I felt a little bad at first mocking that Koch kid who makes the ugly shirts. It’s not his fault his family are assholes, but, you know, that’s what all the looting is about, stealing money from the workers and giving it to your dim-witted fuck-up kids.
And this is one of the most succinct summaries of Trump yet:
Another legacy kid with nuclear weapons.
Has Hannity manned up and commented on the book yet?
@debbie: I believe he still owes us a waterboarding.
Just got back, I have an awful sore throat and, as has happened a couple of times when I been on crazy trips I’m shivering.
@raven: Rest up. I tend to get sick after trips too.
Just another Manic Thursday.
Apparently, Sean may be facing worse.
Stealing from about half the workers. The other half handed it over willingly as payment for hate rendered.
Airplane air is a cesspool of cold germs. Hot tea and honey, stat!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Joy Reid made the point that Wolff was lounging around the White House taking notes under the stewardship of COS Reince Priebus. Now TRMS is reporting the Reince’s hand-written notes are Meuller’s source to confirm Comey’s account of trump’s efforts to influence Comey.
Through sheer incompetence and weakness, that sniveling toad may actually have performed a service to his country.
zhena gogolia
Does it feel as if this stupid book is going to finally bring him down? I need something to cheer me up. Both my cats are in the hospital, and the outlook is not good.
@zhena gogolia: I’m sorry about your cats. Two at the same time is tough.
It’s hard to predict what the final straw will be that brings down Trump. But I’m confident confident we’ll get there.
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: Please take Hannity down, Mr. Mueller. That would be so sweet.
Ohio Mom
@raven: I swear by those zinc lozenges, if I start on them as soon as I start feeling sick, I really do think they lessen the crud’s severity.
That, and hot soup.
@debbie: My throat was trashed before we left. I just powered through, no other choice.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if the NYT, knee-capped because it tried to play nice with Trump, does a 180 and goes for the throat? A true shame. (eats pudding)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: I think the book contains stuff that is easier for people to understand, and get tired of, than the technicalities of obstruction of justice and conspiracy to accept items of value from foreign governments in order to influence a political campaign, or whatever the legalese of Donnie Jr’s “collusion” is.
I guess we are all watching Rachel as the NYT bombshells hit….I’ve been out of the loop since 2:00. At the vet with Kitty Ivan…his failing kidneys. It was time to say goodbye.?
If anyone wants to see something positive on Twitter, check out the hashtag #museumsnowballfight ~ great art and historic photos about snow. A nice reminder tha Twitter isn’t all/only political sewage ;-)
@Quinerly: I’m so sorry.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m so sorry to read this. Hope both recover quickly.
The book may not end Trump, but it will torture him until the end of time.
@Quinerly: Aw, I’m sorry.
Fun snowshoveling story: my neighbor has a snowblower and will usually take care of the plow dam at the end of my driveway if he’s home and outside before me. I used to buy him a nice bottle or two of red (depending on how bad the snowseason is) in thanks. Thet were always gracefully accepted. One day I asked his wife if he likes white wine also.
“Gary doesn’t drink.”
“Oh shit I’ve been getting him wine!”
“That’s OK; I drink…”
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Has Hannity learned to read yet?
@Rommie: As much as I think the NYT is garbage, the country would be better off if they did this. I don’t think they will though.
Ohio Mom
I felt conditionally sorry for that Koch kid — I want to know his politics. If he is another libertarian-anarchist, ready to spend gallizons to destroy our country, the hell with him. If all he wants to do is play fashion designer and stink at it, I feel for him.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: We’ll keep good thoughts. Hang in there.
IIRC, Ugly T-Shirt Man-Child is the son of Bill Koch, the black sheep of the family who is shut out of the family business and not associated with the Koch’s political operations. He and his brothers do not get along, to say the least.
I’m so sorry, Quinerly. RIP Ivan.
@Quinerly: I am so sorry. Poor kitty.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia:
Sorry about your ??
@zhena gogolia:
Damn, I will hope for the best.
RIP ? Beautiful Ivan.
You loved him something fierce ?
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: My sincerest condolences.
Mike J
@debbie: Airplane air is cleaner than the air in your office. It’s completely changed every 2-3 minutes and is run through filters that catch between between 94 and 99.9 percent of airborne microbes before you get it.
I’m sorry to read this. It’s such a tough situation.
@Mike J:
It sure didn’t use to be. But the office where I work has made me allergic to pretty much everything.
@zhena gogolia:
Hugs! Both at the same time – that extra hard :-(
Hugs to you as well!
With Kim-Jong-Il there is at least some understandable ruthless rational self-preservation at the core of his otherwise rash, reckless behavior. First, if he didn’t clearly demonstrate to his top military and government/party officials that he is willing to immediately terminate with extreme prejudice anyone he suspects may cross him, he would have been ruthlessly shoved aside long ago, despite his lineage. Second, an extreme authoritarian dictatorship needs a powerful enemy such as the US to constantly rally his populace behind him in supposed defense of his people and motherland, and he needs to demonstrate his ability to effectively stand up against said enemy. Kim is playing ruthless nuclear poker with the US, on the assumption that we are unable and unwilling to call his hand by actually attacking his country (correct with previous US Presidents, not quite as safe a bet with Trump) – with South Korea held as a perpetual hostage (and US ally) he can hold hostage, since in any sort of confrontation that destroyed N Korea (or his government and army) he would be able to first lay unacceptably catastrophic destruction upon South Korea. NK’s possession of nuclear weapons demonstrates to the world that the US is incapable of doing anything effective to prevent that, which reinforces Kim’s own prestige within his top officials and population.
Amir Khalid
My condolences.
Also – Jacqueline Kent Cooke. Daughter of noted racist and anti-Semite and late owner of the Washington football team whose name shall be left unspoken. Arrested after telling a Jewish guy at a fancy New York restaurant “Get out of my way, Jew” and then drawing blood by bashing him over the head with her hard case mirrored purse. Best part – the victim didn’t know who she was, but the restaurant IDed her to the police.
I remember her because she was the center of an ugly divorce and custody battle. Apparently Cooke had forced her mother to have several abortions while they were dating, when she refused this time, he married her briefly, then battled her in court and dragged her name through the mud. Remember hoping the kid would turn out OK. I guess the answer was no.
@raven: Take care. We loved watching that game, knowing that we knew someone in the stadium.
If you’re still here, my coworker found out today that strep throat is going around in our area when her son was diagnosed with it and her doctor advised her to stay home from work in case she was a carrier. See a doctor if your throat keeps getting worse.
@zhena gogolia:
Sorry to hear that. Sending healing cat energy.
I’m so sorry. It’s hard to let them go even when we know it’s time. My late great Boris had kidney failure, too.
@zhena gogolia:
I hope they recover quickly. The house felt so empty when Keaton and Annie both had to be in the hospital at the same time. (Keaton had nibbled on a lily — which is highly toxic — and we couldn’t be sure that Annie had not taken a bite, so they both had to get a week of fluids at the vet.)
Thanks all re Ivan. He was an odd little, reclusive kitty, brain damaged from abuse at a young age….here about 8 years with his own agenda ?….would disappear for days (in the house!) and reappear. I always said he was hunkered down working on his manifesto. Someday I’ll find it hidden somewhere. Thanks. Poco has now lost one of his kitty advisers. John Lennon will carry on.?
What a beautiful community. Thank you.
@Quinerly: So very sorry.
@Quinerly: I lost my Loopy to kidney failure. May another splendid kitty find their way to you when the time is right.
And best wishes to zhena gogolia‘s beasties as well.
@zhena gogolia: Sending you hope for the best.
zhena gogolia
Oh, God, I’m so sorry. That’s what faces us tomorrow.
@Feathers: Kidney failure seems to be a big thing with kitties. Didn’t grow up with cats but have had 4 over the last 32 years. 3 have died from kidney problems. John Lennon, fearless rescue kitty, and Poco’s closest adviser (Baud/Poco2020?!) seems pretty tough…he might break the streak. (It makes me smile to be silly but John Lennon does “whisper” in Poco’s ear? )
zhena gogolia
Thanks, everyone. There’s hope we might be able to bring Sasha home for a while, but probably not Louis. We’re pretty devastated. A house without animals is so cold and dead.
Matt McIrvin
Either the 2020 election, or the 22nd Amendment.
@zhena gogolia: ???❤
@zhena gogolia:
A house without animals is the worst. We lost our two cats and our dog all within about two months. We walked around like zombies after that. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.
Had to go to the VA hospital again today and the place looked like a masked ball. Not a good one by the way. But I’d say that about 50% of the people were wearing masks. Staff and patients.
J R in WV
I’m so sorry. That’s how so many really elderly kitties go. Wife M was in hospital for 59 days, starting with 21 days on a vent in MICU. I had to take two wonderful companions who helped me no end by sleeping with me, one across my bald head to help him keep warm on their last trip, a couple of weeks apart. They were really old, but healthy and happy until their kidneys went at the end.
I hated it. I rescued both of those tomcats, and loved them both. They got along OK, not buddies, but they both liked me a lot. They know who rescues them, who cares for them. Mostly, anyway.
Anyway. Hang in there. We all know how hard it is. Thanks for taking care of your kitty as long as you could. We all know he had a good life with you and Poco.
@Quinerly: oh, no. I am so sorry.
And since I am reading backwards I just found your bad news too, zhena g. Again, I am so sorry.
Just One More Canuck
@Quinerly: I’m very sorry to hear that
No One You Know
Quinerly, I am sorry for your loss. I have had to do that, and am not looking forward to it, myself.
zhena gogolia: Sometimes the dread is the worst part. Fingers and paws crossed for you and your fuzzy family members.
@debbie: @raven: Maybe we can make this the game where each person has to add something to the list that comes from the person before them, and the person before them, and so on.
Hot tea and honey and Vitamin C.
Sorry you feel like crap. I got sick and had the shivers earlier this week, felt like crap but I am heading in the right direction now.
@Quinerly: oh no. I am so sorry.
@zhena gogolia: Hoping that both your kitties rally so you have more time together.
hedgehog mobile
@zhena gogolia: @Quinerly: Huge hugs to you both. I am so sorry.
Mike G
Republicans are basically the party of rich legacy garbage-people — all the Bushes, McCain, Rmoney, now Lord Dollhands.
Unearned, undeserved privilege.