Donald Trump’s favorite rectal wart, Devin Nunes, is still playing games and doing everything he can to fuck with any investigation into Trump’s potential crimes:
The FBI has not been permitted to see the memo Rep. Devin Nunes and his staff wrote about alleged abuses by the intelligence community, The Daily Beast has learned.
“The FBI has requested to receive a copy of the memo in order to evaluate the information and take appropriate steps if necessary. To date, the request has been declined,” said Andrew Ames, a spokesperson for the FBI.
Reached for comment, Nunes’ spokesperson Jack Langer said, “The Daily Beast has become America’s foremost publication for regurgitating the Democrats’ talking points.”
Nunes, who heads the powerful House intelligence community, put together the four-page memo based on intelligence the FBI showed him and a few of his staff, as well as Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the committee. More than 150 members of the House have seen Nunes’ memo. Scores are calling for its release, while Democrats say it is “a misleading set of talking points attacking the FBI.”
I an not wait to see what dirt there is out there on Nunes, because I can’t think of any reason other than his own complicity for someone to go this all in for Trump.
Anne Laurie
How about “Nunes is a vealpen GOP moron who thought he could get himself some Mercer bucks shilling bullshit to his fellow Fox-watching rubes?”
It’s elementary fustian misdirection, straight out of Stage Magic for Dummies.
@Anne Laurie:
I see you’ve entered the “Betty Cracker Prose Stakes.”
All I can do is offer “Jubilation T. Shutdown” as one of thousands of epithets describing our Traitor in Chief.
Davis X. Machina
You realize this memo spells the effective end of the Clinton administration…
@Davis X. Machina: Good. The way Hillary shut down the government is despicable.
Miss Bianca
@Davis X. Machina:
OK, it’s early yet, but I call “winning the Internets today” for this one.
Anne Laurie
I think bobblethroat slapdick Tom Cotton has dibs on that moniker!
glory b
OT, but the Pittsburgh Women’s March today was bigger than last year’s! No crowd estimates though.
J R in WV
@glory b: Day after some of the biggest demonstrations in the nation’s recent history, nothing involved is OT the very next day!!
Looks like a good point was made everywhere! Thanks for the update…
Miss Bianca
@Anne Laurie: Damn, girl! “bobblethroat slapdick” – you sure you haven’t been drinking some of Betty Cracker’s hooch? You two are are definitely neck-and-neck for the “BJ Neologisms of the Year” Award!
@J R in WV: And even more since it was today!
Nunes is an accessory after the fact to conspiracy to commit treason. In earlier times, he would have gone to the gallows.
there’s no point. nobody beats B. Crack. it’s like “oh hey I think I’m a play lebron in a game of horse”
somebody needs to whisper that in drumpf’s ear. the tweets would be epic.
@Anne Laurie: I’m happy to toss this in the mix:
J R in WV
More Better!!! I have seen that several of these demonstrations were today, spreading out the happy wealth of being Democratic! Thanks for the update of facts…
You hear anything from the OzarkHillbilly family? I figure Ozark is on the road without access to the innertubes…
@J R in WV: Nope, nothing since the second hopeful post.
@Anne Laurie:
Works equally well for me.
And what’s a few centuries among friends?
Patricia Kayden
@glory b: So when will NYT turn over its editorial pages to the millions of women who marched against Trump this weekend? This is the demographic which we should all be interested in hearing from since they’re going to play a pivotal role in November’s election.
I agree, B. Crack is nonpareil.
mai naem mobile
Please tell me Jeanine Pirro got lost in the woods in Chapopaque and got eaten by a big black bear.
Patricia Kayden
@Zinsky: Thankfully, it may not matter what Nunes is up to since the only investigation which is important is the one being conducted by Mueller. I wouldn’t expect anything substantive to come out of the House or Senate committees since Republicans are covering for Trump.
. After the tax cut its execs just got? Not so likely right. Maybe some articles about the downsides of #metoo for business though.
Patricia Kayden
@Davis X. Machina: My understanding is that this mysterious memo is just Nunes yapping about his dislike of the FBI. Not understanding why anyone thinks its important to folks who aren’t already part of Trump’s base. It’s certainly not going to sway Mueller or Trump critics.
@Zinsky: maybe in the future he can go to the guillotine. It is more humane, after all.
I would like to share photos from the marches this weekend (Phoenix marched today, estimated crowd of 25K, which I think was bigger than last year). Is anyone collecting photos?
Villago Delenda Est
@Zinsky: Prezactly.
@Suzanne: Send them to Anne.. Gelfing 545 posted a link to facebook for the Buffalo march. It was comment 42 on the GOP monsters thread.
I saw a Randy Bryce tweet about the Ryan as Koch-holster thing earlier today.
My brother once characterized Ryan as someone who gets up every day, trying to think up new ways to harm the non-wealthy. Still haven’t seen anything to convince me otherwise.
His first real job was peddling baloney, and he hasn’t ceased doing so since.
@Miss Bianca: Never too early to acknowledge the real deal.
@Davis X. Machina: Speaking of which, why did I see a clip of Bill and Hillary Clinton circa 199something on 60 Minutes as a was surfing channels on my TeeVee? (Rhetorical question – I’m not expecting you to answer LOL). WTF, 60 Minutes? Hillary hadn’t even committed Benghazi yet. Or had she?
@Aleta: I’m shocked, shocked to discover that quidding Ryan’s quo is going on in this administration.
OT. BBC News headline
Damn. Sure sounds like we need a tax cut for corporations and the wealthy.
@NotMax: Which makes one wonder if this admin is going to backpay the federal workers for the time that the govt is shutdown.
Speaking of marches, these women are quite something.
Gelfling 545
@glory b: Teriffic. I posted this below but think it deserves another go. From today’s march in Buffalo – the Resistance Revival Chorus
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
A spokesman said this? What an unprofessional, uncivil asshat.
Amir Khalid
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
He works for Devin Nunes. Why are you surprised?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Seriously, why hasn’t anybody tried to kill the Kochs yet?
@Zinsky: The hanging would just be for starters. Then there is the drawing as the entree, and the quartering as the dessert.
@Suzanne: Nashville had 15K yesterday, which exceeded last year. It’s happening!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Amir Khalid:
I’m just shocked it was so blatant. He didn’t have to return comment like so many RWNJ offices do.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Well, there is the first rule of Kill the Kochs Club.
Villago Delenda Est
@Brachiator: What we need are tumbrels.
@Kathleen: Tonight’s 60 minutes was a celebration of its 50 years on the air and they’ve shown lots of footage from earlier years.
@HinTN: I was very encouraged by the overall atmosphere. People were definitely fired up, but respectful. I saw one group of counterprotestors in MAGA hats; they got surrounded and outshouted, but not harmed or silenced.
One thing that I deeply appreciate about The Resistance is that it is FUNNY. The Civil Rights protestors in the 60s were more serious in tone and had more gravitas, which underscored their moral authority. But the humor seems more befitting to the tone of the present day.
@Villago Delenda Est: What we also need s a destination for those riding in them.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Never talk about Kill the Kochs Club
@dww44: And 50 years ago today 31 North Koreans came across the DMZ to take Park Chung Hee’s head back. We were seriously fucked if the balloon went up.
January 21, 1968 Blue House Raid
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
When is Trump supposed to leave for Davos?
Can’t argue with that.
No, but she had already murdered Vince Foster by that time. Ron Brown, too, I think.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I’m hoping he’s heading for Davros. Given the Maladministration’s level of “competence,” it might actually come about.
Another Scott
Whole lot of nothing happening right now in the Senate – ReutersTV live feed.
@HinTN: Yeah! It was fantastic. Were you there?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): The Forum begins on Tuesday, so I assume he was planning for a Monday flight to maximize his hobnobbing time. He has a speech scheduled for Friday.
@raven: Didn’t know anything about this. Thanks for the lin;;my SO was actually in Vietnam when this happened.
John Revolta
@J R in WV: @raven: Well, I’ve been checking at and the only storm-related traffic death they reported was a man in his 50s. So there’s that.
@SFAW: Nope, much executive business tomorrow.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the chyron on either CNN or MSNBC (I was flipping back and forth) announced that the FBI had turned over another wodge of texts between the two agents-who-used-to-be-on-the-Mueller investigation and now are not. Texts were supposedly about Hillary’s emails and further politicized shit.
Flipping around, lots of R-friendly talkers. Why do Ds never get invited?
@Suzanne: The tone of moral authority needs to change to suit the time and situation. In the long run, I am confident that our side will win. Time to start showing good humor and tolerance, in order to salvage the salvageable among the Trumpsters, is now. (Edit: that is, to maximize the chances that the salvageable Trumpsters get out and vote for forces of good in 2018).
That is only for the ordinary voters, though. Trumpster officials who have committed crimes need to face impartial justice. Good humored impartial justice, but rules are stricter about how that works.
Another Scott
Turtle is talking now…
smedley the uncertain
@Gelfling 545: Too bad FB insists on a damned sign in.
@Suzanne: This all comes down to what you can afford to do and how the public sees you. The civil rights movement might not have been able to be funny, given the country’s history of minstrel show type bullshit. Sometimes women, conversely, when they are marching and protesting for something, are portrayed as being humorless dried up schoolmarm husks that need to lighten up and can’t take a joke.
This isn’t always the case but it might be a contributing factor sometimes.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: Cloture vote at noon tomorrow.
Schumer objected to having the cloture vote at 10 PM tonight.
@mskitty: Because our failed corporate news media is a garbage shitshow low grade reality show, meant to push GOP memes. Look at the corrupt hack Dickerson.
These frauds are bleating all over the place, trying to fit the Trump Shitdown (thanks, BillinGelndale) into a hackneyed partisan stand off, and blame Democrats for being obstructionist. Very little mention that McConnell could even hold his own caucus and would have lost even on a majority vote.
The vast majority of our corporate media ‘journalists’ are fraudulent reality show stars who push the GOP line. Corrupt nihilistic power hungry corporate hacks who believe in nothing but getting ‘the win’. So, obviously they have an affinity for they GOPers think.
Edit: sorry, my mistake, I looked it up. the vote was 50 to 49. But my bigger point was that 4 GOPers and 5 Dems crossed party lines. It is not a classic partisan standoff that the media is babbling about.
Gah. I wish I had a FNYT subscription so I could cancel it. This is disgusting.
MoJo link
@Miss Bianca: No disrespect to Betty C. but I think that’s originally from Charlie Pierce. Sorry if someone else has already pointed this out.
Excellent point!
Also, women often cannot win. If serious, they are school marm husks. If convivial, they are frivolous and not to be taken seriously.
I just want to see this energy continue and turn into votes and candidates running for office.
And then I want to see women turning to all those who were not on their side, and saying, “Try to mock this, muthafucker!”
Right up there with Bill Clinton’s inaction on 9/11 and Obama letting New Orleans drown…
@PsiFighter37: I’d have to agree with that sentiment every day, and twice on Sundays. Let’s shred ’em, Eagles!!
Generally Dems/progressives/liberals can be very funny and have great senses of humor. Conservanazis, on the other hand….
You ever seen a funny conservanazi comedian? Dennis Miller me no Dennis Millers – he’s pathetic.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@B.B.A.: After missing his party, if he has to cancel Davos, he’ll be in full meltdown.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: P.J. O’Rourke has had his moments.
Amir Khalid
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
@efgoldman: Mike Nelson is funny, conservative, and keeps his material completely apolitical. Which, judging by how his MST castmates are on Twitter, is a good call for multiple reasons.
Villago Delenda Est
@Spanky: Nouveau Place de la Concorde, DC. I suggest somewhere near Lafayette Square, DC.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): That’s almost worth dragging out the shutdown, just to maximize his tantrum.
I should be making dinner, but Charlotte decided that she needed to sit in my lap and purr.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Two things are happening to P.J. O’Rourke as he ages:
1. He’s less and less funny.
2. He looks more and more like TV villain the deep-state Cigarette-Smoking Man.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: When he’s not being an obnoxious twit.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@sdhays: Or maybe he’ll go anyway. That would be great optics!
Villago Delenda Est
@Mnemosyne: Priorities.
@SFAW: You know it’s Davos, no “r”, right?
But Davros is funnier if you’re a Dr Who fan.
@raven: That was interesting. And weird.
@Lalophobia: Agreed.
I also think that the humor provides greater moral authority, as well, in this instance. It’s easier to be funny when one is in the right, and when the opposing argument/position is fuckin’ RIDICULOUS.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: @Villago Delenda Est: I agree. Note that I merely said he has had his moments. The Bachelor’s Home Companion is quite funny.
@Mnemosyne: A case of feline paralysis, eh?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@efgoldman: There are a lot of libertarian comedians– Larry Miller, Adam Carolla (who I think is actually a little bit nuts not just wrong but maybe shouldn’t be allowed to own guns which of course he does), a few others I’ve heard mentioned on Marc Maron’s podcast but the names escape me– some of them I have heard be funny, but never about politics.
Of course, Davos is also the name of a beloved character in Game of Thrones.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: He had an essay on Seoul prior to the Olympics that I found to be pretty good, mainly because at the time I was stationed there and it rang pretty true.
@Mnemosyne: I have the semi-permanent visitor cat Henry sleeping on my feet. I need to get up soon to make supper and will have to disturb him, alas.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Brachiator: Ah. Haven’t seen Game of Thrones. mr opiejeanne read all of the books and enjoyed them but has no desire to see the series.
I was calling it Davros all the past week and realized yesterday why. Heh.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Seattle’s march yesterday does not yet have an official estimate of participants, but one local source says with a sniff that it wasn’t as big as last year’s estimated 175,000. One tv station described it as hundreds but the Seattle Times said it was tens of thousands. From what I’ve read I will guess that it was about 100,000, or 1/6th the population of Seattle. Not too shabby.
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree, some of his early travel writing was pretty good. Would be interesting to get his opinion of Russia now, back in the day, he was anti-USSR.
@efgoldman: there are a handful of guys. Funny in small doses. Jim Norton comes to mind.
OT (for this thread, but still shutdown-related): I’m reading “A Nation of Nations” by Tom Gjelten. A great take on immigration, from the personal stories of immigrant families to America’s own history w/ immigration policy (both the steps forward the the backlashes, like now). Also centered on Fairfax VA (aka the Center of the Known Universe) so that makes it doubly interesting.
As this board has discussed, everything that’s been said recently about ‘those’ people and “shithole” countries has already been said multiple times in multiple cycles ever since before we were a country. It does help, seeing that longer-term view. It’s a bit depressing that we have to keep fighting this fight, but bit by bit we expand the American promise to more and more people.
Good book!
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Suzanne: and it has ancient roots. In many tribal and monarchical cultures, kings and chiefs could be deposed by the mockery of women, and no leader who could not command their respect could retain authority for long. The laughter of rebellious women is very old and potent magic.
@chris: I’ve used a nine-pound hammer but an 80kg sledge is a little to heavy buddy for my size.
@Omnes Omnibus: @eclare: He peaked with “Parliament of Whores” and “Bachelor Home Companion”…I still have the latter, which he signed at a reading a couple months before I got married.
I’ll give him credit, at least he (like Bill Weld and David Frum) tried to make the #NeverTrump case before the election. Unfortunately, their reach is pretty miniscule…
Omnes Omnibus
@Jeffro: Sadly, I still think some of the suggestions in BHC are worth considering. But then I drink on occasion.
FLy EAGLES FLY! PF37 +unsure (I passed out during the NFC game after the refs gave the Pats the AFC title)
@PsiFighter37: On the road to victory!!!!! Woo hoo!
@Omnes Omnibus: The ‘bachelor cooking’ sections are the best.
PJ once wrote a piece (either in RS or his ‘Republican Party Reptile’ book…not sure which came out first) called “How to drive fast on drugs while getting your wing-wang squeezed and not spill your drink”. Now that’s SOME title!
Omnes Omnibus
@daize: I was an anyone but the Viking person. But, secondarily, Doug Pederson was a good Packer for years, so I wish the Eagles well. And now, I don’t have to cheer for the Pats to keep the Vikings from a ring.
@daize: More to beating that fuckhead Tom Brady, his pseudoscience, and that asshat Robert Kraft. Although Nick Foles thanking the fucking invisible man in the sky made me want to punch his face in.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jeffro: I’ve read that one. I think it was in RS first.
Tenar Arha
@mskitty: I believe in the driftglass theory of media capture: because the bookers are instructed to book the panels and interviews this way.
@daize: And Mike Trout was there! Woohoo!
@PsiFighter37: Cosign.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Only The Best People, Part The Nth
(maybe a Gigante defense for when Meuller walks in with all the records from the Bank of Cypress?)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If I was 80 years old and worth less than the billions I purported to be, I’d do the above and drop gas below the decibel level perceptible to human hearing. You have to be a giant worthless douchebag at that point.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think I saw him in some photo where he was wearing slippers. Yep, I did.
ETA> The article is horrible…just linked for the confirmation.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I suppose, if you count writers. He’s also a talk-show guest raconteur. What he isn’t, is a kkkrazy.
Mike J
@efgoldman: He’s one of the reasons I stopped listening to Wait Wait. Every single bit of shtick was an excuse to work in a big government Democrat party is evil gag. You always knew which fake news story was his because it was always about the gubmint seizing somebody’s chihuahua.
The other reason was the “liberal” panel members who used every bit of shtick as an excuse to work in a big government Democrat party is evil gag,
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
I once gave that book to a friend as his wedding present.
Yes’m, I do.
But only if he gets his minions/creations to do what they do best.
And I don’t think “Blaidd Drwg” is Welsh for “Bad Combover.”
(Apologies for being abstruse.)
Amir Khalid
There’s some idiot reporter out there who doesn’t know a sled from a sledge.
@Amir Khalid: British vs American maybe?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Did you see Maron’s stand up special on Netflix? I thought it was really funny. When he told the kitten story at the end, I thought he would fit in very well with us jackals.
@MomSense: I just saw that! Also the part about being tired after going out, reminded me of the whole “wearing pants is hard” discussion. Hilarious!
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: A friend from college gave it to me when I first got my own place.
Those sour grapes make really terrible wine (but excellent whine)
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Huh, whatever dictionary Google uses says this: “a vehicle on runners for conveying loads or passengers especially over snow or ice, often pulled by draft animals.”
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: The Vikings are on the sidelines. I am happy.
The Stones bit was really funny, too.
James E. Powell
@Gin & Tonic:
Sledges are sleds. Sledge is pretty common in translations of Russian novels I’ve read. These are the sledges that the women in Antarctica used.
@SFAW: *howls* AWOOOOOOO!!!!
@James E. Powell: My grandfather was pulling a sledge across a muddy field with his mule when he caught my grandma’s eye, in the Ozarks long ago, circa 1915. There’s a photo of him with his mule with the note below it Chester Green with his mule Easter Sunday 1914. People have decided that the missing comma means that the mule’s name is Easter, which is a perfectly fine name for a mule, but Easter Sunday might be putting on airs..
@Brachiator: Well, I’ve never been much of a speller.