In the fantasy world where Mitch McConnell has a heart, he just had a heart attack
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) January 9, 2018
If you thought the ‘Oprah for President 2020, or Not’ fooferaw was silly, pardoned felon Joe Arpaio has a bridge candidacy to sell you!
I have seen the future of the Republican Party and it’s 85 years old.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) January 9, 2018
This seems like a dream come true for McSally, a split in the far right anti-establishment primary vote.
— Matt Glassman (@MattGlassman312) January 10, 2018
It’s a disturbing sign of moral decay in the modern Republican Party that a racist sheriff and convicted criminal in Arizona and an accused child molester in Alabama are the best they have to offer.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) January 9, 2018
If Dems thought Roy Moore was a political gift from heaven, we have three new magic words: Arpaio for Senate.
— Jim Messina (@Messina2012) January 10, 2018
Springtime for Arpaio
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) January 9, 2018
Great basis to launch a campaign.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) January 9, 2018
Washington Monthly has a great timeline detailing every instance in which Trump has violated the foreign and domestic emoluments clauses of the Constitution during his 1st year as President
believe it when he files, he’s probably just milking the gullible for cash…
McSally is a shark though, she’ll play herself off as a “moderate” to the general population but she was knee deep in the Congressional travesties earlier this year. She’s not as dumb as some of her fellow reps (i.e. Gohmert, Blackburn), she’s quite possibly savvy enough to pull it off, at least she’s demonstrably smarter in not publicly exposing herself as an idiot. Hoping that the Dem wave inundates her and leaves her broken, but suspect she’ll land on her feet
Roger Moore
I fully expect him to file, since the grifting opportunities multiply for candidates and even more for corrupt officials.
Mike G
This is gold —
Portland’s officials dubiously assert a right to search anyone’s garbage without a warrant:
So Willamette Week swiped their trash from public rights of way, and reported on the contents.
Jay S
@Roger Moore: Here’s hoping his campaign thoroughly milks the rubes until it collapses, Hopefully Arizona voters have had enough of him, and he gives Republicans heartburn for as long as possible.
Jay S
@Mike G: Actually the story is from 2002 and was updated in December 2017 for some reason. The assertion is not dubious, unfortunately. There are very few states with garbage privacy rights.
One of the reasons Arpaiao lost as sheriff was because it came out that he was so obsessed with illegal immigration that he allowed child molesters and rapists to run rampant without so much as an investigation of the reports that were filed because he wanted those deputies to work illegal immigration cases instead.
It’s child molesters all the way down in the Republican Party.
Amir Khalid
Joe Arpaio believes that, because a Presidential pardon rendered his sentencing hearing moot, his conviction for disobeying a Federal judge is void. I have to wonder why a man who doesn’t seem to understand or respect Federal law is so keen to have a hand in making it. At best, given Arizona voters’ disenchantment with him, I think he might end up like Roy Moore — a nominee with only tepid support from a Republican party that finds him an embarrassment.
Amir Khalid
On a happier note, The Girl and I have spent a lovely day practising the riff from Neil Young’s Hey Hey My My (Into The Black). It sounds good with the Fender Champ 20 on a metal setting. Tonight we might have a whack at the solo.
Jay S
@Amir Khalid: I have no doubt he wants to make the law into his own image. Break it to make it. BTW it is very quiet tonight for some reason.
@Amir Khalid: You are having such fun with that guitar and it’s been fun to hear a little about it.
@Jay S: It is quiet but I need to sleep soon. Been sick since Christmas Eve, today felt like I’m finally starting to recover but sleep is still what I need most.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Ironcially Ex-Con Arpaio lost the right to vote.
Amir Khalid
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
But not, as I understand, the quite separate right to run for elected office. And he’s argued (in vain, but still) that Trump’s pardon means he’s not really a convict anymore.
Mary G
I don’t think it’s the wingnut welfare. Like Twitler he has to see his name in print no matter what. Now that he’s out of office he’s not getting the fix, so this will provide.
Patricia Kayden
@Roger Moore: And Trump and Bannon can come out to loudly endorse him. Worked out so well for Ed Gillespie and Roy Moore.
@opiejeanne: I hated to eat the hydrocodone but I had to have some sleep
This is just a continuation of Arpaio’s grifting. But hey, Trump had no intentions of becoming President, either. So the longer this goes on, the better for Dems in AZ.
This Oprah thing. I admire her but the last thing I want is a media person running the country. It has never worked out well when that happened.
Who do you think is priming the Oprah pump as I see it everywhere?
damn, that perez tweet is brutal.
@Mike G: @Mike G: Dude, Mark K hasn’t been our chief for a long ass time & Mayor Katz passed away last year. The story is from late December 2002.
ETA: Jay S got there first.
J R in WV
Sorry you’re still under the weather. Your Dawgs did well, gave Bama all they could handle. Nothing embarrassing about losing by 3 in double overtime. It was a great football game beginning to end.
I wish I could have seen it, but I found a play-by-play on the NCAA site and so could follow it a little bit. As in til the end.
Take care of yourself, we aren’t spring chickens any more!