Yes you can. I have multiple Kindles, my iPhone and iPad all on the same account. I know a family who has one account designated for the Kindles. Everyone buys their ebooks on that account, so everyone can share. It runs off somebody’s credit card and the others buy gift cards to cover their purchases. There used to be a limit of five, but I don’t think they do that any more.
Thought perhaps this bit of history might interest you.
@Adam L Silverman:
He could have avoided that mistake by simply reading the briefest of reviews. Rather than assuming it was a book about the eight year reign of the neoliberal Obummer.
@Corner Stone:
Are you going to make us click through 37 screens to find out?
Corner Stone
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I can’t keep our Eric(s) straight but I think this one may have a Porsche. So being wispy or bald kind of goes with that at his age.
@Felanius Kootea:
Moore probably asked his wife “Did Jill Stein have to give the money back for her recount?”
Amaranthine RBG
Tavis Smiley, Cornell West … what has happened to all our heroes?
Corner Stone
@SFAW: There was no click collusion! No clicks. I never even made a website. Even the Democrats admit there was no clicking, even after all the millions spent trying to find some clicks. A total hoax of a click site.
Whose heroes were they?
Corner Stone
But what I am *really* interested in is this Balloon Sinusitis treatment that ads on this site keep telling me about. That sounds like something I can use!
It’s just ArgleBargle being his typical, assholish, troll self.
Totally outclassed, you jerk.
Great book, by the way.
Ya know how sometimes a guy is called a “dickhead”? It dawned on me that Murphy it the first actual example of one, that I can recall
This is not how Twitter works.
Cole Fail.
Regarding the new bogus scandal over Mueller obtaining Trump transition team emails: apparently it is total BS. Just dust thrown up by Trump lawyers.
‘ @chrisgeidner spoke to a senior GSA lawyer, who said of the Trump transition team: “In using our devices,” transition team members were informed that materials “would not be held back in any law enforcement” actions.
“Therefore, no expectation of privacy can be assumed.” ‘
Edit: Bertrand tweet found via Josh Marshall twitter feed.
Edit2: And my IANAL BS detector was right this time, when in one story, the Trump lawyers said that it was currently illegal and Congress needs to pass a law to make it illegal. The Trump people are so desperate or dumb, they can’t put out BS and lies that pass the laugh test. That kind of nonsense is fish in a barrel even for US TV news actors, if they feel like putting in any effort at all.
Take a look at the GIF that goes with this tweet:
Amaranthine RBG
Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I could swear there is someone, somewhere
Watching me
Through the wind, and the chill, and the rain
And the storm, and the flood
I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood
Amaranthine RBG
It’s exactly how Twitter works. Which is why it sucks so hard.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Yep.
I get asked every once in a while to review a book for an academic journal. I once did one where the book was just bad. Huge factual errors and significant stylistic problems. We’re talking putting Steeplejack into a coma significant stylistic problems! I actually asked the book review editor if they wanted me to write it up given my take and what I could document as problematic. The response was yes. So I did, trying to keep it polite and professional, but accurate. The book’s author was pissed. Wrote the journal and me demanding a retraction and apology or there would be consequences. The journal told him they’d print a short letter of rebuttal from him. Then they asked me to do one to address his letter, which had basically not addressed anything in my review. Basically my response was: yes, I read your book, twice. And it didn’t get any better the second time.
If the Tribalism thing is as heavy as we perceive it, when do we meet in battle to slaughter The Other? On a night when there’s no good TV? “Damn, there’s always something good on TV!”
Re ‘illegal’ transfer of Trump transition emails to Mueller, it may get even better: apparently written and signed agreements between GSA and Trumpsters that when they used GSA devices and equipment, they should have no expectation of any privacy rights. I think what we are seeing is bad news, in that by now clear that groundwork is being laid to fire Mueller, probably they want to see if any of their BS, lies, and smears sways public opinion enough to risk it. Good news is that they are complete fools.
The Trump Campaign Claims A Federal Office Illegally Turned Over Transition Emails To The Special Counsel
Chris Geidner, Buzzfeed News
[GSA counsel] ‘ Loewentritt read to BuzzFeed News a series of agreements that anyone had to agree to when using GSA materials during the transition, including that there could be monitoring and auditing of devices and that, “Therefore, no expectation of privacy can be assumed.” ‘
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
Just saw this on twitter
Adam L Silverman
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: And this surprises anyone?
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Matthews has made several public confessions of things that could be considered harassment, but said he left it all behind after he got into his current marriage. So… we’ll see.
@Adam L Silverman: I am astonished. I read more than one interview where Matthews talked about slipping his hand up fetching legs seated next to him at dinner and drink parties, but said he saw the error of his ways and reformed. He’s on TV and therefore always tells the truth.
Ohio Mom
@jl: My neighborhood Indivisible group started planning months ago what to do if Mueller gets fired: we are all to take our signs to the intersection in front of the Mall, since there is always a lot of traffic there (it is otherwise hard to find a guaranteed audience here in suburbia).
I hate standing out in the cold. Another reason to hate Trump.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
And if you don’t get shit done and just scream at the internet, that adrenaline in your blood turns to poison and you end up a wreck like Steve Bannon.
John, get real, your angry for 48 go to the damn gym and get it out that before you do a Brenbart and stroke out.
Odie Hugh Manatee
There is no such thing as a Never Trumper. The existence of a unicorn is more likely than a real Never Trumper. I’ve been reading plenty of so-called Never Trumpers and every single one of them like it when Trump does something they wanted. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. If they think their mouthing the words “Never Trump” and applying it to themselves absolves them of the disaster that their party and Trump are wreaking on America, they can take that thought and just shove it up their ass.
Then pull it out and chew on it for a while. Fuck them.
Corner Stone
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Oh, man. I don’t doubt it re: Tweety. I guess we’ll see if this plays out.
Amaranthine RBG
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Chris Matthews, Tavis Sliley, Alex Kozinski — I think I am seeing a pattern here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Welcome back.
@Ohio Mom: That is good to hear. I live in SF Bay Area, so probably just have to go outside and see where the neighborhood demonstration is.
But, seriously, I need to take my own advice and look up what is planned for my area, since I think chances are rising fast that they will attempt it.
@Adam L Silverman:
hahahaha I bet that one burned for awhile.
mike in dc
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Oh please. Santa be generous to me this Xmas. Put him out of our misery.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Good to see you here.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: It is the Capitol here in Madison, but there is a location set up in Rhinelander, WI – it is prime Trumpland; rural, poor, not fond of the “elites” who come up from the South (Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, and, hell, even Wausau) and act all fancy with their cabins and non-rusty vehicles. Second Amendment types who have never met a person of color or a Jew (that they know of).
Patricia Kayden
@germy: Yes it is. Moore lost. Love that he’s still trying to raise $$$ though. Grifters gotta grift.
How did we get to Trump, indeed? Do these Republican putzes remember when Bush ordered the CIA and the military to torture prisoners? You can’t go too much lower than that, and it’s far from clear that Trump’s traitorous activities are any worse than those of the Torturer in Chief.
@Omnes Omnibus: I guess the BJ community is ahead of me in terms of planning. I posted that comment to Cole as a suggestion for how to do something constructive,instead of stewing away and stroking out.
If Trump starts trying to fire Mueller, I’ll be out in the streets, like I was before the Iraq invasion. But suddenly I realize I gotta find out right now where to go. Quick search on the internet already shows several places in SF, I just have to decide which group i like best and which is quickest to get to now.
Patricia Kayden
@germy: Why is Professor Cornell West fronting like he’s part of the poorer classes of Black folk. He’s not. I assume he misinterpreted the title as referring to President Obama’s time in the White House. We all know how much he hated Obama (jealous as hell).
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Poor woman. She’d need a bath towel from all the slobbering and spitting and shouty “come on” talk.
@smintheus: Power to mess with our elections is just as bad, IMHO. Trump and, at least the GOP House, derelict in that department. No efforts to safeguard US from foreign meddling with state election systems, and their voter suppression efforts continue, though not as strong or as fast as I had feared, since they are incompetent at everything.
After Donald Trump, Mike Murphy and Trent Franks are the 2 most physically repulsive Republicans.
mike in dc
Have you seen Roger Stone?
Malfeasance. Misfeasance. Nonfeasance.
We all need to get up to speed with the distinctions.
Bad linky. Fix:
We all need to get up to speed with the distinctions.
I have always wanted some to take Murphy down. Thanks John.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks, but no welcome needed since I never left. I just don’t care to comment much online any more.
It’s better for the blood pressure. :)
@WaterGirl: Thanks! How is your health holding up (if I remember correctly, you have RA too)? Stiff but still moving here… :)
@jk: Cursing you for making me google Trent Franks.
Normally, as a response, I would link to the infamous picture of Blake Farenthold in his pajamas, but even I am not that cruel nor that much of an asshole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I just hadn’t seen your ‘nym in a while.
I am, but I am too lazy.
The name rang a big nasty bell but I couldn’t remember why it did.
I wish I could still say that.
@Ruckus: I just googled the name, followed by “photos” so I didn’t get to read about him. I am appreciating my blissful ignorance.
It looks like Trent Franks’ face is sliding off his skull. Shall we blame the pull of gravity or are his facial features fleeing for a less evil host?
His heinous visage reminds me of the melting Nazis from the first Indiana Jones installment; so apropos!
Saw it today. Walked out of the theater wanting to punch the director.
Fuck it all, my childhood has been defiled forever. It can all burn down now.
/Peak Depression
@Cacti: West’s first book, The American Evasion of Philosophy, was awfully good.
Holy shit. Stop making fun of people’s appearances. How old are you, eight or nine?
Honestly, there is enough to ridicule the GOP/rightwing with based on their beliefs and behaviors. Making fun of people’s genetics or birth defects is juvenile.