Tonight at 11/10c, as someone from South Shithole, Trevor is deeply offended by the president’s remarks.
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) January 12, 2018
Bad enough having to spell out sh*thole for their viewers… but if they should actually be required to say the R-word out loud, and in reference to such a very fine person as their President*!…
Irony alert: I’m told President Trump was taping a message for Martin Luther King Jr. this afternoon just as news of the “shithole” immigration remark was breaking.
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) January 11, 2018
More from today’s “sh*thole” mtg:
Trump said, “Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” according to our sources.
Someone else in room responded: “Because if you do, it will be obvious why.”
h/t @kasie @frankthorp
— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) January 12, 2018
Never imagined it would be necessary to warn viewers before airing comments made by the President of the United States.
— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) January 12, 2018
Why? Seriously, why would anyone be "taken aback?" There's no reason to think he wouldn't blurt that out.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) January 11, 2018
Anyone taken aback must have not paid attention to… checks notes….
All of Trump's life to this point and the entire history of US immigration policy
— (((Will Cubbison))) (@wccubbison) January 11, 2018
the last 10 minutes are cnn are a bunch of pundits and reporters just saying, "Okay, fuck it, the President's just a stone cold racist. Let's stop pretending."
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 11, 2018
"Everybody knows trump voters are big racists" – every reporter who spent a year at best tiptoeing around that
— Atrios (@Atrios) January 11, 2018
White House celebrating "shithole" moment, believes racist supporters will be energized by "shithole"
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 11, 2018
I think the main question at this point is whether the President is quoted attacking "mud people" in the first half of 2018 or the second half.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 11, 2018
Racism is one of the few campaign promises Trump has kept.
— CK (@cmkinmia) January 12, 2018
It's a shithole but it's a real big tent.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 11, 2018
The cover of tomorrow’s @NYDailyNews.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 12, 2018
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t watch CNN, so that’s the first time I’ve seen Kaitlan Collins, who reports the fact that the White House thinks racism works for them as if she were reporting that a lot of people would agree with President Poppy that broccoli is gross
Time for every member of Congress to get calls from voters, asking each one to make a statement condemning Trump’s racism. And further calls to condemn any members who remain silent.
Why couldn’t the CNN reporter have saved an extra 35 seconds of air time by saying, “The White House believes their supporters are just as racist as the President and will be energized by his racist comments.” instead of dancing around that fact?
And Ka was just wondering this morning why his voters keep voting against their interests. His voters are racists, and they saw a kindred spirit.
I have to say, suggesting that Trump has shit for brains is pretty insulting to shit.
@satby: Racism is their interest. 100 fucking percent of it. They care about nothing else.
well I got one am happy and pleasantly surprised that story’s got some legs so far.
If you click through on the link on the last Josh Marshal tweet, it turns out Mar-a-Lago employs lots of foreign workers from Romania and Haiti on H1B visas.
ETA: I’m glad I was sitting down…
Adam L Silverman
@sdhays: This was reported several times during the campaign. Made absolutely no difference whatsoever.
Sure, Mia Love is upset now that Trump has offended HER family heritage.
Representative Mia Love, a Republican of Utah who is of Haitian descent, demanded an apology from the president, saying his comments were “unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values.”
“This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation,” Ms. Love went on in an emotional statement that noted her heritage and that her parents “never took a thing” from the government while achieving the American dream. “The president must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”
I’m not even mad at Trump. Scorpion and the frog, man. It’s just who he is.
I am mad at his voters who like this kind of stuff. And I’m mad at the Americans who found Trump’s obvious racism perfectly acceptable and voted for neither Trump nor Clinton.
Mary G
Twitler got another cover of Time, but I’m not sure he’ll like it.
Also, I didn’t read it, but the FYTFNYT wrote a whole article on how different media organizations reported the word shithole.
“Golly, Mr. President, that means AIDS-infested foreigners are making your bed at night!”
Adam L Silverman
@dnfree: She votes with him 97% of the time.
@Adam L Silverman: It’s still worth pointing out if he’s going to say Haiti is a “shithole”.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: ::shudders::
I think we’re going to see even more racist suburbanites running away from Trump, because he’s giving the game away. They’ve been hiding behind their thin veil of “NFL players are thugs” and now Trump walked right up to them and publicly ripped that veil off. They’re going to be mad because he exposed their doubletalk for the white supremacy slang that it is.
@Mnemosyne: What does that mean they won’t show up for Trump’s Party in November?
@lamh36: Of course he does, he was right there when the first Muslim ban was signed.
They told themselves that Trump wasn’t really racist because he used the same Fox News code words they do to keep their racism decently clad. Now they’re all going to be shocked — shocked, I say! — that Trump was “really” racist the whole time.
Like I said, they’re not mad that Trump is a racist. They’re mad that he gave the code away and made them look bad.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: It is going to be a defining moment. Back away or double down. Who knows?
Felanius Kootea
I couldn’t help but laugh to myself when I saw Mia Love’s statement condemning Trump.
Good luck with turning a blind eye to the racism of the rest of the Republican party.
It really bugs him that the best US president in my time here is descended from a man
he thinks came from a shithole country. And everything he does shows that he doesn’t
measure up to Obama. God that must eat at him every day.
I’ve never before seen a US President who aspired to be President of only 30% of this country.
Voters who cheer as he turns this country into the shithole he sneers at – nothing
he stands for or does comes close to what Norway provides its citizens. Why does he
think Norwegians would want to come here right now? The only Norwegian I know
is moving back to Norway this year partly for family reasons and partly because Trump
got elected. Insane.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Irony is not dead. But it is working on it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if anyone will leak this weekend that they’re so disturbed by trump’s racism that they’re almost thinking about the possibility of resigning in protest
Adam L Silverman
@sdhays: No argument here.
If we can keep the pressure on, they might stay home. They’ll never, ever vote for a Democrat, but staying home is almost as good for us as them voting Democratic.
Trump’s margin is very thin. He won the Electoral College on less than 80K votes across 4 states. If Republican voters stay home for the midterms, it’s a tidal wave.
Viva BrisVegas
@Mary G:
That’s gonna leave a scorch mark (“Bankrupt Time magazine, LOSERS, still aren’t on the Trump train. A dog wouldn’t buy that magazine.”) Rodriguez is a funny name, his people from a shithole?
@Mnemosyne: I sure hope so.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think it is likely to speed up the exodus of staffers over the next few weeks. And prevent a lot of others that might have considered coming aboard as replacements from doing so.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think Trump and his assholes will double down. They can’t help themselves. “You’re not the boss of me!” is their defining emotional state, and they now have a huge number of people trying to shame them.
When you try to shame a narcissist, they just repeat the offending behavior twice as much, because they can’t stand to feel like someone else is in control of them.
Buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy weekend.
@dnfree: Love is going to get insults from Shithole Pussygrabber, not an apology.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: I was talking about his suburbanite supporters – as I thought you were in the comment to which I replied.
Wow. That NYDN cover is gonna leave a mark.
Hope is not a plan. Getting involved in your local Swing Left or Indivisible group is a plan.
mai naem mobile
John Kelly needs to get some gold duct tape and tape up Donnie Dollhands’ mouth several times along with his hands. This POS is going to get us into a war.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Sorry, I misunderstood you. I’m not really sure what the suburbanites will do when the Trumpettes refuse to back down or apologize. Most of them get their marching orders from their megachurch pastors, so I’ll be curious to see if those folks try to address this or gaslight their followers and pretend it never happened and it’s all a liberal media lie.
Omnes Omnibus
@mai naem mobile: Kelly appears to be a fellow traveler.
Adam L Silverman
Congressman Curbelo also found his voice. So that gives us to Cuban-American GOP Representatives from the Miami area. Mia Love’s the least she could do response. And nada from Senator Rubio.
Adria McDowell
Mattis, McMaster, and Kelly are racists and have been from the jump. The service members of color who served under them must seriously be questioning whether their careers have been affected by this.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Adam L Silverman: It just really pissed me off more.
The water was already boiling, and this makes the water to overflow like lava…Chump racist azz should keep MLK’s name out of his racitst fuqn’ mouth. As if ANYONE in their right mind or with the sense Gawd gave a gnat would believer he give two shits bout MLK and what he was fighing for.
Just made me so damn mad….
@Steeplejack: I doubt it, at least in the White House he changes his own sheets(white of course).
Adam L Silverman
@Adria McDowell: Have you met Secretary Mattis or LTG McMaster? Have you ever heard them express racist or bigoted remarks? Seen them act in a discriminatory way? Heard anyone who has served under them say they have?
Gen (ret) Kelly’s behavior and actions over the past year raise questions as to what he believes. And that’s fair. But unless or until you can actually provide some demonstrable evidence regarding Mattis or McMaster you may want to reconsider what you’re saying here.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I understand. It will be interesting to see if he actually does this publicly tomorrow given this evening’s news.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh… Rubio had his say, and not surprisingly it’s bullshit.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: I hear you.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Senator Rubio doesn’t really seem to understand how Cubans were allowed to immigrate to the US and why.
Don Lemon & Anderson Cooper (holding back tears at the end)
I’m tired…I’m going to bed
Impeccable timing. Roll out the racist red carpet right before MLK Jr. weekend. I don’t know that it will shame surburbanite ‘polite’ racists into staying home in November. We might go to the full tipping point where the racists admit what they really are or repent. I hope for repentance but after 2016, I will prepare to work against for a more openly and obstinate racist country.
Adria McDowell
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry, Adam, but they are racist. The fact that they even signed up to serve under this madman is evidence enough. If they ever cared at all for the service men and women who served under them, they would never think in a million years to go along with any of this.
I don’t see them resigning their positions or (in McMasters case) retiring from service, so what are people of color supposed to think?
There is plenty of racism in the military, even to this day- I’ve seen it and heard it myself, and I am sure others here have. Non-racists don’t cosign on racist fuckery, plain and simple.
That ain’t a coincidence. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what triggered this outburst in the first place: Trump feeling resentful that he has to honor MLK, that guy who ruined everything and got Trump taken to court just because Trump and his daddy didn’t want Those People living in his apartments.
Before I go:
Good night BJ
Omnes Omnibus
@Adria McDowell: @Adam L Silverman: You and I probably present as white. This is a view from someone who does not present that way. Her view is is worth considering. My H.R. McMaster wouldn’t have taken the job.
@Adam L Silverman:
Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. Mattis and McMaster may be telling themselves that they’re going along with openly racist policies for the good of the country, but they don’t seem to be asking themselves what good it does to prop up a country that is sliding back to Jim Crow.
And, yes, the fact that they’re acquiescing in this stuff brings their past behavior into question. Harvey Weinstein didn’t come out of a vacuum, either.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Head Office is not a great movie, but it has a speech for every occasion right now:
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Actually I present as part Asian, but I’m tracking. Which is why I didn’t push it any further.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Cool.
@Felanius Kootea:
Kinda part of his racist perspective. All his life, he and his fellow racists would congregate, tell one another how superior they were, and sneer at the undesirables.
Also, Trump is more concerned about keeping blacks and Latinos and Muslims out than he is about bringing Norwegians into this country.
During the campaign one of the things Trump was pretty good at was giving people nicknames that stuck–Lyin’ Ted, Lil’ Marco, etc. Now he’s given himself a nickname that’s going to stick: Shithole President. So there’s that.
Steve Crickmore
Only Trump could ooze such fake sincerity. Donald Trump to Haitian voters: I want to be your greatest champion,
Jim, Foolish Literalist
well now, how ’bout that?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You know… his handlers might be having trouble explaining to him why what he said was a problem. To the racists I grew up around, stuff like he said seems so obviously true, they don’t think it counts as racism.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hilarious. The British press played it as Trump afraid of massive protests.
@Adam L Silverman:
Actually, Kelly’s behavior and actions pretty much answers all questions about what he believes. It is even worse if he so willingly serves as Trump’s attack dog without regard to his own values.
I will not single Mattis or McMaster out from other Trump staffers. But let’s say it’s 1933, 1939, 1940. Would anyone need demonstrable evidence about anyone who worked for the Reich?
Oh, Trump is not that bad, some might say. His staffers are torn between trying to protect America and serving an intemperate president.
And yet group by non-white group, Trump focuses on and sets apart people who have lived here for years, tells them they are not wanted here, that whatever they have contributed is of no value, that they themselves are somehow just not the right kind of people, and that they must return to their shit holes.
I’m sure the men and women who watch and serve have their reasons. Or think they do.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@sdhays: Because sponsors.
The utter clusterfuck has kept me up way past my bedtime reading. So, let’s all remember that there’s another opportunity to demonstrate again how much we loathe the Shithole President by being at the next Women’s March.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And I’m sure that Fox News will be telling us how Trump is making the rest of the world respect America again.
*Donald Trump is caught on tape actually shooting someone on 5th Ave*
The NY Times runs 5 articles on Trump supporters who think the deceased had it coming, “They were going to run out into the street to protest and block traffic.”
Chis Cillizza interviews Jonathan Turley about how the Democrats let this happen with the way they handled Chappaquiddick.
Chris mentions that the Clintons never paid a price for Vince Foster, Jonathan corrects him in that it never was found that the Clintons were at fault for Mr. Foster, but the appearance of wrong doing was equally as bad.
Lindsay Graham speaks plainly that just as VP Cheney received an apology for his shooting doesn’t that mean the deceased’s family at least owes it to the American people to acknowledge that Trump is our President and he’s doing the best he can.
Meanwhile, the President tweets that because he’s been in more movies than any other famous person, he could tell by the blood spatter than the whole thing was faked for a commercial for his 2020 campaign. So nobody really died and he’s not going to pay for the funeral.
The family of the deceased will have to take their case to court where a judge has agreed to review it in early 2021. Even though every hard drive in America has a clip of the video since it went viral, the video will not be allowed in the case due to national security concerns.
Jeff Sessions has vowed to launch an immediate and full investigation into this partisan plot and find out who gave the President access to a gun in the first place.
Jake Tapper stares hard into the camera… and cuts to commercial.
This. Very much this.
@Brachiator: Trump needs to get out a map, and this should be easy for him, look at pictures of the old US Embassy, London and the new one. There’s no room for expansion at the old location*, and if you added to it’s height(assuming the City of Westminster and the Metropolitan London government would let you, you’d have to tear it down and locate in a temporary location for a number of years.
*The current building is, as the kids say, fugly.
@Katharsis: Well played.
@Mnemosyne: I think we’re going to see more racist suburbanites let their freak flag really fly.
Chet Murthy
I agree with everything else. But …. slowly, slowly, Jake and the other MSM talking heads are coming to realize he’s unfit and a bastard. Oh and a racist. And a misogynist. And a traitor. Yes, much slower than we’d like. Much slower than our nation deserves. But they -are- coming around.
@Chet Murthy:
@Yarrow: actually he is now Shithole Pussygrabber. These word came out of his mouth.
@Chet Murthy: I wrote it to be a knowing glare and a moment of speechlessness; not a slam on Tapper.
This. It’ll be, “Hey, everyone knows that Africa is a shithole — I’m just the one who’s brave enough to say it!”
@Adam L Silverman:
I’ve seen you defend people that you’ve met and/or worked with before because you personally never heard them use any language that might be suspicious and I applaud that. But the evidence doesn’t need to be a spoken word(s). Actions speak loudly as well, sometimes louder. Nothing I’ve seen about the military officers, ex or not working at the (now) lowest part of our government gives me a warm feeling about their attitudes about race. It would be nice to be proven wrong about them but as each day passes the seeming chance of that is lessening. Maybe Mattis isn’t all the way gone but Kelly and McMaster are on the right to far right side of the political world, their actions say so. And that far right side includes racism and has since well before I was born.
Mike G
Anybody remember when Republicans insisted it was a BIG SCANDAL demonstrating his UN-MURKANNESS that Obama asked for Dijon mustard on his burger at some photo op?
Quaint times.
@dnfree: Didn’t know her family background, I just cynically assumed she was a Mormon and that’s why she was offended.
It would be amusing, if it were not also not depressing as f***, to read and giggle at all the folks here who post things like “Oh, it must eat Trump up alive to realize Obama was so much better than him as President…”
Question for folks who write that: do you ACTUALLY think that Trump doesn’t entirely ENTIRELY BELIEVE everything that he spews? Do you actually think that Trump doesn’t still think that Obama is Kenyan? This was the same with Bush and Cheney – both those morons obviously believed the nonsense they puked on us about ‘we have to fight them over there so we don’t fight them here…’ and ‘mushroom clouds’ etc.
These people live, breathe and exist in an ALTERNATE REALITY every day. Where racism is a privilege of white men. Where women are simply visually pleasing objects. POC are the help. Where Trump has single-handedly pushed the markets into record territory. They believe it. All of it.
And none of them are going to be at all upset about the “shitholes.” If any of you actually think this will change anything:
It is the FEATURE, not the bug
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: so trump! None more trump!
@Adria McDowell: @Ruckus: People can be non-racist in one-on-one interactions but express racist views and act on them, castigating entire groups of people. I have had people tell me to my face how wonderful it is to have me as an immigrant but not undesirable XYZ from undesirable country ABC. People can be contradictory.
I for one judge people by their actions anyone still working for the President (except perhaps the career people) or making excuses for his daily hate is at the very least an enabler of racist views if not a racist himself/herself.
By that token Mr. Kelly’s tenure at DHS and the incident with Rep. Wilson, leaves no doubt in my mind as to where his sympathies lie.
As for the other two, I have no idea what is in their hearts and minds but I don’t think that the fact that they wore a military uniform makes them automatically better and noble.