When Joe Walsh has decent ideas for Democratic attack ads….
One more thing to remember about this tax bill:
The tax cut for corporations is permanent.
The tax cut for you is temporary.
That sounds like a good Democrat commercial in 2018. And it should be.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) December 19, 2017
I hope these bastards aren’t safe on K Street after they get voted out of office.
I hit on this post as I was cranking James Gang’s “Yer Album”!
Almost went with Out all night, sleep all day,
randy khan
The ads pretty much write themselves.
Whoa! Hadn’t listened to that in decades. Just checked it on YouTube and was reminded that they covered Buffalo Springfield’s “Bluebird.”
Anyway, depending on how late the Senate is up voting tonight, “Midnight Man” might be appropriate.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Dafuq is Joe Walsh right on something?
Citizen Alan
Knowing Walsh, I wonder if he’s pissed that the child support payments he doesn’t make aren’t tax deductible.
A pig just flew past my window trailing a banner reading: “Joe Walsh makes sense.”
Major Major Major Major
I was reading the WaPo straight news on it earlier today. Right after they quoted Paul Ryan or Yertle saying that this would be “taking the money from Washington and giving it back to the hard working middle class”—and I mean right after—they described the tax bill as centering around a massive and permanent reduction in the corporate rate, as well as personal tax cuts that primarily benefit the wealthy.
So, even the newspapers have noticed.
Voting rights is just pure win for us. Liberals like it, centrists like it, even the Bernsters like it. It works, too! When more people vote we win. These don’t come along everyday. We all agree on this. It’s unifying. The best part? We don’t need Congress. First. Or at all really.
Walsh also came to he defense of Mueller the other day.
Mike J
You don’t think that I know your plan,
What you try’n to hand me?
Jim in Nashville
I propose that when the Republicans start screaming about the deficit, that Democrats propose that for every dollar the Republicans want to cut from Social Security, that $1000.00 be cut from congressional retirement and the same from Medi-Care with the congressional health care.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Huh. I was mildly surprised he went with Bannon over trump, but that makes me wonder if he didn’t think he was gonna get a cushy job and didn’t. Hell hath no fury like a would-be ambassador to Ireland scorned…
@randy khan:
No, they don’t. Someone has to actively do that. They better start doing that very, very soon.
The Moar You Know
When the GOP has cratered so badly that guys like Joe Walsh (R-Deadbeat Dad) are willingly giving Dems good advice, you know your nation had a problem.
We sure do live in some strange times.
Also, a buddy and me were discussing guitarists of the rock genre just the other day and I had to rate The Bomber in my top 5 all time anywhere. He’s responsible for an awful lot of memorable riffs and songs, over a long period of time. Seen him a couple times and he has a doozy of a catalogue.
Joe Walsh the stupid politician from my neck of the woods must be somehow hurt by the bill. He’s fantastically nuts.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): 2nd time in 3 weeks Walsh has said something sensible. Can’t remember what the first one was anymore, just that it was shocking and sometime around Thanksgiving.
Edit: GregB has it, was Dec. 8th when he called Mueller a hero and pushed back against the beginning of the anti-Mueller torrent.
I am also enjoying watching Chris Christie’s nubby fingers sticking a metaphorical shiv into Jared’s lanky frame.
The GOP and Trump have also tethered themselves to the economy with a firm lash now.
When President Shitheel decides to help Saudi Arabia light up the Middle East, that should be great for the economy.
Not to mention they are bumping up against a cyclical recession.
Enjoy the ride assbags.
Mary G
Today Voters, Not Politicians in Michigan handed in their entirely volunteer-run petition with 425,000 signatures for amending the state constitution to take gerrymandering away from the Republicans and hand it to a nonpartisan panel, like we did here in California.
This is change from the ground up I can believe in. The main reason they are getting away with the loot is that too many citizens can’t be bothered to even vote, or base their ballot on their tribe, or go after unicorns and ponies brandished by Russia and third party candidates.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Steeplejack (phone)
“Walk Away.”
I would write a series of ads that compare and contrast what the elite got compared to what the rest of us got. I’m just making these numbers up, they are probably worse.
Betsy DeVoss: $100 million windfall courtesy of taxpayers (flash an ugly mug shot) Teachers (sympathetic clip of young inner city teacher): Tax increase because they no longer get to write off classroom expenses
Steven Mnuchin $75 million windfall courtesy of taxpayers (flash ugly mug shot with trophy wife): Working couple in New York: $$$ tax increase due to loss of deductible state and local taxes.
Just endless compare and contrast the Trump Cabinet and Big Republican donors to individual selected Americans who are getting screwed. Every week a new crop of poster children for Trump greed and a new crop of sympathetic Americans who got screwed by Trump.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Looking at the numbers, Raygoon was at 49% because unemployment was high at 8.6% and inflation was high at 8.4%
So when unemployment and inflation declined, Raygoon’s numbers went up.
Today the unemployment rate is at 4.1% and inflation is at 2.2%. Drumpf can’t count on any future decline to boost his ratings. It only gets worse from here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): Walk away another way.
Steep, guess without clicking.
Mary G
Major Major Major Major
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: “I broke Reagan’s popularity record!”
Woody Lucas
I get the tax cuts for corporations are permanent as far as they don’t expire, but once we get sane people back in government, they could raise the taxes again, right? Kinda like Kansas had to do when reality stomped on their magical tax cuts that pay for themselves.
I hope the bastards aren’t safe on any street. It’s what I want for Christmas, dammit.
This is a real head-scratcher. Could it possibly be that this smash-and-grab is so overt that it’s making alarms go off in even the insane-populist residence hall?
Major Major Major Major
@Woody Lucas: Once we get sane people back in government they can pass whatever constitutional legislation they want.
@Woody Lucas:
Best thing the Dems could do if they hold both houses and the presidency in 2020 would be to rip the entire Republican tax bill out by the roots, lock stock, and barrel. Then invite everyone to the table to do it right. Of course that will never happen. But still. Rip the whole thing out, turn back the clock. Then do a bipartisan bill that brings back rationality and fairness. If Republicans don’t sign on then fine, they can chose not to vote for reasonable middle class tax cuts.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Woody Lucas: permanent is a misnomer. It only means it doesn’t self expire. you can always change it in the future via legislation.
Doug R
@Kent: Repeal and Replace!
Omnes Omnibus
@Woody Lucas: This is rhetorical, right?
Matt McIrvin
@Woody Lucas: Yes, though the norm for the past 40 years has been that raising taxes is political suicide and lowering them is cost-free.
I think, though, that people just might be wising up to the idea that the tax savings of “the average American” don’t matter much when “the average American” is the mean of you and the Koch brothers.
He’s tellin’ us this and he’s tellin’ us that
Changes it every day…
Says it doesn’t matter
Bases are loaded and Donnie’s at bat…
Time to change the batter…
fucking robber barons with parking spaces
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ha! You got me. That song crossed my mind, but I thought, “No, Omnes is too young.” Got stuck trying to think of something from the Costello canon.
Extra points for making both the song and the artist relevant to the thread!
Holy hell – I am listening to that right now!! Love the James Gang!!