My dogs are quietly outraged because I haven’t taken them for a walk in several days. Every time I put on shoes or pull on a sweater, they rush to the door in anticipation. But it’s been too damn cold for walks, and they know it too: When we let them out in the yard, they’re banging on the door to come back inside within five minutes.
Other critters in the state are handling the cold snap in their accustomed ways. Here’s a herd of manatees swarming the entrance to Three Sisters Springs in Crystal River, Florida, which is one of the best places on the planet, IMO:
The water flowing from the springs is around 72 degrees year-round. In the summer, that feels heart-stoppingly cold. But on a cold day like this, jumping into the springs feels like sliding into a warm bath. That warmth is what the manatees are after.
Next week, it’ll warm up, and the manatees will venture out of the canals in search of more plentiful vegetation. And I’ll start walking my dogs again.
Open thread!
It’s horrible here in NYC, my dog went on a poop strike yesterday. Imagine her chagrin when I took her out this am in negative temperatures!
I’m on BOOK overload but have to at least share this.
Alain the site fixer
I just love manatees and their cousins the dugong. I’ve been lucky enough to see both in the wild. My mother in law used to “water” them in a canal next to her yard. Seems they loved the cold, fresh water from the hose!
Betty, they don’t want a walk — they want you to make it warmer. Then, they’ll want a walk.
I spent an hour last night shoveling snow. Cleared my sidewalk and driveway. A solid wall of snow at the end of the driveway from the snowplows.
This morning, about 5:30am, I hear the roar of a snowplow speeding past my house. Sounded like he was going about 50mph. (Speed limit on my street is 30mph)
I get up and look out, and there’s piles of snow all along my sidewalk and at the end of my driveway. He drove so fast he literally sent snow flying into the air, over a four-foot snow mound and onto my sidewalk.
I remember, fifty years ago, in the small town I grew up in, watching out my window as the professional snowplow drivers drove slowly up and down the street. They’d even lift their plows before each driveway, so as not to block people in.
I read that in some states, it’s illegal for snowplows to block driveways. Apparently enough elderly and disabled people complained.
Okay, rant over.
I did biological studies in the outlet of the Crystal River 45 years ago. Lovely spot.
Betty Cracker
@Alain the site fixer: They do love water from a hose, even if they’re in a fresh water canal! I’ve never seen a dugong, so I’m envious!
@TriassicSands: I think you’re right.
I’m sorry, Ms. Cracker, but Florida cold ain’t Massachusetts cold, as you well know. Just spent two hours digging out. Even the snowblower can’t handle all of the ice/snow mountain range plow drivers leave in front of driveways in my town. Everyone has complained for years, and the town’s response is always, “just wait until we finish before cleaning your driveways.” That goes well for those trying to get to work. But it’s done and now we just go back to praying no pipes freeze and the car starts in the morning.
hat tip- another BJ poster
New California bill could serve as national boilerplate for skirting Trump’s tax law
By Damian Paletta January 4 at 7:42 PM
A California Senate leader introduced legislation Thursday aimed at circumventing a central plank in the new Republican tax law, introducing a model that — if successful — could be replicated across the country.
California Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León (D) introduced a bill that would allow taxpayers to make a charitable donation to the California Excellence Fund instead of paying certain state taxes. They could then deduct that contribution from their federal taxable income.
Scamp Dog
@Alain the site fixer: which reminds me, we haven’t seen commenter Odie Hugh Manatee in quite a while.
Good morning folks. Gotta say I have zero interest in reading that book. On the phone last night my brother offered to buy a copy for me through my local bookseller & I told him to take the cost and give it to a good 2018 candidate. About to go for the daily walk—almost 20 so it feels balmy but next Wed the rumor is it might hit 50!
Been there and visited those wonderful guys – so very friendly and curious. Glad they have a safe refuge and can warm up a bit.
@rikyrah: That’s awesome! If they’re going to target blue states for being blue states, then blue states have every right to fight back.
@JMG: yes we shoveled last night after the snow stopped falling but the snow plows ran all night and blocked me in this morning. Had to uber to work.
This story infuriates me. I am outraged by McGahn undermining the rule of law in the country I love. While McGahn was demanding Sessions’ break the law, I was on the other line with DOJ demanding Sessions recuse. What I think of your attack on America, McGahn, isn’t fit to print.
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) January 5, 2018
Btw apologies if this has already been shared here (I think not – pretty sure I saw the link on Twitter) but this is a really good read: Making China Great Again.
Worth reading the whole way through and sending on to others.
Policy Wonk Paul Ryan has sided with Nunes over the DOJ. Hoocoodanode
Minus 25 here this morning. The golden’s feet freeze up and the yellow lab needs his “Caped Crusader” cloak because of his short hair; there’s a lot of pent up energy because there’s just no way to get them enough exercise in this cold.
randy khan
That’s great. There’s already precedent for state credits for donations to various things (Virginia gives a 50% tax credit for small contributions to political candidates in the commonwealth, for instance). It would be interesting to see how the IRS would react.
@Butch: That’s been my house over the past week or so. The lab has been a trooper, thankfully, and the day care trips this week were worth every penny to get that energy out of her system. If I could get her to adapt to booties, it would be easier, but she just can’t figure them out.
@germy: At 6pm we stopped shovelling the front steps and concentrated on the driveway and side steps. About 4 additional inches fell after that before 9, when they treated the main drag (driveway side), and we got rid of the plow plug.
I just got in from trying to shovel the foot-deep drifts on the front door. About 8 inches blown onto the front (and still has a foot differential from shoveled to un-shoveled), and I’m warming up before taking the metal shovel out to break up what the plow shot over onto the sidewalk. The corner mound is higher than my head, and we won’t see the main drag portion of our sidewalk before March.
Not exactly the birthday present I was hoping for…
Karen Potter
@germy: the plow has been pushing as much as can to other side of road where there is parking lot at night, the day time driver isn’t as nice. There is new owner of apartments next door and by time they finish clearing so fuel truck can get to fill they have mostly cleared behind my suv and end of drive.
But there has to be an unwritten rule that says that plow drivers must wait until drives are clear before plowing that road or street; last winter I had plow truck watch and wait for me to finish, went by filled back in and waved at me as he went past.
I’m like you, I got multiple shovels.
I got my “ergonomic” shovel for removing the first layers, then my metal shovel for scraping and chopping. Unfortunately, the metal shovel empty is as heavy as the ergonomic shovel full of snow.
I have an old snowblower that is useless for the heavy packed stuff.
Terry Gross interviewed the author, Evan Osnos, on “Fresh Air” yesterday. (Link to audio.)
@Karen Potter:
There are some decent people driving plows. But unfortunately there are a few assholes. Probably more than a few. There is nepotism in my local DPW, and often jobs go to the douchebag offspring of connected guys.
The Ancient Randonneur
I’m in Vermont right now. Was thinking of driving down to Boston to visit my daughters and get a taste of some warmer weather.
Hope you can manage to have a happy birthday anyhow!
Amir Khalid
That worries me. Asia does not need a China-led Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere v2.0. The Japanese attempt to establish v1.0 was bad enough.
@Amir Khalid: I agree. United States with all its faults has been a better hegemon than those that came before it.
My poor Lovey is just beside herself over peeing and pooping in this weather. It was -1F when I took her out this morning. She stood on the front stoop, took a quick look around and turned right back around and came back in. I think there will be pee and poop on the pad when I get home, an unusual thing for her the last few months. She’s been such a trooper through this whole single digit/sub-zero couple of weeks. But her little paws and behind have had enough. Today was her limit, I think. Koda usually doesn’t care about cold and absolutely adores the snow. But even Koda went out, peed and pooped and was back in the house within five minutes.
Weather is supposed to finally break on Sunday. We’ve all had enough around here. Not a single gas station around here has an air machine that isn’t frozen and many of their pumps are, too. Two weeks of this shit is wearing everything and everyone out.
MSM journalists are talking about how ethical they are compared to Wolffe for “protecting” their sources. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. These bastards delivered the country to Doll Hands by harping on HRC’s email non-issue 24/7. Even now love to both-sides every issue. Fuck you, your definition of ethics is broken, you fucking courtiers.
@Served: Say what? Could you provide a link? This may be the biggest attempt yet to shut down the Mueller investigation. This move, coupled with renewed investigations into the Clintons, means we’re heading down that slippery slope to autocracy damn fast.
Mary G
@FlyingToaster: Happy Birthday ?
@tobie: Here’s one story on it:
low-tech cyclist
Just saw this: $2 Billion has been raised through ACtBlue for Dem candidates and groups since its beginning in 2004.
Over half a billion of that was in 2017 alone.
This is a big fucking deal. Individually, each of us can only give a little bit, but collectively, we’re the Kochs and the Mercers.
@Amir Khalid: You and me both.
A lot of ‘ifs’ here:
@Served: @tobie: I think Adam noted late last night how this potentially helps DOJ entrap anyone (Nunes, folks at the WH, etc) who tries to leak or otherwise use some of the info they’ll be seeing as part of this agreement.
Define too damn cold. It’s wicked frickin cold up heah!
I’m hoping it goes back to warm before my trip to FL in March. I’ll be in the Fort Myers/Naples area for 10 days starting March 16th if any FL juicers want to try to meet up.
The late Henry Gibson would have been great as Jefferson Sessions in the inevitable movie.
G was very disappointed this morning that his Kindle copy had not magically appeared. He wrote a strongly worded email to Amazon asking where it was.
I like cold weather and it’s too cold for me. My eyes were watering walking a block and a half this morning. I put Eucerin on my son’s face this morning because it’s all chapped.
It’s really amazing stuff when it’s this cold- I put a layer on under makeup. Use a trowel then smooooth it out :)
@Served: The Reebarks (my name for the booties) lasted one outing and then were chewed to shreds. I had hoped that would be a cure for the golden’s feet.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks! A few great additional insights from their conversation there.
Here’s one:
*shocking, right? NOT
@Jeffro: @Served: I wish I had your optimism. Using this handover of ultra-sensitive documents to Nunes et. al. to track leaks sounds a bit like gilding a lily to me. Nunes, Jordan, Graetz and others requested as much as they did so they can discredit the intelligence community and above all the investigation into Trump. I’m sure they can cherrypick comments in the documents to make the inquiry seem like a witch hunt. This is going to get ugly. Please, Mueller, indict Devin Nunes!
Well, that didn’t take long… ❄️
My neighbor came by with his dad’s 2-stage gas snowblower (I have a single-stage electric, which is only useful on the patio & driveway). I broke up the mess with my metal shovel, he blew it onto the plow mound and then headed up the driveway to clear out his parking area/patio. He encountered the plow wall on the main drag and backed out — “What did they do?” he asked me, and I told him they took all of our side street’s snow and pushed it up onto that corner; so we blew our driveway snow onto it as well. From the street side it’s 6 feet tall.
And thank you all for the birthday wishes! I’m lazy, so I’m gonna go to Russo’s for a cake.
Maybe my 2 Wiemaraners are just used to it but they seem to enjoy the cold as long as it is above -10 and no wind. They will stay out 5-10 min nosing through the snow (probably looking for turkey poop).
@Kay: I always use Blistex lip balm under lipstick or gloss.
Too bad about that invasive species floating in the lower half of the picture
Betty do Floridians take heads of lettuce/cabbage out and thrown them to manatees to feed them? Seems to me it’d be nice but I’d hate to start a manatee stampeed.
The low quality Trump hires are destroying the Consumer Financial Protection agency it’ll be in the service of lenders and crooks now.
On the bright side, we get Richard Cordray back in Ohio so maybe we can put in some state-level protections.
I’m addicted to the tinted burt’s bees lip balm. Plum is my favorite but the fig is also nice.
@MomSense: Burt’s bees is too mild. I need something heavy duty for my cracked lips. So Blistex and then Clinique’s chubby stick is what I use.
US District Court Judge Richard Leon has ordered Fusion GPS to turn over it’s banking record to Nunes’ committee. Leon is a W appointee and seems like a piece of work. Someone at TPM dug up the following on him from his Wiki page:
@Mnemosyne: I got an email last night saying book had shipped. Now my order status says “pending.”
I know people hate it but I like how you have to get dressed in layers in the winter. Eucerin is a layer, I told my son. Younger male lawyers wear lace up, lug sole boots with suits here in the winter- I sort of like how that looks, suit/boot combo. Very practical, too.
Btw here’s Wolff’s quote on how grateful he is to Trumpov for all the free publicity:
Trump floated Medicare for All:
@tobie: Nunes will go down, I’m 99.9% certain of that. Have faith! =)
@rikyrah: @rikyrah: de Leon is running for senate against DiFi and I am pretty excited.
Lawfare has an entry up wondering if mueller is NOT investigating obstruction of justice by shitstain since Rosenstein was involved in obstruction and he has not recused himself. Yikes!
@Kay: Layers are the best protection against bone-chilling cold but I don’t enjoy dressing up like I am going to climb Mt Everest to check my mailbox.
Betty Cracker
@schrodingers_cat: Especially galling from the NYT, which treated “Clinton Cash” as a credible source.
@kindness: Yes, but you’re not supposed to! I believe you can get a serious fine for feeding manatees. If you’re in a boat, the best way to interact with them is to anchor nearby and wait for them to come to you. They’ll come and start nibbling the weed strands on your anchor line.
Local stores and on line seem to be sold out. I may be doing kindle. didn’t want to because I think it’s possible there will be some legal fighting that might make Amazon “take back” the book. Not usually my type off book but this may be too relevant so I want to see it myself. I strongly expect a rash of fake quotes to try to discredit it.
It’s 75 degrees here. I was sweating yesterday.
Hoping my books arrive soon! I may end having to hide them with the rest of the contraband.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@schrodingers_cat: I have found that Carmex is the best for healing lips, but that once they are no longer damaged the others are good for maintenance.
And CVS is carrying the Cococare 100% cocoa butter sticks–you need to warm those up a bit but they are so handy.
Btw just for the sheer comedic value of it, y’all should pop over to Fox News dot com and see what they have up – ONLY THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES OF THE DAY, of course!
#1: Iran’s leaders are ‘running on fumes’
#2: article implying that George Stephanopolous (yes, him) has something to do with the Clinton Foundation and ‘pay to play’ (hint: he doesn’t)
#3: Brady vs. Belichick (ok that one I like)
#4: Ben Vereen (who?) accused of sexual harassment
#5: some female teacher someplace has been fooling around with her male high school students
And why not? It’s not as if there’s any breaking news about the leader of the free world being revealed as a complete moron in some book that’s coming out today or anything…
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio): I like Carmex too. Blistex is what I have right now.
@Betty Cracker: What was the Nazi version of Pravda. NYT is aspiring to be that.
@schrodingers_cat: I was convinced that Gothic Fonts that german newspapers used was part of what drove them over the edge.
Was just there at 3 Sisters Springs last week. I’d post pictures if allowed. I go every year and have probably been 100x. Its paradise.
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio):
I usually try to use Blistex Lip Medex over Carmex because Carmex tastes so rancid, but sometimes nothing else will work.
Send them to Alain through the link in the On the Road posts.
Mike in NC
Many roads are in terrible shape with huge patches of ice. Had to turn around and come home due to so many accidents. Golf course we live on has been closed for days. Schools are closed. County government closed. Still no mail service. There’s a pond behind our house that has frozen for the first time in the ten years we’ve lived here. My brother in Boston wants to relocate to North Dakota.
Alexandra Petri on Twitter just now:
Figured I’d wait until an open thread.
Not one of us, but certainly one of ours.
Dog-resuce pilot dies
@Markk: I’m happy to see so many seacows. That looks like a decent population even if it’s clustered temporarily. Hope they keep warm and get lots of cabbages!
Fair Economist
I love my state.
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: Fox News is totally fixated on naughty teacher stories. If they can’t find a new one, they’ll do a “where are they now” feature on an old case.
Our mailman left us a note this morning, clean your mailbox. It was covered with snow after yesterday’s blizzard and husband kitteh hadn’t gotten around to clearing it up.
I am in Ohio and it’s currently all of 9 degrees and feels like 0. My dogs are so funny. I have a Beagle/Chihuahua who demands to go for a walk twice a day. He whines and whines until I take him out. Since it got cold he’s dropped the morning demand, but come 4:00 he want to go for his walk now. I leash him, put on his coat, open the door. He looks out the door and basically says “This wasn’t what I had in mind” turns around and doesn’t walk. His buddy is a full Beagle. She doesn’t ask to go out, but once she smells the cold air and snow, she thinks it’s perfect hunting weather and then she wants to go out. About 100 feet later, her toes are cold and she happily goes back home. Today, I’m not even going to try to take them out. I mean I’ll leash my Cheagle let him stick his nose out and retreat, but the Beagle isn’t going to get her “hunting trip” no matter how short.
I don’t work anymore, but we did get a truckload of dialysis supplies first thing this morning.
Our neighbor with the commercial-grade snow blower did all the driveways in the neighborhood, as he always does. Mrs efg will bake cookies for him.
@Butch: Musher’s Secret has helped to some extent in the cold and salt, but once it gets down to the single digits and colder, there’s only so much you can do. This is my first winter with a dog in the city, so it’s been an experience.
Miss Bianca
@schrodingers_cat: Volkishe Beobachter (or, People’s Observer) was probably the most prominent of the Nazi “news” organs.
Feeling pretty good about the home dialysis decision today despite the hiccups, I assume? ?
My dad did in-office dialysis, but he was a snowbird in Arizona.
@Miss Bianca: Thanks.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@schrodingers_cat: It’s the chapped lips dilemma (part of the greater horrible winter weather dilemma)–you have to expose your lips (and the rest of you) to go and get anything to resolve the problem of chapped lips…even if it’s just out to the mailbox to collect the order from Amazon. At least you have decent products to work with–I once resorted to Neosporin, on the grounds that it couldn’t hurt, and had to taste better than really old petroleum jelly.
Actually, among the things we DO have down here, are a couple of really super, small Italian bakery chains. It’s just a coincidence that one is right next to my PT place, in the same strip mall….
Just a coincidence. Yeah, that’s the ticket….
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Mnemosyne: I save the Carmex for times when my lips are actively cracked and on the verge of bleeding–the flavor helps keep me on track to use the other stuff as a preventative.
Winter in New England was pretty much the main reason for my choice.
Still cold here in NoVA. Tonight and tomorrow will be the worst, and then supposedly next week we’ll get back to “normal” winter weather: highs in the low 40s, lows in the high 20s.
It just inched up to 20°, not expected to go any higher today. Then down to 8° tonight and 5° tomorrow night. I’m still dripping my faucets, no problems so far.
In a bit I’m going to gear up (read: pants) and make a run to the grocery to get a few things. I could probably tough it out another couple of days, but I’ve been having little twinges of hunger for things that I don’t have on hand (of course). I have been out a couple of times this week, so it’s not like I’m actually iced in, but when you don’t have to go out it’s hard to come up with a reason. I did go out on Wednesday to have a late lunch and see Molly’s Game with a friend, and 30° felt positively balmy.
@FlyingToaster: aw, Happy Birthday ? anyway.
kate p
@Served: Musher’s Secret at least stops those little ice balls from forming on their paws. If I don’t put it on the dog’s paws, he starts limping within a few minutes. My dog has gone from pooping 3 times a day to only once. And I think that only occurs because I make him go out with me in the morning to get the paper.
J R in WV
@Miss Bianca:
Actually the Very Finest New York Times was a very favorable news outlet for German AND American Nazis right up until Pearl Harbor, which was a breaking point for both the local Nazi Party and the New York Times. They first boosted Mr. Hitler in 1922, and didn’t take a break until France was fallen and Dunkirk was over. I may be off by a month or two, but no more than that.
So, looking at that image I’m boggling a little. My impression of manatees was formed in a classroom back in the 80’s when the teacher showed us a film (and I can hardly believe I just wrote that) mourning the declining population. At the time, the experts were pretty sure it was below 1000, and maybe as low as 500. Which would mean this pic is showing us maybe a third of all surviving manatees in one spot.
…fortunately it appears that manatee population has rebounded to higher than 5000 (good manatee lovin’ FTW) and they’ve been moved from “endangered” to “threatened” status. Some local asses apparently are arguing that the state is undercounting, so they should be able to operate their boats at any speed they want and kill more manatees.