The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their “pockets.” The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2018
I just heard someone on one of the cable networks claim Donald Trump has the moral authority to speak on behalf of the Iranian protesters.
My fucking ass he does. The guy who spent his election having mobs of brownshirts attack peaceful protestors at his rallies, whose attorney general tried to convict a woman for LAUGHING at him, and who is still is trying to convict people who protested his inauguration convicted on false charges of rioting doesn’t have any fucking moral authority to speak on behalf of protesters ANYFUCKINGWHERE.
Not to mention, he doesn’t give a shit about the protestors, he just wants to get rid of the Iranian deal because Obama orchestrated it and Grima Wormtongues like Mattis, Miller, Tom Cotton and and Lindsey Graham wanna get on their war face.
Too bad the Dotard doesn’t think NFL players should have the same rights as Iranians.
I miss having a U.S. president who grokked and cared about the outside world enough to realize that the only thing loud and proud American support could do for Iranian protesters was to help discredit them by painting them as spies and traitors, and so kept the commentary to a minimum.
It’s not just that Donald Trump specifically doesn’t have the moral authority to speak on behalf of Iranian protesters, although holy God, that too. Any President of the country that killed Iranian democracy in 1953 in the first place lacks that moral authority.
Did you miss Press Sec Sanders decrying the Iranian government leaders’ grift & corruption? If irony was ever still alive, it would’ve blown it’s own noggin clean off.
If he’s so concerned about the Iranian people, how about making it easier for them to come to the US?
This will end up being much worse for us all, especially the Iranian protestors.
Adam L Silverman
The one thing to keep in mind is virtually no one you see commenting on what is happening in Iran has any real idea or understanding of what is happening in Iran. Other than something is happening in Iran.
I’ve now seen it suggested that this is being run by the IRGC to discredit Rouhani, that it is actually Saudi backed and funded after Reza Pahlavi’s visit to see Muhammed bin Salman in Riyadh about a week or so ago or that it is in fact spontaneous. Honestly, I have no way of knowing and neither does anyone else who is going to be free to comment. Though I think the second one unlikely and the first one also to be unlikely. Though if the IRGC did foment their own popular uprising and think they can control it, they’re a lot dumber than I thought they were. At this point all we can do is wait and watch. If we interfere it will make things much, much worse. And, as with the case of every color revolution and all of the Arab Springs, I fully expect that whatever emerges from this if it is successful in bringing down the government will ultimately stall and backslide and then be repeated. What we like to think of as insurgencies and insurrections and rebellions are often the violent self help components of state and societal formation. It isn’t a neat, orderly, clean, and/or quick process. And it is usually iterative and prolonged.
The best thing the U.S. can do when it comes to internal Iranian politics is to generally support the free speech and right of political dissent for protesters in Iran and everywhere else, without making this about scoring political points domestically or about the U.S. “winning” in its disputes with the current Iranian government. The best thing you can do for Iran’s current rulers is to suggest that the U.S. is somehow “behind” Iranian political protesters. Somebody who came GD close to showing fealty to one of the most repressive nations on the face of the earth (Saudi Arabia) doesn’t have a fucking clue about how to do this.
@amygdala: I was thinking same thing. Dolt makes no sense.
Since the topic is Dolt 45, while in hotels during downtime over break, I whiled away the hours checking whether there was any sign of the ‘Trump boom’ I kept hearing about on the crazy-train show of loopy gossip that we call US TV news. I checked per capita economic growth, stock market, real labor compensation, investment, population employment ratio. Nothing remarkable at all. Except labor market stats, which are deteriorating slightly except for unemployment rate. But I am not sure what the unemployment rate tells us as long as the employment population ratio stays so depressed for prime age workers since 2000 and 2007.
Bobby Thomson
Donald Trump blocks citizens from his Twitter account.
@amygdala: He’s not concerned about the Iranian people. He probably couldn’t even pick out Iran on a map if the map had the countries’ names on it. He cares about destroying anything President Obama did.
Villago Delenda Est
This stuff is all beyond the mental abilities of anyone at all with a -R after their name to approach in anything nearing a rational manner.
Ian G.
Yeah, the gibberish from this senile buffoon is exactly what the Iranian government wants. They can start claiming the US, and Shitgibbon in particular, are behind the protests.
Villago Delenda Est
@Barbara: THIS
Why does he randomly put words in quotes? It’s so bizarre.
Technically, I think it’s “Grimas Wormtongue”.
@Adam L Silverman: There are a bunch of idiot MAGA people who know nothing about Iran commenting, and it is really pissing me off. These people who do not care about women are talking about how they want the Iranian women to have freedoms. I have had enough. Also there are some trolls talking about how the true religion of Iran is Zoroastrianism, and I wish these guys would go back to 4chan where they belong.
Comcast must really love Bill Kristol because here he is:
Kraux Pas
MAGAs want women to have just enough freedom to look pretty in the kitchen and go to the store without their husbands, no more.
Maybe he assumes the mullahs don’t have pockets in those robes, so they are metaphorical pockets.
Saw a pic at another blog where someone has a side by side pic of Kaep kneeling and this tweet from Chump.
The Irony of Chump commending Iranians, but peaceful protest by NFL player…and they are ungrateful sons of bitches..
Pretty much.
What I’m seeing from the few conservatives I’m still connected to on social media is a whole heaping pile of stupid about how “liberals are so invested in the Iran deal that they’re trying to protect a dictatorial regime!” and other such stupidities.
Even though it’s obvious that that’s their only frame of reference, it’s still mind-boggling how incapable they are of seeing events anywhere in the world through any prism other than their own deranged domestic political obsessions.
mike in dc
Isn’t Iran the bete-noire justification for continued military aid/sales to Israel? If Iran falls and adopts a less hostile posture to Israel, the latter will have zero peer or near-peer adversaries in the region. Plus, far from guaranteed that a free, secular Iran would endorse the apartheid status quo in Israel/Palestine.
@Adam L Silverman:
Wait wait wait back up there.
The Revolutionary Guard?
The “sworn protectors” of Islamic revolution who exist by the whims of the Supreme Leader?
Conspiring with the son of the last Shah?
Now I’ve heard everything. Iran can get convoluted but that would take a majority commitment of the Guard generals. And most of them are interested in protecting their own little grift fiefdoms over anything. Unless they pretty much all had a guarantee of something in it for them, no way that happens. And Pahlavi would have nothing they could want.
Also: if this started in the countryside, that also leads me away from the ICRG.
@Starfish: And the true religion of Europe is Druidism. These people are such idiots.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
[citation needed]
Also, I don’t care if Trump gets a state funeral, I wish he was dead. He literally fucks up everything.
mike in dc
@Yutsano: I think those are two distinct scenarios, not one.
mike in dc
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Uh, maybe dial that back a notch?
Adam L Silverman
@oatler.: I watched that live this morning. It was excellent.
@Adam L Silverman:
It does seem counterintuitive that the IRGC would want to fire up popular anger at the government, even in the form of a sitting president they dislike. Paramilitary/secret police types like order and tranquility, not angry citizens putting pressure on the government. There have to be easier ways to embarrass Rouhani if that’s the goal here.
Then again, from what I read in the papers and history books, the tendency to set up Cunning Plans of political manipulation only to have them blow up in your face seems to be a talent common to intelligence agencies all over the world.
Once more, with feeling….Obama didn’t “give them money”. He freed up their own money that was frozen in U.S. banks under sanctions
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Cacti: If a reporter ever posed a question about that to him you’d never get a coherant answer out of him
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: No, two different theories. The first is that the IRGC set this up to discredit and ultimately remove Rouhani, as well as discredit all the other reformers. The second theory, separate from this, is that it was planned between Pahlavi and Muhammed bin Salman during the former’s visit with the latter and it is Saudi backed and funded.
Also: Mazdakites. Proto-Communists!
Why do you say that?
(My understanding is that the countryside is where you’re more likely to run into conservative, authoritarian, hard-liner attitudes, the kind that’re agreeable to the IRGC. Kind of like here).
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Easy there cowpoke!
Obama did not “give them” a single penny. All the returned assets were already owned by Iran or Iranians. Part of the agreement with Iran worked out among six nations (US, UK, France, Russia, China, Germany, plus the EU as partner) was to unfreeze assets.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@mike in dc:
Believe it or not I did.
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah neither one of those pass the smell test. Maybe it was wording but my brain convoluted the two.
It’s not lack of caffeine intake. I just slammed down a cinnamon dolce latte.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m seeing the never-trump neocons come out to say we must speak for the Iranian people! Because they’re all waiting for the Western Father Across the Seas to give them a thumbs-up. If Obama had had the “courage” to say…. something, the Green Revolution would have triumphed! No mention of the one statement by a US president that (I think, as a guy who reads the Sunday paper) that actually did have an impact on Iranian politics, the axis of evil imbecility. That was IIRC about 14 months after the people of Tehran held a candlelight vigil in honor of the victims of 9/11
Things got quite testy on MSNBC this morning when an Iranian writer (born in Iran, PhD from Johns Hopkins) reminded Bill Kristol that he has many times called for war against Iran. Bloody Bill started screaming about how this guy, again, born in Iran, probably has a few relatives there, didn’t care about the “Iranian people”. Stephanie Ruhle, whom I usually like, got very finger-waggy about Bill Kristol never calling for anyone to be killed. I didn’t know Kristol was in favor of one of them casualty- and violence-free invasions intended to topple a government.
Kraux Pas
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Fixed for inclusivity
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I believe it
Adam L Silverman
I don’t want to know what that is. Also, there will be mandatory coffee reeducation and training scheduled for you.
How long before he starts criticizing the mullahs for not being tough enough? Just like the Chinese, who almost blew it but put down the protests in Tiananmen Square with strength.–Wk35kIvHhg
Kraux Pas
So, in wingnut speak, Obama. Or…::dramatic chord::…”the establishment”
@Major Major Major Major:
I seen it
@Barbara: My husband was trying to talk me down because he knows I get stressed out when Someone’s Wrong on the Internet.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders really is such an ugly person. It’s not her looks, which are probably fine, it’s the ugliness of her soul that you can see in her cold, dead eyes. Her twisted mouth adds an extra layer of cruelty to her whole face. I literally cannot look at her. I turn away in horror.
@bobbo: Nice to understand what Trump admires in responsible national leadership.
Kraux Pas
@Adam L Silverman:
Sorry, sounds delicious.
Seriously. I don’t know why that ridiculous claim makes me so crazy when he and his minions make ridiculous claims endlessly, but it does. Just drives me up the wall and makes me very shouty.
Major Major Major Major
@Starfish: Zoroastrianism has a lot to answer for, introducing the concept of apocalyptic monotheistic dualism on an unsuspecting world like that. Thanks guys.
Meh. I think the world has learned that whatever Trump says is either irrelevant or advantageous to their position vis-a-vis the United States.
Hopefully we won’t actually do anything with respect to Iran.
@Major Major Major Major: Seriously, fuck those guys.
@Major Major Major Major: How’s Lisbon?
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: delightful. They even have a Golden Gate Bridge!
Wait. Wait. We need the Swooning New York Times to write about how Trump’s ravings are really part of that bold, brash approach to presidenting.
Meanwhile, do we have anybody left in the State Department who has some grasp of what is happening in Iran? Or in the intelligence agencies that Trump likes to bash?
@Major Major Major Major: I like Fado music.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Major Major Major Major:
Would you also believe I’m walking on air?
@Major Major Major Major: A Golden Gate Bridge? Why?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The fact that actual Middle Easterners keep stubbornly refusing to play their assigned part as happy flag-waving extras in the background of Republican live-action campaign commercials has been one of the most consistent frustrations Republicans have with them. I have a theory that this has done more than 9/11 itself to fuel Islamophobic sentiment on the right.
Mike in NC
Imagine how Trump would react if suddenly several wealthy Iranians expressed interest in membership at Mar-A-Lago. He’d double the rates again.
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: I’m guessing that those who are not free to comment have no idea what is happening either.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: I don’t know! But it was built by the people who did the Bay Bridge and then painted International Orange.
Captain C
“The American people support the right of the Iranian people to choose their own path and make their own decisions. The U.S. has no wish to interfere with this or abrogate these rights.” Lather, rinse, repeat.
Mike in NC
@Yarrow: Sarah Hillbilly Goebbels
Mary G
The NYT is selling multiple trips to Iran, accompanied by reporters. A couple are sold out and have a waiting list.
Can you say conflict of interest, children?
I read an article criticizing this yesterday, but I can’t remember where. I owe some reporter a hat tip.
@Major Major Major Major: Interesting! Glad you’re having a good time.
@Captain C:
Basically. Heck, I wouldn’t even mind going a little more explicit in support for the protesters, but, still… keep the profile low. A country that’s already experienced one Made-In-U.S.A. coup is not the place to be flaunting American support.
Roger Moore
@Kraux Pas:
MAGAs want women oppressed in the traditional American way, not some weird foreign Muslim way.
@Major Major Major Major: Isn’t it great? And the 28 Trolley serves as a cable car. I love Lisbon.
Nor yet anything else for that matter.
Captain C
It definitely would make it easier for the hard-liners to put it down.
I would also think any final rapprochement between the U.S. and Iran would have to have us apologizing for the '53 coup and them apologizing for the hostages.
@Brachiator: Do we have anyone left who can point to Iran on a map and know where it is relative to other regimes that the US has recently destabilized?
Mary G
@Mary G: PS The NYT also has an article about some tour companies cancelling trips to Iran. It looks like a beautiful place; I would love to go and see all the archaeological sites, but that’ll have to wait for my next life.
Can I just say on the State Funeral front, who the hell was the last Democratic president to pass on? I mean, Carter is still going at 94, Clinton is a spry 71 and of course Barack Obama is a paragon of health, at least in comparison to the wide load sloth in the White House currently. Its amazing how all of the Republicans have keeled over, but the Democrats seem to press on in life.
I think this is something that’s been a long time coming.
The GOP has been gaming the refs for a long time, suggesting that you don’t *dare* accurately describe a GOP talking point as “the sort of thing said by someone dumb as a box of Ritz crackers”. So the news reporters haven’t been doing that.”If a prominent GOP politician says the Iranian deal is terrible, and finances terrorism, we will report that, even if there’s no basis whatsoever for the claim.”
Now they have someone who will say *anything*, and they’re so used to transcribing, they won’t call out how baseless the statements are.
Hence, “Obamacare is failing” – why? “It’s failing”. In what way? “Every way”.
Hence, “The Iranian deal, the absolute best deal we reasonably could have gotten, is terrible, because Obama gave away the farm.”
How? “It’s a terrible deal!”
Hence, “Crooked Hillary” and Pocahontas, are valid statements, rather than “he returned to his baseless accusations of criminality and his pointless mockery of Native American ancestry…”.
Hence, “My account says I’ll be clobbered in this bill,”
Doesn’t it have a bunch of provisions where it’s almost *impossible* for it to fail to cut your taxes by an incredibly large amount?
“I’m going to get KILLED!”
And they *still* haven’t changed, one bit! They still publish BS like “the Democrats all agree there was no collusion” when no one has said anything remotely like that. (No, “I haven’t yet seen evidence of…” is not remotely like “there is no…”.)
We are still recovering from yesterday’s marathon by doing my mr fixit and cooking. I hit the wall in the middle of the afternoon after waking up at 3:30 again. I crashed for abut 45 minutes when the fuming bug man called to make an appointment. This fucker always calls me at the worst time and this was no exception.
@Major Major Major Major
Ever see the color scheme for the Golden Gate Bridge which the U.S. Navy vehemently pushed for (after it was constructed over Navy objections)?
The Army Air Force had their own ideas, calling for red and white.
Gin & Tonic
@Mary G: My understanding is there’s great skiing there. I’ve thought it would be fascinating to go, but I think my wife might object to that plan.
@NotMax: what was the reason for those colors, safety?
Gin & Tonic
@Raven: I’m glad you decided to go, budget be damned. You’d really be kicking yourself today if you hadn’t.
Captain C
@magurakurin: They were all Borussia Dortmund fans.
Mary G
@Raven: Did you have fun? Are you home already or fixing something for family here?
@Gin & Tonic: Considering how you broke your hand into a hundred pieces skiing, I can imagine she’d be unenthusiastic.
@Raven: Are you still in CA or did you head home?
@Mary G: For those of us in the cheap seats, we can use Flickr to look at images of Vank Cathedral. This Masoleum also looks promising.
You’re going to be much too happy to sleep well for a while!
I wasn’t watching the game, but just following the posts here last night was plenty exciting. Congratulations, the Dawgs deserved to win. Have you bought tickets for the championship yet?
So they claimed. Navigation warning. The pictured imaginings of how it would look don’t do full justice to the stripey patterns proposed, which likely would have all but hypnotized drivers as they crossed the span at speed.
You forgot Poppy Bush. Apparently grabbing women’s asses from his wheelchair keeps him young.
Paul T
I think the CIA is behind all of this.
@Raven: How was the parade?
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
The pretender Shah is a player in Iranian politics? I wouldn’t have thought that likely. Or does he just think he’s a player?
No better way not to be aloof than to be a raving lunatic.
Cheryl Rofer
Former CIA director John Brennan is about as angry as John Cole is.
Roger Moore
@Captain C:
Something about supporting the right to peaceful protest but decrying violence by either side wouldn’t be bad, either.
Mary G
I think Raven must have crashed again.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I’m beginning to think Trump is trying to goad someone—anyone—into war. In how few hours has he pissed off North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and, most recently, the Palestinians?
@Cheryl Rofer: No, Cole says fuck a lot more.
Gin & Tonic
@Mary G: Well, I’ve been skiing my whole life, and I’ve only fractured major bones twice, so I think that’s pretty decent. It’s the “Iran” part that I think would have her more nervous.
Mary G
Twitler is sundowning and playing with fire
Words fail me.
** DVR Alert **
OT, but screw it, and thematically appropriate, since we’re talking about the president, who is a bumbling con man.
W.C. Fields doesn’t get much play on TCM, but they’ve got some good ones tonight: It’s a Gift (a personal favorite) at 9:15 p.m. EST, The Bank Dick (a classic) at 10:45 and Never Give a Sucker an Even Break at 12:15 a.m. And then there are a couple of good shorts and then David Copperfield (meh) at 2:45 a.m.
Million Dollar Legs is about to start right now.
The Dangerman
Ahhhh … Washington State …. where you are always milliseconds away from a coffee place (well, in the cities, I mean)…
Mike J
@Steeplejack: I was once posted to Klopstockia.
Additional proof, as if any were needed, that irony is truly dead.
I hate Trump with every fiber of my being, and I suspect that a majority of BJ commentators feel the same way. The amazing thing is that Trump is so detestable that you really can’t come up with a term to describe him. To call him a steaming orange pile of dung is being too easy on him.
From Andy Borowitz:
Teddys Person
Apologies if this was already posted … a tweet from Dolt45
Please hurry Bobby Three Sticks before the orange scourge squatting in the White House gets us all killed, and when I say all, I mean all of humankind.
Maggie H gets a little sassy tweeting back ( sorry no quote function in editing)
“Also there’s a red button for Diet Cokes”
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: lol, no!
mike in dc
@Mary G: I don’t think Cheeto Jesus realizes what will happen to him if he starts a war that leads to one or more American cities being incinerated, and the global economy plunged into ruin. He’ll be lucky to avoid being hanged by vigilantes.
@Mary G:
Yep, and if the US launches a preemptive nuclear strike on NoKo, China might not be too happy and press the big powerful Nuclear Button they have.
@Mike J:
Ha! I hear it’s making a comeback as an “adventure tourism” destination.
@Peej: China has already said if NK starts anything then NK is on its own. However, if the US starts something that is a whole different ballgame.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Teddys Person:
Teddys Person
@Teddys Person: Sorry all, Mary G got there first!
Our local news in Chicago had a story about the tweet Cole highlights. I was pleasantly surprised to have them end it with “The administration has provided no evidence to back up the claims made in the tweet.”
God doesn’t love me this much.
Michele Bachmann Considering Running for Franken’s Senate Seat
Mary G
@mike in dc: @Peej: This scares me. I even turned on my TV when it seemed like everyone had gone quiet. Anderson Cooper’s guests are horrified. He let the Democratic representative talk for like five minutes straight!
@japa21: Is our media learning?
Another Scott
@danielx: God answered.
(via Cheryl’s Twitter feed)
@Cacti: BAM!
@lamh36: Perfect, thank you for the link.
@Mary G: I’m in LA. My sis lost her husband in July after 20 years of him being disabled so I’m picking what I can and doing that. My great friend is flying into Lonf Beach in the morning and we’re going hang for the day. UGA just charged me for National Championship Tickets so nw I have to decide what to do.m They are probably going to be worth nearly $3000 each so it’s going to be tough.
Another Scott
@japa21: Yup.
China is officially pissed off at Kim (even though they are supporting him with oil, etc.).
@Mary G:
Is Anderson well? Maybe just a hangover from the New Years Day festivities.
@Mary G: Nah, I’m cooking now that I have fixed the range.
@Another Scott: I hear our buddy Vlad is helping out with oil.
Mary G
And climate change is making your East Coast weather even worse this week with a…bomb cyclone! I’ve never even heard of it. WaPo: ‘Bomb cyclone’ to blast East Coast before polar vortex uncorks tremendous cold late this week.
ETA: Stock up on food, everybody.
@magurakurin: To honor the USS Hornet?
@Mary G: No worries, it’s all a Chinese Hoax; Trump assured me of that. Anything else is Fake News.
ETA: I was also told that a Quarter Pounder with cheese is health food.
@Raven: Go, go, go to the National Championship!
Another Scott
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yup – they both are, while talking about how important the UN is to preserve peace and security.
Xi and Vlad must be quite happy to have Kim tying up the (badly over-stretched and tired) 7th Fleet, and Andersen AFB running bombers ragged, and Donnie’s attention, and having Donnie threatening to destroy the world while they sit back and sound all reasonable and peaceful and inevitable…
Mary G
@Raven: YOLO.
Matt McIrvin
@GOVCHRIS1988: LBJ. The Democratic Presidents after him were all relatively young when entering office, I think.
@Matt McIrvin: I think Carter was in his early(maybe mid) 50’s and both Clinton and Obama were in their mid-40’s.
Good to have you back, John. :-)
He…he tweeted that his nuclear button was bigger than Kim’s. My god.
compared to the fries, it is. The truly ironic thing of this age is that it might actually be Big Macs that save us…when they kill off the beast with a stroke or widow maker coronary.
@Bostondreams: You know what they say about compensating for other things that are small…
@Mike in NC: I prefer Sarah Fuckerbee Slanders, myself. But to each their own chosen epithet.
@Teddys Person:
I’m reminded of the “Land of Confusion” video, where the decrepit Reagan muppet mistakes the “Nuke” button for the adjacent “Nurse” button following a nap. One can easily see Trumpenstein’s Monster doing likewise when lunging for another Diet fucking Coke.
@Raven: Fuming bugs are the worst. Get those taken care of pronto.
@mike in dc:
He’d be lucky to be hanged by vigilantes. That’s at the merciful end of the range of potential outcomes.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Most likely.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: He thinks he’s a player.
@Adam L Silverman:
Consider how fortunate that during the rebellion and aftermath when the United States was founded, the most key founding figure of all, George Washington, was mindfully inclined against being transformed by accepting the initial Presidency into anything like the country’s lasting supreme revolutionary leader, which so often morphs into draconian, barbarian authoritarian personality cults in other places. Too bad his sincere efforts to prevent politics from developing into factionalism failed. Washington would despise what the likes of the current GOP has become.
J R in WV
Wait, I have friends who are Wiccan Druids! What are you saying?!?!
ETA: Their HallowedEve ceremony around a small bonfire was serious, worshipful, and led into a good party with great costumes. I wore a Tux.
Adam L Silverman
@cmorenc: Yep.
Look, on a purely superficial level, any Huckabee spawn had the deck stacked against them. However, there are some classically beautiful DT supporters that I can’t stand to look at and some not-classically beautiful women that have become more attractive to me thanks to their eloquence on topics that I agree on with them. In my book, Sanders inner ugliness will never foster any outer beauty.
J R in WV
“To call him a steaming orange pile of dung is being too easy on him.”
Not to mention terribly hostile to dung piles. Many of which become fertilizer for wonderful gardens!!
J R in WV
“I prefer Sarah Fuckerbee Slanders, myself. But to each their own chosen epithet.”
I don’t know who coined it, but I’m going with Possum Queen for that female person. Fits her perfectly as a title. Pretty sure it was here, perhaps LGM, where I saw it first.
Glad it was a good time for you.
I wanted to apologize to you for the other day. I wasn’t having a good day at all and just didn’t express myself properly. I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves, I hope it was as good as you expected.
J R in WV
Just FYI, The Archaeological Institute of America hosts trips into Iran to view ancient ruins and museum collections. Not really adventure tourism, mostly “mature” groups of my age (heh) except for the political differences between our two countries.
I would really like to go, but not with Dump in the White House. Barely willing to go to Mexico on a National Geographic cruise.
Anyone have advice on an underwater camera for snorkeling around reefs in the Sea of Cortes? Point n Shoot that’s waterproof is what I’m thinking. They run from $167 to $459, I would be happy to pay the upper end of that IF it was 3 times as much camera.
I know there are divers on the site from time to time… I don’t need a Jacques Cousteau kind of tool, more a Fumbles McQuire thing…
@Ruckus: Aw man, it don’t mean nuthin. It was an insane day with much of it spent being really uncomfortable. We were really jammed in the parade seats, no leg or side room for 3 hours. The walk back was fine but still in a huge crowd. We rested for a bit and then into the abyss. I knew what was coming for our seats, we were low enough in the end zone that everyone stood on their seats the entire game. We were right were Sony scored the winner so that was cool but, if we’d lost, I’m not sure how I’d feel.